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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Apr 1914, p. 7

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auditi lnvaen SaXon hflèft'tsu In n at West Sandbythe en the evsnlng-of his' 4.atb. othoe. hie werewlte gave si- denc. as to his condition when he béA entered the. bar of the Rose and Crowll aCter tenl oclock,,anid shoouted' for hie daughter. Lilth and 1 were ýthere to Corroborate ach other as to hie Call, and NOkeas the landlord, proved bis Oum- mouis byr me and is -dlscovery of the UWUV flW ~ aIr body wbere I t-ly ln the roadway. The dead -niaWn drunken habita hâd go weakened his constitution that the put sudd meKockmfatal t hlm. It ,a 10 P undind as l no ayempllicated by any W h n ou' uy testamentary arrangements on the. part 2 oIm5V.... s f the dsceanedi for an euaminatioli Oet -F £LFa'..raniaid ~garhie poekets- produked nothing but a tori 50'Poùd --reny.lnbronze, a'pp, and several of he Orgia~ l p al âgs5 ntickets, - andYOU NO one mourned for hlm, no one Te- or o'ettino' the 'Lllitb, when 1 saw ber et Poünd lackstuff gown, whioh hustg aI1 too finest loooely on hier aiender fon and accent- Çloth Bfinest li ated the bitueneso and brightn.55 of ber Bags, 1 1.Canaut1cla'sa tat le peae Po ni sugar, pure and dcean as when :àrythigmr n ses, ana bire and i Noltes Informedi4me privately that ahle it t the Kefineéry, wau Iocandalised b>' thé girils want o 2 Pounclfeeling." "She crled a bit the llrqt night," the Worfi W e to '0 ise on lendlady explainedo "but elhe seemed ail, mdbPound-Is O'VIWII lgtneit morning. In a ~tnlake Sealed Cartons the Origin-al Pi'>Ockages.l te I o ,repet P4 about teRoyal Am yie ou.,Iea CANADA MUAR REFINING CO., LI'MITED, s M0 0 L~ ah anted to. No,' I ay >tohem, 'un-' til yOur por father's ecently unde? gund, hem. you »top.' And 1 gave ber Daby to mmd, But yesierday what-di& _1Id obut indber lu the. top rooni iu the wing, libe'd met baby and Willie down on the floor, and elhe was actually dan- cIug to, them ln a mont heathen way. -~ i~~f L 14a with poor Mr. Saxon scarcely coldi The -W ddifig EveDmeadfui, I cat i tair,"though 1 tont koo tmay strike you, sir." 1 did not reciprocate the. excellent together falied to aes why an Intelligent girl of sixteen should b. more than tem- Or. Mftrrled to -a Fairy. pomaril>' shocked aud pained by tevn aonhdeen. Posuibiy, as 1 admitted ___________________________________________________________ te myxelf, a girl of Very âtrong feelings might have taken'-such a Ions terribly ta heart, lu épile of the man's neglect C-IJ1EIý1VI.(Coninud). lan ot br 'tind. iAnd, msor htuI bave and icruelty: but. then, would auy girl CHAPTE1~ I.-<Conlitsed). ad no fr And, brom watunhe ndfvsry atrong feelings have followed A lIght .tôucfi0on MY sholuldeî' Made- heard. hem mothet' was a lady." and obeyed -and worked for *ueh a fa- \ e ni. tart 1vioiently. 1 turned and saw *'Couidn't have been mucb of EL lady. to ther ln uncomplaining patience for six LIlII:h, wliom, 1ii the new dread that was marry old 1.'axon7 laiighed the doctor. long yeara of 111-led drudgemy? creeliing over 1ne, 1 hadl altogether for- "No, no. Mny dear air. Take the word of ?Meanwhile. 1 had been womklug lu Li- Lotten. peerlng over îuy shoulder Int-oan, older inan-domestie service la the litb'a bebaif. 