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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Mar 1914, p. 3

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MIsgionary KillIed and Seýveral Injured 'A 4oepatch f rxxi: 1ekin -sa.ya .»rigands ackod - ansd burned the. 04, 01M H6Kôw, killéd Dr. T. xli4 wounded aevrAleýters inelud-ý îug Uev. 0. M. 8ama, another Nez- A force et f rom 400 tc 500 of the' Ibriga'ndes bt-ain<ed eutrance te the- ýcityby means of treachery f rom <The b rgMadýthen plied torch and *weord ailroud.Th-ey burnedi -down the Asa-iec Pobroleuuvand the Singe buildinmgs and looted the rtiiAntiAmrivên-TobatwvoCoin- pany'e premises. Afterward theyi procdèoded t-o the arsenal, where tÎhey ecured 700 rities5,.sereral field * guins.aand much. ammunition. Two thouta.nd coolies were foroed by the. brigands te carry off thoir boot. *Liote Ho-Kow, which is a river port on thé àný-Xisang, ï1isanlmi- portant miseion. stat4on iii tii, Pro-_ Thireo -' iisfsiouary s&cies vae is the1%orweg.zan Lnthéran -Ohmsi Mission Asàoctiation, with - lie- 4uarters in. 'Norway, -_which-- had a-'! staff o! tlxree Mien, two cf them wit'h their wives, and 1three othor women. Or. T. Froyland, who was iffld by the brigands aLnd Itev-. O. M. Saima,, who was w0unded, were inissionar- iee of titis Society. Another aocietW is the China In- land Miszion; - whose heudquarters are in Londonl, Eng., and which bas a staff ini Lao-Hgo-Xew-f o!eemis- aiônaryl. ànd Ilis wifo, with threo other wone n. - The third soeiety is aise British- Christia-n missions in.i-in,-ny land- which hais 'a staff in Lao' Ho-Kew o! two inisuionairies with tjaeir wives. A J>EPOSIT NOW IEQVIBED-. TIOUGUT IT IVA&S SIAm FIGHlT Police Watch Duel wW Sworda for Froemfraa justice bisTired of IHear- Hus lngCass n Plns~rEvdene. A despatch from Hme says: 'A eapah f rom Kingston says: Major Fabbroni, the journalist, and in diurnLîeiing ïa ch&rge' nmade against Signor Mar asi fought a~ duel with a re>Jde 'nt of Verona of being under swords for two houri, on Thureday, the influenco- of liquor in a l1ocal op- diuring whik Signor Marva.si was tion Voùwxehip, Jetie of he?esce slightly wouuded idi the chesibA G. B.Hunter said he was tired of number of porsons, including Sev- Y, earing cases o! this kind in whch Oral policemen, -watched the duel, i thero waa praeticaily no evid4neno f thinking it was a. moving picture th ilt. He had disiascd about 2o sham fight. The police. di not in- p -aies of the lrnd in thé pait thre terfere until alter the ususl' ron- Cnonthi. In future ho would requiro.. ciliation *as drnitted, when they froxn the> inforia.ntý a depasit to realized it was the real thing. Then itover thé, conitable's fees for ser- they seized the swords and reportod Aîce. the inatter to the public proeecutor. FR01 MERRY OUOLNCO KEFWS RT MRAIL ABOUT JOH11 BULL AÇD nia PEOPýLE. Occurrences ln thae -Land That Beigm ESupreme tu, thý Com. merclai World. - le iço n of o!largo famriles ]ive -tc tilt greatest age. - - Firee ]laat-Year coat 1ýdon £339,- }'ire Brigade.§ htAtrc ~ ~pndm £60,OOeî'ry year in Eng- - is-nute uis oruen. Tite- new Cuusard liner Aquitania- -will mail frein Lifripool 'on ber fi-ut Noyage> tO Na-w York on June 3oWh. Tiit latte Mr. C-harles Gampion, o <f (j<lege Road, Dulwich, London, 'I.! t estâtes of the, grues v 0u1c The 'ost o!fsnaiutaining thse rends et Lon&un wa- £6716,O00 a yea-r, it was stated la-bly a-t thte, London CountyCouneil. It is proposed to alter the dia-nie- ter e4 tise bullseye a-t 050 ,yeards un the service rifle couipetitions at -B ist fi-m 18 incises to 16 inches. Ii ngland and Wales,'since 1906, tisenum er o!out'door paupers over 70 ha. declined 94 per cent.; in Scotland,'sinoe 1909, the decrea-se has beesu 83 per cent. Th o longest underground thor- oulf-eiiGreat Brita-in je in Cen- tral 1Derbj.hire, wh-ere you eau walk .estea miles -poit a i-catIcon- m..oing-everal coïd mines, Mr. .