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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Apr 1914, p. 4

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cot at.Lxbridge. lParewell, County, Crown rai ta Uxbridge lait weok an laquest inItQ4the, death loy, founi 'buit to deab gof-~ bis bous tiar Glon 1 play wu asuspected,.but )fful pointu were clearod thlng lneimlnatlig wuI wlfh som e ther tien, had ig fic evenlng at a neiglir 1Bevenley was the last A wenLt borne loue. Neit Slittie borne was found. in- only parts o! the cbarred lotie occupant could be lire vas seon about 4 a. distance -o! four or five mn Compton, a nëlghb~Or, w o! the fine until lu- , sud'_suspicIon was dIr. HNEW ROYAL THEATRE;- Under' the above caïMon the Bow- muàfillç etloi@" !lit wook plzb- Ilshes a descriptiono!flhe uow 1llyal Theatre la that town, oectcd bY Mesera. Devereli & Pearon, for Mrs. Perriln, of Whtby., The buildil sai to be on' of the mout up-to-date and wellmequipped theatreà la- Onter- 10. Theteatre bas a complete stage settlng cil artiatio scenery, wlth tbree curta1nS, the finit oue ,being asbeot0s for use, in ecae o! tire. The& front o! tbe theatre ts elaboratély, decorated with Pediar -metai sheeting. A Dom- inion Player Piano bas been Instail- éd, aud the programme is constsntly cbanged. The theatre bas been pack- éd at every performance :sinCe ifs oponing two weeks- ago. Glorjous HJ. Faune11 wbat acoderut occurred- to hlm. J Greoulse was fatiior of Mn, AI.-S ler, ol eWitby. Mns. Butler left1 Gainoque, on Monday morutng,1 f umeal being held thât aftornoon. for S(CIATICA AND LUMBAGO LY CURED BY "KEPHALI Ad*rugglet ln IroronWo-sali that bel w às asi~ aOld Co>uDUtrycustomont -O bit about KEPHALDOL T.AS- LETS. This customen toM Mim, 41 suforoti trom msvero rhewnatism and1 Sciatica for tweaty yoar», bazdly ever bedng free from tlioe _ roublos. 1 Med about 1(EPHALDjOL -lin,4he Glaagotw papens and sent- home for -O. Thmsehouris aer t taka he tablets, the pain was almiout gone, ant aftmr takig msi or me., 't h.da't a bit o! Palu." This dru glot- *eut, filto se is. doctor about bis wil!e ad asked hlm Ilhe hai ve heard of KEPHAL- DL ThedOOltor sald, "lYou, I un- derstaud KEPHALDOL in a relisdIei sedativre andi anodyne, ýrelievfng painli Iwitbout affectisg the .hesr't and vitall orgns Snc -KEPHALDOL bas' *Hlave Yu- Bilious A tt acks ? Cbauib.ran Tablmkep the Miver rig4bt j f0flO- mal- i u te lme-sud shai w y are so .04=04, la ,u sf tomgtlh Dite;d-et Ferentation, indigestion, iid au1 afhmto which ",ethe fofr.z, usi fbiltouissu.> Try the=.2e a- botd1. Driaggist DoUd qeto r l>y ISsl. MENT. On. Mondsy evenlug nsort he mis- sion Êand o! tbe Baptigt Churol wlli hold 'an eutertainineut in the sebool- roort at 7.30 sharp, The 'admission is roc bu acollection will.be taken up. A cordial invitation to attend Is eg.tmdod. to ail friendi :i tbe congre- gallon. hlm. Nothtng of a susplo- Girls and women of àlL ages want e was dlucovsred, howoven. to be beautiful and attractive, but trong chainof sircumstan- unsighfiy, thin aud lifeleas hala de- nve wBU broken by certain stroys hal! the beauty o! a pretty statements o! witnessi, face Crown's att0mpt 10 prove If your bain lus losing Its naturai came to nought. color,, îu falling out, duli, streaky, full o! dandruif, foo dry, or if the Visit to Detroit. scalp 'itéhes and buras do not be a- larmed, use Parisias Sage. Rub itI wel lnto the scalp. 