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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Apr 1914, p. 8

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T P 'Ubap~@ ~~A hnat aniuat Pdast Nnvebr. Pollowliùg in. tbhad- 'bOf au to. , A we tl » mp tNet'HforÇaOu. long ltene1 Ktizne have thei.ad £Ba*~~~~iyytO4~~~~!5Gi5E ~~~~ ~~ tbose aon-m6mbe 'bu a o~ a wo uw."ivei~Ã"~- rled up 60 nol.Ti i t h ~tI8~lTdw~Iig ~ klnly smsted. T e ntIre Pror ffir. ùT. i a, an ',utbSPi1 L8IIai 1 reiý jef*t ar'1ovëia leqie.td. - wiU.berpeted, by requeui, 6n I Brooklluu, Ont., 4April1lit- tuld r an ag odtUf id r - ecouiomical means -of! mantaiuing té Main Etgâîe Wilson and FA. 90-1Sna vnn, a~& aZo'ploçk. j ?r ' kllu-., ? ' quested.u. mr , T itchardson, PrCsI- , - 1 1 * X ý1' Briea > vopurchased th iélib~atut- Ms myKà,of Wbtby,. le: a.Dar Mr, Walks-- dn , ."Mwry e. Mr .H Vllgrli !VeB1 ýýne of 01 e,,Aïthut CoakcweW 1* > ?jgWalftfrand ay. W, h mn 10fte e, Pa., bas taken up 1bis reBideace ,ke PBio~iiSMay lot. A social was beld- under tii. aiiS- C aso!t. oSyen CrcIlA1LInormndtW.eie thla ., ndMrP Àbt chinaIIand pices oieAui flilaa f 15 oln, wlah btopreumt0> weoo 5ainfly, of Toronto, rnototd& down On »choolroom o! the: Preabytdila yôur. ulater our deep: regret on. Y,*r' CURES 'OL1>S AND LA GUPPE - 'Swiday- and spoul bbc day- Wltb t'08clcilailt ThurodaY. at whicf -h td part.ure from Our mltàv 'MALT À DAY. - M YRTLE- former'5s uother bore. was*,a large attendauçe- .'r.Johni During, youýr stay, with us youiae TSk Baos IL~ otr M . E.Coliard ,bas eggd w ~Ir.<Is. Pinge bu llti M. .Baunea , savery eflldeot cbalr- a YâbÇft a,.wllliio, wOrkez SNL a Stoir, -o!.Vienna, o-Aùo:fa,for ai- M. .Dyeo roln o h ~bida ccupled b'y M riah Joues mn.la tth pro- t.. e -frlend, and w:ow e much ta o nun er adhnmvdte to Mr. Samiuel Maning,, lt'a hga m were Walke, ii H'!lgy, youfor.>ýour_ Influence andth te oplen- ~< .mot Mr. Roy Tarvis, returned onSt'- gure. .Mr. Pingl.huis 'eaise 001,d Miss Oive' HolNêday, (ro;m the - - t ilway In wblch - yau have aslatd The Aocor ,bu used. .Kepa d edy té reswne bis duties as teacher larelda c arMrLe idir e.n ano0adesMCrlge sd>z. W.. aeraly duie uidig ptfe touaae !creaObthttawea aO.aa fof a vllg, htat village. llax (r Klt LaiHicoa. bbaiScooa 1 hleClma. p ande In lih -îî bis -lhMda Gmsp 1emember .tede'1the , o as oMe!0bis r bnla nýtbsrooza, Now thà,twe e ar bbWed togcthW H r c< u of 8 eding eperations bave startod.. gpin ài- Wa#È 2 5th. ÈX', Ïnd played a ,wlmber '01 ÉsslectiOui. el a soial evenlmg, we thougb t r<Mroîs. Thos. Wilson was lIn.Toronte 'or g ll'air-Mouday. Maypro. ggjpp weelc attendinthatr uister'ofwld tira prizes, good programme. Watoh At a otage lu lb..proceedingaf 1Mr. aultibe quie lt ee ropr1al. 10otr' Wd- for furtber pa*ticlari. I R. -9. Waîba, who. bas 'bçs for soi- ntyou with 'tis electil table * doldeoudbe diet'of