$amues Mine, a wcli-knowu S clEgnd rcuiee-,who de- ~sp Pbmouh GildalL aad ~~epa BI-ding4, died at - noneton, ( !oruwlontoSt-b tit., ageci 84 ye-ars, - H .A taboa-rd meeting o! t-he Hc- - - rn Bay Comtpa-ny in Loundon on the 1iAti, ait. Sir Thoniag Skinner wa-s itppointed Governor o!fbe Coin- .pany,.in succmeaton the latLe Lord st rîtbhcona. aal.ofCe ,on 1M)-, WrnT aclo!Cee u 101i tri() principal express drivers en 1-l11', Lu>ndon and North-Weistern JIula.and driver of the Royal tru',lagretired. lit ail hi-s fift-Y yeutres "îr) hc ftiotptat-e -he never bad --Thr (,'arnegie, Library at Norths- fieltI, Birmin gtatin, WaA dest-rosed r b3 fio o VI 12is it.Suffragettes ar-e c,îîpected, as a-t the rear o! t-be - 1ui idîrig papers wete found un seluitlu was 'writben, 'To q3tart yotsr tei- libî'ary, giVýe womein the -4te. " ý Thte oleatiooeurredu n te ~'ult. je - - 1s Sugha-in, Busitox, o!f iajor (L'eieralSir Sturt teit*on. . lr -italwho wee tain ii, 0th jyear, Ege t4,But-ti,&tise orth-Weost HAIR RUS'OE Youe Gra- Haïr <an be i'e- stpfto - Naivtrwa Color* 7ii4e IVE NATONLStMTIVE IPIlU f rontier, and. South Af rica-, and wus froqueutly mentioued ini despa-hes. Tho deathliof Sir John Tenniel re- mioves £remtthe artistic anad politi- cal lifo of Great Britiain a- maxi who dttring hl aa century was eue o! iLs mot distingisished figures. Dur- ing -hie Ion~ pericd cf service on Punch ho wa-s asseciated with Thackeray, Masrk Lemon, Tom Tay- lor, John Ldeecli, Douglasa Jerrold, Shi rley Brodkg, F. C. Burna.rd, George Du Maurier, Phil May, sud ether famons writerîsud artis. Lord Balfour of Burleigh presid- ed a-t tise an nual geneial mneeting o! thie London lFever IHospital. Mr. M. Muir Maokenzie awho meKved the~ onlýOii wh's-t kake WIoflrm. N~O. 2 qnot.ed at 9%te 98e. ontaide. iiecordliit to freiglit, and 99c, cou rack, Tcoeito. Oa&-No. 2 Ont&rie cita quo'ted st 37 1.1 te 38c. outakde, ead st 40 txe 40 1-2e. cin traek, ToiS-ee.Weetern ýCmanad"otg iuoted at 41-2o for -No. 2,5nid iet 40o for ]Pesaw--Non, offering. -Ir1h price.- nom- inal êt 98c te $1, etitl., narl.y-Good M&ltïng barley cjuotel st 57 te 59e. outaidé, eeording te quaity. Cor-Tii. jarket 4eet.ady. New Ne. 3 Âme'rican Ii juOtéd -At 60C. -aIl rail, Te- ronte. Canadian qued et 66c. - yeNOf. S2 W quote4 s 6t 603c, oltaide., Buck*beat-Priees purély nominal, Io abeene e f ofeori"ýng im*tO3. Bran--Mianito b e ia ft*3t $24 a ton, la hago. Toronte freight. Shorts, $25 te $26. Couniry Produce. Butter-Tue m aiket fa pretty wei'. up- Plied, 'Nith* dexnad gond for cboice quuli- tiet. Choice alry 22 to 23e; laferior, 18 te 19c. farinerw' àep&ratnr pr1ntn, 22 te 25e; creanery pintte, 3o e 51;olide. 27 t0 Mi j sorae pritits, 27 te 28; solide, 25 1-2 to 26c. Egge-Reeelpts are liherai, -with'prices dNaaY. Caeilote of new-la-îd. 33 to e per dre:eterage. saeets, 32,i. a-nil oet-fige. t0o .610 P«desn. 0heeNw chieee ciuoted at 15 te 15 i-4e fer targe, anil 16 i-lt, fer t-wine. Bbamn-HaMndplcked quoted at *2,15 te. 8220Par bi"iel prime@, $2.10 to $215, Hetuey-Extract-ed.fflutns quotedet il - to 13o per -lb. for No. 1; comeï, $3 to ~2 Fer dosen for No. 1, end $2.40 te *250 for PoultrY-FoGwl. 13 te 15e Per lb.; htck-- ens, 17 ta) 19C; dîclua,, lte 17C.; geese, 15 te 16c: tirkeyA. 20 to 23e. 'POtatoeo-TJhe -iai-ket-i ilrm. wit.h effer- Ings ltmited. Ont&rics, are quou<ed et 90 per bag. on traek, and Deiawares at 950, on t.ra-ek. car lote. Provisions. Curod meata are quetoed ne fibw Bacon. long celaar, 16 te 16o tperlb.. in case lots. Pork-Short eut, 026.50; do., mees. $24.60. Ham-Mediuin, 18 to Id 1-2». do., lueavy. 