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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 2

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-mra: Ant corre l over a MvOUS i a fitate-1 I evo D. Reid, year i. long _perîod of Iproduco, $5,-058,00,- anfimis and For the elevesn Itheir produce, $e,427,000. The ex- al year, that i.s to porte under th ehe" lui theea-m mnth, -the total -pèriod. a year ago -were: manufac- la auount43d to tured $i00ds,-$3;*50i000; ag ricultur- against $962,511,- ai producé, 75,0;anmtsac pouiing.pporixi of their produce, $ý2, 91000. If*'wil iye.ar. The, ex. bo ee1tatautm tial increases Prctdîot& amon>t- took place din, the exporta of mainu- 04,887,000 the im- factured good - and 41 ïniunals nd' to- *585,227,000. theï'r procluce, -ihi1e the expýOrts cf, ýie-prodiuets iii thb -gricultu .ra1 .producge decreased.' IS of FARft PRODIICIS, Ioug* i Ho lim an&'£roa& ttc, liar-ci,24.-~Fiour--OitanlO fllurm, 190 per rent, are q uotad et teaiboail. aîd $3,95 tô>$4, TO11- aetobim-iilt patentm. in jute p,60; do,., seuonhis, $6ù.20; tiongt ti--Jute bugs,.6 oba whet-]Ray -ot-O 'a, P111; sad No. 2. 072e; (TOnler- - more. - No. 1 NoI'therlu Noîthu .04à t&. 06: -and -No.2. $1.03 rio ivhent--Meri<et 48litrm. :ro. q8atoe t&l, oulsulie, aRcôrilîig ~u-;and $1. eu track. Toronto. -Ni>0. 2 Octane enâta cuoted et 3$c, outmJde and ât 40 tb 40ie, on Tuorntq, Western CVanadm cals et 414c fer No. 2. andi ut 40e foi' 3ay ports. -l<iOnc offeri iiprtsnx- I)S' to $1, outai de. '-odmattiug t'ariey i1uote0d o- CQO Qçt, isdvc iu'coe:llx t -The nmarket lu uilgier.* "Çw Aneietceilt; q uotetl ut 70&ù,. al nroîîto. Ca*tnatllaîî quoted itt 66j -ZNo, 2 1.4 quoted at 62 to 03e. at $5 tii $6 par cwt.,- T he'dernand for butchtrs' cows wao good a t prîcen rang- ing from $6 te 87.,anti huila aoid at 85 te $7.25 per cwt. Choie- mllkers, $i> to 1100, andi lower gradesa 00 W 50ý8 The toue of the markat for hogosVas thrm, wltlu an ativance. lu priCe of 60Ce petr cwt., The demand Was goil.and au thé ofTenlngii were eamalier than gen- Praily éxpected by the tratie, an carly clearaxnce wai made cf Qntario selected s5tock, -et $9.80, and Manltolmaà st -».60 pier ewt., -welghed et! cars. The trade lu îiheap and Iambe ws quietat $6.50 to $6.510 for the formair, and ut 15,60 te $9 fer' thei latter per cWt, The demanîl for' valves wax good at prées rangIxie from $3 to $16 7each, and I n soin,- cisem lis lîiglî 118 $26 %Vas iciulized for SOl e i COAT.'310NOJOLY AÂTTACKED. Suit>. lAunehcd .tAgalÉist Several ('îîrrifrs ini F.S. Courts. A clespateh f rom 'New YVorkc sayz: A f5uit ta break 1-be Lebigh Valley J{ailroacl's alcgad 'atnthracitec -oa mnepoly was begiin by lIme Gov- ernment in1 the LJmited Statves Jus-1 triet. Coutrt in this.city «.1 Tiîur. - day. In a petition file-c l'y Frede'- ick JR. Coudeért, SpeýCial Au-sisýta'it Bue<wieîtUri'c piey îoîiîal îAttoîtney-Ceneral, the Lehigh, its lit absence ot ofrnuge. i crecttrsa nd 'subsiciary compa.flcs , Bran-Nauitteba brun Ila fi-m uit $23 acuei fh Itr te $24 ia toué lu bago. Tor~onto frilit. aeacse fviolatiiig telt WiîoîtH, 1$25 bu $20. state Coimmrerce.-aiî the '3herrin laiv. . An injuanctidn ho prev-ent -country 1iroluce. thenu '-from tuftrtheu-restriiiingt, iute-Tumar-ket Sti, teaily -uith m)coi-ng o tepig t 'ood deintand for choice qualitlea. Ch'îtcc tnph-n r te-tg t lani,,22 in, 2301, inferîci', 18 tô 19c! nuonopoliZe t'acand,- coȔnieî'Cî' il farmeria' separator pi-ints. 23 ti> 25c, anthracite- cuaI' is souglît, tnid-thie çreamery pnts , fienlgi, .;d, torago ii,rlnts, 29c: mohtds. storilge 261-te .1c1. (Iovpu'nnielnt aireasks thitthIle 'ail- Ew.jsýThs mark"et continues e .0c' odc-nay aefie rn ar- epoioor$ Or WlIl snp'ilug it .8 toioale»nayb jinedt sfruf c. dogoȐ4ôn. iiu~calli %whîe'Ii thqa n 10 eo!orh-rge, eheese rîuotefl at l5i t te *-est. It is' a dittsolution which, if loge qi, ýrg fl4nd16 te 161v fou' twlîîs. - Thetta-HnA-ptice uuted et 411.19 %Wcit le duo Governîct, tvi1 cc-ni- te, $220 veor busheit eprimes~, $20tu tipalt te Lahigh Voley Bailî-cad Il 1-te t12c per Ilb, for No. _t; combât. $3 mi> C0ýopl v i ies§- wliieb1. acco)rcing te 3 Q25 per dozuni foi' No. 1, naît$240 te h c-iiît atto I2.60 for Ne. 2. tepiîn tcotos i'uuty-Fowl 13' te 15c rer lb.; i1rbltqa in tr ck Chiekens, 18 tô {OC: dueklcm :5toe17c.; ilrsutfsgistteLca geeme. 