'Ihad visited Ttye and dis- Iloato ila don' s e 011ln1n3'e nl safcguard for a pretty girl wt covered the amall bootmaker anîd epaîr- "s tber la dspe a hek id. iia awe- vaigrant Instincts and no éducation. Our er'a ahop Ila a ifteenth-century lieuse, saetruk hinpk. paig htI adyearly Iiressions are tié strongemt. antd witiî projécting upper atortes, kept b>' I lad hm dwn s Iiîa fond lmYou dont make a décorous member of John Saxon. flrst cousin to the deati man. 1 and taig Liotlîbas11e lîadnd I d e, societ>' out of a grl' whose childhood This John Saxon 1 bad found 10 be a 1o- anrtalng iltbcktthe nn. Thle len. and eaî'ly girlhood lo apent ln tramping cal ciamacter, a Raâdical, .a freethInker. crin eumoiednol. akeî'mthe Ibar as nabout the country> as a gypa>'." and a mont argumentative "id quarrel'- Il uietasIedNoeodat mîtealy-oui- ':1 arn extreernl> sorry for thé poor nmre 11111e man, whose opinions were as aide hlm dooî's 17- bld ttlin brIctly what clild," I said, speaking In as; caim and satiff and unyielding as hlm boots andi hati happened, and took hlm with mie toe matteî-of-fac t.tones as Possible. "The shoea. andi who dlear>' eyed me with wieme Lilith's fater lay. oMan Saxon wasa-a brute to hem,'but. to conternpt as a "pampereti amistocrat"' Saxon was real>' deati. Ihdjd tell the tru lb. I feel la some 'measure when 1 bent rny iead 10 enter bis 10w- - hm a.b.pat mota ad 'hn1 h a dd reaponaiblé for bis violent deatb, for, cellingeti, 1lIlît shop, orneliing of tea- left thlm a Ce mIntés befoî'e en ahmeeting thern togethý.r on thé bigbmoad. ther and atréwîî witi the implementa of 1 ndeeti, muat have been alrnost lastan: hIerfértitapnednthlm firom abusinghils trade. taneous, for i' h btinot eveén uttered alhrs l was la strikinir out at me Mr. John Saxon waa dark. short, anti groan. H-e la>' thee a dark Patch uPon' that he overbalanceti and feil. 1 have ill-favored. lie was seated on a wooden tii slinng hlt uoada>' wîîîa nr-been thlnklng over what 1 van do fqm bench when 1 ëenteméd, bullying two boys the hillng hiterodly iaunder heLIlth. and If I can find out bier relatives wîo a.ssistéd hlm la hia business. When rol ilnlty ea é'.ligit will' be bétter. I aboulti aay. -fer ber hé leamned Ihat rny e,'rand was not te woud u îi havi 1borwe !0 lv ibtîmdrn h étt purchase boots or to )lav'ethemrn rpair- ly Mm. oes atic.1brmwdb'yaswie éatendhichad tsachool for éd, but was connecteti with is cousin, and or e ofr îear as thécb'u ymdber education" Iloratto Saxon, is 111 témper bruike out androd. ff s uelasthé anImala The dovtor fixetibse'-gsso his at nce stui'd>ylegs c'ould c'arriy me 10 sunîimQn a ~ at ndt aok a me whorI at nce. wed hl! Asoulg ,Ioctor frmr Santihythe.' siaçe doctoma.hs n uie elo tnewe.e1 *A l ed ht puig wvere unknown la ljythînge. wîîîî theex-. ogred along by thé aide of bis giK la mouthing vagabond, with a laz>'.oseles .'eîtioîî af-thé lorcal "vol." That datier- the lnttoillglît. chît of a daugbter. Its moiîéy, 1 sup. --f&r oureyover the moonlit roado ut ".Do I unlderstandl" be asked dî'yl>'. pose,'()race wanta. Weli. be won't get jliger:Iomny "mi'.1awasa-ib at yoa ntendtu 10adorit Lilitb, and try an>' rrom me, t 'ad'enougb ofthtem last Fuclaté it îtôw wilb the avent of hay' lu make a lady' of berS" l ime théy weré 'eme. Calla 'imseif a etacks4 of. whielh. fiagratît after the The blooti rose te rny face nt norne- ('onsemr'ativ'e, and talks about hlsie r1fe Dýy anbordered the lielyi hiigh- tting la is telle, but 1 ketît ny temper. a, , benald!Tatwsawy hé~V>'laiafor thé chlds salie. 