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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 6

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eriptl1s,, wrîîîe aome get Up in the r'sg feeling just a tired as iYhen, hey wflt to bcd. / These are au arg syinptomns that the- blood is out o! order anud tiat a miedicine is niee4ed. Many rpeotple 'Lake, pur- gotve medicines ini the spr1nS This is aserieus ~mstake. You oannuot ,cure y'ourself wjt-h -a-miedicine that gajIojm througil yýIoui- system and Ie4ves. you weaker et-i. Tùsi. i '1, &purgative, deosfWhat y.U med t» give vou health and th 'Vini the spring 2oatoi ine7iIe that wil enrjeh> the bio04 and soctho the jangled -eve.And th oe always riaule tonic and b1,ood builder is Dr. Wiliiamse' Pink rils Thea.. Puisen<oV only banieli .pring weakness,'but gkuard .YOU agnst flie -mure serious ailients thi-nb ollow, such as anaemni4, lier- i'ou1S debility, indigestion, 'r ' heiinap tiani, and -cther dii.eases due te ba.d Mns.. Free'nIan Leslie, Greenwich, kCS., wriêeg. "Wè<hav6 fottul fDr. wi1iarna' Pink Pîltr>'tue orybest f avn1y -Medicine theie is 'l Was compIetely run-down ani C'oulIdnOt -1.leep or d ray Wur I was very neri'oumi 4nltht' loast sou-nd eýtpt- led me.. 1 began using.lJr. Wil- liamus' Pinill1>1e and tîiey io lirotught uic back to the begt of good' lialtb, They il!,o, curet MY bus- banld when hie wa>s suffeting frOin'a ýýevere attack il! neumatism'" If you are ailing thjis epriîîg you carnot afforil, in Your -own intenoat,, 4ý ovelook fsu valua-bic a Medicine ils Dr,. Willianis' Pink PFil. Sold 1)yvail mcdicine dealers or by mlail il 50 b cents a box or aix boxes for $2,50 f roni Tlc DIr. Willianis' Medi- Ciùe Co., BrockvMle, ont., of $hitkttsptire. St-raTnige remedieti used by mnodern > m1edicine, whcn read in a prPgserip- -tion, ocall te xdnd the tisue of w4tch- rRfbif en tnîysterioi1ui erCatture1s. mixed strango liquidsý ith whkhff tlîey w-orked scories o! horror-among', -tie People'1 QaOly recently .4 phanMaist was ~r4urdte Compoucia,& pnescnip- (ioin wl ihich one article Wafl dried moles.. To prepàie this needeti sub- ,'tanee the animils are plaeed in a eotsier and "ro&9ted-.ovr a fie." Làter, whe-n powdercd,1the ash is ,used as an epiieptie nente.dy. Reutter, aG(emian clemist, nen- tions a prescription o! lui3 «year's date, which calls for two ounicez o1 -humaun fat, oue' unce of natural snummy, a particle of new skin and -01 on cunice- .f1 tag's faL. Indeed,,zole iuoticyn science ca-Ibi ,ta niind the-weind lun'guafge of 1Shakespeare, ivhen lie. nentiins -, ragou's rblool, wuc1of but, and> -nilunmy'ýs I5in. If -wopie suiv a iit of!the drugs uîed by t-hc lieilst o1 nto-day many wotild ceuse lu býe sick.' But wicdag,'-blisotl iq(ii? tof fiic peculiarly inanseci (rugs, it dues otcorne fruni a-ny dragoli. Other iantes, also, are n-ierely trade nta-nes for bejîcieial reinedies. If we rýead- s6lme criisging, lhsir-raising niaine in a pré .cription i .ii dt-d tu t Lsi by Our doctjsr, IeL uo' not worrv'. i're scriptions aiecticlediw-%) drous andi co»fuqing langiuge. H8eld thyV_ Boys ; The nutritions part of I white Iiidiah Corneklul cooked,-rolleti thin, andi to)astml to, a rich golden eady to eat right- from- package-crisp, four- îg and deicioris. Jildren can't ..seeni to enough sif Post Toret- and theý y can est aIl -want -because, this is- as -wholesoine as it )Petizi ng. - -sÃ"Id JJy Grpeers. ÙsîtatluM >çe o.' ld 4erç a. uILSSan tlpti V AUD iLS V>L 1 tee-thi togéther. This noime eeems to inake the nionkeys bestde themseeJves, witb ter- rot 'and e e~itedi-etithey ,u Ë l together i-n the, troc-top ahove the leopard'- itead, Jumping uap ain& down on -the brsùobes;' ,aàrieklini and chàttening, Belw, the leopard waitj iutionless, clicking