15 t0 15cm turkeyie-20 te 23C. waneîa andi Reading Baiiiuiatlsare offltgs Tirite. i îart re iirmowtlm Well tunder ivay, aîîd it is èxpected -ut Poc par,,ri nug oracit.and n Delawarex t1iîat uther votlcarricî-s iill lie sucd at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti (À e~oLrxultîI 05 lu cneune a. genèralders lrovulon. -of thea Stîpreme Court that rav-b ('uresi aliati' -are queutt-4 es fohhrw- groitp againîst wlîich fltosjoly ýi.4 13aeoil, IuugeRri, 1 16C liermlie. IlsltChaî'geil Fl u-hl bLe proc-edl1cl laota4. Pork-5h>rf 'ut28.5t) do'; inss, $24,50. ELams--Meliuni. 18 1uaar' cpiaey 1111e: tie, tei'y. 17 te 111": jolis. 5Ioil 15 jc; breaklfutàt bacon, 18.tu 19e- backt, U2 to 21er 14e.tusl4.e pi-- 'a Wa y , a d Stra wn . " ,îu r n i ,l e r eî h îo le d r il '4 f l -~~ ~ ~~ flIîila'- h fferirige are fnîr - """ hI, $14 1$4.50 ail, non tckaç. lerv-; No. late 2 q t 1 13 btu $13..50, aildi nuxedul It RIIInt, Mai, C1.--"m~îIr ligli. $12 te $1t2.50. - on kTit~ Cur lbe, to, te $t7~ i nt: Marcîi wliaus be-Ci cCili- un tugexperînients wt!î wix'eiess Mont .( MYkoSI.itelipL' uy iaity, liasit gne -Cnt'OUl, @âl le (iuI on- I, -nlubno. The nagal offieers Nwhio1 ýî.2~ai>.7 t 4.ol-axiî a slît in 'abis expeimet amini ,WeMteixi, o, 2. 44 t,, 441i; do, Ne. 3, mvnei htie is otuîtl 4.3à ft)432clîîrley-6leniîtula fetul, 4D htbla9cmitl tg) ý-SO: 11înhg. 6os i.70v-. Flou - soik ati the qutestion cf -dr-' Muxtubt -pring s'lie.,t lt, t . irst,-. li i. "htatii- O.ui îe, rotldm, $.1-0; stRoiug Isult' ey tsay tatSignei r - cru'.1.0eWIntter vîputexi iuii-e 5525 cccxiin ic e.xpei-imints did niutlise Io $7'.50i isetralalit i-olei-s 74 t', $4.1.40 $l. n aa 2.20 te $2310; lîtIlIRrats111,Y special-appaî-attos. The eximit- --IltruRa-, $43e ta $445. lait if' buit...ig umt-ographuic iistallationîsîîc t1 her*ta, $211; iltllings, $hlu; piutlile. liii pmrpesc witRîi b iilifiýca- -21to $32. hisN 2. lîi ù i", 1%1,11 ios. - One f tlipse wa!e a !('V-e L.ts, $13 to $14. Clirvsi-Fius t wti-4-_ a-ima, 141 buu 141cm d10,eistiniis, 13!1 le ti Ot f bis OW' nt îi',î nlttdI- 14v. ltîttar-Clcuîkî~-t ntr>s2t 'iiig a muc'phi>twRi s essaît- 30e; -erond. tg) 11(1,', 'totttoosll-ter huug, ,'ai . m, b5 p;tiafly cbffc--eitfront al othîeî-s 813.50 te $titi.--- 1'oritIlleril, 'Signer MNarconis inîpuovcci bigli- mhort iniis iait-e Wt. i 5iii letiers,$29: toinuthig iceu i' itii a licta- ltixia ahoî-t vilt lîR.uuii- 15 t> 5."? p1lxîe muîxîutigeîuient-, whli 'lias newi8 p4c", tuiiul--i ,mi iil, lt-tenuc :175 I,)., mo4e: do,_wou iauxs. v li'xi,.bexi ad-opte-c i i.ri-al t- tel egî-apbv. liet, 10fc; îui-e. bl- 11>;., îlt (';l-mit h i ipliuyed ilii îims tele2. do)., W'uut dis,20 huaimfl, 14.1e. ipuiuy t o itane.xient that tht- United Statéa Market«. hluuiaut toi -acit-a lit' tltitly hiairdc WhîsbMui. ihd; Job, !('2 2i' isl4 i; ; th 1%» iar-, 14W taoùc-- Nu. 1 ri t -) r. uni intIlil'i'car-îxgtoY w. b te 1ifle;-;No. 27 l'orth-ij 1iî tg)!'i i;'w, huitilei i te$igtS g 01--No. 3siu.1 Su til îi- <laisýprilùl%%ilite.1lglt Uo. 9 white,3f.11 iIci bite. Eii brai li ciii- ngy day anid xiiglit wiîhi sliips 15 flulubl I Matih 2---.isît-ai.iil~swyat 5-whî iat u $$13;Ia .5t9; Jlt>. -$1.611.Whi.'at t-péi' if theitt iteet ui-g uoul iîi --No. i1liard. tille; No. 1Ntiiu laee siiit sii ~ai'-tla- u 1 y, VC. ebîin 0r; i> D2~--istanice, xiec .