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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Apr 1914, p. 4

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d ed. bA 60019"1yl..ba. no.uhtiffuUe Many-,mixtures are- offered a& subatltutes'tor;Royal. No other baklng powdei- la the saune In composition or effectlven"as-or ýà-whole.ome-and- eo m1a9 nor fwlUi ake Such in. efood Ràyatla sthe oniy ,BakIng Powïder made lrom Royal<rae:Cream of T artaw CHALK LAKE. our, capinto dda îewh Sohool Report, for March. Names naines bto he subscr1pt4onliaI-oftIse irraiied li order of meint. Gaet Ud,,Chronicle. The- spacial Sr. IV-Peari Mole, Roy Corb- inducement we heMd outi b Dw uew ima, Neuf. Corbman, Altred Parrott iniên o.bpr o os 4reuew Sr. III.-Bernard Jarton, Roy Par-' *hould >make the woft easy h.d very- remunerallire, W. want at agent who Jr. III.-Gertrude Parrott, Violet i prepared to devote a god Jeal -! IdMole, Maggle. Corbasan, -foin McIù- tne to the Work, and who will pugMh Class ILi-Harley Risebrough, Don- retUrns wilI ho large. CalilaIt the- aitMctyro. Gazette and'Chrouicie office it you -A. B. IRWIN, Teacjser. CBfl give a good part or &il or your lime for awhile bo this work. WANTED: AN AGENT,. Mr. Donald Wilson, Who has beeD WM have au attractive offer to make ln Central America for th past tew le anyone wko,,desires o bein us ilnyears, le ln t'wn on a dit. Atable delight for old and young, is. to have a basteý of the good meats we seil. M14 ugr Meats MI]I SgarCured- Hams, flack fBacon, flroakfast Bacon, Cooked Hams, and Rolis, nkte and mild 20C lb. Fruit FrwJi Lcttuççy Çirapç Jrruit, ÇaJitQrnia Qlangçbo j ulcy and Sweet, Barianas for your Easter Table. -, Farm Produce Dairy Butter and Fresh Eggs daiiy., fron the farm that you can dépend upon. _Try Ours. Jnio,. E. W-ATERIIOUSI Phonue I1 Prompt "elivtiry. THE DOMINION .BANK MIN LOMUND Do OILER, 'MAP, PREISENT W D.MATTHFW8, VI0E-PRFSIDENT. C. A. BOGLRT, General Mlanager.« Do Your Banking By Mail If you lve at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank. Deposits may be mae-casi, withdrawn-or any other Banking Business may be transacted by mail, just as easiiy as though one '~'adea.pecaitrin th îown (h',-ft prpos. -4 --4 4 -- 4 4 4 -' 4 -4 - £4 -- 4 Farms For- Sale Upwards of forty farine from 25 acrea up, aDd at from $35 ns acre, guaranteéd le show eatisfacîory, résulte from invéstuient, l0caîed in Whitby and Pickering Townships. Every conceivable requiremént of soil, buildings, erchard and otiier improvements caa- bé met in tise varied list oflered. -J h a17UbTkT - - Bell pis, hose 109. -WH P. 0. Box Résidence, Duindas St., West. w~vvvvvvvvw~ 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 TBY 4T 39 T NEW- SPRIýNgFOOTWEAR We are Ireceiving large shipmnents of the. latest style1 - - - IUULW--.'Our stock is more complète than ever 'before. We-'heve shoes that satisf y particuilar people. - - EXTRA SPECIALS Caîl and Inspect our ýextra specials in Mens and Boys' Work Shoes. Pe*el's.Shoe, Store Srock $ta- S.utk. WIithye Oeait.Photie tisemeritof -bise 'Wabts-ad ,Light Commlissioners-on 1he fron~t pa'ge o tItis lauoùe "in' wicisthe tub1tc are warued tisaI"certain rqieét muet be carried -out la Aishe, 'iectrlc winlng of. building. _.Inu aeral cases lus towa tise'Supminten4dent lbas dis- cbvyered- lnatancs where certain p=tts ,01 the wirlpg contract bave not,- be» Properlyr- haudled , au for euample #',,the unc et ciseap or ustîatr"'d. orF insuffieut insulationi. -.,.Thle .tatuté jrequirci an eleçtrical 'Inspector, whco shall inspst a" lr- ing ami. giyé 1bis> appro'val - b4torée c.. trie service sIhàl be grantsd.