Mis Grellofi l art i - b an0 ' a rey tahlm wî en b M Togi yu na 09tbethO)41t10 . ad bo" .u blet. a % org-b Claremont, bl been oral ears phnls atP as aBIgbt t ken 01 ourlve ptw Th dr ein^' inbwa the pCsehaWretlMirchaatino hs oso îneto i o eaî the Ible vMznehl nbfafO h adW àsM C dlans. h" e bald tsib l a - agtng rev.Port oK pogee'lDsa . aepked bïm alplasalen mur's lastaandnheamonnmbg,,o! Ibe' Jeay -Hstycratt, Treasuren. Apî 2t. etlmn rse thsoe eneay in in h.e ssopn ue M.fe l eypo ti heseys- &onie o!te 'e rp. n"adbssse 1hl beuifle deC lep Mînie en trslgy ia as o! a"bdcu i-, sidn Q aueb.oo nsiu Cuw s.notam ervllle s o MOve t ri rert f eh lBraoki. a vki, r . E. E. Pa.iWe sb OUallte em ho bbi aa ch, o es-atgli anIli oytf tie h bya Toono ew mois go bsbehi ad brugiut Onalo Cont, fb- e . l o atng e g pltI on . Tis . a thouh i e bck ai ms -aid c e n ablIn mthe r arp rog Cr essng taonaSn, ' *eir y1fore aît tw weeku. cuspûed o bcealurof m r. anmise, nf¶a e adil yu d l e brik ne laeatantns e te mtont. - Sandl prencetibisGeenRbutrmny Uen ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - .nn r..ntred-ihfr h Il sotl aeU i re ilok aastrlt biwekKep"i<epa haor im " In ue -ose !the ppilshvete hop a peyreov buixery couee l a w rstant e e dThe t r p 1f InGea. rial asprhaeiMn odybtkeu ff8iedt. ouýi, anti'th e tedncged ÃŽmuh An~~~~~~~~~ eheln rgamo art otbo h1a as >re ob ~obmhakmfh uies ce IWeur drget Ç uho el Mtal ualleoantha9ou piIgand - ur smml wsouend ten on Sfulayail, Ms kidlln 0s1ohea t, ands of igne M nbelfl ndath e r ibl l--a v tu e i5c t b s a! thetalets, gn eot fporii ,s frmOhw adPr ery see. i epos et e ar RI<' Lwece rsdet.Kphldol" iiei 1Ltu adnî utcodro ledy Iuglat y 11eChir ! t.Thmas wîîngnsîtolu haptl, au . ~ eiipat utwee wbhre atives w tyofrite jgal héi- Clekanlng tcup l e rs uIintial - ch rc , B rookîlaAl age congrsa-slea' n itaucetio hlquber ofhaIi JGeban aYrk. Sîasre. reot, ng smte o 's!;od"'n Qe enu Saueld , A ui2t. flgen h t enet D resenbispow h e it e p, MrsSb e rr. ,k bas r y. raaring --te TH-sopig te r iE FN Io AL. r P oudtLOOKda. cbrs.hA.etoerle , o me e get l ei tin r enoel a scniteY, Mlgfr. théE. sumertsnMYRTL hobin E TAcÈ -e itION an,. 1,aby-hstin.Te o n Torote fe w mo~nti m a mo n visitondwt roolcîla, antartiere lun b dane Mis s t Do rauhy Vi pon ti on.The11In (t a land Ufor la wenk,) Lg ohas r eek 111 "Cng ai orb " . vero-l 11for t h pate te latetekso ca- fee gnthe lisarts e!ofail.w WaksOW *e Ok l f a la Tarntoe. ric oe t st ansse o! vny quîeîîy - publ oed s ti eenly buancl yp tala méats. Tol Brednwash orly ,- 1m, namely ta pbis es AgadMyfsia llhobu on eo lmnwhc elw i vnio M r asontatc hiswe.Ké ýadValltnhués bMous e, fstecuîilsnavesfrthe horin juat rcovalseter anatac c swa e n forooi.i. T at i"aI Mr.he We missa prcaedMr e ti ht o e th io i t choir gh, and theo bbc ear. egtg h ,Au cel en ut l pieo ! phy01scal lu