~~inn>Iug - -woiito .:Nltock X4-arts. tniuu.îbeiuîme-tirh;tio ffect $780 ti $8,5; gc)tt,$1 o 47 acîo1)ihisiy conittdex-ahly le3t-i hlan S7.20; ieçilunt. *6.0) o ( '0bu11111011-ti. ttfi'grapli3 a dlinecî 35. 4 5 mot$5.75.: cita.co en, .70 talîeîeoi îhcnei-gy 1675; ooîi, 7 to $0îui; toîxneiuI4sufcu ty ieiaqjw it-c $ 6. ' r)te *.20: ceuit tris and liuîu th-plionyis pî îl t. ail i - *3,1 ta * .I inoh,-ir rilem. $m t.g - tg uni - - ý *t ' de - )ocea$a i.40. r- teu, -bh t'> -lgs tiaudsls ieetiiat l' eil -$7 1>$1.10; g$~ $1 e $1140: gRuî sbotly aeiûphuri c,, st, Uic taIme $3,60 to $5;, aPrîigei-sto $5ý2; iIn11nk t i c. $7 tii $9. -an ami iulîa--J,lguit Cuis . $5 !F-S 43 ta 35;$tii aii -4 -.5 o $9.0 1 t'o.,: S t t danid wutercd; $tI..fi0 otl e -cal, Mi'eh 24.-Chile ter SS.25 tb $S.40. a-uoodit $7.75 t' eit *6.7"5 te- $î'4tu, anîd toîmuînuin FI"Sir tid171 't Queeciî's Univers ilîg tii're yç-î' Iti-eixîli election. ~4 SrHtVED AI ectel C'hancellor sif-or t e esu- This is lusthr. 0AC The Late William Pat irson und4 Been i memeigers Pookt $ince It Was stoleninlu 12 A despateh fro>m H&v"aa says: The oeeret >polite IouDnd a $10,00 bill se'wn in -the ca.t -of Atnic Aya, ithé bank nmesenger who~ waS <envktéid -of sealnarese- û d leUer, whiCh rGached the Nation. ai Park Bank f;!w York,-with, Or fger repo rVjinhï ,t eà of the 8200,000 lent by e Na.tioal Bank of Cuba. This was, i October,* ý1912. This ae- count,s fur six of the6 twenty *10,-j 000 bis *Iich were stolen from the letter athak. time. 'the po 1lcehae1 lieen Eeaurching for the xnoney ever sincc, andi are confident, that they ivii son indtuerest of it. 1I31311 GdTÂION UETLIINS. Blulk* of Tiru4!î is Froin the BritLAl A despatch f rom Ottawa, avs: Vie rtotal immigration to - Canada during the Il monthis, April to Feb- ruary, of the current . u, was 363,038, mnade up of 136,809 British, 97,408 Aiiici-ican,,ancl 128,923 f roni ail other countries. I)uring the cor-re;sponding il mnonths of last-fiscal year,' thc, total number w'as 357,331, composed of 133,71 lritish, 124,398 Axericnn, unit 09,222 frornalother countr-ies. Thc..incrcase is 2 per cent. 9EN&4TOU REWVT- 1308YQCJC. ippolnted Liberal, leadèr in the Senite, lu. sccctsIOn toý the,.lute SIr George W. ROSS. DEVO 0 LN MUELIBIIAUY Sl0 D.- Lack 0of Funls. r~j~ rte u sem m SerlgIL London, Mardli 18.- Messrs. Sotheby an-nouneed 't.lihis even¶n5, tht they were authorized to state thati the Duke-of Devoàehîrel, g"in ùrder to tacet the heavy burdeà in- posed bythe-deMWhdutieîý,-has "dlc a amali portion, cf. his iibrary, coù- sisting of the Gaxkt»nf and the Keni- bic collection of plays." There bas beec» long, and eager comppetitioun aniçng 1Énglishmen, Americans und Germans té pouss. the. library.- Eaeh new offer was promptly celipseci until Henry E. I{untington maa id Jwhich encleJ the contest., The Britisi Muzcurn officiais made great efforts to obtain the iibrary for the museum, but werc compelleci to retire f rom the fièlit carly,. owing fo lack of rnoney. It is Wad that the -Germans stay-ed i;n the fight longer ilhan any Britishl biddler. Fiee deStrüyecId the 300,00o-buishel clevator uf't-h Piouncer Grain CJo. at Magrath Harbor. 11ev. J. A. IL. Jick8on, pastor of Central Presbytejrian Church, Gait, for 25 yc4ýr&, has, remigned. John Swaawi ek, '=aLondon eam- ster, had is back broken %:un steel d1oor ty)pplcd over on lîini. WMERUE SEVER AT LIVES lIEUE LOS'F. AiTEMPT 'f0 SAVE POTOM AC. MARK TWAIN Six Mc(Ii Travellinîg Oser Ice Rè-l- 1iloV lite A-ii St . eilleAbasldoneil Tîg. IBy (lie G(re A dispateli frontCutrlingý, NOLl.. O-uc time Mark SýiX ilue sent L'y C(unar- MèNeil Whistie .Agcnt CGui Id. boarcled the aban- frienci hai-ing wa dtvncd IîitdStatcs unaval tug Pî-thab ithe -paint( Onae. aft er a trip-of one lîuuî1dredC joker. Mark soie, inile,, over land and sea iv-. The lie lwoilc get the Potriîmac was fourn.lfivc ile!