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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Mar 1914, p. 8

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pet SuLday frliands ln been qiite1 ,tlag trmi" rpea4_ SUR- Ur. BIàot,, of Toronto, spet tuilam w8*-S4 W~ib Mr. , Iobt. Walks . a - Mr. H111.119 busy hauUalingte bud- Mg material fon Mnr. Eliot'e. anou lits Edas Spencer ipent the week tl Md vi ti Roy, R. W. and mr. . Alleu, e Mr,.'and Mn.. S. Disney, cof Dmi- re bortoa, -xl.ted wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. E.Dley ý r ad Kr@. Fowers, of -Celum- bWiý ýhave rneved tale lbe vitllage and me amtcoiy ,sri Thexe bave bees several gentlemenaI ta lova - dung. tise put veek lý,ook- Mg fon propert1r miss Eloeaor Jobastea returmed -~l week <nom -a lugtby vicit vill gr, Jas, Ileutley,. vie movot ber@- lAP tme ago ro Tonomao, bu rëturned te île citr.~ X(. R. IHortcp, of Ouavwa, ]Kr. W Jàaok Ilortop at issLans NoRr- ' top, of Toronto, speat, Sideytvlla .tir parents. - ~jWz. Smillx, vinh balmivet for "me ea a inmeuh at t, 'IiB8flne's boue@. Rey,,W, Weuto oft Pott Ferry oc- pW e hpulpit l e Presbytlna t , lcrseryice lier op Saturday last. - Mn, John i à~yui4fâ lima mld bit Iarm btoMr. Fnatnk Bradley, cf Whlý- i by, toràa ilgi figure. Kr. Bradleyt ,wiii talcs possessioni at once. Mr andi Nf.. J. -S. Wahaon, o!o -.rucefield, have beený vlsllnIagrn. be Mr jli- W.OrmistoR., Ur. W. Blifilt la moviug labo lhe _village Ibis yack, 1115s alo, wbi@b was hei~d on Tuesday, was a greut otueceas. Theré VU aàlargo- orowt pnesent. ? Mr. O.eo. iIecill. of Toronto, uho à"ba in poor -heaitil for soum. Mime, bho retunied te th vllia*, & tu-tendsa remainlng for a lne. 3Mra. MoGIiI lu b i lnfer a lmeR. Mn. and MLft. jas. Kerr, wbo> loft 1%08 I ï- weok g ago,-arrlved at Ieir, bomne In New Bigden, the besinans 1 tu Wilnnipeg -nd Cenquet on thein Mrandui Mra. Walter Renfnew and HO4RO8 MIDI H-oar's mrid-winter sale of rubbei wool lified,, mien's, 87c; boyý' z It women's, 65cý; girls' ri to 2, 54C; cý prices on. ail unlined rubbqrs, to fit ai Men'a heavy .nag proof rubbers lace, $2389; 3 eyelet lace, $2.69; 1 with heel, $z,25 ; boys' i buçkle, li low heel, $1.2o. - TWO DOORS SOUJTH1 Houseelea * III Dinj Withthe Spring tini ing time, and with Furniture needs., Not a store LOna at less money than m expense like that co city ; and having an are going to get an giving you ac a Space will flot permit us to -a we just give yon- an' idea of iN ic ucnxt lcèw day5f UN ALL BUFFETS§ AND STANDS,9 E4 AND BEDD1NG, WE ARE GIVINGI Zverythiing marked'down on é. regular price and the sale Vary speeil CiScCttit onl Wl ]isney -Bi a., sjromPtlya4ttî and itend maklng llielr hon RHEUMO CURES RHEUM. No màtter bow long stading ymUr 3NMaybc, dowt *eupait, set a bot,e, o! hern to4ahy. J. E. Wtt., lU gel#It witIi ý, Zuarsaee tleba-j itýyoDU. !theunýola wcsiâerul i-i4I mtMok aot4gui tb e in oses, 'tthe muscles and - boues are xid ef acre- ou an em tifnasst and very, bon a. tIume patie6t la abIetoQ bave the naoe Strength