rh ofiphean a shlcli led lias n o sb nder 11 busies s. 110 co S Ilnd ymouraigg so n e n Iot sa loo,l.aa da n C muiwea rn a d atigue, ave a ben call i id. ihat of egls a trt ndb s t.TnoMaeBlanchrc. ath r ..Behave cl th e citube wrdof stbes, l aa; "Wî th eards ndmmicnita ilo<luonbthe hiersrmonfaSt. Tho"'e l 11w Toroto bNorm111,a nd tol, oh e f11,rels f trîe pa reic laiveswte' athd o Lmtean Lt ou dinaing the oerofbe ant -o C Bro!in ai Im s l argserv coge ii sl tuOueuic cewill id ieh he hna t in re n. Streedlra. Grgg ai 41c irus nuth menraceen flyesive i r e cl, m -a s s h edgrt Ily r ha eauTHElslting wtth Dr 'K iamn1 uai mting ! 111eTATION, unor- âl tocburcthOb wa h reltsin ou entoda. ,O U ObDIshdIO s atryPnniiS Vere feelingin thé bearitlsa Gofnti, o! theO.L.C., ga e aste 'pse f eyqi y a tano4V.TeRetrw115y1i, iey ht i nfuneba rnd Myrestîgativa i b b on istetrucliee , w D.caun Your Li.matslo ýD4 a biteo pyiglinto per o hçsh la . Ite MnsH« gaso'drssd l e Ypseth ea h di s tac hoi on tlvre fusesntadls Do IOU ae lsafBicycle?,1 ReaiAd111et wekes an-faiue e Fe S o ¶ldtato Egis uePr S Taan warc ame or by émontiantoing Cbr.th o bloth lanada ourer > lq etE oe sr o tte cos n1# Trn..N rml. ol 1181oierasl. B sor u r n aeus, Jbîcb waa i4 est iv organof an is ie - a ysrfec t hesregSçardb o d MSieOt -of n fpremve ervia. he o duewls l benrtedIna edtS.E.Mara ret Grhca.R. a" ers ah n ointi Drgglss, o byail.-h mrhns fcn :adoou ub' eoe ednl xesv Icemkste rge W a very=mnjoyale n ti Nô i te tie o eae o ode. MOeXMingAftesIOS.M Cai an ge où prces unnooaPlc1 ofSeool S S. No. 3 - ebuwsltbon WApnil. lut No Other XVheeI Just As Good G1744,Ofyshe 0.op.7C, Caaven Eatn.bu aoun'ti agin. ili ue.I aIoglIa dactOe anop andoIractlie-3 MssaoisO.ereg ononLiheswoLd .ma y alrsdet De Y u W nt-à Rmlyeëp elu.gan Hg a 855, Qron Cllid D y SButa Oustt=iw, speit live e fc ustdoIt bis wdu J, ~ ~ 1Jnero Qnniis. Ormigt n tew da. he rne ouse ,. ltaeedanup ni bd acuas TEK ~r lII.-Mé.ximum 900-Nona ~ii Mn. J eca-Bniit Otta, vispent Tuhearwast reaieani10 IYI ~~ ~ 91, lnai or 861on a-!W a -&oudbr. omria omntybsps e 0Xtte oy'awmeeiice m gstveorgne an r-tre - .rior gt, 8C.--bni Aji l 0.volAlîbento aore 5, WlhadllMt-. a4 r. asan Huàgois on lirthéms tyn uatro .BROOKLIN, ONT-i Agent For -TLIE CLEVELAND BICYCLEi GÂRDENS FOR PROFIT Are muade with modern tools. Ne hantedng no baclca&he, no doubte about doîng it again next year. The work is eaay,interestng-lIohs Mare fun and the results more satlafactory.when you use fROMAGEGarden Drls id 576, Roy, Hall 321. * ýr. 11.-Maximum 800-Maude Gim- bort 607, Hazel Bromeil 483, Nel-lie Pôrtway 479, Ciarlie Elvias 466, A#hVur Bromell 227-. .Ir. I. -Maximum 80.