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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Mar 1914, p. 7

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-7,000 Populatic ease ti Qu%-bec tclu f rom fiMLJohn's, Quie.,' te s uhiesaof- the epi-5. mxi4t typhýid whïch has Aid -of the Towns cf Sb. id berville a-nd thue (eounty -ois getieraily,, ia.seen iii 'hat~ tw thounan&pe'rions, of a. pOpla.ion< cf vntfruwuiadar'e 4uifcing clilenase in- its varionsa Miany of Vuie oyal Cana- goons statioîied here ha.ve ,,d it, and tire' Mjiitia De- M-as ,ien+, d-owii Major Aià doctorut %Ire over-werk- oftenattending sixty gaf~i ingleda&y. Danger Lies ini the point thatin i the early ata&ges. the disease is not reoognized &*a - 'eio -,and even 'theii hus beezi diagnozeti vuercly as lutefftitial grippe.. Butim-the.attack inoreasse the whole eonstitutiôn'breaks <swn. A nuniÙber ef. deathe have Ieein re- to plan proper isolation pjrca tions.- The -edical m*en blarne thellocal water 8auppiy 8as'the ca use, and -the milk. and bread deliveries also are, bcing questiond. Factories are al w.rking short-ha nded and busines» ig being gruiAtly itrfèed wifth. . ~I5*'AistasWho- went to Washington tea fnd out whe'upporV he vould got il he're- tionary party, gçt a çhlly recep- ItAI -8tVIi OM AL OÃ"VER tien. Tus tilu-ODE 11 A - Oeueà UUTSELL.the two French "'SiaRnese twins, born: last fali, were separa.ted by thé nipie uathe Urgeons in Parie. Van4a,(li Enpir asi tc WII8 Despatches- eaching fBuenos Ayreq - SaGencrnl Deforo Toùr - satedi that Rie do Janierto, the ca-pi- - Ejea.ta] ef Brazil, was lu a. tate of siege. Masahisa Mat.-stîda, Japanese -Canada. Minister of Justice, ie dead. He ~'he~ovrnnenLdeclined. Vo in- wa.s bora in 1845 andi educat-ed la aturtsthe ol-age pension s>s France by Governinent order. '-cy OnItt' ianade, et time present inie. As Kingý Christian etflJenmark, SIsoaslMcGiblbon wa.-, tentencedi was ent-ering a new chureli an told years forshootingand kili- woxnan 8tuopped hlm aud said, 'uGod hifi4euuo-in, Je iijMcGibbori, at 'bless YOîU.- aut yen W buiid a-levi.~, Qu. -more churclies." TheIithuî'mt, Nil., Lum'nber The,,Deuitf5che Me-cizinisohoe Woch- Co jti£nnotunces ttat ,it. lias, nscht-ift, Gcrinany's ieading medi- eo~1-ucJplani-for tuie erection t cal journal, publislues 'a Vigorouis * Tdty~-t,umr bitipiite ptulpilil ut doinand for Stale «utrol -of , thé' sale et Dr. Friedm.antî's turtie tu- k- 'ritsr M--Ors 4cf-Sauli. Ste. Marie- liculin in - econsequience -of the alid HtoOî-nuî ]ed(,a depitatikn t4) death 1tfrom bloe1 poisoning ,o! a Ot cvj-ýo asic for Feieral ai-c in male. patient and the critisali llaess ie~hu1îfg ion ejosi-sin the Lakeo f a giî-IlIL being found tlîabthte ~uperty. rgion.reýcuuptacles containing serum -wuere Tiradtarifîs for sections and îxqluted. .d ~ ~ ~ i rais-tou sleeping cars, iii<s ero soin. time ago an- CAÂNADIAN PARCEL POST. xiorn.e1u -herailways, have~ been enarpcîîIekd b>' te Itilway t'onîmis- Eleven-poundnd ttuuof Wei1ght Is sioin piding an inqîîiry. -Néw in Effeet. Thé J'arnin Feiîce Ce. has agreed Àdane o Laaraa f-o) luire',kc'.c.î its enâtire Western Th îttitoteeleen o. lmit o Inusiruesa Ic1-otho OGrain Growers' h lint lvniu ii o Orair **Zrpany, wlich wm lPay au weight for -the Ca-nadian parcel post -agm1*<Ytrîe per ton for thée ut-put m,&-s put luto effeoti on Thîursday. i f thse fwu.tetry, and -will retail îb Thua the restriction to six pounds Tii 13b4Sinion Rtatlway Board dme- for ea-clu package secepted for trans- - isicnr# 1-lue Wesitern freiglut rat-es ission. by pîrcel post during t-h. *cas^ v-wi)-notibo giveiî for mrn onths of Febrüary, March and ï)ekt, ueâiuse -f the difficulty en- APril, 'has been removed'. The or- cc idlu'n tlaeemxparing Eaetera dei- that lia-s gene forth frem t-be rat-et., wirere 'water c-.ripetition us a Po.etcffice i)epartment aisoeleimi- faefr,( ýwh1iî tiuso in the West.- naties tIhe additienal tee of five cents .