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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 2

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"tand e4re ide 1 sêy ,ay uflVts, Ri".ýe&Ùe o àn hthhired, iii.' Re eaith unto ithem, Go ye in- pages ot the Gospel o! Matthew, t corne to thiseraene iii the market. plaee a.nd thue to find tbat li an- Cint Palestine, nineteen hundred yearsago, thore wat exactly>,thse 8a4'e problem -QI unernpioym31t with wluch we* are grap'plinS to-day. 'MAd iit i intéreiting to note as weIt diat this "hou-seholder," who went into thIé zmarket place "about the eieventh hou," did not. berate the, unemployed for their idlenlees, -or a.ven offer them food, or shelter, or obai'itabio relief o! any kind, but eInmply proceeaded frhi. to give tfhem jebs. H~e sent thse mon ito the vlneyard-and st bu signi&f-a nt tc niote that itut meni-wcnt.4 U cmploynwnt IsM Employment. Right here de' we have, the only method of dcaling with the problem ýo! unemployinent, wich is~w--orth fierions conesideration. The answerj tu inemployxnent îs e mploymueit! And just to the extent in which we in this late perod of thé worIdsi fitoî'Y, to give this answer to thisj questb-ùn, not, merely on occasioni but for good and al, to juist thiie moe extent, must our. civilization be set down as a faiIlire. "A man - willing to work," said T'homas Car- ly-le, gand unable o. fsn< work. is perhaps the saddest sigIs . . 11 deis the sun." Leaàt of ait the tra- gedies whieh attendtinon the con- ditun f scha man is thie matei nal dist)fü!t'whehcornee upon him sstenanice. Hunger,-ýnakeaes,» cold. are heai.&yýb'i ird4e àd i Cus to ha bornxe." uï*o'rs 'tIia- thè'ise iS that graduai Weaakening'&> d corrrcang of the fibre o.! hone"_t, u 1p- right, iàdependent, deent 'ma-n- hood whieh la the frwit of idIelless and of!-the pover.ty which follows in the 'train o!idlene ss.' Let a. mn-n re'-, mars uiremployed fora *perîod o0 tiýne., and before he knows it, ýha is l-'nemployable. le iz ýnot oniy, phýaicalfy but.morally weakened.- lebas -ost flot oniy the. c4paeity but The Demire to MWork. 'Wlere 'ho One fait it hie chýet'pride to sUtand alone le owfinde 0 it hie eaSieSt' cous-e to lean upon the charity-o! othariý TIse'unused main i e th&e unuaed zmachine, 4ePre- ciates with every momené 'of bis idienes, and in! the end becomes fit' fot' nothîng butthese erap heap. The ,body iet.arvee, but worea--ithe -Bosl, Jue t he re doais'th> ff à ct o! em ,pioyment become traneformed f rom an aconomic into an out-and-ot re- liglouS. probleni. That me n sho>uId1 starveand freeze ana wander imxme- lcss znay or niay noi be a religieus1 question. But that meil sshould per- i4,hpsoraly vand apirituallv Ùundnl the -stress of iovoliniLary idieuerss is so obvious a religious quetstion tisat the Chureh can imreiy neyer rest until it is solved. flow terrifwie he reînark of tihe-rude peasant lu Chai-les Kiuigsley's "'Alton Lee" 'O'h, religion's aIl verv wert. Butj 1'kri't, "re how a mnan con hear ser- miontq with an- empty bély, and Lhere's wu snuch to fret a man n0w hp cati-*t aowise go t t pray a bias gentiefuiks lues;.' - 11ev. I Johln HaInes i olMeSý . i-hall iw a refreshr-nenit.is mn. They are 44ten 14t much tethered to the liotise hy their ddties, with the re- suit that they do liot gel eu-eugh nut gettlirig there 80 nit;ih change as a_ man dces hy mercly going to lu the J'HL' 1[FSSQ N , INTENATINALLESSON,9 LeSson V. The" Prodigal Son (Teun- dss6tion. sep4ratcesthe- parïile ,from '- t'w .'aadinÉ,, and, we* cannot lie 'Sssrea-t-wae o pokenon the same effliinà.