- Arthur Stepiien 46, Evelyn Monre 895t GiW.ys Frankiai 879, Wille Bell 853, Evçrett Colwili 229. E. M. FEMMERSON, KIDNEY HEADACgIE. is jýaused tram tieblooti being tick-jI egeFi witb unie aciti poisons circulat- ingý lu tho bod. Anti-Urlc PilIslcure al forms c! kidney !trouble. Tiey. are s gooti aid so sure huit J. E. gurnee hm Be sure you on ýevery box. Solti aniy ut J. E. Willis' drug store. X The. drills open th eir own furrow, sow ini drills or bill 9 4 ta 24 Iûches apart, cover, pack the soil and mark the next raw. With a Wheel AGAN Heyou can hoe, cultivatei ridge, weed, 1evel andi fine the jRALN soli, open or caver furrows, etc. On' a combined tool V Mis's Maria McLaren, of Toonto, you ana change from drilli b whoel hue or back ia visiting witb ber parents bere. again in ihree minutes.' 38 combinations. Mn. anti Mnm. John Bray visitod la c*aamii duotben snd-auk fo- booltr Grdm Trno at e 1. thModem Toola.".Trnols ek 011 O Wednesday, April 151h, Mn. née D"and John Nottiagham was unilet-Ilu mar- h.l. Wl r iaire la Mns. Keti, bath of Raglan. ~.. N~î.Wm. Hotiguon liuibeau under the doctor'. cazê, âaa hie as been - asullering froni neuraigla. We regret ho lose Mnr. andi lIns. Coucl froin our village. Tbey are, U - -= o .D .t-e arrseônn b leave for lheir new home In Up-ToDateCarn ges AbertBrent, Port.Penny,vi- High-class Hlarntess, Trunks, Çlub Bags, !înretsbn eelv - Mitts and Gloves. The Frost & Wood Cultivator-ýs are leaders Mrs. Wm. Avery ha been under tue d qetans cane wlth bloati poigonfnig. Ira. FinlaY and fihmtly have beén ,Wilkinson Sprayers for everyýjGOUARANTEEO AOVANTACEBI purpose. Also Wilkinson Plow-s. : Success ManureSpreader reg. $135 now - - 100 L Nô. 1 De Laval Cream S&epar-' ator regular $80 now - $ Page wire Fence, Full no. 9 Guage per rod - - Columbia Graphophone Demon- strator Machine reg, ý05; Bell and Indepemdent P'hones. 60.00 23C $40.001 ONTARIO] The advantages guaranteoti ta ts palicyhoîders, man for Iman, tiraughaut itp entire business by The Equity Lite Asurance Company are much greater for the premiums paid than tbey are lu any. other Company doing'-busine*s in Canada. This lu stated as a fact which cînnot b. successfuli y di..puted. !EXAMPLE-At age of twenty-threC ntxt birthday Trhe Equity Life charges $43.2o for $2,ocoao insurance on the- TwentY Payment Lite- Plan with evezy. riling deflnitcîy guarsnteed. Most other C4nadian Companies charge exactly the same amauint and, similar termu for a Twventy.,five Payment Lite Policy. At the end of twenty years the Equity policy is ýfuIIy paiti for and bas a Cash value of $$ oo, while the usual cash value far C pie-olicy uit le5anme tino is *720. Th unwho tudite. bu own Intereste *111 Pl'tronize The Uqulty T.Wf-Assm-ace Comik%%W W, en Se wantm 1lite Insufauce. L.IW. DtJDLHBY, lM. SUT M aRLAND. spens nEanser witn tanin boys in su- nooto. - Mr. anti Mna. Ueo. Houston and two boys, anti Mr. Wm. Houeton, spent thé holiaym et Mn. J. -E. Besjtockts. Miss Emma Bail, Toronto, was home aven lie holiday. Mr. Wm. Hughes, Inspector of Pris- ons andi