and vltality *ot youth. i RheuM ,bulde blood no rich aMd thick> tt-Ul-une.aoid ecanO pomiblY, zuot. Uheurno conla ..nly $1, for. a lange botIe fromn J. E. Wllis ord- roct,, all chargea prepaid <rom .B.V. Minion -Co., IBidgeburg, Ont. &tJDLEY, (Recvad loo late for last week): Ml.1m Brownlàeeil. vIiltllg on accouai4of -the, utomy day lie chool as closed ,bone on Monday F. M, Chapma punchased a fine. lot >of Ootovold ohmSt aIasale nean Mn. FrnuiWest.ney-luIo auling logo to the sav mil. Il te auexcellent wliLer for teaming. Thi ocuriers wye nont abje b maker iielir rounds on Monday, coasequent- ly bufdinesvas duil for a fev dey. The unusual heavy gales, accem-i palod ith snow, dld a oil deali of damage tle properly Ihe-final ci the, wéek. Everyoue semed lhazk- ,fi thalt .hey came tinougli as veli theyiO dld.- Mnr. *ad trs. Traylor are Ibis week 110!IDg to thoir 11w hôrne nortb- m'est of Totôfite;- l rfer 1 tbelr do-ï parture, névèrs1 friandi cathered util Ggrod (lIeai Çurrants for ice New 0-tivea,- per'bottie 'A A 11LSPIN8b ES EM isapne of our special offers this year. Caili and see the piano on exhibition in our room*s. We- also have a large range Of GRIIMAPHONES and RtetORDS - Now is the time to get FARM MAeHIN13RY ready for the work of the spring and summer. Drop in andi look over our stock, or cali us by phone. W.6 F' DISNEY WHITBY a NTARIC them. W. wlsh them everY tfscesi. Thae epetîlo on Ihasbe C. . R n'd l endid -sucemsi.A suniptueus àMaw put 1tbrough thé whole sale, have peetnaIas n tlC. P.t .vanesuppen vas serveti la the SumdsY S-. whloh amountedti teabout $3000, ln liebeàasaI ie i vout ,room frorn six te eighl-lhlrty o"- Si bours. This, n view cf tbe 11gb expecte t telie ol hav i ock. The service and .aningelnto apricis obtaine d, is, some record. C. bOa hiW~ration beore inov, but z - l-.- I dl _. Staenrôn -, 1aebed as clerk. The lui work -the zocontractons las ao ndlgntlokgauiece-i t arin bas been leased. by Mn. Louis beCs! ~ ~ I acepet, nii mPg i filiedti he body o! the churcil tO hCan Duna for one -ycar, - but Mr. and Miess read-bed yet belng - lnÇ,ulred. tue programm which vas pnovided McAvcy wyul continue lo'-reside on - by local and tonelga talent. Ai thé e DIMplc. MYIiTLE. pro$zammS ver. prinled a few I Mn. Redman la tsktng Mn. Me- Mlr. Cecil Wilson vas zmner th enods of Introductioni by the pautor IAvoy's place In Sundày School, act-- doctor'uo mne laet wvec.i - ,as ail ibat iasý essential, and thle Itng as Superintendent. lus work is Mn.an Un. onlyetRosebank, tOllômt ng progra a eneevery.acceptable, visietiaI M. Tcs, cwny'ano-1 met-wlth sotaeus applause Mr. Tboinas Richardson nemains in -e Tcs. . 1CoU- Maple Leal Forever, a very serions condition, beiIg Con- Mr.n. Duf and> sons lad Ileiz? Chairmanas address. - fined to lis lied. We hope for a anaUalwSI eeo oda. ÈjAddr§§-ROv, E, D- 5ilço1, Tç- speedy recoveiy. Ceccli Wilson pncvided the music <of ronlo. il. W.'