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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 8

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BItQOKLIN;- thetr parts *wel, and wee Sýored, BÏt Bell Foley lias becs vîsîting but we iial- to give speclal, mention licke~ing.Inm. to'Miss Msxgaxot Ketcêon, the. little1 Sctt f Oshawa; was hmI OiOddlIIe t1r i 11 bm. over Sunda>'. M. J. B. Ketchen, of New Lowell, Or. gn4 Mr?. Chus. Reesozivl vsited ai ber reciting wus omthlilg won- rgstly tag . dertul for a girl of ber ais. - 1 er re- Mr. J. Camenon and iMr. E. Pound- citations were go i ut «', of Oshawa, Sunidayed wlth ý di lengîli>, aid we bespeak a brigbt u-' J. El. - Psncy. ture for Mise Ketbheu lI élocution, Mias %Nelliue 1aleraft We.mI r eab would sheefoilow that course."1r Mss14411, of Oshawa, vlslt-ed *lth Migr6tl tpeei il11 e ~t.Hayrat onSun .grsuldÃŽatâer, 'Kr. A. -Ketehen, ci TIi.*uctlon sale ot Croxuil Bron. Brookll.n. *a Monda>' wa atteflded b>' an lmi- ane crowd, estlmatedl to umber MYRTLE4 1,000 persona. The -day turned -out M.DvdHbel1 najsns te b. fine, sud the sale wasa great trip -trough the Went. »*ccess. Auctioneer Maw lait no- 1 *$Me, yet goad prices were obtuined .Messrs.- Lonne Duff, Oliver Gra"an, fer sîiost- everythiuýg. -snd Murray' Tarvis were thé dele- On Sunday: afte rnoon lu the iBap-~ gates, sent , trom the M.E. Sunda> tket Churoh, 11ev. S. E. Grlgg, of Sohool to the Boys' Conlerence whloh 'oronto, wlll preachb on the Usubject,wahedlOsaaoSaua>ad "S8ocial Service: What aiid: Why." Sunday.eik )k. Gnlgg l a former pastor of the Miss 13. Cook, of- Prospect,spn Brooklia Church, and is now Secre., Surday with M"ss0. VanNeet. tuy of Temperance and Moral, Re-. Mr. F. Bnlggs bas been coained to fowam for the Baptist Church ia On- the hous . wlth a serious attack of ténlo, 'Do not fail to hear Mn. Grlgg la grippe.- us his sermon in sure to be a treat. Mrs. D. .G. Ross wass la Toronto Kr. Geo. (Jolwlll and familY visit- lait week attending the f uneral cf ed over week-end wit.h Mn. Johi1 Col- bersuit. wIll. The ýdîtches aad depressions b>' the The death occurred here on Friday raid aebe ,moaiycn ise o!lIr. 'liesaBale>' wiowvented into miniature rivers b>' thýe ci the late Frank Baile>', at the age melted snlow.1 et 63 'ears. - lIra. Balle>' hsd - on~ Our teacher., Mini Fitchett, wus WU for some littie -time wlth dropsy. nbettacls wk ;aout Ob. llved with ber son William and ual otahls eko con dauhte, M. Sar. Se bd benof the Iliness of her mother. Mr. afilcted wlth bândness for Rome Raipli Fitohett performed her dut,- yvara, whlch she bore wlth mucb Les.,1 patience.- Mrs. Balle>' was ver>' high- Mfr. and eis. E. Bronieli spent fy thought 01 ln. the communit>'. The Sunda>' wlth the latter's parents fuserai toôk -place on Monda>', inter- near Brookli. uset- being la Groveside cemeter>', Miss Breokes speit iast week wlth etter a service ln St. Thomas' church. Columbus tnieude. Two ather sons, Frankc, la Oshawa, Some of the farmers o! Ibis vicia-. and Albert', operator of the fflamnond,- it> are hauling their p~tto es to a:t the C.?N.R., -survive their mether. Oshawa, the price realledabelng,$1 Tlhe Iqaioniç -Hall was filled onl a bag. Moirday -eveniug ta ueo and heur the ïàree act comedy,,- "Between The KNAE Acs."1 The entertalnmeat was under KNAE the auspices ai the Methadint Sun-- Clem Lawton bas engaged Ted Es>' Soluool.iThe playr was ver>' well Bentie>' for the comlng stnien. uurrled out b>' local -talent, the fol- Mr..and Mra. E. Redman nd Mis lewing taking part :-Mesure. Chas. Edua made a short'trnp to Torouto. Ellîrott, Leslie Hall, Bert 14annam, Mrs. Geo. Neal, we are sorry ta - Wallace Webber, and Mitees eLily say, is not ImproVing slier iriends Grills, Marie Hoilida>' sd Mixinie would wish. She has beeauaa great Colwili. The orchestra ot King, St. sufferer. M ethadist 'Cburch, Oshawa, contib- i the panning ai Mr. Thon.