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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Apr 1914, p. 8

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Ma v 9Uf RoJIOY Sp Q() BROOKLIN. o vital questions," by Miss Darling- m ~ PUll YlUltd î~ ~ ton. A large atticadance ta destred.U U l v a d Missr Jeen lycrf istdlu< for Vancur in charge -of a car of- stock. i e*èxpecta te be gene about a"a ýwm . k S ûo to thres weekul. -N w iste lMe o eave yoiir- order. .m FriMr. George 1RIlght, - a"d 1fr. 1Ralp enFiay al~gtla benv tKrch, le! t on Tuesday for the West. Cal n be ite ,r 1In',Oshawa. George goei eEoto n su ad Railph C l nlie u rc s M. Biekie *as home fremge o rpies pvor Sunda The Dew Drop Inn Club will bold N Mr. Là Rs. Bt Grills have re-dne i sManclalo o Ot r W e l Ju t A (o d -tured lod ai, ÂArul 17.. A gotcrowd 19 ex-t Mr. George BroWh le! t on Mondaypetd M.Jasoiau, for a trip to Edmonton, n*Toot provide the music.: *The thankoffering meeting of!- the M.M. Vipond visitdinTont W.M.S. of the Presbyterian chunch, W fo , e a y a sovero!Bkîla vs-will be held op Wedaesday afterneon,e M e Lw n 'c lt.d l Osawalai wek.Apil l6th. .Miss 'Goforth, 'of the O. Itd nOsaa as ee.L.C., wIll be prasent te addreas thae BROOKL1N, ONT. Mn. Urlah JoÏes lias commeucedu meethig. Miss flaig wlll sing. operatjons for bîs new residence.-- Aicoralkndo!Srw- -Mr. Kennet obe ansd bis MeuWilliam painto,, varnfshes, stains, $te.Ag n Fo are .working at the wharf at Oshawa-Nohnjutaged A.CTH E CLEVELA ND BICY LE on-the-lake. _ H E Lllott's-BIC CL The largest> stock of Staunton' s Wall paper that. we have carrled iu Mr. John Colwlll, Jr., of Teronte 19' ear, t chose romat . C who ias been iu poor health fer ïthe 10 earllott's. *ofi a A. C.past ibree months, lo at borne wlth 1Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mlirien enter- Sris petM.and t rhe .chagem l, The choir 01!-St. Thomas' ifburcb home afta r spending the winter witb tained a nuinber of young people on Stliipsta tacagslh preparing te give a twiîight mut- frlends lu 'Buffalo'. Mfondity 'evenlng. help his e ,ey cale on Sunday avening, April 19th. Mesgra.1Clarelice and Earie Cook Miss IIyfielId bas. returned [romt To- Aqut wedding took place at the. The choir willI be assisted by Miss are sPending a few days lu Toronto. rente, where she has bean vislting Preebytenlan Manse, Columbus, Ofl Olive Ilolllday, of -. the O.L.C., Mid [er thbe lasti montb. - Thursday, April. 2nd, when Mis the iollowing pr*~am willi be render-- À publiec%,meeting was held on Wed-' Maâbel Rogers, of Brooklil, wu uit- ed :-Solo, orgafi, 1"Clolôl:- thé RAGLAN, aeaday -nlght -,te -make ar4augPninta d eI mariage to Mr. John Burnts, choir, "lagullcat"; solo, 16The. Mr. Kelinton * bas moved te the tor the Spnîing Pair.o acietr 1e.WM kagPnîet duett, "Sù Thou Lif test store reoely Puriased [rom W. H. 1 Lawrence, la.- buÀy taklng ord- parformed the ceremony. Thy Divine Petition" ; quartette," 'o Breut. ors lot the Clevelanid bicycle.. t wlll The pie -social, under the auspices Glailsome Light" ; solo, d'Be Thou The tamIly e! Wrn. Hodgson. are pay you te get-bis prîces. o! the. W.,-F. M. S. o! the Methodist Fs.ithful Unto Death'; dutt, iiNow quarantined with the scarlet fevei. The choir o! the Methodist church church, will ba beld ouq Monday eveu- We Are Ambýssadoo" ; the choir, _We hope for a speedy recovery. &rd prepaning special music for East- ing, Apr il l3tii. le cream (or sale. "How Lovely are thie Messengers."1 Mr. Thos. Thempson bas had ansIn- et Sunday. Everi'body welcome.