îifs -eeth, util, suddoinly one o! the anonkeys ýmisses its footing sud coies t'O the. wrund 'with a thud-anid then t-li Ieoparcl is on it ina .bouncLd 1 V tdi' 6aWtIlV irI5t ç$-, ofthe tragedy:' i was travelling -in thick' jungIce and i nybullocki cartes aving gone on.in ,the eàrly afternooli, I âas folleing .:lateër-!u t-hevéning doyrnthe saie eandy traék. I1ine- tced that a large leopard hadi- been following bebindua' lïufls u& ta he ha suddeniy turneti- asîd&.dVw» asinail4gaule track t te - am m6fient 1I beeq.ine aware -o a tre- nuendous chattening -,o! monkeys in thec distance. I ha4 a Ojugatie Wi e, and wc crept thnough the thick jungle to- wand- the, nsise. After crawling about 150 yarils I gaw- about 16 on 20'inonkcéye Junip.n6 on thc top -of a eniali tee They fflmce te ho ]ookingdown at something*9 on te-other sid. of à large )ushl which usas in front of use; and wheu they eaw u&, they kept -on turning flheir lieads firf4t to us and thon te this sometlhing, leap- ing up anti duwn and, shîieking per-- petually--aiid, as il ap peareti tomne, gesticuiaing ansd bcckOiiing to us with -their long. thin -grey arme. The sanie tîsouglit came to the (fln- galese, for 'lie ýhiSpel1Cd t me,ý "They are beckoning to youu-tu bhoot."1 I lay etih- for a. moment thuiking wiîich side of the bush it vas begt te crawl round-, andi flien I distinct-. ]y heard 1h. click, click, click o! the leopard',s tceth beuinti it. I chose t-he wrong side, for as I caine 'ound, ail I saw was thes le-opard disappear in a great curvi!g bouind ilîto thie thick jungle b,.o-, A GOOD MEDICINE FOR LITTL - ONES Baby's 0w-n Tabiets are an excel- lent i'emedy for littie ones. . They are a gentie laxative w isiclu swcet- en the stomacli, regulate the how- els, baniosîs constipation, -wenms, eioldi antisimple fevens, andi make the child iappy,,heaithy a nti -stong. Oonoeruing tIse-m-Mn.. Pierré Teus- signant, Ste. Sophie de Levrard,, Que., witcs:- "I have 'futînti Baby's Own Tàblets ans exce1ient remedy for my little oee anti would not be without thten." The. -Tblets'are Eold by niedicine dealers -or by mail at 25 cenbe- a box f!rom The Dr. Wl- liams' Mediicine Co., Brockville, CIiN~(RE OF'1 001)f (Géruis Get InfoEntalih's by EI'rors of Hofickéecpct'. A fansouis pisysician suici iw4 long au; "Many a woman w1setisinks herself a fine liousekceper, -w-hso is lierhiaps an excellent cook anti kee-ius everything in tihe 'piiiko! neatuess,' is criminally caurele5s in tise carecof fIod." - lic continueti, 'tisat lack of kiiowlcded about tht' 'aie -of foodpîuts the Minei cf tihe h 0u-I.e- hold in grave datuger. Anidhîed- Iessnes-s iilui s -t.t)ect is w-s easy. Thei .ave-riuge wusiîîs <hs>-shot ' waa seinug xrom zemae -Weasc-" uées, nO I tried seeerai Icinas 'of micdiciue, spending a. gooi - nany dolhâs for nothink. "Lastwint I ecegme éo wcak, 1 was o thePoint ib! giving up uiy worjc. I couki net sleep stt njght Znud couki, harclly get up the. etairs without havi'ng pliat9lo! thq' hzarut andi feéling quitoe exaustýd. a¶eai-i-ng-co! syniptons o!cine Disea-a in, Dodd's Aima-mue, 1500oA found -ont M*y case 1 was similar,, Fu 1 sent t onpce for foluir boxces o!, DOdds &Kidney Pi1lz. I1begaxa to for! ljps.l h very firstnigsf.- 'Those four boxes did. me ]more go$d tila-riail thi nediin, J14tàd talkenl liefone, aasd I have -remained str.ong aver iiince. -1 amn now aï,Weill- 0s Can'b e." -- ucrsoWIk Al wone-n NÉ.if ;-n S te *ie kinyeTley are the main- spring, o! heakhl. - Keep thli ,*anYB etroug by uing Dulidd'e Kidney Pille andi they -will take care of the nez-t o! tlw-_body. Mothen-NXow, Willy, Yeu iold, me a falsehoxdi.Du you know what happens ic ifflt.