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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Mar 1914, p. 5

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Atyoso requiriag lower pofà# lit" Djli . i~Ugr~ e4ML1a t8 ache$ May PtI NU t a , à-à aiý p< ý fron. tt tcilti. ftv ý Ouret-of.Toromt4 hve hem' vlaLd4. Dr- .lSla Su d i tlffrene Misingor Sowlng-ý est ÎCA o att Sat -the College tvs_- case to tg ive just the 1I u IgLn ' £ Moay eveling, March Z3rd, ? o om Me bt . Ns Fiiàç*,MtW40 >,b" ut p Iê. tIôniethirig near aeat oerleto <f (Janadian- moving I2dc j have --them, - -and of toýn fer sm ion oth>. vàa bere ciwugl, butpust righte WC' tigres t v hter been vcollected. fer beple edta ý1 Yoï will have a o pportunity, zcf w jî&e&t tak ~eatpaas tt eery. traveîlug acrosa tecontinent trom naçturned te iowal.,c a".AIor~ veesi' Osç ur, lense> Stock ~iâ, aliftzxto Vaiuuêr. (otô li ýO Il coii:ipète aned of the. very trip ouly teft conta.. ~ t betqaiyGreataie of boots and shoas at wili pay you bien tto ifýia2fo-r&- Jas. 4aY ý--i We can thoroughly gat. 1511Colni, i tables ladeL to cal ad. la us Mr. aLtPringiet1 the hlipn isy ruifa 1of ail kind. t. hpa.ns, philipp. .8 Fins,1 ~ T1 &< 1 zsy ouifyo et ue do <ý<> >1~~bofeçpucazzg Iindl o=]1eon a vlisit with his - your oticalwork. Vou .a imachine. Mrs. Albet M9e woimdret - Redgcc lsgs.w aýhlie-yOEI(.t 4 ebd uivoral E ~eedgoodgla~s, e haè M[I~IEl~YOPENNGYou know the Croptaio ~ t eaom them. See us about vu The Minses Scott annourace fhelr -wovek! g,4 b yu PÉIR& opemlng on Thursday, larch SIN G ER bas a again. eyesand mprve yursght 8fâ Lades ae crdialy jnvief.Mr. .and aMr. Walter O'Conaoer and cys ndiprveyorigt a~*LaIE erdalyhi1t'reputation of its c'I ave bTenvisftag wth ib for Frric.. always moderate. BE often lives severa hundred years. Natrr DENT'S I)AIRY. own. merls parenisMr. and Mrs. J. J. * u>iu~ETT8. 'erry ad Chestnut Street, <O'Conor. A protecteu thie wo ycvrn twt akt Pure mM kand -cream sold ln bot-- Mr. and- ds. T. D. Hemerson have1 shield it from thà lmns tics. Bell phone 177. Cleanlines as eurero n a four moàtbs' trip to the Most eséentiai. part of succesul Ce.I Il8on FSgland. 'they left, lael Nový,ember, When trees are sawed toubeNursPoeconils. 1 aadling of'ik Botties 'tlorough- arrivIng bac i ln WW~tby OU MondayI Therefore, thé wood used in r huems epitpnetd lyolase etrefuln; il ho- Photosrapher eeigo ii e& insure it against wear and wab.r oukl ciled before bottling, bot- r .A old7f nII.tlo fies ci.pe4 directly -af te llal-W tb- this week iii. attendance a h in 10 ue an sago ieisrneplc nyu 4< 4 -~~ surisi;proof against dirt or fortagu niai session lofthbbc DOuifýunhjlU CODiI os.I rtesagis ea-anfr tef vrsdo 2 -~ , mtt &. Teaniaywa ate _____________ aaoiTeZm ndan. Tcagain, in the repaire it saves-ad au u cut atebidn j ewy.