-. Up te thse présent- none has ýbeon appointed fo h-band- thseCoutission wili> exorcise Its own aQtlloni#by' te have wiriig *demie satisfactorily 'before giv- ing a service. The, malter may--net appear la b. Very lmPottant, and yet When ose realizes titala ne M.uaI dépend solely on tise hosor of the-aýeiectriolan doing thth *!ring, there la a more serions aspect presenied. 'If a cheap jôb in deolred, certain important fuatures may be skîpped, andtheis danger ef short-circuitiug and of a fire may be Increased. 'The cost toe acis liuse- hoî,der cf as Inspector's fees wotild ise' small com-pared te thé value of know- isg exactly whether electrdc wirisg bag becs dose well, with ne danger of damage to the bugftgng hrough careless or negligent -*orkmansilp. This move on tbb part o!flthe Com- mission ilahau. excellent -ens, andi Should cemmend itself le tise ft9zens cf the town. J No doubt the Council . wlll dca! forthw»wiiwtls tie ratter of - POifttisg an Inspecter. Misses Marguerite and Jese WIl- lis an4 friends, cf Toronto, spent 19unaay with their parents at Fort, Whltby. FOSSAL BhLM BoesRlght to the Spot * If yon have a cold in the head-if Stufled up, smartisg-e-r if you suifer trom clronic nasal catarrh-you cal] get qidké relief by using Fossal Blin. This l an antiseptie, liealiiig salve -put np in a coUlapibe tube so formed s to make it remarkàbly easy te lise, Wlen the elongated eap ls reznoved it. uncovers thse nozzle-shaped end of the tube, abdut haifan inch long. Tis is Juserted in the, nse and thse tube squeezed gently, depositi.ng a little of thse Balm wel sp in thse nasal passages. A Uittle rubblsg cf the nase, and tlie indrawn breatis, distribute thse Fossal Balm tisroughout tihe passages, M'herc, it cornes dlrectly into contact witlistlze- ImPLmed nieibranes and the germa o! dIâeae.ý The latter it kcilîs - thxe former lb soothes and heals. Tihe smarting Irritation disappears -tlie. zootrils are cleared, making breathi isg easy-&ud the cntarrisai conditions, if tlsey ezist, are correctedl. .G-et a Soc tube cf Fossal Bailli frouîsi your Druggist, or write for i t d irec t lu us. National Dru g and Chesuical C.o. of Canada. Llmlted, Montreal. CO)PYRIGHKTB &C. Impregnable Strength Maximum Incompa rab/e Dividends Min'Imum Net Coâ# For rates and fulli «information, apply 10 V. J. DUFF, Mp.. E , DONO'VANJ, Special Rep. Quéen & Victoriasa t Myrtîs. Toronto, MAgr, Thé. Mutual Lifo Il"'uge v1tlng ie te on o ôotsoe" Guaranteed Relief- from ail" Bowei 1.115, il yrbowels, , se eut, 91. order inatead o! uàn oiÇ aii atet r 9tlserà issi, take a..