-However that may ha, tIse connectipos in tbobght. muet b. .recogrnzacflsy'ail]thosè wbc, --read thesa paraliles, -and it couIc! not bave a mort fitting ýposition- than the oe i n -which Luke has placed it. 12. The,,younger ..said, Give me tIse portion- of thy 1substance thiat falathVo nme-The portion o! the yoiunger would, be ha!! o! what thle eider reýeîvaed, that ie, one- tîsird eftht-e estate, if t-be fatses hac but two. sons <Dent.* 21. i7). The youn-ger son'e demand_ for bis por- tion during the hifetime o! hie fa- tIser was unueual, but sncb cases were not unheard o! in tIse East. .And ha divided unto themn bis living-~The fathèr 'gives the eider son buis por.tion aleo, but ha remanals at home.-, 13. Not many days after, tise youngar son gathered hie poses- sions together. Hoebac! already masde bis plans; aow h.e arrièd t-hein out . "Seling tIse - la-nd and Lurulng everythiag iato money, ho takes lhis leave, appareintly not-to this oc ~l f -!r greoter im- Portance thn-the feast. - Thserein inder- of thse parable should not 'e -ove rlooked,-efthes- bu private atu y -or in class9 discussion. -TIse attitu ofthtie eIder son t- ward the yr turnixsg predigal là in Sharp csont a;'St wsth tIshe generous ofgi e-s tthe-father. BIIRD uNI VEARS 014». Parrakeet àt isondous Exhibit Still Of ~Ite ,4birds -exldbltad a-t t-ha Ho 4cluâ 1 ll, t tise Luon Cage ~lir4 stooa on'es amsul show, per .'PsIhée-m-ost notable is a centae s n pars-akeet, -says thse London Ch'4micle.' It le -a.sa e-ookù-sg-bird, a risbey gray in hue,, a, befits ite yeai-n, dsc i t view.3 tIsa__-dsi ring crowd wit-h an eye isalf toleremt, haîf contemptu- ous, *whicýijSeessis to -intimaste, "Why, 1I 4Kxw yotir grau-dfaither, yet young , pste.rt" Onse IisteusQ in awed amazeein-tto a bird who ilas been saying "Hello, cocky" for sbmething ike 100 yeaurs, and it l n't lbard te believe thse notice w9siçý gays tlsat "iV is as virile as ee.5It bas, howevas-, lest lt-s power ef ghedding scales and! dus, ac!di as a consaquefice, un- able te keapltIef glean. Whit-e magýies, Sellow panrakeet, bIna lova-bis-de, ate on]y soma o! the Wondera of àu show boastisuig something I1 ke 450 foreigri birs. some of whi(~h as-e not only of sur- passing bea, y but o! almost priçe- les& wortb . ,1here le thse great a.me- thyit sunbir9 , of a vivici green wl-t-h leugthy taper ing biack beak and Physileal "'11<-s. lis daily wosk anti comiag-ia con- ' Wastad lis substance wit-h s-ot- log >WLii n aisl 01 îU5yusacKnsis,1 -tact with tuther people, exchangiag -ouil iving-The youtI knew net-Bing an a-ny o10ser. sua., sugar, boaey- Agr'eat smany obstinate lle ideas an(]<JJ:Iilîlst, heasing news, of tIsa labos- and seif-deniai it ucking andc rîuit-picking birs-de rom jihysicai habite arise -.trough- thesanaadsuOOn. whîch tIsaproperty had been ne- varions part-f ut Miosa inteid effort Voe selieve_ .. ,,nervois&nes. - -quis-dad bigaa rmteTeq nW Aixîeilslam are bifiki>sg, scowipg, r - taindofborend oayf oiro th Iecenya ealitebr gniîùanng, twistiag, or wsingiug OSS F MM1OîR nwhlh qunee lu oe earw a; taitibveur a foot la t liehoands togetber, and tapping or -as tholiglîtlessiy as hie had acquis-ad length. Thisai era as-e Java- eqpar- swîangsag t;hé feet. Oi4e girl wlisen în-crîîsi,iîîîliy or Atflicied rîer.ou It.