- Ricb- ute to the progran. The evenlng ardson, Kînsale ha. bat oie o-1 its wus- su entire sucoesa. mont useful citizens. Mr. Richard- The Stàynef' Sun :-!"The Ladies,'sion and famil>' moved bo- re from *Aid o! the New Loweii, Metîhodist England neuri>' thirb>' years ago. For -.hurch are ta be congratulated on a number aof>'arn he collected -pro- Ne succeso of thoir entîetanment duce-and t6ok lb b tthe cit>'. A few whlch.was heid there onr Frîda>' evea. yearsaugo ho fitted up part ocf bis 11g9. last. The occasion was a ban- bouse into a store, aid- has snce quet put up-b>' the -Shredded Wheat beeu conductlag a fant lncioaslng Co., of Niagara Fulls, the prograrýi business, besîdes cllectlîg for te beilng givea b>' local talent and was "legg cirnde."1 The ver>'.larges num- ver>' much appreciated b>' a large ber who attended bis funeral from audience. Al an the programmedia' far and near. la a fittlîg -testimony' STOCK REDUCINO SALE MenIs fine shoes in patent, gun nets-i and tan'caif leathers, button .and lace styles with good-year welt soles.. Regular price $5.00 for $3,619, 1Also same extra wide widtbs in vici kid leather with heavy soles $.0 TWO DOORS SOUTH 0F STANDARD BANK B3rock Ste Wbltýby, Ont. Housecleaning- rn -AT- rime Dîsny Bros,FU E -With the ing tirne, Furniture Springý tirne cornes houseclean- and with housecleaning cornes needs.1 - Look!1 - Not a store in Ontario,-that can seli to you - at less nsoney than we can. We have no expense like that connected with îown or city; and having an extra large stock we * * are goingto get an introduction to you by giving you a city man's profits for 15 days Space will not permit us to annouace the prices below, but -we juet give. you an,, ides- of what you will save by buying in the next few days. ON ALL B3UFFETS, TABLES, DRESSERS ommitrroIff 5-40vJ iti Ine "P4 Vc4, 51 Rumor says the c bave beexi sold neci Éng wili ho rebuli fttted xp fan ror'sit AWILLIS PIANÏO ON EASY IERMS is one of our epec ial ofiers this year, Cali and see the piano on exhibition in our rooms. We also ,hâve a, large range of GRAMAPH0NES and REeORD5 Now: is the time to get FARKM MeINERY ready for the work of the spring'and su mmer. Drop in and look over our stock, or cali us by phone. W. Fe' DI5NEY WHIT15YVTAI oi bis bonest>' aid wortb as W; man. His son, -Clarenice, will continàe ta carry on, thée business. The IaMilY' bave the a>'mpath>' ai the commnunit>' la their lois. 1About fort>' atteuded the WO- men'ag InDtitute social at Mns. Mow-. bray's an the evnag. or Manch. l7th,. and report a joli>' time.- Rev. E. A. Tink pneached lait Sabi- bath, aid announced for a Thaukof- fering for next SAbbath evenixi , sk- Ing for an offoing of $655ho put on the plates. Lob oie aiid ail do their psrt. _ MissPilke>', o! Greenwciod Sohlool, spont the weeaed ait .Kinsaie witb Mr. and lIrs. Pengali>'. ,Aller a lingerlng ilîness, Rôbt. W. Acvay passed ove ta the great be- yond on Monda>' morning last,' Hq was oile of our most zealous S. S. ad' church workers, anid wlll beson- louai>' niussed ixi the cammunit>'. His romains wene qiti>' laid at reat ln Salemi cemeter>' on Wednesday, after- noon, !oiloWed by s large crowd of fniends and relatives. We extend the tb. sympathy. of the nighborhoad ta MI1ss McAvoy, who is the chie! mounner, and only relative le! t lu the old - Ime. SR. W. Macwray ii gettlng qulle