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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 5

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\flCre&rn F or.Ë sihin'g silver1 gold, nickUi, copper, brago, or ;nUy smooth m tallie surface. For cleaning iplate g1ass, Mirrors, windows, marbie statuary,ý etc., it h". no'- qual. ItîVis . ezirely ns'w and un - like aIl 19ther- preparatione Contains :~o mi nerais, acide, or poisons, being puroly vog- stable and perfectly harmiese. It il e4.- inetantaneous erad-- icator ofdm1t or tarnisis. *Now Liat housescleaning time i. hore every houese wife ehould have a bottie oe thIis polmt on band. Hlours of -jierd work turned into mo- ment e! _ploasure by using 25 cents per bettie Âsk for sample ut BASSE-TI'S JE WELER i& < WHUTBY9, )PTI CIÂN -ONT.-I - W.C.T. U. Mrs. ilyslop, 'Dominion Organizer, of thse W. C. T. U., wil give an ad- dress ln -the l3atiSt Churcli On Wed- neuday evening, April 8th. There will bo special mus4c by the choir. 11ev. G, A. MoLean, Chalinn. A meeting of thse executive will be beld i.t the home o! Mrs. C. Tod«, on Mondaf-evening, Marcis 3th, at 7.30 o'clock. A full attendance is re- quested to, cofinplete arrangements for cur speclal meeting in thse laptist Church. LôcaI Hppeainta Mrs. Wzn. Tasker, o! Whitby, an- nOWIces, the engagement o! her youngest-daugister, Helen, to Mr. W1 P. GreI, B.A., 2 Indiail Grove, To- .roikto. Thse wedding wîll take place * quietly t Easter. Don't Io rget tise bail to he held under. tise auspices of St.. John's Club on Monday" evening, April 13. là the music-hall. - New dres goods d irect frein Glas- gow, Scotland, at W. G. Waltçrs.' Mn. Hardy, ot Leicester, England, desoibed as a "prince o! necitere and _ýjjertiners,II wlll give a recîtal la b. concert hali o! tise College on Y'llay. evening, April 2nd. Admis- 3in 5 cSot. Tise studenta will, cou- tributs some musical numbens. Bargaius la boots and sisoes. A eciee lot ef $2.50, $3.00, 83.50, $4.00 and $6.00 values, your choies lu wlndow fer $1.98 at M. W. Col- - lns from e te 5 o'cloek on Fnlday, Marcis- 27tis. 1 . Ur. Uieidson wui lb. ut W. o. P-m., Saturdy,. March 2th, 4>tao r Dsurerneuts fox sulidbi deiîver- e<I for Euter orany tins altér iat Ûa y ie lh. F it guaantéee. Thé Outarlo Ladies' Quartette are comlg agin.The dats leFnlday, Marck V.Tickets 25e. ad35c.. plan Of aIml et AlIln's 'dr-ùg store:openid TUoday, MarÇb S4th, :aji hine olock a.m. Don't MISS this higi-lase cn- Get méasured foc youn -new Easter suit at W. G. Walters' store Satur- day, Marcis 28th. 500 samples of tweeds and. wersteda te select fion. * 100 MEN WANTED. On Sunday môrnin"g neit Rev. S. E. Grlgg, of Toronto, will adiliesse thie Baraca Club of thse Baptiot Cisurois on tise subjeotI"Tise Cali of, tise New Day." Tise meeting will be- gin at 10 o'clock and close at 10.50 giving those who attend t4me te goi to other disurcises fon tise mornlng, service. Tise Club olicens are asking for an attendaince of 100 men. Every man in tise town Io cordially Invite& to be pneseet.1 New styles In corsets, 50c. t0 $5r per pair at W. G. Walters. Sîzes 181 te go.1 [[TED IN TORONTO HOSPITAL. Tiese ad ,deatèi occurrel in a Toron-, to isospital on.Friday, Marcis 2th, éf Wmn .; L. McGraw, belovel isuaband lo! Mary MeClinton, and son-in-law et -Mn. and Mrs. -Davi McClinton, o! Whitby, formerly o! Toronto. Mn. McGraw was ln Whitby f(nom June, 1918, tili January o! this year. Ho had becn"ill for quite a, while, and bal been in the isospital for two months. Tise f uneral took place on Concert, Reme.mber thatlWO have' thean, and *will bc laadto, Place one with you ý it will pay vou~ to cali a.nd' Se u befire purchasoing a machin.. You know the SINGER ha$ a reputation of its OwD.