'Omaces way. 'Wben lie was a pieay- My,î,iln-itlîrouglîoui limaI len-n>ile ille "Thèeelaono. questiont of adoptio.j~ tr o n tî1îrîry shillings a week, il wam ho and' from Saîîdhythe iva. laI a tur-I ansu'ered. "but 1 van afford telu iep atr 1 mol f xetilen. 11oe oit WsLHi-ith. and Itenlzd to do tic." ail 'igi> and mlghty, and 100 grand for m-fol oexx'ýltéit. Onfu oe oint t wasl'*.%h! 'ro help litem b>'givigt è ea"Cousin John. But now be'sa atramp, î'efonted-lihl'at omer , s bould e,1 flîiia-lg îiolisiî t0 an education that bas begglns and cadging at beer shopa, anti nilté 11I.LUnder te 'leam-eyed stars, In îlot, et hegun! And what le 10 becorné makill is girl dance 1k. a monke>' 10 the ,weet-mvented, surnrner-îîlgaht sîlîl- i'flîirat the endi of thé two vears. Afteî' ai oî'gan, hé s glati enough 10 get put up 0e. t1 took nîyeell' t0 ta-;k about aiy mn-lt-iliunar 1 jahher Frenchi and Pîla y thé under Cousin Johns roof." tIvea, and i dd 1ot- lrv 1te ecelve myself. mîanv, >-ou woiî'r Oidhem very willing teo."But 1 bear you are a Radical,"* 1 yen- 1 loved the childi îot yet witiî a',aî talçe up domrestl vice;ndt yet, wlîat turéd 10 observe. "'Sumely la that casé love for a woinarz but %vJth a proteclive. elle cani Mlle do?" you-dou't ihink thé worpe of a inan be- pttyltig tenderneme. 1 ia ineye,' yeît "Two '. carmele acionsr gway abeaci."- 1cau.e. undér thée vonornic conditions a luman créature wiîo interested ime o vas tegliinhlr heienlie cul me gshkort f bis age. à-our cousin la unable le 'deeply, andi hall Il been Possible. sol "lardou Inae foi' îskhîîg youî," hiesalti, niake a. lIving for imsntelf ant iel sotî'ong was th,@_ roxnantic, Passion with; "but cire yon.a a ruii' r iunî?'daugbtém?" ewlcme lus tIlemeti 10e woulti bave! "»No. But 1 real V cannot >W Hie litie. tIerce. lgbt e>'ea glamed at cledlcated my WI'ole Ilfe tq' lier service. thal alTî'x's thé questionm." me savagely untier bis overhanglng 7is te tb. wisdom or folly of hamboring; "Thie world would sec Mm. ierve>'. black e>'ebmowa. such sentiments lain y béart for thé 'Thé worlti14 le sutnîludersauath ne -"lia nul a Radical.' be anapped out. lovelyIliegleCteti, lit île vagrant wltominiîotIve'i'of a handaometuyouîîg single "in a fiocialilt. The etate shoulti pro- fate Ilat cattîin MY waY. 1 couti not go I geitîienîar of good farnily, who takps a vide for those who can't 'elp tiîeî- loto that question. A unan loves -heme iphilianthropîic laleresî la a lovel>' îte séivés; but 'Orace and hIs tiaugbter caiî lie nîlust. not wbere he shoul d. sîd al- rîxhan beggar-gir-I. You lake my ativice, 'élp llîéniselv'es. Ril ighl do porlei's readti> is thilti of sixteen. n'hom 1I had;six'. Leax-e liitb to rny w1fe. abe lan irk. anti shés 4olti nougi for dornestic tuit day en'ouotemetl for' the llrst limie. i lady stupeintendent of a home for train- service. If she'd 'adi an>' sensé, I'd 'ave wiîs more. lofltitèli' nmot'e. bt Iletliaîî n.ling 'oung servants tit our town. anti aietsent thé old womnaii who chais and ,othel' living thIing. t wlll noa doubt bé willing tu gét the girl inendiql'or me swa>' snd taken ber on. Item fulue, iîanv x'.'i'tiiîlvplanuforlit thèe' .