feble. James Ledgell han rentedi he cor- ner housee at Salem. "NEARLY DROVE ME VJILD, -UN TIL I TOOK KEPHALDOL."t Mn. Thomas Cooper, Ludie>', Sui sex, Eaglaad, was almoat frantii wibh Neunalgia, when ho fitst booki ICEPHALDOL Tablot. "I arn neani>'-j4 years o! age, anÉ have suffenod with Neuralgia nearli s-lb n' life. A fniend bold me s-houl KEPHALDOL, and I had n>'peoapi get me a 2s. package. I- took Vw( tablets as soon as L got them und quickly neceived relief. It was 2 jo>." Sa great becuixe the lame ai KEPHIALDOL Tabiots abnoad tbal their réputation spread ta this Côun- In>'. The demaîd for Kopixaldol grew 50 napidi>' that arrangements wene ms-do b establish a Canadian office and îupply all tbe druggista. These waaýdenful tablets, the prescription ai Viehna's famous Norve specialiat, 1-oér Doctan Stohi, have brought welccme relief ta bhundreda sufonling f nom Neurjgia sud Headaches, ' tae ravagea of La Grippe, Rbeuniatismi, Sciatica aid Lumbago, Pain in the Baek, aid ln tac- au>'pain. 4 If >'ou caixiet get the 50o tubes st YOUn druggis's, write K(epaldol, Limltod, 31 Labour-Street, Montreal. COLUMBPUS. lIns. Albert HcYe la vlitiug bon paret's on the Base Line. Miss Wlnie Moore spoul Sunds-y wlth inienda at Oshawa. Mn. Wmn. Ward bus moved Iuto Mn. Tbcs. Cook's bouse la tbe village. Qiuite a number attendod Croasll'a sale en monAes- This Stomach Remedy Re- iarkabiy 5UççessfuJ. You kImow us-your home druggisl. You know W-0 would't guarantec any remedy le relieve làdigestion or sys- pepsla, or mono>'baok unless we fel the ulmost confidence la that neuiedy. Therefore,ý wheîi wo offen yau, Ronal Dyspoepgia Tablets wîth tbis piool of aur taith ln theni, il louves >'ou no room Tfon hesitablon or doubt. The neixankable succesi o! Rexali D)yapepaia Tablota lu due la the fadt that' bbc>,,coutain, Smong Othe& ýiig, Bisvuîutb suîd Popsin, two in- gredienda endoraed b>' the niedical profession, as invaluable la the treat- meuit o! stoixacb ilis. The>' soothe the. Ilfamed stomacb, check heant- buna and distroise,, stimulaIs the se- cretio n of géstnlricuie, aid, In napid aid conifontable digestion af the food nd:belp la quickV>' convent lb labo the>' tend to restare the stoniach ta rlch, ned blood. In s short lime s naturail>', conifortable, easyý-adlîg beallb>' abat.The>' alsa benefit, th. boeles. - Renaîl Dyspopsià Tablels are nold cal>' ut lbe more than 7,000 Rexal stores, and in thîs town oui>'b>' us. Three aines, 25c., 50ç., $1.00, A,.IH. Alunû, drugglal, Wbitby. Têtheringthe Individùal. (The Canadiâu Courier). Mnta Whitby, Township. Council. Councli met on Monday, March' 9, Ail. the memo'ers pr6sent. -Reeve lin the chair., minutes 'of last ..meeting read and confirmed. A few decounts were passed for payment.- The, Auditors' Report was submit- ted to Caimeil. A by-law, Was presented aind passed is third, reading, appointing the fol- lswing Path Masters, Pound Keepers and Fence Vliewers, for the Tp. of Whitby, for 1914. path Masters. Road Div. 1, John H. Bonetta; div. 2, WM. Kemp; div. 3, J., A. McKay; div. 4, W. Oke; div., 5, Oliver Pascoe; div. 6, Jas. S. Lynde r div. 7, Alfred Hannam ; div. 8,, Robt. Trigg ; div. 9, Wm. Bromnieli ; div. 10., 1 Charles Lynde; div. 1, S. Bond; diy. 12, R. Spencer; div. 13a, Rôbt. Stork ; div. 14, Thos. Porter;_ div. 15, Mac. Bur- roughs ; div. 10, Job. White; div. 17, Thon. Downey;* div. 18,1 Robt. Heron,; div. 19, Wm. Kerr. Pound Keepezs. ,jas. Skinner, F., W. Briggs, -Lois Riohardson, Samuel Nancekiveli, M. Ârkeey, Walter Rogers, Jno. Aliman, J. B. McKay, M. Crawforth, (lot 25, con. 3), R. E. Pardon, M. McTag- gart. Fence Viewers. Wm. Brash, W=i