ËeýaflQO;4r49'r fee- ga' hs iytst ganandat se paai.y taI ltheré- isli't a partie of gniplng or purglug, not tise ex-J Seasivé flo6geneso bisat !ollows the taking- of -sats aud meet, plu1s. :Tisey -soieand arnîè h-bowels, ,Promùptly, relieviug tise constipation,, flikfl g jI nlikely, tb ceur aguin. ~,odiitbelieve.-tere la - any.,Olli-- er bow*ýlrsnxedy ,any-where near >* a goo, d a tise- sainelime. Seo' easy sudtC pi~at take- as Rezahi or-- ,uns ad. believs you will tisank us for l' -télling O'.-about tisems. If. *tbcy don't satisfy you in cvery way came back an~d bell, us and we will giveJ back your money without W'ord er question~. YOU lave ne reasen - to hesitatel wisen we give yeu lise ep- portuni lY, as we Iseréby do, te try thers a t our risk. Iu vest pockel lu boxes, 10c., 25c,., 50c. Yeu cýn buy Ilexall Orderlies only nI tise Rexali Stores, sud in teis towu etIy QI US. A. .11. Allun, drug- giist, Wiitby. PoJakc Accidentaliy Shot. Trhe'decoratinigi. Of your walls is <quite à pfob1eM. ouwaiî t m'th be pleasing li côlor and 'ppeàrànee: so0,as to malk a suitable background for your ftUrnitUro' and pictures. -Be tise idéal wail finish should, 1bc artis .tic in texture and e!oring, abseiuiely sauitary, ýsud capable of beim aleaned if secessary with fianad water-aud durable-too veid -a tee, fréequesteXpem for redécoratlng. Wàll papén do net iet ail thesie'requirements, thé palterbs and degsiu ab ieoae~teai acohéct tuaI and gcrms and enssot bce proper1l caned. Sàuitaýry experte bave proves -that anr kind of w papesi unsauitary, sud thse custeo! nf pplying uew paper over tise old, affords a brceding place for germa. - Kahmine and other water paints, while ean and sonitary, bave net thé nécessAry pormanencY. T need fréquent renewai and o! tes. rub off on-ones cetising-esmudges sud inger marks caiùtbe washed0 satisfactorily.. 'Tise produet lisat ineptsecvery reqtuiremént le Siserwin-Williame Fiat-ton., àdable#î1-dryg ol Pal madinl a variety of twcnty-four beautiful shades,- tise sclectios cf expert decorators. Tis finish -ea - washed with saap ad mater, and wili 1ast for years. Camie and sec us- aboitt S-WV Flal-lone. Il le put up li liquid farm raady 1or use. Àek for a-col or Cari tise pleasing sissitc. -GEO. M. RICE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE A-dam Ciservo.ski, 4ý young Pclak, I- aged 23 lyeazs, - was sériously injured On SUndây Merîsing as tise recuit Of a- esootiisg. -,ccident whicis occurred a-1 bout,9.30 o'clepck. Chserworski saà ssaîl receivé a scisolarship e! $60-00; comé down from Toronto, and was andth ie cainddate luneu-d Ssunby who utaying ýt tise hoie Of a fellow cou"- ranki third shaîl receive a scholar- tryman named Josephs Bolinsky, at ship of *40.00.1 tise'oit [air ground . The youug man,j 2. These Ihree scholirusips osial lin Compasny witis a bey named Zalin- b. open -for cernpetitien in oach cf liLy, 14 ycars oIt, anti soe others, thse COunMes naMed below bY aillteO was aisLb-ut.te go sisooting. In dseépupils of- aihiebcHîgis Schislsand way thý bOY açcidentallY disehargeti Corlegiabte Institutes lu thât Côunty, tise rifle, ' id-,tise -bulet enbered tise ncluding those in cibles ând'- . townz abdomeii Of Cherworaki. Hé was car. separated f rom thé Ooùnty, but' ge- ried to the housse and Drs. Evans anmd graphicaliy wsthin theelismite of sucb Warren !Were