17 toe 5erelia, 15 to 15 ~2 -breakfast bacon, 18 ta 19c;t bu-ka. 22 te 2>i. Lard-Tiercen, 14 1-ce tubs. 14 1-2c;e lq 14 34C. saied Huy and Suraw. Baled bay-The offeriugo are f air, wfthl * t-ncmeteady. No. 1 is qneted at $14 te $14.50 a toin, on tracS, -bei-e: No. i quoted at $13 -lu) $1350, and miod et $12 tao $12,50. Baled &otraw--Calr lots,.50-tu te$8.75, on track. Tom-auo. Winnipeg Crain. Winnipeg. Mardi 7.h b N. 1 Northern, 90 -2e; No. 2: do., 88 7-8c; No. 3, do.. 97 1-8c:; Nu. 4. 83 1-4c. No. 6, 80o~ No. 6. Ibo; feed. 70c; No. 1 r.jected ,wee 86 14e- N"o 2h, do., WI; No, 3, do., 83 1-4; No. f teg,86 14c; Ne. 2j do., 8ke; Ne. 3. do.- 83 14e;-,Ne. i red Winter. 90 1-6c; No. 2 do.. U,7.&!" Ne. 3, do., 87 1It-.. Ota-No. 2 CW.. &5c, Ne. 3. do.. 34 i-4- e Xtra No. 1 feed, 34 12t; No. 1 feed, 34<11 No. Z, do., 3&1 1-2c. Barley-No. 3. 45 1-4ec, No 4 43 1.2e - rejeceod.' 42 il-food 42c.i,'tax-l4o. I N.- $., 1.36, NO: 2 (.*.. 81.33; No. 3, do., adoption c! the. accounts, mentioned - ot« Mre. that for -the- fi-at titneiniii odem IîrîMekt history c! Lhe hospital the charge Montreal, >aeU7-or-mrenNo. for mnalt liquors -ha-s been nil, noue Wstern, 'No. 2. 44e; do-.. No. 3. 43 te having been used either by tihe par- 43 ôn *rley-gam 1Lobha feed, 4 to W., enta or the 8taff. Me -t.hought 'ihls Bprhn wheat -paentsg, 15l"40. $5.60; de.,4 we sniewat romakabl, sd sacad. *.10, etront bakerg'è,1*4.91); win- W" omeha eearkbl, ad t,,pt- , lej, $2 j *5 0 tf4it4 inigbt b. recomxnended te the no- roil , $4.70 te 1ï4.90; do.,; -tIiia ,urO ticiftepeacesoitis. f. 5;b _ cý f 90 Ill.,$205te $.10Mill- f.dBa. *23. shortc, sCli mtditnge. $2;mouli.Se, 0-teIo$32. Ha-y-No. 2.,t-en MOROCCO SWEPT BY 6ALE. ,ton, car lots, $1360 to 815. (ueien-FineeL w»t«e, 4 1- to14 1-2e:; do., esatern, l 3-4 te 1&-. lmmter-Obeiomesvranueri- Steamers 1'orn Froini Moorings and 29 1-2 te e0; seconds, 27 1-2 teo 21.20. 'Et" -Wrecked. - Pnca1.36 to 37c.Ptaoe-,bair, ar kilUed; $13.75 te $14. Pork-Reikry Oîusd A despatch'froni Meila, Mdrc- short muosa. barýrs6. 3 rec 5 ei . * 29; ce, mayas: A hurricane of nuparal- C(la tjshrt et L ard- euîen, 45rea,56 beled violence dîd eoi-ous dama-goe &Io , 01-ke; do., Wood pali, 20 lbs. net, te, he ortof Mlila " ahipi _ I 1-4. pre.tieres. 375 l]W..14 1.4e; do., te isePor c!Mellla a-d sippng. ?ood ie , 20 boub. net. 14 i-Se. The Ita-lia-n steamser Leonarde wa-e toi-n sasy fuie-m n b er orin-guîanad United States Mark.ts dashed against tht-, Mole, a-ad now 1tî"pi' ad 7.--CIoee:Whiiet- lies in such a critical po4ition that 1r- Mîl F"&2'-8- 'o 19ar. 1-o it in feared she 'viii be a tot.al losij. *Ncitbeu-n9 1- to91 1 4c-,NN. 3 whent. 87 A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t 8u agtb -tnuii nue~ t 9c.(o,. 3 yettuw. 57 to 57 i-le. A tu caght y aterrfiewavewa&faney paktents, *4,55 la wood; ilri-t deam, &IBO hurled ega-mat thte Mole aud Oa'ta -11ne white36 1-2 te 36 3-k.Pleur, smaabhed Vu pi.eces, white 17 fhi $3.46gin ut~Meh.7.-onoee Ne. Lis.î boîte, launiches and -otiier craft in , vAest f3eNo.l1Nothen. 9>,,, No, 2 the barber were sunk. There wassIlzy. 9u ;. at,y 93c, - looe--Ltauîced, ne [qsao! Hife, $1.58141-e; May,. $1.59 1-2. Jaly, *1.61 1-4, --The panish cnuiser Infauta isa- bella, whieh ivas ini port, _ escaped - Live Stock Markets. robabissenouedanageb3-puting Toi-ento, M&teli 17. -Cattle, choie. uteb- robabe serous duiageby putin i-a,' 7.75 tn $8.25: good, $7 id> 7.20; medl- h urriedly te sea. u, $66~0to $760:;cîmunon. $6.45 t-e $5.75; -- ,,-$6.50; coyuîon, $5.75 Io *6.20: ouiers, sud eanner«_$3.15 te $3.60, choie,-butta. $678 MATCES N fi MALS. to $7,25; good, $80Oto 6.50; cominon, 84.18 t4) $5,40. Rto'l.keiansd feciiors- Suion, choiesi. 