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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 4

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No amnouzit of miasrepresentat!on by the. pecdilers dÇ aluni. laking powders, na jug- * 1inz with <,hemiiei1g, ôr Pretended tani1yaim anir kiçnd, van chaube the fàvt that Royal Baldng Powder lias been joutby the-otti. cll examinations te, be 91 the hlghest Ieavenlng c efliencuy, free front auw m,a" bolute'A purtty. au Wholesomeness, Royal Baking Powder is indispensable £ormaking flnest and most economical food. Sui maTue fî $aimdy. be said ihat no to-wu ln Ontario Ib btter opportW5ltion fer growths 234567 tissuour own town of Whitby. It -- moroly reniaIns for-tihe citizeutg 910 Il 12 81% 14 grasp-tisese golden opportnulieà,sud - IJ16 189 2 ~u tbe-time '16 -NOW. - Wti thç' lm-, Il 1 1 l l 14 »Jý21 mensse grovili of iudustry, Amenîcan 22 23 25 3 28 and. Englisis firme are fiudlng it ne- cessary -to esiablsis Canadisu factor- les, and- anme o! tisen could be turn- sd Whtbyward lonly the proper nwns s ene adopted. A Boosters' Club. ÀA-Board of Trade existe ln town, ________in name, but apparently in name Booters luboal>'. Either à re-rganizatlan Thseformation, fao! esClbsisould take place or else some as- oi en organization to bom Wbitb>', eocatlon entirel>' separate sisoÙld be vas thse subleP4 o! discussion ai a forme4. If tise business mon vere meetng heid by a few busin ess men willlng ta put-forth- eufficieit energy fécntl, Ntbig dfinte as onct0 boom tise to'wu snd carry on a roentl. Ntblg dhinte as onccampaîgn ef pubîicîty,. tiseir effrts ins tise,-actual - work of organizatlon, would- undloubtedl>' ho repaid min>' Mad 1h; la dou4tfilif !axytiing willho fold, luinitise growth of thse town dma, judglng frem tise way ln wlilcb tirough tise establisisment o! new lu- laS moetU% aadjounned. Neyer. -dustries, la lncreased busiunsstoi -*ieiesa, sorne very- sane argumns t eselvs, an lntutln ti wayà nsie a te hv WhIthb-v ebould be boomed la --Use eyes of pros- pective resideuts and iseade o! indus- tries.- lU l lrsjt place Ai was poin-ted out tisat'Tononto isas nothing more to oSfer In tis way o!. adi'antages t14m blas Whitby. - NoIsher bas.- Oshs- awa, and yet botis - o! these places --are getlng new Industries ccntinual- 1>'. -h - -hlstbyihas unsurpassable trauspon- _ ation [aicilitici. - Situated on two lines o! railway, adacent to a tiird, tieC.N.>R., and with a fine natural o habon, offernu trsnspprtatiou by -waher, ne better accommodation couiC be requlred. ,Tise Governmeut le spousding mono>' on tise barber te j rprove it. - There la, a possibility et a car ferry'.counectien witis Olcoit, N.Y., wilch would greatly cheapon -freiglit charges on raw material breugisi ln. from tise States. Tison, , lSO, a tadial- railway wlll ahartly &ivo hb.uri>' connection wi-tispeints Hockeye GAZETTE 14, BANKERS 9. Fearful lest tisey sould ho Ce- prlved of tise pleasure o! a return gaule wtlth thie staff o!thuis grea.t fam-il>' journal, tise bazskens frantical- 1>' burned.tise telephone wires au Fnl- Ca>' nigisi te maSo arrangements for tise game. Tise Gazette staff very kindi>' accemmedated them, and tise coufliet book place on Saturday al- tennoon ai Burns' Aressa. -Captain Jubis, o! tise Dominion Banks, had somne difficuli>' in