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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Apr 1914, p. 5

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iderttll lifelike reprc'cluer of' the" hunian, id music 15 un display and -is for sale at-' Jewclery Store,.' The pnice complete, as different selections -460. 10. - With 24'differeiit 5.20. 12 selections wihI niak e 1 hour the.muct. i have lbad for ai long 'ttimeé , bësides- Yo= eau isuro as Ofteu as .you. like. 'ý24' selectiont, w'ill your frieade Continnoups pleaiure. foraWbout 2' SiRgor Sowlng Maohlno -Remember-that we: ihaup tI>em and, p.l-laceàon. wt yo on trial.. - I ,~ilIpay y@u to cali and se. usj 1-~.--' a machine. ;--You know the. 'S114GER La. a&. meutation of itai Geo. I1.;Wîilon Photographer Whitby demoutrationl wiIl be given lua udy. inaklng, by six- young ladies. Ail wo- nio aud girls welcome. Mns. G. A. Ross, President;: Miss P. Bateman, Secretary. The death occurred ini Oshawa on Friday last of Mrs. LeWarren, In her 53rd yeaL. DeceaAed- had been fil only a week with pneumonla. She le sister of Messrs. John and Cephas Seldon ,f this town. Mucb sympatliy la feit ;or the famiiy ln their ber- cavement, as, Vhis makes the third' -- - - - - AnthIem, 11Ktng of liCngi,,; znxed apjgpi Ias uatte "The Resiirrectlon Morn", W4 ai, 4 -+* jSolo, "One Day"; Ladies' Quartette- I New curtain muslins-ali prices, antheM, "Whyý Seek'Ye the Living?" colors and wldths at W.G. Walters'. Everybody welcome to attend this w WALL PAPER AND PAINTING. - At the morning service the p4stor's When you want your house papered subjeet wili be, IlThe Resurrection or any painting lone, see R.P. Brad- Power Now." lu I the evenlng the bury, Mâry St., or box 176, Whitby. subjeot Wlll be "I The Resurrectio Power Hereafter."1 .* Activities have commèeed wlth The Teacher Training Clasa will lege, Port Hope, la with hie parents-' Mrs. A. J., tleo saa new vigor at the H-opital for the mneet on' Monday evenlng at 8.80. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rice for Easter County W.. C. .U orsodn Insane. More men have heen takea vacation. Seretary, viitditwntswek on the staff of workmen, and the T~TBRAL.Mr. A.E. Bell and family, of Mid- with Mrs. Hyso.Me Igwt Our stock of records run into over 50o, selections. We will be work will be Pushed wstth ail speed. Sunday, April 12.ladhveioe oownd reer * plcased to get yeu any special record youiiiay need, if we havenOt it ASs bOOf as the sprilg openls up well, Appropriate É-aeter'services wîllî e occupying the rooms over Mr. Bas -_________________ in toic wihi aweks' time. Trhis includes any selection reproduced a£ etili larger staff wlll be employeI, belli u th Tabernacl 1na sett's »ew stores. initocan witanguaeand the place will hum wlth an ao- îga i 'l ck. Sujey ot-Crat-________ -_ in an ýangage.ing a 11 oclockeepbecan"hEye Graanlasfrm $2.O t ~tivity that Whitbe' has not known for Watching His Church. " The Church man yers pehas nve if is bs.will be decorated'wlth flowers and ' S L E JT R tory. N. B A 3 E T0 special Eastber music will be gîven by -110 yu ee R.the choir, both 'xorning and evenlng. Thursday, April 9.-Auction sale ofDo'loesgt h RTlLde'Aio!te apit Evening service 7 o'clock. Sui)ject famlokadIpeetteP0~- geatiprac fgo JEWEL15R AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN . church have completcd arrangements -_'1Vby we labor as theristlans." 