47 Guivernnient 1,) rseue hsa" 810-: gond.85.46 te *635, iight. $3.50 Wiho Di',regard W'arunîgs. tC61V5,0i0.'o 820 muloe.t t1aeasl. $8os,*866 te $11,60:nmedi- A debpatchu f nom Ottawa %aylq A um-. $7 te $9. buletin iî8tued -hy the- J'ust-oue> *7 o i ,uuad laxabo-Liglît rwis. $5.50 #À) Departmeuit st-at-esthat: $9,60, 8-.fb:$ 5 e u air '-'À\ptwithtanding Ithe urgent antI ed-or)f î' $9U.6 repeated wearniuîgt of tJii.. P'îît-office iSunn am<id 1-vack cold 4 steerc. 1,050 t-outuie. $7.60-, 1 mi4ker, *67,ý; t-nets. 820 Dcpartmnent agailist th.e eendinig cf oun s $4.6,i2hulle, 1,430 usîtîtîdu, *7; matisceut and othcr inliannna-hle anti- 4but-lit-i-e amerri. 870 pnudm.-(8.65; t bull. 1.82 pouwIw97.40; 1bul. 1,,50poundis. cles througlîlte mails, t-be pretiie $6.7,5. 2tews .190 tnund,,.75: 1 IhuIt-he still coittinues. a-nd the Jepînt-ment ,,tOt4-t. 790 -ouTdii. 87.J5.- -is now referring stuch o-es toutte .Mont re ,marelt 7-a,75 ro828;hoio culminai authorios for prosec- e:-k &t *6,60 tx) $7.50. ati <-n)mili aMifrein $4.51) lo-*5.50 pser ewt. 'lb, iuarkuet for lion. Under t-he Pomt<-office ActL-. miluh ow-i wal; we-îler ciroi, ritO f the section 122, the scnding of iruflam- inere«i 'd fertîigl§and baieishve de- niable or exploeive a-rtitlesin liturd- 10 merh 1,0dti-uis.lut - t'o 8, iail.% in an indictable <ffe.nce, atndIa-r ,i t $ 50 tn $60 exelh. gSiu-îiit !:li --*8s.50 ta $9 forui,11s,. t-endors- t-ho offender lhable touiin- a a1 66 l.t e6 10 foir obheep er e-wl. Thp prisdîunmcnt fdor five years." d*rm>.'eit .yr .-. -aa we g, a-ntlie' offeringsw i'e -inrgr thmit,, iî-f iimvt' tien j - --.. iaî-ely a- ner. acetive L-Ad, ./4:< deeAt Bt-et-rd3 t-2 te 7 i-le--ie ,,nd. Thcî -,, b Record 151ze o Coin.-b&mge in i-ho e Kdîluon-*xithe wmnrk-fi, mut t- ethi. ht)o, for whleh -flicre wap a mo< id 1'nî'aîîd We hve pî>krt f ena-l o >4'p-f. a." Olea o molo--d 1,t« ..1 Ontinicew-re made ai $10 andl>aui<i ~tî-i iiio4cf iLIe oî~ Te ,eordiL19.75 t 1858ver ('., welghi off tars. botis fo)r aize- aîid salte nmua-t ,urely be held by 'olie des'erihe-d luy Roger IEir iiî n1IV . Af*cehans. It w"- tpi-cia ly inade- as VIE-ilýIITE a gift fr'>,m te inîlabitntmts 4)f Tyrîi tvi-e îsrsn CrfdIonL - tl> the I'.nperun Mýlxînlilînn, an(dvv t 4n nld on1a- wsnilIe uze0 a "gi-eat Sufîîilk deis iomBtdn ~ies<and as hieavy as two mten A desplat<h ferm Fort Williamn, cuuldleur. Os-tr 6.n00 gilde-rs - Ont. - s&ayet Pre whieiu <id <a-ni-j a",t PlO.(NOO» liaitgone t4-, I,1'f. illk- , agi- cstii'nat-ed at between 0$25,ffl, ilug of fi, atnd i, i.i (l13utiîi 'y -jl81Wnd *:Mu. imperilled the lires of q witi, t-lui' ar-u i thetii Ernîîei-r. a)141 a, ru unîbî-r f pensons residing inthteJ ÏOn thtectlirsitî th iLuhies mite'tDyke hluck and1on A- tinse tlîreate-n-1 f.ce "toi1>t liv4 printed." This, cd tu wipe eut a counWdrable Por- hOWe6Ver, waS a irea-. Tii. larget tien o! the bustua-e saections o1 the foin ever in cinctiation was proba-- city shortly *fter 12 o'clook Thuri- 1hI> Ve ld Engiiah £,s piç4>e. "eY unoniag A cenfiselon In tihe - nemes led ti. rgdoacosd- ablIe distance out.c4 itw, 'vYanyd-K seme ûfveor tên minute. 