-Then. If >'ou rcally want te do anti Id 'ave iput 'Orace Imb thé business. lir17411-t cré uciae br atr'iiyil fiHe,>oucosem iele'd work more anti eaî letifi îa tiose (lpth 1 .about ItL and place In hem bantis an>'y 'éyby. eadd 'l aéo ayat>'aIMny dooî', anti I was hounîl muni you liké for Lilti's clotblng anti lent look la thé dlirection of bis two tn ueo Ibat site wus tînt a loser bIy It. At eg)tij Thé girl neéti neyer kiîow te apprentices. "But 'Or*ace'm gliî" no thésanmetirne, i kîtew xîquIte wéit that' whtoni site ha ladébteti for théMorley', ant ildnom hlm. eihber.le$ nt théelRed îlot<lut>', but Permotnal Inclinationi, rnav- lîke thal, bulh you antisite wlîéescape MaÏ. and, as for lier, she's tbrowing bier ed Illeté provide for hî'r futaie. Ail' iîeirîg placetinlan aitiogelbet' fais. puai- heels about dancing Ili thIe ýttica up- tita t Iatirela Ip tti.ad tnlie1 ion.Now. Is»'t -thème somnesensé lanstalirs al day liîsteati ofwaehlng anti whethpouthei'rlte.a ascertaini what 1 saN>'!" cléatîlîts. aud she cso't cook wortil a weleî' thé>' tere w'ii htia h a l -V"odub hm eBu Iihbrself cent. No. 1 'elP thunethuaI 'dp Ibein- aldunlon 1 pmxie tttth tt shouiti bave seilleVoire ln thé mnalter. selves, anti t havélit any sympathy with hontie ivlile elte attled a $étItool ta a ihu en i lepre h stîitîniediltin-11Lat0éatîtr tei'éwetitre ai î,Yîiii.ge. 1 cati e lte amt ihu en'ltii ice c ie Hlturî ilng uiîî (or, ,f ltés, loi'lxîr cct ii Ic' rîiii t> i "tliiîiîc I "Y*leri i-ii;c' i 'il' î ici itove msx'éaîc tecî tii I ncî in i 1 )lits11 gtg aftpr xa grec> Idecil iîftien! a t' o I î ci l", ci 'u t i "i 1 c.%v ciug i.~'ieetaxtlit t.> i u ox iîîg ea ff r «l'tl)it'. i- îîî"îiwamiollIli u hus li ii loc' il l i'i rbhihi v ii ii'g it, iti 4 Iivejt'i' 4tuiciu t téx i t11hi ooxi by triti ilde durtitg te sert-le, ,uhî.éI>' ii'î. iarit . l. he,h ifforuneci rite thixht SanIjIIi hi l$-i. andîtt.-ct, tht-y 'lxic'retid b the4ol'hiniti tchbb lixe l tct a Vçavisitc't S'ili t hi' xicad reatx. A ' tac t libht iii'ii htoughct 5a îliit i.> ia é"O lii cl ui a ta tc, xx>'eri. lî'ýy-d, hnti Inug tîttiled l ii iii ce I llii 'uîîlt f é if Jt'uloiimy ta itlg h iitîx'tltle it îix Orî uf ii't irit lliig. I put imi ybl li upaîtitemû f<rtîît ao)puîctlc seizu me broughit toit by'ii>'1ii113 i 1 i -hm'. I tveti lte x'two h Ita iuais clsp i t gb fi Vx'» il ii>y Ieavy ct«nrtaia. 'm T'l .'iixte a i"t ilb-' tetîst dout <ifIll(P t icîti i. n s 1 dhi] met 1smlixi y'registemei ""Abaa ufr collit e'lt'thind tuTt11- ii iif.ix' xhx, m'or h Ii(elne. cime would a >'ow lie guarîtiandti lil '<'t lieî' Ihîîoagh- grence. Sici - ,c.ite. but 'i'lie t' ea ic-a-I. - ..'î"cd'ei.oaglýht-1 ble Il. c,xxx e'. m]Ir'. litot'tériacn hahile4. 1I uc 'xiru l ie liî it i iqt is-%tiex xxcm ci t lot i e been utle Io' t .'uîîéit ticm t lioiltîgix i m llieua i n etvli a ver>' prêtty' >11t' ,,girl wlii l I î 11 tir' lhid 1h Itî11l nu s t haInt1i lso l'espév'tîdlhieilîî 4ttghi trie.tshcc î u' li t hs fait' hii'.Aflîxuî fvîîrtéx'n. t1sttîulil cii>. aus ut l(Itilvxasethoarît ebe bhaîl bp.a 1 P e teîitng sx-t)r4i. anti ime pré-im sise wcmte" . imo yau kro ttc 'ihîlt. ,tkx-Il "'i, cglîdegree" cxxciiIa htuxabtefrir le 'é~v~ ti'd hlmIiin ete wîhnd su totuci siîé 's'as witilt itîtî-t taI.iiy'iiith lîgi'?"i) ut mrx i îîî'. . I > îdî'î Cc. gîtîlh ttip. a rt] ifitYlidon " itel it thase méanti Ci s' i uder IlScatillethauc1rei nîcuc o b oimul x"ihalxngtr iilier cyrs ltaI lteurs i'piang Mrmc.Nokî'c' c.cti*patI i itmle tintnl" t lii a te) Ii lor rfîmitrés. ut t. k nec' aI- h o c '. "Ioi' criix! 