« The followlng wlll assist in the pro- - eedn eepheantled Mn. E 1, Eatterson has ta found- gram . :-M.essrs. 'Mackey and Spears AMNS Our new orgeniat,, Mias Luu Mo!- alliu for, ls uawv bouse in, and the et1 Kinsle; Miss Olive Tolliday, of AMND.fatt, lu performing ber duties meut reîdnc wllue h rs-ie .îogOntario Ladies' Collae, aud Mr. Ar- Mrs. Webster la visitlng ln Toron- satisfaëterily. 1mon Ellis, of Âshburn. - to this week. Mr. W, H. Brent shipped his furnii- lu neà stc,1c ar pack4agedw-Onton al u cau save dollars by buylng Wp, the Almonds inonds, cxtand a turc lto Montreal ou, Monday lat. - In sock 3c pe pacage Ouo etsyut spring raîncoat at A. C. El- hearty welcoMe to Mn. and Mns. Mrs. Wm. .Finley sud-childnen are 2 ls. for 25cL at A.C. Elllott's, Kits and famlly. vlsltlng wltb ber parents, Mr. and Miss Alice Olvat, who bas been .Mh. Joë Ashby bas engaged wltb Ms. John Bray. Mrs. Jat. Croxaîl held a vsry sucMnW i vislting han sister lu Ottawa for the csflsl tbrbueedafCsM. fn.Dugman for the season. pas to onllÀ-,asreurnd'om. essulaie f hr ouehld ffct Ms.R. Wilson Io visitiug relatives : . ft4 t1tà pasi twomonias~hs etune hoe.on Tbursday lasti. Mns. Croxall, wbo at Arthur over the Easter holiday.- -Mn. Keith Lawrence bas put lD bas Ilvedon the farr a aout one-hal!iDntfrattesca nerte____ two new machines thîs weak. Rend Dojtfs __th______unerth hiadvertisement -on this page. ya ml ron tille illg sedr at h <)auspices eRteEEALbT ageon- E The. Woneu's - Institute wlll meat in in cburch anditha social spiiera. She Tuasday niglit next. Au lnterestlng the Mascate Hall 'on ITbursday, Apfial ned malgbrenewh br programme is befng prepared. Haý- Country hiomes, mnarket garde Oit a 3o'lok.Subnc-"etnuh mki aTng e. ôewih hrfreshments wiil be served. Admission and -daîry'farms, beautiful tewi fee.10c. for anvone five fAPI bin heffl.t 1 1 eiti and oe cent an Inch for aIl above that.i Mrs. Ed. Hall is on thle sick 1151;. -The Y.L.B.C. speut a veny profit- able alternoon ah the home of their teachen, Mrs. Brown, on Fniday lust, wbere tbey elected thelr 'officrs for thle ensulng yeat. At tile close of l'the 'afteano s ntentalument, 'the youag ladies preseuted Miss Greta Richandsot,> Who Io leaving Our midst, with' a brs jardinlere and feru. -- MYRTLE. Mw,,ClO.;d.-At the residence o! the bride's mother, Mrs. Geo. S. Rosa, 'by the Rev. Wm. Haig, on Saturday, April 4, Chiktîna H. Ross t0 John A. Carmichael. Miss M. VvMlliams, o! Prince Albert, viuitied friands bere last week. Mr. Russell Leacb, of Asiiburn, bai engaged with Mfr. 0. Downay for the, ansulng yaar. Misa Anaie Hanna, of Raglan, was TW 'DOORS SOUTH 0F STANDARD BANK Pigelat èe. Brock St.e htb ,O t Housacleaulug, wood-bees au4 mud- - dy roads are the chie! topis i this -viclnity. The fIrut "gasollas buggy", If tihe - - - - - ---- -. - --. -saason was seen passlng through bersl - ou Saturday.« May It be the last, says the narvous horse. I Mr. F. W. Hodson shipd a car- (load o! oats te a Torouto flnm last Horizntalweek. 