- bovs wc al fal3ehucscls 1 Willy hcpssl) no, a'am. Mothen-Why, n. i' black mari witil only une eye in the Centre ot his -!oiehiead Cumes loiig and flics iwith iiiÃŽM rp to the mion and maires him pick sticks for the balance of him life. Now, yon Mwiil1 never tell a falsehdod again, %v-il youi ' It us awfully wicked! ANC E-NT PARIS CiIURILf UHlstory «f-St. Julien Le Pauvre GüeâsBILak 1300 It!arls. - A city dnmprovemient sehienlein u Paris is mn processe-o! nealization which rmiii give a freer eight of the oki clîurch o!d St. Julien le Pauvre, one o! the inuet ' picturesquc c1îurche* In aris,, bothianchitectur- all1y and b y eason o! lts history. Situated en the -batiks o! t-le Se ine, qùite close to the. river andi Notre Darne, it lias Ibeen suurounded hith-, erto wit-là, a &emcwhiat disirepiuable f rame .-of lîouses whielî i i»o% -lu bc nenioveti, nul mere-ly to i;nprovolte approachses 4U the churcis, but ta inake way for the oonatructivoî-tf a new st'lsool o! decorativit a-rt. Ac- -vos-ding ýfo the plansf upoli wlih tise %-onk will lse begun ËslU)rtly, the frujnt-ing upsn- the Seine will lefkt- open tu tuhe river an-uili give- the lap jeft cfect, to fitcold irnonu.rcnt anVits attendant buîldi-n.gsc. The history o!flihe chîmreli is ex- tremoly curionts. It date-s f rom the sixt-li century andti us origi-naily a hospice wherc Saim.t Gregory of Touirs stayeti. TeisChaniswas de- ,t-nuycd by fthc Nonnians in 880, ai4l 8ubsequtintly neconstrmsctel. lRe-- stoncd in the 12ti -ecentury-, it be- eaine thse seat o!f teic niivei'sýity- bodies unlii -the creation of t-le reg- vler sedî(o!s on; Mount Sainte Gene- vieve. Ils varkis vici.ý7itudes ini- eltidedt!it Iof beeeir,.g forage itoî'es duinîgt-lie evolîîtioai. IV was afterwards restorecéi to itiseI-to- tel Dieu ts (r iosl)ifal, w)iîr' fi>lrîssc-r13 51-t Cl'Cse*ittto tIse c'hureis tu w-hich: à iL îni beungedi.in t-lic l"tiî r.entus'y. Xrious vnotable îeico,-is w'cre buried-thcre. Fur tomie ears it lias belon-Vet t the Gseek reli- gioli. w In.tie 1lrtîîsus tIt(le e i n front c h~cuirions clwsrcîsi are' In weils. 0-e aW ü lttni-lly itlibithe' chli clu Ilsn iw-Tas v i. s"e 5 4u-5 til, 0el, wws: ' p~i int-le- elngi ciLt!1 for1.11:d eil ,i de a .ve wosld be mosro carefu abssit lt-av- iig îniihk uîîcoivered ani .thiî buitter 'HALF'THE VICTIMS OF CATARFsH, -dîslia-on tlsc kitchcn itabIjI- w5iie ,lit BRONCHITIS, AND THROAT is coolsiug i' cleaniîg iîg î).' IRRITATION, CONTRACT Hsnv aften N-e s'ee a cake -o ieo TI-IE DISEASE THIS us, niaybe a Puddiiig Psst <sit 41f ile - MNH 'sir.ctov to cool, expos-eti u alls; tiiset tisaI bloîvi about andpsstl n-l-o e lie. Tsisus sai eiotgîs-- Onty One Preventivo Known. tisa country. Btit in dte-ty, sdi.- e, cu-iug toe- tht' diasiî.-"'f lise piilushs- Ti(, gc-ismse4 Iiuof, ts u Ii, t-lije sis- is 1uais'caîsltlîsiîsîîs cul bave a--sssuutsi suing mo--s it'is a pciîtî e useunace tu tbeais--iiasi i i-s 'saevusn-scdl its lis hy1), tis lb des nt 6culto IlostIlotm.-suas, taken up Ii iie isa ,-.g e Sudi sad lb lue ut-t ucl iios hisisi'spu-eu boaîtitioigliiosi i tise hland. keep.ens isst ba'ead, ci cake 'svie-s Il us linp)ssitlss o uaisi tise ui;alai- lis-itou et cf t-le uoi and tsl u loicf'f ise gos-nus, and i svs lstdej coo tonSsilis- igttî- -iN's-ed us hîls thtiseptricin N'siiuse ba'ouîhisui tuîi.s-ori a thiî lallu thor îsik'e o! t'tmIeîiraîîi, air ss< s ii ssî lIiigs t-a -pr-ei-nt-utiadges-its. astsIx-sl is-it. îî4 lna we-als-. iifliaiued canistioni ut fîntu aliti~nîlsi 1utînbutsluîth tTisse sisaautaose kîîoî'sîsn icçtlsad of nt liave-a ttis-k du5Iih thajn-osveu- aestroyitcg th", e sssusease' gerîsîs aller 0 9 Y O co-ýe wlen ake ,. tho Inhalation cil <'aiarrhozoutc'. ice ijs impomsile 10du îhik- îiiffi Cêtarniiuzuiîrll ott o!Ofal lIeIî- ili frEtig as iadeied Ani<-. t 'Msauntd one resut-di-s>cantue cars-ted cae is pae f--itsg las -isa.aucesiiii tise.air n-e i)reuuble tu miînîsuest cakeînayglpasos oeti infshe ualiet ceI oret te respîraîory organsi bere w-iîi gass oui b kep ff lse isut idestroys tih. garnis>. lîale ait tise ustil it ie ready tu be sforcd iluthie. iritatei surfacefs, anal affects a per.