- iows of snq si--Ilk-e whitenees. an S114e,'eads' alwayi pulls down a h ir n lsal4 1-t. iegasi te ha lu want-Hie as- Gould'e paiu'ted flac-ha-s. vesitabîr' slpge hirand-twsteil oun a It Stu-tsugiila1ce,. sciates in bis "riotoua living" pest-impreEsspnsîsc bis-deo! tIse- finger. To ail remonstrance, she -n-t ,l~a.i.îînîcs SuaI a per- i we-re nultIthe kiad of friande wbo most bizarrei andci dabing coloriage. revlues, "IV keepe ïïme quliet . andi ~ aa- ff) ~îr f Wlk 1~uc .<~cnre i ta - o uid bd the answer 4o-!faillier- Macte ad te iiitesaturceof l'is 1wudstand uy hlm whien nis meney Js lpi111oCaais-fd VliLtopl ih phscl 'vý, fat ndtec.-istienc iiCh js gene sud he needed -asistance. verse kiadg, ilic hunliî-backed Bel- VOI19 ol wt hyiaitIC, ftî),w ri'ilr . ).&là, 15W~eut and j 'ned himsei to gian species, rçsted varieties, visite Thskew ns o ieI. and -that lie le able to juidgc ofti, ne oafett hacitizene of tisat country spacumenes, ld Yonksliires ansd sou efforts t paatsipyie VScon editions .-xnài inpî-asiuns ih--nmtIse luxurious quartessinLaassehires, %a-l . apresessta.-d î tc- u e no-oua stm b y ivingtherstema onat>hl rinêii-udng n i hle bac!doubtîes lived and a record soNý~-%hiciu a.". redly con- _ygvg t-sm com untai wU om 6ubiourddni an thiag yt.-mnfr ncey o n f98 y -f-ententaiaed, lhe la thrnist ouit te 1.-htiues a bi,-es' parsudise. <ftham atu i.-s lsarhsl, mclyorn ac itthhra ein - at a d- ens-si his food as bet he may. Hai'-________ are unat.ts-actix-e. ,and all uf thamm î1in-te spret thcm, sand fui-niwr-oag 1 i îi uuel ado eom Mré unfssion wêlcnss.Séý, eflell.ons bu itis ýsqlin(l hi, lie muet attacis himbel! lilte àAR . I' V4 -S Y lO 1h1Y Fi l,il *reconessonscf aakes. ~ me c<nduîors, utit 3 a~iinedt!l ~bond se rvant to a foreigner. WhD times tha victim of such a habit ivil, he is fîslIy cuts ,-e f iacscn ent him te feed ewie-to a Jew Pleule Iuu-es-st oisi JhviilgT-rlir -11w nke dtemîed.lor-L tueit etni at îiioîsiîg. Weîa nicet odioue îask and an abomin- W - Tj,)gM tu1-1. )111y t-o flnd (bat-a'different <ne ha s t*o "cOiuSSardtonoYýs-mcswiae were neesîlianly P,,tabisledinclean, buth actually and accord- Tihe fac't- (bt a mnai or wonlaa set That- oft.en, sigriifis tlîat thes cusduct 4)f utiers fail te xnakf allY, ing to Jewieli rituaiestie classifie-a- easy te live witb due net indicatel nenves ;as-e htaialiy 'tui) tii'ec!lutpe ii>jieie is abnormalsty lion. %vithout ques ,ion tIsa-t he or ase la - , kep~e Ini'l that vcase, tise ,,Is-- and irsus;blt.What i le va 16 Hsusks thiat t-he swine <id ec n aof tse1 !ail -tlie xis-uasin -. ure 9st iaten eswr.e ie es hy o h pods -of the carob tree, stilI tise caîenda-fI but it is pret.ty safe Buit- reffienliber tisaft-bâe etilnese f ib o~io~es<f thse resent, le folund in Palestine and ot-her Medi- wagei-iisg tisaftthe oaa Who is baud -ser-,us tension witfi teeth anid lists oit,1ud conduct-and nsentalîty are 1tées-saasuc-ntries. to live wi-tIs la-e a few vic-es, andc tightly ciarsched i,; isot rpet: il je xi ithout guidance or ccntrol. N o marn gave tînto biro-Thsee