1~AT ) is, home bare last week on account May be sed lno! the- illuess o! his littîs daugliter. nutls taineN- mlesof! e nThursday evaniug? cdoes. sing us the tintVe to purchase If o attend the social lnth bae DUMPou&-ment o! tbe dburch, wbee.lt is anti-i sue, oco. -eeding Mach inery Han- clpated there wilI be a pleasantiand; Bronze ban i s and Garden Tools. poial it pni valves and heimp pack-. ____ MYRTLE STATION. lng, easly etat. We Wdding balîs have ruug lately at MM WDet~ seil Brantford Wind several places at 044 Myrtie and ba- HiSe Ait6UL prayer tiween the two Myrtles. <Ilatihe oue that wlli grow wth your M s aohn nie Mr. Arche Johnson bas secured tlit work-t.iîat hasecapacity and power etc., manufactured by Myrtia Station, Ashbutn and BaIsant lu keepsug vitis te Job snd whiClirrlMi Rua sds1 ei l. ean be built up asyour needs lu. l -..l M irCo rua al-otadwl ei i cresse. That te tse waY we buid "- "'P'YLUlGo trips -lu the near future. Tbis makes 7fliII7 ~1 K '~e ou Enirmeon is- the Myrtle Station postoffica a very1 MENDD)jrEnire n is Important offce now, sas Iti wilî be 1 ~ I V EE ,I play in W rron the dlstributlng office for àîl the ~5W AA ~ W Wrenom. - routa. fl~,vJ sA I 1< C .~, Miss Lana Eanls, o! Toronto, spant, Ba re prayers A ..Largeo St0ck Sunday wltb ber sister, Edytha, aa, -o.0 1 is' urihe ,tsîorwMr. J.E. Beacock's. t attachment for potîato spraying orn.ounted Carniages and Wagons Ouchrvrlbdba rybd 0ou truck Vitts or wtiîout englue. Iuck on Monday nlgbt last, Owiitg Vertical 'uanpu are iuade iu two aises on hanci. t ahtlsgom en w ad say lea ttacled to auy barrel or t ohtegom en wy m nunted, wltlsbarrai, on baud trucks for Ms lrnaWlrbsntre -.-- easy transpsortation. - Our Wine fýnce pnices ---- -- Cati aud sec theseoutfite andl auk - for new **Spray" boollet, slsowtng ýhoUld interest you. et, 'Barrel, Traction andl Power - - GLARANTEEO ADVANTAGES Spayr.1 4. year o!d driving The advantages guaranteed ta k.s Policyholders, man for man, tbrougbout Mare for sale. is entire business by The Equity Life Assurance Company" are much greates for the premiuMg paid than thay are in ~ A o1adia F jpê any ethe..Company doing businesin là là-a i ~s *ExCAMPLE-. At age of twenty.three 500 Sra,. IIlOUfC.LfILfnext birthday Tise EquitY Lifc charges $4320 for $,00»ooo;oonaurance ou the Twenty Paymeut Life Plan with every . -thing definiteîy guararsteed. Most other Canadian Companies chargeeixact]ly tse ______________same amount and similar ternis for a Twenty.,flve Payment Life Poiicy. At the end of twenty years the Equity policy Iw o', . D I. N E Y a fully paid for and'bas a Cabh va ue o! WHIT13Y . ONTARIO îhe other policy at the saine time la $720. Psitronize TiseMu siy j- Assrance (3onpan,!i when he wsnts I etnswrance. L. W. DUDLEY, MH SIMFIIRLAND. A ,ent, Prenident . General Mianager SWbrtby. Ont. Toronto. ESTATI en properties, fruit, buildi ng lots ai special mention of the i )j ster, Coîborne and Athol streecs. , investment. oniy one block frei ,Dow farn of 209 acres, large b; 16 acres o! orchard, running w, grain and fruit. Special price if1 da Improvemment& N & RIROON SAI * M A ýstock, grain, nd residential ry frame dwel- This property iii G. T. R. up- rick dweilini, rter, speciaily taken quickl y. Land Co. LES NAGERS ONTARIO ing ou the ýcorner of is worth buying as an town stdIioti, -FARM SPZECIAL-l f fair outbuildings, i * adapted tor stock, 1 SGreator Cana THE îO01 '$45.