ýs sîMîli siiotil-c the latti of Point Iiiclrn, at the ninuth of the funny 1)ilsine,,,-. " Straits uA Belle. Isie, stiII frozjeiî in lîad heen introd the ice'. Her JîtilI 'is apparently in took place in Pei fet cundition, and tiiere was Twain, assuming ury Iitvater lu the lioldi. Ail- stîipidity, appro vth-er party. with pomnpa and dyna- 1, leted painting, mite, is oui the' way toi the' tug, and ail1 b)ad, M r. W1 ait efforit w iiiL'e nmade tu lre ak up bad. Only," he the ce andi get bier tu a > safc anchie- witb a motion j age. Slie l'as about twelv-c touts f clouti effcct, "il col amid a ton o! pri1()î> i on aW ay with that b )a 1d. leaverîs P-ir!e PIIEFIIRIEI) iE ATI! SENTI;NIE Drainamtis' Sce, mt .Miinîler TJrimal in "('w York. A daspattit fn-eut News- !.'c-aîys: A dT-amatic-scenea occou-rec at the triai cf Ha-i-ny Schaeffen, 19 ycars -olt, charger w'itlî murdcrinp W'il- liant G. Mkrtin, a Tor-nto muil-liner, ou .kugue-t il. 1912. Jusýtice Davis in. thé, cu-hininal brau tvhthe1wCrimi- nlai Court, coudttûctcd - ltae trial. Cruishei L'y the charge agninst their ,son, bis moîhtur anti faîber sot L'e- aide the yocmth anti t-eurfuily L'egged Imbu It-a îîeati guilty to mortier ii ithec seo)nd degi-ce, that bis lhfecut rleast mighit L't.-pared. Schaeffer bruk-e down- andi wept, b)ut lue obsîtula±ely refuset te e-cede l) t;he imrpýoitunitie1 cf bis parente. (di wouiîi railler- go to tha ciectrie chair t-hian $pcenci werity years in listhe youthful pî'i'ci;I- er ý îISwP toaIl ai-gmen.ts. 9-Y.VE1I-OLD BOY I>ROW!'NED. Wam Pu,.3hcd laIe, thic River Whlile, A tittpateh from Teî'ouîtesa--s: whicplaying c'a eia bk -df the Hunmber, near Ho*î'anid's git miii, with seva-ral cf his companions, Har oid Methers, te nine-year-.oîd son cf Mr. Fred Mathlers, plasterer, of Latabton Milîs, waS aCcidelltallY pîmîheti i-miteteriver ai ddïro'd. There tisa a troug current at- tiis point, and ti ils- f aretithat Mb i4tle body may have been carriccid dWr the rivert'elDw lteie ja-m at Bloor mln'st eid h f tii anti dou*t toi i.s ilcI dî'y yet." liei-k'et itonch-alu gloives. " 't Il 1Iiîuii. ,k Twmu i n n-icpi-tJames er', tihe at'tist, A aune-ci the Imunioriaýt tcr Mas a cunfiumed lexnnly avecret~dhit 'bettei' cf Whiistler' 'Per attempt- -'iy é34) Mben the ttvu lueed, whic-li a n wshiuItlî"s sîtudio' gtii- air ofIojî-i oac-led a jilst coli- andti aid, ' aiùe Vhistler ;not at ail >a-d-ded, ri-fiecti. tly, as5 if te o Unta fI. w-ere vuit IcIdii bt cloui." ' Gr'eat excfinned Whiistler, iimSelf. ,-* Be tare- umch that; the paint li"Oh, I don*t, îîinti [ai-e, W-itt) an air et lance, 'l'ai wcar;ilg WANTEJ) TO KNOI' Thie Tratîl Abolut <rape-Niiis Food. It d0eat Matter ce inn-eh uhat yen iiear about a thuig, it s wbat yyIu ka-ow that counts. A-nd correct knewledge à mio tlbkely te corne f no)m'personal experience. "About a yeor ago-,.' n-leasn Fa-stera mon, "I was bot-beretI- hy indigestion, cspeially duing the foiîenci-cn. I trieti scierai î-cmetiex, wit-heuut a.ny permanent limîp)rove- "My breakfaset îuzaally ccuns-ýistcd -of catameai, steak ,o.clicops, breati, coffee and eomne fruit. "Heerng semucci abouît Grape- Nuts, I concludeti te ýgiu'eit . tial and finti out if alI lied bearti of ut M'as trîue.1 "-So I bagan with Grape-Nuts and cu'eam# ,É-of t;bôiled'egge, toast.