Kent, Job. White, John Mediand, Henryý Burton, Luke Robinson, Wm. Young, Jas.S. Lynde,- Water MoGregor. àt was moved that the Clerk nati- f>' R. Stoïk to have ail brus4. cleared up as agreed b>' contract, on side road between lots 18 and 19, con. 7, the same to be doue b>' May, lst. It was moved that this Couneîl place an order- with the Sarnia Bridge Co. for one steel road drag, and tbat~ the Clerk be autborized to arder same, ta be abipped ta Wbhitby b>' G.T.R. W. H. Guthrie moved that the Reeve and W. A. Dryden ho dole- gates, on behaif of the Townshipand those -dîrectiy Interested, toi attend the meeting at Ottawa and urge up- on the Goverument the wisdom of OUARANTEEO ADVANTAIES The advantages guaranteed ta' its policyholders, man for man, throughout its entire business byt The Equit>' Lite Assurance Company are much greater for the premiums paid than the>' are in any other Company doing business in Canada. This 18 stated as a ftt which cannot be successfully disputed. 'EXAMPL-At age of twenty-three next birthday The Equity Lite ýcharges $43-20 for $2,ooooo insurnce on the Twenty Pa.yment Lite Plan with ever>'. thing definiteiy guaranteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exactiy the same amaunt and similar terms for a TwentvJlve Payment Life Pnlic. At the end ' otenty y the Equity;poicy là fully païd tor and has a Cash value of $898 00ý vwhiIe the usuai cash value for the other policy at the sainie tine'i5 $720, The mn ~whao tudies hie own Interentà will patronize The 7Squity J.if' Asufrance Comlpanly when h. wants 1 lie Inhurance. L. W. DUJDLEY, M. 5SITHRLAND. Atvi't. Pnesident t& Gencral Mantger 6-1We h social r!onniers get bus>', L anD e somhe ,wroDngs3 are righted. - At the L anD ess and iMiafle s- sanie lime oven>'- social movement ,d ciaes readjusbmenti which . nia>'in- Cutting 1in two Days, fitsuffernug and hanm. A prosnat___ y the movement bo repress the--iidivid- Sual -and ens-lt the governmeit, ci!lc, By making your own dresses in emunicipal or Fedenai, lu not whoiiy your spare time, you couid have three a blsstn. -for the saine pnice as one orderod or The individual must deveiop 'b> ready.made. self-effort. If ho lu tethered b a troc hais lot ikey t deviopph>- IbtOtIch Versons-l>', in two days, how to >firechiiyno maliyteho elo mn>' du t. fit, and put ta gether amy article in tb feJll, S'n il tehow A b>' m dressanad manlle mukaig, tram the -b O. S, il bel is tethered byaw, pluinost shirt waïst suit ta the xnost eiab- rta a staindard of marais sud conduct, orate dress. A milufit cannot be made and is leit to decade îothi *' for him- when meusures are properly taken. self, ho na>' becomermoa11>'.aid rio- cially stunted. The exthusiaitie band' It will.pay anyone wbo bas wark. oi mocral reformerasbahuid not borget cd. an a dress-making shap ta examine that mai beans b>' daing, and that this course, as you are oui>' wastiflg lime the fines o!f erecesnoa[j ue and expense if you do not -undersîs-nd fl inbmiingte cMisînonre pure cutting and fitting. chas-dn. Menaidwomen whe are A lady cf neat uppearatide wantdi kopt right bocause the>' are not ai- ever> towa ta take agene>' foe home lcwed b o wroug are ual as sbrong Course. Na canvussang, onl>' a couple ai Ibose wba have seen temptatioji of heurs af your sare ltime required aud reaisted il. weekly ta demanstrate Cou~rse in ycur The drag04 o! evil must be îouiat own home, expenience net aecessary. continuail>' and conblnuously. But Price for a Personal Course n moral suasio0n 1581111l a moiosfleel- ciuding systeni far cutîing and als-r- ive force blasa prohibition. A weak ticles used in Course $10, an twa mem- min ma>' ho Proveuted b>'fance s m bers cf the sanie famil>' $î1. Price Sgotiug lIrquar, but ho lo stil) s weak for HOMe Course $7.5c, this Course maln. So uitl othen moral evila.