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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Apr 1914, p. 1

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Pure - Olive 0i111 OaLat AbObIel isàricl i favor &and, deicte-tand 4eirni- ported direct from thc pro- ducere'. hIt'a pnrity ie guaranteed. IN'001TTISA UK -J. E. WILLIS Drugglst andl epticlai Brock St. L HALL a Whltby vnte and muon ts.. Tosoto Qint. or 'aUada. ne e.-managemsent it d'lof ttsr er ok tibm er. Weite ifu anat toem 0.ef, sd aii t . 0I e an& toy. ck LEG4L JNO. Li FAREWELL, ILC. Darnister, Count>' Crown Attorneya - County Solicitor. -Oice South wing Court House, Whitî A. E. CHRISTIAN B«arU. sawit.r. Notary Publie. etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bam Money tb Loan. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Brristl, Et Money té Loan on, easy terms. cace- immediaîely Sonth Royal Holt Wbitby, Ont. 6. VOUNG SNITH', LLB. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whitby, or.reidence, D. A@ J. SW^NSON Bart4sîer, àol*i'toir, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontari o Office- No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Bloc Residence-52- Drew St. Phones-.ffice, 321; Residence, 326. - DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentiat, Office, Dundas Otto"t, Reaideaco No. 4, tih. Terrace, ByTRSté., llby. Pon No. 122. - UCTIONEERS JAS. BISHOP Oshava, Licenaed Aucioicer. Sue- cesosor le L. -Fairbanks.' For terma j Wt datqa applylotelU!or G. Robbp WR AW tICENSIRD AUCTIONI3ER AND> VALuAtOR. AUl kindu of sales promptly attend- etI te. Arrangements can b. madIe f«r giastaithe Gattt office. TaeiniarewsouableIC Bell end Independent phonos# le -WHITBV, ONT. CONTRÂCTORS- J. HOWELL JAMES CasTnter, Bailder sud Coutractor. Flans drawu andI estimat es furuislcd, Repairs, Alterabions and Jobbing. Rugent for 1Brantlorid Rooflng Om 467 WIIITOY PhoneI149 Marriago Licens.. Imer of Mat date mIenses Cerner- drvUgtere. whitby leWt e.requlred. MONULMENTS- a vli psy 7"utecLaîo vo~à" wtpet log your«. ou Douit be mWOa lel yagmet, Wesdo aM Ieqloy ihen,bcMmqueubly we cun -Ill" daow t fl etscommission, w Pu ml., wtleh you wilU certain- Iy mive by purehaslng fxem us. A Cmii SoIl1ted. Oppoe t ta dDmkas, Whtby, Ont ITwooto aadae, lcude te Central anal. IMM C014umrenlvwlly muccesfl Bu "ter; ma______T'he Ontari o Ladfoa' QMZt.t1. ap..r Col Patred beforo a Wbitby 8'uôienea la - If so, lt i@ flOt W t1> ugcMlnyc ci4sAe% eg.a 10w mug orth.ea fou r - delay seeeing me about it. Jdç eyr eie ithievaeha Mfor l. Teseour 1aPOWEF(DEPARI D o ft now . fo~LU o m a tomb l o ard btP AS , G C co bet nfiemusic al, platlorm. snd Weare 0M 1 riau Équ hlay r.éeouMing mon couligeS«wkwbt linIDard them lut At thé foIîowIw rite. 1 qal E. LUsXEP nayPas m t411É citîve Il 12.00 per year per h.p , and iadditioni LUAL. !IÂ~5. mglit aïe expctelZSrithetht n l'Ie l !for emeaIP30*yI rub ,w d cualmouncod t4it tle pro- aKumhbp.hitinn à,*ilb wr 181 TOI(UL TOROTO M~ntye. Throgbou; lb sessios 00. ,gramn would be- entirely new, -but ~~hb.o'~xa eaa md oioinÏren4orougb>' i;es o ess T1'uléýý ýjti untth ae uqiea Iew 8e 18gurmnteed and maitained, a discount _____________________o! Uic Judge's Court of Bevîsion lagt t> banes ~ ouleRoyal 'ii 8 lttu 80 s 1conideration ofach "off peaky$ use. WeiedyM -6ol tiuewsTheatre w-eý, ,ut ,wn £250of the nun>berm 'were gvao ~eIn actual practîce for a ten hiqr day ithui Woedie md igsHtb onostitud S re cauion" M.'wRossthe>' 18,00 per h.p. Per yèar, and witlî tihedimcoi 181 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 A A D D ntoeta ih osre s A .