Penllenrilnes, sboppet i wth bis sisler,-Mrs. ,J. E. Beacock, 'on Tuésday. evening lasI. Miss Margaret Armstrong, andi 1,brotben, 1Clianlie, of Toronto, spent tic boiiday wiîb Ibeir parents. theu lasa ive yCSIrs with ..yiug coi- The vagaries o! tbe stock market- may be seen ai a glance lu lie dia- gram, wbichisl a feature a! lie Fi- nanclal Suppiement. DE ATIS. JEFFIIEY- On Sunday, Apnil 19, 1914, ai uis laie residence, King- ston Iloati, Whitby TaWnsbip, Alex- aider Jeffrey, aged 78 years. SMITH-In Witby, an Monday,April 20, 1914, Elizabeth Powell Jones, beloveti wife of C.W. Smith. Do- As Others Do, Take ti ime-tegte-world proved-home remedy which sUits and benefits rnint peope. Tricd for three gencrations,' the: best corrective and preventive ofth numerous aihients caused by defective or . irregular action of 1he orgens of digestion and elimfination has been proved to, be BEEC AM'S 1'PULLS MTe Lauit.SaIs o! Aay Medils blbe*0Wod), If you bave flot tried this niatchiesa f anily medicine, you do not know Whit lensté have bolier digestion, sounder leep,, bnigte ceem clearer complexion, which came aftèr Beechani's]Pilla e cerd the ystem of impurities, Try them now-and Icnow, *Always of the ameexceilence:-in all irahes»; in every saso»n-Beeeharn'sPlîls are: The Tried, Trusted Remedy Prepareti anly by Thons. Beehmni St. Helen.. Lenosahfre, Baglotl SoId everywhere in, Canada and U. S. Aumeros. lu boxes, 25 cent@, heHomà Make T ifflS~FORM your, boumê into -a HQMEwlls ls "den" in weathcred oaks udn4 give -)hç îarnusbed brasa anclirons and lighting lfixtures a wrought irou finish ýwith duli black JAP.A.LACé. -A gillced chair wifl add, an artiStie toueh tO the. Dré'tving Roomù-JAP-A-LAG gold willgiId il. s'ou0eau as-l, t h younsaf-nO ézf»enl'eeequiredu.II odef1ltnc.wcoli Lriched and i4ny.looking fumniture or îooms. Always put up in Green-Tins bcaning tie name Ã"LID'DEN.'* Twenty.one colorita choose frotn. AsI" at your boéai hardware store foi a JAP.A.LAC calot card andi a cap 'of the little book, - "A Tho-ud iand OasnesmeofjAP.A-LAC~- - in Whitby Jap a-lac is sold by - GEOe NI, RICE T IJInVannieaCe. Lu.ea iomt JONES' lAIRDWARE Improved N !w Perfection Coal Oil Stoves, Hlyolop ýBi- cycles,.Aylnaer Sprayers, and '1900 Gravity Waeheru jaot .to hand for spring deliv.1ery. I HAVE 'FOR SALE I Second, hand roller, good as neW ~6o i Crayon gang p Iow, in good shape .0 New wheelbarrows regular $4;,co, each 3,50o 1. have. the best lUneofo wire fonce, and gates, ever shipped- into the 'Tcwnahip. !. Cali and see our combined field Cultivator. The -neweut tbing oni the mnarket. URIAH JONES Brooklin --- Ontario. Bell and mdà. Phones. f i f -i n M M M M f__RE AL ESTYA TE - g -g --I 19Acrses talot, or for sale-East uide of Brock St. in the Town of Whitby. Snull - cottage,. good orchard, latid 'pbawed ready for crap. Would lease for a term'of yeans. 