- Geo. 1. Wilson Photographer whitby Entirely New Program. mon&da Luthse glt4rOoei, wlu ns co duceffl by tbs FWSD.141»b--U Prelet of thse ay of QuIae cmu [erence.. Do ul a-fiso e bring luis President. - G eel muelo'bythe -oIr. A msat mdt welcome to aW. .A gpelal lMftatcl'O' 15 IYUte tii litrangers la eux tmow SS.ad tanizel Claiseat1 Greatest barga4ns ever offered ln ehboes at M. W. Collins' on Friday afteTnoon, March 2" th, from 2 to 6 o'clock. Corne everyone. ONTARIO LADIES' QUARTETTE. Were you at tise concert isel unIon »ie auspicesfethtie Witby Band a few weeks ago?7 If you 'were ycu wlll want te isear tise ONTARIO LADIES' QUARTETTE again-,5 If you wene not tisons you wili net' have a chanses te recover wisat you 'hv et. + ip.. the ONTARIO TRE YoRtSmHirÏIGHTING4LE Iliose wiso heard Mi. Enos- Bacon, thse mau wlth the doub>le voloes, lathse Metholst 'Tabernacle, on Tuesday evening, were more thàa deligitel with the prograin to, wbich they lis- tsel. Mr. Bacon, has thse. remarkable 1 f aculty o! making rapid and astois- i-shi.ng changes 01 bi1s volce. cme moment lbewas sinslug in a eweet soprano volce, and -the neat ila etrong baritone. In some songe lie made a change on every word wlth aucli a tiue tone tisatishe audience marvellel. He sang "ILead, Kindiy Light," te musicofo hie own com- position. Tisis plece bas had a wlde circulation. Mr. Bacon lu aise a& lbilIliant entertainer, hie realings bots grave aul gay, Seing eplendidly renderel. Tise mont lnteresting read- làg o! tise evening was bis interpre- tation et a secme from "ieheblas 7Nickleby," by Charles Dicksens. Mr. Bacon hell tise audience ebarmel, und 'they were onry wisen -the scene fin- Ially clesel. Mr. Bacon was very generous witis hie encese, and gave twe f ull hours ef amusement. Ifl he ever returne te Whitby he. is sure o! a mucis 'langer zaudience tisan greetel, hlm on Tuesday evening. On PnldaY, March iStis, a esumber o! tise girls froi tise TownU Lne gave tise lnmates of the Heuse et Refuge a joîly isoun or two. A program was rendereil and daipty refresisîents Monday te Prospeet Ce tey Te LADIES' QUARTETTE ln tise town' servd rente. .hall on Friday, Marcis 27. Tickets New coth. inolums en te25c. and 35c. Plan o! hall will lb S L RE ST R New cotc, Lioléus, oe toready at, Allin' drug store at ni S LE EGSéR tour yards wîde, at W.G. Waltens'. ococ-am. nTusay adi 4 For spnaying outlts and sprayîng -+0 Tuessay, Match 31, - Dispersion matenlal at lowcat prices go te GEO.I DRIVING OVERBOULEVARDS. auctien sale o!fisigis grade Durhsam M. RICE'S.. I As will bo noticed in last week's cattie, herses, siseep, pige and lm- report of tise Town Council meeting, plemnts, thse property o! D. W. Caur- BOYS' CONFERENCE. tise Council will take stepe to Pro- rutisens, lot 5,c1, Kîngeton A Beys' Conference was held in 'Iibit vehicles being diven on boule- Real, 8 miles west o! Whltby. Sale tise Y.M.C.A. in Osawa last Satur-1 yards, la many instances destroying at 12.30 o'clock sharp. W. B. Powell d#y and Sunday, when a largé nom- tise beauty o! thse plot, upon wliicis, and Wm. Maw, auctioneers. ber of eller boys, partlcularly tisose, periapS, isas boen expended mucis time Tisunsday, April 2.