-McAvoy la somewhat Arn- lieaveiag~ bs ISolo-Mn. Ellh, Asiburu. - proved lanheuRtAi, and bepes are nov theevein wih hsgramaphone. Readng-Miss Anale Blîght, Brook- enterbalned for bIs rècoVeny. vic as in. Mr. and Mn. Samuel Disney, o!0 île da ausp<ce of -1e Lade Ide Duet-L-Messns. Mackey and Speens, Duabarton, -called toesec Mn. Thornas th upie f h ade'Aiws Eale.RichaiSrdson last Suday. _____________________ - Slo-Mss A. grookeo, Myrtie. Mn. Victer Perkns hsegae Dnara-Colunnbla Club. yoiig I"nglisbnian for thé coming Viella selection- Mn. J. Birkebl, summer season.' *Myrtia Station. Many are suifering troni savae WN N ER- SALE Solo-Mn. T. W. B3roolces. colds, or, mone pnopeniy, ia grippe. Readilng-.Mu P . Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvegter Matkey and ru nov on. Guaranteed No.z quaiity The meeting concluded aI 10."0 Mn. John Lawton are am ong the to 5, 69c; ycuths'il ite 11, 59c; viti tbc National anthemn. Pro- chosen ones. hild's 3 te 10,9, 44c. Aise reduced ceeds, Forty-Flve Dollars. Mr. Edwin Redman is making qMIte ny me.mber of the farnly. - active pneparations for bbe arection .tith heels, No. i qualitY. 4 cyelet o f a new dwelli *g bouse, we unden- bucklc, Io* hbcd, $z.75; 1 buckle, Your Hair Needs Parisian stand. t wll e pt-dtna vr 0ow bce, $1.40iyouths' iz buckle, Sage. paniniculan. - - - ,Walter Rogers le doiug soAne work i- AR-IT QUICKLY REMOVES DAN- cuttAug feed and wood fer the fanm- OF SANIARD ANKJack Moore and Bruce Cennons 0F TADAR BNKJust beecause jour hain Io full cf have both> given up Ihein -labonlous Whltby, Ont. dandruif, thIn, streaky, .-dul and nev- dutlez aI M4n, MeAiýje15 sinco e an- vili do up te look pretty, do tôt sale. Tley dld excellent senvice for - __________________ despain. Beauliful bain, Ihlck, fluffy, hlm An aven>' respect., lustrous andi absolutely free trODn The mont îerrnc ý4nd storm ee dandruff le only a malter of cane. . z law I this vicinlbY Passed over lIlI a, -Panisian Sage tneqizantly appliad here lut yack, unnoofing Mn. Rog- in wlll vork wonders. Just one appli- es'barn partly,an-ls rtly 'Jcation stops 1itchlng bead,, rernoves unnooflng Mr. Wlddiffeld's house. dazidrufi and -aIl excessive oil. [t Many othen miner dannage's are ne- -AT--- gais ight to tbe hair motls and f un- portet!. nîshes île nounishinent needed- the W. bave expenlenccd splendid elelgi- p Pn , FURNITURE hair becomes soft, flufy, abuIldO.t Ing11colstantly aow forn orne months, LU<J, STORE snd raidiant ylh111e. aise veny sîeaîy oold weather, coa- KLNParisian Sage not only saves th trany te the prognostlcations of !)ÉLI Nbain but sîlmulates ilte grow long sonne o! Ihe vesîhen-wise prefits. and! heavy. Gel a ffty cent botte Soon Jack Pnout' viii hae rcedt! t from A. R. Allîn aI once. Thore is relax bis grlp, we trust, and vo viii ie cornes houseclean-- fno otier '-Jusl as Good," vwelcome aprlng. ï Uns. Mabel Rogers 4ud son Fnankle housecleanitig cornes KINSALE. have been- vlsitlng relatives in Àhe Miss Laura Sabler bas neturnetd Quecn ClIy., %. Mn. Et. Lawrence, our village car- benne fnom her visit la Western On- panter, bausacurad pIeatý' of vork tarie, .te kcep iim and bis 'staff going rom ok !1 --Mn. John Duan bas been ebsyng eanîy uprîng «I i t munsras. Net! -witi ils son, Lou, for a 1ev days. ,-om -fnejo:eveylimeamd* i rJ htcnsl oVUMn. 