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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Apr 1914, p. 8

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~u iu~uww k Bb eso roxKlI ro . rs- et a10. oeo!( ili rou weola hm e e st.l c.men i band .' UE d >Long ig 1'movinslIce - bis wwhome 1111* week.> Mi. anzd Mis. ArthurBlar 1 for North 1~$on Monday'- Mis.. Jolùk Orilou &bocu enon tb thqek lst fôr a few days. Mr. Thos. Roul0 spent ýj.fw days with bis nous la Peterbaro laut week. Mis. Norman Colwlli* visited witb Miss Hewlu lu Whtby over the week end, Mr. Kelth Lawrence bas a supply of uew records. Drop ln and hcar Miss Olive l-Iolliday, ouf the O.L.C., speut a rcent- Sund4ay 4t Mr. Web- ber'is. Mr. Uîiah Joncs--bas purclzaUad a lot ou Slmcoe Street roui Mr. ýLuke Robinson. -Mr. Hawley bas moved bis fail> totheIL. hse lately vaoated b>' Mr. Mis labeýWalkrof the Oshawa Hospitial', iie be-mtr m last .week. Mn, Bille and ber son, Mr. Chas. Cuirai, af Toronto,- visited with rinondE bore lait week. Mlss Violet Dickie, ai the Base Lio J4i, Wbtby, la vlstlng bMsses Clara and Rose Woodward. Mr. Arthur 'oole, wboliasfor the. *pat two years been working wllh * Mr. T-bei.lTall, left laet week for Moose Jaw. -.rJames Rautie>', wbo reoent.ly tuMv. from ber. la Toronto, died aI a, prIvate' hospîtal la tbat City' on Monda>' last. g Ir, 4a, Crammond bas rnted the * mroperty. blonglng ta the Beal es- tate, and wll Move ta the 'village In thé near future. * Mn.. Gibbons and Mr. Jas. Mc- Brieonof. Toronto, aid Mis, John Ne, Horizontal n farre, Sprayer - May be Uad ln matUV au bil aides. Single on double acting pump, out- O ronzo bal vralve.sud The riglit Sprayer ho thc oue that wlU grow wiith yens work-tluat hau Capacty sud power lu keepint wth the. job sudwhlch eu ho ut un au s ued l.- esao. Thbu Le thé wsy we buil,! Barrel Sprayers No. 190 l Io a furnishe,! ilth four-row attacomet for potata aprayllîg or miouuted c -At e w' notai tMs oop xGBzien; M.Dasieili,who has, beea livingi hore, for the ', att two Yeats, lo t lut w p.j1 oide a5$iblteva1c,: where ho luloada le ,go Jto taidosn 0& a. lot. froua Miseay, a> ii s boorid h niodhuldn ous. durlag lie summer. tmedSlandaid BaakWhlly, salle *0 iu l*. village on Tuemday. an* - - Mrs. Jas., Croxail, irwoho baSbcs8Ti.wa aa.imt remîdeut of the -vlcinltyo Brookhu, aIl. her lifs, dlo t lwook fan Toron- hPuse praperaiàtaend 1 It Wo, where aie wilhireside mihber aàdU « ibrby;ilte anmberof Mn. Alfred Clary', dled at bis homoern rm J lu Omawa, os Sunda>', Marcb 22nd, dé gls in ias Ii yean.. He leaves a widow (bormeni>' Carnie Hewir an d Iwa o.pito ogo evc chilidren. - epaint oflau e cntarice On Frîda>' eveuilu et a nilace- B. B.- "seneWit cad laneous sbawen was giveu b Monz. B.Grcuind luhpue lins Maàbel Rogers, aI lbe borne of Mr.-,,Zngodinpr ns Willam Mrnisn, S houi o!lie dryer for ail paints that eau approactaig Marriage, Figure 6tscool, Dot mete Ticena=Y patrons oI Mn. Elvils wMll vyoubut by ýwh4t j: wi will be sorry to learu of 'is rmusîce. painter the formula of 1B-H lune lu the biealdg aifIbheidldam. ofaiconfidence ftom the starL Tbis inthie second lime liaI a er- A beautdful bc ious bieak bas ocouiied, conuequent- Ïead' for distribuic 1>' no grlnding lu -beu-g doue lu lie. -A meeting wlll be beldi on Situr-J. M day, Aprîl 4, . aI 8.30 P.rn., In t1h w1 Council Ciamber, ta arrange for holding a peclal tain and holidWy bai ou May 11h. A comrnltt@e