______________as well as'long ife to the wood -- . TeMise owllanonc here for years, but more recent ' alie BLp M . paick 0<thendr *preing 501501DoR and hie daughtýer had been living in r-m c~St u olwn as o-Brantford-. The tuneral service la ta Theî scond!, trial çIfl à Martin. Gaau bekl thie late residence, 3GÀBLa T I: - M rln en ure00 /tF r " aii -*-- witS.,t*Y Rdte U e C« at 2e Sprîng lawhat wc recommend for aiousemidnuêpitng Or# - A l0OTF~S'>LETIG. ai wil [cave Whitby Junction on ar- Poneetww rne, .owôer, -and Pre s genuvine White Le1 xd fZnpra ooa *IW Y OUR SON fATàCmH E OnTuesday aftcrnoon. luta a ju> rival of the 3.05 p.m. train on Fri- the Ca"e wil ot crneup until noit m ise u-gon aeteefnna ypwru WILL BEPROUD O SHOW ber of thi business men Of tÙ0tOci day, Ilarch 20tk. Interment in Un aion eat atrtefrttil Yenrsnordughtrwil met u. bc ConcilCham e hre ion Cemetcry. Mr. Epplett was The. jury lait November disagroed mahnr-hcobatnofwchrouea feel very. proud- of tige they met Mr. Bcert Smith,, au 1l wdey nwnand repted ln tj. on Gamble'es ee in whiobho vas jf paint that i gets nhdncvrn n watoh ~on givo thenuif t Whitby boy, B 1W , si oeu iWlicO.ty sad deepest sympathy ela orewih 1, dmagtiga oi fnope wearing qule-ad aksite hpsto ln pura isard et %settea. MoSe Jaw. The purpose Of th tededto bis dauahtcr la ber be- to the exteÙit 01 $20 st the 0. p. p,. ~15 5wl 8tema aifco tha' thersi hir &p. etn a odou ln o vmn. camp at Dixio. This, of course, ne. e shl o usletn ooafryu w>caipofawth boostiag Whitby. Mr. Smith out- -cessitated a new trial, wbîeb was or-Leu 1'they .are prnud of À- laed the methode tollowed ln Moose The Ontario Ladies' Quartette are dcred by the Attorney-General', De-- spring painng * "fitylft", itl. beautsyndits Jaw with Buck majcniflcent, reaults, Icoming again. The date la Friday partmient foF the Springé Assizes - ket'per.27Tikt25.ad3..Pn * Conie in and let us.i,.w a <>11 ere mn niier scalî,'of of hall at Allin's drug store opens Mr. Justicé Sutherland, of Toron-, mide haif as blaiek au tigeIs of a "Rooster'.' Club," comprised of a m Don't miss this high-clase con-.JudeMrdt ol ehrbt . P J G 1 aioîdiuary watèbh witthont a wbo wisbed tô boom the té» '. cent he was il! and could net attend. redug cig izeanud atrengtb good deai ot discussion took: ,,, H. H. Dewart,, C.,, amble's ofoluvo'muett partit- how plc, but no definite movement wscusl was nejrsn ihr u writh this beautiful thin- msade. It la to be boped that thb1Cosan noaneeigfIrhhsassttapldfrteajun --- me4WRcmiidtea own w1!! takir nthowever. gamIih'ui n rs ers-hessant applled for t"àhIrshdjouru- ment on the ground that a chief wit -_____ ____ __________________________________ biallez ; uuraatd ilytirs-nmente et the bonis of E. W. P-vansa essof the tderence was ii, and could thouild Rive your baîîi tu (kt sUr PueéB cm tarin. potittry OR FrlGay eventMri Ams net attend the trial If held now. SA FfEC Tl. _watc.for helife's limne- ad iawn fence. '-.