iatIser sesieii one, tvo. Of course .0111y anotises forns ufwoik, :îîid Many-xeu-y ,qtai-tljj)g instancesl people lsad no intai-est in a hiait- we linow t-bae as-e soine peupie whio -lbard wouik, loti. The instant ytcî have hi-t-a îote.d wliich ciaflrm (hie starved foreigner wiîu couc! nut are verv Iard tri geL laiung -,ith. rerlax tll»-ise uinîtiî-al ti-on, *the fà-t. - as-n enuugh tôeat. Vuuid the' i eh iamtat Ien1'i sts- ieves will, iceine lseis tiirne - 'laiis. a ts-stisdîc-t-un. rsni ng sons e! man ich iebmen so-day be I îley-are uneuoîprumisiag ilu thcir 1 rick,4 ugain w1îtiste enseî'gy cof de.. daily on an exp»3si aluds-aak as incapable of stupr>ur-tiag tIsemi- jiiuiîs ckd u e l hpas-.- iiavly t- igt bfvre atia . -. iite. Él d tls&etaun c a ih euertrn.salves if t-heir roney sihouiki. be lut ?wt' eribe-- -e le! anefl n t ieat malter iiîw tthenrssIIeha, 'îtîe îsxt îssus-ing hic w'tild go ouît 17. IVIsn ha cama te himief- ui- iai,.e ijecumne fatigued; thse relsuit is tfie ounhbis train, attend t-o al] bis dîîtxeies dsiaio a-chtuî th sa uoe-sgrug ii! slip-! Vai.fle society blittei-ilIv xears as cisil]. ely shuwing s littie more t-hoîighiîs of borne. 'eVise bcof bis BusIt-bat exlanation lin s %en.sel 1 51r4 the - k;cimii(-ts pleassure, rsietlace an-d abirattiesee. He mones. and tessoc-ial uegnikutiofl .- se- ' ap n butcirsgta- Xlya- hses uItl tuo mt- hrdun apaeaîycoscon u -yr--hati matie hlm lethas-gie. N.w that WaY.s- Pp<'P; bteýi*atý. (),IL Tise coure inlh finit %vasng tat ent on.sMany :Isuî- lihafaces starvation, lhe aroîsses hlm--risse, i-ti--3 an attmpi ( %tiitewas i fniitedçe îinyte .st g.aBi--thiiafterwnî-ds on .- Mrtuanp. ha rself, and the thotîglîts cif homebrnîg over a Cuntmniîsible vice lu-o isef iiaîsdifatheil çlarlk n o is- can Bat wolii d tddanly 1b'comê excitad and! a Ionging (c> j-alunis. semblaruve cf a respectable -'irtue. f(liai-ef theWo tilg îscb th it - - xibget t nw H ired sensauts-Laboi-ens - who luleeYolu ai-ea gi-t1stexcOPtiýimS tihernqruiretsUlu5- iaaxiety b n ac! np s. staady work, but were hir- t<) she rîie, and tIse chiant-es arc _)acd. Overwok i.4 so)ist iMp1ihatahaapp eclec ofanti iiie -ntcd dii ing n btîs.y seenson. They t-1-touitau-e aît, y il uarc Isard tu -îyAisbter- uamne for toc> îittff h dnlue 1&to o ntlii fsîwene i-eganded asuicisas tramaps are get alcîng vtsi cause yu s nsscte tîxygen. It is astoniing tu see lise lime ot retirirsg the igbt lie- reganded ii osîncousntr-y, the in po- on haing y,9u11i. su xxay. aoc! gîve )twqii.kya nr aqe 11lip ffor;ie. s~~ntI~nîr iti'on 1. bu lnferor' tuth:t &,ft<,tuit- d:âidcrat;oýito ý(ther î>es a -y w hlûiti-oc-as>a aagaOi h u i ls lae. T e re ig l ne h any usAnd,- fl ol ins-tiffe t oy te 1 -- b'drsomailnight.Alwys egi uWogiid by uin he retiesi it. ltni t-ha day wln. t ist es akl Ilfasad ann.Hs lews rr-.