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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 2

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years, for e: Wfdo'n ail] tionai rport imî the gr« i- c by si&- have gonc,1 --- biu'ni peepi -nen-'yail Ei boen relî-iavi knewiedge %v ee c4-,n(-t(!rni nicvnty cuat'm pliblishec w4 turaniee." - - - 1)RuI owl have lbeea 4,fe.t iýnx cour.t,'iei ri'. - eiunaga waa the tir- !athered lu cordiuug te the muo-! * pbc~tyn-c -- Theseeîm has beeu British col ness ins3ira in iabioutE Tfl-any, Au and volun inscirancei mark, $-w( compuléery ists in Gel nrmec i we q/L'. 1 ~skZs.ý noID lwilpful coiw.'truc- Oharni=ing neghigees are &3eýlo>ed Taffétu ;.:s thé 15i1li par exoellence ce ueh truit, n!~ ~ for epring.t l~~~~~ ae ,tir ~ ~ Tee vogue for je't. in the, i Eugaw.l lu rcent The- newest. linge leieVria e !xairnple, wc h,],ave heen with plait.s-4d tulle'. ýrt6 Of trUtbhfull1ý s.- Th>, suit coai.S arc, bl-ort . anlareC ts ddcne~ts~o-growing. shorter. T -The now*ooetumes- strongly 1i wt. e!povrt ali{~lgphasizc the Eton jacket.. ae2eQ ~ ~ ~ ll dae~y ll Il e new Style t.a lred ki E CwLth thia. work cof iii- are-full et the uppe.r part. poeiycid aiu te ColI>red blouse 1 sare d'etind 0 1ng it befo re fthe publ&c bave a. eensidernble vogue. Cro£.%stitch embroidery, fa useci to ho wêver, viteliy inipor01- decorate ehilcren'i; déeses,- ictive efforts to check Bands of r.-trich piusna.ge itrim ,-A dlmtt4i uamdnig la- (rocks, bloubs ndMi llinerY, ...,The geovernemts cf Many -of tlie eckpieces <coiibine :ur-pea 4coiiirieeavethe o<ôilar a&M the obth ete.A~ uropen ciun~tres hve ie Ilussian influence is -stili fat àg iiîdufAtriaI distreïs ly iniî thicalms of fabhiLn., ning schemcm of socil I The baby',ti «)e hould be kimonot Yet ittie, indeed, je the cîitIlwitlripple éffect bedlO"w. vhich tbço public, pos&eees- Moire will be orne of the'popular g thi w~r'd.wie ani iks for Vrixnmifg thé sprirîg bat. There will be an unparaâllelýedl *vogue for f ançy shoes this season. Fatwinating Ilit deses wil e 1t te WJîh ~îthe goVern- niadp oftit4ripcd lawn a.nd tubeilks. . c wQýr1, pe arrning, »o Amnong the latest' novelties are gaist rpoverty is hown a.sîîe f al &rc ubinow ihie roceiily , &d aegain cTrce1j'injto ýork entitlcdi "Social In- faà or f(r smaert littie afternoion S'nce 188<), ,ys1f. rks. W natIolns of Jrijrepe Checked miaterils are in favor, ding he fu ti n ar.d the -éhierks are one-lîalf inch Ci iitil i-day, in 50111e Thbere arec hats of stripsd straw, 1 caýt, wage carngro en- quciéntly trijnme'd with wreaths 0! ,rkable measure of pro- flowera. :nn wanit and distress Capes and cape effeots are..x3uch à,niany cuc.Geîrrm:îy wrn,bot' fretr-et and evefling. ' ' Tamls are u£,d to catoh Up the t. couîntry to iad0PVthe draperie.- in lieu ci buckles, bows, e0cinj ingurance agaixiet or buttons., ut. 41e niovenient, while There arc chick lîtle bats 'for no. 6c treet wear covered w ie.h strîpedl or Mr. LIbJIJW, 'v!jC Tif rre is a. fad f4ir white jet., which impertanrt -w-orid move- is uiszcd to adorn Ilîa.rd£some evening e ayý' ifi WL-day t1gt,,ig The fichu îia.sl'ail its day; lil >t'>1.! thoughut .u-thalt iS lfV 4fit jé the f kIsof tulle Afria aki lustaîi. ot 1iining the nezk. i Afrca ai Ausralii i ptttl;W~at,,; ut r.li arDD< net andl fine nuusîil1 arc aga.n an important i teM >ý ajd hoî,'z,,(n >f soçial o(f the wardrobiJ. is euminarized by Mr. Bossarf 1inade of tbednuet &S folows: "Accident i1ILiil, anîd lîinenis are deiigned te -ea wifiî dressy suits. - 'nor a~k-n.jlU'llV Sîr~lrek jpa'o t 'e tai- eabshdpraCticaly feta -%%raps. tuie rows of alurring out- t U-léPùD Rfld in'fl liy lini<'4 y îiarrow YnVinle!3. onies; conipulsory ee- ColIars- o! hangeable -taffeti'. or ance bas beexi inltrodutced bî'ond idripeg-provide a bit of 00l0r on ihe rcavy and blaek utility coats. oTe2Uf thie larges~t Am(yng eveniflg (iresses there je à Qâ Eutiop--neaînelY: Gfr aîîcy k)r the tight foundation s4kirt, ~ra-unayNowaeut i i toothlike callo)pi ait te bot- iitz.m