'vat," 4in M -E N 't rut.ti. extli-a rus R E W r were re"Cuodfi-oea tii. buraingý - 1 1 ý, ýe_ 1 buildng yla'dd'r., but w ne u. Grav amu Ure afg,,uue 55WTlm. inerne,n t4Ii. latteelois 1.la Solder Sud fuitll 'qle, CORPORATION, LiMlITEDf AngryDiner; "Waler, you are L ONO - TONONTO, CANADA ne fit te- erve a. pig." Waiter : "I s am doing-anyb., r" tb.at Leader eci o~in te Home ile îu Ila1nd. TIVO- BA4NlifliS ARRESTED. Irominent Ncw York Men Indicted For GraaLareeny. A dimpatvl from New York mye; Henry Siegel. iiead ef.departmnent store enterpriseï4u New York, Bous- ton a-ad Chicago,aud Frank E. Vo- gel, bispartner, were indicted by the 'Grand Juryý tomday *for grand iaroeay sud violations of thebank- iug -iews in connection with the management oif Vite Henry Siegel& Co. private bank. Tht-e, iudictmneuts were- foînd against- Siegel a-ad Vogel jecintly. Warrants were issued imînediately for their arrest., One indictmnent charges thati they comlmittod grand larceny in borrowing $25,000 f rom t-ho National Bank o! Commerce by making fa-lsc represeatations as te the. fl-aucial standing c!ttM Siegel enterprises. The other twe indiet- menti allege that the Siegel bauk aepted -ceposits wiieu ties. in charge knew that.the lank was in- GEO* WIESTINGHfO USE DEA». Re IVas Dent Raown as the Inven- ton eoftthe Air BraIse. A desptch froni New York sa-y. Oeo. Westinghouse <ied suddeuly her. Thur*d.y afternoeu. Mr. Westiughouae wss 08 y.s.rs obd, and waa - perhaps best- known as the, iaventor ef tihe air brake which bears his na-me sud which rev-lutioaized railroading in this country, Tihe air brako wliich lie inveuted isu"ethroughout the. civilize.d wcîi-l, -and in alineet every part cf the globe there are grcat 1 planta whieh he foîîaded. Mr. Westinglioum feinded ia-ny manufacturiug cormpaniea& in ths country, Ci.land suad abroad. In the Westînghouse industries sntme 50,000 pensons are empl>oyed, anîd the many companies bave a capitali- zation aggregating $1200,000,000. NO'T .1 MIRACLE .lust Plainm Causfe andl Effet-t. There are &ome quit-e rernarkable tbings hîappeninig every day. which seoinm ctniauus Some persu'r- would nelt heiieve titat a mran; egjuld suifer fruîn ccffee<, Jninkiîîg s4, sevenely as tO cause spells o! inconscicusnes. ,%tîd L find relief in changing fri-on ccffee- te Posturn is weillworth r1ri-Jring. Tes. aise conta-inacaffeîiîe, t'-esa-me injuiiurdnu-tg fotnd in coffce. "I îîved te be a great cciTt-t- drinker, se u nuit-l that iLwa killing me b3-jicites. My beart be- catue se weak'I wouid fa-Il and lis unconsqci4-us for an hicur a-t a- lime. "My friehîd:,4. anad even fLIe'iltor.) t44 ruc it w-le tdirhî,kiuîg co.ffc»e t'i-t ('lLiiu4'dthétueti'otîll. I ýuu]4 114t beliiv-se it, and i-tili Jrank eoffee un- til 1 til! nt isave -m rSin, §rtt>p C-0 i.TI, Silie four n< '4 ff a-at beti ni'tin prover -Nas Ce, - Thepi &bout' Jiote KArppNiÉuS PROU ALL'Ol TRE GLOBE IN à I4UTSBELL. Canaile, Cth. Empire and flhe W- lu General ]RefeafIont Canadas John Atkiuaon , a fermer, near Tîl.sonbûrg, was found lîangin'g by i wif-e. Guelphi uçeda-sa larger collegiate instituto. , Se-s'en -a-i-ed -nen fret Washing- ton territory robbed the Royal Bak a-t Abbottaford, B.C. F., T. Cromwell, a mining ma-n from Vancouver, B.C., disa-ppeared in Sonora, Mex,, laut December, according te lii wife. Baya-rd Baker, aged 64, cf Gil- mour, eut bis- thrca-t wlîile visiting relatives etlBeýIlv-ille. The Ont.ario, Goverament effers $25,000 rete-ard for th. diiscovery of -radium in commercial quantity. Farmera arc alre.ady -eut on the land in Alberta. Many have been seen &loug the. MacLeod-Calgary liii. of the C.P.Rt. workin.g with their harrmws.