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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 1

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-43- mi Weqivefreewhiwe hey lastl, TiPis l5o cakes. Palm OUvê .Sop with euchjar of' PALM ôOLIVE CREAM or each bottie of PALMI OLIVE SHAMPOO at 50e each. -Palm Olivé.-preparations have A world *wide reputation »for quality sand purity. *It will psy Yeu to take ad- -vantag of this opportunity. J. E. WILLJS, D)reggfst and Optician - MEDICAL'HALL arock st. a Whltby. PirofeTsional Carde LEUL INO. E. FADEWEL. .. aveiristcr, Counîy Crown Attorney and 1. County Solicitor. Office south wing Court Houme, W1bi.by. A. E. CHRISTIAN - Barriltar. "oIftitor. Notai Publie, Etc. Office, Brook St., Opp. Standard Bank. Meney te Loari. JAMES RUiTLED614 Barrister, Etc. Money te Loan -on easy__ternis. Oisce Iaimediately south -oa Hotel, Whitby, Ont.1 G. VOSJNO 9W-TU, LLB. I lImoer of -MARRIAGE LICENýES - Co.rt House, Whitby, -or residence. D. A. Je SWANSON o Bairuter, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. S Oshawýa, Ontario '..fiUce- No. 2 King St. E,, M ackie Block '~?Reidence-52, Drew St, "Impbuies-Ofce,-32z;. Residence, 326. DITAL- W. A-DAMS, Dentlst,, Offîce, Dundast ,Street, Residence No. 4, the Terraoe Byro.R St., Whitby. -Phone No. 122. AUOI'IONEERS JAS. BISHOP Os8hawa,, Lîcensed Auctioneer. Suc- emors to L., Fairbanks. For ternis nddates appfly to self or G. Robb, WM. EEMAW LICENSED AUCTIONEIER ANÃ" VALUATOR. -Ail kln4à of sales promptly attend- 041 to. Arrax4gexnents for sales can be ruade at the Gazette- office. Term sreasonable. * Bel and Independent phones. WJIJTBY, ONT. fARMS'AND FRUIT LAND ~,~ iWkN TE Ou WeFe[ l lasses of suburban and cntyreal estate. Everji day we have enquiries for- some çlass 0 -of property ini Ontario.,' and we uiayhave the purchaser whousecan wýat you have to seli J.OHN FISHER &e(o. 409 Lumsden Building * TORONTO lus and ýDray Business Bue te ail trains. SAUTOMOBILE FOR HIIRE; aloRacks, Carrnages and Rigo, of ail kinds DAY'OR NIGHT. Bell:phones-39, 14 and some ' n few -leatumes. %imeresuit or tihe luse of immpure milk hyinfipants ias slrikingly slîown by a r cel of piic- sanitarv conditions o! an "old fash- -oued dairy" The sou-i- aw of thse proprietur did hic best ti induce the _pld iran la dlean up, but 'the habits of 30 years were not ta be easily abandoned. Wien, hoiveser, the in- tant grandson of lime aid tiner ivell nigh died ns a result of dminking lime centaminaled mllk tram !the dirtv tlairy cf lthe grandfathem,î the old gentleman cimnged hie meýàedÈ, Simd installed a modemn and h.,ygienic sys- tom.- How flcs breed and imew they carry disease germes from>ýIl 1h , and decaying malter tolime food on our tables -an-d in aur housesewae thse subject cf another roll cffIlms. Dental inspection of lime teelim cf echool children was ancthçr mnsicen- teresting and instructive series cf pictures. - Only twc per cent. cf thse Population have- bcund and healtmy teelh. A diseased mouth retarde a child's mental develcPmenl and im- pairs ils piysical growth as well.1 Agreat 'number et people, especiallyj -4 74. 