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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Apr 1914, p. 4

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Duxbus Cromile :-Tbe Burk's PalloÂrrow 'dôWa'l-prm " r.ythfàg ua la18seul»te, et il IMu oi3 h- uaWY poery tbat vould give a dead 'bg *a rb.umatlum. Iflbhe ditor ~ My verso ,tiau that, the lav aoulWdproteet 6im "d obviste tbe iLusÉtY of erawling ite çyclone *31er tl1l tbe slorm panes. * arsTown Coimei bas rofuued Mli h 0,0 . quired te complote -8 by-Isv for tihe saicuatl. Tbe tot.1 "of th b e hool eompleow la now ptlMW kt 8a0,O,.' But lb. Board le mot quit. sure wbether o; Dot 1h. jissgrect iaclude& tls roof.- Orilia Puebsi.trbt.h.1 voitca sanae t 8 s wný0 #.lld lhcugt-thecrans te gel nome- Aiblg. or sotldsg, lb. desire tb do M.O Otber 1,11ev before ho doe. you, "id the neglecti le leara tb. ten cern- maadmen4si and-lbth&..rd's prayor. Why didn't ha add the Shorter Cal Through the coUrtiof etMr. (leg K. Thompaca, late of Witby, iýOw4 01 Il- lustoeated beokiel of th"i eily by the mas bascorne to th editor's 4.9k. If th. reatity ut aul mpXpc«hes lb. Il- lustratlons, Alameds la &a excu-dlug- ly haadsome City..la 1911 the as- moment of the ciiW amouxi t l $10,993,400. The ttyb o uperb achool, system, havdaoný parke, niag- cificent residenceS, videasi el paved stireets, and-llê miles u .ie walks. Thé tomin ré of lhl$ City Io nover tebo'tve .,l he sveragu belag 58.8. FlOvers blocm tb eu a ouad, and the desilri'rate la very 1ev, the climat. bd"ngex- tr.m.ly heeltialul. Whaa cur .-'shp cernes i l"W6 bollier.ve obshahsa1 say te AlamedaÉ. Au erchage saya :-Thore's a fa tory la Ibis beautiful tovu et* oui tint secommodatsB lhe*empîcyses ita faotory wlthh aftve minutes1 ceven -and lve minutes lece vhistleý-whlch seeme t6 emos- Z, !nada'8- Hair Fash ion 8tore Glen n-Ciarles Haïr Uood3ý _Our MissiG1enn wi*î be mn Whit1l>Y, 'Mônday, Aprîl 6th, at the Wýin dsor Hotel, with a uli ulne of -flair Sýoode, includifig -SWItee Pon-CÇgrls, Banigs Partlngs, Pomupadours, Transforma- fians. etc. Men'e >.Wigs and Toupees. We are pleased to demonstrate our goods. 8j King St. W. Torônto.. jLadies desirous of having Miss Glenn Cail at Resi- I dence, kindly leav&-address at Hotel. Parms] For Sale FUpvarda cf forty farma from 25 acres up,- and at frem 85'-au acre, guaranteed toe how uatiofactory resulte from investrnent, Ilocated in Wbhitby snd Pickering Townships. Evary concetrable requîreâiýent of soul, buildings, orchard and other improvamen-t a eau ha met itir a riad list offered. je E. WINN, WFIITBV111 Bell phono 109.. P. 0. ]Box 894 - Ieidence, Dundas St. West. - 9 --v-,w v w wV WW"'w Ww ývvv WV .~ w w 'w V Vlu-g. w y VV NEW SPR-INtFÃ"OTWE'AI We are receiving- large shipments of the latest styl footwear., Our stock is more complete than ever befoit je have shoca that iatisfy particular people. s --Cali and -irnspéct our extra specials in Men's ang Oy-S' Worlc Shéos. ac- ire of "e le 1 . SOM's Pople bave quesr Ideas aboutd tb. duties o!f labor towards c1 p itulI OZ 1 he, employa. lowards bis epipley- .r. « 4or4.k a . Ana employer engaes au employée tb woijk for 4hin. 