1 ItNI llhéa. l'aithumt ite; es rt'aul v wltctt heraniteer wî,uld tIc, uan'd é eiîît ti s crne fier liert. lis t thîiik the ma itoldit ne hi' t»-i>'ii liii s ce uitîdéup. iIl49ci Vraerowmilvan- huixt utxithex' not xxîlic' frlexîhdl. 1tkîîaxv T'i'htîiighci. xlix ughé hnp l îîîl tliiiitr uayîu Ti.'he gray i dixln'h î'hax'ge bien î Ixl'ttlxg-d.ili'I tl 1ix.I hîarîl iîcr eîchhicg anti the cloné ijutlmtif thé seltuaréeembattét tb rki ehxxxlil gî't Il:tfif ail. Mbaî'iIiriii«eftisxg titigtti #iig t ieîi'itutiîil iîri <htrri bcd'. li'e'alîjed hIeté pamîtithèe trîainintg .fxerî'ea girl'1i i'citiîtg îaht t hie -Nti)tîmé l ae i tmuhoiid ahx' sixéci. it o 010 itti >'i'Olic ltxit citi dbî'owa elveiy xî,ianhry wlth hini lei ait sortes of ceallier. I e"'.oc et'î xi i.liadcc'hem' hcappymv iatcxuxe i moeszthé»tx.w, mxi klu g,andaI eatilér- anti titi 1sorts xof <i Mytiatî'.-ix'fe Wall;if tild prêt mult Il. Shp cîtoulîýl î'a% e oaiéi> Krav.eslolee of tihie iîeglected itî'ui'teiêl lî Ité01A IIdII's tîrOtittlA. 9110I ie 'A' tixttî'é elanie clc Inh'u;air-tiu'uh>aic WhtIchthe abeép wan- -Is n xci'> k1iut-beartetiwonarx. andi ina>' aiiie jh.>'tcff.ittîclvg ltie-r xxarme avix idexetiai. wili; thé stul branchues or thé be able tir do méimîtthiing for ber. 1a gel kniaclrig hîr love'éta rie - t'îîlh id1 t' dciark pi -iei»JMIg black againsî liej atnUrgMatds tirr couiter>'.înuld'A u'iîinm' 10 ixie alIpiast jste shîxuiti bute a thxémtn that rcxîlx.d tpfromn the marail: Ilsae 4opwhee.R i ttait'îaericalx' ,friendti a td .-teecux h.,-anti Inghete ite-liey piellymi, wot'd 'Wuhowouiti. have tiex' s'th moch antéce- rxmugb îLft-lt$mor1f lia' 1t'0 b om litniel dn, dets" mifetuxs Wxî'd.cAshem tashes, dusîtdusl;" "ot s'4rl,. ait iixith, ijelIult' re-- Allailihuas.chîh t')m)'li e>'ep. icuileretlimantisone TtaNokem ln tearso-at4xh rny feellîlga. "ha'.iruiga timunk-1tîtto wiit ttel ItS SiOcétîen <aiteil "the deemeti it onu>' rîgit 10weénatan en anti disreputabie father. ant inuoney gé il~limete cPrMy'n>lire." funeraI-anti dIhe. siîn, yellow- hairectgirl lu blacxk, (1111911119l10iMy arM wl#ll biat CHATERtouch whleiu ccix ouw t secun t.c tfeedvi- bratlnx through my whOlé bcmtiy. andi ' ~ T é , trt'g l i ' (I -ih oah' iàlul o axo n 0 itkim ig Im b mn>' cyca w itlî Iho ïe blue f':lJihi iti lité.1 ut ii' ut Lyîiigé. 'Qte g ers. surl>' vthe binest andtianat il M E 'l' h t x-t ol, crv dîîc'îxr ag t o e u al hed béa 1a l l'ulZ t cc i aayba fmom a um lit Ihciu Ituis t ail ti'ojwil. tistratie lan Afler file.séî'vlcé b tuineét la'.fre.l CA t.-e'» -o t.sbyal tret tiuiet>'Kgmases iNokes, wixn wa. Wlpjicg bhrem ye ixitti ilurtrîg tti-day. an(] ruetîco b>' lwîmsanti an elaixoraclyem 'od'apî.ehl. hi'Liei Would liait tculémixjly by the 1Atln>kercîléf. iuatxih tlnthe moad where thé man had i'l wrîiaekiiTtihaot h 'nthlIedecmxh. antiPlsbtre ua h 11 pt uue ý," I aldta etîd llh ablttheo though tlieirm lowly tiovtintg inidaweré ay -ora 1ntIléti thégix'l oui of thé mecoatruchng Iie tuene.cbumohyard toward the Santihythé oati. Il 's'as, Qf course Impossâile for Ile Théeftct that I hall, paitithe laIe M r, tTHRIR CLOTHES fi, i olte n'elit)trtiood urulli afler theé Saxon'x fanemsu experises dlearl gavé WITH litciueaî. bat for' man>' reason.' I ahifteti me. la thé opfinion of the é* 'fé on' MY 'qîiarteî's 10 the Iaubstantial oli coach. rsualu'srple rglî a rage îg tlite u lIté rossroads. half-way be. with ixîs dauciter about thé future. Aa Is 'ca titgpanti thé rattway june- for 1LIth, able gereétinatinctlvel>' ta lion, wliéu e bat luluchet oit ni>' irnIt ui1 efrgbiîe tn îoecto doarrivati. 