-Auction salé o! ln their teens, met in several ser- and cane by tise ownen. In any young horses, new mîlcis cows, hîgis çics.A carnival ô!f fun was held event, it le a very carelese and an prade roohn M.sepndpigotise on Saturday at tennoop and a ban- noying practice, and one whicis no rpryo onM ydlt quel in tise evening. Representatives1dôiibt wlll be dlscontlnued whW con, 2, Rea*lh, (Zl miles norîli of were present f rgm -thse Witby :Sun- placed in tise proper ligist. eTis hburn.) Sale at one o'clock day Sehools during both day.s, and' street 19, of courfe, 6 eet wide, but I sharp. Win. Maw, auctioneer. they report a splendid time, and'it muet be rememb;ered tisat tise road- meetingsthat wene exceeUingly help- is mucis lees,' and tisat ample space FOR SALE'. fuI, - *terese7rved on sither side for elde, nvlaeo tokiteln walks and boulevard. Tise offenoce vilg !liokl, ieln UNIN EAHERTRINNG could iso made just as mucis o! a vio- and bouidinigs occupiol by Uniais UNIO TECLASTRANIN lation o! the law as is ridiag a bi J onles, and used as hardware store OnMna LeeiaS uinSnso yleo isdwl. and imptement shop. AIl in iret-5 On Mnda evnin a uionclas (, rcle n te sdewlk.cîas nepair. Apply te GEORGE1 Sunday Scisool teachers of tise towa -+ PRINGLE, Myrtle, Ont.--40. wanl formed at a meeting field in tise Another b gsale o! boote and shoee Laptist Churcis. For some time the at . W. Collins' from 2 to 5 o'clock 1IOUSE TO LET. 'teachers o that cisurcis have been Friday àfternopn, Marcis 27. $3, $4, Eýight-roomed frame bouse at cor- holding tise class, and It was feIt and $5 boots to be sold for $1.98. ner Atisol and Coîbornoe treets. Ap- that those from other Sunday' .-4plY to S. G-. HAWLEY, Hospital for Scisools migit cane tb taise up tise BAPTIST CI-URCH. , lsn-f wonk also. Accordingly, a meeting Sunday, Mardi 29. WOOD FOR THE CUTTING. was called, and tise ork of organ- Sabbath Scisool and A doIt classes 1 have a number o! large fruit Inees ization completed. Tise clase will at10a..to ho eut down. Any oes utting1 meet on the second and fourbis Mon- 11ev. S. E. Grigg, o! Toronto, wfll and taking away tise trees may have as on tise fifth May 8.30 ei' o ne address tise Banaca Ciass aItote lwood. C., A. 0GOODFELLOW. alonrs. A sta nda text book 1oclock, hie eubject being, "tise CalNOTICE. cus. isenuis era oke 'of tise New Day." being ue.Temmeso h class Mn. Grigg will also preacis aI botis W. J. Gaît -&'Son, of Oshawa, have have so fan manl!ested-. mucis inter- sics eudanc roypitspad doubandthse îiuni eeingese Hi.,Monning service Il o'clock.