persuad- fig hie mon to face tise determined l ooking pintens. Finally, heweven, ho succeeded in getting them ente tise ice, and play cemmenced. For tise saSoe!01tise bauSers, a do- tailed account o! tise game wilI not be given. Suffice it ta sny tisat tise final score was 14 te .1, is favon e! tise Gazette staff, wiso thus very de- vided.ly dementrated tllat tise former victory of tise baiSers by a score o! Ï8 to 2 was a mere fluke Thse (Ga- ensator west. These, la brie!, , 1are j ztepla-y-ers sconred s-i-o of toen tisait - Ilitby's transportation advanlages, tise>' were almoat exiasuted at tise te be ofored te~ industries, conclusion o! tise gamo. Tisey play- Thontishe town - le situated sf0'cle'se ed euch fast hockey tisaitshe bankers ho Toronto,. tise greatest laboi mar- dî11 net have a look-lu, the - ;ree ke ein-u Canada, tbsai, for ali practical goals tisey did get beinig .pracitically p)uromeu ft may be Cousldered a suis-9tttS. ID tact tue Gazette staff went ssrb-. o! the clty. This proiramiy 40 irougi tise bankers like a buncis o! tiselabor rmanket Io no amaîl indute- certificd choqUeS through a country suýent te a large Industry. banis (-e gol;thispt tram tise-Globe). Waterwarks, cleetrie liglît and ('aptain _1lubis nnderstooýd tisat the power may aise be offlened, witis a losens were to put up an eyster sup- prospect of tise installation ef a s6w- per, but se farno neue in ibis office erage ayetem. has , heard a word o! the'feast. In *addition. to these inducernints, "Jubby"l is as mura as tise oysiers. laid coise*Cents here when It Cosas In conclusion It might b. mn'ention- dollars lu Tqor0nto.As a niatter o!f.ed tisati n vihw o! thse tact tisai 5ev- tact, tise dtIo e ffering free sites 'cral o! tise baukers were unable te to Industries, wisere lu Teronto ne -play, six outsiders were induced te sucis advantageous start ctn le se- jein the team te iselp earn tise vic- -cured. tory and tise nysters. Alas for--tise T-eSUISIUp tisesituation bniefl>', t dreams e!fcisild-hooed 1- Farms For Sale 4 44 44 44 4 44 4 I4 rUpwards of ferty Larme nrons 25 acres up, and at fromn - 5an acre, guaranteed te show @atisfactory nesults Inoni snvestmheuti loeàted in Whitby and Pickering Townships, ~EVery, cOuceivalle requiensent of soil, isuiidings, orchard Sand otisen improvesuents eau be. met in tise varied liet ellernd J. P. WINN, nsWI-ITBY Bell phone onî. P. 0. Box 394- - Residence, Dundas St. West. NEW-.-SPRING_-FOOTWEAýR We, arereceiving large shipments of the.latest style. f~ fotwear, Our1 stock- 's more complete ilian çver before, We have à .hoes ihat satisfypar ticular people. EXTRA SPECIALS - Cail and inspect our extra specials in Men's and Boys, Work Sxs PeeI~sShoe tore- Drok S.,South; Whitby, Oont. Phone 15 1 eran.s' Assocation lu Toronto, and was held fi AIl Saints' chuncis, lu- arn now trying to locate some o!fJiermeni itaking place In Union cerne- these Qîder veterans, and, wfth tis'tetY. - assistance o! mauy isf tise.