14 will go rlght W. J, and tAlfred LllkO, Io, to fhe hair roots, nourish lhern,-'and s 1or Ford automobiles ln stimulate thec bain to grow long suid aiîd a visit during the past beautîfuL. It removes dandrulif wth the Ford factonies at De- one application, stops itchlng scalp, Ford, Ont. Tbsy.woro ab- falling haïr, sud makes fthe boad feel n -Tbursday morntng bil- , ni5)t. Mr. E. C. Harper Parisanu Sage . supplies thec bain em at Detroit 0on Fnlday, p;lth what i neeeld te ma&Ir 4olt, bthen thoy wore shows fluffy, thick and gloriously radiant. lie fuaiîes. In the De- I - sold in flttY Cent botties by cries elhfeen thousaud min! A.Hl. Allun aud at aIl drug countens. >yd, and Jlit4he Ford fac- Look for tbe trade mank-"The Girl teen bundred. Mr. Luke ne- fwith the Auburn Haîr."1 Accep-t no b It was a wondenful siglit ôthcr. the proceosaof building the________ the asionibllug o! the nma- IS1NCUT car traveo salong a mnovîng DI1iNCUT ve two rows -of workmen, ivision Court was called for lait have'smre sniall plece o! Friday monning at flie Court House. ýo whule thé car 19 passlng, There was ouly one case on fthe dock- .r stops until t emerges et, howeven, Heard vs. Blow, sud as :eady for a itrial -spn. The Col. Faiewell, counsel for the, de- work la sQd perfect, and the fendant, was ouf o! town, the case rhîch the mon work isoj0' Waa laid over until next tnonth. Nine several 1fished cars* are cases were on the list for Oshawa on eacI minute. Saturday rnorning. MHE DOMINION BANKI F EMUND 13.OSLER, MP l' I)qSIDEN, W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PREStDENI. rn C. A. BOOF1RT, General Manager. pi0ai P1jd u; p 5 1:0000 Rlserve FueluandOUnîivded Profits - $7,100,0010M Y ou Can Stàrt à Savings Account wlth ~ it h ot inecessary for, you ta watt unthl you have a large sum of money. An 'Iccount éari be opened with $1.00 and more on whiCh Interest ilz comdpoundedtwoce a ycar. Farms For Sale Upwarde o! forty farine from 25 acres up, and -at from -$35 a n acre, guaranteed 40 'show satisfactory resuits !rom investment, located in Whitbyr sud Pickering Towuships. Every Conceivable requirement o! soit, buildings, orchard 1 ad otiter improvements can e met in thte varied list off ored. *12 difl'erent a 1865-20. 12e yiou -have-had OUSdyour friend The best, reason for, iisig paint oôutalde la ':ecause. of th eat that It protects youpr - erty- against thé wear and, tear of the weather. 0f course itImimpo4es 'the appeafan.ce; too, and adds rnuch to mnark~et value if you ivieh wtgoel, ýbut the eliief reas»' w htat the building that is kepFt ýpainted keepo i od dition. We are Agents for Sherwl'n-Wiliame Painte and Varnishes. The- maes ftes ants' 'have Studi ed the, p n Ipaa f pint protection for' years and so0 every Sherwin-Williams product wears well, and looks well. There is ecorfomin -usi g god-ain,~ en n ak.0U about -. herwin-Williamo Paint (Prepared) :SW? fo,,,îr your' buildings-4-W Porch Floor Paint-for verandahe and -porch flo or- S-W Wagon Pain*t forwagons and implements--S-W Bùgge ?Int for buggies, automobiles, porcli furniture, bouts, Canoës, etc. We haven't space here to tell you about Ai the different Sherwin- Williamns products. Just remember that there is a spe -ci~i 1 S-W finish- for every kind of surface. Corne and see us abou pizin eds. GEO. M. RICE (~~j EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE 'Sb Phone 20 WHITBY Cà' a buttou Fatal AccidenT or. C.PJ~. (Continued from p 1;î bead b foot, and Vincent, the en. gineer, bad bis bond badly crushoit. The icone o! bbe accident was vii ited, and tse frack vléecd. 