-a cup of Postum. andtiogme fruit. Bef une thec end cf the fiî'st week I -Mas rid -of thie aciditr of the Stomiach andi f Cît Mucii reeved. "By tlu6 endi cf tlîe second- week ail îtraces cof indigest.inhaid-dirap- peareti anti Iias in ljistratd lhealth onîce mura. Befoêe béginning titis course cf duet, I1mever ha-t a-ny ap. petite for lutfllbu hw I con en- jeu-ttea nteai ataob l, ime," Nu-me givea L'y Caniadiae Postuni C0., Windsor, 0Ott. React "<The Read t-*WÈ> ïl1e - n pkg9. "'T-hare's-a Rao. Ilver r ad tbe ai)oya lotter ? àAneW OaB>S.afrôm tAti ie a. T1t* 52 NUla-truie, M Aa fll»9 1=4 meé "tcssror-and a colIfertva.aYo ý txi.ttý place. thie number that, la nee& o! food t<> keep from aotarving to death at - 20,000. Fortunteiy the. Governrnent ila aliv8 to the. situ- atic>n'and bia sut-'aside $6,000ff, which wilI ýbe Iôoned to thé muni-. cipalities - 1inV-te trieken reiion. TIiis llofloy wll-be epent upon ne- eessary relief work, and, in public' improveùente that wll enable the rtarvng farmeris axýd fishermen to buy food. Le*s tii-a haif tliis gun, how.eveu-, is to be/.l>ent tiis year, and evexi if it were ail- *pent it wotuid nçt end the -famine. In fact, it would -tal,about *lào,Ã"0 a daY to buy mecale for aIl the pereons in the famine are4, -but, of course,-ai are flot equally eufferi-ng. ýThere are ich and poor in evcry district. The Jaan-espres hlas bec» eall- ing attentis tuV the conditions a.nd is fraising %tile funda - that wilF Eupplement the Govern-ment%. Joan. Ilice anid Fimh Fili. The primary caîîse of the famine is the fail-ure of the rica crop in tha nor-tleu'n part-to! the empire, and this wae due tu the 'e-ry cold suta- mer. he staike grew as usual, in- deed, muclu better than ligual, but without -any heae, and wara fit only for fodder. Si-ce rice consti- tutes about tliree-quarters cf lte food of the aver-age Japanese, the fa-Hure of this crop was quite - as s3riouýs as the failure of te wheaut and out erops with -us.' Apar f rom rice the Japancse eat more fikh than anythiag else-. T-h-a, fish catch, too, was a failure, end for -the same reason that thle rice faileci. Cold wcather, produced by strange colti c-arrents in the oce.an4 kcpt the fish far from shore an4- beyond the rcach cf the fý&herm«n, who w-re equippeti for the most part for fish- ing near the sucre hne. In othor -ycar-s when the rice orop faiied, it litid happened tlîat the - 11b atch was abuncant, and when fish were 5carce, ric v -apIentifui, I'ot for ona butndred ye-ars bas thora been mucll a tragie Coincideîîer o! failîue. Dealc-îis ll leurîaîity. L.ong before the gencralLpublie ln TYokiou knew t-bat there wns a sert- Ouis Conditionîi hathe inorth, scores ef mien- in that -city whcî dent jin huîman flesh and blood wce Iîhurry- ing -t?> the scene to, buy young -girls for b)rothel .axd fa£,tpry in -a f alliing riîarket. Their parents bcing too poor -ta support theni were, in tL'ouuaand's -of cases, W illing enctigh t o *?jl their childrrcu ho these white 91aVerf4,. SOMe.Wee. itoglaRtl t1Ã"> get nid of their d1acghters that tbay accepted riiculous pujees, anti c- cabionally 4one was pickei np fur notlidng .'Ahen emaciation lied blor- red her lîeauty andi it 'seemned prob- able that chie w-ould hardly l'ive to rea-h the capital, These L'rokî-rs et heant have inate a gooti tbiîîg out of the famine. Correspondextinl the affecteti distr-icts gite d-i±erip- lioins o! suffering thînt ai-e leart- ren<ling. People are fouund i%i.iig- <nri grass4 seesls î tiat wouid handly kceep a -horýS2 alive; cating auîinal eut rails and decompnsed fýot that a d1,,g would not t(cuch. Tliouîsaiids 3Iay st-arvc. lii cee ittist- au tunluî'althty fisli lîcatirescurttifrotm the îetuir'i(cf a fisit slîcup un-a ,f4ti't c'Wing iii a pot cf wateî- t-jwb h ati bien aidt sonte gra's- ,sei. Thuis tits expectecl t4)uî'vvide tlir' iiais roi, thie fanfly. Ta >dout4î's t'xam.i 'ict onrV iitt!i' bjoy uhi'e wa.s suffeiiugs- t e'el'y. auu:ifruin his stummu1e1i tht: runtî>vled a great w a-i idtsti:îw i iti 'lie hîad cwallc)wed- i- t i îpc'ast li;s hllug-,i'. In the Tohiokua ani 11k-- kaidu-d-e , w-berni thie famuinieis ntsust acitv, Itie cLildî'eî