- - The High Cost o! L1ýing Commis- sion, a-t the preaeat rate cf investi- gation, will take mauy inonths te finish ifis work a-ad present ils re- port to the Governinent. The combiued ports of Portb Ar- thtir a-ad Fort William, with ship- monts cf 203,328,129 bushels of grain in the navigation year of 1913, lead a-lb ports ou the cotMnent of Ainerica in grain shipuients. Great Britain. Lord Emmett at ameeting in lIoa- doit sa-id there was ne general desire in the dominions for 0108cr organie King George preseated silver me- SA&i& to 232 olfioers sud mon ienothe. fleet o! ate4uners tha1t asisted in the. work of rescue when the Vol- turne was bueued at sea. The Boa-rd of Trade preaented the ssiI-e-i- with $3,000 in cash and gave a set of plate te eaeh csoptain. United States. The. proposed &tendinent te the constitution, which would give wo- mien tue riglit to vote,,- psssed the Mamua-hu.ettss tate Sonate by a vote cf 32 teO 2. The New York Appeal Court fias upheld the claim o! tho l&t. Rev. H. B. Goodwin fer royalties f rom the Ba-tman Kodak C-o., ais being tho 1 inventor of photographie films. Generail. A million dollar Aire is ejotda Cuba, Honduras. ' pote a Pierre Delbet, o!fIthe su rgical elinic of the U1niversity of Parisi, lba communicatced to the Academy o! MedicitE> a report on bis- diîucvery o! the feasibility of grafting india rubber on living tissue. BITISII AVIATORS EILîLEI). Double' Aprial Truugeily Ove,- Salis, biîiry Plain. A despatch !rum Saliî.Iiuu-, Eng,. rsays : Twc nmure cAlte i's -nithe Bri- tish mrmy fiyincrp4 sîýere killeil liere wlien thwr a-ei-nîlarîe col- lapsed. edpt. C. R. W. Allen, of tîte Welf4lu Régiment, andJ iitL. J. E. U. Burroughîs, of the Wiltshire Hegimeîît, w-hile flyiîig over tlie ntilit.nry a-erodrouîie oui Salisbury Plain, wero iîuried iti. egroîund f rom a high altitude -owing Wte'tie The cause c! the accident sas the- bre-ukin cftut- niddpi' bar' of a <lo-enînn---bii lipla-ne pilobed by (ngpb, Allen, wh4o wan carrying Lieut. Ruirruuglîs as a pas!eiger,. u-fee sud try Pestlltlu. Aft'eu- -idM 'lgit ieMhlelllii hesitatiopi1Ir4)ncilide4 lto tu-ry teh,.tigî ieWit 'at l ea-segîtin-i -o lfh Matches, 4bn ibave ha-c but few cf A Jespatcltf rîîn Qu-ebe svs spell»,, nne for iuumre thlan TIje- f-u-> s'-od on a!-iilirs ontbs.Morimette. uf Sc. Evaniste. Ii'a-ueo co»,l bette-r, sioepliettc i, >and<1 Onty, mtlae.horrible ,Jeatllat tter -e-ney way. I1t114)w, diuuik MiietS--to.neai- St. Geornge. ýg bu-t Pdo-etîum a-nd 1-ouch n" Beatie. The ' l- fellow fournicia. .and a, 1 a-ni eeventy >-eau-s 'tf lî'xf nt-is.uuda-amurg Il m fnend -tirî 11 in-1himaplf with thriî. whîei .las ciothe% rent quit-e reiinankablp. - caugiit fine. Rie wakk tei-ibly buinî ie given by C'anadian Pvistîurn eJ and <ied twelve houri later, M1ndsor, Ont. Write for a-_ _____ of the fnmoue Bis l book, TRINGS BRÎD P>oad to Wellvllle." TRIIGS1 U-D clan Pos um - in tise on .OnIy a Few of M00Boys SUst-hlned lu> anad 250 packgsInue. ant POItu-jI >*solubelle pcw- - A dospateis, fui= e-mLdontayot Au teuppoonful-dissoves qukck- The tsnig on Wlle ey, -01 P, Qup f lo waer a&ï iththse lait o! Engi4nd'. old-timo wood, &and snga, makes a, deliejeus en w-Mie ~ burmed AÙ Siids ff. lnhtantly,, 00e a-ad SOcliarbcpr. Only a a fW 01 tîlre.-ê hundred boy-@ on boa-id ae Ain cost per cup o! bothkIdnda ià jured. Onteo! tise la-ds inde a ams thO. en.. thui-ogis tise mmke a-ad rescued the et-e's -à Reason".fo>r Posf"ni. Captaia's bab. .peu'feet discipline - -,-o-d by Gi-ocers. ilaoue preveut-ed au-terrbl 'diaaster, 'A deopotc# Womn Montrealsa; fiedby telephone. 