- cake box., masseiif, IasîtIig cure. 11îZever put anytiaing Lust dry 1koti "My nostils 'votre go stufît-sius> wii5s- ÇaiaxTrtu Ïht Il y hai 'l c ildy iikc cake or bs'cad, awasy iiin.Id---is--il - i tAtînsgsit scouu sM ccly ssheup btcause eIiamciicti cake or bs'eed 1boxei4 are of tise antul -dropplnrs from muy nose alil ighti. luit tiopen a a R<s! fru'lit sud thiIî'G-wicle t My Stouxuci or vegelables>, use piart-cf tise con- in a counstant stule of disorder. B3ut ent-s, 'ud jet tsi, aîainîder st:tyCatarriiozosie cured mne-strengtlseied in te cn iay ean tunain pii-mY tisroat* asîd gave me Pi!oIecîLoa- in te eu iuy mnu ponsine ot-agalust rePeat.ed COUglîs and colds. I sonig a- dies iekuse.Bake P'urge ail sufferers to use Ltaîaarrisozone:' pie-s or apple pie, if cook-ed hii tIn or J. P. Asdîe (Salemrnn, Haianlton, ,cvesi gi-nie was-e, slipuîtd.uever LcOhio.- ailoivedto ccolIn, tiie pan..- Wleis- Ctarnbozone Is a guarunîeeal cure es-r possible apples anj an'y acidf for every foron of titrout trouble, Bron- fr-uit or segeta-Ile shouid be ceoketiIhtsAtsa Clrh.Il hue cured -ini eurts-ca-ware, for.aciti lias. ani thers, wh:iy not yen? Two imonths' treaiment pnice. $1.00. -,AU "dealers, alf AV ôo lna4nieie e-o tii. Calarnsozone Co., -Buffaisü, NY., - err-es -A -poisonou8suabslance. and Kirrgiston, Ont. its *"11, eigl35rtti I stL, ari - ing ta a heigh of <nearly fifty -feet abuse the original rock surfa-ce. On ne sie the structure hIw.1 evidently su«fered by bbmbardmrent, and this -suppositioù -bas bèen 1.roved by the 'reeovery fromà the interier of! the toàwer- of mmany articles,ý including .cannon balle. The disappearance of the tower, '1 exp1ainedI by the fact tJat~ thé: Haif' XIoopm Battery, 'a fea- ture of Edinburih Caste which has e:!is-ted for ineirly 350 years, covers it upot"1 tlgitea rising fr-om 4he krounid, some ý3xteradîng to - SCDféot mx k 1hbe liong, andte f i ze of the gta1ütttek tfromi the--roof i show that- the vaulte -of thé, tower havc, n6tieen diiiturbcd, for a- very lonlg -tln e.- This: discovery ied Ȏt the finding o! the anc'int wel, 'tvhich Mi'; 01d- nieye regardW-as one cùf theélnost iii teresti"ng in Britain*. 'Water was loun inii' it to a dýpth',o! sixty feet. The, -wel wa puniped dry, eleaned olit, and itnorouiglily srveyed. 1 Noyva. seotia (ase of Halifax Sonde Out a Message of Hofp tg Many People. H4alifax. N. S., Dec. 15.-Wben Inter- viewed at iiîpr lhne at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was qulte willing to talk of ber peculiarly unifortunate case. "I was alwaym 'blue' and depressed, feit Nweak, ianguil and utterly unfit for any work. My stomùach, was so dlsordered that '-I., had no appetite. What 1 did eat, disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizztness and sick head- ache and feared a nervons breakdown. Upon- my druggist'a recommendation 1 used Dr,- Hamilton's Pilla. 111 feil;better at once. Every day 1 Improved, In- six, weeks 1 was a well *Oman, cureéd conxpletely after differ- ent physicians bail falled to helpnme. It la for this neason that I strougly týrge sufferers with stoniach or diges- ttye troubles,- to use Dr. Ilamitoii's Dr.H'1i'iltdn'i Pis itrengtbeu the stoniacih, Iîprove digestion, strength- cen the nerves^ and restore debilitated systonis te health. By cleansing the. blood of long-standisîg huptritien, by bringing thie systeni to a high point of v1gor, tbey effectually - chase away wear1liss depremion -and i dsease. Go-bd. for yo»ug,-or -old, for-fen for ome, tt i Udren,411dea m el