4 Stables and Office: Brut 81. I., h0; i edltiatioii along this line. he- dangers cf cOnsulimPtion and the recuits of 'indifference on the part ùf-lime Weil-to-dc were graplicalîv de- picted. t onsumpuon wias siown le ho n communicable disease, and ancý that is not inierited. The w-ay 'ao tmeating and caning for the con-, sumptgve thraugm thme agent-v of lime public nurse, and lime saîitorium,anct lthe principmals tiPon wvhich success de pendms %were sho-m in a wav lIat should makeé a great impression on al presenl. VThe princilmal agenctiesi on which dep)enuience is placed were shown la belime tanuily physicia wvhosc duty il was ta make a diag-1 riasis and advise lime sullerer on ail malIens cf treatlent. 'The &meim benefits tb be demtved tram pient>' et sunlight' and1 fmesim air, bath night and day,. with a sulemiencY cf gaad, whclesomt food in lthe way of nilk, ment, Oggs, and creain, and lime ben- cfitc cf mental and phy-ical ests -were grapiically shcwn. lunlime aflemnoon lime pupils cf lime schools attended lime exhibil, and un lime evening SeMe 300 adulte were pre- WHITBY PRESBYTERY MEETING IN WHITBY. Whitby Precbylemy met ni Witby on_ April 2Ist. Tiers 'were present' Messrs. Abrahami, MoKeeu, Macad-1 yen, eamerôim, Hatg, West,, ' Lowry, Yuls, Drumm aud Tibb, mainisters, simd Messrs. McMurtry, KeIVI, Me-1 Laughlin, Lawrence, Mclntyne, Hem- on aimd Collins, elders. Mr. Camemon took hie place as1 Modeator fer lime cuîrrent yeam. lie unaies a goed prestdtng officer. Re- solutions me tle desîl of Rev. G. L. Johnston, ef Pickering, and et Mme. Mactadyca, et Duabarlon, were sub- mntted. Reports froni alle standing con- mittees on- durcI lifo anmd work were presented sud deait with. Tlhey showed tIai our congregatbons were net only walking by time m rmule as lunlime past, lut were aIse mair- ing new attaInnents, tle advance ln llbsraliby- being especlally marked. 1Thme !olIowlng were appointed coù- vemers of the standing cummittees for the year - ForeignMi Msslosms.-Mr. MoReen. Home Mssons.-Mr. Yuie. Aged sand Inflrm MWnsters-Mr. Macfadyen. Social Service and Evangelsr- Mr: Drumm. V Statluties-Mr. Lowry., Y.P.S. and Suday Sehuol- 1Mr. Uolege&-Dr. Abraham. Systematle Ging- Judge MoIn- Widows and onpians-Mr. TilI. Examination et Studens- Mr. West. Finance-Mr. McKeen. Docket.-The Cler. 'PIe fcliewing were appointect Con- uiseioners le île General « Asemby,f whicî meets aI Wvoodstock il uJine Uexl : Messrs. Canuiemon and MeKeen, ministers, and Messrs. ieron snd Baird, 'eiders. A caîl freni Ashurnansd Utica ý wasJsid betore tls Presbyteny. Il was in favor et Rev. John Dixon, hle o! Chathm Presbytemy. If Mm. DIcksou accepte the caîl. bis indue.. tien wlll take place aI an earby date. A calI was sîso piesenîec f rom Clarensont, un tavor of Rev. A. Mc- Cleilan, e! Dreaden. ThIe caîl was sustained, snd If accepted, thme va- caucy ai Obaemoni wlll seon b. filled. Mr. V. T. Kupclynskl, tenmemly s prisst et the Rullenian edurcI, lu uew conduciing a mission for forelgn- ors ai Oshawa, under île direction cf Vhe tIens. Mission Board. For bis werk s fine -ision Hall bas boen se- cured, and le new the property of thse churcl. He reciested tIe Presbytery ta aPPlY to the GeneraI Assembly fer beave to eSceve liai as a minis ter of our churcdli. The matier waa lfti lu the banda ofrs commtte. 10 report ai iii. nei meefdug. -fl'Irough uotic es ebarnthai b weaty-îtwo ministèrsetofother churches vitisp-j -Chaîged with lraùds SEDCORN y 7 .