iuînî1noned. It wag aIt county exéept a herêIlie _" tino fret beleeved tisat the chances of re-; vidéO in the case ef thé7 i County of COVArY týêré net vêry gréât, huit laI- Yorkc and the City Of Toronto. ar repor ts are more hopefui. On . No candidate sisattlbe éligible Motnday 1maornhsg Dr. Evans accom- in write for any e! tise.Seisolar- paidt te injureit mas te thse Genéral slips wlso ias sot attsuil ét_- of Ilospital, Tôrouito, where a-n examin- the Coîlegisute -T'nstitutese..or - ;11gb ation wps;made An investigation of Scisoîls in said rlqunlics (or al léast the circunsistances shewed thnt tiseraeone year immedintely priorte tise was lie' nèfesty f-or asy arrests examinaie, o- - being nia de, as tise shooting was 4. No -Candidate wise '-49 1 beeu', - a- purely 4cci-dental. Zalinsky, t-be bey warded one o! tlsee ssclanisipo responsIble, wns pretty badly frighb- shal ha aigibi1e'le cotupebe at any ened, and It will Probablv be a lessan subseqïuent eiaminatton. 1 ha wili not. soon forge-t. 5. The awarding of thé scisolar- - -- shipeshall be uniter lthe centre! of tise Minister cf Educalion, and -lb. You Can'î £Earn Money awardsm' dbvh sale fil When You're Laid Up. .Tise Couuties in whijcisSoholar- ________siips are efféred for cemppetition are Th .ere ýare a lot ef people in tis 125 in number, Ontario County. being À osnetoflisem. zown wlso canneti ailord te bc sicA!. 1 em illesetl ie rs h'erbaps noueetofyoul loh that YOU - cpals -of tise i-T-ZisSchoots and Colt- cau, but certainiy saine e! you can't., legiate Institutes cencerned on wiic fer as sois as you are sick yeur tdséy shahl report, net, late tisas tise wages stop andt worry aîîd debs be-' flrst, day o! tise examination, lise gin te pila up. T1he sensible thing names o! ail the candsdates in, theirý for yau u tiedo, as sean as yeu (ccel scheels wha are éligible tu compète run-dewzs - and worn out, neosxsattel fer' these Scisolarsis. whist the cause, is t7e take sonething' 8. Af ter the résulte efthtie examin- just as q-utck as you eau tu buid up atiens are knowvn the Scisoîarships strength and hcalth. ïMaLe yeurself, provided for herein shall ho awarded more cocîfortable and previde a- j,,tise Minister, lise resuît o! the Igainst s erieus sickness. 1 wr ilb aepbI, n h We don't. bellesilstere is an>, cuber cheques for the amount oft he Schah- nsedicine muade tisat will do as miucis arsh'ips wilI ha sent to the success- tewards sas sng your healtis and tibus fui cempetitors. iseiing cu igave yeur money as Rex-1 9. For information concerning ail olive 011 Esssulsi-on. Lt ih a these .Sohelarsilps or tise resuît of Medicine that gets right at thé -the award, candidates kisould appîv trouble and relieves il by tosing te their Principals. tise serves, enriching Visa blood, and's_________ giving new strengfh and health to 1 the whele body. Il doesn't do -tis s Snturday, April Z5. -Apellon sale by~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~c hnasc leo riai-o'sn tiousehoîd furniture, e., the prop- bY ean ofaloho orhabt-o ,Min .erty o! Mr. R. H. Wnlks, Broeklin. drugs, because it contains honé. I115'Sale aI onte o'clock. Wm. Maw, auc- stresngtht and healish-giving power 4 bioneer. due to pure Olive 011 and lise Hypo -________________ phosphitée, long endersét ýby succéas- ---_ _ fi îphlysicians, tise ose for ils>bood Division Court Sittings. Valué, tisé aVier for its tonie v4~ue.