184 Acres on'the Lake Shore in Pickering To Nnship Large frame bouse, good barns, about 5 acres of woodland. This lu a finit cdais grain and -stock farmi, well- fenced anti well draineti. Large Brick Dwelling on Byron St., W hitby. Good stable; large lot. This praperty will be sold for los hani it is worth if taken at once. - - Creator Ca nada lmprovomant & Land Co.l RICHIARDSON & RICHARDSON§.* MANAGERS' WHITBY, - - - ONTARIO vol.M-No,; FREE, O -We give free, wl -h Thm150cakeos N - with each PALM OLIVI l or,*each ba PALMi OLIVE1 aif5OC eo Palm Olive prepa ja world.^wide ire] qua lity and purit -hwill puy ycn vantage af ilis4 )rmgqlst and MEDICAL1 Profouiona. lidO.#'Es FAREWE BaiurÃŽager, County Craw, county Solic Office souti winlg Court1 -A.IE. CHRIS OâçiceBrock St., Opp.; M-Oney to I.. Moêy to Loan on e Offce immediateiy south Whitby, COn Issuen of MARRIAGE LIC I 'I ~ I I THE COLUMBI1A " EEL1 *45.00 Complote With -Cabinet The, April«is- 4,' sue of Clolum-, bia Records now on sale ;n-7 cluding of t hé Y som e latest populardances Oyvners of Disc machines send, rné your name forthe Month-' ly Supplem-en- tary record Iist whièh' will -bc mailedyou free *of charge each month.', -.Keith Lawrence,- l3rokIin- a - Ont. Court House, Whîtby, or - . A. J. SWANS - ~Bam-stcr, Solicitor, Nota ~-~Convoyanctr, etc,, -- - Oshawa, --one~ 1QflceNo. ï King St. E, M <1 Residence25m Dréw' ~'Pheue 1S-Office, 321; Res5it W. ADIAiUS,- Dent-ist,. Off Street, Residenèe No. 4, I Byr« Slt., WhîtbyY Phon JAS. BISHC Oshawa,- Licensed -LAucticq ensS to aL. ýFairbanks anti dates apply to self or WMI. MA'I LICENSED A4JCTIOI, AND -VALU-ATOI AIl kinds of!- raIes- prton ed -t. 'Arrangemeptf'for fr5 matie at the Gazette ai Terni.reasonable. M ullani Independent ph - WIIITBY, -ONT. - WAIN[E-De We Bell al c1asses ai ubu - country rei1 es Éat,,.E *6 haveen1quiries for st i-o!--pcoÈýerty i!-Ontario, mayhav-e the purchaser wl W-kat yau Iave ta seil. - JOHN FISIIER 4-ffl Lumsden'B~ TORONTO - onoral Liver, &Bmis and Dray- Busi Bus to ai train8.ý A AUTOMO BIL E FOB-ý Rigaof oivl kiads DAY OR NLGW[ --Bell phonés-39, 14 an Stables and Office -- f -40iietaio -tt1tttttà,tt- tt- .Bateman -Y' -- - - I WOMEN'S, FINE aSHOES Hoar's Special Value $3350 New styles for spping are unpackcd with differeacea that niake for style and beanty in each model. le-lack anti tan are correct for weutr to-day, with long anîd sigort vampm, narrow and round toes, and flubion and 1ow heels. It tS a .fe tIo ogmeritl.hat -womýn's t'est nover looked prettier than Lliey do in these iîewer imodems. *Ther arc particularly eaqy for wornen who are aiuci an ihèir' *feetý and are buiît with a view ta comiort as well as service. Hu9ýdreds cf business wonîen prefer them., --PuICE $3,50 THE PAIR TWO DOORS SÃ"UTH 0F STANDARD BANK 9 ~ Ck Ste - .Whitby, -ott ru-J

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