0 cth a dociliityanti geiitlene2m wbIxuh Litith 1p tae nMes. r'kci are tOitchedinme deeplyr. "util thé- ut ai,"aterm mIeving Ihat "l3Ut lîleame, lMm, filly" hehg. goût] uî s ixîxii h>' ui!aniiag taoîay peméd é~xl' 11us rot .of£thie hîrb- 'FlicDyo t tltt eq1oma APY KIND aitlier,-mexpen <c-r, ielt. ave fer a tieetlag- moud, ana go town townrd thé cea. 1 cf Cloth Perfect! ,wîîh thO 1îhttp 1 clI lîr i'm, itlrte motinIie s"e' h l'1 o eatt tuas t'e hu ai- O VES i of tlb. itret whc mc' 1 iutu uaylng. i1malivi't. M~" < tl'lc aehîac NoCsftsefMIilta. 515i>4S~Pi~ fl.tliîir uf hîî'uilîlil olif 1 îîtîyi.îîWlig v'et Stritîî' TS sxs*e- ix'idîxsaLx'mue.Mat henx'b the tolilac i' c.ryiig t;r'î "onzcrchuis are îtck ivihxmut1 bellf; rumnrnoiei nfie ltlie 'ct-iîIilmO' e. graî'eynmd 'sItébéthé luit>'je ut' 1iîm litîît mOiltheé ilmitid!4 'é. hé s ' sa-xon waa to Ibe IntiterrocL.urreti. Tie suartati i te inei Mcii i deacent de ant tiiere ctge- Po wbite nel eral away teméd -,ner down lna wltii lia hawlcas.» V 'ianu. lW oif ole- i the mIs' y., We cc t of 'i that stol r:»mar estute until,,w. 'rach:ed the' lave> of thii esii Hene, strange tu se>', our etSle>' cleamer bforo us, A. mligbt 'wlnt froua tha sme w4s, driving the vaporp lalarît eut upward. Almoat lu silence wes croasn- edthbe bridge over the IlIter>' canal, and made aur way to. the coast > the windlng noat. thnougii tii. lôvel land whems once thé sa&bat fiowst. Over aur beeds, e segbbn4-' ' w obeling round, utte.ring e ,.short. waeIîng 'notem,1 tie one tbucix we.atiwgto-comletm -tii. m>'sterlo.uiotllil»,of thie scone At lAamt Ia *mtrlello, tOwer oon>.t I'agueby before Us. lhrougii'11W'- 1liten-ý luS bhaiF, andt to the left e ons iins f, sindtînise54 mmedliteiy faéint a ghj.' menlng tliread of white,' incomlng tidb J..lith se*tsd& hersolf on the.^dry sent, dottet heom- eut thons b>'stuuited reeds ent gray,'Mtbionle. eutshalteret lInt b>'li the uies. Sie made noom fon me beside bheut d*bn 1 took tiie proffer- aet seat'* she nestledtota y>'aidè- eut llpýped ber'!baud trustfully lu mine. "Now, deàr"'1I began, "I have to a ek' about yaum lÏuturs. Hava you thougiit of it et alf" "Yenae l$ttle. But I1lcuew you would look aÏter mie. And I shall bs na ex- pense ta yau.or enybot>'. becaume, you ses. uow tiat Cther sla a,_ I cen tiauce ,on fis stage, lu pantomttmes anti male nomue moue>'." "*Y.our mOther titi uotmwlslî you ta do "No' 1 kruaw. Siemaie father pro- mise, But inaw that they are bath deati, _wbat does Ihat mtc? Sb15e pldup buta uny'face luqulrniug- ly.Cearl sentimnental conaldémations hai non wigbl wltb Libî1tiSaxon. ',And OUppouing 1 do not Want 3.()U10 tance on thé singe. cithér?" i suggest- e Waa .mielit a Moment. Then ohe zali bumubty. (Ta be contînueti.)