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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Mar 1914, p. 4

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R~IrnoIufeI7 ~~ti$oIy ho.. ni îy mrixtures' are offered, a& ;titutes fer Royal. Nol.other isig powder is 'the same ln position or effectiVeness, or wholesome andecomai wiI make such fine food@ Royal le thé only Bakinî! Powder made frow Royal Grapo Cream of. Tartar j 'farmlag, everythlag will be .014 dît u~cion aIe wlthout reserve. Sale et 12.30 o'clock sharp. p4d Durham cattiIeý, orees,I Terme of sale--Ray, -grain , roots. p ap d iùxpl.eI, * "pigé,fat cattie,' poultryfurniture, ud bau reoeived lustruotUo.a Md aRU uniS0f $10 a"d unda, cash -î OARUiUTHERS, Loti ,,over that amouet Oevun mnthe' PkiSk « gTownship tg- çredl t on furnlsbing approvedl joint bd) 8, miil"e weet of Wihftby, mo1t... Pive per cent. per, anum al- q publie -abUiIo a îTUES&- Iowdfor cauh. IÂR~1I81,lb folow.g W. B. Powell Mid Wi.. w, Ruc- prputt* l i.iloneers. ~v* yrB, erch.rox oky OÂTTI1E.' BANK' CLERbS VS' GAZETTE eow, Durham, 8 yoare, de AND CHIRONICLE STAFF., 1 r ros çpow, Durham,ou OR Thurday night of lait week the r« Niov. 1 ; I ted cow,.Ut- Gazetite and Chroniole staff meaaured *eu, bred Marck 12 ; 1 om ams at hockey with the local Bank erham, due April ; 1 k IClerku, and il prored 10 be a very 10 ; 1 Du±hsm 00w, farrow, classy -clash. The: score harmonized irrow, 5 years ; 1 fat eteer, with th following muic-Clerks 3, ,0 aiee, rislng 8 - yeanes Gazete2 year ,- sietenisig ~ The lune-up was as-followe: yesnlngeter; 3aleta, -Banik Clerks.-G'oal, Leslie r, pit y"r ; 4 beifers, riisig L Ao Jubb ;' cover, Avery ; centre, Mil- esîvea, 2 montlxa old. lier ; rover, Cormack ; right wing, C. SJIEEF.ý Bradley; lefI -wing, Rey. John Rose. ghbire ewveu, aupposed tô be Ga:bvttf- Goal, W. Augutuae; 4 Cotàwol4 eweu, 8 -ewe1 point ,King;j#covur, oodfellQw; OSn. ~hrpahres 4 Cotewolid tre, R. Augutun ; rover, Pegau ; r. I , wiug, SharkeT Roe,, . wing, Pol-. a BrOOu Sow, wlth Pise ; 8 m* old ; pig, 4 weeks qw ; 2 brood uows. - FOWL. t<umber-f olty ]Uji ê,MCormick, O t. k mower, Derring, 4e 1k, go; luse rake 1 hay, tedder, Dée brk, new ; i seed driil, Masse; 98,12 hoe.; B i ng tooth i fr,LDeering ; 1i dsc barrow sler ; 1 piow, Wlkinson, N( Iwiu plow ; i scuiler ; 2 set frrow& ;1 root pulper, Dick; iales, Wilson, 2,000 Ibo.; 1i mi11 Chaiham ai aidhorse p ,' utthg be; 1 geared jai' umblng rods ; i -hleelbarro% sVered phaCton %ý 1 cÃ"Vcred b : work bench 'i farr wagon r obslelgbs;y' i hay ;ack; i M*, conwlete, %nearly, 1new; -1 ,ack ; 1 creain separîtor, BIt wljThe gaine was-a whlrlwind affair frpm A to finish. The Gazette,ýY ~apprently "went tb press'" -hue op- posinsg forces ,- b lhe wall n ght off lbe. bat, but tbVT found "mu et a sMffeent "type" to UliemepeeWe Od; for Ibme Baniceu wmre ialurally ann,8strong ou the "check" iHa- The tee was fast andtheIm pleyers cultiva' f aster. Avery, lhe man froin Cobalt, i laid bit sucb a, clip at limes Ibat it 15 o. 71r'1 salit he had te skate sideways bo t iron keep frein flying. ; 'l st Two shots were scored during the f anlng period la whicb W. Augustus was power ;holding a litile conversation wltuhlte ck goal umpire about thé f niks doWvn1 w; 1 -ho)me ai Hayrack Hcloew. buggy ; At hait tlne it is ciaimed hat one 1 set cf te Gazette playera rmade an en- 'Wagon deavor to "dix" thç refoee, -but Ibat - stock worlhy -officiai belng strictly houent ue Bell; and above bourd. bis attempt to corý- 2 4ozen bage.rupt proceedings proved a MOSt ru HARNSS.liant failure. Our local ýreferees have, Set team haruie.ss with top collars,,t oo much "'sense" to aflow dollars net! farin barneas, set single h urness, - to sway thefr deciions. 