~ Su a PIMeld on both were greatly enjoyed again. Miss $14.40. ThisTit6 COnîParem favorably wi1th i W A L L PAPLU) eing 'deeply sympatbetic with the bisi property and4 bumisem tai, Onl MeNeil andi Miss O'Neill r w where, 10 andoubtedîy mach cheaper than m14 appellants.- On the contrary lie gave the groirnd that tbe third story is li lndi efrie1 hefr power, and y ou il be helping yoar own mul OWsthe- ie oc el bb udrsod-ht he ok nuniisidcgin and lIo neyer sessing a wonderfully swe*et and ronizing it. A ny information cheerfully f arni n.- and have agood look jmembers of the CouneWil,, beeul tal redutionooof, $aM;in aeofocngthe -alater - at Ou new sam pies. Send don. well, -in his opinion, and Uieir 0» and :.Juen Vulsy e eièuprby isONllbsf w Wi I % your friends intoo. Idceosiol ntù eygetypeeeted by .ÏlN.Sinclair, ap- superiors ofher mcx as a reader. Rej altered. The resuit of!. bis delîberi- -pealedo auday ,againîst the fig. imitation of chlldhoo<l dolngs are___________________ You wiII be delighted with jtions bas been a total réduction. of re ped aU' ant terpoete ure1 ie is raiMs the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-'v nett e fdsgsan W1,0,wihi sluffcient teO n Brock Stredt, just south, of - the Atkey, violinlut and pianlet, leslde * if the novel colorings. g1eth tmpo1ppoa b te Royl teI. '1%. BOard hmd con.assting in the vocal quartette hum- Board tlîie year. h! e ted to ardcon o u roper- bers, each contrlbuted largély and We have Wall Papers at ail His' Honor gave smre o! isfmd- ofJlc;utdintcaeoeupeangybhergam prices, and the cheapest have Ingson Friday last and the-remaîn- anything off foMuep.1r. Sin-Th kec ettied "Go0verne.51 a beauty which is far in adz de on Monday. in the first case ot clair seçured for,'-jospli ; 1 d& Pupil, given on ter Otvst a J J ~ I N l J vaceoÊ~iatyo uualy~ aIal on A. H. Allin's busýinessg crease, and -TUli"'w"s given a re-1 repeated, but jt is weii worlh rep- in low priced gôàdg. téduètîôn. Nôahi tha l ! ouidnae: ~w i~Itt n i< o4eclygiv- -nt for it, as M-- -ln' bùiicwnginz Te other ýappeatIsF eard and not en- Miss O'-Neii as the s11p of 'a ~ 1 T 1 J There15 VÇT I~~~ç I~~Ç ~wOu udôUùhwM1 i1te rosi VaIuàie I finMti5nAd AhôVé ieâ é Ajt wlthlu i rl Oiil, WA* Ilmable, sa&con- F !L J Chocs-e frcom, so> yc.u are u place of business in ttue towîx. a maziner smnifar 'to1Mr. Alin's-no vuised the audience witli laii6lilr. 1: to f n j g h t y o u w 1li l e R . M .' flaa m é w a s gran t oil a re- r d i ct tô . c ir a c k o h y pr s d d a _ l C dtion of $250 on his Dundas St. Onihe wllole 00i work of assesS. WF'th'.die Roi ou1dingm býduilding, bringing i t down to '$4,!25o. nient l'as ben fairly satfmfactory. the iviua LEVI SHE EitD>1bbcth finIt floor, 25 on the second and obept o! tbe Conil w85 b equal. WHTY-oiOf 5on tue third.' Mr. Basmett'm :newI ize the assesmneits,' -nd tb falilitav O O T stores____________ on Brock Street soiitli werc their Purpose some figres bac! ta b. R.HRS W 1TBY B reduced froni $6,355 10 $5,000, the, ralsed-naturaiîy. ' Ï se setMR.EKSW HITBY BR liighest apiount bc claimed they oould bus been InCreasedby about $2 After a short illnemm of !ess tban a b@"a v tn .,,j ichilu (.A4M-z F'OUR LEADERS bring In the open market. 000. .The Board di-d not endeavor to *e' urtoZomînur.na u e-Oa aw.