'lii. employ A grees t.o give Bay aine preise li py seomany dolliars. ,The average ý mployée seems te t]bIsk tuat if ho gelts Itb thebuilding' aay- wbere -wthin five minule. ,aftier agtâr«49 thne aMd gala etarted to work 4 1ew -minuties laborhoth ln the^ acrnhag aa<I at lernn, and If b. quitis work ilve minute b -wlve or six In order b gin remd 0bloa upon th. Aret blast ci umvbrt, ,h lu1 fuldtltng bis corktraci. But h teels aggrileved 4f his- employjercutis off'.1à salary or wages qa equivalenul Lwok ek ti of the -aý ü t From , cellar to a'ttic,-inside and'out there is a particular ShcrWinmWi1iM=* pint anssaugrea for every différent use. 000oe~a ipaint -tho outeide of the, bouge with SWP,Sherwin-WillianPaint(Preparéd), made of pure lead, pure zinc, pure lrnseed oul and thre ncceeeary coloring -pigments and dreri'. Saves you nioney beause ïl covers mont, bats longest, and lookà best.- On the -stepe nnd..porcb #olors 'use Rherwin-Wiffiars Porch Floor Paint. t0 11118 ot lue. ni_______________ Withstands thre weather and frequent In tue case o! a factory or induatry . rubbing. -- the machine the employer loesno foot. No better floor va.rnish rmade. only -taieearninga of tb. employa. o ero al *ueBWFa-oe but of the machine as well. Heace . fat finish onl paint for Wa Flatnd oned employers who insist upou strict THiE MIeSES SCOTT. heurs are only reasonably Insistlng The Misse.Soott held a mout suc- upon their rights. cessful milliÉery opening on Thurs- day, Marci 26, and eved witb tante and sklll ' the many nov fan- G Pro f U ures- wlgch govern milay.'@ head- EVERYTI] Proo of Ir 1 l fo earthis aeason. ef 1h. time.tsaed w lried, . ia Q Oe notable fMature I 1hé. m- Phone 20 edy-p"roof oe ts storelieve Plicity andi lightness in weight ef the qulcklysmfey, urlte ' es new bats, xnany of 'lb. dreisybats aches, l*. ucur taue h' po beîng quit. transparent. apiriti Sd,** 1 fatgce dbil0555 The shaped are tnedlm sized aud vii . swd e.r dsa~ are wora with a. becomlng tilt and1 sailor, tricoru snd vattean styles. ansd dist te correspond with the neoc iffre '-oors -are black, dollar goId, inaâ- and tend M OS are sol pulied down as 1ev -ou he 1 enna blue, navy and purpla. Trini-- ach la B E - li forebead as prevlously vooen.. Somo mings of foyers, ead tfolage, alse healthy B ,LUHAIVlot the nov ahades. aretango, wood ribbons, =d norelty mounts. 1Il lu a [ e an sd broya, viM Paddy greens, tjctlceable teatute cf the. spring styl«esuraute ru L $French bluô ane purpie. tuat lb. Ester headwear telu lb y. 1 seau". Tb.re ina a retention of styles of s mali, cloee-fitting shape, -6aring, IYeur1 long popularily, sucb as the. sallor higb aI eue side. Prominent amông Roxfal THE 1914 TAX RATE. the tam, the turbýan, each given a the pointa emphasl.zed in the ravivaI store yu At ii.reula metig c ~ clever and novel twist whlch