_ DRAIUS *K~IRUL Es RELIGION AND POLITICS RE- SPONSIBLE FOR UNREST. Dillieuit Situation 'je Aggravated by Religloîbe Complications of the Interior. Whatever may be the fluctuations ot the Stock market, it i& 'unikely that thé trouble in Brazil 'wi11 take &DnY real value eout o! property held in the aouth or central portions of that rèpublic. Rie Janeiro is far frm tho seait o!fthe disturbance, aud'is not apt to b. mucii more al- fected bY it than il the revoit had broken eut in another country. There la every reason te believe that Brazil has passed the epoch of Spani.ih-Ameican revolutions. The existing political and social onder ie se firmly established, t'he financial juterests are so great, axt-d the other forces that niake for peace are se powerfuh, tuhat any repetitiion of thbe Mexican situation in Mexico or the evolutiona that are se common in Central Amenicau countries ia out of the quîestion. The situation is difficult, and islea.ggravatecl by the neligious -complication that lia te be dealt with, but it às likely to be han4dud well by the Federal Gev- ernnMxt, and nothing much wore outaide of thbe affected anea la ikely te happen tiian the embarrassment ef the Govemument, and possibly the election of a new Presideut. blost Baekwrard Part of Brazil. The di&turb>Ânee is cenfiued to the Staîte cf Ceara, in the north of Bra- zii, and thouigh there la ascme ex- citemeut in adjoining states, it ie an auxiety t. g-et the thiîîg iettieui- rather than a deëire to have the re- voIt spread. Ce'ara is a state that d-est not offer kreat inducements W theé foreigu investor and exploit- em. Althotgi it ia thte most back- ward portion o! Brazil,'it is net a profitable field for commerçial de- velop.nîent. The scil is' korn and thinanîd o9i thi.s a.count the sla.t' witlî great isuffeing,-and distmesii, Leing probably espousible for this chariwVteristlC, Soin. tweuty yearti ago thé Iitotle town o! Joazeiro de 'ai'iry, wliich is eituate.d'aboît 200 miles f rom For.taleza, the capital of the tate,, 'wae-tchrown iute tremen'- doua excitemen~t by the annouace- nient that a miracle had been per- forined by the Parish priesit, Padre Cicemo Rom.ao. 'Ple witnese! the miracle was Mania Amanjo, a hys- terical peasant wonian, wiio was halt-witetd.This woman te*tified th&t upon a. nwxxber o!focisions when purtaking ef communion lu the clîurch she hiad seen trafeg cf bloci upon thé consecr£&ted -wafcn. This miracle #ho ascribed to the wonderful .powere of tie paître. News -of the miracle Sprcad f ast, Cre4ulous petîaants flocked to thé town f rom far and Ilear, and atter listeniug to thé woman wene cou'- vinced that wlîat she Said waii the tmuth. In onder te be nean thé two saints, namnely, the W-eman and the pnieat, many cf the visitons sold tiieir homnes ini other parts of the staete acd eetthed dowan.Lt Joazeiru de Cariry, E~tcomuxtiu 11Ytth ' ie Pope. Wlien thé biahop Of the Stai.z iîearçj these atrtangrrepfortî hlicor- dce ninvestigatio(n. Rus coni- ,i dg, sud bis' ;4 hlm.-H. wa Sand- there iw Ï hat 'le mua the town has growns 4o -b. one cf j" n, otable fan&tical centreQ4u b. U 1 corne the headlquârters of o&utc&9t Iti'i ron- * egolreanTOclý FRONTO, anàdabe Uhst -icfevery deL 7ed£thé,L1*?? Coe r wat. autIioritie f0 govyeru it> LW NNP A Big FamIIy Overthrown., "ét shopswlio.e windows are Th Cane outeus Unt.il-two ooe dre years ago the with statues."- h hneÇutol mout powerful family lil thé S&t8 The- argumiente oi the Publie olientr-"iGodgaos W t of ear, hu.bee th.tof ogiraprosecuitor weré outweighed i bY the ca;icature 1" Accioly, a veritable oligarchy, tha4 "expert testimony" o!i Herr Lovis Pain ter-" Excue 1fl me; that's i'iiortate omorand. clontolldCorinth, a dxstnguishied Berlin portrait of myoe]!I." imearantwice u nitd caway. - lpainter, wh-o s&id üi&t 1"T.he Ret- Cin-Olife-like, very lite.'