1Young bas bakea up bis resi- v>'mgebckti and ei- dota a el 0eUtnce on his farm, racantly vacated wy 0s aktescn iewe we ca-n. We havedi n0 by Uns. MeBrien. We welconne Mr. once engagad. )nncte wih twn r ad M»..Youg.Wnn. Mayne and fa.mly bave left înricte wih îon o . nd M...Yozg. ur midil and,! hava geaédiLdeaU .Mr. extra large stock We Mn. Jackson fnom lie Brock Road, John Rlcels farm near whltby, a- introduction to y>u bypneacheti bar.on Suada>'. We aretI- tglest l o ar ! anu. Li yS Prftvo 5dy aym pleasa.t! t have Mr. Jackson W. visi WmI. andis i. amlly every proitsfor[5 aysoecpy ux ulpà.succamu la Ihair Inaw.hme- mnd ur- th piccsbeow . The Young Peopl'. Society are rouidige nnounceth rcsblw but bhavlng sPlendid interest la hbein g vhat you will save by buying ln Meetngs every Fniday evenlng. W. cmend Ibis Society b sîl, yun How's This? or old. , Va .1er Osene adred Dollars levard for Trhe Women1s institute lntend hbld- 'al, 01cf atarMh Iat canisez bc cureS by TABLES DRESSERS 1119 Ibir social evenlnig ah thé home Vaj 'a caV &rCe. Toure, of Uns. R. R. Movbray, March 1e. W P 1b.u0deigadbv ns* y&C. . ro.dhen0 ~sY HAIR, -BBDSFjeYYbody la velcomne. Corne fbrln Othe lait .5 yearfsd, dbllfea Jin perfectly .HALL 1FURNITURE, y:ux baskret sud enjoy a good clii- acailb!. a buet ass.atosa" u lm.Acollection yl b@î t a~et n bIato.md taken up. WALUIS0, KXxs, * Méavia A ~~Mr&. C. McAvoy, c tun0l1 - Woe..erggss oBd.O tAU-ll, Ball'sCatarrl Oure la tales lnternalty astisq cerat ICOIIJ viebaubeen usitig vaîttag on fireeIly spon the blond and wuccu onsur fas Mr. McÂvey -fer some lime, has ne- cents per bottle; sold 1 rea. Pie tunneeic sa hoe aeHlsSat> ~~ls Iare pe. l ad hwlg M.R .McAvoy's sale, iheid last - i nC.Wedneaday, wv at1te.mils4b>' nue WITEWALE., kië e ' aMachines. vahr m arge crevA. 1ve>- T"e publie sehool here han oecixed nUé ~ewna Uzlng uehd vaîl, aspeeimiîy thi caîllea. «ilsleImrBeJ. W. -Clark, a o! Chundneds b! j>hyiiu and hOSpi- tala, il cernes tcd Canada to rélieve pain and--cure Rheumnatlem, Sciàtica, ,ache, La Grippe, Foers andsila troubles. Kephaldol bas reCWied the highest comnnendation.<tom the rnedlcal pto,- fession because cf ils direct~ strength- enIng action on the nenves, withoul, Izjury bt te heant, and i ts lasting regulative and curative, effect upo7i the wkole system. tinlike other paln-killing reiedies, Kephaldol le absolutely harIneas. Rt causes no intestinal irritation, and bas no depressing effects. - . Keptaldol wfil now brng tg pain- wraeked. Canadians the untold bless- ine 'wblch il bas already conferred ln the Oid Country-joy et pérfect life again le- those who, penhaps for rnany years, have dragged- thnoug'h a, tormented existence. . V, Gel a 50C. tube of Kephaldol tbh lets aI your drug4st's . Kephaldol Limibed, 31 Latour St., Montreal. BASE LINE WEST. Mr. - Milton Stony, ef Torontô, Opent Monday witz bis parents. Mns. Jas. Yourer lefi on Saturday le spend a fev days in thxe City. Mn. Gordoyn Reynolds.speul Sunday la the City. Mr. Percy Farmer got hurt in iarling a gasoline Sene.. The Àsylum have put up notices _that ne trespassing is, allowed vibli- out.