gives: o! jets. Rlbbons a.nd tiny flowers make yc At he reula metin ofthethem a nev aird.quaint look. A'dded to torm another etrikiug fNatu-re. -Au fortable, TewD Co=01moil e h held on Mouday these bats are tha "Harry Lauder' for shapes, the amall bat lith a flSX, for youi eveng usaI lhe tax rate for .1914 an hala with -a sharp, upward flare, rew brim aud wide bandeau effects. at the * will ho struck. Mucb conjecure 10 whleh gives a return te the tqrmer are very popular. thia lt" curreut au to what lhe rate willi ha, lecoming styles of umseîng a isw Somne striklng modela were notice- 25c., 501 muid ne doubl su intere.bed audiencI roses under the, brim ou the hair.' able lun black, purpie . and the b+y» 'guis, W yull be preseaI. Moire and larcIna silk la combina- blue, snd altogether the opeulng dayu No deflulte figures are in hand yet, lion vlth straw vas much iu e,!-' vere-e most suecesaful lu évery DEAT]q but the prospects for a réduction dence lu the makeup as vell as lb. way that Ibis poputar store bas had seem te be prelly bright. The. 1918 îrimming of, tp nev taiiored -bats. 'for some lime. Tihý entire "staff vas ig rat.. vas 28.27 udl, on a total as- One very iailsome bal vas davel- kept busy attandiug tb the vanta of Gilroy, sèament ef about $1,060,000. This oped from fine black uilk plcated laVB the early purobaser.- vm thé *1 igre li"! ben aisrnlsd te ina picturesque shape with a amal - about $1,200,000. On tihe other hand yrenoc 7vrçebupent bieorov ag d RIIEUMQOUBFmU &1EtJATI M, f 1h.estmaI. or 914vii nt PN>--o the bandeau wbloh raiaed the lat omtn iwln tnigyu 'vide for an isereausoever 1913, and 10 a hecomins angle. Anotiber cas ote ho -on t ndin gel a Indeed areductiôn la pmioslble. Iii a fine Milan Ilu Purpie sud biackbiicae Maylime oteda. JE. iel- MiY event, aasuzbiug Ihat the relvml*esoftlhy cruseil lu turban shape vitli lis sellof-ithewlt nguaait. J.o'B. n for 'h.e rdlaary purposesef t-hie towi a large biacki oktlich pom poni both 19 eS tItWt yu hjao e wr!u l laô vill net ueed le exced thait of îeîa, fore sud .aft. ils qyuck actiol.iwn ceseslb.n the incresed assossinent vould ai. isqikatotepi ees h low of a réductionfi he tai rate, THE MISSES POWELL muscles snd boues are rld ô! sorenes 4Asatiing a t the ase«sanent a The tUion&s of ladies Who i'isie sud stlffneas, and very accu a Rheu- been tàlBed tien per cent., altbough lu the m1llllary parlors on openung ilsys m ain eal ebaetese real!tY tit lemore, a corresf- xpressed themselves as delighted etre bbooa d tlsyo o cstbi Rek poudinig reduotion on the 2S."'7 mili with lit h y n e agu: Mo thalucid cauol posihiyandtli. rateeoud b.mad, sud yet the samp aprlnl5 miflinery.he'-haSt 511d imet1leuocte ny1fralrg reVenue b. Provlded. This would correct modela, as usual, 'charaeter- 1 iotti foe J.0E.1WY$1sfor adiret mea a reducliion -to helieen 20 and lzed tao isiplay, wbicli included -ai c d frJ. E in B.V. r-t 21 mnille. -This Ègutring la rough, cf presad =ad and-mad. shapes of ionC.bardge pra Ont