- ewspapens of 'Ontario, tise addresoses et flet a R.ACDN N.PR ER tew of lise veterang o! tise Red .N .ACDETNA H River Flebelluon Cays bave been se-RWOD cured. If your readers have anly A serlous accident, trous whlci tise knowiedge o! tbe wisereabouts o! an>' passengers eicaped miraculously with ef these vterans, Or where tiseir rel- %lseir lîves, occurred ou tise Cansd- atives or fniende may be feund, « I an Nartiieru - Raflway behwoe will be gratetully neceived. Greeuburn and Cisenrywood, about Meui' bens et tise Ontario Battali on 8.50 Satuirday ight, when tise train o! tise ReC River Rebellion Expedi- frnmn Trenton, coxnposed o! two fret- tienl wio ar e tisougiit ta hâve en- elass coachs, a diner aid a kag- lîsted froru youn locality are gage. car, went mitiste ditcis wien George Heury' Brownlee, Frederick travelIng at oven forty miles -an Amnandros, John Walter Baiscocis, lsnîr, ouI>' the englue sud,, tender ne- .John iJavidson, Charles Formâi, maining ou tise permanent way. Wellington Hawley, William Mass'e>, Ifthtie accie-dent hafi occurred two Alfred Morgan, C. Nilson, Daniel minutes ealier tise- cars would have Ruthcerfortf,- Wr. George Rogers, -AI- rolled'down a fiftY> foot embanisment. bort Carney, WilliamR Iay, Alexander hal! a mile. One ofthtie cars nolled nogers, Fraudas Phair. ()ver anC even rour times and laudcd I Wtl be glad te hean frem y-our en its side. Thse body et anotiser fell susrbers o! an>' Red River Veter- dewu tise flfteen-!oot cnîiankmeut, addnIes'Pi' fter eaie. With eeof thse coaches aIse caîîgilît rire. thanks fon any assistance vou may Car Rolled Over;anCd<Iven. ho ah(- te give me. Tt appeans that there were four Vouns faitbfuliv-, people in tise Car coach., includiug G.M. BROWN. Mrs. Linton, Mns.' Ford, the con- - -dî,cten and ano-tier. The coachs was e.Mathew GAid, O!, Whitby, wnenched tra m ie trucks and tise nOw pneacbing lu Engiand, -writes, 1 body isurled - down tise side o! the~ thât althougis ie is ovor eighty, ho, bank, tuiiiiîsg aven anC aven as it is still. enjoying good lhealtis, and 15 wCîit, It fitiali>' landrd on its side preaching neguîanîy. Mn. GoIC bas - eaning up .is ieembnnet neOt been home te Wiitby fer svni usmi a inst thew a Imse -L.-pl.e Jflrnse imapnlsened ptassengerSIbte _______TO MANITO-BA, ALBERTA -SASKATCHEWAN Kacis Tuesday Mtarris te Itobar 27; lnc1uaIle.- Wisnipeg and Return -- $35 00 Limonton andReturn - 43.00 ]Fromm ITorouto. and station,@ WM.an sd North of Toronto. Proportioate tares Iron. StationsE ast e! Toron te. Returu Ltnsit two monthi. REDUCEI> SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) BACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL' Seters travelling wîth lBye stock and eifecte should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRtAIN which leaveo West Toronto each Tiuesday duriezr MARCIS and APR ILI sUter arrivai regular 10.20 pm. train trou Toronto Union Station. Settiers and familles wlthout live stoek shouid une RECULAR TRAINS. leaving IToronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Througls Colonis! and Tourist Sîcepers. 1 Through trains Toronto ta Winnipeg aud West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS. Nchref or Berths. lrtia- frorn Canadian Pcific Agent, or write M. G Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. REAL ESTATE- P'RANK E. JONES' LIST. Several.bouses anC building lots fer sale in Whitby. Fams for sale in tise Townshsip of Whitby and Pickering. GLEN DHU -209 acres. A goed' stock, grain anC fruit fanm near, Witby. 16 acres' ercisard; gooýd buildings aud a good farm at a nos-' senable price. AppI>' to FRANK E. JONES. WHITBY;. 