ý0O Complote' With Cabiniet $56100 The April is- sue of Colum- bia Records now on sale in- cluding -somre. of the Iatest popular dances Owners of Disc machines send me your name for the Month- ly Supplemnen- tary record Iist which, will be nilmail1ed you fre e of chargé each. month. R.Keith Lawre'nce Brooklinq KINSALE. Miss Gladys Mowbray la vlslting ln Oshawa. tItal n.Wl Mr. Young la vsng tM.Wl ter Rogers'. Mr. West occupia.d. the pulpit hers ou Sunday. Mr. Wagg sud famlly bave ntoved On the place vacatiad by -Mr. Thomp- son. Mr. A. ParnInder bas rentad iltse flantlay bouse ou lihe hill aast f thlie village. TPhe unarniage of Mis Mabel Rog- ens tio Mn. J, Burna, Mancbiester,toalc place on Tbunsdaý, April 2nd. Mess Rogr' nmy fïieadi wish.han every - s M -Onit. bappinesu lu ber znarrlied life. We notlced the absence of our choir from their accustomed places on Sunday. We regret theý cause, and, hope to ses them soon ln their ac- cu&tomcd places, as their efforts have been appreclated. COLUMBUS. Mr. M. Doolittle le! t on Wednesday wlth a carload of cattie for Alberta, Mr. Thos. Cook 18 nurglng a sprain- ed ankie these days. 1 SMr. George Brown, of Brooklu,1 spent a few days bers.1 Mr. Wm. Cooper, of Toronto, vie-1 lted friands bers lust week. 1 pays ioo .per cent and lowest prices f h-. N wsehold [tata bw * JAPuiA.LACh limCae TATHEN JAP--AC enter. your home, Glàôom makes a haSty Ïeut, For duot. Vdirt, and dangerous germa eau find ne resting pla - where JAP-A-LAC has been '~used. Old fleors eau be given a polished surface, easily kept cdea n by occasionally wiping wiýth a dampieloth. DuIl, 'gloemy anid unsightly furuiture cau ha made te'* lookt like new. Tarnished radiators and hot waier pipes can ba given a permanent gold or ahumninumtfinish, wjuich will net rub off. 'Ktehon linoleumn can ba baautified, and ils wearing properties increaed- straw matting car ha made waterproof, and ils life more than doubled--crackeFand fraying window shaUes can b. renewed. Anyone caproduce those wonderfil results by the simple mens ot JAP-A-LAC--die gloom-clsasr. -ý Made in 21 bcautiful colorn, and alwaYs Put UP in Gree Tins bearing te ; afl, Get a can of JAP-A.LAC to"dy -aI your local hardware store, and-isk for a JAP-A-LAC celor card and a copy of the little book, "A Thousand snd Oua Usesý of JAP.A-LAC." On Whltby Jap-a-Uac Us sold by -Geo. Me RiCe -~M:L-i Made by A f The Glidden Varnish Co., Uimked, TomaSte. b4b-4b-& Aynimeri Spray Punpa- are always leaders in their- -fine, Spraying orchards on your investment, Get particulars Uriaih Joues Do You Know Paint P- If se, buy Brandram-I{enderson Pure English Paints. I have the best Floor Paintg you can buy for 100% service and quick drying - Dries' hard over -night. White Lead,.Vannish, 04e China-Lac for making any colon in old fùrniture -iook like new. Que *trial will make you always a user of our paints. A. trial solicited. Ask for colon carda. Brooklij URI1AH JONES sB Ontario. Bell and Ind. Phones. -m i i -m un s iii UfJ~ Dispersion Sale of Choice Pure Bred Holstein and Shorthorn.- Cattie The undersignel1 has recccîved instructions f ron the proprietor of M EADOWBROOI< FARM1 *To seil by public auction-on TIJESDAY, APR »IL 14TH, 1 914, on the promises situated on lot 5, Con. 2, Pickering The follewirîg pure bred stock, cansisting of: HOLSTEINS Io Mature cows. i Heiler, i year old. 2 Heifers, senior calves. 4 Heilers, junior calves. 3 Bulis, o! serviceable age. And the herd bull. SHORTHORNS 15 Mature cows. 3 Heifers, three years aid. 3 Heifers, rising three years. 5 Heifers, nising two years aid. 3 HeIfer calves. 