Sèrvia, and Rmý8i41, tom ind cov<'red wl-tii a-traýnsparent tary Subbidized sickyjesR tunic. -w Bit L- Fra-rcoe, Beig*un1, Den- tski.r stirekin ofeet ago ndhse-s eden, a'-Switzel-laild ; quill ion ,t-lie whale draped, yic VC age xasurancc cx- and apLCiI eld d-)tA thtrans- rinaîîy, Luxemburg, anîd priin t cý1oagE b Iy Dojet Chain- îfl eld acte n,!njjinus1 >1 Luke'ienarratwîé of Zth-j oui4ey. Chf, teaclinigs of J'CSIS, cil roUte, .entre Iargeiy in bIt%,emphas upun Lhe e-st of diueiplethip and t-he ai -us res-ponsibiiity..nv-oived iu fol- lwinghimn., is oinimpýendirîg 5.1.1fcring leàcls him thuci te lift iet iremineric flc rous side! -i ihristi:iý life. Vese 2. îere werît %~if lum- The route taken by Je u-ASfi> C - pernaum teJerYtulen-. wa.s a cir- c iutüus one. SeLk 2 2 7 semsn - to' have, - occupicd severa ,n try. i11e P* as9- In- (th e rpl a esL, ut fellowed- 1xîM. So'me fltl -ýsô -rom ic curio-zityetjieî'-switfi'niçFro or 'e" ïn erest, but with l* 4Iuider- standixig .o! wjuat disvipl1sihip nen.1eieldag thlat-*hey shOutd -now what wis involved in clasting :heir lots with .hlm, ha t ' ed :te ;heni and d-eiivered the; di-eus epntained il, aur leeson. h hn 28.- If âny mari - - -nÇ an whÉieh *a ch.oicwe nuust be, made be- bween love o! kindred and. loyaIty to Christ-, (colnpa're Mi.6, 24; 10. 37). Jesus1 oftên tlûs tiota-ted a prini- ciple in a wtartlng uay. 27, ýVhosuoever doth not, bear hie own cross-Bearing the -cross is mndtoned, oniy twiee in the New Testament-; here, where. it is nused fuguratively, andinii John 10. 17, ýwhere it ie used literally. Jesus meant tbat the disciple Must ha willing te suifer niartyrdeni if -O ces2ary. Putting te death by cruci- fixion wau wconmon ii CiriSt'e tinie tlnit bis hearers had -no doubt often seen nien "calrrYing thO cross .,By twoi illustràtions Jesus points eut tha-t becorig a disciple ici a serieus mnat-ter net te' be ent-ereci into tlcoughtlessly or witheuli con- sidering t-h-e probable outeome. ,- 28, Desiring to build a tower-Ar estimute o! the building Materïill à equally esseentialin» earaeter-build îng. It is firet o! ail & question ol what a person caui put iata the ster- vice -o! Christ, 3j. King-Lola prisices, thougl Aubject to thfe Roman emupire, bonc the title ef king%. WVhcether hc is able with teu thon- sand --te meet hi-m that COrnel egainst hilm Witb twen)ty. VhOusand- This w'ensa-n-age o! reckless war. faré. «A king with a SMahler fore' mhight poss!3ibly 'win a battie, but ti,- case unanifestly calîs, for caref tl fdc liberation. In tAce Christian if e power o! endurance je as imipertani as the building mnateria. 33, Renounceth not ail that lit 1batb--Tbrough allthc bistory oethi 'Christian church there bave be-ei ;those wbe bave been calied upon t( artually renounce ail their posses siens fer the sake o! the gospel. A] 1 Clîrlatians itre asked te lbe rea-dy t4 1do wu, that is, te subord-inate cartli 1iy dlaims te those et Christ whei t-be twe are incompatible. - 34. Salt--I)iscipleship, or the spi rif M R~elf-eacrifice and service.,l'e JXinxîaîk, lceland, Gréait Britain, AIUR -Y. EXERülSE. ferred te in the preceding verses. 1"ianoc, A t and Nrrf% Zea- J q)Otaceor1 teb rto Sai-t which ho4a lost its savor lsa bere Iax;d, -and v4.1-ujtary shiieJTeIplttlCc the discipleship which lias lost the sta-te syýFe.>ris4f o!d age insuirance I Ieîtî ~~'îU spirit clf self-sacrifice and service ii. tiy Ipi'giuînT, Seivia. an4l O-i e reat diffe rence beteeri <cut- for Çhrist's sake. si u~puin; neripoyiifi-tiiiiiaflr air-u and '.nloor air iii that the 35. Cast it uTsem.al spain ; unempoynifnr ic'i;'culatcc byfreely, and the -;ec- wo ul1d be absolutely worthless. means f subidies tilnkiîîgmenel di, aVîlfl. îther difference Disciple witlîolut the spirit of self- vouna.y rgin/.ti}i-iis -ap-i.dly ij-,tiîat flo-ds of sunshire censtanlY denial anid service cannoCt exert a ~pra~in inlagaIurîianciie v ansclii aitof i mpurti- helpftul influCnCC in humaîl soeie-y, andi Dci~randthie fli-st c 4f that usetî!l; eOFnn1101111,M1r. ~-oryunompcymen' insriifl7P :y. p-r41iW %Mho visit the ph> scian with IA )0V'OTB. isnel>lymen inuran?4-poor digestion and, Vin ui haislwn establislhed in G'eatI anaçcahlil, (lc.lar'O that the>, are ac- Truavtlier 11n Moji'ggoli5t Say-4 ('40idi- ]itain ; (the heginnings of a- naitn- i tive «111 daY lnata t gg fiji Te A'I(i'b1 ai Systni c -o lw'an'ôpitIoiforwl l ti'le higte laIeýs ofterrible FCenes of torture I Coiflp3 aveiepuOTl in M ongola and C -tr l Asia -r n a4iowe :avenî Ge'îe I need, sa bc-,h'5 îlllutabout the Wt(ld I Mr. lxig1'ckokoff, weh-ý inay. mouît ! cerc5~ hyget bu ia-de an exttcnsivg. tour vhr<ougli th-C poIecunst;întly fail sick iii spite c -îY. [t~~~ oi ra rlrsstb ovditfpet f <xercisc' in the bouse. * -It is no exaggerati<fl." lie says, inaking t<ward cheekiiîg, if flot to-. and get well_%g.lilWitbl a lit-tle ()Ut- "teô say Ilînt Bokhara is oUne 4it the tally $su-ppesiifig, jove.rty by mraiejtdur iecFe. Acrai noui no-'ýt incjvil'lzed di£tricis in Centra tif wwil inguaiice.actîvo work about a lieuse 's gUoU Ai g~a-triv-ilzed, iat ils, in -th-- î~ua nsrnc.for every onie, »ut ther it ouglît toi rcal nieaing of the terni. Since - be sonici daiiy otdoo0r lite as well. e, ted4ictla elybc II1O1 017O1SWI1 I It dceiÉ not follow tl htat the11R8 out-ben -11UROBES WIIA'rîdeor litîe ought te inçI'. icle violent ltuscîia.n province, a-nd is governed Pswr to 'I'itt Qure«tion Fns4',inat- exerciwe re n*. xiee- at preitb ireyd irAn -- Polenfo ll.W'by i54ultl thelois ha i ighly educated Ru-4sia-li 'r0-,I de ein fi' ist lt u .e-t>l It~carrie-d on ith a ferocity whieh ii 1~~ cetlmne wlateffet unlp ih c n wa <~ lu- oenY3to hepul iconîpîcte asneo irbqwudcf a,tie. *cli'caes ap tni alk ng rterrible in itB exîceFý-,s. Tihe G0vý aae bs1 te ie et icrbswud lt.vaidtl*salogwl er cmor ha-s cauF+cl ma-ny reform.5 t; bave on te lite cfanas is oneofil fatiguiirig în,rnîng of physîcal la-,,,a, sd nd-hugitrtr Vue faseînating pi0llmi c f 'lie day. 1m-r-in plice- hîandse 1 Tircd ptorpueea1 Ina lis exper-imetita c ,iice May, xIf), abdd0îcîretn i pn oliàh-cditheorcticilly, it is flot fi uycuîot, a lParis 1bio1o9iit, lias re.1r- a'. Tîî ievr icwd n e pe"practically. In <.-ns towT icl ed about '40 ganerati<ons c f the coj-m-I ' e e a eryon who yii n tlv vîsfted 1 fotund aini4mt Pve-î'y lav mo ly, fpîoducirS g abDut 100,oo0 in- wrýappecj 1up cannuýt sit with corifort1 being brolcen hy the l-ocal g<,vvr7 di dulc ii scîieline, and has in as ehelterpd sulnny cornre. véry o-.A mu la1becu Me)iýed l y th! k-ept 'fipecirnc'nz iîrder Continuonus one knows lîo)w babies thîrive when guard and wa aecused of steaJi»a ixeiion f rotirmicrobes, fecding tlhcy take their naps outdours; telaiî-p in cq'der to maka, him C'41-1 flicm with sPpccially ster>ihizerI toori. pîi;îciple appiies bt-ole aduit ab2,eÀfe-ss lie 'vas laid on a bcrd and -tlire At '75 deg. Failî ',tedvlp ti nta'c cctfercr Tajiks twiltcd lis fingers. He o ment frem-i-thle cgg hlas been coin- thît j people %vho5zc -dai-iy occuipation feýd aftzi two fingersi were brci 'pletcd in i Ce hmt ë*Li h p twco ay, i ayînig beiîîg oblige- îe esi-i u pn air-4 ke n. In t1li2 market place oftti bejuri by t-lie feni -ale in a day -or two suchl as mnarket w4>ýnenf, attendants t-Own cf Hîusar I -sawv a miail cx alter cncerig! lth.*cadult st.ate. at fruit stands anid newsptipcr execîctin-ne wFldg a, eavy swor- T The files iave eoiitingje<lquite no-r-- crs-are. rohîcst reop1p, who do In<t i anti th i-o-in wiý ts a, j av uj malanci Ud te sùcccsslie gccWrLitlQis takt c!ol(l ecî:'ly. Yct t i -. billeard.thelie t'od q ie iianhu have shuV.n no Icsszeniig of fcnd-tlat few peOplc taklzc'ss cxh;,.;thr(ii -- - ~Let it-be undersîooi that this ti-e exectioner laslie bi b-ec ri devcclopnileiTt under Ch-c c'ondi- not. at l ail aqiagilnilet agaic.st phy- ,tee îoe lso isha ~tioniaof protection' there bas bec» ia1 x-rcse. htis net onlv e, "TIon pi. sI on wîe -r great gain, the lisini largo niraotal- ceilent, but iiin motCcse'suIPe.&rY ' be places. Th ,y are î'eaîîy b<-ý.esi .