wlll - tny td arrange for a day af sports a and entertalunent, as meil as a stock*- show. A good attendauce I request-~ çd of -îl luterested la h, olding - this vistlng wlth lhe fonner'. Parents in mvent. -. .Whilby. The menibers au dadbonente oi lïi . some ai lb. farmeis oj tbus vicIa- ai Brooklu Baptist Ë!iùnci li hold il>' dispased aof Ihoir *surplus supply tl lhiu monlbly social evenlug 'qA -of horsC" to Jewioh boise huyerm o! w Tuesday evelng next, Apnil17h, àl' Toronto."Thie prias. realized weio 0 lhe bomne of Dr. M.H. Stanr Brook- evideutly' quit. satisficlory. %4 lin. Ail wbo are desrnus of enjoyîng Mr. Cecil Wilson hua re-engagedZ an evenlug a! good cleai social cuja>'- mihDuRf Bras. ment are earnestly Imvted Aota s Mr. George Bliglit, of Whitby, vis- fc meeting. Tiee ili be ne admission ited is motier last week. l fec or collection l5kci. A number hom baie atteded Crox- r ail Bras.' sale ou Manda>' o! lasI MaJ.MYRTLE. jwe.k. Beamsh ud fmil h e M. gbusiness meeting ai the Mrs.J. Bamih an tàily re#yrtl mdAsiburu egg cirea w asi beld lu West's Hall, Amibunu, on - Monda>', Marai 23, fon tb. puipoe a! appctnting. officens for thie uun 'BUlL' year. Alter lie nutes of lhe >i>u 111F. ~ IIJL, iaus meetlu5 mere read aid con- LAIIdllméd, lie follawiug fieswr Président--J. C. Lawrence.- Vl Ya lue $8.50 Secretay-F. Byiggs. Directors-R. Mèntyre, F. -Brlggs!, eked with différences that, make LIlichaidson, uiMos-R. Henan, T. Griffith. uty in oaci model. Manager-wA. Varcos. - ar to-day, with long and short vamp Alter 1 he Installation af offlcees, Il id lew heels-. It lo saf o t smer$ ois n acsrs ti eotfrti tan they do in thèe onewer modole. year whlcb had Just, closed, hinci à ebowed tiat there had been 12,792 *women who are much on their dozen shipped la Toronta, aid 13,- Il v ta cornfort as woli as service, 00o01.il dbeen pald out t10thli :refer tham. ttty-lwo members.t Mn. Tipper, of WhtUy, was pie- sonl aid gave a ver>' interestlng lal 0 THE PAIR ou lie vanlous melhods of carrying on the égg olnd.e successftiîIy. ' rie meeting tien a<jotined. 0F ~ ~ ~ ~ $0 SADRBAK- REWARD, 10 OF' SANDAR BANKThe readeru of ibis paper wilI bc plessed,.10 Wh Itby, Ont. tas techas beeaabl o c reua l I s stages, and that la Caiarrh. H.iiî'uCtarrh Cure -la the ol Iie cure now knowu to the- us the time to purchase Seeding Machînery Har- ness and Garden Tools. We sel i Brantford Wînd Milîs, Gasolîne Engines etc., manufactured by Goold Shapely Muîu Co. See our Engîne on dis- play in Waueuoomn. ALarge Stock- Carniages and WaLnons ciîsl rumpa are =ado la two liges on hand, uay bo attached ta any barrel or ued, wth barrel, oz band trucks for iranpartatian, uft u s Our Wire fence prices lor w I'rmy"boke.howng shoulci interest you. 1.iI Une cf Hsud. Cnapuac, Buck. t, BarreS, Traction sud Power elnYru. ~ 1 4. year old driving j7 1 eOmare for sale. -- - N.5mooem~ Insurance W.e» Fe DISNEY tionai disease -requîrea a coetitationsi treat- ment. Halls Cbatrrh Cure lu 'faken lnternally, acting directîy upon theé h100ansd usucouus sur- faces of the systeus. thereby cetroying the foundation of the disease, sud glvtng thé patient airegt ybidn up the constitution sud ammaiurhislatreiiduti tswrk.Thepro- Jretaro hve Bo mach fart Illu Its curative paweru that they ffer Due Hundred ballara for any case 9 h*t11 fait t cae. send for USt o f teat- Addreas; P. j.-CHENXY & CO.. Toledo. 