- s cainduct tîas-d aresîs ,sld hi gnea iis disg wa rsiýu u-el- j siDed. yn t .Teiy dili 1, -tuani--u- tp-rs-pe îttsr do hnu lt Iseofîlv wh aiyein are asTumtîalywthisapparetisl - g- Gud - la s vny man d.1r-Of ulisbeec-d 1penlyai te re lax wanevs- n te ntlro W neiet, lis' xvîiild d sue-auî-1-Ii peitewacda ~reants u-tlin îpfr ,ivd îsg y;uuu <suif tea p-obai yeure-ekfast,(an apase-tracvi- oiwsis rîcîrmi ii- a aakstisn a-n . tr i je sunv abando thei restese hbit-e-- <ltions andâe »,u 9 îsulteeisa mattd trsofir btî-er(tsar hicurtsen pus d4)uuts's CpnsaniV en (,ae uomaknew ,wh a ha r-edil ugIon -- n - beth ro eneit. On 20. Ha aoccasions-or --ejtW1. Mree med4,s aneeofainin-clissa Thee bank c-rituur-d evetils-esjlitirs t oce.rtctiiup. li I us-lis oade i -i cîs-îs il liet pery und.x tiie*a we nev r t. Ixie e t r macd ntlep ev ns fi He makee s rel I aiIing ufor e hS'<ta% i e migh' can;erobyc, m-ttnere wat(hein ayen- And wer kiswn orma slîj en-uHe assiunsuds afa-vo.excuse, h mce$0 1JiE evts.P abno terrq1s abit intimnàand1W c nuciate-s. Anstl- eI ilteil bee a i s tn tti, o hap- tt u a aoii i ocuats(ioma-y h, retuirs a u- aple a o!(lieprsi-d4theita' tîc-auhiî-a i ene- les- areil (:f-tajcertin wani flac! aplace dsriag heis- wkissg s ati s r aemtatint se Ht so'litind it o ncb.slne-k, sac!kis - uersant 1i ii si u - scl taeo!tsing (no aties-stt is a->ns'- paue n ass ucîe mshîa 5sn c, acnlas epsikeui i 1aps ____________far_____ i nyu fu~r dleste -bt sma o t-ie uiataru ad ~~b'--n' iiihiios 20-uxoti hie efsttei- doec nul kais j ke(.pipai a*eola ocuia. odeampe ccînag ofteînriïig thcers','fat lIi-utlaliers%,a le Q-urn e r I is hdillii --hjibut lth--gs's tanwould nt f 8-e!ula rue.l'r t eare Im anfatui - ncree9)z if s ýots sarukes b is ci î'a- tî iluuaer ra-anwr iiied dar3' -mcro illis ita irle diese WhoTse rai higsat e (ou-kib-tii -dnîî ge fcu ri a-eusea s. îpet a!lulton h, e wpu Is42aagslnede- mar e nge lbuaatbg et al - outs ha emuqtryet tu-ns4 e li x- as M'asîlnCtvi>4.1 0i-t.1 that t)Ise t-,, c n c ts'a tli 'hcs , bttes ksiow- S* tkind b-aa- urg hrwkiisu feels fr aysît tnie can nt m alon i wîtht andoptîs- ui.eet an-'ta; t.-Ia ud hgia e. IseHmakes -Lbur, estnypeially cf h m-;-sa twib ' gs-a m iuuto ne.3.-dh speake no thei-d nelof fsiplesahy. Qsf-r t-e-e-til -beLoi- tak k oft tIathiasing ta-d<>u ih & Kyeop d an co < eti penoscrtn-t gvis efrodihal. ienîliasesposeiegdînTmsi a!ddt-i ets tta -amit.r. ie mlnttshobutworbe o, tse ittd vsttnateuseancf nizas t'ise tctat(haso bs cogn-nin nc--'daceenha liecet adsk b. r betten frs- if a cnseCirrad Tlu-' re n reahity j lessos sa3-iebsa t-i;itiý! alia- " i eeatigi liceo! -erse b uhsaeieoe ocinsnb.s bt sosbapre-e,-al aA log t e lis e t~ u ese -saork 2e îr rvrtin the WQfl - i 1o -eindes ju ne lost niis- vmzc't (s A-oth abaus-mal - 4 atlt . 1mo ieOCcainas may eskn he jua-men sa my as- lv aebut! a signetirtngrlîbchigaveatcehanae-cas- vi "f a ;y as lie ntiauously e di bng ~ tsejac!e, <isctpravell.ingma ho tExhîlnin' ii d. coaathi but-he athouse. dve VIsit s-hr a èît i poIsstbey.dV end spirits. edworld hve ioei 1Irwoi-k, ma naedi bijuÎgmeta ee-x-r orritybs(,reatmess. Sle sp t i hcîntro lt !ts w«L, fr e atcd. gay felai- FeioNe pi;emry ufs-whe ie vas JShint et istee I-Sadal as t-ht'awotc! til be qk 8 n grl)ata. iw-a or w atliesiassu-cnt xceiawhine v ud. à ts o t ý]excf&s. -y m-efil beie rfortoen. nxe n ae adyi BsuyiBttur e me a beilg raservantf.r an ap- e, 1 1I PC <f tI he ijriferet, the-ar wr," Mai-ringhe l'tli liaide4-but a poiint, ogf-aniSlsrrégj 23.BningllIsn-faItst c caservants Poffea p ýiýfg nluhtoi 'Prmhay uallabr, speii-dj ifthi beofa kpt ithgret inut(,ei;,. e pr-ahn east tut t-otserofatie îeryQýi-rîevee& ïheL t' ft eep ro s ci-tep o ia. 1(),d nT m ,ïrý; e h ctho e i Y'; - - e g-'~ w~ B-WS ýY, AL FOldIRE- LÂND'S SIIORtES. - Se-n- lu Paris, Shops. loSPPOulop l n the Emerald. le ot The yoeaiï a new note in aokirti. latereet to Tri-eh-. Cotton dressas 'bave bol1eroa o! men. silk. Entire frocke of jet are seen in A large whaia bh» been driven the evening. ashos-e on ifhe'rocks ab Bu.navalla,- Basque effe-ets are sean amon.g th5e siens- Darr-y-naa. -.