0 YvIiiLu> a Star C'ourse of threc co- on ladhepu osi h erty o! Levi Ward, lot 24, con.. 5, ihw ao sCrsin,'ra ahf) n,1Crealad episwrhpte Whitby Townshîp. Sale at one o'- sight Attefstntm Ont, wllbe -given n t all n In- Rsen Lord. to ten at intervals o! a nîonth or two. Spca feigfr h onxo.lock sharp. WVîn. Maw, auctloneer. tionofeetubeyo The oncrt ompnle ar ai o!theai Funds will bc taken. Plecase brinef Tuesday, April 14.-D4spersionsae bodc nite big est standard of ahilityT he l ceigh- 1or e v l p a - fo e o h ic u e r d I T 1st an r. Smith (Co., which appeared here re- Easr eve d tes. M ieadwb 1 01S ob-.E. LUK, lItTI~, ~ w i g o la k o pa e t e u l c ce ty1l o be a c o th1qnd t e . S . at 8 p, m . M otto - Y'A lI pre- M ad w rook farm , lot 5, con. 2 .,6 o g t O O T - oo eports for March have been other two0 are o! equallv excellent' sent." Pickering. Sale of Holstoins at 13 crowdcd out of this issue. They will character. Easter services at Almlonds at 2.30 i>!rlock; Shorthorns at n.30 P. m. _______________ "lEr MINISTE.R lS15 RG 1-1,T. appear next week..p. hr CtiTE.RboLn S nelewspaperse - poetn 6 See W. G. Walters' new stock tap- and Wm. Maw, WVhtbv, auctioneers. REALE AT ags.nst the warnlng given iby the' Great sale of shoes on Tlhursday-of sr n ls uSalSZS ody pI 0h-ra uto Min1ister- o! Milîtia that il the priv- this week at M. W. Colas' shoe etyad ls-rusalsle.'Xhen You'"re Sick Your saeo leda, ApnleOh-reat actoion FAN Ileg of using liquor ut officers' and store. A -4.-IE aesSo.diycw, ikwgnec, h eea os Megeints'.. messes 'Ès abused, that, . f EAYFIE 'aesSop ary ch owsr giet, lt ejsleInl houe sdbulin ot e pIwlvilege w111 be taken away alto- Last Priday G.A.W Birnie, of the poet !.on FriltI~ ael hty as fler of oel oc.s at topln th g 1 et our prtf con ca arm, poultry'Bre You know what that mens- mis-, con. 9, Picker'ing, + mile !rom Clare-l'Fans for sil uteTouhp 1- udlwnfnc.Evrthn I ar1 BrieHùsMyte ttin wsery-wo rry-big bills--debt 1 mont station. Sale at (ilokWhbyudPcrlg u lice o ne l an Inusortice amiware.GO .RC.arraigned before Magstrate Harper You know you can't afr og hr.W.Mw utoer l(kWib n f ought t ho resnted b self-rspect-On a change o! -allowlng liquor t0 be ic. Keafi n o rd t geth asar. m.Mwactoer GLN DU-0 are.Ago- ouh obeéiedbsl-epc- The Anglican YonPeople's Asso-; consumed on bis premises, which wa5sic.Kefn i ood andealth meryo -an s -u stock, grainadfri rmnr iug"ofien ad, enleen" fi ation wîîî mieet on Tuesday, April situatecH oa pto ititf0afld cot ing or y o -ativr'sellausÂdbui Wldbings-acrsrhad ga No* thls talls far shurt 'o;! ar1,MnteSnaySho t .5p r. Brepleadcd guilty, but buildings- a good fan ut a),u rea-il st atement o! the case, Unden oun1,lWh uda colu .5 P d tUitthe liquor waS net obtained'o! oref t' U o)<Uilc . . .Rnb pries plyt laws no -sergeantc' mess or any such 1 m.A ful attendance ai hee, eig urcasd lsehee.The lever you dont feel right, FRNK . JNES or i za -q o o i s - em e s ' n e e i tock m enbastweed and worg±- fi e in pd as $50 a ld cstee. som ething Vo rake 'y u ight, to E G ('S FO R S A L E. W I "0 NW Sockni n'g wee an wogt-I strengthien you, huil4 vou up, ward From puretbred White Leghorns. $1 bas taken out a Iliquor lioense. The, cd suits at W. G. Ialters'. NEoW BrELLicnePHprNEcSy. and per setting. -James Smith, lPont gratln o!a iqur lcese e l tel NE BLL HONS. your lamily. 'That thing we have in Whitby.