-rvthing ln bard-;- n'cm0. ccordingly .Judgc Sutherlanud laid voie.i j w O. I lU. --4- the case ôter until faIt, end Gambie's PriceSI10 to 82ff0. j!r. and Mrs. GUeo. F. Richardson, bail was renowed at n4tneses w r iuely Marcb2O.-Auotion sale oIf arn S 1 ~ a o rE furn Pickereingprty o ONTARIO LADIES' QUARTETrTE. O Iikrnannounce the engage,- A large number: of propenty f +<were'Hve yo u an Grand high cînse concert inth ment of their second daughater,Greeta present, some of them from' a great Mrs. H. Remmer, lot 4, broken front, vaiLUwt hn Tow Hll Whtb, n nidy MachLouise, te, Richard 'John, eldest SOUl distance, and their expenses and tee Pickering. Sale at one a'clock sharp. - 27. Tickets 25c. and 35c. of Mn. and Mns. Richard ioldring, would amouant toi a large, sum for. Wm. Maw, auctioneen. Gentleman wt odkoldeI e ti o This s thesecod apparan Port Wlitby. The wedding wili takcc the Cnawn's costs, A large number t Saturday, Marci 21,-A notion c$ale ffr 'lvlus eîi~f ~ dea eîgm h R.. N. BASSETT the Ontario Ladies' -Quartette plcery in opll f jurors badl aiso been summoned, of household f urniture, the property D t o Jeweler &Otiil Whitby this seasan. On their former -4- and theyh-ad nothing ta do. j ! fMn. John H. Gale, Ash strelt, this di'3trict, hsngvealo visit under the -auspices of the Whit- A mrost interestding and instructive Another case, Bulkley vs. City G;as, Whitby. Sale at one o'clock.. part ofr hEut WHITIIY ONT, - by Ban ayo our people were un. series of movin-g pictures will be Ca.' of Oshawa was settlei out of: Maw, auctianeer. - able Vo be present. shown in the'ColiegeCocrHal ort This was a suit against the Tuesday, March 24--Great disper- -19Yu~ t OOT - .ù~J4lL2 qusetis teted urgent re. on Monday feventng, Mardi 23rd. Tho (las C'ompany' for damages arlsiflg stan auction sale o! farm stock sud ~ FS E ______________ us ti aetdConcert (o- will films wiil emnrace typical seenes and jouto h xlso ntt ln.jipenns agan n roots, jappear witli an entirely new pro- inîdustries fram IHalifax ta Vanciu-: %Wich occîîrrd last year. This was~ the propent>' o! EManUcllac, lt Luise uiîg -U ~ L ~ D gram gin the +town H-all-Whitby, on ver, and wili give sone idea o! the te) have br-fr, a iiurv a alsn, but 12 cnî,,PieIl I Salat 23kT ROTIo ,___ - -FridaV, March 27. - wealt.h and diversity o! the resources the settiemPnt ohviated the rieresqitv Sharp. Wîn. Ma*', auctioneer. I"Srne ei' W*. ce T. U. Tickets 25c. and 35c. Plan of hall oif our great Domninion. ý&dission' of holdinganov court at-aIl. Mondav, March 23ý.-P1ostponed auc- - Iat Allins rîîg, store Tîiesday, Match ten cents. - tion sale of farmn stock and impie-- t uhlheySan ( ]D T I12-f, at 9 a.m. -- ments., the property of ('roxal l roq BueGasCanlC ~ESTRY TII DES4OY L t-,-I .