'i UO eig-t, 8 éir rayer. wrij .' POPL suu maa iav% u u g? r-~1 u*laur~I~ mulaïon àa-reins! able new food- gians ar as hroçM o'"1 -fig là thé gétnahlf dme em-Emulalon, -a iemrkàb1s ne'w fo4. bï à,k&into the fétie' n' the c4Fr'i.zy VOS1 gcorin3 5. -The &amnoe 4e M1-1tb -es 'rfu'imey-,oe'e o O - 'iland tben Split in $wo. A! IIb«je1is .in favor 0oÉthe home team. -Decharaq am te eùihuldblittig of >1pasieUgwefO r eIdaing h j jr--' a &very staxired for VWhftby- th orbi&w.te ige.e utiac e om,: makzing f_âsh1on Lm -a. Lr is Pon Perv-Goa, owemuu de slively Ieeç to tise body-- T en-_ha th--Utre v;ýeékge Kinno ; rover; Dca "ItmY not makê youâ feelbettrfrthe stove, -sud bef,6Le thse'flames wer0e 1 Turner ad Ingram. 'aI]dy,~u fyu4 lot 1cb1el etiâgUlsled 'îY m:auieffl 01b9a4tZ f lj Whitby-Goal, O'Conuor.; defence,'muchl better and atronger, before Y01 tinguishers, was more tisas hait urn Jubb and* Avery ; centre, Bundy -h ave taken a- quarter las mup-h as you ed Had It not been for the f aot tbatz________________ rover, Gordon ; wings, Geo Rice su' havei of ýote modicinee 1tIa 'have the cý ar sS g0osattered ,sad thse! F. Waliers. neot helped yog, wu will gladly glve passeiigers could crawl e ut frem, a-Il GERtOW VS. PEARÇF4* P-eteree-Francis McIntyre. baek your monhey. ostedbiteewud ýa« Rezailolive Où Emulsioncnan sn h ers hr ol ae On Monday thse case cf Gerow vs. A team of Whitby hockeyists play- pure olive 0" dtheHyophols l>Ce a hoiocaust. Botis the cars mlen-' Pearce camne Up before Judge XcIIV ed in Bowmauville on Mouday uight, iiia 1 1 and_ the yphav ong'tloned weut over out the forth sidel tyre at thse Court House. W.H. Har- and were successtul in carrying $ beneere d bY sh !th u cth havelonygi-of thse track, but thse rernaining - as ris, Port Pe.rry, for, tie plaintif! J. ssgcooref.lI li suh ielW. Crozier, 'ort Perry,ai r.S way tse lrgerend t a -6 sore. clans, are here for the first time oom- and fell rigst side up, and thse- pas-!Uhlefrdfed11 ,r o le. Tie~s1 ~a real body, sengers' were not înjured.besMie Geisrpe, woI evo otPry T ein yEe;icto*serve and bioo>d-buildiug f ood-meýdI- very severe sisaking. Ail the rest 01; rw*wo aRee f otPry ________ iliv i uprlrtOtos board thse train crowded Into1 wa suing Mr. Pearce te-- have' a deal Trvehg yEJytrcty in ha eelievercoa supei o tiosecar fe teacdet r L cmpeted, by weelch le was tb ac- To travel across Canada trom , n-th g lsein oerarncerdbtain, hiscaraltr tse acidnt.Mr.Lin Atlanic t the acilo by th e wsn-and' llability ta disease, ton sustalned a very severe blow qieacranpaclo ad h eslat teessacifie ovter las ad t toue and atreugthen thse between ieeewtb t.1 defendant was holding out for tu>v wek of Urne, but it is a delihulnrvs and &nrich thse blood. V"o" tiought, was ase by bis head tiser concessions thazi W&6 contained Shllwho are weàk and. run-down- you strik.ng the la i.n the original agreement, and Mir. Sn. To bvicrarr.ed ., rom heiai Nwho are olten 1frouib1eéLby varlous, Relief Train Sent Out. aerow oued for spécifie perflôrnute. S.,to ictria B C. bythe e-1 colt weather -lentsf, us., Rexafl 01-- Thse evidence was ial taiscu, but His Ing picture route occupies oîly AI' Rh mi1intogtaa p Thbe accident occurred halt Way b lnr eWvd uget heour or t'wo.01 mgitge and ke tween Orono sud Toronto, and, thse too éevdjdm On Monday nlght hlatàe Coll and [weu g.',It Io, a sesibe g 1 