(J p daDM A5,ma The assessunent on Ross Bros. reduce, the properi>', Uesed proPer- ei "Sovnton Co." block, occupied by John Peel anid A. tis, but te rais. the figures on blioqe Sadak Sekdon el o lS aIeay W. Jackson, was eut down fram 85,- placed too low. Tbey-did 'dbelr work Mrh a thenhoed ofSatrda' ____________________ "-Youghloghelly Steam Coal." 300 tb $5,000, the meent purchage conscIepiloasly andI well, n t1 ter Mr 251harrl. eno!bera, mis- Blue Graa Gzuàneî Gocal."lO'prîce. only fair té say sterM hMrs eArr0f s16- ib. eurgs UCreeX 5mlthlng Cpal." No Coal t.e qlual l.. Scranton for rangea, heaters and! furn- acees The bes-clean, brigbit and dry. Canne! for fixe plades and! grates. Vonghiogheny for steai. one any George Creek for ail kinds of saîlth. ag work. Freali mined. We lead in quality and quantity. 9aR LOW9 Ith Ich li ci Bll Tel. 9. Wàit6y .o-C Tel. mg. -New Laundry, We wisb to acquiint tbé people 04 Vhitby and surrounding country witb te fact thbat we have opened up a lirst. ass laundry on Brook St., Whitby, iv rewit Bros.' aid store. SW. qre prepared to do aIl kinids of .undry work. Pamnily orders given pecial attention. Ail wprk guarantecd. 'arcels called for and deïivered. harles War- Whiltby, Ont. Livery, Gartagt and Teaminq, 1 have receutly added to my weil ,uipped livery stable a heavy teitn and dray for ail Ichds of cartage asý teamîng work, and will be pleased tc ang ' Ive urders, wnîcn wilI have prorn? d carefal attertion. PHONE 65. John G/mb/et MDAS ST., WEST, WHITrsY M A Pompt Dlivry- Every order is carefuilly inspccted before it leaves oui' store, You have no doubt been disappoinîcd -because sanie one forgot bo put in -thec'basket tic article YOU were in the biggesî hurry for. Such mtakes seldoin happen -here. We want you to have every confidence in oui' servicè. If Yoù~ cannot corne te aur store la per- son, .we w n Vota e el perfectly free ho @end bhe order. ry on, xtmfdue Tua et 400. Pel, cons MudTomatoua, i for pa Veur businelss friend, PLANS TO BE PREPARED FOR SEWERAOE SYSTEMI CounciI Directs Engineer Murray le Plan Systen, C.ting$OO o. Thc Town Council gathened in spe- on7 with ltee oeatruction pilbh sys- cial session on Friday eveain5 lasl I em Ihbis ycaz Or aYt >lime. The to discusbbc sewerage quegtion, 1 puxpofte 1oi-tii.Counîi is -to have the wbl,eh bas been taking lileir îin d. t sg.- Iprpo, tAon for thé past thrée months. T e aid heý ar fr ti niotlig las-ted titi à very laIe houx, work Whu. lYbntnero are in band! a MWic reulted in the adoption o! the more accurabe kuowledge o!tie cost loflowing resolution, moved b)y Mn. can be obtained, and! Ibis lu wbal Laidlaw, seconded by Mr. Harper * will govera the couue 10 U pur-. "Thal T. Airil Murray' be authtor- suci! later. The _Members of the ized by Ibis Coancil to prepare plans Couneil axe not unanitmous upon tue and specificatAons of a systeni o! sew- quest ion of installing a sewerage sys. ers andl sewerage disposaI works ao-" temn, bautich step laken on Fridity cording to a plan submit'tcd tuis was supporteii hy ail, as a necessary evening. and afler the approv-al of preliiixinnry 10 an inteîlgent discus- Sanie b>' the O)ntarlo) Departinlent of n' ThCotI-hempratac Heath o averiseforteners for1 tor, and wbe a t Io determinedi the work, tihe detaiJed planis andi spe- , cher considcratlons eau then be à'flcations la ho submitted uo theibrouglit in to leud weigil for or .Council before advertising" -LasI Tuesday the Councîl hmd 'dagainst tue proposai. several altérations in the original The system as now propôsed cov- plan, and directed Mr. Lowes, of thel ers thé central portions of blie own *Murray fim, b have the revîseti plan 1as far fnOrtb as bbc C. P. R. lracks, prepared, with an estimate as t0 and souti bo the G.T.R._ Two main' vout, On Fruday evening the plan tyunk sc'wens will ho laid, one on1 was ready, with lbe information that f3rock Street, and another near lb. the propos Ystei, accordiiig ta Port Perry hune of tbe G.T.R. These nelgliorho0df la oâb 1-1 