icdurse, but le coneervatîve. It in lhé tagel, Milan, andBelgian braidela____in__ ,Seî»i-ready Me&îns Service The label snd prie* in the pocketef every gena. S emi.ready Garment, The HospitlitY cf this Store in off.red'yen, and va wkLnt yen lic ][Dow lhe fuly round moaning of! Semi-ready Tailoring, and wbat it stands for. Service -a -store "8aI yeur service" alWays-wih oincerity sud honesty in evory purchase you hnake-with abselute satisfaction s th.e Ssential- and a business homÙe. viiere yen ena b. positive in reeeiving auch service s e u woutld meel with lu a fri.nd whoe xpecta -to walcome yen again and 'yet again. W. belles. lu Semi-roady Tailoring-it&, i4ïals# attainmenla, re- cord of service--and in ils bettermeut as each »mbdn goea by. Yen believo' in the.fair, - square, epen-facea prie. poliey-in lhe plain prices inth. pooke-uthe label price. thnt i. thi. ame every-" viiore in Canada,- 5owe 5emioreêdy -Leaders Britonsloom Ssrge il a fine, close woMU fabrie, cf superflu. wool, lut dye, aud cf attractive "bel" 8eIld everyviier, in Canada and ber.at BuUOZ-Caadisar Serge bas a rug. ged-finlmhand ha' 'body,' undoubt- edly the hsnt-w auiserge suite Moade for tleb. C.nslean limat. King'()WU Serge il wovn iaEng. 1Iaand, a suPerfine ttiil, purs yood, guaraaîeed faut dye, $20. Dram. Sait. cf fias hlack veuna, soft Cheviot finish, viiih extra quaI- ty siIk faciing ou lapai., *25. AIl Bilk-Lined Dm&s Suits at 80- aud $m5.- Tuxedo J«acts, $18 aud $20. Frock Coat sud Veut, $25. Busines sud Profossienal Suits lu Worateds, Chevi'ots, Tweeds gorgs, Banuockburns, Home spoun, Moor. at, at frent $15 toPS5. Riding Breeches, $9 te $12. Chauffoura'Suite, $25. -Suitis te Special Order - For Garments ruade L e menure *n ive days at the Semi.ready uhopa, we, show Suitings and Overcoatinga in 300 pattern., the fineat Eiiglish and Scotch clotha, voyoul for and iniported by the Bemi.raady Comipany for their Special Order Department.1 Suite aad Overcats niade te measUre for 818 and Up. Prompt deiivery, and the smre clinching gaaraatee cf satisfaction wlxieh accompanias al Semni-ready Clothes. Vou can gsi the-best ; and yen will get it for les money ln the Semi ready Store. "Absolutely the smre price everywI4ere',-See the label in thc pockat. Iý door south-. I ~ l.fss Dyspepsia Now-J-lre'5 the Reason. Thé lact thaIthbere is ,less dyspep- sla and Indigestion lu Ibis commuai- ty than thare uaed le ha la largely due te tue extensive usé o! Rexalli Dyspepsia Tablets, hundreda et pack- ages o! whichbu~ee been sold. * to wouder va ha-ve faill inlu hem. No wonider we are wlling tao ffer tbem lic yeu for -triai, eutlrely aI our rlsk. Among otber Ibings, tlley cont.ain ppa! n d bismuth, t-vo et h-lagreat- ~tdigestive aida kuown to medical science. Tliey seothe the infiamed stomacb, allay pain, check héartbrn Division Court Sittings. COUNTY OF' ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY.-Iuis .L. Macopefl Clark , Whilby- Ja». 