-42. opating o li ur lense m isInethA Bugler Elliott, o! Uxbridge, el. 137-J. Trimm, dairy. Rexali Olive 011 Ilrnu1sion'. In o)fier-1 .o'.HIHOASMVIOPCUE * ics or other Institution In fthc Pro-, known to many Whitby boys as Bugle' i61-J. J. Lnderesnce. iug it to -you, we protect yoii againet Between the Gta7ette office and in Open ceyecîg ~~~~~-~~. i'n(o nal htdsnbts ergeant o! the 34th Regiment, is 11 2-Tlt tem am money nisk, hv perso)nalty pnomisingMy V ineort Onaits m eersibteSuc & porfed Vto he verv serbously iii at ("Broadficîd.") IYOu that, if 1V doesflot reitore your res'idence, a large door ker. fleward1 We ha.e instedaewSmpx 'lqo>o-ismibeswtot uh10hecalth w e will give lhick yoUn Mon« on neturn to C, A, (loodfelloW, .machine, whichab olciflkr]s a*IlîenSe ile gullty o1 îaw Violation bis home, witli litie hope hM otIl ei e i etbdro heath BtwcnWndorHoelan iStra igt o oal ýtbat ougbt not t6 cindulged la by for hMs recorery. . i jgee wh linoleumsoonqueotionr yarde foce ogatz frVh minennc .+wide, at W. G. Waltýers'. 3 ihu odo Usin eb-LOST. ad aothe yes totemasan order and for th e priénno- Great display o! -ilne shoes for OGAULT NS energy andstrnt you can get. et bae9 ne ahlcklethr pock -_________________ * -letin ! cvl rrgt V eac schEaster at special prices. M. W. Col- lai helping ma.ny o! your neighbors. Ifet book containing $40. eard on' teton fCIi rgttoea lins' hangain shoe store.ThonGattens a ni se for co -dont el )AW.l~lluo conei neenl a- R .Bastjwle, htyhs Tegratten ad wCh oni cctn-s t i ' el ou Wc will gîve back retura to -John 'Ilodson, at WilIis, N>U AN Mfor6over, everybody knows that your oney tinucd succesa to the Oshawa Re0- blonl cm ouse. INS * -las.Evnybdyknwstha din jetreceived a >large assortment ,Oforew hla ekcmecdposed principally o! pure Olive o(9i WHITE WYANDO EEG. FrLf k<practices- axe o!fteu chargeahieJ very appropniafe wedding gif ta, in-1 its 44th year o! publication,.u h ippopi ahbs Egsfrhthn e !iAcdn and Auoob1s 'wIlh the lawlegsnees In whlch pçme ,cluding m any uew ami novel thiugs. - long beau endorpsed by successful-phy- thirteen bned-to-lay heus. One dollarl Agent for the tC adinEnlh >.oîple ilndulge. Il would be Wise A sign on the doon rends "'Corne Jn." *1sîciaus. Here they are for the firet per iftVeun. Edgar L. Serstnith, and American cmais &M rimdnght for the Miniser o! Mlitia g' iy~tuMe combined. Theresult le a ne- Whitby. rBx JMS!CLLA I. Insist upon excluding evcry fora * infarkable nervei biood -and strength- FOBSx 393 WhibOt hn 2 of liquon trafflo froni every Institu- c ic building rrcde thatORshoth !oo t ion that bas, auiy neationship to .EPVE E IR ' su idcn.?or aIl who. are nen- Aforhrs oer"nian".- outCandin mlila r prmnen H MESEE ERS vou, un-ow, ad.deilltâted- noMoton ÇC ,Apl elphohe 137, fo ùaadà ili prmçnat.-E X CUR SI O N S matter wbat the cause ; for 015 peo-orJ13Tnm WIbyHlia Fas ____________________TGOie:for convtlescents;, for puy WATy E sIferil MANITOBA, A.LBERTA children, we know of n0thiug thal A capable mald for genenal bouse.si G eethe ncw vacuum cicanens ut W. EachTuesdayMarch 8toOCtobr27,IuClUsIve. W Il gias hexalh sdliven th aus o hre~safn. Nfral ouseklug APril Waltcr', fo mb orwîîî ent ou Winnpeg an Retun - $3 0 il a rea uildee"--o! good- blocS, churches sud village. PerUmentPo- Between al tatiel i t~,ae' fiet Local HappenirÀgî ~by, day. Moto fdarer -4.0ctool or Comfoinlninifas aD Edm otn d Éetré u t 3.0n trd g l .U ansd goôd digestion, sillon for sullable persou. Appiy ut A "thur ; ae c! eriniPothrn il. -th of Torento.ck, Nlagamaae larllionanridgepN.Y Fro Toont, sd Satins satsud Pleasant to take, It contaîns no ai- Gazette sud Chroulele Offie., Whlt- sion Br<e, Y __ _____mtation______fToroto.