ý..a . o be prepaid by- postage stamps on Greaut 9Brhtaia. eceu parcel niaiied -tor ioeal deliv- MlNlutiut Surageve~ ere en- in laplaces where the -lette-r car- rn4laD¶ îO4llOfl. t aLabor s îr14ces es e- e ih.rf tuid ondConit esysth purative tîintil Llue firu-t of May, as Asqîur.)uCse.--dni'nxnit wll funqai;hueot ofiî'st r-et frrtî, and lu tire xnea.n- itS fl i*teVrn ant,'il] î ll soute -imner-ackett4 of thepar:rcel post n>' itý iff 4eri nd-w lnierel3' ho registereti. wViésf>nCluîircli-hiddreitwi-iî,g due tru uti-1uuuîcaéroplaîne tligtut to-o GOODIEAI"S PLIGIIT. 'Iu-'.Bsudon Timies, ntt loni; ago At CanlioîîIa 1 Sers-ing a Jail Teu'm re3c&insi prlc<-freiiis 3,1ueyer t-o 2-r-c r-ev, . ttui o bpeomu a penny puij.ie tlie cirucîati'ia lias growui A despatclu front. El Pase~, oîl,~-c.Texas, says: The case -of E. 11--tai et hs4 inn'e. frs4-iuu ncoiluolirc Gotc1eaut, a Britilish tbject, stuuuuu-u1tiililu-'e ,trk-t13- u).2lu-es'l'b4urn i Canada, non-sers-ing a& duîiî~ ~î. Eh t ~îuî-khf'n~1 rip to-day e-cntvTice at Jutaraz for ai-ý t-C-s ioe- ScùLls l 4' -oiht .%t. Iegrd thefi, % ;was u]ced h -ui SI uA ýi a ,ÃŽ 1 bc tset fvely Vo Pr-ON ide of L 'har-lvs A. ('. icrrc'eval, of the - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rts - Coly--rnt.i ua-l 'nsinar Service, lier. on, A lîrairial .tigne(,]IbY 310 rî 'Thtiri(ti>. U-. Mr. 1ercectl. whose at-: th-si et4iup uitsî Pa'l'întŽt. u-tpntit-uius c'alied to,,) -hicu 'lidii~ M~r. Blft.î ati 4aw Ipliglit b>, Tluoimas 1). I<and, ove~ r.ujÇ tuefuiominienihersof Uunited Staes (oniuut at Jitarez* tts-1uj-,pî'acti-eally ail tie Na-, ii(l h'ý- ssuld iiuale ailn etg t.tuwtîsai-id Lauoî'itt'c. aintr 'c'î' h i-on. Atcortinug to (iîistaso I o-creqI n--fu f tlie l.'berals, . 'cks tho Mayor' cf Jutarez. , odieaît -,as <U B rii;-d f îverîuî t'll t »uxltiliiù at i -KeIed Ile t -o tii f a fillre t $;,), l-mî 'ai YJL.Iëeo-.ue _1î~jIiiu.lud no iuî'uey, and wns thiereiip4n- reuiteruceci t.,jail. Pritio:st Wib ilrm juIlis message Sl(IL"N X")'JN liexse.îat - fp,- i <.1 uePauta.ua $50siv--u .000! hh)1Moure Fromolte ts ul h.î',m-îf1 ion bclause. I he Briii-l ( iq-r îint. i eîfu-- A.uuluîii.î Iif-1 ti<'lu if' a grant ouf $50~t,00)(P tc'ardâ Licut. ,~d-lsJsu-- (siult, - --ar i'u-,luuuL i;ucrtîns f4sutuuud gave wu- sort Ilui- aîxdlui ~ fe, laî: Gs-iîl, u -ut lr>y cf (.ioiîids lifim. -He w'as born cluugîd ~ealouuge'. I,- stu- b ermany ln 1854 anduived la rnrl vî îre4rdmtt i(horu- Eil u rm 1S58 te i868.lie tlen ('r-sse4Iist .s 4-s l'eiu't:s-. iCi s ho u hu-tut i to ccrItmvany Luconpl et-? t-4l-,- u,<!.i ler 1ou--'s's'ou hree s's-J ranroi-rutr n ar breke ot, h s-î4nh-cu-'îfnuîiiuujs'rt'îut t uvi- ;j-'iq«'dIlt. ariuy.',receiviug the Ic nuelit u- î iîgl e lus ', inisu uas1 Cr"oss andt a (',uPtaincy. GmOtîd wcnt -j~s-'~> tti-Pw qis-r-egteli t t' llký.11Ij t-o Amemica isI$813 -antI ag A'îl ilu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1Po veio'urh svîr tu 'egd-Iun.-oltI carried on corresrmo- - 'ui;r ns~ririiîa4n~dele ulîeils '()n-den-su-M ith uon individital at 'Brus ,ir,r. t ,ise 114v>' erer. ftitu;ud. 'Xr, >-4 . su' te.>-uv lioeagent for fsif- FIs i141 R]l mil i)Wkrdce 'if ti( î .(~tiii5 I ll. ue, W'itne'ts 11, î -1'ult f fite eseoîs and i ivr sa~d ciîld tuti finili le v-aus On - ,n- , r hitnuc~ 4--sofrnîed heu'. lutc'ittsif Lthe Gerit:an fu-vînuet j*y ki 'k ,~u tiiiîctme -,s-fi- T4 I m cn"-swere ilu1t'<'i _utêsen Alexandra s*lheré* te the old elisteai. -, peesib1y on utcceunt -ox ber' ,dealat.c. The laie Ka9:ng ip4vw-rd, tiongjli b. ulîboit on specia.t Oqwcugl, Bas -o01 th wlie a tetrý0 ooffler, orthe raie -whieh - -lcdred h.0 dtvility" agakinel, thie naki of beiag aacties on a riabjsecz 1r wihe .wan unpre>srei, white l5ueea Vietorias etrictncessin the inatter liait lyeen clii'oatelOd b! many wloio et. aier. PrInoéis Mary a Danseuse. Pfrnme.Maryý like-t-he Prince.of Walea, id pîwoimt0iuteiy 1004 cf oanoiag, 'ehéKMut an~a Queeoi are enoutraglng -lier and elle bao otaiured -thudrScnsenut to resite tàiI <iauInuç claspart-ees whicb as Jîaoid -at buuckititham,>Pauaee iat yeaîr who the court w4u-ua'.e own. 