- Sob- are prepared 10 do al kinde o! car- AIulesuna Siool thea cises on inject-"'Social Service: Wisat and rnage painting on short notice. Bam- A1t Say wieislng te folow tse orsenWhy." . bnldge'5 old stand norti o! tise.town o!c sloy, are r oiall lnvtetoure1Evening sezvice 7 o'clock. Subjeet cdock, Oshawa. -45. ofsuy r odal nie ojola' "God's Side." ___________ the class, wisere, in addition to tise' ________________ study o! the text book, tise Sonday TWO BRICK YARtDS FOR WHI'rBY_________________ School lesson for tfise ollowing two, --A g- wees li hohnefy smmnied, Anînercaîg saur if cW4 ueu and iselplul hunIs thrown out.' For-' last week by Mn1. E. E. Starr, o! tise 'tiser informiation! may be obtained' Greater Canada -Improvement and j fnom Rev. G. A.' Mecan, tise cap-,hLand Con., Limitewe a- able leader. nouncel bisat tise old Gilmore bricks -4-yard, punchased lasI year by 'tise GoS eOur Ppres. on fanm, poltry'cornpany, would be in openation this ad lawn fence, Evenything ln hard-' season. As already announced, Mr. wAre. GEO0. M. RICE. W. G. P. Hood, o! Toronto, Is mak- 6 lag prepanations for tise openlng o! A NOT1rn) W. C. T. U, VISITOR. I bis plant on tise Hood pnoperty, so Tise Mission B3oard o! tise Wit- 1tisai thero le every possibility o! by W. C. T. U. have anrangod two brick yards being ln operatien wlitiste Ontario County officens te 1 tisis year adjacent to tise tewn. This have Mns. Margaret Hyslop, one etofwtfll1)ho a great convenlence te tise themr oratons, visit tise County eariy houideransd should reducestise cost gn Apnil. Mrs. ilyslop has been la' o! brick te local people. Bots e!f Renfnew, Pembroke and other ea tistse Industries will requins elecînlo ena lewis, aid her many lectures power, and tise town wlll tis denive have been lîstened fo wiîlx leepesî furîher benefit frein luiis Increase ln lnterest. T-Tr hrirrhlt nrnnatvttO lselectnlo servicO. charming Scotch accent and ready wtt, make hon a most lntenestlag en- tentalner' Sho wlîl viilOshsawa, Witby, Almonds, Pont Ferryand tise, nortiora part o! tic County, return- ing by Uxbnidge. Bessure te, hean ber. lin. Hardy, o! Lecester, Englaîl, lNI wau heartlly endorsel by Mn. Bacon0 aI tise Mthodisl Tabernacle on Tues- day enenlng, and aIl wero urged tb bean hlm wilhout fail. fle wIll gins a recilal lautise Cllege Concert hall on Prfîay eveniing, Apnil 2nd. Ad- mission 25 cents. Grand - A CORRECTION. LasI wevk l<n our report o!fbise Wo- men'e Instilute meeting an error oc- cunreci la tise anme o! tise enp vioý read tise papen on St. Patricks. The +n aîne sioîîld have been Miss Maud D Anass, of Whithv. An enror la read- MFI inz he srrittpn ronv waS nesponsi- I ble._for tise mistake.I _________ FIELDY J)JSY. POPULAR PRICES-25 and 35 CENTS. ,lv. "Dr. MNcTavish, of Toronto,_________ ývas in town 1amt weelk anraaging for' tise annuni Fieild Day o! tise Do min- Pai(,,al*l pna'li' r-Soea 'lc ion Alliane. T'be day -suggesbed for PlnfHalilopnaAln'DrgSrea9o'ok Onlarlo County wvas Sunday, May am.(on Tuc-sday,51Narch 24t1, 10. Tise purpose o! tise Aljiance la tq- place a teînpcnance speaker inI -Setelclclmsfihsppr'adpses everypulpit In tise couaty tisat i e h-ocllemsofti ae,'adpses Mr. Richardson, o!flise lirin e! Me- Alpine & Richardson, wlll Se at W.G. G. Walters' store, Satunday, Mancis 28th, te take orlons for mals to measure Easter suite. Fit guaran- A Prompti eivery Evex-y order is carefully inspected befort it leaves our store. You have ne doubt been 'disappointed hecause some one forgot to put in the basket the article you were in the higgest hiurry for. Such mistakes seldoin happen here. N We want you te have - every confidence in our service. lf yeu cannot -orn ou r -@tore lnper- son, we waat yen te teel perfectly free to @end tise childrea or lelepisone your order. Try sur extra oine TeR et 400. Peau, Coisend Tomates, 3 fer 2ie. surprise Soap, 6 fer 2Wp Your business fniend, -WM. MEEKER Phone 94, WHITBY Miscellaneous Advetts' WHITE WYANDOTTE COCKERELS Thnee pure-bncI wlite Wyandotte cockenele for- sale. Twe dollars cacis. Apply E.L. Sexamits, Witby.