- ty of t.he liarvae nail pîclîae -laving 1311t, ycu iecd not forego i olli ah ir griid alycult thirty tect dcaeý - leen rcducc-cd mb op'acieally neitli-. au4 <s,.ertcIqe becau,- e n u !.lcînî?t The pricî<,nrs ba.ive a disma i ing.e-0~~~~ntl hav- bth; penairMostly they are ini vag; t1cy -g * - hic witliolit excre 'l iîl mr 0! Coure ion Nyer Do bca!tlfUl th-indoo'r lt itci. f4:d oiily about twice 'ui'thbrca tim Of Cbe! '«WhYoties eggieD ai-fi wpek. a-nd it isquite comnion fý wa ,tt h jei-nte AlvIe From iflic Cool<. rî'le iî tn»r, ioevver, are ene-nal Yspeittote tnio Te- i teta eated, bectiusc the 'eard-:. di8hçus in 1 raricli l" t ihe ii-;-renre grain 1Icil. cv-,I -- Bertic ."le' pr0bak1ly 4 isi l fl jI u-cvo ili.Iw'iii just al; well te lct the waiter Iiti01k ccp ny rows this wn--',c -t Sia.4csc,- u-ounen ndw hav .2t' ~ - Uc brs." -riglitt b vete- the samie as nien. unjtrn ejy- ' gni tiç a. - req uiÉ ntY l w-han W gîve rein to Ilis- i2flcrll1ç thouËhts - weuld have betrayed huiM inoafata* step, Sir ihrspcl- h-lais borné 1hm aafely thýrugh, îîasivtY -ws efl'Put te euch a lîerculeaii i ts ason-a. eti e Cent evelÈ* in ,t,-.hle-.Legsature. - Tii-t u4S'g the eveiitful eveilfng 01n which the Pîrcriîr i-ntrocluced the bil te bear fui-fier aïd to the Can- ýadan Nor -rnPa-ciflc Rail'îvay, the meau re iýnerasing the PnoviicAle'5 former gýuarantee o! $35.030 a Mile ;o- thîý I3e>itiqeh Ce-lIumbia 1ines te $45,O0o. Lt w"s gzvnermI'ly thought that, thel measure ,.ould' Dot bc in- trcduceef until - tiýe dying da'ys o! the selssibO w o-é weks ahcad, But-ý -when thçre. wereicIy a f-ew minutzz nore t 'o wn rbfçlre t-bé adjeîrnenti -t'- -b wek. Si-r Richard -rose, tnd the ýne-. h1 am- 1rathu?î- derbeit.f rom, t he cle.ar blue. -And thereby Ja, .taie. . la cdulated teies,, audwit-lithe meat pe4tcot uaio, the Pre-_ mier told the înfeb-7c whit thfe Previacç,-w"i aboie.totadg for th-a Canadian Xýrthern. Theuîgh many iu tha s-icveLtzrsgalýery expregsed wýonder that the neasure.jad been threwa itç the arena with pasi' dively ne werning! Sir Richardl explaîins, no dune eh.oulc be l.oet in th"a s t'O eluat Jesns- wîould d-'-if consultiiig Comlpetent - &,tthz)rity ReHfiLhôtild turn tWthe êstrth 1114 Ftqf-trew t à ent ile davn Scrous. B u#, ive again am oins m eci. In th <ý there are. ma-ny eye, iffections les-sMddeAg this tiok the forîo ffeîlous than strain,'Whj Ch &A]Ittl'e ce'rtaln legendus, ta--îeatulie kaowedg on fle iprt ! te s--appeararices, f *w1h ith1ý narrative- ferer. can rlioef-- $!É~. Chistephar eatt-flic fery ie a Opie pai nful and annoyia.g ac-n fact m-r nc spreme 'Inn>e.T dent tiat every e-ne mec-tes ooner,4r ou r t "uéW aent ~rul later is "a pieca of something in.-lie torîrfs a--saras acr&k i !jc eye" I niy b te- mail atbiri-what kind of life Jesue wudile t) flnd, but h.ow mucli p1,eaJure 4t just wliere He vwould place Igiimacifl canuqmin, and how mucb pain It eau aniid t-he icifinite conplexiCti e--of cirse! W-e know we ougb-t ne-t o mode-rn existence and jurît- wlîat rilh the cye, but feu c-an, reertrain causes He would espoeiafojr the (he Çmpulse to do se. Rubbirag o-betterniant o! aoeiety in tIi-e eve;n,' t'en embeds thc tiny partic firmly of a second coDming' And if any- in t-h-2 -(issue-s, alt-hougli twe-ul-clthingi-a more ma>mzilig thaqnthe -pnobably w-e-ik'-its way -out in the surety wit-h whie-h peoupie gve a-il- cop:oucs fiow cil tearg il àitwere lek mser's te t-h-esc questions ài s the alone. Oftena fr>.catibo h-olaso conflictl5 whicli are l-nvolve4 in the*ýc stezdy Jîaànd lean dificdge the trou-7 an-sue-vsr. The uàrirainty -of t-lie IalCe-Qme intrucler wit-h acen-r f' areeord, it-h-er ît orir f tme acnd - 1clean landke-rebief, or, better aSill~, place, - f1ie richness and variety of a bit o! absorbent C.ottoJi meistened' Jesusi's teachiing, t-be manny sided- with a littIce ait tolutien. nee, o Ris eharacter, the widene-s D ,.n-ct f<rget thatkeneral -g<Ood of. His -"ympawthies and thenàs l it h ig the beat reÎîipe , f.sr béally cî in tn .e , i p rtn l >,o iii the eye.'t)ark circl-es aad