ý Cear wih unimied âay,80 ing Nymph" w». a beautiful work like, I'm sure."> powêirful was this family that the ofat h or cquittdth present Federal Executive,' Mara o' aer o he rouand the> Hernies de Fonseca, thc>ught it de- essentia1 thing was whethet sueh sirable that it ehould b. curbed, and works o! art offended the &eisibiIi- Book Agent-Could 1 have your twoyers goovetunedth Ceraties o! "normàl adult@" and not subscription for this book? Stout' Government and appointed friends young peojple. Gentleman-Ocet o<ut I You an'i of s OD. houh wthot ofic, ~ -...... I seil me any bocks!1 4gent (makini the Accioly laznily was by no meanas orne people'di opeciaity i' pou.r- for the door)--I suppose the onlyý gliorn o>f pwer. IL entéred intô -an ing le waker onthhsam ling you rea4l isa bill of, Lare. alliance with Lomna-o and his fana- -______ tîceal fellowers, rebelled agamant the Governor of the etabe, -went hrough the fornsfity of electing one of their own, and deficd the Federal Gov- ernment to interferè. The other . enemies and opponents o!f ronseca. bave seized the opportunity of mak- ing trouble for him, and unrest lbas been observed in twoor threè states bordering ýupon Ceara. If the Fed-& erai Government intervense, there will be an outoi'y againrat the inv&-_ sion of state rights. If it doea not' interfere, Vthe neighboring "ttes may take tohe law juto their own ...... hands and invade Ceara for the pur- pose o! putting down the -brigand- age. The situation is an ext.remely awkward one, but is'hardly likely to agitate the whole country. -RSIG NY3PI ' IS SUIT Berlin Police Fail in Attempt to Suppress Her. When a book dealer was charged recently with displaying a reproduc- tion o! &apaint.ing entitled "The Du a'nc teftTl Resting Nymph," the public prose- ' cutora, sai that such works of art ~ n aràyarcls resulted in the moral deterioration - of yotung people. XOU wil l ind that they are 'best "What is the daily intellectual ai first and cheapest in the end. and artistie bill of fare laid before- Concrete bulng cannot burn and many dol the Berlin girl ?" he asked. "When Jars are saved nLorinracrae.Ty ahewaks U lf th rnrnilg ueneed\o raccally no* repalrs and never need hear.9 the strains of * At Night' At pïc~..-- Night!' (a song from a popular mu- sical conîedy) echuing f rom the kit- Cotcrete barnyards make the beat- kind ohen. WVhen she scans the mor.n- of a fecding-floor and sure many dollars in ing papers she is confrs"ted with '~ fced billh as'your stock: gets every particie advertisements o! thin gifflor mak- d tat you feed to them. ing herEeif more attractive physi- tehd fer i frce book"4WI>ît the Farmer cally. As she leaves the bouse she Can do W*h eoncrete."9 It thowijst h ow meets a pstman comng up tiieu r T v concret. baru, feeding- meets apostmancoming p the oor or any 6iher building thaî you may need. stairs wit-li an invitaion to a tango ~DWS tea, a conspicuous feature of tii. in- vitatiýon b'ing a drawing showing a Canada Ceit ÇUnuy Llmited yoîîng couple in an unpleasant51Ha wmu mu i dance movement. As shc- goes downJ the street she passes tfhop window after shop window filled with books, . pictures arnd posteards showing un- clothed wcm-ren, a nd she sees cor- ARCU*VES 0OFuON TORONTO

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