rtok i ègeanuene Cocr Hla ope !h ie1pleaat testing id to reusewed egne okbseniead tene Concrt alla cupl et ùùdedutrenxth, Ïbetter spirite, goîgat as great speed as practicable te Prba eto p6rsons had tise pleasure of a two health. f j cIlsg Toronto,wod o castpht Pr na M ntn bpurs' Itrp acroas Canada au and ti ssd w îîgv beiug s en-t aiséad from Cierrywood. Me te ruitnsetts throgh omeqfth ledin indum ourmone 1ýthot a ord ve AC menadlian Nortisern doctor and gev- week end at ber home here. troalist s iom qf this eaglflun- our money ithou w ord. t Il ra.l coaches were lu waling at thse sA.auetof ow uvle trial iuttto~o hsgetCUIio ui aU have lu it. Solil Toronto yards,. and thse Mse.ugineer f owanil They ot only at the 7,000 9xall stores, and hthduthecah e ai wne pent Sunday with ber parents. Teium PoteY raelpctra er hl this -toripuly y u. SI A back at f ull speed to tihe scene f .Mrs. Chas. Stevenson spent Sunday 'treal te Quellec disclosed sorne pic-- Thee lnjured were at once attended- r se . a ve r e atacio ,turesque, rge and ecan gsSü~- HORTICULTURAL NOTES., -to, and then the passengers were tàd, around again ater a svr tako ery. rugd uhatn your1civic pride wortb a Jolar eno aboard the relief train, sud ar-apsdcts .Teplant of tise Dunlop 'Ru.bbeý seial he o get $10woth n ived fin Toronto about 3 a.m. 1 ___-_ _ _ Co. was visited, and tihe procesof plants and éeeds for a dollar by* Mr. Linton, who. lives at iao Gal 7 corivertiug tise raw material -yito ol5 tse ey. avenue, Io in bed, sud progres- autmoiletieslan ad irehstoo heHorticultural So4dety to-djly. iga iJ scnh xetd i 4p Su f autmoble ire, lwnandfir hoe, oolate after April lut for spr ug iwas w paso amoubctepse ged. m beits, etc., was shown sud proved totions.whe n e aIdenthccurretei wau mexe eI al tere !.ActeiesropWites. he Pthesadcdento! the Horticul- ff ring H be ~ ~ ~ ~ I exednl itrsig.Av h en do you want dlean up day ? number is said te have been, twentTr thatreliefnxustbefîound for t and tihe various processes slsown taral Society. I~ ata as ft~ cie -else siffer4ng la prolonirà frth e k reoptien e uing l itdetini-te1y kûown, altliough i à trouble will follow, MoetVe oftie maskingo tohds, e moiing oS?¶A WA. srmisedthtiai hwas a spread ifll. ders otthe organe of digesti etise arttoteaeilng The Irisah concert on St. 11atrick' s The speed at wicisthistrain %v- reetv u rvnlen arle.~sd eipn o iefnse day was a most successful and en joy- travelingeau be imagined from t The tactories o! thse Slserwln-Wîl- able affair. tact that It grcound its way nearl liams Paint Ce. were shown, al ------- f haIt a mile a!ton partly leavIng i processes o! manufacture as carriédT heRasr rar ep is, e ftrac euthcocstent o on. How te brigisten up a towi, T Tke a its." evPOPI te ra celbe fwitahond en and thse results that followed sucis an T _______ Cu' evrl oel eugh heoffciI a p Ptidadhotrm attempt, were ebown ou thse canvas, CuI oul nuh h feas aud proved te be eue of tiseMot We flaC thse use of Salto anC otiser tise Union Station professed lgnoý_ Tl tna-dhrer e Interesting items ou tise pregrm.i.sarsi physica j5 hecomiug legs everyf ance o! all that hadt taken p1ace lates the sluggish liver, ri lutrvllngt tsePcilcCaét, year because miore and umore peoplewinqutiedo nay Taken whenever tguere le tise large herd o! buffalo couflned ýu are using