'treseMaeem gre ]uoid weeMlyr, 'geuior&'ly o el< a nd, 0 a niber o! Lue eil 1îendo loi the tIi.n- Coes. aie'. inyt4d to b. proent. - 1 Mlie Pluerwdoessuifto -3mw mothers'love ofancing, ~a '-Wtm a geaéfnlly. 'l'ho g emlviflWa fa mber of ~~racee ien~ ~êtag p&rt.ca sive te tri«o ' de l'here il i U damles NoilUsSon a miser. ,On Fobuo-ary- 16j eue humdred vy-,ra agss. JaM. es lU. the prison retormer diet. -su- *oroked ini.lite Wteoulimprovemrenu of Rif tlsh mrons and hie war k. TÉhé s te of pria-orze- 'hAa. now,-bseomie acu-ic ]Perhzasa iqUiid 'today la beet remnomberod a@ the tather of t.he mileriy etelhtrmei Jameg Caiden Ncild, hi.a eeond cilîc. The non iaherfted bis lsire'. fortuite andti'tiu It thc leueslgp cif-the rettory ol North M1arutiu- Wheo lt becamie necssary te repai.r the load roof e01ithe churchhlhe cov. ered t-he cracks wiLh stripae ofUatnted calice, which, lbc said, would tat hbt tlae, and sat on -fli roof all day. eaîhug b aro boLled erre, to sec that -lb. iworkmtin aid net elaclc. When bc dled it wae feand- ,that lie badloft Queca Victoria half a milion poundsi l$Z,bOO,000). Cafled Kinge Envoy a Joker. Thc i aurî,rlse iaitcf the King aînd Queon te a Druiry Laue pantomime waas umrkod by a cui'uous uIcident thai. haïs utet bcforu been m ade public. The box manager at the fimeatre reccive-d a tele'ihouee ta.l on Sntur-day Vo the e ee't Ithat kîng 43eorge and Qtuecuî Mary wiu-lm. ed te >no-w wlieher thse royal box iwas availablie for t-bat nigbt. 'Oh, ring oif, Yeu Joker.' wam tfle reply. Aguli the -uery eamse <ver the t.eiepbons.. ouly t-o lie -reCMivc(i Witlu renewed #coi a, autd1hbc roya-l euiisoruy wa@ promptiy eut. off. The third and tlant ce-t was couched In such sstersu officlaihracogy that it iefttue db-ubt lii the uindorte oficia'that. bobat! tn- wi'tlingly heen gullty of loe mui e. (', oli. steortation was mîingiesi with deligbt. The fac-t ., that itever before in the litA. tory of the -thentrp ..jutd tise i'oyau boxu boii 'Lakeuu perr :eleph:one çcl-aI the li Kluîg. It wilus a uuique incident fiihé hlatory of- VheThetr. xoyal, .Dr-usy Lsse. lnalesut CWula In London. In the tseart of ciabla.nt. wi-thtz a linn- dreci yards of t he Biz. timo ers'u-j .iittest the gma[lIfmt clubi ii Londn. To the un. tntàtasacl it la inorey t carliaotu shel. toar" u te ts h.bit.va--aadi'r numuber ie legion-ILit ithe'Junior 'Tort." Dia4uug roin and kitclten, lounsrt and saieke roni, are ail rolled to ones, otu aL lold day irta iithe c»jegt asboîuliu Plc-- vadiuly. Open every minute osf theyoar. W. & wau saper club before bîthe umgo was heard of.and wehon the muelir<iui- night clu@ closie their dooî la hiwteuh ready t-e do bueir.es. And à Lte .tai. Cails Mens Ores& Suit Pull. Preacbing on -he. promiini text ef e n halr a -well known -womaa -iriter ban bee.n ndtcting einca a anarat for Lthe dulîneés.of their tiress. Stuc evssn ventunres, tuo gibe ai tte droit auit aud te deelare tu-bt diner tables would b. far more vtvtd andi pietureaque if aiea would lanacli oat laie briliant colora a» women do. But the woman jo question forge"s that tb. ères.saoqit If not beautifuti indomo- ceatic. IL pute aut men at a social lune- LIon on a level witth one another aad sirai theai frein the bitter rivalry of dreao. Yen nover finti a mati dejected aund bad tom- re eibecausate thefellow ittiîine opposite asw a better tatlor t-ban Mi or liAn been able te aspexi MOre mnoy u un iontuudrer'. ia or 9,btrt. 'Thbe vanfty o f uiaey<otb mil, express jtîscifin eou'k,4-or lio 4sîrdin- ary qitix,. le demec-ratie drses uit id Moving Bo& Terrifies Irih People. -Quakiri masses c f bog svrlsi-r ÃŽnil«ien sa rat rt on theitsmoyesi suar ar- -ric.