'The thréeMen "à -n4~abo oraid. carried etoera, Ithe 9ote.des - Neiges station-bi4u ,o Uee aii ale w cenfs l; rh>-e4amn cfty' during Vihe early hours cf BOîîrdo à -and 'Guyon, ia (1(>fl4-h1 Thursday m-criug, dev-eloped into a ions, jappeuretion eithe-,Bie of <'e 6Lrevolv-er battie between' the four leh.Tle.occupants,--ludden -up- rebbere, Who wero beung drivçn-,ýa der ri.ctmne firingý ra-pidIlr a aleigh end thre eonstables, who at tlie c,ùnStabIes Who, hardly &.ati- on foot ha.d -teMPte their Cap- cipating t*.e onislausht' -we-iebàyi-g ou.1 reelurd4 itto-onstable Honi- ing on, -t)the aleigh. -Bourdon Wa ore flurdon 36, arrie , ad, armed, but he had not t;me-to pil a-nd Conetable AUuît t uyon, 22, hLs îq e'v4lveî- bMore hie fel, 'wlth single, is dying. The t hird office"-'iir-c"p,. tîo ig ie.3bod?, - Briza>rd, waf; lleky to dodgr' tît Sr- -ilsGuyo4n nmàlyiu-ht fusiladce. -The robbers, altitouglihmume-lrmL- le uSleigh and a-ei7ncd V'ER t<hy-W ere siglited Luy a turapike ont- of the nîurdem-ers by the -neec,- ma-n and <ethers, and althtougit they only- tu bc shot himieel! at-point- aba-udoned -their hlcod-besîîattei-ed hlank range. The î'oblfi'*s br skleigh on oe eof the main stieets -of him 'nuL c(-f t1ue eleiglu and drove Qil. the city, got ca-r a-way, whilsîtuCe third Constable'. Wlo bad The robbers were suî-prii-ed 11 ile be linginjg to t-hoe ade lorld store by a- St. Laurent polieman, lirùse*s litad, einptie-d ie res-ol%-er' and a-Vhoy drove rapidly away ini afLe;'the party9 e Ë kf* Whom, it i-4 their red sbeigh aloug the cotuntry believed,, war, hit. tuyon wag siîhlt road towards Cote des Xeigés the throuzgh t-he'leit lu-ng, cloôse te th-Ca station a-t the latter plac'iai noti- lie-ilrt,% CHiESEJUSWE. dirty cash to Mt-?1 Payeglit, mi-ira - - for your bad manner. 1101Y Ibe Preet Dilioveréil ýhP '1bc imaiput thbem1i-ney, ntflie Xîtu Wholetwjel oLtbaeword., Mat Wh Soletl~~1n~y- "1#ey," cried the prefect , 't.11i One aummer aiternocon a youn,,g coins, aré ais>ý eo.vered wi£Ïb grea.P! girl paused in the street of ChuCan- J~ gi nsÙjhela. to pay l'tiirt.y chow, where a shab acholar sat _money into ceurt. Turn.utt ail tii readingito a group cf idiers out4ide m<,ncv :ou have. There are !ture+ the prefect's ya.men. She fiIEd sold to 1bpS,)me dean Co(inls amolig t'le ber last dougfrnut, and the day' s nînber' earnin.gs Iay lW her enipty ba,ýket. The attendarts c emptt,1 il- hefrý1- Some one noticied how absorbod she lw pees rd on ilL~ ' was, runs the story in Chamtters's cis Journal; a Jeft hand nioved lightly, Hy. nrîîety-tw'î cash, al.,î and the iuoney diz-appeare-d fruni wvith tie mi, tee;î alrf-ad1v j:,,*,.'i i the baske. fines,yniaki. ýone lîîîîîdreà iuad -gt.1t W'hen the story -came te an end, -ý,',ct &y d j amoit t uliby tlîi the girl awoke from he@r reain t-o littie gil [[Hw <lu *yutî l accuI ii ;r find that the precious pile icf cash Vhat wae gone, kSue spoke of ber loms be .,lit is, just the Sumi n hd i îmy the Peoýle whio st-ood near, and, pooket.' with the callousneis of a Chîiese - V1îere <1-L! yoli get the Cafilî crowd, they Iaughed. At tlîat rrnn- "I got thitti frontinllSIiiii tii ment the prefect came -out cf the %strCpt ini exelLalgp for a ten-ent, y'amen, noticed blle chi!d's grief, rjiece. Hoe îst have givenIll andi inquired -the ca-use ifi lier trou- gr-eaýy roîe, ble. Re~ waifed .Patiently' wile the "O at once and] fet-li that nvm'î. girl told lier tale betwee,î ti-bs. 1-IN-il] Pend ai ruplier wiili yotu Vi M-antiine a cr<oWd' had coillected, Ibrixîg hiini inrto court." and the prefect gave orders t1iat the Vhe rnstai%,a in the nihnbt girl bo taken 'toi the justice limil,. h1e lhad to take oe tfie rePresenl- that -the eaue might be trie-J. Wh2n iativv 4f the enh!Jerctr, witîh hsfore- the. people saw him re-enter, tht-y hrad ,fli pun the Pavement, n trooped in alter dîim, and et-en Said notlîing. idiers crowded into the gre-at yamien -Y<, t,'djk t-iîn<î iine 'v froni t1ile to aiee thle fun. clhîidl,' 'enat on tfue rîrefect. '"Lt -i' The examination camhe tu) an rind covered %vit1 greatu e, ber,411se -slit without throwing any frerli Iflit. c->uinted< it. atter îîan'li-r e Itev ipc-n the theft, and some iuf tie iy- douiglinitas. Sliu l-ust 'îîei'îvl standers began te laugli. His ex- anid ciglit cashi, exaetlY tiw egl"ék Celleney spoki a word t4. tli, ' Um- (liat wa:î in iytir ptneket whluyî dants, and the great Jors 4if the entelred the yaînen. You are, Ii(- yamen coe with a clat.ter. -Such t iief:- a breach 0f etiquetUe iuit be Pull- jA honi of alipr<val sp rea ci1tl rug ished," said the prefeot, zpeakiîîg itht crowd-'d court. M'as ei-er jlg îslowly -ànd with emupham-if. 