- - new blouses. -The emnployes o! Droniainne Spira-' The xnushroom hat for the lit-tie ning,-Mili, Newry, 'whO.9bruck werk girl ile t hing. a výeek ago,"a-re sjjg eut. jThe. uflk coet appears in'brilliant Makny, acres O! -iansd ;ong thse!Or sombre cJ Pors. C'leghelr Valley diebriest'of -Souùh i $eparate coats have a decided TYr6ne- are umdcer water on acS 'il"flas-e t thse hips. ,o! recant he.avy rainîs. '- One'e itaiiored suit msust not be Bearing VIse naims a etIrishIssof o:tie severe type. dliers w-ho-fe1l'l intese outI Af rican' Giided peaock featherii are beiag War, a. Monument aM Cork bas bea nused- on milinery, foumd coa<ed with --taer. 'The block foulard with- white coin Juet-eJDodd at thI Lmnerick A s8pots je growing in laver. one t .een Pretty hais for littie girls gar-e sIze à OMM eted etrn-gly on'- e in-1fasIsioned with so-t-ache bs-aid. creasdnsse e! t-be knife 1m quarreis Some of r.he 'hew handbags bave at !siirs in t-ha Cown.ty Llme-siek. square tops and round bottomis. Mia-1eas and carpenters engaged Colaradcffo!igedins on urban cottages, at Thur-les, have appeItsai- d csufts ofsere d lpop- &truck for an isscre.asseo! 75 cents lin,. la their present wages. -1 Bo-cices are e:ctremeiv simple ia A serious outbrea.k of scarlat-isia uine, while mkirts grow m'ore elaho- has occurred ia thse Ballyméea dus- rate. trict e! North Galway, and thse - The featbar pumpum, iq an isnport- GIena.sadden wes-khouse i- niow jaîst feature lu the millinery this fuill up.,sprîng. Thse detis -hae Vakoci placeat Jo-r- Make yous- wai~t-s fulil at the haek da.atown, County Anti-i, at thse and front iff you would ba i n th e age of 71, o! Mr-. James Mpore faghion.- Gouriay,-who is been for 43 yéa.rs Tise cameo hock-lee in ade ia epe- stationnisa«ter there. / cial qize and de-sign for %hoes and Two men of the far-miag clase, eippers. namsed O'Brienanard Jeusning, o!f Th's sasort thee bulero costume i-s Kiibride, écuaty May-o, are repos-t- favo.red above ail others for t-be ed to have beau drowned in a boat- sunnY spring days. ing accident, A eharmng feature o-f thse new -A number of. houndes beiongiug te suits is the ,highs roîl collar, (iuggcst- thse Bahly-macUbe Club bave beens ifg tise cafla lily. pu>i5"-ncd while hua-ing neas Old~- Thse neweat cullars seem to st.and castie. It is thought_tIat Vhe pol- away f nns-the neck ia a loose, uinfit- bol] wva.s alicioubly Laid, ted manner. Tise annuzl spni-ng show waes hc'.d Net scas-fs arue eubrciklered in ai -i Londonderry undes- the auspie- sorts o!flaufudeigswthelv- of t-he Norlis West.Agricuit.urai So- ýor colored bonds. <.i!t3 aud xcel&làlltu f<u'mr 1 C.hariiig are the white orepe dle hibitians - c1 chine blouses macle with -trtasmiag A de-issdtsstrbanoe, in wlsjch i of gfranium pik -ilk. -çaerai -people were injured iin 'a TseregcJa iady ea mistake in hait-on charge, .tok plIace -ea-r feta, conded m11k, ýor moira.