18, Feb. 5. mart 4, Aprhl 8, gay. 4, 'Jun. 8, Juiy -8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 70, Deu. 4, Jan., 7, 1915. -OSHAW4-Mss E. L. Macdenall Clerk-Jan. 14, Fe. 0, Mai. 5, Apr. 4y May ô# Jus 4,o JuIy 4, sept. 4o Cet. 8, l<ov. 0, Dec . J .an. 8,.19i8 wood, Clrk-Jan. 18, Mar. 8. Mar e, July: 7p Sept. 5, Nov. 119 Jam. il, 1915.- 8. FOUT FERRY- J. W. Buras, Clrk- Jan. 17, Mur. 7, May 7. JUIY 8t' sept. ô, NOV. la. Jan. 12,0 é. UXBRIDGE- R, J. NMr, tir- btidge, Clrk- Jan. 10, Mar. 14, May 18, July 14t Sept. 80 Nov. 30,~ Jan. 16, 1915. 6. CANNINGTON-Thoa. R. Foster, Canulugton, Clerk-Jan. 0, Mai. 18, May 14t,T~uly - 51 Sept. -0# Nov. 19P Jan. 15, 191s. 0. BEAVERTON-Chal. »A. Pater-I sca, 'Beavertou, Clark-ian. - 9, Mar, lot May 150 July 1ot sept, 100 Nov. 19, Jan. 14, 1915. , 7. UPTEUGOROVEj- Daniel Leonard AIherley, Clrk- ian 7, Mar. .1t May 10, July 17,, Sept. 11, Nov. By Order, J. E. FAEtEWELL,. Clark o et lb. e. '!Datod at Whihby, Nov, 80, 1o18. il Ae work. Can be repeakedly waihed vith oap and water. Twenty-fou wt7"0 obiades, suible for de~coratifflg thèIrM lvia reom,ý thodining room, -and-, b. be* room& , at-Tou lea 'durable a"d ovanitary fis. Bedoomi furniture sud woodwork can, be reflniahed' witb S-W-Floorisoor 8-W- FaIniY Paint. Floorlao gies 'a .laimed. sud~~ Ë v'msedi ',hreeblingpp sr bardwvood. S-W Fàimily Paint produces a brigt, gloesfizi isittaàtiiOCOOL Give the«kIdtehenfloor'.a omioolb, bard,' -wearng coat of S-W Insidae rPaint,' eas 1 keei ean. S-W amùty paiuit wiËelp keep cupboards aud woodwiik fresh sud sweet. -I O.$ -meRICE HiING IN HARDWAPtE WHITBY, "w M itrous, belp Ibo igest the feod, pany'a manager, - dlad la CmiiIeUA id to quckly restore th1e item- uesterdny morelug a! lesa, protom,4"i ils naturel, confortable, ilînesa.1(r. Gllroy vaÙs WIl bar- alate - - Mn.ý Gilicy vas a dnugbier e1 Mr. Io no red lape about 'our 'George -i-opins, oie'o!1 the @5l tee. Il means just whaîint-ilpremiaent t armera, et Whitbri Ont., We1J ask you no questions.. lunlb. jalmy daY of ta li.HO verd la enough fer -us. Il -vas r1'o a large .properlyowner ile DyspePuia Tablets don't 'ré-, tbsAtovn d district. -Afer lesvig rour stemach le bealth ' a iWiîuy ,Mrs. lro6y lived l- port ,out digestion easy mend cern- Perr ()>Onf sud altelvarda ina TO- e,va wvaut yeu. te corne bacli ir money. Tb.y are sold only ronto. Two brothers, ee la Paio, 700Rezailr stores, and linlîI., and lb.' other lu.Teronteo ad mn enly by us., Tbree aizes, one soni, vith ber husbane flb. Oc. ad $1. A. -M. Aluin, drug;- ou nunimméiate relative$' suvlvmn, - bltqy. y ______ -s FI F MRS. A. A. GILROY. Thie Oshawa Armories are ho b.é ipeg, Mardi 29. -afra. A. A. opened ou May 24. Col.-S 'am Hughes. vile e! lb. T. Eaton Com- May bh preset._ _____ , I-Arc You Looking for a Chaimge l7his is the time'of ear you 'Want something else. .able syrup, -clear and nice, - 15é- and.30e tiou.