~IN LOVING MEMOIIY 0F lot 22, c-on. 7, Whithy. Sale* at 12.1 iY .U LU O.urg re Sihn 7 -Alcholic liquor nmade in tlîe dis- EVERYI3ODY WELCOME. VRNS ucG wodokWm Mw acioer o otitoeea hee 1.lry reey n1wnry ndsi A great evening of irish amuse- Oiyý daghtr o! Mr, andl Mr, (las. ini aIl the numerous nîlments caused Wednesday, Marc-h 25.-Aucton saleéur~ nm n Ji - ýtds caoactar, licair torapess, hutetrmilk, Pet., at e h ome llodge, Whithy, wlio died NMarch 2, by defective or irregular action cof o! arnt stock, ifiileeilns anld house-UU IIsSiatnfo aans eî-sa ofE. 193.the organs of. digestion and elimni- hold furniture, the property o! Robt. eftiliency, wealth, -will, podciv e .W, Evans. on Fniday, Mardi 20, at leoe n ovnsebs - nation-certain ta prevent suffcring De)vitt, lot 11- cn. 5Plirkrrnn -ae- anlfo ieu.îe n i ' I ~~~25r-. an -d 35C. Pl an of hall _wll -be luîggest -lîurry for'. Suceli Wl" Y N OIT O L IJS îaa xilat t-a r -s ir ' er r 1.00K t rradv at Allin's drug- store at nMne mistakes seidom hpe ree pure-bred whute Wyandotte aîrCipdabeetbeluliivîauî '~The best thtng yet! The York- 1'lc tmo Tedy ae 4. hr.hpe Icoreesoral.Todlrsac thCîîtyfOtro H60nn3 sbire Nightingale. The man wlth a, e_________orsae.___olar____ te 0ut double vticre, citonad- neprt- esnaeeninWe want vau ta have jApply 1.L. Sexemith, Witby.-38.l>RI VAlEMR1U ~ ~ tion o! Dickený. DO nett ai ta heaný ser'vice._ If yen c&ennot W. J. Ga t & Son, of Oshawa, bave Day or nigtcaspomtyttn ln the -Methodiat Tabernacle, Mrs, eBaee oselul 1 oevery c oeein or eur anicOTm piCE. rivos aiananceheaquauter A ]grand baJIlwill be held ia the I hity, at 8 p.in. on Tuesday, March wlth lu serf osly soncae at ur tor e e- areure a neodomy paint shop cander-N xr h ~rM 1- r tOwm hail, Whitby, on Monday, Apr' * 24th. Tickets an!>' 25c. 1 Mn. Sain. Dudley, o! Coîborne, e owu er ant yoreete ete agce paniedo ota doi d c ar- ihns4 1under the ,uspices ot the mcm- l ono oy 'ebatyfretrindte nge'spain taondshorthnoftce BanL ber. of the R.C. church, DEATH 0F WM. EPPLETT. Mies Ruby Toms left last week te children or telephone yeur blg' i tn at !bebwn etC The deatb occurred la 'Brantford, acccpb a Position lu Caldwater. ordr. dck Oa _________________ Jusi arnlved. A fulil linsofo trunks on Wednesday, Mardi 18, o! William Mr. WA. Henderson waa. lu Good- 'y uexrIneaat4tPreGGS FOR hdeIndG.is N - valies sudclub bga, trm 95~ Epplett a frmer citizen of Wbltby, wood viiblng bis mother on Sabur T- u xr isTeB l- ue rdRocTln ei" w L u uy ft. B.n H ubbas om9eur -up. ahe8t erM ppetlvddyli.Pu,Co n ad Tomatoos. 8 for 250. white Leghorns, bred te la>' strainsi _____ _________________________________________________________Suese Dose-. fer 260. 