4 horse collars and four blankèts, 2- Goodfellow and Jubb came togethi- lInder chalna, 4 logging chains, 2 er and got tangled up with the boards n ets double trees andI teck yokes. once or twice and the result was a 1tos FoMwaIi gash lun Jubb'% wvng which put a 14tos lnxed hay, 2 bons timothy stop to a great deal cf bis higb fly- * Iay, quantity fodder corn, qtuntIty ing «Il the finish cf the battle. mangels and tý-urnipa, 150 bushels of King andi Bradley Sotl mb a little mnlxed grain, 400 buîbeli Oatg.. wregillng mïatch,' and Il was feared 1HOUISEHCYID EFCT. -for a while blini tie game would -be coVotng rangP, SouIvenir i bMM turned frein hockey te an amateur atove, 1 aewhxg machlue, Raymond; rljmouatration of a reproduction osf laIngc. e'<tn8Ion 'tahle, walnît. thp t'-ackinsçchmldt-('Oech totîrnanient As Mr. Carrîitbcrs bas-given up held some turne ago. Farms- For Sale UpwArds 6f forty farine froin 25 acres up, and at from $5au acre, guaranteed tu show satisfactory resuits from investruent, located ia Whitby and Pickering Townships. Every conceivable requirement of soil, buildings, orchard and other itapro vements cau~ be met in the varied list off ered. je E.WINN, Bell phonei 109. -WI-ITBY P. 6. Box 39 IeiecDundas St. West. The Gratest, I-ind Shos BARG-AUNS r EvCp"Offeped 1' SoeStor& làh. WitLy Oht. PLon. 151i ~-Ift5f. Mesdames Ruddy, 1Byers, Cameron, ach gave a short ttik relative lu the work in their various branches. Very excllent papers were rosit by Mrs. Grahami, of Shiîley, ou 'tiiow the girls may caru nîuuney at home other than by mans of butter andi eggs ' Maay helpfui suggesbioasi were given. Mliss MeKenrie, Colûrubus, on "Our 1)1114 to our Neighbr," nit Mrs. _N. White, ilrooklin, on "llow to Keepq Young " Ir.. Fred Hoifidai>, a rend- ing ; Ars;, Kerr, of Pickering - aise' contributed to Ille pleasure of te audience -by a rcadinig, and Aliss Ali- -xme Whmuley concîudet i te programme ýw!h au n iterebiîg ala ,u labiruçt- iv-e paper on -thé %-aint, whose mme-n ory 15 dear to aiu lreland, rzin Patrick. 1 Miss M. V. Powell, Departnîent re- preseutatlve reporited on tihe resolu- tion te inedical dental Insp-ctionl, whbicb site bat been asxed tu present loi the Bjoard o! Educaîmon. 'I he' re- port wias not 'vry gratifying tu lte msituie, the Boara having declined tu tlic te auî il, bile iîalncr. 'fli local Presrdeimandi aiea the visit.ing' P-rsienî~tuucidU>uVi~îpn~ an-t matter. The Shirley aud Col- umbus ladies roported fIavinigseceured the signature-of tuhe Schoni 'Trustee lyou-as we feel sure it wI' -Yeu kn ow us--your family druggist. kuow about, nor dare to break a pron we believe it, fo be better- than 'anyo prove1 our faithiii it 'and our sincerit doesn"t- relieve you and in ever wayî belIvo1; the, fund the mouey if you are not > en- THSI TABIERNACLEM. tirely satisfied. Be sure to go to J. Sunlday, Marçib'22.