0. ,soid by aItDrnglts, .c. WHITEVALE. Rev. Mr. Lang[ard bas rccovered tram bis receit illîss ufficieîtly ta lake bis regulan services au Sunda>'. Mr. laxhke addressed the. Epworth League i the Methodist Church on Fridu>' evenig. Subjeot, "Interviews WithiJeans, an proobs. af Hlm resun--, rection." Mr. and Mis. Curtain and Mn. Bell are sufferng tram tie lnllrmJtem of old age. Mn. Wilson bell off tie staîns in ils miop necenîl>' and Is suffering laucb pain lu bis side from the effects - of lhe fail. _The. Ladies' Aid ofllie Baplist Chunai axe ta give a upper aI the Buptisl paîsonuge on'uesday even- lug, April 7tb, A big t«me i8 prom- Ised. Wiboopfng cougi prevafis-lu sevenal homes lu tie scioal section. Parents ueed la be canclul about sedlng childreu£C xposed ta contagious dis- euges o Boool s itlfa a ver>' un- PleaBsut dut>' for touchers ta send cildren borne as lie iaw requinso. Mr. Eigllsh luneslgiîg iesppace tlu'tiie Blanc, an4 Io ta b. sucMeedef hy a Mn. White about tlie tof April. ,%,V. Dr. Bales, oronto,. is an- nouice1d ta preaci Educaticual- s.,&r- Mon.o fla 'he Baptîlut Ciunch hère neit Sada'., - . -MYRTLE STATION.- Houe. cleaniag la in f ull swing arauuld boe. Mn. John Quinn bus returne ra a trip ta Monîreal. jd1fo Son>' to lepontthlaI Mr. I'I Wilson, fil under Dr. Ancien's Care, 209o that Mr. Oliver Qrabia'M-I . agai&. The. Ladies, Aid bad theu U OOim eh Wednigday évning hast. Mr, 13.,H. Beaoock mas u in 45 '0 Wednsdy laât. xt. la reporie,! tat bt ythe m tAon, Àobbus n aAfaam ua ii route bas bem en.. "-KEPHÀIJDOL CÂN NOW BE HA4 AT YOUR DRUGGIST'SQ. Kerr Dotor Stohi, ibo lamons A&ustian Nervo apeolaliat, firat used KPHAILDOL preocriptlon la >il1 pevate -practîce andIbou$tbal workl, lienna. èùOtheroted physiolani snd surgeous adopted ltii.'formula ia lrealing; sevore cases oai Rbeuxuam-1 ttum, .Swiatica and-Lumbago, 'La Grippe aidColds, Neurélia and Headaciies. The wondonf.ulz- proper-,I tf1cm of JCoePHALDOL -b0Ã"ý kawn 'a Engid, vibere aco a>'waà fonmed la propane KEPHALDOLI TABLETS and suppi>' tbem 10 lb. public aI a nominal priee..ý Canadians . vtsltlng tlie 0k Coun- try heard of KEPHALDOL- lîied them-and brougit them back b oCai- "da. So greal becarlie lie demaid for Kepialdai bers,.,thal a Canadiau office was establlmhod bo distribule tiese labiets on Ibis side aI lhe ocean. So, whal ane burnous physlclan dld In Austnla, bas -resulted ln tiousauds sud Ibauands af sufferrubelng cured of pain. KEPHALDOL 18 absolulely sale, havlng no 111 effecîs on the heart or otber vital orgaus.? I! your drugglst mbouid not bave KEPHALDOL, a 50c. tube of lab- lets may lie ohlained by reznltting -the price to, Kepialdol, Limlted, 31 Latour St., Mantreal. WOOLEN CO. BY-LAW CARRUED. Lindsay, Murch 24th.- The Ilorn- Brou.. Woallen Company, Linited, by-law, wus carried to-day by a malority of 502, or 120 aven the 1w,> thirds vote. A ver>' large vote was polied. Hon Bras. will' be given a fixed asesment, sud wiii be, given j,,500. The>' miilu l tura inérease the number of ticir empioyees lu 200 -is 'summer, bu>' the Corneil hrewv- ery propent>', build a mlding, enect slem buildings, and equlp a new plarit ROD AND GUN for April ds out with a bill of lare designed primar- l>' forthe fihbermami. The caver cul, whlchthismemothi s peclally at- tractive, depiots a fimerman holding up to vlew a 17 lb. prize salmon trout secured last year ln the AI- goinqului Park, Bonuycastle Dale cou- tnhbules the lea«nIg ,article, 1111all- but Flshilng lu tb. Northern a