ÃŽ.1.Irelsrud. aîud the P-laie-sL'rk'ke luIn- habiLt.tsof thsecouhitir l-"de au'. fleiug ýbefere -the tlus-aîeniuu nus«-iiter. -Tle bot iden have ben brotuzlit about by abnormai raitu,. Slativ th>u.aud.s 'of acres Inth le co)ualles et Leiturb astu-lis rommoo are mabmlerged andtihue roado are ImPaeabe eXcettit boat*i. Th PoleIn aY in*tances ihave tbson :Isolater<T~OM COMMUnicsvion iit their nelgjxbora owcimetu the lShannonsbreaking Ise bau k. T17oc flooded ntream 4o4 carry- lot maany Coxcaga of etcatî-le anîd nîhar lire .tock, wilhau uystacki aldouth*ouuiuu- hauvo eca w'eiwl ay. 9bh xbtbiughogb-a-s thes ape-srssuus' t reacheroas nuorau-s trs>kikeup ihy Itututofie-ares filird with wauu--r. Df'c'sjerato elfos.,o are belig is udo tVs, irAtinaay enoigli warruo chevk thme ;dvaîuofotbie mass. ']Londonu. M.irehl 2. 1914. AUSTRIAN SOLiIERSl KLFJ). Overnwhelnued luy it Avalant-lie Dur- luig -1Màifot--ulires. A despahhft'iom Vetio sa Ses-cet-en iseld(iers -cf dis' Empire I Rifle ilegluneuts-t--tiei'h-lut and kilîrd -.ri Tiuuisday lu-y a great avalancllr- usIilc- tht'>' w-re engagt-d in inaî-uàu-u iens - 'i hli4.> OrI ier M.-sin- tala), in 1o'r' r,1 WVorry us a lii-; Joad tu-, s-si ri-nid paýn;e<d I-y ;dg--i--îItiaii caiise forhue tîcblumeq. but the w-loe trsi,iiulc- ay' he clsi!y thru-wn oiff and is-.rsdp hle nia-de esy auîd ctmfsi-tillu-b> îi. pe-r eating nmsd tlie -ril-ati,o 'cf goiKd checi-. Jîtuad I whut uîuEate' 'Tssu yearts sîgu-- 1i ruad.-t- u--- quîaintanc est fGî-iupe-Nuts aîud I-vi iîsed the ftdce a a n d toisume- lirues twicu'. ever sItuce. "uAt tlu-' diine 1 hiegat- tss tume'iL lifu w-as a bij-dpa. 1 uns ftu-r vtti-.- îxtlicted ssithlu ilhms si'k 1headsiîu- - -aust'd b>- iuutlîtestimiu, - ;md risutlitug Setsroed t.-O jei ee '-'îT-etrouble becurat. ý,sssisu-ucI- 1 lu:ud ttIcave lmn>'Or-ou-l.fsîdays it a t Plue. "uMy n,-!'r-ca wtre iiina-ulu astatt' 1 coufld ivt ie?p andth ie doctor, 1 uciti 1wîîs cri the sve-rge -ofrvîuoîîs il'î 't t-l , n.I uSiiw an atdvs. Cci- t. ju 'i g (Gape-Nuts tantd bituglut a ualgf fui'trial.- ha l-uefî -MîLtGr-ape-Nîit.c a iolefc Ille s hcel-taiîuly marvt-lîs. 1I cuo now .sleep like a chilti, min cutirely free tromthe'olti trouble anti have net bl îa'îeadnche lu over a yeat'. I fec! lilce a uew peî'-5îl i. have ioc -,cmnaded it b -) th41ers. 0! 1c mnan 1 knauwste prnucipai-ly Gmt-pc- Nîîts, -while w4u'ki-ig on tht'le-n mail winter, and said lie nes-er -felt bet- t er- iabis life." rNa'ne given by CanadjaPoi-tutml C-., Windsor. Ont.Iteti --Thje i t-d Wellvil!i» lu pkga. l UVee mt ftua aboya ettoui A ànew :,On u-,zeiura= fxo=t tliie 10 ima. Ta.y 1 LI.- eréutai., tr».andisilfull cf ltuu-uu- I'cmbrelic IWnpaUuiîerc o teen Years :Belere Sh eaF n ,Qulok Relief and a ComVlé Cure. ci1'--!peculiar interest ±-o ivo- mnen is the stoÈyo~f thé cure cf Mrs. Moriril ance, w eIl known andi higli- ly respecte hete. Let Mrý. Lance tei that story in her cown crs "For aboutffeén years 1 was a very ir e w'Ona&nîI" ah.e ay%. 'My uleep was byokenë and unirefr-eshiing and 1 Iiad 'A bitter faste in iny mouQ1th In them «orning. -I1was 'often dizzy and fllahes cf -liglit floated'be- fore My cye. My imbs were hcay and 1 had a draggin2g Ewrose the "At last rheumnatim wa-i added to my troubles, and 1 ais uffered from -litiba-go, drocpsy- andc grave]. 1 feit Vlat îiuy'kidpeys were the cause of al my trtoubles, anti decid- ed to try Uo4dt's Ridciny Pils. From aluinost the first they did me good, and after ta.kng twelve boxes 1 arn again a well wcrnan." Woinnn wlhc suifer iihoulcl learn thattire cause'of their troubles ie bad kidneys. ILaving learned that, the ret ila'sy. Thousancla of Cani adiane will tell you -ont of tîteir <,wa experience that D)oddse Kidney Pulls always cure ba-ti ldneys. 131 i'ROVEL> SANIT1ATION. Typhoid FeVer ÂÀlmnost W'iped Out A <lespatch frc)m.Bofdon, Eng- land, says- Thoe cit'a-ee' al's figures for the laat wes'k of Januarly funrnish addition ai evidence te support thé belief tluat typhoid fevsr iill sôon beed,me a rare dig- ea-te in London. Thrtvta] ieathis froùm tylpIlold -ufllY nunuered sJx, and during the pér-4lux* oniv t1îrty cases were adtnittedti o the Londsn Fever iHospital. 