- permission. The ground boge turuod eut last week, and R. llowland says the bear is An Mike Kennedy's swamp. T-he Asyluni managers are reinoving somn apple trees at tbe, Cameron cet- bage. Tic Kemp Bros. are putting lu a stock o! Lce. .Mr. -Peter Goodvln punchSed 8 horse An Port Penny last weeak. ' Ex-Couneillon Baker fispendlng- thle week In Toronto. Mn. John Wllls tal on the Ice lat week and broke the boues -inthe back of his, leIt hand.',1 FIIIY DAN Our Pure Olive able, hnms arie -delicate arcnna,, J4C 1leached Seedless R~aisins, 2 Ibs. for- S20C POpular Brandà,Salmon, z tins for - Be sre and gel your coupon wi*th every, 2C1 w. M. awrei BROOKLIN, ONT. sure they would do yoilia lot of weeks vitini.trelatives lin Osbaw good, If Rexall1 Dyspepsia ýTablets M»s May Kempythorne wa» la do n0l relieve your lndlgestion,check over Suaday., 'the heartburn, and make it possible .Mnr. Ed. Philp vas calie8 a for 'you to eat what you like wbn- rallier suddenly là attend ker ever you like, corne back ani gel ler'a luneral-. your money. Mr. Hoppi la busy movlag, le Sold only at the. more than 1,000 Dow farm do wu in Darliagtou. Ilexali Stores, and in Ibis lova ouly_______________ atnr-stor. T'hees. izes.25c.. 50c. v One of Vile- patients ah île bun-1 galov died last veek, Mr. Seymnour Whitney has resigned bis. position on btheIPort Whit»y File Brigade. We are pleased te learu thatM. Dan Cameron ia lmprbving ta healtin. W. learu that a company bas becu propeslng te purchase tbe Lynde property, known as the old- race ceunie, for a cenieteny. Mn. A. R. Hardy, of .Taunton, call- ed on corne aid fnienda on Mo»nday. Re sol-t hie farmAn the faîl and! ha. purchased a langer one neary. We Ha&ve raith in This Stomach Remedy. A worn custorner said to us the! other day, "Say, you ought to tell! everyone in town about Ilexall Dys-! pepsia Tablets. I would myseif ifI could. " That Set Us to thlnk&ngSoi: mnany people have used them and have 50 CenthuruMticaily soundod their praises both to, us and their !riends, that we had an idea you al knew about- tbemn. But in -the chance that some of you who suifer from indigestion, beartburn, - dis- pepsia, or some ~éther stornacl corn-1 plaint, dont know about them- we are writing this.1 They contain Bismuth and Pepin. two of the greates-f digestive aide known to medical science. They soothe and cornfort the stoniacb,pro- mots the secretion of gastric jule, belp to quickly digest the food and couvert il -into, rich red blood, and improve the acti6n of the bowels. We certainly would't offer' therM' to you entirely aI our risk unless -we feit COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1914. 