%-0.Ed. len L1.60 Oni Tuesday tihief MacGroity and Impt Leamniing 1.40 l)eteqtive Guthlrie, of Toronto, iado AIa in. Su lie14 an ar ,resi here of L.E. Smith, chag- So.W ie14 ed witm rbtainilig mioney [raim sever- Prices are for unbrok-en l3ags, all ai Italians under taIse pretences Seeds have~ becîs tesled by Sniith im te orerîman for %%hIiiey' & Gcvernment Analyst. (,ode,, on the wark an tlim warves at thre hembar. According le lis tr he en-gagd several ltalians in To- J. H. Downey & 'Co. mernti> to w-omk eme, and brouglît tireurndown, limst obtainimg train encli Whitby, Ont. oftei'aserraIl surn for preliîninnry expens-es. With limat imoney he pur- - ______ -___ chased saine luinher for imakimmg l>eds, CONTRACTORS ren ted time aid >ringic lbote], and baîgî I so~~ta lelio. iis jJlOW EFLL JAMES -used up -, practicaîli ail lime tond. WVien lime minim rrived the w-,ork w-as Carpenter, Builder and Contmactor. nol ready la start for a tew dav's, Plans drawn sud estimates furnisled. and altimough AMr. Sîmti Sgot worli Repaire, Alterations and Jobbing. for soame of limem, allers hurmied bnck Agent for B3rantford Roof ing ta lIhe ctt and laid a charge ag-r Bx47 Wl1lTON Phone 149 im. _____________BOX___467_ On Tuesdav innrning I)-etecti%,e =O N T HO N B = iG u lîie . ecame d wn, but as carriemi=DJ O LN ER.'nd CO NA TO jthrugh le Oshaw. fe walked back 6IDRadCNRCO te whole distance and uned IlA Plans Made and E.çiimates Given. ('hi f M cGroty. 'Po ethe u y A i K iids f Brick and Concrets W ork. mae he i acroway la liethrbor, Repaire to Cbimney Stacks and Boilers, where Smithî wns tlen imb custody Wltby aBopeci&t Onari by lie Chief. He was take w L te tIhe ( oY9) O n a l cily, whcre '1'. C. Rohinelle, K. C., wlll d etend hin. Sititl spoken ai Marriage Licenses. very higimly by timase whm a kiow hlm.A.H IÂ The 'Tarante Worl-d of Wednesdây Inero a H.ageLIH s conlauned an accouni efthîe affaîr, Cmurornesrrg tre. Wic but sorte very eroneous slatements Nowitneunemrequired. wsre mails, whlcm Chie! MacGrotty proceeate o correct by writi4g. HIS leIter, alcng wiîh -Vhs report made'$ b)y tle Werld, wlll le publlsîed later, - Sm ln erder limai a fair stalement oft he em -Dadyls Store fade ay be obtained by île readers et this paper. Linoleums laid fres oLclargo simd delivered i wtlin g radius o! 20 miles. Ses our new stock. W.G. Wlers. STORY-FALLIS. - OJR LNES- A quiet wedding was sobeainizeil on Suits3orOvercoatRî5.Octo$35.0 Aprul 2Und, ai île homfe et Mr. sud 11,rouesa order $4.510 te $8,00 Mrs. R bert Faills, Fernlank ave., Made te your ieasure ili 7 day.. Toronto, whsn their only daugbter, Mnsi.o vrot e Edn5May Wssmarledte M. Fed- paired or dyed. Ws dys men's erlck W. fl w Story, oMr.askatcheanclathing brown, îavy or black. Ter c 'rE. oy a oeforaskatchewan. Ladies' tailor umaile simtsud The çrem'oy, as pi frme bythe dresses. *Kid gloves Prencd Rev. Dr.*. Camman, assis-ted by tle cleaned to look like new. NetI. Rev. J. MeNîchol, o! Knox Churol, ing too dainty for us to dry leain simdtheRov.J. imion, Seil alisfactorfly. We aise dye andte R vca J.MLuslon a M S. oth ladies' suits, etc., many ibado. Aearl é cosinao! is le plyed Buttons covered, 8 styles sund tle weddiltg marches. The bride, lszs ri oroniaeil Who iýva given SWaTby ber ftbler, wu5 eovitIla white crepe amds aa- MAURICE MURPHY. ll c"w IO Wth soed . peulsI. Lite 1 door 5So* RoyalNota, -WI iss elime Hubbs, o! Balmy Beach, WS ~ald et hotie. i. Mm. and MMIr. ER AND LIGEIT COMMISSIbNERBI '1 .ung the appointaent of an Electrical Inspector, for