Dr. RaMôtn '114 etMandrake,-and Butteraut. Itirige-How; didlyo on eeto en- ter the' pietniw.soa 'ri*unes-WelI, yolir Honors it w&î .,---inthe mwrn- ing, kitehien WIIdW ide open. un ccss n,&t bo9d'if y'ou wouldu't t.NlFNi- ruîg tilt'pai yearu. utla i- waiys tise lînssI Lilffielit atsked foi' lieu'e. andi- uuto -t -tise bestellcer o1Ë ssii tise sIffc-sesst i<IWumof Liniment 1 'Cho]y-Andwaisn=y present " îopr e v4 our 114ter 14Wilie- Yoii bet.!Sis sihe ne.yer tiuougls yaotîi tend lier anything so clieap. Try Murine Eye Remedy If yoiu live Redl, Wýeak, WVatery Eyes or Granuflated Byelids. Doesîî't Smnart -Soh YE'e Pain. ru gis e Mlurine IEve RibdyULquid, 25c, 50c. Mutine lee Salve'iu Aseptic Tuibem, ?Su N5ç Eyç Booçks Frce by DMail, An W.Yo Tae sOued fer Mil cyarn thaï: Ned Caère 1-farine Eve '. mmzed> Co.. Chienige M .1ust Make (Gou'1 l'ted e-Aevoi t the trained înre inamjnia saÃŽd w-as coiingl NieYem, dear. U'm the traine<l ilIlilSe. 1Vreddliie-tet*.s sec tsoine4f y~rtriclZs, thien, Minardis Liniment Curen Dandrufi. i1'0%1'EIt 1-ROM 1N,(i'. Slil-I>î,wi.r 111i'tsuutal u--esSys The r'estilt of t-lie '>ueratioi -o! tIse x ias11-p)we- planst installed n-car (itjsi, Eg~-î, s- r y eicollag- inig frss ais expert -point s-f vuew. âaid 111w 1hspîs ig xpîsg tliat titig iis.eeu' uurderLaki-csiuay m-set witis the' fith iîedîîe !Suecess that ià Theiraverage sînîcsit tsf stvar g-eeated Iv ttir 4brasghit tise , trials w-as , 0 on.Tise niaxi- dui-ing a-ny oee hoir was ubtajniej bietween ,l1 :10 anîd .9,:10pa.ux u AUg- 122, ard amnuui'tedti lu1,442 pountis, shie tIse ùlns-nU neratedin auy one' hournas* oblaiued hc-Iween 3 .15 an»d, 4:15 p.iu. on Atsg. 25, anti amnouuu-eti to 518w pou4dui. Thsetotal aréa o!fssnlinec coihcct- eti by thsat plant was 10,296 squa re feet. Thie avenrage<arneount o! steani prot! c - tiroa 'gh9ýut a four-heur triailn ug. 10 a09p nspn isouri Tie-i. neen.stemnupressure during the four'isours s 1_2 pouici pier square ini c ibehon atmospiseri pressure. V d'~pavius a«"suOb pisA wuU suado lt is twano piaillr. It looltetiver>' badl>. Iwue Uslldusg of hav- lug myhosa4 slsaved. - f ýý"For a long tinso 1 trled ,- - andi sevora o'tiser remoes Ibutthey d diot t cure It. Àftcr nmre Months 1I picked u p a pàper wltl tisecui SeusBaoi Olamnts advortsmest, and àsent ilgbt iéa.ay ,for a pamise or Cuttcuseuaaap ad Olutàot. .On A ug nuDe mpliny tmop' 14fl sber. 1 umed six or oiglit boxes or the Catissum Opijýntss t e sCuticura. Boap ased my 1 scalp hîcaled, the ltcbln t OPPM d ud m > sir camne lu quite thlck and now 1 have no trouble'aS lui.- <igueds» Ms. . luger,4 Its ote nothissg te Immr bow pure; ssaset, Pifeellys anti satintesOulérs, oap and i rlsuasetar ui.tsetuotu fpoor com- leos.red. rough bands.Itcistni*seaipe dadu.dry, U athhfiiinibai,. becausso '7011coti Dotsb#Ythem unîli vyoistry tisens. Liserai amie ofeachualled.frue. wlthS2-p. book. 801d post-card to Potter'Drui Chelà. Corp-.,Dept. P. no. 1 S. 1A. ADOPTINO E-NOISU8 U1N. 'li lntrodmscetiou of Kuit Wear lias Ëffcctldaà hailge lO (111181à. Many ('lîleme vomen are ailopl- ing Cauca!sian cîotliing, îaf ldta suit Ciinese Vaste. '"This chsange, thousgh Iimited lu a consparatively iniali isunîbér, ije hving a, mai'kc'd effe-et upk)n trade," wsites Cou.ul- (kucral (icorge F. Andeî'son of Honigkong. "Hongkong ehup nin- don-s-the mor-e fushiionable esl pe that cates- to Cliîseie tratie-are fusil of modifications of fareign dîes for the use o! Ciinese w-men, anti mnnikin-i disiplaying styles are of a dÀslinctly foreigu 'cuet. Fonmieîly warmlh ii winter in China was b tuined by a £ernes o! garments of various qualities and -weights-thc nimber of undcrgarns, alI su-7 ilar le tise culer ganment, -beiug proportioncd tu tthe tcmpcratul'e. The introduction of knit Wear, how- eve r, lias mnacle Vhese seVeral layers -of clcthing unuccessary, and the change lias î'esulted iin a ciffei'cnce ia thse cut of outer gannicuts. Tise ctfci'mei'ly reacbiug juast bclow thse Iips, ]lias beeu ]engthenled juta whiat is ps'actically a skirt, aiinost covering ttIrouiers. l tise eut cf these >kirt-s, or long cuisIs, faslsion- a-hie Cîsinese- nomen now' geneî-eliy affect foreigu styles." IMS C=,4 in 0 le 14 Days Ds-urggSts * nefuns imoue y Ir PAZO OXI.r'3fflànT faiSS to cure Itclsing. 