-S8. Faïm Salesman -Wanted- Gentl POli SALE 01R liNT, f a A bxick hoose on Blyron Street, tlîis di %iitby. Imitîediate Possession. AP- 1ly to J. E. Disney, Brooklin.-tf. part o EGGS FOR HIATCHING; Pesbrel Risode Talmud leds, White Legisorns, bned to iay sînnins. 50O>c. per setting of 13. Jonessz Se M- 409 Bnien, Brooklin. mId. and leleu tele- phonos at hardware &tore. - TENDERS FOR STREET FORE-, MAN. '"1 Tenders will be received at ,tise, Town Clenk's office up te 6 p.m, on1L1 Marcs 27th for tise position o! fore- Ln man on streets, for eigist monts on montisly engagement from -Aynll 'lt.a Applicant te etate experlence 'and wages expettel. lema witb good kaowledge ri and values, residing ia listret, wiso san gýIve al] or JOHN I1SHER Your'Eypi- Haveyo any trouble witb Ibeni ? IfS se, it ýi@ not wise te delay secing me about it, Do it new. O ÈPICANblG Y5 ouge St. TORONTO TORONTO 0q --PR "Scranton Goal." "Youghiogheny.SteamGoal." , ery, Gartage "-Blue Grass Caninel Goal." "George Creek Smltbing Ceai."I Ta~mn I No Ceai te eqoal the$5a. Lfld T a ig. I Scranton for ranges, iseaters and tmrin- dne-l- UiUnL-.t -ind"drv-.6 ~3.Chairman on Sîteets fil1 have recent1y added to my weill LAUNDRESS WANTED.ý equipped livery stable a heavy team Launnes for House of Refuge.: Ap- and dray for ail kinde of cantage and ply~~~~ ~ etoc eDr aey eaming wbrk, and will bc pîcasel te WANTED.receive orders, which will have pîompt WANTED. and careful atter.tioîl, Yogisiogiseny fer steam. None any better. George Creek fer ail kinds of smith-- ing work. Fresh mined; We lead in quality and quantity. R D A capable- mal for generat boýuse-' PHONE 65. lm UIV p 11saujr wenk on a emali farm. No milking, nochlden Cmfrtbl hus garBell Tel. 9. Home Tel. u~.- churcises and village. Permanent p- sillon fer suitabîs porion. Apply aIý J h i b è Gazette and Chrouicle OMfo,'IVWt- -G m l t im r gn b e by. & DUNDASST., WEST, WH1aTBYre na i- 1UILK ANI) CREAM- , i .___________________ Order voîmn milk and cream, iquai-- l- S tpieng th ily guaranteed, from Dent's 1)Dairy, Penny and Chestnut Ste. Bell phonoe"Experlencia Docet 177. Orders promptly delivered.'l à / u An experiencld isoueekeeper want- FnriDrcor n mamr ed. Muet Se good cook andl lily Ever S etor 4sladmamc er sh Benefis isousekeepen. Apply te box 42-3, or vroBlc,4Siet.NOhw personally te Governon Sciiller, aI iîrgt exclusi've ouneraîl Paîlors£ binesidence, Wiitiy, janîd thapel to be establîshed in P l 7 4rbl M -U S E T O R IEN T . the3 o nty of On tario. I II L / V IIIfJI Postmasten Ilowden'e nesidentîOj. Irlt te ambuslance ieadqoarterB, uiviueflus eautifu1 grounds, good gÏdn Dar or nightcalle prompJtly attend- Pha.rp. fr disance Apply John flics, Secretany Optanlo I Ladies' College.-So. TO lIENT.' Eigist reomel brick cottage te lot. Large gardes, flne fruit sud laBwa. ,Apply to F. H. ANNES. SEED àBARLEY FOR SIE A quantlty o! Mandecissuni Barley sultable for seld, tesling 52 Ibo to tise busiso). Prlce, 85c. per bushÉl. D. Robinson, lot 28, con. 7, Witby. lad, pions 502, Brooklii.