th. Whitb7, -[public notice is hereby. given," that ini the casse; omâles being. Wired, that service c ontnections wi- b. Where "fold code" wire i% uéed. Whiere proper meter-boards are flot provided. Whlere nietal boxes are flot installed' with_ flash switches or receptac1e. Where flexible tubing is niot used strictly-in accord- ance with the "Hydro Electric" regulations. governing the use thereof. GEO. W. P. FViFRYg Supt, lai WHITBY,-to -, A RL 091 I~ T. tl~~(>1~8t ~ P~Iyéy, thé beSt iry loft on the lwo 'cloktan % 4$~ al Auaewbly, ta 'bcreieas e is ome eof:the bride'», rela {iv.J.C.'Ive1,- U 34iotockï 1fru.StOryecived at the-homeofo! The Torconto Suaday World le rum- uation, so well does tIi. rap sqhow Utpon, tIse-tble thse reeignatloa- ber fatiser 'on Tueeday, the. 28th. Pendit nia6 a series of article eal 'w~ the. untqie .situation of., Wo#hts chage. Atb goly, Sigzed ppt.i- Th@y WilIi uhortly depart for Sant - Town cf W traa srvie, etwenToronto ',nd respect to t4Us great gro'whetro- nfroin mernibeiça '-ol j1j cqngrega.. Peadro, De Ju Juy, 'Argentine, South pft at Itas4 crtczsgern transport tadilites Inthis part w tQ 'AM Ui rf neAmnlera, where-the] willl amist the onwp the accomniodation givea travel '.B," ever, La deairable. lt will et b. ii>,t accted. (Atr* inquiries aàd work. Mr. Story lis a son of Mr. (a) weoh thé a libéraionet-,i'r..hytery urgeê Mr. Robt. Storywoa*n u ie fort. the o hoj e isteff y im. none plee uIWbityi -the liib toooatli -Of astrate, _ and on the: Base Line, and is aise a ne- for soe o codItog~a su O~îy îcewitImn he b&~i 'th ý Perm ilo the Çourt 'ho phew of Mr. ,E theexîhii@St7y.(c) The oroltO-OttaWa sri à - e t ooit heeal heoth- dt eenaiL 4- i contindutal systenia corne togethei discussed lia thUs weclc's issue, ajd wmee arber on Lake Ontarlo is ewtonvlIe cougregation applîed t0 NO DECISION REACHED. suggestions made for improveme ts. avallable. That Et willl bappenytey fo leve tosl her TeSe dLihConte c- y fBy July, thse C.P.R. illIIbave tobe tie vntkeziof bynot ai ase. TeFr jdLgtCmiteO tý,G..1. oiean te CNJILthee hre ada a bys, but r Abraham intimna ted that ai ter the Town Council met with the resi- linse, th G.-the.one simdthe C.N.t.Tthese(leeetsandian raiways, bu one. Wi theze four services, t4 0 by several of the greatest railway serv h h4ç1fr îryîo<et lu rc teet South 0 tasotation acconi- odation 1 o systeais or the neighboring republie 'er a n raye minister, thlir- Tue uayenngfothpups f poitscai holdbespenid i t~etath ctablishffient cf a car ferry fv fteeYoars being spent lkn rangemients as to the wa- tietbles are arranged inta he iî across the lake tram Whitby, to 01- Whitby, hé would9-tte Jl et erg c h g e treet i cusn I teres f the public. n- c1 i4 or, sbyn mas f the Court, gtve bis congrega- tog odda fdsuso e In a pàragrapb ette "h<n atr fcac.Tepoetwî tien into the baàs ofe the Presby- sulted, nothin.g deflzEte was decided. Up the Old District," thme eflect Qf be found te be ifltimately related to netM to!tertpyr treedei thebe srvices n tlfedmeetingîsoconPreebyt nrytthat the rate e! four nls proposed th e e er ic s o t ?c d i tri t e em - t e re m a rk a b le c o m b in a t o n f fa y - In e a t W i b y, o n ue s ay , n o c h g . P e w h l u e t o e mented upan in the following terme: oring conditions thnt is the hasts oft July 2 l t Ëto u s treetstono T I "Froi eas of hitbyto nar NpIL he Wold aticl. Itis