- Hère, for :tise flrstlimé, tbéy Zé CUNY FONARO c !bsé,andth ié résull le a real serve, biood and body-building niedi- 1914-is .L adnel ciné-a réal stréngthénér tisaI we are Cle WH WITBY-Mls a..-Ma8done. , prondt tetell yen about. Yen <lnt CMrk, WIsiby- Ja. 1, Pcb. 6, nleedto bisitale in using il, becansé a.4 pî , a ,Js 8 If il doÇszA't do ail wé say il wiîî July 3, sept. 8, ct. 2, Nov. 7, an sati fy you in every'_way, It wîîî -Dec., 4, Jan., 7, 1915. cos thng.Ifit oes'tmake OSHAWA-MinîeB. L. Macdonneli you strqng and wéll again, come Cerk-Jan. 14, Pcb. 0, Mat. 5, Apr. back and gel your money. Il wililibe 4, May 5, Juno 4, July 4, Sept. 4, givén toi you wibisout word or ques- Oct. 8, Nov. 9, Doc. 6, dan. si 1915 lion. Soiti only aItIste more thau 2. - BROUGHAM-M. Obées, Greéon- 7.000 Rei~allstores, and lu thie town wood, Clr-Jan. 15, . Mar. 6, May only by US. $1.00. A.- li-. Alln 6, July 7, Sept. 5, Nov. 11j Jas. druggist,',Wiitby. 1,1915. -- - 3. O R'D'fT4flfl'17..JW. Bureham-1 .. The Carter S :hoiarships, Clerk- eau. 17 - ______ .uly 8, sept.E Tise Mtister etfTEducation desires 1915. le aasnotnOe thtiI, by bise Wili o! the 4. UXBIIIDGE- listé J- . arter, o! Sarnia, previs- bridge, Clsrk- ion bas ýe n. made for tise awarding May 18, July l of Scisol4r6lips in bwenty-{îvé coun- Jan. 10, 1915. ls of tise Province ou- thé réilIa 5. CANNINGTO: o! thé EiýePartmental and Matricula- Canninglon, Cei -lion ex4u4unaliens .-'on:lise Upper MaY 14, JuIy 1 Scisool Vus.Tise foilowxug are .au 15, 1915. thé cond,ýîions go-9verusiug tlisisolar- 0. BEAVERTON sispi:- i son,, Ihoaveor 1. TIse1 andidate Whso ebtains,- lhe Mar. 12, Blay 15 igist agrégaîe marks ou lise Up.. Nov. '18, Jas. l Per Scis,1as p5ers (ton E.Utrasoe mb o,7.. UPTERGROVJ Xies et.I Ihý or or .Sci-lars HoMti*aim .n x&Atbe, uy, .ArIs> Wi htn thse coty nl lg bcb .17, Jan. 18, 191 lesa COr Itor sisal! bé awardsd. a -Br Order, J ucholars o! *10.600;t addt luaai uuby Who' rankusiconidI>.1.d at WMtby, 7, Mar. 7, May 7, 1,Nov. 12. Jin. 12, R. J. Moore, Ux- Jan.' 10, Mat. 14, 4, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, )N-Thon. I-. Poster, lerk-.7Jan. 9, Mar. 13, il Sept. 0, Nov. 19, 1-(ihas. -'A. Pater- m, Clark.-Jau. 8, 5- JuIy ,16, ebpt. 10, -jan 7, Mar. il,1 11, % et. il, Nv WHITBY ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. -What-was cossidered to be 4m iattempt at robbery -was =ade at the rear of A.T. Lawlertss rocery st.ose on Saturday night or Simday moa. -isg. A pane of glass was broken and the pièes e, rémved and pie& up to one aide. No disorder was cre- ated on thse intenioi-,o! tie store. Tbe discovery was made, on Suay mora- f ng. No MoneY wAI t".kMfrolft the tiil, but, it was thongt a amaW.eý- Mount of tôbaoeo aM groceluwas taken. Evldently the.,Intruder was frightened away. by the apprêach -0f some person oes lIse street. 7Brandram.