- Mape om u d his isgood, JargéexÇSpecl » dii 25 MarinmeaJéade for breakf'ast, - 11, < d am 3eG ai., Jams, ln glàss, - 10, .2Oc.and 1c Table jeiiys, .au flavors, 3fr5. Oranges arec heap-now, 1large sizes 30o,~40e,cdo FRES-1 LETTUCEAL Y' Marmalade Oranges,- larg sie, - 2edzn rISH DAI LOY AUl kinds,rfresh and smoked. We stand behird out goods,tr s Jno. E. WAtI3RHOUSE- WHITBY .'*.' I Phono il {V. 77- - - -v 1~'-~ .Prompt De1ivery. ru For polishing silver, nieie cope, 'raeor Smooth, metallic surfâce. cleaningp'late glass, Min windows, -marbie statu etc., it has-no itqual. 1It is entirely- new anid like aIl other prepara entainse no minerais, s or poisons, being purely etable a'nd perfecftly harm It ýis an instantaneouse icator of dIr-t or. tarnish.' ow-that houg. cleax fimàe il hure evory. ho.ua.i sblould have a.,lýottle of porkula on hand. Hour bard workr turned into mente cf pleasuire by ui 95 cents -per bottle Asic forý sample at_ DASSET JEWELER & OPTICIJ WHiTBY, ~-oI w.C, T. 1,. On Wdnedayevening, A im mtere-s-Ung umeeýtiig, -IgLd aupices ô!the ., W.C.T.U., 'w -beId lU lthe EaptÏist Churrch. W.C.T.-J. wiii be present, a àmÉ, thé eein.There. ýspeciaI music by -the choir. Tb liLaChairman. Silver .co' Vt the door. Meeting -at 8 ýi ]Proceeds i' aid o! work amom The regulax montbly imeetinÊ W.C.T.U. Wl1 be Jielýd.atlthe c! mrs. Wm.. Marsbau, -om wed 1priI 8th aI 5180 o!cloCk. We hope to 'have-as our guei Byglop, ;Provincial Organizer, accu ien éwifl be sered axa Portimnity give-n oui memibers asmm- aquaiuted -with'oue of t -em' in.this great work we are 'Ail ladies. interested 'i]ýt~ work -invited to be present. Lcal Happeriii stIku at W. G. Walters'. A meetingi cf thé Coumty ci1 IQ 014 -Girls' Àosooi#ioni wiI là the Ccunel. Chamùber on "y, Aprtl 151, at 3 p.m. A DonI'ltofrget the bail 10 1 ther b.auspices cr St. Club eon Moflday ovénlng, A àà the Ïualc -hall. New stock Uncileums and- a at, W.G. -Waltera'. One 10 foi Rev.,Wm., Limhbert, Preaide Baày o! Quinte - -,conference, tue puipili cf 1he7- Methodist imde bore On -SunD-ay. Mir. aise pieuhed ut Alaxnda Bargainsilu boots 7mad ah eCÇc -elot o! $2.50, $3.110 $4.00 and $5.00 - values yo' ia w-lndo fer 81.98 -at M. lins' [rom2 to 5 o'clock on The mail boxe haVe arni 1hC- postal serVice cO! le-tc Il la expected that tbey wi, plaoed at ,lbeir respcct-vP and the nial colUectiffin iugurated. T . h-Tbeiew Tango *liats at' tars' la na-y,' brown and Mr. y D. Dykes, Presid GerenIer Canada Imprôvei LaadCô., bas reliuraed -aftA toEalan. Mr. IDykes hi way fer aeverai montba lu - esft'tbe Company.- - '"i biscutp bot bweads, and >t., arce daily neceslies !.eiC4mUiIy. Royal fDkq mr wIIImake them ame Wbolesomei appelnhg. AI1mNeUn hopae ModelT Runabout 60 f.o.b.Pcrci OO On tarie Cet partîlculara froni W. J. Luke &.Sou, er L,W. Dudley, Wbitby Ont. , and Uraih Joués Brookla, Ont. ,EXTRA ýSPECIALS el's,,Shoe Store Souiho WhbOit. - ltsPlwae 1511 faurice Il'rph! y .of Royal, RIotel Whîtby.onlt., mi, **%%*&**IWWW%^W% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 'w 'w 'W le"W'Ww ýw w w w w'w XI - -'l 1 - . ý l 1 Ï 'l

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