puffy, -iatiors-,-àil these faets uni-.b -te reddened fids ivili spil Vhe moest I nake it possible for alnîcV a-ny &q- ibrillint orbs. Sorne persons who ert-ion about t-be Na-zarene tri Sud suifer f romn theme afflictionis, or' f r'm substantistion. Wl-Lb Uic resuit thai a weak and w t-r.y codition of le, t j eyes, are muchi alarmexd for feàx The Priet auud lina Pi'ophet, they hcave &.omne eeciou» iruterrnal the cionservativse and the radical, trouble, huit the causa le Ofteiîl ks the irîdividuahi-et aîîd the sociaistg o! sleep, over-fatigue, or a, slight i -theen and t-ho- direct indieston.trics -and- neienut.t-Le eh1alpion (if iaw and Avoid al rc- n affectaeoi.a. ordier aud t-ho eeuo of aiarAlistki D o ne t equint as a tern i c hunir-- i viùlemxc* al ftnd 111 Hiun a fore- for squinting is nfot f ' iny; do n ot! runnier. and declare that H-e would wink the eyes rap*dy. auder t-lue lin-I join wi1h t-hein shouil Hle return! preq«ion that it lrookei-ntcre-sbing, Tii-ut sncb arertioiîs as Vlieme are andi do net cîltivat thie sidelong Matht h l,est, dubtful 18 ncanifeast'to glance that la eharacterikiiceoft Vicc anyb«1y wlio rea-1i.y undé-rstanidg thbe long-lashed lieroines o! romance. - natuire, f the problem invoived. je-- If yenl sufer fi-cmi a f uceision cf su-s wa t-hec, acitprrc-i in tic -weorld sties yen had betiter se t-ecle I te) le taggc'd --r typcd or poured becausa Sties May be -P 11-evide11ce Of jutÀaa m4iu!li. And wha.t oîîm eyestrain-ind.red, etome oeîîliitsb b- j stan-.ce .o! Ris-day lias h4 ee? pie- lieve thiat they are no4-hiîig cic. A &r-sup1<it rttc m uim , I, 89pq110 -or urg9e tleGirl cae~~i 'cal :a.nd 14srs uî - or eoulnteianeafle I îo divore,1 5l- Iîs-i argue that lLe wouild né6t do any <MO1 O-f thest thinge. - . A-mid aill uneert-aaitica, hewev8ê?, orie thi-ng at least tes ure. We inO'W tbe Spirit ln wÉicli Jesýus woîtl4à,live to-day', jurit aié&we -know. tbe e piî4# in whi-ch HRe lived yerite.rdaY9 ,i ~the epirit il$ 6,thd-ng àihlc hetiisaie ye trda-y tedy sd frvr whaît epinicono!of u-rindutrial. or-, d'gr -Je-sus Wôuxld hold,> whstMea sure ef pelitical refoxrinlRe - ou. aýdvocatA1, w-biatchut-oh or PaRIty 01 social greýup. Re- would- '10111May bc doubittal.- But Watap-i-wOUlA sjhow l ini01-11 "Great >Task c o 1>1W'f le net a al doub.t!ut Love WOUU be t-be ,,vatchword o! H18a,4ys- lVi e! n-amue love o hirei a& m iloeo! -hunuliltY, love of -o& Hle Wcllil doetroy Prejudoe, suspi c4ou, bit-ternees, hat-red,1uul-b î~nle,5Ll4ng trst, Ympm Y rew amend eff kelN , it neesseu-cl humble etrpngtl. woul-d help everythiflg wihl and. hinder n , ài, but wiatU vides. Ille' Iluîldeaim'n brebbrcii andc srvet-e i-oi dietinction o!faei re - Ne -woul yearn foi- a beitter ivorc stnive'for a rioble.r'ra&ce and gis41 lay down Hi4 life for the kingdoX W-bittier bas qùmmued lt I up "'The, letterfn-ils, nad SYsteiliS fa.1 And every syMbI ilwanesz; i The spinrit eýve rbrocdiiig n-W, Ftecrnial Love, reniins."' - ~ - Keep it in a bott-ho wkit an -.,ecupiI - f e n c a i l t l e r n i e d i -c i n e ,il~ . n d l] AV c e 1 0 0 V e nr .l f l I . hc+otile le . ou1ng pî'-tcLtle oe ~' l M.1 " but ' Dri'î atq vai, w ut "0; dû lucref houchldaiînnia~, udiutcdout,' 1em rd Giiberb Parker opr !9 ifennîplitat occasiona1iq happen n alwdanili n irJne ifr Ricluard McBî'idO. faimiUles -.Yoîîth'e ipau"n nB<Wian itcktowledged Llk 11UU lsill authority Onn ugevity, agrees wi-th LiieIit Iluain he.i> ,--Pll? -- Su~~~Hr Gi lbert tlieu'cughly,. HuptHnp,-lecepiOf- trested! it se cuueh as a mn-tien o! CuireFoar Ruînfsîi you wat a feeble anà miser- w's ia gracefili handeome erea4 - coUrge lthat* thvy uavered between 'rhere le & wehi-defcae and ne-a- aleicld age, gis-e up working;,-" raid lcko-ptLhia feet la fooddea1 te the beliîefs t-bat lt 1liad n-lway-5 been àzonable ide.