1. WHITBY- Mas. E.L. Macdionneil, Clerk, Whitby- Jan. 18, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, Apnil 8, May 4, Juan 8, july 8, Sept. 8, oct, 2, NWov. 7, Dec, 4, Jas., 7, 1915. OSHAWA-*Ieu E. L. Macdonnei1 Clork-Ja. 14, Feb. 8, Mar. 0, Apr. 4, May 5, June 4, Jul 4, Sept. 4-, Oct, 8, Nov. 9, IDec, 5, Jan. 8, 1915 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Green- Wood, Clerk-Jau. 15, Mar. 6, MaY 0, July 1, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Jan. lit 1915. îi. pORT ppRRV- J. W. S2urnharn, Clerk- Jas. 17, Mar. 7, efay 7y July g, Sept. 8, Nov . 19, J..n. 12, 1915. 4. UJtBR!DGE- R. J. Moore, Ux- bridge, Clerk- Jan- 10,- Mar. 14, May 18, July 14, Sept. 'B, Nov. 20, Jan. le, 1915. 6. -CANNINGTO!f-Thos . F oster, essnlngton, Clerk-Jan. 9, Mar. 18'; May 14, July il Sept. 1, Nov. 19j 0. EA&VERTpl;-ChaS. A. Pater- jon, Beavrton, Ok-mJmn, 8, Mar. la, 'MaT 15,; l'I1, -sep". 10, Nov. 189 Jan. 14, 115 1. ,VPTERGRO1 Vm- Daniel Leenrd A$ie.,Clak- ýJa 7, 'Kir. n, May 16l, JuRy 17, -sept. 110, Nov, 1!, Ja. 18,1915- Ey Oder, J. B. PAREWELLO Olerk Of lIse 1aMp. Daedl *iby, Nol. f.2, joig. and $1.*A, H. AlunD, druggist. WkIITBY'MARKETS1 ALMONDS. Aleis e oyer, per bus... 8.00 te i Mtr. Will Dingman is laid up vilin Wkealt ai# ..,,. ,.ii * rnuscular rheumaîism. Wheat, uose I......S Mr. Byer, of Wiùnipeg, arnived hene Bal.y...........0 .8k0 t last week, where»be intenda to spené. Beau .............. ...... 1.04 te£A1 Iriends, and wlll accompany bis wtt e Pea........ ,#.. .0 * l Mns. E. MeGregor la ia Toronto bats.......... .04 0l .6 for a 1ev days viti ber -daughtcr, Bcd Olover ....,,o#..... eso@####V-W who undenwent an -opération. F-1ADIED The Ladies' Aid met at, iii homO Flour, percv......50 b Iljs of Mrs. W. MèGnegon lasI Tu".ay oliopped fied, e-l.1.50 t.1.50 -alteruooin. The aftepnoon vas ipeMt Conameal. ...9..;.f I in patching. A goodly number 1ver* Bran,'per ton ......... le8001o .90 presenl. Shorts, per:ton ......- Wedding belle arernng. ln eux MAT' OL. ',AD RDO midst. - Bc! . resued.i19,05toit4o Miss Mabel Mackey apent Siuxday CatIe, 1*0eW veibt . - W te S'co. at home. Lambs, euh......... .00 Mn. and Mrs. Albert Websler7were iso dresued l."$ to 12»5 visiting relatives here last wcek. ncgu, select. .............15 to .9.0 Mis Edy'lbe Kempîborne l~ i O a eCIiQUU iye lbï.....do... 9.16 tu I sick list. Ducke. per lb. ....... a18ita.ai>1 Mrs. Edwaxds lias returned bonne GMai dresseci poi lb...:Cli9 .29 a! ter spening a week ah har home In 'rkeys, dre*seg, per lb. *6lte k Malvenn utter, per lb.ý1........81 Miss May Dialnani bas retunnet p, mepro . *f7t hoe aller spending a couple 01 Lard, per. lb........ .......180 . ____________________ IPotàtoosDpr -b ïg . 1.00 boI, SALE REOISTER. Apples, per barrel . 1.50 t.. Fniday, Marci 2.-Auclion sale ofi1OnWens, par bag ........ 1.00 hto 1. iouseiold furnibure, thse proparly of, Ha3r, per ton .......... 14.00 t0 10.09 Mèra. H. Remmer, lot 4, brokea front, RIDES.- ]Pickering. sale aItone océlock sharp.1 Wool, unwaslned._,... .... -4.t'e 0.17 Wm. Maw, melne.ICali uklns, -pelb ..... . 15 b 9.18 Tueaday, March 24.