14 was !ousd thaf Vthe water whlch bad'col- lecteit in fhe dltch by the roadbed, instead of flowing down itb fus nearby gultey, had worked ifs way under thte track, Ieavhng the roadbed very weak lu that particular place. No évidence was takon, and an ad- journmenf was made until Saturday, afternoon o! thîs week. Some Inf or- mation wau ohtained, bowever, froni resîdents pf the neighborbood. One mian made the stateinent that ho was walking along the tnack on the Sun- day previoiis, and ho would not thon trust bis owu weigbit oven that pan- tîculan portion o! the roadbed. Sev- eral people claimed thaf the rallway oifficIais lad been notlfied o! this dan- gerous condition. A -searchiug in- quiry wlll lie made at the Inquest to determlne witero thé fault lay lu sending the trai n on wlthout a pilot or smre lookout ahead. $100 REWARD, $100 bars f ilai there lu at lat 0one dreaduldi«se tuai science lias heen able ta cure 'uhilIl is stages. and that i»Catarrh. H.il'sCatarrh Cure ln the oly poioltive cure now known to the niedical'flruternity,. Catarrh behîîg a canstitu- tioosl diseas, requires a constitnilonal treat- ment. Hsll'g Ctarrh Cure is takeîî interiially, actinîg directly upon Uie blood and mucou sunr- faces o! the syuteniî, tlîerehy Cesroying the foundatloiî of the digease, snd glving the patient streu th by building up the constitution a.,d i sitng nature in i dni ts work. The pro. prîetors have somuch faith inî ila curative powers 'bhat they offer One Hundred D>ollars for any cae -'lhat il fails to cure. $endl for lt of test- sdre,: EP.J. eCrENE'FV & CO0.. Toledo. O. hall by ail Druggist'a, 75c. 'Iake halils hlaîîîilvPills for cLollUatintl. BASE ~LINIÉ W1ET. Mn. 1R. W. Burton, wbo bas been living with Mr. B. Story' for sane finie, left lat week f0 be a' guard at the Central Prison. Mn. Joe Ashby balu been ongaged to work for Mr. W. Dingman titis sum- 1 Mn. 1. Fitton la expecting bIs Par- ents s romn GuelphI--to spend a e days wîth hlm.i Mr. Dan Camneron lias licou ouf lately trylng bis baud lrappîng. Mn. LeoÜard Cox, o! Port Whltby, bas renfted Mrs. E. Ricbardson's lake shore fanm, Pickering. à pnisouen escaped Tram flic Asy- luni fanm lait week wblle workitg a4 the cottages. Mn. P. J. Colles!.e lu Toronto atI bbc Hospital for freatmout. Ileirs. A. Burton and Threadgold gros., spent Suaday st'Mr. E. Stor- ?à. Fred Draper bas gof uoffled onx the R. Remmer farni. CARD 0F TIIANKS. For fhe mn 'acti o! kinduess sbowu to us sînce comtu.g la our ncw home, we destre to express ouf beant-J feit thanke. Insteati o! strangers, ws bave fouud fniendu lunfthc fruesf menue ,whom we deeply approclate. Only thaae wha have been placed in atm- Piar circuffstances can fully roalize fliaf whIch words a! ours faf! t0o- press.-Mr. and Mrs. K. KNIme ud fanili>. -WMITI3y P. 0. Box 39,6 Reît cDndsS.Wit W SPRINGFOOTWEARn We are receiving large shipmnerts of the latest style ar. Our stock is more complete than ever before. ve shoes that satisfy par-ticular people. -- EXTRA SPECIALS Cail and inspect our extra specials iiY Work bh oes,- Meti's and 1 SCOTT-Tn u at Whf 41>, an Mareh 23rd, to Mr. and Mît. George L. - ncat, ason 1'enRayl. BATTY-Tn Oshawa, en Friday, March 27th. 1t914, ta Mr. ani! Mrp,. Clarence Batty, a 'Iaughtmr BARTON-On ýafiirray, Apnfl 4&, 1914, te Mr. and Mis 1Çhis. Bar- ton. Ir., a daugîter. WALTERS-At GnlmsIty, ont,, On Saturday, Aprîl 4th, te Mr. 5ud 'MnÈ. J. C. - Walfers (nee 'VIolet Aligustus), a mon. .Our HiomelWomen Have BeàutifulïHair. NeXt finie you go'te the thea'tre or te te "movies," just notice, If you please, 10w mauy o! oui-horne ladies bave beautîful bair-glossy, lustroiUs, and well-dneised. Thon, If you will pick out ive or ton o! Ibose wbose, haîr seemi bo be particularly pretly, antd willl ast tbem wbait they use on lt-' we 1.01 sure that at leait more titan bal! o! bbem will say "fHarnony Hair Beautîier.," If lu fast becomn- lng the rage wlth bothb men and