% ht-ait-lia gerlaof JSir jaïnes, WIto, alfillucglibora as eelf, bîîit he had plenty &f them. i ien pd that it wa3 -11a-inl rhelîmgutiàm and astîima arc Wenta- J ong ýas ]MO4, ils one o! t-he bufset "Tk ere" i Greeny, an 01 acecide> - Lt waun- ne it- iilcl lter ecal, a-sic]for theso heroîc desis- cdl[Men to-day. "Tlîe M&sl vigôouié er caterpillali waried bIll As~ I- t-bat &pime kf t-he sophicticated fi-e- ioclid'e f potafiuitiare t-he ber.tJ perlod o! hunan life in its eatii'et.y ptyHu p cil stre t rq . que tera cf' t-hie l ee a sign ed a knowui d-2,troyeu's. ThIe .Who su!- i iii obviousiy between 25 a d 40 years te en a s ew li t l i, 1.2.1-Take cause. fer with - cther ot these di".as,cgJ 1o! ega," he acklec, "but t-ciaay tha+ thie -oad seid'eha.'T IIow Il IIappeiie<l. which -are-enougli t-o ake the vie- J nmen abcuve t-be îat-t&ngo arec cem. fcare. It's ne-t aafe'&. Thocia niuving It w-es learned t'bat t-be b11 bhad tim'si lite seai'cely würth bhavýng,j paratively useless i. to fly lfihc muu-iscuealn rtyts. b-cen definitely fixesd for thbe closiria mîght-, with lrit, t-ý)i-ytbs rdnêd fa-c -o! the h)iographical dictioriary - 1l'ew1 aurr'e<l Moily 'and Bob hôours o! the soin.huit, fe tluit ti- % a w tHnth amnl Doctcor. XMîuclm o! the heub-t weîk oftht-e worîld I woul have been if tUhey. bad mnowui wouîld lie read iii ample tiîne. the A famomîs pî-escriptilcî hich -bas.ias lie» donc by nieui over 40,ad that thèy appeared to the caler- t-ext bn-c been secnt eai'iy t-, the been very sumcec-sfu in sîveî'y case, f iwe ',homîld by neoeissad"uîeIplaslk <va~Oa5n King's Prifie.- In gaheîing UP j-liimatiiim ti wuiel lt, bas heen îî-c are, but lie ha--k ini th( -be ilig-ht "1h, don't Y-0,11worryyu~ha t-be prnted bis foi' distniblitoun t-o tried, bas odide of p<sl liim for ages if ltercft ù? wliat thés.enca belitnie , replied ]icupity the ienbeî's of tIichelise iat day, its ha-ib. An cxceeily ohistiniabe accouiplisb. IHump, rallier rud ely. 21I'css5- luenie member f the King's Pria- 1 and ]paifuî ca&ss A ret e maitim uf a uia l Osiu. lke se c d it- e e. n sid tInam .b e i a: ter's staff lield u tigypce p lightly inflanmatory sort, lias be.-W i'eahesits acmc i l-ate idicdle iite Oc reysii mig i a and inciced in bbe l<ot ce-pies of tlie rieved. an-c i ; -n hc' hig'hi -la te But higluer li the cerebral hici'arciiv olcI, ai.moî]ecver, he-waatir'ed, Canadiî-iNertiierlbill11. ils 1a .c-ure, by t-be ise o-f conip'e.mes we-t tban speechuci'mils-le-centren r, e Se-hel iunedîoclbk, arid e-in u -Wben the prem ier a d t-be other with - i d c f ut potanssititla-n. at-îîî'- <tle.s conc enîed in the m anifeýLv - bi ey m ht ffe b vî '4 o1e, memiiers strlled imteftue Cbamabe' ratd solution- This Faclution i-s marc- tnol f pimîely itlciu powerî i-eo Ucmud bI HmigY teo t-:ikc t-hcir pîsees they tound ly<hissoulvîng lin any giv('niquaiility ! sucb as l'e a-ton and jicdgnent- wýhic h iteîm p latin. o ii o rezibu i coln;o!tî îaa ( cf' i t u-tel' all<uftht-e s-'rysta-Irsthat. rlt Icorne tc prrfecuion late, ancd naywitepan - bl p e erI'h i n î1ieir d->.. That '-as b-ta-- il1 tak> J t i-s limpl ici icîxpep- jlong pIev h 'r iîe nt -A B tijfr e u sb lw a l -s c îcughj'îa!lconseilee hut fe uie, r.'iivnreai'dlamu èll 1uu'psî)nd-rancc of Ille so- 'l the -cea-cl the vuiuibeguat fal Premier vs t-.i bai-n tht an cve n wo~rh i rying. iîlg calcuî and powerful rearen is Th,îîmpity i nd o iticum ke P b ave y ca IJi~lnhhappeuied. dn lin, i-on 5la7 yazthey macla t-le Co-cs sa-ialto le-,nduti!fuliy lbAt Ieni ois ud Oi'juidicitil ,.ynitüinili t'Ili',' si ~ c-iii (ul tu t'~~ i I eîres6gallcry. i -pcc f nu îia cùî'mCiunt'y lias bec-ln ib tupunuinly giii0 vtt l- Jht it Ws net- O%5y T àa cddit ail. . evr rige and cc'yniglit for five ciglit' and1 it hY ji-sfen 5t 5yeî lfi' ailshc tt 1, plk. Ahe fe wouldi ovell'ythiîug îlat cduulld du dlt' edigcCil-us ut t dfourt- 'c iialnca,,, ccvite bemon stîci 113.traha guleci Uc T sPI abridgelia-i been u mrneci, aid si n--viachild iioidlead <a cio~ni('nnsaffai<sf ! state have laucv , etrusc i v- ilirec'-a Vn u tictng. AreL -mh.rgua lt.ac ieî rrvd fou' 11-lue d àvice»cf ot char., shoe a-s. L 1-C cimpti. ri-gnimae a-d -l coe-nieeut. At 1 as t, jîîst when lie thougih 't-r*r'.ia fill, c iten tliving 9.n Muen at this tim c cf lif.o.491oeo - %%;Ii-iotte4-e. ,ciuil'uttoclshe C specllte 11po bliad been plnt ut i'chuir.treacherouis in c4 ugo, riayb e ire- iYii-tife hef y cffdý ovei' siht cf green, fan. far a-Way. but th('t1egrpi e-rse d To curiie niltiralgin liglîl ci1,ie !sîîe nat î)' >iiîe:ue tili gr~een, -a-nd well-i- ib.H itvi-st--cntht ~î' lilaid ~i.k-brown paper. bîcu' routt-the flan-le, 71yarf'1 adcusud yîsoiii- - tju'ed enougi bu tli-uk Pacool, a nr] inltimi the nioke thnoliugh lie tiilIar'ge yicat uee o-kc leaf abolit thbe îîicest Platc rd tlie tacts in tbc face and qiian-î-' n t'enursuepail-.cci theCd y iie'e'thît lie 1r ileç; ruls, Ina f-wInt-nutri 'he.dpai I cea'i ralieC ta. soesi.l~'eillihas-e eatiu'ely di.saypeared liilit- he H'ul e ittî1ito, gatbeved -h'iecouralge jut-O1t' B llieniutmide donc. Tbeî'e 'eas n,:) Neyer give uip te hea4l-aciie il s- n hinîselfin le- lce nilecit watc-les of 't-be M fe.-eJjmèdhm;ll e ay onta' ci t hé diffieclty huit t'O-c ti ' byaoi i. o i cp ýn h. lienrv Dan-dol, Gibrin bse his inpd bielf àile a vance, Once agai lie caled u"pî an pibl auioidIt. oi à dI teils ls, 'eas eted I).-ge o! 'enice up. andde 7.iprh à i argabtua tnta nd t- -- ne-luin a-t-regular intervalf. Thi' w uheri $4 ad. ' lul 9, hiinge Lfront nes acre, ic t unp- i t-ne lha ufesi thepr-- lbs,% mu t esdeby act io'iin 1somlfor ,Jli- his les:t yen ns as cuîeo!th-e cao-at n a-l-eng gradee.te t-ha serY ' utterniîùst ghred, eeuî'1tso hlmcd gan.-Risn lewa v o'ang ,fu ai ue'igs f ex-cap-z aiay' ucquiri-, and you will 'Th 1a b nkceoc ag pev- ,tjîîtk. tseh i' aepl - tioji t-bath-a-sit-ci root lnunupreiared- icucalix ficL youself lule t- andjeu am liCllhlbi11i111e1oIif munes wr crfuii îu'edt'eique-r it. J 15Pcu iWl- h ti1Pc5an5 anc1 '-v7,just Il e-. l' "uipit-Y o nss , er 'eârftll. pired i.)Mtua» qîîili-z,-edDepeïud on i, tIh m cd,' a Itîî- eau sec tuuat is lus tones, -and t-be thiag s%'as donne. 15 ciiiatie)ie aginut in um a a l-tiri'c is anoidalodierne " 'B ut there '--e h s »t-e g llor- W'V A II c 0 siT $ 1)4se, ) ,Qo )o 11t e i n g o d al f if r. c 0 crlblein cs Jc'sb t-lien itt-uvL )nmoVin ag-mouii.tini i-ca wbo afteî'wards said t-iaI for t-le- faire. uand<lt-hxe -kupc-îl cng longe-st tqfletw MOI %vi l i iot.14tLii a coen iai lle-l acaterpiliarlyp ~ifirst ti-me1 iitheir l et-ey hud îii 55:.AIî>1s lti'eu3, l b ov-nve- \,10 aiî:',lucre s 1-- Yeen SicRichaîd î'eally, îîîîînist-ak- au $f n 1'u.- alit agtiiist celibac:y anîd the lîmî.4- eiUilly le ably nervoius. îi-.Tsauukeif lias figuired otthe% tati>» cuof familles tiîat- tley 4ap'îe Weil e-a tc adpt io ïg -("*----- -t (cf the Baîkaliî uvr tce Iiîilgaî' a. 1ud ge et th,-lis -c- iinfluences the 'ce lange buàsb y said Boh. Rut Tbe total c"dits t-;e ao-tel n w -ciîIcbarent-c uencwu't-hein vcucth. te iii yHým C)tllni, ! C"W are Jlçtificd ii holding that, fitt-emoiu mu-tis l- 'My uvrd, -Jaco,' s:id Steinu- 'rb reî$62.000frb0s0,0s.pgiVen tavorable cociions and bar'-a t d. oic ccoýiv romG pisand otîcer nee-'-sn ries a-rec ~ring acdns 0 "u' etlenu ~~ia u as u'wsi ue~~r yoîuave .1» yeîur pin. How miel tcl aee-ci-t- -tz,00IlO1. ieI <liijit-lfi cfmtii'mtlit-adl c' awufin c- idit os i"Ipaid one thouîsanld niad t efi -it- ice$30'c00,nu.ue fh vi- v îhcîdhus»ten-li'. - » ie doll11ars," ireplied Jacob. -"One c îa-lty , C !-,'1CiV 0.1 if-at-s, 1.-igt-niadhm as, if - - de-tart!psv ndgîiimoer o hig , ho went iTh stc '1 bcuai<l tilis ud guacom" cir b1 lY )00. - ai-c t n ffe'~made,' a narre-W î-ead t-o cliiig to>- p- eclime-a -Stcin-i',lg. Vy if e-int'vc-guc gnot cnuwv oUi' vu-rth su mue-h Muiton uai t'uiii t'ciLc tic inc '<ue lc'uld urc.uc. -autlie cluîng uvt vryfot' cign mu-v' velr % -v"c-$3erv~0--- < akn 't'tc~e -c Janii 1d"d ti-at - : A Anî->ud tten', in atmomneit.