-Great disper- Lamb i kins, ch ......0.70 t11.7à5 sien auctien sale_-o! farm stock and Rides, per cwt .... ... .13.006 ta(SOIc inplernents, ha", grain, and roots, Sheepukinu ............. 0.75 te 1.15 the properly of .Emnanuel Siackr, lot' Deacons .................... 0.25 b o 17 H~, doit. 9, Pickering. Sale ai 12.80 Morme bides ......... . 050 10 8.DO- sharp. Wm. Maw, auclioneer. Tallow, rend., per lb . . .06 eQ I 1t's purity is J.E. WI L IDru!gglst and IÉ MEDICAL HA Bs'ock St. a IBritish: Aniericai Bushi - Yooge and Mcliii ta.. Tm ln the pioneer h Ig rade Bu eta Canada. Unde a djoblter oý té Uevl If pYoiuwanît tonireuae f 'r R LEGAL JNO. E. PAREWELI liarrisOter, Ceunty Crown County S-olicità -Office south wijng Couri Hç - A.-E. CHRISTI Barrisuar. Soicitor. rNotarv, Office, Brock S.,' Opp $U - -Money te -L JAES IRUTLEDGE,-oB Môney ta Loan on - -Oce immediately- cout -13 -~ii I - I '11 Issuer of MARRIAGE LIC Court l-ou.e, WViîtby, conveyancer, etc - shaw., . Ontu O zic-o.rKing St. L., m DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentist, Ofri 5trOet, lReSidenCe No. 4, th 'BYron St., Whitby.- Phone -JAS. BISHC Oahawa, Llceace'd Auctile cesser te L. Fairbanks, F mmd -dates apply te aelf c>î Wb.lby.-- LICENSED AUCTION AND VALUAT04 AU iAndse e!sales prompt d - -i te. Arrangement. cal fer sales aI the Gazelle oc Ter i- reaeen able. - ' - Bell and Indepenudent' phî WIIITBY, ONT. CONTRACTO&i J.IHeWELL-JA 1a.rpenter, Builder andý.Co Ptans-drawn and- estiIn atés1 Re pairs, Alterations aýnd Agent for Brantord i Marriagé Licei kssaer of Marrlage Lt-qen Corner drugsto Il t il pa> yeu to so ad: nspect Ifor Tg Dcu't b6 misled by aq llol mv~loi lbem,.ooauequ &M ido allov lhe Uagt -t m exesit, whycu Ily save by prFcbag <rg A CaeiSolitdtu orno. amg Wori OOie Standard Bmnk, Shaw'ssuness W. H. ELVISS, Brookllin Bell and Independent phones. __R E AIL ETATIE - Country homes, market- garden properties, fruit, stock,'gan -and' dairy farme, beautif ul tow-a building liots, and- resldentil properties. We might make special mention cf thi )é> story <rame dwel- ling on the corner of Coiborne and- Athol streca. 'Tus, property la worth buying as an lavestment, only one blcIrom G.Tý R. up- town station. P ARM SPECIAL--Dow £arm oi 209 acres large brick dwelling, fair outblalldiages, nS açres et orçliùrd,dLnnlg water, sapcidly adapted Lbstock, grain and fruit.t Speclal price If taken quickly, Bosquality*'Count With You? IF SQ BUY Prost coiled wire woven ee, and galvanized gatees. The best fonce and gates the world has yet produoed, In the spririg house cleaning, do not forget the Gravityr Washer. I have sold over 40 of these machines on- 20 âsys, free trial. Try one, and be convinced that this je the best value you ever received for your money. URIAH JON~ES Brooklfi -- -Ontario. Bell and Ind. Phones. Poultry Feed! Therè is 'good money in HENS, if pro"erly cared for a nd fed. We carry in stoc k feeds such as Pratt"& Egg Producer, Beef Scrpap, Gr'an- uIated Bone, Oyster Sheli, Grit -and Gra!ne Try Pratt's Lice Kilier, we bave FU- là Li ýfff 1 1 1

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