wo- men who a re partlcular about the ap- pearance o! their hair. Spnlnkle a little Harmony HaIn Beautifier on your hair each finie befone brushing lb. Contains no oil t, -Ar y oubro atmnier Will sot Change colon o! t, y ain. To keep bai n sd' sclp ".Imiruif- free adt dean, use HarmoaY Sh&L-- poo. This pure lftuid uhampen givOs an instaiifanous ich WslIer< *Kt im- medialtely penetratm -te .venyrr'et 01 band udslp, insur!Dng a quick,. thonougb cleans. Wisbsit, ou lst as qulokly, 'the enfire operatlom t"«e oiily a few moments. Conaiu- no*- lsg that can hunm the baitn; baes no banîlinesi or stickinous-41mt a sw6et cleanlln@ii. Bobb, preparablons corne la odd- 4 sbapcd, very oramontal botf4s. witb sipnînkien topo. itarmouy Hali Beautifler $1. Harmony SbanWoO 50c. Bobt guarauteci b s atlfy -YOU lu every,'way, or your mqney c. e' Sold only lu this town at the Renrali ' store. A. H. Allun, druggimt. . w I'ý I3ASTI3R W1313KIÇ A table delight for old and young, is to, have a taste of the good meats we seli. Meats. MiJd Sugar Cured i-ams, Back Bacon, Bre akfast Bacon, Cookcd Hams, and RoIis nnke a nd illd 20c lb. Fruit Julcy ane5weet, Bananas for your Eastet Table. Farm ?roduce. Daify B3utter and Fresh Eggs dýîJye' frolm the faim, that you can* Repend upon. Try Ours. I m. B WATEI4HoUsE 1- WHITBY Phone il PromptDelivery. j -'I y Our stock of records ru! plçased to get you any speci in stock, within a weeks'timi -- iany language. Gralaflolas1 JEWELER-AN -~Whltby- THE MINIS'TÈR IS RIGHT.i Borne newspapers are protestiug spial. lbthe a«Ming giveit_ by the amUiser-,o! i- 3i.ti thatitfj!the pry'-- ileo! fýUsilig llqior at offiens' and oet5canf s' messes' is abused. that Fvlgowhll bc, ztakon away alto- nether. Itf la stated thaf Puuishing la ofllen ýor one ýoçaIity loi te or- fonce o! suother -ta an lnjustieý âau4 019 obtote19b- nesented -liy self-reSPect?- *Img "officors and, gentlemn." .Now tbis faîls' fan ,shunjt'o! a 'fair, -saafment, o!flthc -case., Under- Qui I'Sno -songeantz' ,mness or anvy.sue~ - - - nganiztiobas an>' niglit to -suP- Sly-liquor to Its ienihersunJess- if 'bas ta4ou out a liqiior license. -The gran'tlsg o! a liiquor* license is 'in t hi opto1 or lcense 'commissjoflers. Au>' -mensor 4her Institution Aln the Pro-. viuoo! Ontario that, - distrtbutes a rtor f0 Ifs members nithout sucb'ý * "IMcusela guilty or Iaw violation' 4baut ought not *ta be indulged- in b letceongànized for the mùaintenance' et-I&lan sd order, and . for fhe pro- '5@tlon -o! civic ight to, cpact -stuch- ts - IIslluor traffic, slu fnly aw Msver, evs noy kuawst hatiL --gpractîces are ofteèn cbarü~ablel wlfli the lawlessites lu which sorne1 - Pole ,ladul ge. 14 would ho ,Wise1 »d rîglit for-thec Minuster of bMlitiaz 't luaufupos excludiug e%'ery fora t et iIquon trafic !nfom even>' instituPl tion thaf 'as any rclationshipl fou Our Canadian militha or7 pierimapent~ Local Happens% -N>ew- Ensfer- tics &t W.G. Wzlteis'.' -' Thon ill lie bcservice la AlSanfw * *uÏCh - on; Good Frislay momul, » .Pvil lOfli, at 10.30 o'cl-ck'. Doa't- forget- the banl to beheird" adue the au8pfces -of St. Johmn's Ol'unl on Monday- eveniag, April 13.. la the music hall. * Th e annual 'nieeing o! the county', -*1 Ontario '01d1.Girls', A)ssociztîou, vil b. linLathe Cotmpil, Cham!) -un Wednesday, April 15 at 3 p.m.njA til tfendance is requested. en. ge-a Zqew stock ladies' Yen-A:l CS mere hose ab 25c,, 35C. anld 5ýC,' per pain at W.G. Walttrsl. iae iowpricea Di its only Cal in it cii ret ne. TI iripou B ND GI W. C. T. IJ. J. E. ýWINN, Bell phono. 109. 1' s- Sh'oe Store Wbitbyo.ont@ Il 1 1 1 ý:m ýZ, -

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