uio longer' go. tu -bol Foi' tRie inoat par-t tev arvi'(,teeweak tu. walk.TVte teachers, 4.uo, ai-e Iav i-sig L'ythe, lîuncired, thic pecîmie -itaving h-ceil to poor u ' -puy tihuir sa1ar-ics, whuîclun-aaoit ho about $7.50 per nîontlî. $ome -cf tha greateats-tuf ferers will L'e thue teactt'îs -anîd pe- pie 4-tftheir elass- ulieare witii4out ucî-e'food, blit ar'e troipîcîtt to exposýethîaii' sutffer'ing ho lthe iis- siona.rles and -otheu's wlue aî'e giv'ing fîrat-aid i îponlite -,pot. Heu laiuy hiondretis oî' tîxousaîtts rOf tuent. w111 i slowly ,.taree le deathl, -ce stanyt' tîntil -tiey c'ut etnduire ix:uwc-e andi tlien commnit suicide, aebody kew. Cold i eatlieî' lài .apaff. Tlo flît' tormnats o! starvatio.?i 15 atidedt-be nigor of wiater. hoo rnany 1peuple mn11- have î'eceiv ed their ideas ut Japoin f rom piCtures tupon places antduictalcoid-e xuppose that the ccîunrtry is- a lauti tuf poupetuai sumshine anti flowers andi cherry blosEonts. The fact isý that-o ctiunidlied tuilesInotl oA Tokio the cina-te ik mucit lilc a ut of Ncirtheu'n Ohio, ffor instailce, anti esihl iurther n&Lrith h'rar-e gre-at falîs of snow, 4ati a tempera- tur thiat rqcityt'-pbeo zero. The celti Vea-her, Voo, ata utnti1 Apnil anti it -wilI be- tlwo montlts befora t-ha'Suftering froni exposurle aze,C.- Lit$Ooe, cases dia starviuig wretciies .have olS1 thueir liouses foai rice,I and now, ham- ing ceaten theîa i'ice, are 'uilimout. suai- tel'. A rase i is -11'tiâl>td f - bouse occupyiug 60o squarefeet being of- fercd for,$17.2u0,and i iwîli tea 4i lmeý .lîîtyer, tc;rn dùwîi- -anti ac fse - fuel, A Çorr"'pondenlV'Comment- Italian Toirpedo Boat Crashes Into a PIeasuürê- Lauich-VictIns 1'icsffy -Womie,-and ChII4ren A tch from- Venicaesya: jad distanc e, and dici ot a]ýer his Pty0the sixty-&ve passengers D ourse, with the. resuit tIat t'he tor- on am t-rnlunch, mnisto! wiom' pedo etituvi cuilwtiVr rifie force. were, women and children., weýre m Te launchi sank iumnediateIy, in dnownued when a torpedo boat erà9h- tdeep water, taling do'wn al t -oe cd iuýtQ2%PIea-5ure vessel near Lido>i the cabin, Who W'ere drowned. y.n The other fifteenpsegr, no The people on thO iaunch were were ùn deek, wére Pieked itp froin.: tein V Venice fruot Lido, wherc the "ia. aarenîumber of excursioniats ha d Many'bonas frot wartjhu*ps in thr - Àpan4 tha holiday, St. Joseph's harbor, includin'g on. romtho Ger-' flav.l ---- --A _ The iaunch ha<. hardly startcd wheni the torpedo boat wag'sighted, comilng athigh speeci toward the1 harbbr. The captain of the, launeh i apparentiy miscaiculateci the speed1 uponi the fact t-hat when the spec- tacuillar carthquake -occurred offe r-, of assistance camue f rom ail ovcr the 'World., Thei'e is notlîing spec- taculýar, h.ow.eyer,abp slow star- vatiop, and for the most part the outside wcrld has been indifferent to the grim tragedy that is now bei. ing ýnacted -in Northcrn Japan. B'RýG11TS DISRASE ET . Suecefrs for Aikalliie Irrigationî Io (laimed. Poýitive arrest of Bright's disease by ai new treatment -of "'washing" the hutman kidneys with certain al- kaline substances was claimed as a medi4al ccrtaintyý theo other day, when 1 John Frohman, a patient. nt the J4os Angeles Coîînty Hiospital, was âclcar.ed immune f rom 14rther ravaes of the dsae Dr. A.. T. Charlton, -one of the P1bysiiang at the 'howita1 and Who devised the new :rethod of trea-t- nment declared.-flîat not Onfly ini thé- caEe of Frcman, -but in ...twenty otherlicases, - the disense Ilad.*been mtopp' cd i its progree s to, suchan extene thaot each patient' treated couldi livié is Ilaturali span 4o)fife without further trouble fromn the ki4Ineys., The! case of Froinan, however, was taken as exceptionally i'emairk- able ~y the Ilospital physicians in that lie arrivcd ent the county hos- pitali in an apparently hopeless con- ditioný-;Thbe- terminal, -or ciopsical, stage 0f Brigit's disease haci set in. Dr.