4 speciaiist inii he diseaae cdaimis iL lias becûmc' as rare in London as typhils hecaine twi-nty ye ors ago. Mlany (f the yotingPr niedical men Lave never "een a case. andi they flocked t-c a. city h<spital recentIy %whten it was learneéd fluaï there wag a typlioid patient thiere. This specialist believes timat in a few'years typhoiti. like imaîlpox an& typhus, will becomie alino8t a memory. Tli %rcstit-is due -alinost wholly to improved saiîitatioîî. TIWENTY VEURS EN PRISON. Frêeh Boy Iho Slt-e Su'vn Col the 3Max ilaissinm lially. A despatch frc-m Nantes, France, ayg: Marcel1.Bedur.*", thes fifteï-n- year-old lad who last Sept-rmboi- kiIled seven pèrsons with an axe at Basbr-iage-en-JTAndreau. waq founti guilty on1 wedkiesday of the charge agaiuiet hlm and sentenced to twen- ty years in priisont. The sentence is the Maximumll allowed by ]aw. liu sumntg up for the dofeace. flie ,hoy's lawyer 1 recared that at thei tiuns-f the- comnission -of the nitr- ders the lad waâ laboring îixd'er ex\- cessive îiervous fa tigue, flue tu liard %vork. W~hen asiteti if he had an- ÃŽhing to a&I :ho the' w<rds of lis lawver. Iiediureau rose with lowered Ihead and wept, buit said nuutluiîg. flIO'rING IN I>OJIND. .11 Jy Jeiis fave Fled "l'or Frar of Fsaý 1~ It reported lie re t lin t tive Iis bieen s(»liiitiIi n dinig a t l 'dz, J1o--iia I'slalid. tcus of a 1-1nir4 thuit a .jeu i'lî ner'h:uît nd luis ivife !lad mîîrcrcd a < 'riStia n lo ,s': A mou a tt:icked t'le ('nipit', mwho % el*e se i ilýi nlu red.The rio tpr5; ttl tL-id to raid a syllagogluf'.buit ws'ru pri-vented by thep police. Maily jem s have lled frouix thue place. J'HA-UBU-OD DYSPEPSIA Provd of Ortal Value to vie" Tiiere l4 ctilv Otn exp)!Rni loti for Vie rinnubers of enslî.sisî ttc-vr-.tlîat %we reccive Ipraitiirg Na-i)rî-Cu i y-1 ia Tuilletoami t'ait je tlmtt hhe.c t.llhltm certaitily cde cure rsuîy kind cf touîstch trouble. lIîcre is a typiral Icittcr froin-'Miss E:liza Arm:sxvorflly, Cuwo,, NS.:, "11.is witl pfcasure I write te nform re tit youîr Nit-Drnu-Co Dyspepçia Tablets have proveti o! great valuie ta Mue. XItricti reltnedy afic-r renucdY tout witliot.ia.iiylastiig goi. Ilavinlg Ieard of yoîur tablais cuiring unjýClî cage% as mnue I. dCc ded :to give thcuuu a fair trial. Tley p-oveel .ça(isfactory fiiIY Case. The rcntatkalc ansccers of Na.Drul-C Dyspepsia Tablets ii surit a sîîccess ns cati onty coreeto. an hollest renietdy, couiponndeti accorulia g ta an excepitioni- ,ail>' gotiformuula, frotn lire inigre- dientl, by. expert chenuimts. if yoit are troublei with yn stoniarli junit ssk yot Drîujzgist about 4NA-DrUuCO I»ypepisia ibletA, cnaoimliudtal bY the Natona Da~ ndClicillica' Co. t Canada, T.iiuitedl, and icclcl tlurOUglueui tue Dominuion at.50c. a lox.- 142 FOR SALE Craneon ('ylin<Jer 1)re sz, taat macine for six co1un , four pyge nëwetpàper, ui!ed very littie, _ii per-fect condi- tionu, low priCe, Wilaon Pub- ,.ews-98eiqsi$, wu-ssd,e. - ontaqide-, acces-dinw te ujtr Cern--Noir o.3, Kmeriea, 69é-, ail rail, Toronto. iL6 e uiad E3raa-blanitoba bran $13 a Iton,' ta baga. Toronto freight. 8or# t$, $Ç5. Country Produço. IRauter-Choine dairy. 22 <s>» 23e: i,.t'ric.r. 18 to 19c.; farmeu's' ts-parator prirot«. 22 v-n :; :erealnei'y l-WIhlt, 30 t4 3Me. aitilds, 27 Fitte-'Come 1lot@ cf îuowInid,33,tW X!ePèr Lingee ts-rage. eeeta. 32e, 'sud s'tsuragd. 30 ~ ýi»o 1is 11.4c,<c4e 'for large, anid 16 1.2p, for twias. Beanas-fland-pi-ksw.. 15 tVo $Z.20 user busitel; primes, $110 t-o $2,15, lIeey ~xtîa~tln lu ins, Il fis 12r' cor lb. for Ne. 1: comrub«. $3 t-O $3.25 epr 'lozeuu for No. 1. aund M240 to 81.50 for No,. 