I&i, r- le-T' omi, o! PortlandI, Ore., sud Ptrcy -~j neg ,oh o f$ 0 ,0 .s se ,with extesions Ilat can b. of San Francio . , The fnerai wam i d o ati n fth u e t b a d f h l The resolation passed by the 'oîîf- maude as needeul, will pravide for a heid froni lie Jauctipu station on Wido ati n f t- re bad fsaltith .e vwenîa cil does flot commit thein ho ,(oing population of thirty thousand. Suaday moratng, Ixnterment talridg WO havé Juist reéeeived a carload ôf Ibis jane Brand.. We suppir place in. Union oemetr.odnry flue in barrels. MBURCHILL. Extra £ine for butter niaking, in COtton bags; and coarue sait MRS. n seks, for etock.1 to HÉ CALL 0F T E NEW DAY. O n Tucusda> of tIbýis eek Mrm. When 'Salt is fresi, it handies freely like 'sand. On Sunday morniag last about 76 hood. Our country nees truc man- rion oltists Fish ! te om mon acceptedtei nvitation of thi. ood more than any other thing, We aghle ier..Mrs-. urricfrhlhveîl wty nhad coc Baraca Clase of the JJaptisl Cliarch have -le live aur lives as a part f a eawl r.Hrio o e aecntnl nhncocfresli, Ifalibut, White Fiati. 0 ome lime. The faneralisl belng lield Sainion TroUt, Ciscoes and HaddA s 008prcs ta liear Rcv. S. E. Gnigg's address lie social fabrie, and the social fab I n LAies, at closae pl'lces. Cem on "The Cali of bbe New Day." rie eau be no belter than 1h. mndiv-t-dy(hrdy o-rvmeCrn Work Deparîment o! th'e %pptist Con- iduals and as members of society w ------F e h -M a s ventien o! Ontario and! Quebec. The -we have to live in the sort of! bouses A Fanm!ly Ohoelg.0 ice Young Bee f, Pork, Veal sud Ianib, at reasonable pi~ atm and parpose a! i atrmeal' thal w. are building. If we build a Our' Sausage, Spare Ribs and Tenderloins are of such - a high- grado, lu o phstianize lic social rela- pon bouse (character) wb -have b__tIapesel tions o! mankinî. M en may b . Chri- live ia Il andI not a ller. Mr. W m. A yrs 'wau u T r ab s a ene muIani i u E i u e n Mians wtthout ail their relations ho- -. O"lrgg, lu ciosing, drew avery 'oevérfbbis wee nisltMi at bite bonioo! is parent, Mr sud rs. D O I I (c I e Ofng0 of Credwin charatr, eansewlnnlng pictureofo'theio ma CIiTieI aeore Ayrea. On gundar, March W uD .B u [1INI G JL.. . & 0 0 5 V o! ler o r e ductio, catôon Wem g gwlhh flien to-day as -a29,Mrs. Ay'res eelebrated ber nee- -T Yf Oliex resens. (Iîpfui !nlepd-a frin iever>' man iby-sttbbfrbbday, 4nd toecommemr -___________________________________ In addresstag the clama Mx. Grlgg Mrh ave If ho WRi. ate tic evenbt tc famlly gaîbered --- uatd we lîVe in a new day-or at th Before tbc addrcss -Mr. Wllltams frein various parts ef Ontari,'nob a -bw dawnlng ot a new day, nd lhe cati sàqg a fine solo, «'The RiCng's Busi- member belug absent. Tiere- wexe o! lisa new day Io fon strong, pure,#oe."prsent thte famlly of fve, bbr.e of end at present empliasis lias beenu ing andI cventag services Iu 1h.e lturcli ren, sni! fouIr gm~ab-grand-ohiic!ren.W laid upon property ratb.r titan upoii te gretly pîease cngepgbon. The Irumediate relatives Present were personaîîîy. Mue& atten-tien Io given ~-Mrs. Tics. Wilktnson,;(a daugiter te the brcedlng of fine strains and Mercer G Coes to CoboUrg. ami ber hasband ;*.grnadbldren, Mx ___________________ breeda e! herses and cattle an! other George Miller snd ber. husiand,Stew--_____________________ domeslie animais, aid very 11111. at-arWiknoad fe;gatrn- tentIon given le the xearlng o!f ,ft or morne mon lis bter. as hatmillnc s d lf xeb-raà Ixains 0 o! L rumor thatth Mercer Pteformatory eblidren, Rult sud Donald, Miller, DA LD D 'N-PNI' 1f1 at ornto wuto e ove t Olveand Dort. Wilklnso; 'Mr. - r i ER, 1IN K