ý E. Willia' drug store, as other stores -ducational Anniversary sermons cannot supply YaU. iie preached both mornlng sud «C".I ng aid at Almendsisnluthe alter- MYRTLE STATION. noon by Rev. A. Manseli Irwin, B. Glad to nom Alf. Langford out once A.; 'B.,D., 'Secretary of the Bay of more. 1 Quinte Confereuce. A collection and There are lots soid for Oive new subscription by envelope lu aid ol dwellings to go up here thus sumnier. 'the educationai work of or churet Aladitin latmDo for sale at J. E . - wiIl be taken at ail the* services. l3eacock & Son's, aIso grataphonea; We are urged to be as liberal as pos- and records. sible, Good music wilI be givén hy lte choira. CAPTURED AN EAGLE. A tew days ago a large Americaný eagle was seen hovering -around the lake shore at l-edenshore Park near l>indar's' Point. It was circling neax the barn as if in search of food, and when Bccu a dog was sent out. The bird, however, seemed unafraid, and was comparatively tanfie, probably on accouat o! huii&er. Mr. Pindar, New Telephone Di reçtory TiV ie l-l elefflimie(ouuqiiîy <of ('an- aila je pourLu .îorIritt a new jeof ut is Offiiciai Telephone Directory for' the I)jpt, jet'oi Cenitrai Ortario, iiieiudisig NN'Iit by. l'ar iesàWilsr, eonteîîîjrlete he- e.omnirrg Snleerihrs or those wigirrg- eliaTiges linLireir jrreserit entry sehorxlt pilace Iheir ordieris wti l lie Local ýIaîîag, er at onice t1<> meutre imnerlion inii ibis ime. Connecting Companiles Should also reéport additions and changes ini tbeir liai of subacribera, eiher to the Local Manager, or direcitoe he Advertia- ing snd. Directory Departînent, Montreal. J Citamberla in eineC0. Quit Do sing ~ Your. Children vwitb strcng Catharc- 'hamberlai n's Taiteta are.- Mtost effective In regula- ling stomach trouâbles and con- stipation for ttc littie folk-oue, e tablet going to bed mens a ft!uuy face iW theInorniug. P1hC919ant Io take, they fneyer fail, j 25c« a boule. ]Druiggists andi dealers or b>' mail. 1loard of IUeallb ani touneil, andI.È> i mauch anieresti s bffng iaieu a inte DET work, and to have th. women cf this Orgaazat,îon realîse that soînethinS required tb he danc,. - nas Ihal l -- will bo accomplishéd.. VIOTORIAN ORDElI 0F NURSES. 'The sociable hour was a most en- On Fla wek te h nsn, joyable leature o! the ai lernoon. Mihees Doaaldson, Fletcher and Au- the tafternoon train brougbt - froun 01- a.5 i ~tawà Miss Pressly, tbe nurse -for bhe ihaving tedcrto ncharge, rélîyognzt btyCalro a plesligresut. le Vietorlan Order. One of the attractive fuatures wus The committee o! ladies- met theie a demozstralion table, preparoti by 'nurse at tIe. Institue zooms, con,- Mr&- 00o. Rice. CUees were laid, imn e ponmnad le for six. Streamers rai from tbe' cen- theirmin erapotin ett mtn g ale tri or lhe table tote i0cU cornIers, ewusine,'essoea et lb.0metn where they termlnaloetiby dasaty wi4bS 'ig q a o! w te s bows. lu the. centre was placeti a wbP bcmlgaculne wh Ms basket o! wite and green carnations As the arrangements for aPernm- aid <orna. Theo serviettes were also ont neuîdmc for Ibm nurse bad nol OMbleMatlc, and tie place favors, been compteted, Mns. Laldlaw, theê wmre top bals aid a ' tiny porker.: The Preident O!fIthe WbltbY- ChaPter, cettings - were almoat entirely in took ber te The Grange, wherm s glass. Tic tlny candalabra were ca b reached by telephone No._137 most dainly aid the, bonbons by tbose requlrlng ber services. werO unique indOOd, being miniature Tlred alt1er ber long journey, thl pot8tOes aid other typical emblemi. nurse Was about te retire early,wben .AbOUt One hundr ed' lu ail were Dr. Warren ealled ýfor ber assistance served t thle tables, and the galt- lu a sad case o! a mohber, very sik erlng numbered well up bo 150. qnd iudeed delircus, wbo waa alone. Several memibers were added 10 the with a chiid, the fatlier being away. 1 local branch. During lthe tea hour For three uigbbs the nurse remainedi,,1 Mrs. Frank Rice contînibuleci musical then for seyerai daYs comlug duriug! selections. te day. Her. ministraltn were ai- Mis. liuddy, Fickening's Presidenl, g0 given to a patient of Dr. Evans, vclced the thanica cf the vîitors. antd also ini other cases reqtiiriug al - nurse'snSOIl. WONDERFUL IIAIR. A day of partial respite was foi- I Clean and free frein dandruif andi iowed by a cali frein Dr. Precler, to pesaeslng allte radiauce of per-!- one suddeniy bakèn iii wibb pneu- teet hair. This is. just what Sageine meula, where Ihere lg a prospect of a ýmeans bobitose Wbo suier wibb it-h-- number cf nikhbs anti days cf cou- ing scalp, dandruif, conneé, dry or,- slanl nursing. - common looking huir. Sageine is; So it wiil prohably go on, but -il- uew lite te' tudeti, unatîractive hair. Tready thbecVîctorian Ordet bas Sageine feeds the bair roots wibh he b re-to be a vcry great'boon to necessary- food'- 1cr prcînoîing a'acterai fdmfles wbc will doubtis beaithy growth. Sagelne is bbcehics tbc many ipeoipl liti Whlbby, daiutiest tonte you coulti wish for iwho supported thbb procot. and sub- It is not a dye andtislanot sticky or;- scnibed te bbce.fundis o! bbec Order. greasy- A large shaker-top. hettle Costaýn Son5c -anti M... ..E. .viiiiiistr'Durnt r NéIl. o! Tôrônto,spent giv. bs prsnal guarinulmo' r.- Sunday st te home of - bs patents, twcedd . êevenftrg I. Tii. Doinlfon Ilank"certaIl muen'tl be a very aggressive lnstitullon,since Milner . Proved to be -l.-"B3a d Joe Hall" Of the gaine, -and Jubb was the original axeman. The victory of the banceàr's là re al- lyý due b :Goaltender Lesile's uniformn and feel, which occupied mrost o!thie space between, the' goalposta. EHé bas had tb have part of one of hi s feet removed since the gaine. There, was to. have been another act staged, thîs , week, but 111e contest-, ants wlll have to arrange, for a Can0, kegatta or a. gaineof watet polo f-' ChueY expect to use th1e Arena any more before the 24th of May,', Whitby Juniors played ln Bo*man- 'Ville On Wednesday nlght. lait. Their opponents Wêre a. teain of" junilor& froin that town, and tb. final- $cote. was 83 Women's Institute 'Branch Entertains. The Whitby Brancb of the Wome Iasttute h"d the.pleasure o! esit- taining the Pickering branch andalo represenatives, from BirooUna, C*l- uznbus and Sbfnley branches -to a St. Patrick'& aftennoon ' on 'luesday. The. galhering was held la the Town f H*, a"d a mnost iaterestiDg and enjoyable lime was spent. Memuers of the lo- ca braach were distiagthsghed by