'flwh li su i) WY ,aïhi$ excellerîcv, whvî knewP. persen shaiI pay a fine of eight cash hil',Oî kw to attraet U .t";i vwie,- before he leaves the court,.' t4e ki-id or People Àlatifft lig wh"înthe As the fit-st man lai his cash, lp~ sslikv1y ro 1J> faund. nd upon thle table, the prýefcct'seee-. bus lu -i,iîgle e<lit Ii1ê thief wl,..', h.aif-sd, haif-tolerattan-ci kitnd.iy <oct'lie bdiwi i iwiti i lu s put'or? -sc&nned his face. Then, u te A t ilt, înoney lia-cl lit-en cou '-il- surprise of everYbody, the gre>t eM. tlîe pr-et Isîddif (îP 10 4 mian carefully counted tt-irî t.!,e tîcf.ni1Uing ehi!-J. %0oiceft. iiic' wlth hi, own fingers. . The hrown court- in care vf a, stout atteiint. heaps of nioney inere"sed. and _pre- ... sen-tly a xnean-looking feiiow <arn. up end paid hi% fine, luis cxt-celirîwv Pelre nAîe"uîhercA I' counted the coins. "lThis mont-y is irîarripgf reg iebiai u-- covered with grease," he uNi. jj l, LIIexh1ji hiîit_1. ,jlle rt'ntivJ.s Itlie "What right have yott to bii g p rice ni rk. WAJER POLLUTION IN LAKES Sewage and Vessel Refuse tuie Cliief Cau;es of t1hc Impure Conc1iticný A deispat-i froni Detroit cave : 'fhî(' ' St fIj jr. 1i>-troit Ilivr. N:î InternaLionial Joint mrîtu ir.hihî<i'fiak-O t4eiision here officia.lIy rt-ceii. cd ild>k l .lWtc'i~rt . iIs j>1 :t -t. v il Ih' i. ' i biglied the report of sanitarv cx- ,t :î' ds f1r m14t-,i arl -.u perts whio made out oîicle ni-4 iiill îkee. a.îîîinationil,-o! 30,000 Samnplt-i-4 ir w»- 1 l';-, r-J.i î -"~ ~ id ter taken from as ziiîaly places ahîîîuc buît thi î' i-tll f th- wk d tlt thîe 2),Q0milè ff -fwaterways conî- lit îiuuî jreurard îuh' JI ut 1prising tite Grirat Lakes and con1it- tsîîut Atif til t!~ ~oi -kA nect-ing rivers. The reports.. jT-s.-.u hall sill!Il- b, fvî.l's t-he Detroit Hiver ie; thiist jîi- trrluîî#ly f<îr il, and f liie t iuif iuted stream in thbe entiro chîaiîî. f im tî4nsiîn~ oi feld -in i W»eh- 'Acc-ording to the report sigtîî-d iuîgton'ntîr-il 7. will he fort' t lîe'îtr-ý by tit i onmistion to-dlay, se- finuînd 1p.os>' !-4f f.,initilatiig a plan (if aui- the rsollittion starti u f fir IUack as ltainy Rive2-," &aid Clhairman Trsw- S<-w.lge andstemt..trct- are ng.ý to-Dilit. '*Tkç wt' ofrigwe"'àN '11liIt îrhiîilal i-al~i*rmcifPil. ?iarys' Rivier, St. Claiir River. Lakef- Iýii. - The Wond'erful Spring Tonic If you have had s hard -,t:iter, Na-Dru-Go Tastcess Prepsraîion'lof Cod Lie-en OLi will heLp you to Tecuperate- quickly and ivoid the coughs andi ooldsso préyaient duiriuig tii he nebe ptgweaîher. la Iblo prop ratig. 0onur!jlve anid c rti oporti. cf 1'h. bit *4orwegiewa-- Co - Liver 0it are .oombiu.dwi.1 Kpoiophts Cbt",y 13ik and Malt Exiract ln - afrm t.ti. oCaellyplssant to take, a$iW* ti tod ceen" by the lh us #lis gi-est objectionî je Cod- Li-ier 011 ta removed sndievery oee wtio la rua down'or suffcrnît rom- tirret or lung troublés cia ta-ke - mdvantagseof bts uffique medicfiiil and sîreéngthenuîg uaiýiSa Add to tlis th$ gT ueH os-hes phites, tümsmet er-&ýTal< anti th. lae-Igoratiag'Malt Extra-ct,, antid you have probibly the'lhzuest fod- feule known9 - 'et ý goc. or $.00 bottlefrou yoîr Druggt*t. -314 -t s -p -F -3 s-

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