50Sc. per settiag of 13. Joncs Si yM0 - We wisih cen i epeo F rrtsadfuiifr D. W. Caruthens, o tEe Kîngton - , -Bnien, Broakla. lad. and Bell tee Whitby and eronigcutywt Ruad weeb, wlll hoid a disperion If lf l i TF T Your business frîend, hnsa hrwr toe h attatwn avdpne pa iI maie o Minc Sut, list<if -té fl l Ufl Il E Il I R ~ .111eTENDERS FOR ST-REET FORE- clasa anrs n r 1t Wub,î FprgpetT ;for sale appears elsewbere ONTARIO LADIES' Q ARTET W ,a uuK R Tendrs.C Hewsrs'odtrei DI-Mt4EDO -àa Phan 94 . aWHTBY Tow will be received at the laundry work ayodr,îenMrî oot îI~VL~.uU /Ippeal'PhfTown Clerk's office up Vo 6 p.m. pul special attentio I okgaate F'or spraytag ouilits sud sprayiag - March 27th for the posiino 0 %Prescle o n eiee go ta ~ .man on streets, Ton eigbt months ýon Th B- RTE'S. EO. Irand Conert.' Enfirely NewProgram.îne à TrmÂpl 1t Ca ls a- htbOn.iluua IT èj -gn .NC331rlw-ages expected.-Ai -- Don't miss huntiag the four-leaf1ds. ç HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS JMSMOE ~imok ote a ..Evans', on TW IUTV-39 . ('hairman on H tMIF1ts W. YVM qT'la vening, MB.tçb 20, at 7.30. TOWN HALLad i;skitcta n irt-lis ORSAL. tret R TL .Mn!cu (Other fnIrsh game<-' and iahlnhhiii4týYatti 3,HG GASMVN ITRS eoa~atAdruitesioliri wigl P,111 Ila 111,.,-- sv.41-e Pv nt- iich eow., Quiet; O e vr vnn LU jft P hl!liI' t fllS. -hnit .-1er'sey. ApplV to P. C Voffey, ',ain:îcmiîk c îpe h A iv. ~~~~~RETURN LIMIT. TWO MONTHS. jlksoe 3i hn.t. .~ ciy nie t>Sh aaWhasiec ud $5.011 v: inbotus üd sr huiCe [>ý &a"', '9 RO 27, -914 adtayo 13 la 1S . - - - , _ _--- -SETTLERS*FÂRES I LAtNDiRES-,WANTED. Saturd .nih dt I IIB diaico lot o! r2.50,' $3-00, $:1.50 a !(in._ tii wl'nd- 1o$5. v a t M, W. r Choie- - Froiti ita u ll.S f)911t, il, n:: :iInn 1 iatundru'ss ton ilouse afRefuge. Ap- B I fRN ngr Tiodaiw~ iW lb forPOP $17 8RCES 25an -itaa"W.a lire I.4 pI> ut once toi'.r. Lavery. lias' ram 2to 5 cîoc-kon Frand -35rCENTS. -LOW COLONIST FAPES tW r rprdt nti Matchfrom2 t 5t<ant ata ii (ilort- t. na-t,,tat ,V- ANTED. ~~to up nsotntc - -.-.+..... .- - - i...~~1rtaa t1vl, c- A IENti.,. aaaa,Il ra-., - apaîtie Mattifor -gent-raI bouse- ~atn -o al kna T . tp%--avatg"a ia NS E ( , tI uiijuork o riltrn 1IoR'rULTURL NOTIS. i Plan cf H-il wvull openat"Alfln's Drug Store at g O'ciock t...aina anamîlar.N iliFuLf.LietokPItcGs prig 'hatveanacatar t raa Uaaa Taat a- haden Çamfortahl, is- b se near Accifient dA utrnbte *public apiniteti citizeniiprii IsaGrf' rii ikt1n chlrn lr a(n o have fo diosen yaunsni tiion?11. arM.on Ted01Mrh 4hî rlitas i; r writa- C. P. 1 iIi>NGIY P .A., 1churches and 0village. Permanentn? po- Agetît for tht. btst ( anadî'mn, Engluelifor Agent for tho Ontanlo wandlnd ric Ilorticultural S'oc-ietY niembers and -1 i. . _ oudb M'embêers take notice that ii tiA L. and sec E. Stephenson, Whtby's up- Gcazette and Chronicle Office, WhIt- '93JAIE cLLA dMge ranSprt* î' îme an ch'e in pinsbs-See th~e local coîurnns ofltuiîs pap)e ,',and posters.1 boira ticket office.- Phone 36. by. Boi%33 a~hty n.Poeî2 hn o 0rsise outi t. ýCT114 G nd, iu.n 't. --ty n.ation Migr. Houa.u wcoou ýia84

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