- 15 very convenient for ladies wbo cannot men and women must bo lauglit ta louve home or position ta take personal resist them. Course, as yeu can study il up in your The lendenti>'of the lime la farna are lime. Any memberaof familytfroix iOlS>, actve, wll-ïneitioed îe ta up cxii easily leara cithor lmniqlqthni e l. .a t - *IRA. "f ilkawil o eaci l Jap Matts,Psii Laundry Bags, choice of colora, each 18 inch Battenburg Ceptres, regular- 25C for NewWallý Pap*er,,New FIcor- Mattîng. New« Ou Clcith, New "Curtain Scrims. w. M. Lawr BROOKLIN9, ONT.. THE -DOMINIGI BAU lN LOMUNO IL OSL!fl, M.P., PRESIDEN1'. W. C). MAMTEW16 VIC'E-mcgK C. A. »OGEKT, Goa"ni Mmugssr Do Your Banking By MUIl If you live at a distance trom sa branch ot The Do'MIiilOfl'Bank. Deposits may be made-cash withdrawn-or any 01 or Baking Business may be transacted by gail; lust as easily à$'tough one made a special tÏip to town for the purpose. WHITBY BRANH: A. A. ATrKINSON, Mgo. MA OSHAWA 64 AkH. 1BLACK9 , , g. funthening the Hydro-Electric Power syston, and that the Clork natif>' J.1 W. Lyon, Sec.-Treas., of the appolnet ment Ilwasn movodthat the Auditors' Report, as submitted Ibe reoelved and adopted, and that the accouts, of the corporation as set forth ie, and are hereb>' fil>'l audited. and con- flrmed for the year 1019. It Wa" moved aid seconded that the treasunen be and in henoby auth- orlzed to procure a journal and led- ger ta record'ali transactions sand a separato accountunden the followlng headings.- Roade pd Bridges. loI. (a) Permanent Works, <b) On- dinar>' repairns, utlipurchased, wlre fence bonus, Town Lino accounts separate. Il. Salaries and allowances. 111. Stationen>' sud printlng. IV. Chanit>. V. Board of Heaith, sheep killed; b>' doge, miseelianeous, achol rates, separale accoua.t on each 9. S., boans and notes pald, interest on se- couaIs. Il was înoved that the Clenk grant bis choque for the tollowiug amount hereundez: mentloned - G. M. Mulihol- laid, services as auditon, 843.15. lb was moved that the tender o! C. M. Wlllcox for a canload of lumber, L.L. Yellow plue at $32 per M. 3 x'6 16S, be aocee, sad tuât the Clarit natify bim to bavie it delveffd f.b. at Brooklln -station asu OOn asUPOs* sible. csuwel adjourned te inmfton 10- day, April et at 1 p.m. Whh ofia-r. LIFELESS HAMMR SOFT AND ABUNDANT. Beauliful bain, thlck, soit,- duif>', lustrons, sud Ir"e. fnom.dandruif, f eue of. wema's gros-test charmn,.y. so mai>' bave stnueakd, th1W ud 1M& lois bain sud think there la no -rem- ody. --Prot>'bain Io langelya. matWe of cire.C Prequeit uPpllîatIaas of PsrMaa, Sage well rubbed ltb the scalp la ail tîbat is - eeded-1t sots 11k. m'aËD.-- Tny itto-nlight.--you wIlI resUy,.-be surprie d wltb the nesuit. Nol i wili tb. bain become soft, fiuffy lant with 111e aid nenlly doubi>' beau-- tiful, but sîl daudruif disappeans, falllug bain aid itcbing scalp esse- your bead f cela fine. 'AIl drugglsts sel] a large botle cf Parisiaxi Sage far ill t> cents. Getfi froni A. H. Allia. Ho will reiund- the mono>' if yen are nect ia-thsfied. NOTICeE! Owing to a break in the water- powerp customn gzri7ding wilLbe-cancelled for a ti Ail other branches of thé as usual. W.,IH. ELVISS,- Bell and Independent ipme. - business wiii go Ã"fl phones. 