ý Charlton took up the case andi twice it day a system. 01 "h1gh irrigation" with fixcd- alkaline ~b stancès was uitilizecl, sc, tliat the af- fecteci kidnc'y ias, being conti-nually bat-hed in an aikaline solution. Constant testing showcd litat the toxicityof t-be organ liad bcen i over- coRne throuigh the lieroje ilneans of treat-ment, but iniprovement, in Frolîînani's genieral physiral condi- tion ivas hiardly exp-ected L'y those who watched tRhe case. The patient dlid il vhwvr-and te suchi an extent iliat lie -,vas, finiallv toI-c tlîat, ýwitl' care andi watclifuil liVing, Ie neeciexpeet nu o e troubl froni lus kidnieys, In explaiîning -the' tlc'îrv u pon wvhich L~lîié d êaj'î'ied 0culhis niethOLI ,;f treatuient, 1Dr. eCharlton '!aid: 'It is welI kilown Iluat- Bu1iglitIs d]is-caàse is- ca-iced L'y the klidiey L'e- ilng. v nble to purify i lie humau hîood as it î;asses thnonigi't tat ov- *gati. '0f <ouIl-W. iliere will ai «av*,. re- main ii anv- kii.ibuy vwbîeL' lias been afiected bLy 1Brigbit' s thea, fi s(ars caused Iv L'y Ut uisa bLut tRhe sc-irs ar ielcaleci L'y ti, is eat- nient tu sueli ani extent- t1î'it the gn'- gan üan perforîn it4 filuet ion tuei-an iiîilitiiited îînLe.fyeais, piuvid- ilig a kerii watchli Le kvpt oerthe generai bealth. 'ln waqlling t-b-e Kid.ley L'y the uIew iîlctiloud, WC ilinply edînuge th'e reaeti-on of the biood fr-uni actd tii nîkaline. This 0ove'eonle,; 1.1-Ctexi- City- and the -entire system i.*s elealn>sst f' its supêvaL'uetllluee cf An ext'iive reporlt 0on Di..(ha Sun's methîril liie niaile fi.)the Aiiiîci Med:calAsoi i.ad '(other scif!itific bc-dies stiit. Soîle Stisait for étipar. Decisioncf thie Appaliate Divi- sî1of the .Suîipie .Couî in the case o!i3i Bair v.Bli "viE'u l ite hone i-tjit1'on c, th~e lîtîshunchas ltma'iight, te reuitottlie iîtohol4d, and it is b -d - - - -1.- - F TVie.eî4JcfSteitt ld inmt', <utTo- roaiiuiSiti-age~nt fit i'e i Tvi- wonker-s' ÇUnio.i, clumrged iî th dani- aging a cou of l'ope, huas bca Itra- versa4 uxîlil full. mnan Cruser, G.oeiieri, oniaioia silo other Zraft, "Sushed -té 'the' poit {4 where the iaunch'-hnd gone dO.wn.>" b'ut coulci not reeue any of those in the cabin, as not one of thelm canxic to the surface. NEWS 0F THE'MDiiO WEÊST> BETWEE-N ONTAUIO AND »BRI- TISil COLUMBIA. [teinseFroin Proylacea whercflani "Ontario Boyi and Girle -Ira Hon. Dr. Montague, Muij ter -cf Publie Works for Manitoba2adtb-) gç> -to Hot Springs, Ark.; or hl' Ieath, and will be -absent fr h is. desk for the reinainder of týhe beiî- Sion. A mia» namd'toty mitIiý' ieft Win nipeg with la dogl eai», -en route f_»-New York over-the snoijï. Hie carried greetmmgs from the, May-ý' or cof -Wjinipeg to f-lia Mayor cof G othaut. Henry Sail'nbun and Charle- .5liarp w'cre uî'remted by the, Northi West M4,u'mted PeAice, charged wit-li arsen, ut wag aliege(d that itey 'caused the $ôoooo fir-Nve-,hieh -dei- troyed the village of >Luse1 pl, Thi% niost famnoms wiil case.ever lIcaî'd ini Alberta< las just fipished. Mrs. Geo. H-at-ton iinoved foeset aside iie wilI;of lier late'husband- andi Tost- the casa. The estate î»n- voivadti otalled $125b,000, and.- the costs wihl be, paid tt-of it. .An ini-cîtigation w-îi b-e demani-, cdc into thi mthlst niploeýj'd lathe construction 'or the new King G,'eorge hiospitai at Winnipeg. It is cçlainIcltI tat the surnmncntionieclto r Le spent %was $250,000, but -a iuèartly $400e000 ww; epent'. Cliiet Justice Hamîiltain, in -the Su- prenie Curîît o! 9askatchelwan, cwm- mentcd strongly on the great preya- lenecof perjuî'y in the courts.