2. Poîlt.ry-Fuwl. 13 te Ils' jier lb.: ei ens, 17 *o 19e: dua'ks;, 15 t-o 17e'; gip'se, 1 te 16e: turlu-yo. 20 jo 23e. Pobat.oem Oîtsri<îs. 85 b87e pc-r h'uut. on trac-k. aud Delaware«s at 90 Vu 95c,, on traclu, car Jota. PrOvlfielns. Ùacnon Loni cleu', 15 Le 16c Per tlb.. lIn etiot . ,Pork --fhSm-î 't t. $28.50. do.. messm. $24,50. I'un- .edu,18 t()181-e; do». lueavy, 17 Vu-> 1k;':rius. 15 to 15 1-2c; Ivreakfustt bacuon, 18 te, 19c; baeuu, 22 Vo Lard- Tiercem, 14 1-4c; talis' 14 1-2c:; pâlis, 14 3-4c. Baled Hay and Straw. Bll-r l 1v o. t ah$14 i' $14,50 a t-on. dru tiu'k lucre: No. 2 ouaaed at $13 teo $1.150, anud unized nt $12 to $12 60. Blied stra- (Ntrlots. $6.50 te $5.75, oui trM'tik, 'ornuito. Winnipeg Crain. W'uuye.Marc-h 1.-'ou-Wuu- I Norulieruu. 90 1-1--: No. 2 NerhIiPrit, 88 7&.'" No. 3 Nsuu'îju.rn. 87 1-4,- No. 4. 83 1 4,Ȕ..1o 5. 774-. No. 6. 72 i--'; ft--<. 66-;No. 1 ré- stu- ,'-rdt4, 66 1-4-,; No. 2 r"-jt-4-tsj s,, 812;No. 3 r.' iem tPd sertt' is' ; .4. amittv. 86 1--s- N. .2 fiifutty. 4 i-b - -sassu:tv, uiZ; No. 1 r,-d 'Vint-t'u'. go1-2r- triNMEUay b vt si o lés<t.r O1n* 7*A U eii. .0àf* pex-tui feMd.r and ful~r~ua. NATIONAL SECiRITI11U , OPPORA 'O , tITD CONFE.DE-RATION LIFE SUIL DINO TORONTO, CANADA RAISE OUIR -4h.~ 1By raising thetn aîîd'e liooqîwîg the hest yot will be able to i.prove the standard of your ierd and iaka Ln gger Profits froin at. INTERNATIONAL -GROFÂST OALF-MEAL > enable.a YOIIto do it.W'it1l0oUC u4ing up ourmilk forthie pur.- u)ld.t is a séientific prepar- tio hlat c ont ai n s all the. ilouirLslîing elexuieut tetteeed ly' the caif. itix Ih witb ,kim-m l, nocî iiQa, ve nircrouîn or buittir for w"Ifr, ithur !I'ein ig the uf witlîotit lclriuiu .zj * c4,,t4 a nfractionî of th, wia1seof Write for Our110. Uroo i ýtiiirmsî ~ ~ INTERNATIONAL 3T0CK F00D COMPANY9 LIMITEDe,,TORO9TO, -CAMI No."é) 3 al liie. 87S' N fi. l'hAIWitî.......- _ - -à te.r, 87 1-4<-. <>ateNdiV. 2 C.W.. 35 i 41-.'».Nt- . ('.. 1-2,;etaN. il-.35.< Q~tic--'u- uxu-.foaae.auulary Point No. 1 fortl, 34 1.41-:'NA. 2 fo<s<j34. R11àçIlme'IfViUW t-el' us'i-îe i lt ti lsceil.,. Iey --No. 3, 45 1. :Ns'. 4. 431-4<-: rljp4ted. hueg, mra-:-irvuray-t, :cu;d. ifs tg-t. e'.'r.VI pari ,11 1-2<': fs-s-si.414-- FV1 -'7c. 1i N.W t'.. 44- therIuis how.cbot Ire ,.a-frarnc- w-tirba $1.33 X-4; No. 2 t'. ., $120.34; No. 3 C.5V -tu- - i Lit-emWitu-s- neoeluauîee-for $1.17 3-4. Freunch Armay's ilospltal Lhst. <tri u-P<xit4Vtlis msncb-tasi orse andtifS eou-u-I be we"liee'Witu a hou-ie vrery dzy-el The wicLk lipisi f îltiu-re r'.u iri's lu-lIng uW----ruy 5hile erdit'atrily lur.rlt-h-, or- Montreal Markets. du- ietntb der .1iuu.ry t..re- suorc trias. tiiaL-abs-e,- S-m t iror ine tiv .r liaitreai, IMsri'li10 -- Cira. .&,merjfo 5.0 une.ju luuîîî isiu yç -u-se-t Wbh ýpcews iieos-os We-sturri, Nu-,. 244e. iisi*a-itui Wrs>tsra or.-tbird cf t l.':, fttruxnr'.l m4-t usas-e rdic- bidite No. 3. 43 t4) 431-2:;nitra No. t fieu-, -3 1-Zu.eien i Pm-Al Luust..iu. Au tri rls -ThofutIles Front. South ifrica. llarh'y. Mon.fred. 49 to '5k-;: îiuiu.tn 65 titis aohte.j24alme to ue a i-cru-i Yie l",'et c-t.- t4. 66c-. 1 ikflue,-ux. No. 2..6 te 57l. Ftoîur. maie t hLb ysiup o!flue u-r..ie'n 1 i. TerseaustIo be au-ese'hCdfe brts. sprtuug uheat patelou«. firu-ts, -115.95o, diery, but bore',-, a --irm1t6tu-ec ,iti <u 11 fu piein e'ttflý§ uo,:tue -rst geelidtu, $5.10; sluong bakersi. $4.90, Wins-onthtA Leu'uuahuu's uçeut-5~is sbr eiushrin-Saou pt-tîs - turgadlÀ ter patent«s. choisse, ý85 te-a 8525: rtraîglit of thse *sismll ere luta h-s eîrriaka, 'Its uiusfenretl is;-Au:-ka rei-r 4ý50 te *4.75; de., liage, 02.10 te ia ail armies *ufeeolws îJtc few r'-ks Idce.su-a:n-ita ututrikiig listuhbe $2,25.Relied nis, barreos.$4.25 1o , 438- and asoleder sitb a sijglt celdi4.hft wt;li'u-Ilssad ereLt -usones-,wlaste lx-e gvea for theu dho., haro, 90 lisg.. $2 tLeS2,05. Bran, $9,3'fluot keep a <'iiianaway froni 'ubIYMýné';ks benoliL ofthe lirItali 1 aneut td eu- sth{sr*a. $25. Iitddltngo, $28 5fruflle., 20 rnay ba orderesujte s;yntahiequartera .r,.h . '1*ilueilorted cesscr e 1>1v-siih- t4. $32. lIay. -Na. 2, par 'tout car loti. tiI furtiier notice. "ite iutu-rlaiIty' W. iý -ps ~ri--y *wetandafd car-y sx'verWl 1nerx *13.0 Vu815.Cheee. tuue t otr. 14 1-4 light, cnly 280 4if t-ho 250.00 -. -;f iu -uioot b- II tatrs ;fer te t-e 14 1-93-, de., castes-as. 13 3.4 -un 14e. But- nes ureiaulint fu-îu-ity.