54 Do You Know Paint I if so, buy Braadram-Ilenderson Pure Englislx Ps-uts I have the best Floor Ps-its you can buy for 100% service aid quîck drying. Dries bard over night.' White Lead, Varnieh, Oîls. China-Lac for ms-king s-ny color in old furnitutre Iok like new. One trial wili make you alwiys a user of our paints. A trial solicited. Ask for color cards. UR'I1 JONES Brooklin --- - Ontario, Bcll and lad. Phones. -DIAI AND, 5TIANDS UJ Y AR, rA J BJ±S la pub'tou "M wl WAenUUme yst Mar.tne a-Pu a SOle frm ere toklu hedraumcOnmu-IY.This, insdangeraus. There Whltby, ae31adArf1 AND BEDDI NG, HALL FURNITURE, st Brookitilust Tuesday uiglit, a-nd la the seedo! neaction i every ' eor- .Country' homes, marke .WE ARE GIVING report il Ver>' gacd. . application of tlb- restrictive prînci- I, wililbc îeuching in and dam>' tarma, beautili Mn. aid Mra. Walle on aroenlter- pie. Il would be mucia botter fi the Oshawa * We might makedspec tainefi a numberorfci heîn iien<j o a groat, imajonîl>' puraod tbe good for 3rd and. 4h praperties 25to 355 pet cent discount. progressive 'euclane part1 lait weeic. Ils ewu sake. -Al wishing, taicara, or wishingto sec line corne' cf Caîbi îingmared dwn n lrge ric sae cadsshoing EATS. ow Course la taught, se me ut la vartia bu>'ing as an luvea ilngMOWBRAY-AI Wnblareb>',ceanleMonda, soKOW'S'D TiS?.Windsor HOotel, Whltby, lovnai tilon- ,fla Prceandth ale nce VOBRA-AtWhity, n Mnda, Kw's'fle - r a 'eFARM SPECIAL--DOW fa siar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mc pcendteaeprc.eh28, Matilda Mcwbrsy, flulber ,,e offer Ose Nuadred Dollars leward for fairDAI' MARGN 80, Si' Lt ecial diÉcount on' White Sewing Machines., st yer.Roat1 ua cuaib.treil> __ finetblhdlISi sc ______________________ IfCAVOY-AI bisi home near Kinsale V.;. cHiN8Y C.urc IId Ohaa, dale In togriW cnri Manda>', Mar&b 28rd, Robentetheu9idagad ba"e iuewy . ch»1T5upggayAps11 2 Imm 2 te 9 :-.s. Funeral Dlrectore's lo MAy âM6 y s bel !1 ^iu 'suioI"i. - roator Ganada1 ~nèy JZSros.5 d wM2.,byontgod 54 ycans, --à Emt /mrs New YerlkCilty, automobile ame-, wuxuozaiasmjmiss, Adamson -RICHARDSON àA ca1Is promptly attended tb at any houir. o='it lied ean u eMil, instbënmructor In Dress and WHITBY, Belland Independent, Phones. Io O!gb 5,bv1UiIi5Mantie Cuttlng; _________ Kue"doïeil, brnister,'Witby. §#.§if if #4 ____________ 4 '~*~~1~ r 0u UrPure Iablê'l bas, ducori It's UN MEDIC. BrockSt Id las better work th& if ouisnt to ear HnryC JNO. E. FAREU Barrister, County Cn County Soi OMce sauthl wing Cous BUi -$WA. E. Nol OceI, Break St., Op'p 'Money tii JAMES RUTLEDGE, -Mane> to-Loin cir Office immediately soi Whi:by, &. VOUNO SMI MARIIAGE L Court Hause, -Whitbi -0. A . .Wi -Barrîster, Soliciecir,1 - Conveyanceýr, .'Oshawa, Office-No. 2 King.St.. R-esidence-52n Phones-Office, 321; -DENTA W. AIMS5, Dentîst, Street, -Reaidence No. Bynon St.,' Whitby. M J 1AS. ]BI& Oshawi, Liened AMJC esuor tcý L. Fairbani aid-datai apply-ta sel UICENSED AUG' AND -VALUA Ail hinds of sales prt ad to. Arrangements for salesut -lb. Quieti Temasneïsoable. Bel and Indipendent CONTRACp Il' i 'ESTAiTE--- kei gardon poprte, fruit,st, grai, Iul towu building lots and resdenl lail mention efflbhea1g ster>' frume dwd-. anasd Athol atrocs. This propenty ~ nlet cul>'oie block front G. T. R. up- faim of 209 acres, lange brick dwel ling, tes. of orchard, running. water, spectal> atd fruit Speciai prie If takeu queki>'. Curpeuter,' Buiadeir a Plans dnawn aid estin Repuirs, Alteratioxi Agent for' Brantfi 0Eýý467 - WlIIT81, rurofmard N femereanlred. MONLJM dalDuilgnud lal INI v ir uyY-Ot "o sd Inspect for DosU't be miuisi ly nsMsnuwly lboM, eOMM - -' do ai1o*' tbisea aI j- P cent., whleb yu 1>' m b>' purcbhng Office sud W OPPooti Standard Ban fTaOtU lOnlcde ti - -- -- - - aiea fma do - 1 1 i- i

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