the. unilorin white shirt waist and, greSu M.. The visiting branches contributied the programme. Pickering visilors aumbered -two score or more. Shir- ley branch, '1the youngest in the d&s- trict, boanored the. gatikoricg witii soi" en represenlatlves. Jrooklin and Colunibus aloo were ably represented. Th Ti.Presideat of th. local uranch, Mr&: G. A. Roisa, presidedin lhler us- ilil able manner,- and sealed with ber wee th. Presidents of the viuit4ng branches, Mrs. Ruddy, of Pickeringf Mni (ameron, ColumbusaP, Mra. Bys ers, Shirely ; Mrs. DeHart, Brookin ; and lir. J. Fletchere Moi,-Preg. of Whtby. brahch. Af 1er opening wi'tb devotional exorcises, lb. Presideni weicomed the. guesta ln a few well- chosen words, and then'cahled upon Miss Fraukie Joncs, o!fkickering, for a musical number,. which was mucb now en exhibition 1l*unM. W. -CoUilas shôe dtore. It wllremalit tui for ten -days and wli then be *biea te , a Museumn. The Bell -Telephone Company Are YOD Lookîng for, a, Change __ICna- 0f CanadaThis'i-s the time of year you wat REAL ESTATE soething else._ FRANK E. JONES' LIST. Several bouses and building lots fer sale in Whitby. Pari for sale in the Towushlp ot Whltby and Pickering. GLEN DHU- -209 acres. A good 'stock,, grain and fruit. farm near Whtby. 16 acres orchaird; good building. and a good farIùn ai a res- sonable prîce. Apply t10 FRANK E. JONES. WIIITBY. S rART. RIGÉ~T 1 amme teryitaîpo Lhschool vu attend, and t. aI it- t-IrrtYu r iht- LLIOT Toronto, Ont. bas a recc giniztd stndint 1er auperla busiress irainirir nd for asmietîng qtu dt!litmto pond Pui.ditîoîm1. Al %usiniegs ecll-oit ait I nL a.iîle. Write Ls.day for Dur litrgt ,te aaiue andeth e madvàn- aigri 4h'. lu >1t.Oeajyear. Dier ary tinte. Cor. Votixe and I W* . hliBou, Alezafder tst. Pici Table syrup, ecaandrdice, M- Z 15 30e tin. Maple compound, th.is is good, large special Uin 2Sc Marnialade for breakfast, 15c, 18c. and -30c jat. Jams, in glass, - JOce,0Q ,and, 39C# Table jellys, ail flavors, -3fr2e Oranges are cheap now, large sizes 30c, 40ë, Soc dot. FRESII LETTUCE DA,1LY Marmalade Oranges, large:size, - 25e dozen,.- P15H DAILY A]] kinds, ft!sh and smoked.. We stand behind out goods, try us., Jno. E. WATERIiOUSEý WHITBY Phoneo1il f Promjyt isfy you- if youlet u Your optical work. u need good àIasses, we1 thern. Sec us abo' eyes and iniprove. yoi Frices always modori BASSETT' S. best m'eu w DW- They're 8ood, Dlays Arc Dangfrous- Tou RI;sk N o 1ma11Dyaeao Tblta 1 uilie I Doa't negleet ladijt àn, f i».r- Oiwlinns ebv yuueRrh te thr igrdiets ootan Pp~ ai I quentlylI" te ail aorte o!iii.anA Coin- DUYýsýppsTabet!etrely-7toe M Bismthtwogret etWve aid sa b I pltions. ii. pain and diomfoit le proes oui faili thein. . lw th.e en re mdca reim Jiy not the MMst ifrtmt. p,&t. The ladt, si hi bsWAy# n'lý labcam sOokthe i.m maad tsaoh hekti. that whes the utomach asmotati we know that tii.y have getybn herb M danA iete atimulaI a right, the materia needed te impairtii. efted scores of: sufferrs10 wo helthy meoetouof! 6.ggM=r sio~ wstee thâtat srê?esmtaay t&king plac e have aold thei. ' Therea ne red aid in ripid and emufortable ~s i n lthe. body isn t-being given toei.blood tape about our-guarantee. l mins o! thei fécil and beL tquickly -couvert citlner in the proper condition or fast just what ilIly . 