<_%lias-si w ius'r ;ad j;rir., ofetUP"uitia lg Geeral upiba and te-r. cholcicre ramp.ry, 27 1-2 tun2841, Eglge, barrarkl ia<ve reu'o iidtdl M 're,,ts- .rulI o uantb5 el-'ig flet-t-i tyil, trs-h. 34 tua 3&e. Potatues,, per big a1phi uFonuldx<e'c iesshi.--m ttt -tuuutu Afrro s-a l<.t suze o<istht- l- V itis lA.85 bu-,95c. t»rya ofet ierviei;-du1ls lisé- s'avs- ni u-e-s.i[s-s- ontursaWset - of! which tre opp%îimu-usol je inas, ',i Irug.'lisui4.) 5.45met ui duo UnIted States Markets. milltcs. tueuxuss.ilit- 1 )tr' i-I.lie -P-rueltsi s-r uuasu- Ill t -.îbor iuug ver" tirin iisth i-bu ,ilsu, lui- .'lc stil - ly. tt..rs';da ui î.A lir Itu - 3!iunsssiti. Mrc-h 10.Whcît--Mav. dier ;wa<ue iuîuay blseu-ufii. e'- t isliiliu jl-îeestei-> leIt-adefsu tif latborl', le 90 3-4 tls 9o 75r-u- Iluly, 92 1 4 Vo92 38",- àtak. is inàxl -.1t i,(4e-tv4t-o huare %melied irusudis. ibs-- Mi; Nse,. 1 -brd. 93 34t;No. 1iNor:-hera. Tes-lsSt. Rds.s-edi vL*i' l the pint, desfr s.sritieêi- A1-.- 91 3-4 ho 92Z-4-'; No-. 2 Nuirtlir'u.843.4 t-o tI r-dlitlr se-.-. i s IixItMise i 1> rt tul i ley It-h t L;lut'y ttiiijl iftl .x-u 90 3-&-. No. 3 -su-e-au. 86 1.4 1le 88 1.4d. (orts i ') 1 suC iuand t's' 4tils' l<,.iîg tif Et t - s t'itd i-uti 'uiuih ,iu-iii a- ..:' I-s ll - o. 3 ycllow. 57 le 5&,. Onti %,i'(s i afin i a-c i'.s re,.sst'u-'d t-c , i. urhtu- ty, ,uiii'u-n auId ;lit reeu---is-eiît-.,ord;iuc:ry pe-it- whitfe. 37 t., 37 1.4-, loiuar usF ' se.uf110,1 ubàid.mi :.%no duciihji tuaii- lî.u- utif-s ut dpie. Thé lIu"re(.b Làlb-csPa.ruy Ciuînw uîe $4.65.t,, Iiw i. fiirelirsi. $3uu1.45 u Ii-.. 1e afflaite 41rtsf leii ist] L Kusguioî l uei ;l--lsoflua-uu-g uj" ta-t a .'iériflt îIpi -- uurtc-eîî el irs 26,I LI ete " "' ni rito, n ahutaiisla î,s-utrsl sst:,iursls- uandi+1. p-;,.-- ira .s-errru-,gel tholile I f' ut- L-nd ,, 61.800 h;irrpiu-s. Brioa. $22, tiity V i I )t~ i. îwe-". 1,111,h --i,; Ii r-- us' .s I aIil a iti Itu'le aItel' u- u-1t1'rafi î uuDtli- ltit Doslut.i,. Mr-h Io.- LTiuu-'d. extri 36m s8« ay-. uaund priru-te- iidii -e- -i tsi' gr< .', 4r t ii-sui ilsu-w-" î'-i -- slttt.'t ice k.-ts (Piut tIi y Wit 81.57 3-9: .Iuuy. $1.59 1-4. Wlurs.î Nsî )o ( -ry ua;-iul u .s-,.ur ls- t" sss -st.Ytise - yuil:u-'uau1.. : 4 -r, tu-se li rd. 93 1-éli': Net. tNorthf--ii, 39 1-4v.'- s-o OrY 44s1tuIl Ilt- .-xtrPIntsly - s;-I, a[ru-.Y 'ài . 1141;- - i-; I s-r r>z.o'l v ';il ith'é, 'ii ii 2 Nous bs-rt,. 90 1-4 lis 90 3.4c: t-s-sls; u deuuu-eis- <t l'rime .5.u;i .-. . je, w, , s-'u.s c b- ttlicesu f"uuuuss.'csu i 2 hîardi, 90 1-4r;: Iay, 92 1-4<-:,liî0ly, 93 1-i. p ure-utt-, itluo uie -.-'-s - .sslîu: 5Arst - bit-t psvS h l uv'u Pd t'uu'. Kuîg li s t 1:. vit.îs M t lit i -s,>l i- s luil l mîtats fl; r r.uiut -uil-ut - a.usry rios-at-im lit t réf lîsle té, il il s iut :i tl lîsiit ' u;s.u- , js-.t u. th,- -tti' Lissa Stock Markets. til, aiur:l-sd le s-t ai- h..- - ids. Ys5m,» ;rs- si ojor;ty.v ~-,Yipar.- Too Vus a nbl0.i b-e- (li-- ltch teutifpi 14)tuilee fli'suîu' tiî (ýlu-it;iss lî'u Il.ti im-u. î";t t S--- I f-reu-ihtit dx-.l'o', l.u-uîo er. . 625i.f. 7à. gtsid. f47 tu-i 1.10, îts-e[- lîr sauu-sk-.t1 i-r-ii i d) t . l. i- tli, t uî-t-r 'sir îiit.y. 'ln-eii t- 'y " le'm. $6,50 tI, 65 ; c <onin. ui, Ior ,53; irS utrl u-<tie- u-- - u;-x--,.14;s I -:is t;s: r pt'-suîie itl't l o5' ' c-hotte t--uts4, $7,73 tV i $8; « ss. $4,75 u-s$5 60:; us 11 as-srutîblu-usi 1usd. t 1' t- !.-su. Sii' iu-t<---u sI nu-'t 1- e'o)molsa, . 75 ta 5620: c-suluu-s,- asîi s'asl- Iut oris t-sisi s I-.,l:l*-irsu-sit - su- 0t' ,ssif.ic -. t- '.i s'ir ttts litrs. $3.15 fl.$3.6j; e'lsoiIu-'î' ISil1 . $ 71 îu-s' s-u--ie-l. i: sivil ils ail p -sî js ss ' J IY tsv r e 114)1u<. i 'î- ei:'y tnt . us c--,b' t7: 0ond . 80 t.. e6.50: co.njirisesît . 15 t'. iic-u- ri lte 1<inat i l.s--uls s .'ust Eu is' i t' I--t Lur-ru -uol;si t--- h sn J11540. tes'ke-ru- -îd ttlu-t -l-rstlsI-,Ysu an ulig 4t, u--tss-t .