- Cregg's, Cuaty Gai.,ay, foilowing , Moire andc taffetLa are made into an attampt &Lt cattle dnivixug. - sprt kslteehavirig gis- A denFtructive lira t4m0kPIO les of the inate-iaC to match. Bray, in which a cottage, kiiowrs s-s' the gi-vund betore t-h-aloalbrigade coviid rs.nslci. cam îre. LlEDJIVES ]IN(COFFINS. At C!-ogh.-en Rural Cuicil unet- Pwonînîi .TeIl th Horbl--i. ing it ua">ci.at-nd t-lat iali-anal mer- Cônstitioisîsin Momgolia. chant is invcsti-ng $5,000 in an ae-ec- 1tric genens-îing pl.an-t ac! was pi-e- Tis a eu-t-maý-t-sof Menglia- itls pas-ad tu iight thse (uv-ital $7.20 pas- st-oasg attr&c'tvenee-s asnd gleams of' lamp.- we. ten cit-ilizationt,aud lt-s de- Ille c'a-thi% bannouiwcd c-f Du- i ip-vec! rnorality îî-d la-a~-y muliane, a farta laborer living ueac-jwei-a neeently îxul -k'hdbyl Marcro4>m, C'ork, who îi-s tated, tojM-s. Herbes-t Bul.L-ude at a meet- have u-oiac! dtiie age uf 110 veanîs - ng eftbtie R-oyýal Asiatic- Society i-n Ha vas active tîp (o a few iuuiitdis - Lorxdra Mn.. Buis-n-sd- sccom- a gus. pljislieda irn ni-*kable teat lasit yeas, Tise Bs--ifayt autfragisîs luae aisow-whan. i-itîs bi-t s sa-ta- ctpaus- iisctitîtited a a npsigilà upun the pc-t' lit; -b e tr'axeiîed oves 703 muiles 19; office piliar 1istuxes. Sevxl-if t 1h.caravan iu Mongolla. boxes have been fuîînc L)oconta-n a Ieccnihiisg tih ise . l'un isjy qitaîu-tity o! cros-esixe flîîid. -aic! "W»t!i-sa Eîsrall ciu~iîd A sýenios Lu.ti-eak ufst canlt e- teircet in l'y 15uig!i ipiked pi: ac!es, ver bs reixsited t îom tIsu Ballynve ar, five or ýix -hnein.Thes-si ns-a district utfNesili Gal-uiay. la thse biisais baings inu tsose dungLsousî.3 ca-sa of a famsily usa-m-ad Fa-an-co -the andcinîsug (heim qîuite a ntîrnberof msu)tba-died and to-t-ber d--at.hs b a ve h-ighhy eiv-ized. reftaa.d an-d garsttc ainvaecssuc! Ciniese, vho _,.ra s-but up for tise 'ri fot su ad nuîstl-i cFd.'- ?aee lu iemaiac!er of Vis-e-,r v-iun h l.avy. thse 5Soutîtislias nsuow. asetUmed rathuen bnon-bosîad -uoccl-ets cîfflaî3, ouI t o a-lai-aing pupttint. '-iplie t-t- w 1i -lsey a-aven, .runder aly c.r- break at T'J7lsc is-T-npmrecmt-ae, ove. They va-simd cisi lias iiow exteuddi r--tv (-'uuualy 'rip- upsigbt. '1Shiey e.an.n«citL 1e doua paiy. -- tlat. Th.ey &sce cayight- bt-. for a A large aumben ot extra mernbers i few rnsutes u ilers h i- oe u)f thse B '.hava e -4.rat-ed' -.1-0 i-., sut', tht-Jr ùcfflu-' thi-ough a trous v-anlouis couti-rleqs îi agme@nt lofoutr o1- 1fluee jucheé in ddu-nster then forces i0 Cork andi Tippenar.v, t-uic? d-aily. -- omiag t(v thie otbreak uof u-sd mn.ututI dise. A d4e-ase cimih-ar (o) infantile ps-- alyt-is (wIsichla .5prevalint ïis1is t rv-irestiiwn di.strict) -ts-broken oul iii asled-is-its-lcts -rnLilster. Mis Can'ulI, a ine isn tise Lunrgan Union, Issusdiec!frei it. N <tlstirossfis-a ccus-ec!on t-ht- Mu-, 1Riardc!Wai-buiston. J.P., D)., wai (u-ipheitety deetroyeti. TIehes j'> -stiuuatud a-t $35,000. Lord11< SIs-stheoua's Maxiuuis, Ba c-unt-ant wuu -1ts ir lut, bîut, a- wva Ysc li ttig younself for -a- tbiîsg Isiglser. Onty ch-eerful pense- -arica w-il-t bmîng you to a bette- an isîcti. Do ) c- te rk yoinsei!; lsYi'L d.epenc! up-u-n tthe i-ailîine etij f ieids o'il vour behiait. (Yppou- t1inuîity co.nus t s-ci-me ina-n more fraqîen-ly (lian te otIses-s, but itiere unre vc-r-y fa-w lt- c-s nut vis-lt sui orna tint e u-anotie-. iIouu' the