-b ie- --, if lacxedjacli L~f de' ldtian Tce expm uses <caln !t&v, i vire wa'i a-efiile i'd-<ia- u- t. m h'îdy - ugh t-bie aiet,i le lue it me une t-houaand dol- raily and ctlier riseiP-ctu ut be-cîi'meof t-le- maladices of ea-i'iy h-laud-ed -on -tic largest, softest, r lars for a stone t e he ci-cted te xeoic :r pa-d a , i-O lite.Ai-beceirab.lie eavthir '4 ie il euirtbecptlu nn c ci vr.ofte ii ou-ibe t-racks of im'*ghi enradd, sdrsoe"11iue. Sale, -a:id al'one! tae vl eur tecaia fimeniT-luelüky it was for iIu-.,ipity e. Tluiuk 50~,00,000o. The value o! t-le t-ci-- oc.Icso -bemrs) iocîg!uiît-bat -MollIy and BÈob<hfippe'fl TikAgai% .nbo'ycdcd te Rouie-alli'aie~piée-d Co1191.Vt .olelnsiït.afth l t "'Now, Tln if there ucre cine- a-t. $300,000,000. toa sthus I110112. 1 ?- teen scheep un a fieldi and sev'On The g'aslbii a-oer ci' jurnped ou-ci.1 a euhbousmae-y Weuld -000. "Do you like your ciu erima,nr, The'Vi gila nt 0Guuegli, Lve lue left;V " N pn c. M u' ý Stewe." T e nim ber ef live .s bat uu'uis le- H n y "1 r y n t ia ie b i e a a hIy ',N2ý, Trney, tbunk agaîn Thore îweeci r55,0o0.a-ud 58,~0p'; <r iuct-wj1 c sI ik- erea-fi1muyl." grom -hi -Ict ive i,È &dlu :.r 'were nln-.tlëe-u'ep and seven d at, 7 per cent-.kcf t-l e aducit- c "T171-OOl mulet'bc- van Uke lieu' "G the il 7 ercet'-0 e ld ove-r - t-be ea MisSt'c' -l'k 11V.Iliehc çc:'Ibuoc oe-iie -efotci,-afee -he~~~~~~~~a yauu-,btrn1,Mn- Soue le Information Jurnished 'by th tario Pepartment of Agrict 'pubihedin their Aprîl cr.op. ~tin regardi'ng- agricultura.l4 tii- in thie ProvinVe i t4) t4he ,-that rail wheat is starting Aiýr nearly th-usarn c cond4do.r. -in it enterc.d the lwinbe.r,. bav'r ceived littie iynury f rom 1$ tempe'rature.ý of the flrst quai ,the year. The pteasant aPPeK is înest5- enco(uragiflg. With1 týo fruit, trees, del;pIte ihecul ther, the present otlo.ok iý cidereci satisfactory. The SUI GI1OWMI Or BRL'SSFLS COMMîttei¶ite .eI$i-S Fauions spot.- Next year ici the centcnarv -a l3atle ! ~Vferucthe gi-e bittie îla which the Britisîî. ýcver itc<k part %\ There i ne need, fir the rn o40recali the charatey nd ai ançec0àf that decisive everîtiT Y--cf Eur~ope. June- 18. -wîl dcubtie.srbave. its fittiri5 -- brati-uns.-nd the field itaýeli w moethan -cver an ojecýt uo The questieu-i ,WIlat so.rt uo will ihoFse flod>Who got-lera1h Vo picture t-o t-emselves t-le hi incidents 'of that, tre-eidous - At Présent, quite n-part f roi larger polijticai consi<ierat-i0li ' field has &a speelal attracticirt I niedern viiitor. Ia t-lie flrst4uii e7.t is as, tOompared ifth-thie - Ecee breecbi-lcading battles,t-a be ceomprehendecid in -all its iig5,lant a glamice. -atheîEécojnrlplace, t-le-p ' fepatuires e! tolie gnou»4 n-re -hagdf rom what thIeýY %% 3years n-go. Thue pcdtiqSaorcf be two com ing armics, e-lily tlir-.qtiarl a mille apart, the ridge 'lilcli \Veillingwuu sereel guards uati] the-- eue-ny weý t -han 100 yn-i-'d away t-h-e -.~-partly bbrderc-4 1Yltis into confusiun the iuî,o00 )bz - o flbrln-:the sûi~LOl r thünide red Ute"Uh.i" n'ad f - - 1>0mWcavali'ybiades; La 'Sa4ntc fania, much in th-liîar ditien as when: the king's -legion --,Dnly 400 s-trong, bel liours against repeated atta4 tii their -imun ÏtioIi fail-ed', mont. with its seai-d au, holed %wall, lt-s orchand, it.s- its-gatew'ay. ricli in mieiuon figlt-ail these remnairi, spt lowed by"gre" tdeeds o! ai desecnatcd vet -by -t-le netil the modemn jerry-builder, BruffselS Overi9e %.a e But ton corne ti.zne iiast1 -bais been tlireatencd..tri overflowiag ald a inushrooji cf littI lieuses is slpnung7in the immediate - neighberti tramway uine bn-s be-eu rui foet e! the Lion Mounld, ready plots ci ad u hist' arc beîng' offrcdl«f':r sale. somethiag la doue at 'Uonc, tseets every chance that t-I grouand ray b ecome d4itt- Thanka tç- - elgian iudti committee, lias heetmi-fu>rnuu0 t-le presidXe-ncy- 4À Gea. B tleuschi, ia order to CUIISVl st-eps can -lie tuken tv rpre!c fil:-T)Ecpropeoiil nW)st 'cnst-o lbtthe aeqttisitii building night!s. This %vclî the en-ds in vicw, and et pi ur-1-dc-r topreuv ide.c-iurpeaes the_ proprieters, oniy & tively nuoderate si t oul Bitis4hConiittee 115 Thé-lega Gvrna cy l15fort<hcomiflg f rom i I give- t-be che-me Is -ýSi41 support. -' The fi-st stop, te I>e-t-ai formation e! a Britishi & -c- - -A

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