Rexali Orderiles, wisich we ---- spare yeu heurs o1 sufit thse range ju8t east of Baniff, were and thcy flrmly believe to be thse beat Dv~nC utStns eea elh ad sr seen, witis a fine glimpse o! nome o! bowel remedy everinmade. They -taste îionC utStig.gnélhe h ad sre tise majestic, -.suow-clad mountaîns in'se mucis like caniy. tisat even tise- resist iUsease. Tested 1>y L thé background. chlldren like!them. -At tise same time COUNTV 0P ONTARIO. - prVOd aafe, ertain, i3rrfl Thse Fraser River fisinig fleet Wýu tisey act so rcadily aud naturally 11. e! 'tise nets witis their loaCs o! pain. Tisey promptly remove the1isTB -isE Mcone - AÀlvvaya Lead equrmng samo ws lm a s constipation and, by sootising aid Cek hty as.1,Fi,5 rpred ouly by Thon». Eeelu g00od lu picture as seeing tise real strengtisening tise bowkels, niaie it 1 a. 4, April 3, May 4, June 3,- SoId everywhere in Canada and tising. legs lhable teo ccur again. We bave July 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov1ý 7, Wnen tise operator ha Cearried bis tieu1otfsi u-te.W ko Dec. 4, Jan., 7,.1915. -- audience te tise harbor of Victoria, wisat tisey arc "made «~ anCdtise pl ea- OSHAWA-Mous E. L. Macdounel and given tbem a glimpse of tisis sant, beneicial results that aîwaysi Clark-Jan. 14, Feb. 8, Mar. 5, Apr. prettiest of coast- cities, thse canvas follow their use. - 4, May 5, June 4,_ July 4, Sept. -4, abruptly said "Tisanle ygU ou, You needn't take our word for it. Oct. 3, Nov. 9, Dec. 5, Jan. 8, 1915 1night"1 If Rexail Orderlies dont help you- 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Green- 'f tise>' on't -entirel>' relieve al your wood, lerk-Jau, 10, Mgrat. ?4My 'bowel troubles--corn back and tell us 6, July 7, Sept. 5, Nov. il, Jan. KIDNEY HEADACHE. anC we'll give backeyour moue>'. Iu 110 1915. is caused !rom tise blood being tisicis- vent pocket tin boxes, loc., 25e., 5OC. 8 OTPRY .W uusm ened wftis uri c adC poisons circula- Yeu eau bu>' Rexall Orderhies on1lCy r-Jr. 7 a. ,My7 ting lu tiseisead. Anti-Uric pis cure at the Rexail stores and in this e ul 8,Sen. 17, Nov. 12. Jay. 1, ai omso idney trouble. Tisey are towu ouly of us. -.4. Allun.- sa good und o sure tisat .J.H~. Wiihis195 guarautees tisem. DIe sure you t 4. UJXflhDCP, R. J1. Moore, lji- Anti-Uric ,Pis, .\' gai e LLtY NATbrU hidge, Clerk- Jan~. 10, Mar, 14, Quality! uI t p-V Mro 1 LErson 3Y JoN A OMO E aualitOTNTIS.H.Pstr vr. H h _ r a1Ma>'là,Julr 14, Sept. 9, Nov. 9, The . f Solg lt t eei e onl a reen ie nescto a.15 95 Twe A- hAveue+RseouA, ou rme wh eno f w trukby i lh a ný, la era9110-LJu.8 heodnse a i r the illawhich nay core any dey, à anci there la dmiertliatgraver cm and elinination. Thebeste5oe- che s.wlaaknowledgedte LLS by tones, the s sti, mu- regulates the inactive bowe., s need,. Beechamn's -Files wJiI rering and* so irprove your engt that you -an bMte rtimae, Beecham's Pilis ha-ve et eonvenient and that they to Better *Health, &amt. Helena. Lancasbire. Snaa" id U' 8. Amaries na.Sabos.25 ecata. V r p j' Are Von Lookîng for a Change Trhis is the time of year, you waîit somnething else. Table syrup, clear and nice, -77, 5c and 3Of lin. Maple compound, this is good, large seecial tin-25c Marmalade for breakfast 15c, 18c» and 30c Jar. j ans, in glass, JQc, 29ç and 30ç. Table jellys, ai-I flavors,- 3 foir 25c. Oranges are cheap now, large.sizes 30c, 40c, 50c doz.