-tO. - WANTE D TO RENT FOR SEÀSON Pasture for 3 te 10 cows. 'Apply Dent 's Dainy, Penny sud Cistnuît St.. Bell phono 177. P.O. box 184. Phos41 r 2 and 417p r New La'u-ndry. We- wiuh to acquaint the people o! Whitby and surrounding country with the £act that we have opened up a first- class laundry on Brock St., Whitby, la. Hewis Bros.' old store. We are prepared to -do ail kinds of aundry work. Family orders given -gpecial attention. Ail work guaranteed. Parcels called for and delivcred. ilMinimum Net Cost For rates and f ull information apply to F. J. DUFF, MR.-A. E. DONOV AN, Special Rep. Qlîeeîî & vieffîta St Mfyrtle. Toronto, Mgr. The mtîal Lifo"uamVUoo HoeHOME WANTED. Chatesoar lWhtby nt"" à -- B- .iuvmmivin HomeI on a farm wanted fora boy 'hre a hty n, _fl 'iaio! ten years. Apply box 3, Gazette-- - - - HOMESEEKERSI. EXCURSIONS' Office. IROYAL -TH E.ARqElE.=A E AN anl'3akiMaeWllVnL ;iloaAIitfti.HION GLASS MOVINO PICTURES, on SnLde ene codil.1yI until Oe tber 27 -. l -sle Before You Stqp ... Look Ahead 1 IP 81 lw rtes 1ýi111..Yh P.l?.ýn ourbt StreersOpen every cvening. tt e.r.t';riouhPir leng on inêr ilPu.éyý A.,pa n Au lg fmp Manufacturer lu 'N înniipeg on î'boi' 'e e .(1, Tnnîn n 1ill .U t [at unéiI Atiî ti.If Wc have installed a new Simplex :ini. uchange of nainrî Sisue". il l1[lgie RETLIRN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS. ~ uîo~îîî> u î l mcie hc sasltl lccls Shop and -«esidencei Dundas Street SETTERSFARE ,-~ELLOTT.-~and easy on lie eyes. (Otie ay seen.(.îu Saturday night, toc to ail. WIIITBY Firt naît"îs'n 0îin tKno'nBAIN -PERRIN, Manager. Tkree dom west o! Whltby Hou»s.. LOW COLONIST FAIRES, Toronto, Ont. ae pe é o Instlea o Fro (î tatol.-4a!u to tan.Ia > ~ A. t1p- Ss'Isstl tt lt 1aftthe habit of doifl I ISL>RAN\CE lion pumpe s o r bi-rît, Britimlh U(siriitt a lssrn, rt., a class of work that bears the stnmp*of - - . attend to ail kinds of r.- etc Iriîgs.î tI.$ A. A111 1)A superiority.' Fire, Life, I ive Stock, Plate Gi îss, palring. PullI particulars at ;adTîî, rost OtO sI. l:jo 1r s ttu. Accident and Automobiles. fjiiee orwrte . î..~I<li~ING D..A, lutssnt tt'îgîs ufl CI ItiIVt. Agent for the best Canadian, Einglish Agent for thse Ontarlo wind miii, M»e Torr,to, Onut. co.Enesd W .FIlot and American conrpanies. gasoline eDgineo and thse suI and see -E. Stephenson, Whitby's Up- Alexanderriua.I Pncta JAMES MeCLELLAN cd Magiiet Crcam Separatot. town ticket office. Phone 86. ~BOX 39J Whitby, Ont. Phone 1 z9 Phone No. 50 rostdeaeS. ~.~a.u~'asa ~ .,.~,ssss-s'Ia ~ - ~ '-~ - - - 's' ~ ~ - s î-~ ~ - k' _ ÀPaàint forthe Floor ï*7a Wear- And Wear- And Weara; PrHEEramanM' h aand nmany colora inFloor PaWn 68OUdréiable SENOUIrS FLOR PAINT "Way!-back in "w Wgandfathes', ime, SENOURPS FLOO' PINTwas staning 'the wear and tearof poou days-toda it la beautfing and prot etn h floor in t* fmnet home. of ow country. fi Sgrpi#dbucaum a. etu eh. -b.caua. t araand uianaand wa«». ui ou want smlay &-or-dlom stha e .aslyIcet pi and span-cme in and get acolor card of SenoursF1oorPa1nt, sbowing 14 attacdiv.color-shom. which b omake your choice' b1 Y Me PRINGLE kRIO -LADIES' QUARTETTE Second Appearance TOWN HALL, WHITBY> D0AY, MIARCH 27, 94 i. - Ili of his time to the business. IF. Eu LUKEI

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