______ orhabit-fonming druga. If you by. .HOMSECR'EURIN At a meeting o! the Baptist Younmg Returni Lirait two monthe. do't fieel wl cnmz ohmnyBUET ETieNOMrMbERîtoonsl aitbAiet Pt w a e e Un o o nd a y e e ig , t RIEDU CED S TTLER S' FA RES and! treng îli bY b gilnnng -to -ay te41 U S T R N Ta(nd tpt ck e tsa iaC is S.PaltDu New Easter lieu at W.G. Walleia'. I a dcd- esn! eegt ONlt-WAY SE.COND CLASS) adSoacea the B.Y.P.U. Convention Vo be held BAC TUESOAY. ARCHN P L take Rexail Olive 011 lEmulsion. Sold Two story brick Cottage. Opposite on ogaie slTda en fuiCtI5L 2. nein.se Then wl1 h sericelu h S Ints aLondon ou Thursday and Fniday Stir rvligwt leskAND A I ny t the Rexali Stores and lu this Postmasten Howdea's residence. tt 10rates.; Thp e il 1h, c I A uaits bTtlRAItraeing wit lT tc i aate,, îettPullmanTt'r>it at eWniet, tkuchonGod riaymonigo! thia wcek. Rcv. G. A. McLcan effect shoud take SErrLERSI SPECIAL town oniy. by us. $1.00. A.H. Allan Beautiful grounds, good garden, abvedaes J-iinors ie i.N haa d'grclk on Goo ai Frid-y0morulng, will be the representative. Tuesday during MARCII and APRIL lnyo rut ossinutoc,, et 10.39 o'clock. afier arrivai regular 10.20 c.train from * y Apply -John Rice, Secnetary Ontario RETLJRN LIMIT W OTS thebal o o ied Aamlicalod f tuns ndva-- Toronto Union station. P-ersona) eto Ladies' Collcge.-41. Fuiprctlratrndrukice Doa't forget te-biIo ehl ml cro o rik n a. ul atclr wWaer the auspices o! St'. Johu's lassjust arrived at M. W.Coia Settlers and f amilies without live, stotk Mr.AELuesnttewk-d SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. Oflices or write <CE JRINI . Viubou ~ondy eeniu, Anil13. pecaolplcn.s-. hould use RLGULARDTRANS, I la LeskdA-.Le tshprnte.Aqatyoadheeuan sc E Sep'o nWb' P ClbToronto 1(0.20 p.m. DIYI;' nLesdaew'oro aens Aqaniy fMadoeuiare J ndBe-.S ilu>»e musie hall. Coons an Touris Seprs. Mr. Finnigan andS !mily have mov- suitable for seed, testiug 52 lbs toi tow.n ticket offcePhe36 a.- ...~.....The Women's Tstitute wiîî meet i huhtain S ToCRSONto io TRWINn S. c d cd o the house just vacated' by Mr. the hushel. Price, 65c. perbsh. W4t-C1N,.CASNALRMS Se-ALn toyan d bi opeîed business la lb store 'oceupledby IIrîVian, on Dun-' du, At. weît, wheîre hew111 be pies. ed- to-meet l 5l itmeeted in bigla- :clasaoelectnicul work, and furnilîlaes- lunulesil, a"y inteeiilng tb Instal elle e iëýl hting fai tsîr boihes. M*'f.ý Iniait; wbse tralala6 ýaa beu "safely dnt"il,.-lnôlýé ,ansd doupleil witb neatueus uian'ecfency. il I- aisà urya ~Ompléeé, lln4 o!feeetniW fi- tulres s q2îd'uupýlfi sand lâviiis il ný Jteremte 1 te vÏt*h4 seiswhere t1ey~ will' Îeoeivre coidfai attenittb p R- palrng and ealtersitois wili recee ouireful atteiftion. 'store opmn Wea-- W.J J.GaIt SofOsawav iucuod:a à loeroomy pai lio 4P1,44 aýre prspared to, do ail Icinda of car- niage paIUkUn î on Short notice, a.m-1 bridge's - oIýd Stand aoirth, of thse towaU Odock, Ouhawa,-M0.1 THE 34TH BAND.- Despîte the ! fuel that other bauds were desirous of! belug appoluled t the position of 841h Regimentai Baud, It '18 qulte probable thut the WhtbY Band wMl cn laluthet cspacity-,; The decîsion eestà with the members. They have already bien asked to go o Caemp Niagara' this year with the regiment, and là ail probabillty will accept. Uxbridgp auid Oshawa wene reported tbehoauxicus for the ap- pointaient, but the officers are Batis- fied with the 'preut appoîintees, sud, there la no reason for a cha.nge. SO-NG SERVICE. At the Baplist church on Sunday eveniug an Easten song servIce willi be held. There will be lots of slug- ing, sud the following nuînbers wIli be.rendered * 4 YOR TOUR -flOU46 ATRRRôfen fives several hundre yers h. as protected the wood by covering it wt ohiçJd ft from the elempnts. Nature b6ark ta'" Whcu trOcu arc 5a9Wed into lumber, Nstiire's protection às loit, Therefore, the wood used in yo'ur house muet bc paint proteuted. t6 ineure it*against wear and weather. 