'l ak,0u 1ce ilbu. ci edbled aAtimreby huto eMgi sftme serioas. N.thing quetioaYou eea iga anybng I"e , anad muscle. Theq Yreee wil aem ore Irêne than au unhewsty Yourword iacnough for us. We know atomainditreu pron iptyanuaed stomach. Tii. ý>ues, debility, Iackof that when they hol you yosi Wiil On-i Sregulaely for a short tisaé, tRton re- - trength ae=eg constiain bil- aider itrnoney w4ll apent even if tbeey store the stoumh to a csnfortable, tomaese, h dace erao ther hdcoat you ten firnes as mach. If the-Yi easy-.ctug, healthy state. Tlsy aid serlous ailments'resuit froux the failure don't-help you. the. money you :paifor greatly to promote iegalar bo e" cio. o!fI the mah to properly do'ita work. hei l yours, snd we wantyou to haveiLi, "Y QIYE YOUR SON à .WATCH NEj h WILL 51E PRGUD TO SHOW. Yoursn or daughîer wilI ' fe very proud of the ahYuun > je uiekeen thno ie n-i thair ap- they are prod of iès Ibigli ehlicieiipy as a n- Cote in aad Ict inisll"w- muade haif an Ilick asnithe eîiiary walclî wliheut redueîig aize aud sîreiigib a( nioreenstpartse; iuw wi:h tiisbeautiful Luit;- nsa was *corubizîmd the higheaî acctfraey and ditra- bilil,; sud why jon * slaonl gicei your sou ibis wa!tcb for hia Iife'9 ime- Pricea: $10 tct $250.- VrHITeY ONTr. Alcoholie liquor niadê in Athe d IMery, hrecry and wiriery wan&s( ixk the salo.on armi liquor tores,i strovs cliaracter, ll, happinc: efficient-y , wealth, will,- producti power, tbusiness, homes; i-UV(e, and imîhortal souIs. i t- producesdiunkardls, cri mina paupers, insane, protligates,< orpha ganiblers,- prostitut.eg-; soirÇ)w, si !,.eriig, ignorance, idieness, want, d order, divorce,- diRease and drath. What good is it? nho t~ieSýlct il ? Ta it right to l1icense anti althorý ilssalWe for money? Wouid you ever vôte to Tjcense Stýl *You- should vote -to prollibitj To VOte t ali.thOri7e -itS Mrlf humanity than lb maint andi tos ît. Keep tOur bands Irre froni 1 Moecm cf men by votinir f0 prohil ifauywhrre in the nation Tlý-Ca1ifi Local Wa irg a -grand bail ivlH be beld inl à 41ailWbhItbYnna, Ai 19, under, Ibe. &spices df7'-the ie ber-Of thm R. C. eburch. JusI arnilveti. A tu I hue (of Inh s'aimes and club -baga, trm c D: w. _Cauiers, o! the KiýgSl ERoad weet, will bolti a dispenu odte on March 1sit. A liaI csf1 jropetty for,. sale appeaurs elsewl --:For spray! ng oulita a"di apra, material at Iowcsb pricés go tb C k-Don'l miss. hunting the fohr-le «japroék.contet- aI 1,.W. îE~vans Vriklay evcning- Marcb,20, 'aI f-Qlbet Irisb gimcIý ant i riai h l SMo. -AdmissiO)n 15e. Bargains in boots .1- o~ - *cloice lot c 2~, '~ 4 00 andi $5.00. va îriv, cvt: là window fer 41AI.Wat M"'. W - lis, -from S2 te 5 od aF March LOtb. IIORY-ICULTI'1 , I N~ I Publie piit-W . c tî x n, h ve -ihosen y-our spring optiont? -fforticuiurai Society memheîc wouid-be members tae notice *0 ie ue for- choosing options jr., succeeded iu cupturing lb alter st.riking It whilie in the Rot o! carry- 1 lug'away a large cow's head. Thie eagle was broughtl4o Whitby, and Io Sold only et the more than 7,000 Rmcsl Stores-the World' Greàteet Drug Store&, an convenlent boxe-thre use;2 0cSO $1MO A.. LUIN, WFTTbY > Ille " 4 1 1 1

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