2 Buils, fit for service. i Herd bull, "lBulirugli" (imp.) IHoisteins wili be sold at 12 o'Iclock noon, sharp Shorthom'ns wili be sold at 2.30 o9clock, shaFmP TERMS 0F SALE-Cash or Sevesà months' credit on approved notes'at, 6 per cent. Cattie will flot be shipped until a satisfactory seule,. ment haî been made with the clerk of the sale. Ayfor Catalogue nt once to manager, MeadoWbrook Farmn, Whtby, Capt. T.-E. Robson, London, Ont,!and Win, MaWo Whltbys'- I. fi'. ROBINSON', Clerk of Baie. ACINES Wonderful lHait. Cîsan and free front daudauff and possessing all the radlance o! perfect hair. Thio la juil what Sageine means ho thosa who suifer wltb iticb- lag scap, dandruf, coarse, dry or common looking bain. Sag ne Io new Ile bt adad; unattractivo bain. Sageine feeds the hair root w $Ithlie uacessary ftom for promohing IL haaltby growtb. kSaganéina lu ý_o daifftliat toulci you. could wlsh foew Il la net a dys 'and ia net utilcky o« - greaiy. A large. 'sbaker-tiop loti. costu (,uî1V fifty cents, sud Mr. J.JL Willis gives his pe"rgonal guaantS.te refund the mone-y If yen an not Sp tirai7 sahinfledt.-Be. sur ' e ti e 1>J., E.Willis' drug et on as tha mc. caniot SOUPPIT 701. PURE OLIVE 011 AS ÀAFOOD CANNOT BE TOI HIGHILY ESTIMAIED. Our -Pure Olite Ou ilis -paInt al, lias a. rieli aàver an> dèIicat e aroniai and.. is itf ported -direct frotta thse P It'.s purity iiiasix M14BOuLES AND BULK., neu .c01egrtîîV ".. anlytinse. Writef , al.Tt. xV INICHOLSON & SE~ - 1ODERT -" - -.~tift4t -'- ~ tt..V.2I - ~ r~*' ~*- -~j-~.s$ f -~ - ~- - - ** - i. - ai glapi ippitt111111i111: . WOMEN'S zU1NE SliOESý New styles For i.pring are unpacked with differences that make for style and beauty in each model. Jlaik-àn, tans are correct for wear to-day, with long and short vampe ~nsrruwau on teid Cubsais ansd low licols. It in safe tu anser th -woxen's feet îsever louliei prettier tlsan tlsey'do in these newer modela They are particularly easy for womnen who are much on their feet, and are built wit i g view teo mfort as welI as service. Ifuncreds of buhu'iess woni prefer thcm. PRICE $3,50 THE 'PAIR 8U MBIAJW1 ----------- 0 - - - -, - - *0 r4mmmwmmwmý kr o»uggist and: Optic-ian NMEDICÇA.L I:{A-.L BrockS. - - Wh1tbY, - nercnBusiness Coli- Ymi. id Noli Sts..Toronto, Ont, ia te p rier î i rade iliistr.ý, .h oueanadaUldter inew ilai!Iigtiit t d stsg bette' *urk tha.. eer .WrVIP7 U yotiwast to ypparc f .r* a giofoit ler v C. Ward, >rci)3 LEGAL F- ..E.FARJEWEL1L, K..C- Ba pscCunty CroWn . Attotney *County Soli1tor. O)ffihe southwing Court House,Wh A.E. CHRIISTIAN Bmr*.SolicitOr. Noterv Public. E On1ce, Bro* St., Opp. -Standard Mo.ney te Loan. DAMES BLIT E B3arrigt6S', M4oney to Loan on- easy teýrms Oace imtmediately South Royal 0. VOLING quiii IT L. - MARRIACE LICE'NSES Court i-buse, Whitl)y,,or reside O.* A. -J. SWANSON Butwister, Solicitor, 'No!ary Pul Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, -IlOntaio Oflie-NO 2 King, St. E, Mci -Residence-5i rwS Pkanes-Office, 321 -RýsiÃŽdence.. *DENTA-L W,, ADAMS, -Dentist, Office, l Street, Regidençe No. 4, the Te Byronm-St., Winty. _Phone No. JAS. BS Oshsws, Lloenaed Auctfioneer. oeum or eLFairbanks. Fo Mmd da*.u applY to sîelf or G WM.'MAW LICENSED AUCTIO0NEEn * AND- VALUATIJR- *Ail kindu oi &ales promptly ed to. Arrangemnfto can b8 (or Sisu st the Gazette ofrce. ToeMa reasonable. Bell sud Independefit pixones. S OTRAÃ"TOPRS- Capet',luilder and Contral * lans drawn and esti1fnatc f urn Repairs,-Alterati.ons a11d jobb Agëet for 1Brantiord Roo Boa 467 WIT&r -Phi Marriage LiCen~ corner drusr 4QiC., m ilff- from me. 1 oh-

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