1Blind, or Protrsdlsg Piles. Féiret application gives relief. &Oc. 'l'O -I> D LIE iltLEPERS. An Euib.s4s ('lî,rehsîsn to luuutate -Tise 1ev. A. S. Hewlett. consis of tise -noieit, Mausrice Heiwlett, lisas uesigneti tise conifortabile livinsg ai e-t. I'ul'S Cliincli, Birkenhsead, tVo dsv<te hiiuself like aussubier Fi'. Damuienstuiisiona-i'y woi'k ainsng the' h-per-s t Kumato, Islassd of Kiyu-shîlyi.lic0belongs ta itht'ligli (isuucli -can.gregatie.n known as tise Cowley Fatheî's. B-e is uîîîîssa-ii'iesli andtiiu tise1primse cf ife. Hie salis for Japauu jus Aigusst. At tise leper c-sslny lie ill ilie attscisedt flte hseital know-n as lsl'suicc of Hope. whi1ecusons da tps- ut' tweeus fifty asnd s py sa-tiensts. Iis iîli int-erviewv lie >suid: - - isi qisite trsse. I1ihsv-e eu-r lià,d exîlcîlence a! u44 iîîywik liefore, bust 1fei4 ilà js tus1eý to ussushe a Ftart hefoit' Iget tci) clii!foi. wsrl<. 1 isai e thsesefor-~e ede-d lu gi, amnug lte lepers andi dcvoste în hilfe lu t1its , fx-ausse I fuel it 111sv(111t. -i i ile t iu gîiig tsi he s l-euoas't sia' QI miy saary. tyu tise1 Banpr1olls Thoal Troubla - IT EN1)S .111S EH Y 0 F (Ofil) S l)au't w'nift tIllit..isf Os-t aser yosar oid isow--tius very mnunte, before it gu'ows daiigeîous yuît sisonis appiy ocutinie "Nerviliue." lub Yoiir cbestsand Iiroilti - nîIb (ieus uioi-ougluy iitti Nersîlitie. lRe- lie! nl lnsImedusste. - Narvilisie ivilh igave yau froni lylig aivake to-uighl. couging. chois-tg anti suffetltîg froin congestonIn lith1e chiosî and acute paIn n th tishlroat. Nervitiasîs ili break up tisat dm11 neuralgia ieadaehe-wili kili tise ,eol and chili ut ils very beginntig-stili save you from pet-haps- a serions iii- 'Ira taise away hsoasseness, ta break usp a grtppy.cold, 10 cure a sore'ýthroat or bied coid lantise cisest, yoa eau use notiiigso speë,dy anal effectiie-,as Nervdile. Fer !orty yçaroIl has.been the most l1arge ly used fâmil>' nemedy Ia h6Dominion. 'rime lhas,peroi'ed its merict, 5..eaunyou by 'keeptng bud eu the' sheif .lte large 560. famuilY aise bottle; srnall tril sieze 25c,; moiti -by' any deaide aaywhere. - - Autd Tlsat's Flat. -i .i'niiker-W-ha sIll afat là ke uA fitcon ia-t-s o!fa .janitor en-* tirely esisyrounydetiby cubb -luoies. IMinafilisUtsss s"ameegh though Me4icans ;asnè Indians'4in- Met tlha-t hey -drink crnly wjien rain fais. - 'Morepover, I ha-ve it on Vthe au- thonity o!fu iteiligehV antibsr vaut Ainenican iu Saaona.that-while the white-tuilel leer- in eswtru Ise-. nor& d.rink, regularly, -thŽ,se !à, ifs w-*estenlpart rscvvn-drinlç utnlee il naiîns; whîeh h&ppens narely. lRe- has never een - Iheir track3 at tise. water holes tlîeîe, although lie bas observed tisem clsewhcre not vcry Iuir f rom water, Another-Améen o! many *ýears' nes idence, whîo lias shot deer -southenet o! Libertati, confirms tîiLs. Il. i-s cestain ais> hat douneuti- cateti animais iu,tise anti segions are ic.iei:e.idepeudeut ou water than tise o f moieter- negions. Cai- île will ]ive w-cil for inounlib w-isost ausy othen n'ates' tîan tlii' jutaes'of! the cactus, -wliichi Planut usalso tiseir principal sueans of îbtîese ]'ven hontes <s lu t copir itiitus <ijssh af thseïar u wfceiili cvs--dayV du ringthie wm ier'. ,1u'ny tIra,;els il w-as the isual tigfor ou-si- ssimahs le go Mwitiliuît at;'s i'î-set-unti Clay; Suds js tihe CuStîs of iuatw--- t'ein degeitr îtiy and tfip lise si usals ke-1in susa-rsingly gi c-us On u r-asc'cat--ssusin Mas-ch. .