wothy f, j:lwat8tringee wallin probablybaly b anee the tIree companies are ail in a noting that the twe greatest cities hi a4ght up * at the - Town. Council heit net luore thanilive miles wi-de, cf g-anada, Montreal and Toronto, as meeing o Mf -+-- .g nxt and for meet oethlie g0 miles distance wsll as the national capital, Ottawa, N'pl5vaio vaBATIs'Cof 4u - stations (the G.T.R.) fer ffty years %#-eaithy portion of t.he Dominion, the WLitby rfUiÃŽJI i bra" y Sunday, May 3. ta a sudden increase to tbree, and a týwn8 and cities along the forth Sunday SchclanoibeClse fourth, (a trolley- is aIso in sight), siore of Lake Ontario an-d the St. l,. No person -'hall-i nîldt 10 ar. J s sude ump fer this eld and Llmwrence river, aggregating probably' receive books froin i brary without f Merning service Il o'clock. Five *slcw-going Inke-ront district. The one in every four of the people living haj'îng tirât entered imb a written u t sermonýfrh blrn Ser. Nensition ile seînething f<ke the chauf«I in Canada* to-day, will thus le agiýeement, required by thle By-Laws1 mn-l"Unit.y or 'Diverity.", The oW 9 feur's horn-call t0, the indifferent hrought to the most intimate coni- and lieulations o! Wbîîby Publie' fi! th in lthe erles of addresses on thme hese tenîtr:' ore b if, eda rlagns theuh these L rry, and paying 5c. for al Plstle ta the r-Phesians. hî there !' Of a trutà there will be aý means of transpart by.irail and water j.L3p..Tm J ,O F.wa very cofnsiderable awa-kening ln ail Whltby wiil enjoy bo the fulIl the ben- 2ý One b'oo cm o rina their annual cuc aaet h ~ T R the towns and -villages, thus galvanV eûit cf this modern means cf travel, tinMe e No booka can- be kepî 'for longer BaptlsI cimUreh. ized, and as a consequei 6i there wlII 1 That it will be the meet advantage- tham 114 days. In case cf new bocks,1 PEveninig service, 7 e'cloc<. Subiect he an increase in population, in bus!-' ousiy equippeir community cf theni 7 dgys willI be the limit. -Cain's Declujoi." nese, and, mest important of ail,:'ail fer estnblisming up-to-date indus. 3.: A fine, ef 2c. fer snob day wiîî TIese ixthi n a series on1 the greai J éu an mmprovenîent in tarmming and in trial enterprises is a fair conclusion bc iniposed fer relatning a, bock long- decief eus of ths Bible. jchSI4 c farn values. Market sn!:dening bas te be drawn freni the premnises. Ali or Vlan tume allowed by lime rules. Thse paster will cenduêt all e ser- already been stimulated se bas tIe',Whitby neede- to -do to renp thse ricb Fines will also be lmposed for tum- vices ef the day. mil buines. s le orl me- arvesi limai may bs garnered by se ing 'down b6aves, tea-ring or otiser. On Mendaiy evening,- May 4tb, the lioned a week -ago, the makings cf - favorably conditioned -a oommunity is Wise defacing a bock:.-. - B.Y.P.UJ. wlll hold tîsir monîhly the greatest apple orclbard lu Can- 'to toot ite hemn, let ths wenld kuow 4.. Any person incurring a flne will social svezing -in lthe sohool roemn. A ada lies between Wýhitby and Napan- - abut it, eàpecially manufaclure±s lum be refused lhe privileges oft hesIl- cordial Invita on isl exlendsd tb al se, along these tIres lake f ront lino's. 'the United Slates leoking forboa- braiey until sUcb tuini palti. - Young People who wfsh te enjeys Teret are a number cf fine suaimer tiens Iu Canada for-brancî factor. 1 5. 