aic"6 Il. Mortimer flatten a well illustrat- 09 article on "Tr71Ut FarrnIng"j 9114 other stonies and articles follow tiat Gescribo flailng. exper»Oeno owet., lu varions parts cf the. Dominion froin Atlantic te Pacifie, Prof. Edward Prince, Dominion Commlssloner o! Fisherles and en aUthoritY, On hnth ith and game, irrites of "The 1'raug ~Horned Autelope of tie West", wblcb la ald ta b. lu danger of extinction uulesu Inimediato, protootlve nicamuce are adopted for Its preservation. Thé regular depàrtments- are al well OUARANIEEO ADVANTAOEO The adrantages guanmnteed to km policyhoiders, man for mxan, throughout i ts entire business by The Equity [Me Assurance Company are much greae for the premniums paid than they are in any other Company doing business ip Canada. This is stated as a tact whick carnat be successfully disputed. ExAmPL-At age of twenty-three next birtbday The Equity Life charges $43,20 for $2,000.00 insurance on the -Twenty Payment Life Plan with every- -thing definitely guaranteed, Most otbecr Canadian Companies charge exactly the malle amount and inijiar terms for; a Twentyflve Payment Liie Policy. A&t thc cl cf uweniy ycairo tho Equit poivy is fully paid for and bas a Cash vain~e cf $598.00j while the usual cash' value fur the other policy at the samne time is $720. The iun who stpdles bis cwn Intcetà will pstronize The.Enity LifI. Assurance conupsny whe e wants 1 fe Insarance. L. W. DUJDLEY, Il. UTI1BRIAND, Agn, Prenident & General Manager W'bftby Ont. Toronto. Sale L. Codof. keepins your Io d"ide < ode- Of paint 4 yearm the paint A wL at "point 2,- the 100 per'cent pure 70 per cent Brandruni'. 1 aud 30pr cent White seed ail; turpentine and be made on a white bas-e, 'ci' b>' the *ipace &a gallon il k.ep cS ewdf -To the En l geu afeeln olklet af colorSchemca l an. wai "dY. INTYRE I-IITBY OSHAWA. Nekala Zabahilo, a'Polak, ot Osh- awa, bau been meut on for trail Bt the June Assizes at Wbltby, charged witb bhavIug lnjuied a fellow country- raun lu a riot, so liaI bis victim had to speud a week la tie. bospîtal. Zabahilo Io out on 8800 bail. J.B.; McCullougb la leaviug Oshawa for Calgary, wbere he wlll be local znanager for the 'McLaugblin Car- riiage *and Mioto Car Co.'s branch. Bcauthful flair-a Ciean, Cool Scalp- UISE PARISIAN SAGEI. IT MAKES lTHE HAIR FLUFFY AND ABUNDANT. l ln ueediea'8 for you- to have hair thSI 4u auy'tblu5short 99 perfect. Il It la falling out loing color, "lpit- tinst or Il t: scalp burus and Itcoe, Lmmi4ately get froi A. M. Allfu or any grug couater a 5ft. hotus e o Partian Sage-use il frequetly-the firot applicatIon ýremaves dandruif, invlgora.tes thà, scalp, and' beàutiflm th. haïr uutil7- it is gloriously radi- Parisian Sage supplies hair ueeds- [s perfeotly burmleus. Il contains the exact efeinents iequired, to make the hair of t, wavy, glossy and to imalte It grow thick snd beautiful. Yon wili surely likeeParlutln Sae. It Io one of the best and most de- lightful hair tontes kuowa. A SERIOUS CHARGE. Lindsay', Murci 24. -TI%. adjouçned cam oi the Cnown vs. Lester MeGil. livra', mie iwas charged'with put- liag poteau lu a glass af beer, uith i-teul 10ro> Jas. Gostlu, came up bebore Magitrate Jackson Ibis moa- Iig. Oui> ' oie wiîness mas heard- vîz., J. Jacque, lb. bar-tender at the Rotel Grand, ubere tie alleged of- fonce took place. Mn- . l. Ilopkxus. acting !or thé A$trno-Qeera'sDopsrtrnout, put the questions inci brought out evi- tience of a