6#100% Pura." Paint is'a good Mie insurance polioy on -your, house. It ptotects againit -decay-psys, for itself, over mnd- over igainl the rcPairs it savcu-adds Vaue and beauty to the building ms weli as long lif. to the wood. Martin-Senour 111100/0 Ilre'b Paint is what w. rccommend for ail outside and inside painting. 'IOO"- P l."e genuine Whhie -Lead, Oide of Zinc, purest CDoor,' and Linuesd 0OH - ground* to extreme fieness by powerfi machinery-the combination of which produces a ~ paint that is £rentest I hiding, covering and ~ wearing qualities-and makcs h tthe cheapest to use as well as the Most satisfactory. Lçt us help you iseleotiug colora for your uon Wcre.-eday, Apnil 15, at 3 p.mn. A 1%lii att'ndance Is requested. ý4w tck ladips' l'en-Angle Cash-! ii rlii'e- at q5c., 35c. anS 50c. per pair at W,(,,. 1Walters' IlOT1eLTu~AINOTES. - ldeYOU yI)un gi rdCIIî lan ready ? Be sure antdIcJt us ltriw whethez yo'x * wiat a cla-up day this ycar on. I reFrank Bradley and famfly have inoveil Vo their oew farm home THE LAG TO UY o(jnorth o!3 lrookljn, TH P 4C T D l Ou E4S Eq HA T crso!Macdonald, of! Toronto, frn 1s OURs : Mary Noble lasV weàk. Mn,. Bain I>errin.bas gone to Bow- The Time To BuJy Is NOW. manville to talç&charge o!fIthe new Royal Theatre la that fown. THE MI SE P-WLLMrs. .Jos. Auguatus neturned home Brock St. on Monday, -after speading a week j iby wlth hen daughter un Grimsby. In village o! Brooklin, the land and buildings occupied by Uniahi Jones, anS useS as hardware store and impltemntn shop. AIl in flre t- ciasa repair. Appiy Vo GEORGE PRINGLE, Myrtie, Ont.-40- WIRE FENCE FOR SALE. Eight wincs, 48 inches biýgh, anS 12 to the rod, 27c. pèr noS wires, 49 Iu., 12 to nod, 29c. Bo1h No. 9 wlre. Paultry wlre, 4 ted hlgh, 18 otrands, 40c. . Stony, Base Une, West, Wbhy5 ugent.-tf. LE5 j"""" eriencia Docet~ DISNEYtBROSO Punirai Dlrectssand Embalmers Eversos Dlock, 445ilmcoe St. N., Oshawa Firai, exclusive Foîterai ParI rs ani Chapel to he e.atalî!ilihecl in the Courtty of Onîtario. 11RIVATE MORUI' ARY. ltrivate arobt lance l.eat ljiartere. ed to. Nu extra chiarget. frt hie taîoe., Phones 41 r-2 and! 41 r 3. EASTER FARES .SINGLE h-ÀkP , ire -sd Une Tiird 000 oui 10tArii Ii AItiJI itrtiiritit,tAr1 itti il t lii Arr 14 COLONIST FAlRES, lOtte -'ay.'tee I 'l(Ai.s)e rerrt j lfiitN iu Alherta .llrit ili onn lus t li-fmlî. Monfana i. .t t d> st l il teor t rtbs. I-0 l'Iqts Agen it, - Incompa rab/"e Dividende M/n imum Net Cost- For rates and full înformiae F.J. l)UFF, MR,. A. E. DONNVAk sýp<ial Re!p Qireen & Vieturia 4l Myrtie. Toronto, ÀMgrý rhe -Mutual Life.f ew E. W. EVANS Punup anufacturer h1op and Itei5dence, i)undae .5trect W HITBV We ane prepared to Install we od o« iron pumps on - short notice, &le* j attend toall kinds of ne. I pairing. Agent fon the Ontario wind rMfl, a gpsoline englues and the asuss-tr ad, Muguet Cn.eun am$parator... si TORONTO -I1 tt rinit io et auper d u ,gnet.s Education îo i wili be i kiît ardmis 1h Toronto, Ont. t the ,lthtih."i-the habit of deing a class ef werk Ihat beaus the Stsmp of "Superlority." Open.al year. Enteritny tiye. }landstine catalogues sent en reqntst. CIor. Yonge ai-d i W. J. illot, AlexauderStâ.. I Principal

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