-Henderson's "Engish" Paint than you cas get with other paint:. Longer Protection, because BIH "English" is primarily an endurance paint and wîil successfully withsîand the effects of weather longer tisan others; Greater Economny, because'you wil not have t ean nearly as soos as witis other- paints; and - t ean Greater Satisfaction, because B-H Painti',t4ei'n their beauty and weather resistance forsý years. The Reason, for thiis that ail B-H "n6" ansta a bc made- on a white base contain "~lh ansta a 70% Brandrarn's B. B. Gesuine Wh-te Lead 30% Pure White Zinc. A combinatios that produces paintsimnexceled in covering capacity, beauty. brilliancy andc1 luabihty. This formula às osiively guaranteed by the makers," YMcINTYRE WlfIT'BV Twenty thousanid cars will be pro-' duced. this year by the, FQrd factory atf Ford, Ontario, Even this- enormous prod'uction hard ly satisfies the de'mfancI forhome nmade .cars-Fçerdsare made. in Capada.. Six hundreddoilars ii the price af' the Fard' run-about ; tise tauring car is six fifty; thé - 'îown car nisne hundred-f. e. b. Ford, fnt., cors lete with equips Cnt. Get catalog, and -partculars frors W. J. Luke & Son, or L.W. D)udley, Whitbyl- Ont.,or Uriah joncs,. Brook- lin, Ont, 1h l (e' -I 4 $ on the qualîty. - ..ione and the-1w It is highbly lm ,,ýhat--yoir have-ex "vice when'l-choo - 'stone, and the. n- a reputable hous, of this advice as atit.ee o)f its honest -We have been and. selling- liamo this commnurity for We kow values a are here- permane Ibacl< up anly-sale w of al quality-a5bove - cismf, correct in col to.-Iate in design, proper, fiti_ are tihe we Se. -Buy tise Our erices range $3.ooto $Io o 0a and-are grded acc t6 weight. .-The latest il] colored or-'plain., i Pearljet and Gol It pa ys to get oui before buying else Jewilêr and Gradoate W .C. . _SOBLB. 13BY LÂW:' In Orillua, after Local béen in force for- three- vear outI cnvassng for votes i repeai by-iaw- called ata Mans ouse ta askh ülm to faver M'a returu »te b lic tom. It. was evenin1g anld À fl.-The windowS ef a gP *bedrom were - pen, and as tO -b ý, adm ittesi he ieard t chkildren saYing their even ers, and. the prayer ran lth -ý ,Lord, -d on't let 1h hé.epëed bore again, for bien o0 good' to us and t since they wrre cssd frautl if liquer." Well theyv unisht o, fiur er had bt ,en a..aundc anti when drursi crujel During thbe t hrer vea'--rs nf t.Ien he had bern orc a nd w h n so hr v s a I n -industrids. 4dnril[ -at Tihe Iaw ýkept liiiliirawt -Curtain strétchers Ia K.Riees. Aise lia-ce -jui 8 »eW stqck -of gardien toi --eniyour prescriptions a ,telise Mediodl Hall foi 80 eme! ul prparation. - J. i ruggisl an4> eptician. Tie Ladies' of tielPariai Ail Saints' Cisureis will mmual bazaar*on Tuesday, Sép tise.,date'lu mind. -TIsé WWstby Preebyter>, IWebyteruan cbisucis bre oz A ýreportwiIh appear 'uin e - iue aiofIbis paper, asR a di experencr'din -ohaining sa ite CIe-rk. W. J. -Luke& Son have I' fowsér atito,'ulling stativD e!tisheir slsep on Duadas -S . eat n Ow Serve uxoténit Ity Tis no- station isas aâtest eonvcences. TIIe s apacily fer î500 galions. Don't forgeltbth- il'ne mi tIres in lise music hall idtérnon andi evening af-t ustier the -auspiees of tise- ViWth Dflar ,,nent. T- %ÀFPw%#%M dr Phone 20 V9 VVII 61

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