'No book shall be relained or social lime wlth us. rosn i t-Ins, cntY as well, And ies, and we mas shortly be ln posi. laid'- aside fot any reader, mndal al Thursda>' evening, May 7th, the qlttentber of Toront~o people are lion te pick and choose île best ilat books, before being *e-issued, shall ienthly missionary meeting wl Iamking for country bous s simd count- lofer. fb lacdo1hlv. ak lc u l dooro. 'le N -lry homies'Vo the easl oý île clty." -' Wth regard tô tle suggestions et 6. tNo booke shail bc iseued unless subJOct for address will be, 44Thme The Sunday,. Worl-d's ap was a the World as te a carefully consider. limee ýlbrary card le presenled et lime Principal Reigions luI India." Tuse splendid cone, and tlreugh tle court- edt train service being- arrauged be, 'o drawiiig. Wlll be a union -of the B.Y.P.rf. amd P esy of thue edilor il was la lave beenilween tle lhree big - ýsystems no- 7. 'In case ot library card being lout rogular prayer 'service. u reproduced herewith. A 4elaY in de- foon le bec OMpetlVois for time- bluior destroyed, a person may recelve iverv, 1owever, made tls imposai- nesese long. monopolizect by thme a new card upon payment ot 5c. and e r bIc- Those wîe read& the World's ar- Grand Truuk, we are,- ID the heartiest aIse un Presenting a' used card. a ticle will clearly understand île sit- accord. i 8 PtrnsS!iPOMMrES reaI _______________________________i_____ -loe es tp.Wok sîsives. SpsCislîy selected for seed,~ direct f 9 Nn-tsu.~ 4vt.pay a fes from New Brunswick. PUBLIC IIEAL 1H 'MOYING N CU U E E c 1per annum.isfrueByt Beîk l te a11, and lime Libra-rian will show Blies Triumnph Bag 9,0 Ibs. 81.40- On F'ridnv lnst lhme Provincial Pub- ehildren, are absalute strangers t,<> JUsI bcw te use it.- Early Cobblers --- 1.30 lic îIlenitm exhibît wns mn' Whtby,and thme tooth brusî. Dental inspection Il. Reauding roomes are f ree te l.lawars or Green .Mcuutain 1.20 ______ w.as sbown bath atternoon and even- and teaching mn the schoobs us comning 12. Strangers can secure bocks by W aeafw Bg Delawares2 ng mn the niusîc. hall. Dr. lintonmb t avor- and beîng more generally recaliUfendatiaii or eecurily. W aeafwBe eaae District Oiicer of llcalth, was mn ndopted, la lime great advantage of L4brnry will be open every day ex- and Cebblers for table use, gcod charge. This exhîbit was here a year the vouth cf the nati on; and Ibis cept Sunday a-nd hclidnys frein 2 ta quality, per I3ag $1.10" ago, but on thîs oceasion lucre wsere exhliit wll nid mn thecaumpa4aet and 7 le, 9 p. m. i >NTO. C- --. MeClelIan, Manager. p t Dowmanlhn Brtmklln (C. A. méCI.11at O (mw J. P. dagde Maager, Pik.dn rMaplo Syruýp re,'ý and- Highest Grade that n Tins - $I.38 WHITBY, ONT. Phones.- Bel], No. 47; independent, No. 47 Seed PotatoS!- EARLY 0HI0 Garden Seeds New and choice Our Bulk Seeds are the finest oblainable. Wu B. PRINGLE & C0s WHITBY ONTARIO IWRITERS DECLARET-HEM RIGHTI PAPER, PEN AND INK BOUGHT AT Wu J. Hf. RIGHARJSONI'-* and IRISH COBBLERS For late BROCK 5T. 5TATINERYOF -ALLIIITB MAGAZINES AND BOOKs - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- -1 -1 ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO mycamusteme uaI o a. quicly t6uemcOCKL .judly tise. stndard. a depos in athe svinu Jprmmeet f B" I . sida B R iA NC H"17 a .p iý i $1.90 1 LIAI EARLY -SIx WEÈKS 1 DELAWARES -IÇMTBye APRIL 80ý 1914 TaLAVVLER- WHITBY

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