> liurfes and i uId Ist-avelîcti ssiiday, andi Isatinu wateîrfoi' seveuily-six isoiis. , IL w-a' cssy h Iel-e s tisaI âsuffes-et, anti this w-as irsuse froi ti'e qssality -of ls' watcr ttscy Isat lias- thsasfs-onithlu ae-k -cf il.Maui's closs companiu, tise dog, lsow- ever. cannaI ndapt itsecf to*deiet conditions. Besides suffering fs-arn tlisiuel ise hot soi1 makes- ils lee &ore 1 and tiid<ues nut know -con whiciu leglto stand. Eveis the' dogs cf-tise Isdiaus, wlicu llsey Isavel, stay panitig in milab lithoe shutite thî'y eau find iuder tIhe bushes 4sssiug thse hot hart o! lteday. andi oiihy fosluow-tiscir masleu's in the coal 4)f tilt, ev'eing. 1 alser-pun' ssy w'>. -Y sus Chlideui are getting lis> d-ainty for anytlutg. %Why, u 1enI wui yolisr T P rpQU WANqT TOesur OS 48 write Em W. flawuon. , oU Coiborno St.. Toronto. . W. AWSON, Ce$hevna M.. 'tai ali!e, 1 atem, Ibe-al cmi Apply, The CladîLctte ls WewIIpay >Ou$ t 1LrblOrellirioe J iterature lu comuiùItj'. 5ix-ty ayo' work. Expori not reciulid. > .fen or. women. PO ttluity for promnotion. Spore tlme 3ma" used. ThternsuVlonaI Bible Pres Coini 18Z $ndinàa. Totonto, G CIOD,'%ErICLY IN LI' TOWI - Yorlç'County. ealnr&l Buuilncgq tIeonnection. Prc $4,000. rermnislberài, wilsan Pul Ing Company, 73 WestjAaeIalac et >IVarictieu, Fret Ve4alog. Mcc cU Ï&N Es, TUOas, Lumps, ftt!;al sud extCrnal. iêt - ont, vain b>' our home -treatmont.1 ne lofora too late. Dr. BellmimgmMoN Choosée which- Grain ybon 1ke best for yOur ýwhite Sugar -and'buySt. Lawrence Pure. Cane Granulsted white ta etrig*as is - Fins- grain, s MediUni Or Course, BEuch tie il. LAwaalEcg UGAI- avuzfim, uMMi age 1 vas gssau us get evsIsgsIl'M'Y breadto te nt. loe-îYsuhave -'l ilABIT Or01, NIIAPPINESS$ muuclis bctter tume liv-ing with tus, - dou't yaî, falluen ? Is a Mutl'îfr,îîlaOef h - tuaet. El-)j-einlhi uEsirhy Le. Is Yeur Wlfe Bad TeMPered ? i - tI uahappy pueoplIl ivîe bec,îae ('1îalîussas-e mise lutsm t iii ntsi i~las liv gî' lsliy fori'îiî>a habit u.! liils fus-y. Ioy lier- a b,,itie t i -)111!liigaotie sialils C'.tî ]X1JeOs-i t s-5i< cstsrfuhiu aiî nLill- g s iv insanst rlr,-ici. nu - e, îti on-rs sssi usgetltfiit .ta-. .ts cs-'v .c 'oîOy î'utiluisli's EXtrusisî. !it- 5. at aSsii agM211lse cîulîiîuauîitulss w-ork, A deasles. lu:Slit. cf- u'isnpha;uiisg.tuf criticienî, .5'---tif.lsstil-t-fssditug, ou gs-arnbliyigcve A î,iui~mist. s ifl- us- abit cf lhsoking fortSS Oh - V5 i-. 4,-.,, N t s i. s usst saufst-sinatplhabit wit i - r seneh hiisesu vc,ss c'eM l'asier He--l idin't, but die Pat- Mnard 'a Liniment Relleses Neuralala. Many a sisciles - my huis' devA'lsp- ed inu a luesh uaxis. - To Cure a Cola ilu one Day Taise LAXATI'VE ltoi IiNhfXNE Taues )s-tiugS- s ,cisi ou 1, I rail5s Isu -ti s-. .W-GOE sii- tille te ais acisbox. 25c. ta s'uliîîttt, cspecialiy iii cai'hy 'ire fs.s sfter sa wlilc tlie vic-l0ni hec-unite at slftve. Ahi -c i fIs 'llshes betetîai use es-et ec. sus t-il ia -tendeîîcy lis lueg- Minards Linimeont Cures Surfe, Etc. lut oit Iiscitsi<it ->s5dau nie, iss<v lbuit-.s4's sî hsupii«sito isîms- pair ii, Sile dt g i vn o al foel . twt Aai l, i ui sls .a.n am ~,ON J tMari- and F1 - i ei l ,< SPOIINS 41QUID DISTEMR CURE j It asis imthr e d- I et lmey -,pe s., ;ret' -llpps l ui Se. , il,,r -a.n il r . 1 ,,-r. V 111- un sls t',nffuc-.'. Ius, vuu wiIi Sua&VO SPOIN MEDIC . Co., Chemiats an d Bacte iotagists, Coshen, 11d-, U. 9. A- A -mother thinks - caErefully 'wlsn ho- en aoiontment for beh LaLys tender sicin. -Itrn ust be .pure -tl'rough and.