startlling nature. At the conclusion of the evidence for the Crown the prîsoner wafved funther examiatlon, and wmuseut up for triai beforo a court 'ai campeteut Junrisdictlou, wmmci. miliconsisl of a Dispersion of' Cholce Pure Bred 'Holstein and Shorthorn Cattie The utïderiignedhas neceived -instructions trou the proprietor of MEADOWBROOI< FARM i To seil by public auctian on TVE8IIAY, APRIL 14WH, 1914 on the p lueO5s stuated on lot 5i, Cor. 2, Plokering The foilowing pure bred stock, consistiu - of: HOLSTI INS Io Mature caw's. x Heifer, i ye&rýold. z Heiers, senior *calves. 4-Hetens, juniorcalvea. 3Bulle, of services.lle age. And tic herd. bull. SHORTH-ORNS 15 Mature cows. 3 Heifers, thrce yc-ara aId. 3 Heifers, ising three ycars. 5 Heifere, rising two ycars old, 3 Heifer calmves.- 2 Bulle, fit for service, i Herd bull, "lBulîrush" (imp.) Hostein@ wiII be sold at 12 O'Glock noon, sharp Ii«%nsrthoPmns wiUI be sold at 2.30 o'cIochk, shap TERMS OF SALEý-Cash or Sevezi monthm' credit on approved notes at 6 per cent. Cattle wiII not bcahipped until a satisfactàry seulie- ' meu'tlbas béen made w th the clerk ci the sale. .Àpply for cW f mt ne to Manager, McadoWbrook Farmi, Whltby ! Iat ;E labinLondan, Ot, and le. Maw, lUhtby, Doul Tini i 3 Cal J a Mats ize 54 27, Ladies laige Overali Aprona, amort dpattrn5,< Landry Bagi, choiîce 'f coloraeach 22e iS inch Battenbutig Centres, Fegular 25cfor 5 New WallI Paper-, New, Floor Matting. New 011 Cloth, New. Curtià Scrime, W. -M.-,Lawrence BROQKXLIN, ONT. Guaranteed Relief from AU bo e remedy at ail nearly" as ffl B3Owel luis. and at the smre timem o nay a pitaaDI t tetake asilIoxai,0rdorlJ W. kuow> you will agres wfth us à If your bowels are out of aider, ln- believe you Will thank us ýor tou1 etead of uuiug smre barmb malt or you abeoutthem-,.1Il.theY 1do't s other physic, take a Rexaîl Orderile tofy you lu every way, OOW. b to-night, and lo-morrow you wilI snd te11 us -aid we wlll give be feel great. Thley -teste 50 go d id our mouey wlthout a word orgâ act 80 eamlly that there im't a par- tion. You biave ne rei5OI to/b-1 *lidofQ griplflg or purglng, flot the tate wIieD we give you the OýPpOe exessive fooseness that follows.the ity, as'w.a herehy do, t r-' UN taking of Salto and Most pillo. They at oui rilsk. In veut oktis1w soothe and, strengthen the bowels, es 10e., 26c., 50c. promptlY .elevlng tih u stipationt, Yju ean buy 1'eïall Orderlios maldng it uuliktýly laoccSur again. -at the RxaiI Stores, and lu _i W. don't belleve there luauy other town ont-y of A.H. lUdruggim THE"DOMINION-mAiE s EOMUND O @LER, M.P., pniiîOEWY. w .AI4W.vc~ma C. A. EOGERTI GosmriMag Trust Funds Should B. Pcposited ins àSvlngAmut ln The Dominion Boi. Ssc fi d8 a ramathpsle end srn inlerosi ài hghosicurreni raits. irban ps.nis are una. u lsr , a trsatiyn esyh Oa4 ""'hec.u sd, whlch In turu bocoessrulpt or voucharwbnuo5 WHITBY 1BRANCHu A. A. ATrKINGON, Managoe. OSHAWA A. Me. DL.AOK, * I 0 Owing to a break in the water power, custow grinding wilI be cancelled for a time. Ail other branches of the 'business wiil go on as usual. WMI-. ELVISS, -Broo klln Bell and Indepeundent phones. are alwaàys leadera itheir ne. 5praying orcbàrdâ pays i00 per cent on your inivesînnt e priulars- and Iowest prices from me. Urîah Jonces *Do You Know- Paint- If sa, buy 'Brandram-Henderson Pute EnuglÏsh Paints. I- have the beet Floor Painîs yau can buy. for 100% Eierice and quick da'ying. Drie8 hard over niglit. White Lead, Varnish, Oils. Chin-a-Lac for making any colon in old -furnnitune laok like uew. One trial milli make yau alwaye a user of aur painte. A trial solicited. Ask for color-carde. UIRIAI1 JONES Brooklin -- B3ell and Ind. Phones.