Mr. Gigg foliowed bits tbougtt In- ' w iy la the £eglature onTes Ayres. (son) and! w!.; grandcil, te eIndustrial world, wb.re te day lai Provincial Secretary %snna old .Ayrcs; Wrn. Ares (son): love o! gaint led man tale mploy mot emàe te flowIn tesaiîemenî: <nec. AYres (son; Mrm. Ellen Mack- BOUGLIT AT ode wbict wefe injurious or fata t l t A 50!8 Vl.nefopta t~ (daugltr); granidcbild, Jal. S. bumnu lite, wheu he' couIc! avoic IV n I~ uop.ned,," saitI the. prrvn- Mwkey. t~<hber trMenas present-a* the. this by a IlîtIe extra court lar dci ert ffw o re1r n de ila tlein-vblcbwould mean leus profits. rta r " e OPeCd tb do Te'InfOl'~' n n r, Wlim E T 1 Strng Irsdem ma ae eedd.away at once aMdi cmpîeteuy wlth lowden, Mios Flla Murphy, -Mms N E E =e r edd bb c Ceourg Institbution. -I May' fol- jeule Pulpps;, Mis, Olive Geacit IPW a Il 15nt808'bigt ul o fa n a ia ehp-,. Miss Gramis Ifongit, Miss Myxile Tay- Chrltshin m ean, l e a m a. T . bi . to hm b b s ot been q ite s tted l r x Orile t.. Gardner:- A mont - -ltai bie Clourg Institution illenjOyab>îe ime wau spet, and MTis. B O J T ~ .-W r s do 'Wiat Christ would do In busintess be a suiaiie place to eh tici s,> ýA>xes wa remernbered wlth rami, in Dol easy. ene se-cailed, evangd- f« t rS ef ftm rom handuome gifla. lug Iga if 0ftz ay 'to'booomn*afe ie It la "oW lfi îe vest ei o Cxsi..Just bolti up y@Ur bu. Toronbo. Tflaytill nel y oa ATflî~-ir Ib le ot, easy. HellevinIl utiftewa i itlte InIlIlîIdo Ea e S UIItIS aI bbvcr S'rATIONERy 0F ALL INDS brustlmg lu glvlmng oome e h e l o bfÎ ill oour. keeptng or uethi. îtla net easy -1iLio rI8Sa nu imeservi ce, aehoir 'cf lte Baplt AN 1 figlt doa bte dvi!wilhm ~ able a aua t te c0051 of lie Wii eliti icam ? dse ui a em sric. > MAGAZINES bTm~sin-dS.b htlllau-htot~flWpl 19.beiutc p1!arèd, and titose Who af. Tii lgget IID ON~&ti l8lNf obe o ti pai ofbit Prvine. endaxe assarsi! o? a nîuplal, Ixeat. - - wamsur zaie ber ihome for the. pasl few ycars. She was In.ber 58th year, and! leaves. one daugiter, mrs. McKrogl'an, cf- Vancouver, wio ar-I rtved in lime for bbc funeral, and! oue son, Fred, o! Detroit, Whio was wlth hlm 1moîher àa iew daym hefor.ex Ir death. She also leaves Ilve brothens and- oie ululer, 3Mrs.. LeWarreu, of Oshawa, wlio lunowsertousl>' 111 in tb. hoapital with pueumonta, and Wm. and ' Samuel, of Detroit, Ed. of Toronto, John and Cephas, of, Whlbby. î Mr. GES~noi -, Mr--c i.AeA C.A.s l- , 'A...-" onIuuluy,marnt 21ud, lna his 5.5ib year, aI bis l'orne ln Oshawa. Dcceased, wbo was fne, rohust mian, took 111 witli pneu- mionta on Thursday, ýprevfous ta hi s deall'. Mua' sympathy is - exlcnded ta John and Cephas Seldan, 'lu their sad -hereavernent in the dealh of their brother and slster withtn a MIe.ek.FX Last week there passed away la Toronto Mrs. Yerex, aged 76, a for- mer resident o! Port!Whiiby. hirs. Yereir ltved here seveiai years ago, but bas more recentiy been tiving with lier -daugiter lu the Sta tes. ,Mr. Yerex predeceased ber by 15 vears. The family, who axe well- kuowu by the older residentS are: - ~MENT fer minufaoteig puv Vhore certainiy of'>'%plp9 iof 20per cent, la Ullowl i rate wil 1figuré outst 01 nl for "goff iieak" ub. ratés for electrie power t ear or any otier souret ,niepal electrie plant by rihbed by W. P. V'Y, 5au, AIRD Nned a L«0 cL t% etc. ANVH 'te?. FRESI- 'F181 ,Wic e eyan reeinghFre-sh Fish assortment for the rernainder of Lent. Mthw Pure Lard r Io~ for$3i per pail, A.T.LAW R -WHITBY, ONT.-, Phones; Bell, No. 47; h1depende~t No. 47 -rcivigFeh i' --1 ---e 16 . 1 .91 iý e LI eq 1 qi cc id 9 We are 19 1 20 pails

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