-through-nwt contain nothing that cari possibly hatni. - This is what inakes "Vaseline' such a great blessing to ,Mothers. it i.pure-absolutely -pure-the best and, safest- oitetfor -the skin from earie ip!apcy. 4'Vaeine" j, a great - clean-ser. 'h works into he Po"e ànd takes ýaway ailcdirt and irnpurties with' it. I keepsthe"ý skia fresh,-clear md sot, as Natu'e 'made g, - Tbucrae seveal diflerent prepadaonh o! -Vacble, put up in coltap" iblin ùtubas which imereuaiaind-pusiy. o.f ,515vàsieuu,,Rs»kw t&l a sow dmsoe 4 m«M-, .bI - us.WMfflu cpi ui - ~ HESFPOV<LM-Cm-O nliera S jstm~e bti h e e7n0 l - la, .,k , ber long.~ -e ' fore four yarsl issesu 1jahe s SaxIt onrt.seudîn g lier ssropsri'y 1 and tsktng lier sabout lise <suants' Xi#nf4hôO-AkMy 'lit-tiboym lin ci -er-" ca, ýo, !sus- i susht ii555- a wünnsig way .witi siilil. 1r, it lent -mes situtable, -a girl vbat 1 su botfnneansd ioteli, al olerityWnns grauddatsgit-er. aw I - ay. Excuse ,me nov, fair. u ' lin.tise bar."-' Foi-thwitis - ro, Noie-bus' anal aimoat i mmediteeY s -- tiser wa a tuhisutg. or. rather, Jing, 'at the door, und n'y Util yeliow.hadwu# ulrust lu. -Do s et sme have my te:a wilh "There!s ouly a tity lhall betu sitiusj.room aud tîhe one l'm n iodll yznytielf. Tou-wi btgmine lu,, won't . aise i3efore 1 could answer h1 drawu lier isead, ansd ase reap averylfew seconds, bearlliff a on whicli ler rations of hem. ansd iread and butter ivere Lad Tisismshe îIared opposite to A hen sait dotr'n tali-r min(' Whsite se ate ishe Pratîied lii.ners een iuny ane.u aEs thorougisiy asç di i tht,.chli saais e undoubtedly -was.iSt w1 ~oustteiedlia- thie! <harin.- I»umed-a hearty n1eal, but Ste al table, ïWhleh ueelutte -vulgarfty.-aissi llas ithnsse ôf - Iavedci hilal. ciiueac'tatedf]. ron Ides of greedinesi, aithougli e ntdfi loseoum - vi hO --'ahr'as aise called i srý - R .areuiitlk Vetty smtrict with li *Wtheir vagabond existeeqce- obe, iaid, be*- iseal heeuau ai nmoug other avorlns1, wis pearëdto haveemos-e or lessa sfully attempted. wvere those- vialin lis a cousstr>y tiseatre, r] Isn a tlieus, <ceacher cf deor èlocutlon, - etmsuu.rci-al irav paiasit ait ensal daiiem. - 'F'athis- avery clevie-t --confides to sue tus impresive,! ksi<sws suels- a lot .tif is'isaiue.a liestriesi ici1<-usch sue sameià scene suhercethpltSss11e Princ wnt, is eyes- put-aut: hits of troublie tci -ta- i sfe thial wouid ail go out of n$' Iiad minute. and hoia issisie inci - Mse. Soisîthau. wheis t l-us-ît mensber.- very now av iisdth k. weve -bepn lonsg c-sousghis thI eu ii as-s ii a 1*ici .5-ysliunown 1 siouli, transis sgai s i4 sas Ius-s le Ing the bis:;sis1I 1i sruO'Se settled sue and mrade me .dtw issuve -ei oUtIIerwlse, Ansi for sny itetisi-W-u1s.u-4là thougis ýather -saym Psss tuse m'us ot to fos-gat 1 Is nw,,ha *z- i "lis os 11çsc -liait,, ltugii rgi t u , rs$ niish 1 tould ceus-v v lis c5urm ubout eeytssgsi -did, Evs-iutriials-ssssnoial amnoken is s sf's-ivt ts ,,sveet roni ihso -oft, te-d when 4site -atsglil, As-owsi -glsteisisg téetis wl-li andl clilldk. lent to Vs--rl' ail- ytiuusg-clle doI(g; sud l1 Is Rboup$tiilut ai v-s es But N10 s-id --s-el i u Unesstramet.lutt i- 5 '-ui5-I Ashin Iî.hurd tyal tîik' týUe-'uS ier innev e-141 uolU ile'ilhe1tlt(irnia I Nth trops f lie<r bloas u fJlutlyisups--nuser. er '.If ar a' olcn do skîn Ilfasus-tnti cf h ,hn tu iesinil th itsi o gazewsru:olier -huixi1-,Tibi For wan s outy i, t u tSae toubles>ad e wuentîo uIftly lSicaer. -id -- - "If-taulire Aliy n-d lIo' ansd fl<r o ias'et s-'os Orbst edeool., You iois 1b e ta e. Andiî111ytieetlsj - ie wlse te thoîS11s 1 th gnowas éoloi> veMIlises ft Salve o, Bu -e wiini es-c * -asIf Irtcousidbrcsý'thie n% êdup lland sc ie 1nal I0 -é p-v I sitresIunithesfoi-ge. n 'ofee.andi geteaugsnd 11l t i.> ~!tI~I i pii1~I 'I L5~~1 I Or, vu w

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