- Ontarf0ý 't-t'.i~fr44+I'iIuu11huiIiIhuIIIIlIhIIiIulII-flhi1~ - e - a;f o =REAL F.ST1 TE b. anry homes, mnarket gardon proprties, fruit, stock, ran sd daury farms, beautiful town buiegIdinlos sud; residoîtio - praperties. 3UL Wc mugit niake special mention of ticer star>' frame diel- iing on tic cornet af Coîbone and Athol slreecs. - This propenîy' -is won:i buying as an invetmcut, only one block frcm G.T.R. up- tamn stationa. - 1 FARM SPECIAL--Daw faim of 209 acres, large brick dwelllng, fuir outbuildiugs, 16 acres ai orciard, runnîng mater, special>' ~adapted fat stock, grain and fruit. Speclal price iY (ken quickl'., OrstorGanda mprvsm.ILand Go§ DIOHARDOON B flIOHAI NON SALXES WNlTUY? -QNMfI I t- "j- -t, Dr t-.. I 3 Vol. 1-No40 PURE 1 a8 À FOOD OiPu're O!ivo'Oil ieç_ bl-ha.a richi flavon- delicate aroia, -antjisj ported direc& -from the ducers. - -II's purity is ýguar IN BOTTLES ANDO Je E. WILLII prusgglst ,and Opti M EDitCAL HALL. Stock S9L - ltlsh Amerlcan Business .0 Vuiansd 1.0111 Bs.. TOro,9tc a de the pioncer hi l grade Bitst neu.t et'mmda. Cril îew uîxuuîuagenîcii d Mg beoer ork than. ever wi mOu'at to preps-e f zr a gocx o,, 'f genry C, gurl, Pit. Pirofessionai OCa LEGAL ,mO. E. ýFAREWELL, M. E Bamister,. Couint>' Crown Atto n Co-unty Solicitor. O~ice souti wing Court House, % ALE.CHIRISTIAN 000-, Brock St., Opp. Standarc Maney ta Loan. Mion.>' tg Loin on ii 4Y <or ct'ce immediateiy south Royal Whiuoy, Ont.. 4. VOIJNG SMITH, LLI Issuer of Cé.arî 1ouse, Whitby, or residen D. -A. J. SWANSON larrister, Solicitor, N\otary-Publi Conveyancer, etc., etc. 0shaw, _ýOntrIýo 0Slce-Noý z King St. E, Ma-ékie IResidence-52 i)rcw -st.. i2hones-office-, 321; Residence, ___ DENTAL- -W. -ADAMS, Dentist,-Offiýce, Duni Street, Residence No.- 4, theTrr Byron St., Whlthy. phone No; 121 JAS. BISHO?-. Oshawa, Llcensed Auctioueer.S cessaita L Fairbanks.- Forlet aid datés appiy 10 self or G.Roi WM.UMA W lj1ÇF4N5FP l)AUÇTlQNhUFl< ANL) V-LUAToR. Alikindi of salfs Prornptly attei ad to. Arrangements -eau bein for maies at the Gazette office. Terms. reasonable. *Bell -and Independent phones. WII[Y, ONT.- CONTRAC l'ORS J. IIE)WEL L JAMIi Carpenter,Iuîr ut orc« -Plans drawn and -estimat es furnishe .. Repairs, Alterations and Jol*irig. .,gLeint [or Brantford Roof im 13«467 _WlIIY Phonel MarrageLicenses A. H. AL!.IN Isaner of Mar-rîagel.l.enmsà Corner drugstore. whill MONIJMENTS~ It will psy- you tbeau sto worla -snd inapect for yoazseU.- Dou'I ho mlsled ,b> &gents, we »tl employ themi-consequently we sud-do show lie agent'm comml&gIo~ SIL per cent. -, wbh yuu w*111 lsi Iy mave b>' puicbamlng front us, ,,CsIIl.Solicited.. Office and Works, Sopposite StangId aBk,NWitbY, jToronto( siiileu'1J n.rI f aen CuRe wtt. 'tecr.lls[gue 41,,e Sch pres. Headi Office. .91 vouge Si. Phoy dne. rà15 fi cit>ot.W. IlSi Qo %or M New styles for pring are unpai for style and beat Black and tan are correct for wei nsrrow andl round toes, and Cuban aiq womentis fot nover loo<o:d prottior thi jThey are particularly easy for foot, aud- are built with a view Ilundreda' of business women p TWO DOORS SOUTH 7 P --7--&-,-w -w w- 0 - m -W 1 -1

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