-suis -r. 4t't --.,: i' l s-- -%V sfrt'hi- il- --< rcIs $7 $c 7,75;i g 1-~T 5.45 t o 3. t i iplil . $3.50 B i5r h u pu-liz; le Ix;.(,- 114,t "sut? isI>' -s- t -- itr l Ile i î' tllis-y -i" 41f gj's- )ts"?' iiu5ort.- le id ' sliags-rs. usm *82; nuiIks-ss,. ta. $97. 12l i ies-a il 5. issulur. <-r - -,u- i.ilsrtl5i :,'i -t-reui a:sr.' -u-ibet.1- t ei's . hli 1 'tK m Vv1. $8,65 i-o $10.75; cu-nolea 'i. lis-hu his- r a i îs.'-ll 55 ; -~ -ti -i'- lssî o ' , t~h- uu' A1 0 ti t5. Siuu-u', and isxî Us uit îl-esit ' l( h- h i Ii-II 1.1 il t -- '1V-I 'i $5.Atlte*7: I-â u- *u hut - ;fé.ff ' 5..- u..vs I - tsi $935;: stu.. tsule 15 'l le -of u ru-. tsi *9.60.~ U',-sisrraulIl:u-luti riaisis-ts, --te6f and Potats. Nî:(> 'llE 11jiu,71f 1 -w "ý0 t)Ao- h 4 .'li1.< l . hieI-:i-c i'il ; u'I ril;uuit cis' sut ýI 1-iti - us- ti l - 8 - '-- t '.')- -Inu-?,(-' t r"- t' 5u- s1-t.tI C'apté 1. 11;u l'air' î'îîi'l'tî î îuy.1 î-î lit ani fial lî';! <lssîîl isiu ui suisee 10 . tîs.-u-'- ; i t .% - o-1, - ilielI:, 'il ui. l-1 b u I s - huto filis B lst-u. al.ts'd, -t i :, i,. iiiis- u- e r(% I --,*\ %Iu t: llI ) tustlt oeîr 4f - î Pit5 - îiu1wuil t u x uls îu;' , ' I (' iiî tii u 1Ssritu l ruu st l'la fIi î'. il ;Y , f. ' st" u'-'; -ut sil . - e-ua1 l-'ît i,-fmîi litai * dit lIi iguis. Tuberculosis Dylig OUI, biis I- tu-'iwts u-'sitirîiiiltc-ul hani ka;ri lis î W e'dtste'4- as- - iu-risse tirsus' I."s-t . s r. m- t,4iI-'- '- l iel:-1, I ' ; ilt s Hi,~ ivas 1111k ing siith î is ii f«111-t'lie ~r--;s lt-uus--Il u-i- ;,;i u.!- t lu-it akm f.i i -i l i ; I l u-:s-lltl - J's -1 I'5 ',I t' u- i thus- uu-lmo ie- tise.' ' He suntt-!te--.i si) a r.'suiidtv duo siig ii 4 i31>-l. o. ai baivuiot'l îandul iungt-d I u i sillIfs lut' iiiitl. ti01 -s l:s ,l'sstiu-sg îu,îsii tu--ut"!C- -aî > l ;îu i é I t lxicast andi dirltialnu-ust iistatls,. tlutÀ,Iii u li u-s11We'u-lfuir lîsuîî,îu-îr-l e-u s- buuî su Il îusssrî' ii.jt-si s w ing lIseW-r -ilit l:s- ir- "uuiî. Su s'rî ' s ,s lt I- - - - - - - - tuî ruiî. rau- lt) 't- i ef. - t.-ii, 'u1u-s.'fl. îu- 4 u-rî a;t i. VI n; - Irý'iu 2111) .1MILE S 0ViI'E<'. fs' -tlO > tsssils.s-a f5isx lis 4 fi i 1f 1 iuti 1 ltîn îw ue cs- îjn::y .4 1 : I --lt-I -v - fi, fin îg :m . li.lt- te uui i'miIl ' . u-t - lui litt gî OIT011'l c N e l-it à linu-u .--<c. ,, ~ re ré-., y i ts u Sluujttung iartsulo.i-u-.brir tiijlt t4,îu-tu j;: iii(jst rrig epIi, bse u'< l-r jr--sa.I-i' il 31,11 1i i0 fs,î ilîl îl iîi ('$iîgl. i . iuoss-rs tilt-Iliilf: are V"(..sîe.i ' 1 Ir iul ri-t-t.- " - as~ il T h .--t.- 'I41'st n'i1l R ;--ritii - - (la1 le. luîee l fiut- ils -aur l i-s'y rlis' w -'îsîc-'rt,, ulsi il<usufor the r. n ie uuslu t i sii dole ~~ îerd"-Il 'sih lid-~lit-slt sr sum ye':'sx' if lrm i err'.V's s "Y suo t i ifsu)gs fî'r ig sutu svirii t i-unît-b d ilui .'-'e -let s fx,.- idr u r s is- sr puuau,ut s-- au ylic , l-e um 'f Islit-gi4u su isrs hit i r ' Cl'i'i- der 'lé'u- m i. e t o ui rmt t- ii 1< îti s- s-s-e bu11y. e rsli'geers-i i su- id lirsI tume. ai, uto 'iiiuui z'l , ttIlsle. i Ifu-rrt'r-d t)luc uit ln bet- fifuu.ts an r-tid td,, b dos-e» o ' :]til,. t ,ikitues- l u"at <îp' stM âi t-s le hiaci bre'u M21 .2 tîs inu uuak its- t ieI-ru- ,sus-'ntul's'i-sssu-.,-- '. uu-b i:euv 11(1 uu 'l' gmiitre ;u-tI tri I s'entif th lea y ll- Ilrstil uc s-suliiri45. ri . tn s'a;e'IlheIes--uen e. s.re fj i orl Tsl r c«-qTIV , s-, lus '- lIliîu'ss luîatiuts UO ~î~5FRiI. - îts'îîs-Thé Porcelatitmiouse. !-lîitild litLui witl t v-,,. 1 wtl - ý 1li C A deupnts-li fîs 'ni lu-tudt n s A us tir b.u-5-iis- Issus- i-s l'us'- il.1- 1. (. - Ysf" 'l-a î atxltjf ilii t - î'uI e lu-tut <u tins- tirrlil, ('luit-fId 'o(-tarvtf#)r- Ifo relanti.artu-] -nswrt-at a firt tutus -lc ticualiat ch,,. r*. , lit Seuil'.. -drk- il'1 i perbozicr6 fe $aieforfilrostarfroor -i thdprlne ilnisprial aord N-î tioader f len penei c-uî-- )'ra, cqGi u,'. .- CF.th.AS1i1'. j-----------------------e - i ~5* .1

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