-ocf tha *t province, and proznised thbat effort,; Nvould L'e made te puniAli the pR'actice in t-Le near future. TIirev- men,' fonaigners, wait.ed o-ut- - ýside thue 1oirinioîî La'nd Offietu af iRegia, frein Weclne-scay. iiil41e îîcx.t iondày, in order tô get the - fist right te, taka -up-h ota: D)uiug the tiuno the men were there the thmexamomo)mter droppéîk te .10 bc- low zert,. - ~Saimîel Kirk -of fHamiota, Mïan., -ùUW idnit. 'tart liii gawlinle engi-ne, s-jtLL- hL' bega.suui-ie t,> lte hcus to wart irtit bLy îling the gaschine iii lit, water iii a clive. The gasolino s xi1(lehd ti-tis resoîlt thuat M!,r. Kirk att:tbis cix-year-4old d he wî'ere bxmrîîied te death. At Edmcntonattiecnlson, a civ :1» cas,,,, Chie! Justice 1{arvey iîrdi're< John A. Gamtiier, une of îtn' witsies,, tu hi. delivex'c'4iîit4j theit lia tis y! thie slieriff. Ha ivas jledaud ondered i te L'trieti for -r)( iiij1i1 l'> !uI-y People, thuo jitîge.aîR,%vent iio couit. wilit th 4ei f winninxlg 1iircat_ýe l'a- tln'n tL'muut-cflig tuLe tîuth. lib-'îld ICtaused Death of lOL- A <lu ýpa-teh, frain Premicott says': ('lînnls J. Joncs cof Ot'ta.wa wùs- foilid skad in hic r-.o-mît in the'Aipmm- an(lra liotel here. fle was 'ê- ployeci as augîncer L'y a firm c f c6n- (i-ajctais whuo are nuakinà alteratl-uns te thie Go*.viemnmneüt s1teafer ay- field, iii wintcr quaiters lîcrè. Wiuile- atwr lie felu irto the ice-cold w'ateu'. (oninfg te the liotel, lue -hiaiîgîd lbis wet. clothes a-tdtira.tred-- t> lii, 4ien, w'lîcelie s'as founud deai. He was a. nieihew <9À Mr. Ahlaxi Jiites côf Puesett., ati be- longed tii a vcry promineint family-' Se leavýes a wýfe anti two Samalldii- dren. The 1botv iy Fs icrwaidcd tVo !!V ïT5 nit mzy S iwtIdrawn anyftimùe after one year luhéd ?,,UYeari. end for opelatl fialder -and u i t &tietlaro. 1~fO<L SE. RTIE1 CORPORATIO!4, LMTD OONFIRDERUTIOCI1US1É BUILfltNC . TnI?, wI ,eh 'um Rvlte . -Provincil snt îas t .< retuîrnedti t li aim ide (tue viCtiuuIS Ofa ch ceurrecl atMâlakw-a, ItFc.r fjpm sthat oniT1?ri- fiqumr w-as pîirchased bu, L'y a MalAlmàaînanýo n at-a daxîce ut Malakvwa -ot f )ai-',iukiuîg Of Ibis9 glc te 4Is dnpwi tiken ill duui-ng Suiday and-clMi-- -la'-.7 anti twe, a niarried mnaitnaumeti La-beau, ef Malakwa, anti 01sf Jeu-' Seum, a laL'orc-r, clied-fon Monday inî Ie.iîeagommy. Othoîs, inclutiing Pat Labeau, Lrotber cf oe o f the. deceaseti, wcîe very serieu-sly ili, btit rire -aow recot-ering. Constable ltotliweil lioltis the bottie oontai'nlng a smnall-- cjuanliby cf ltae liqueur, whlieli'wilhl beprôdîiced aI lthe in- ieeiaîResu1hu of the U Wells (toîitructel A Ta Tlany 1;arts f-Ifldia 'ri :t'-i'îible effeefs (if thé, f~i A curring faminei, acceo-rdiTig- .41u it Ilry 1). Baker, sLât * An -olited tube wilnîi in ee t Uicdifficul-ty experiE iii 'U prts 4f India in ohtt sîlçeîtsipply cf. wztt-er - 4il'iiry wells are beiag ',u111 goverrimrent in large num'oeý Paker q iucïtie uereport -of speýrationpSi n *411he Baroda S, iil-}'i t4) tile mfîpct that in fiaiyer 3~0wells we7 stet d(Xlith Ilhe aid o governrnernt l an ad - "A special-granit A i ýG,5Û -tittues Mir. Baker, ý-was al] sevi ra viUgeswlere no 'W mba albedt le, .d *12200 rclrefor purc7ha,5intg b' arm ,anpr, and-ici ut-b frplnrehiasing Strall chai clia'rto get suchi pu illc elpo!the gov ernnxern iiece-ssari. iso,iîmg ti arcsdistrict local 1mhaD r. .daz apprepriLtted i arsce luîuguew yari<1 for rep ~4 'I' g<-vern e iasi, t 41 l 25'fo itg.:li ev rr;'ed ine rit v a t, r s apl , i - s lu :m s.0li BarïidaLt -i alln - fraa't-(, ii,asi te Br, th t~Paof-wrk1 gts ing looT Ili w ie state L 'ip gii iiinfe ss al 1-M tée j- ,i ofil ae I-U JJ>ue aos aVe r~ ivam ti-te eo e iriviî z agnet, i >04 ri î~ 1 c i s theuelii1,. îl us, ,i- 'i ili ru, M -,11 11dt is l'teî-sfî>r valn ,fq'uî $g anfait f nb d0iIIyW&i w e 1119 'Iwo of- Tilem-lave Since Dieci Fa-olt - - Effects 1

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