- F R, ESHL ET TLUJC E D A1L Y Marmalade Oranges, large sîze, - 25c-.dozen. FIS" DAILY AUl kinds, fresh and smoked. We stand behind our goods, try us.- - J'n. 13. WATERIIOUS13 %,JH ITBY Phone il Prompt Delivery. ream -For poliehing sil-ier, fg-oI niekie, cepper, brasî, or an amnooth metallie surface, Fc cleaning-Pl ate glas, i re Windows, Marble sýtatuaM etc., it bas no <eqtiaI. h sis -entirely uew and u - 11h aIl othexpeparatîto1 contains no minerais, aec or poisons, being purely veq etabl-e and perfect1y hârmlesi It is an instautaueous erac icator of dirt or tarnisîr.j INow that house cleanfil time is hère> e very bouse vil shouîd have a. bottie* of th:j POI.ish on hand. iHeurs 'berd work turned info rm, mente of .-pleasuro by usîn 25 cents per bottie Ask f-or sample at BASSETI! JEWELER 1, OPTJ CIAN WHiTRVg, .ý- (Ni Mns. Hyslop, Dominion Orga aftie W. C. _I. U, wilI give an Cross lu the fBapiist Cîsunçh- on nesday evenîng, April Sth. -- wil fe via 1 MUMC b>'thse -Re-v. G. A. MeýILean, Chairmnas. A Meeting 0t the eeuioW he1d at the- home of Mrs. C. Tc Monday cvening, Mlan-h 3Otli, ai o'cloek. A full atiendance is qucsted to cempiete arraugemen - ur speci al meetingi -the B2 Churcis. Mr$, WIn. Tasiier, of Witiy -nolsuces thse engagement of youngest daugister, Helen, te à F. Green, 13A., 2'Ind.iau G rov route. The ýwedding wlll taLe qietly -at«Ehsiter; - flount forget tise hall te hoe under tise auspice-01.l St-. Club on Monday -eveniflg, Apr É tise ususic hall. .New drese geods direct !rom at '.G. WaTt ea'lertainers," wili give a j»1 concert hall efthtie Coll Fniday,. oveniing,- Apnil 2nd.' sen 25 cents. Tise studets w - tribute some miClýnlbersf Bargaloin . -fboots aînd**sho~ cbetAoe-lot' o! $,50, $3-00, j.0 and $5,00 values, >'our~ ln wlndow -for 31.98 at M. W, l'!rm2to5 o'clockon Mwardhis 7th.- Mn, Hardy, o! Lecicester, E was heartily endonsed by Mn. a$ tise Metisodist Tabernacle o1 day eveuing, and ,aliwerc hear hlm wîtisot i1 T l IC arecital-lu the rC'1eee Conc on Fnida>' evenlng, APnl nd mission 25 cents. -A CfRCIN La f"îv ' unr, rt of! imen*' In stitis -5 (IMT!' a;n cunned- iII tl'e n s01! ¶100 rend tb( isePnpr o S4-1-ari Annes, of W x~ ing the vti'4 1 V -n wà ie tovm .1 r 4t -nu T-Fi - r-d thse aa itlcir~ b -inAllianrýe,_1h- 'ssr Ontafie Colinty wa s un0< »,. Tise punpose -fisie AU te place a temperanlce spe evr'pusit lu ts on> AK~,,flUV~O ' --A A,& A À . A A . A.A A. A. '4 4 --I -I t =à Gohiawa, vlslted thie forMer's mhhee,-- is. JonBlaiSObard. Mr. RegualId Southwell bas meur- jed a poàitio u ta wholessle beom L Taranto,,sud commeineed Lis ivjtiea (ast week. spendlng tjue wlnter with his ~pfle, returued this wveis te bis berne -lu Manitoba. Mus. Clifford Short, o!. AlYýstOnE in spessdiug tva veekuw .tt& batm aleé &Bd iguat, M. vA ig Mn W.4Wu- ion, Brookslde Par=~. Mm. WAO. iobntôiià,NoulTôtà wanda, N.Y., bas beoesa eu f" or,- thsepast two Wekafhbu tlt, lire. R. Rosi. Mr. W. Wood, io! Oshawa, jeompfet thse pulpit of thse Baphi mib o Sunda>' lut, Beyv. G. A. MeUmustha pasier, betng M1. MissTisompÉacu,.t4echer at. thé Model Scbooî, bas boom oS i0yfor thse past veek, owiisg tellimea. 11W 2 place ban beels slll'ed b> ' Mi NU-- Duel J. rlw for the ImprisOned passengers to' i

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