uic! co-tine-l: Tru,2-t la Proidenuce ard kei'p yens- r-swder dry."i A iloPefsil Ontloohc. "Ai-a you Palisfied with VIse ury?7" lie asked bis iawyer *hen tha tweifth iman liac! basaaccaptcd. "Yes. It's -oaa: of the toughest ](>kiisg juirias I avaui eaw.' M ost eft(ho f£us -wa have is'la thse tntieipà.tîof, which -nover a.ugs .a POINTEl)tAICRIIS Trua love, fe neyer iteu geexci te li Vs- ic - - An excees s -nof ara" x i- b race snybody. Oae caïri'V ge4 M-ia test ofa i-ti-t- ulso lba-sn't a-ny. M-any a - speiÎfetiboyha-c ds',veiopec! m-to a fraieh uiani lt'e e-siler 4- ou-oi-ro-w tro>ub-le tisiaii -t i l tu give it away. 1>1<1 ue ever hscar of a m-arriad s-rus suho tiatitered ihis widfa Tse-s-aara coma good hisu-sbains, bu-t macst o! tIsai- are deacl. Mec- girls as-e easbhy anitertainec!; ail v-ebastW clole -(o, te-ad t-lu-t (affy. A ma-n uia-iiy gatts he chu<ut e-ad o!f i-t -sft--nutt>iisg hie tui-e*ci show- ntsice. If thse wsi>r.id owee %çnve-ry s-uazi a liv- 'ing, thse ssillieaire-s nut be pre- foi-red ci-edtoss. Thse ave-rage etn'a idea e! 1)B-eiss uînseifsisfils te lW-t orme c-tiser fehleuu- àave eoniretlin ha d0een't Wnit..- A menu tinks- iea haigs mn siht to entestain a Lest of thougbtatisait wouh-d prob-nbly Jaasd -blastin juM iq h. were Vo lot -tbom m-ce-pD. 1A girl msay work bard to o4baiss a, buabnnd, but tIssit doesi'i't noea- sarily imidipzalta (tha-t sslu io ul ta-ke im- wa&hiisg zinc!ec--tbbisgin aorrV Mostt ôf thietypé uedbyOixi prilt5tsie ma-de ini Jzpan.- Il lllclî,11IîtUelFI Ud to Injet M edieinC Into Bronchial Tubes.'- A ne* t--atnst --l erchnc b OhilIsanami~ûs- -i! umiuai gangrea u-coutls-ec! recoesstly b fore Vhe Paris Asademy o-f Mediai~ by M. Guissez. whoociated t5ha.t l hail -been ab-le byý me-ans of a sipl ine-t-usnt deviaued by islmsehf tuý mnjct ii-to thle brone>hdi tubeis by way ut tise meut-h ssaIliarynx a riei. < livrylarge qssa'nttty of me6icing,. slitntei-n aelcainof à-! aa il.* EX'prrniman4.-, !.ai< M. Gu-ieez, h4c shown thât irsuch injeet.ime inuPra'g. isate a-ct en-hy lurknddal tubesbufr Vhs wItvie pUIMOnaryr paranesym&,' tihus orvastiivitilng am esxts-ensely effi- - eaviotîs inîtrap ulmoiiry treAnucsxu. Thse methl tiwas 8sbe>w n to- b e ' af- doùb->ecietflc-cy lanes üo! cVonde,- bruuciitisim$ méthlsand asi!ùuioc-ry iag wibs eéther -tpd or dou b l gangreine wnre invariably -cu-îed w1teissitiiecteti ts> tha -new injei- ticsss, -wIicIs nre iike'Iy ii tlI U4iw tsi revoh-ii-tmoitize - tis&trasitumnt, - Tise 01<1'Us; Pluok,, My by plitek; fis-st and hast; thnt etso&q essentiai teo sucoca-s adbuinar- Tlie'Yc>sîig 'Usi- Oh, e, eouzsê/IXe, qisibe uiidereInad t-lit. -The'Vro<ubl. is fsiiding sbaseone te pluck. Ilis Gâ(seatest Wlehs. "W'hat ik yolsr grca-t!«t.vis, c- to.- nov t.hst - ou have Su0cessruly - paszd for vô irord rc" Yous-sg Totr- ~ u D . ter thse nmeis o! otetle pple uln4t.I rc-senstlY. Mr* Lit 'Pofed to b. fariigr wi+t tiena,,.id thse plats. "N&cw tLa.t Amidral Bad rived in Me.X.(Ilain ,teý flaet wi i t nýot b. advis the Circumstanceq IA) ruv. f rem Galýveito woVers procfedýdirec-,tly Vo -Mexii take pqsainbefo)re1 arrange for a-sttb"rl'i h6i. capital V' Thisquton a a Lind, who'ise probabi losted main here on tb saitu&tiýon in -Vera Cruz- "No.;-that le not ithe t-enticn,V *repIiecl Mr. we arY&flOw in po9ss Çruz thse next ~eP wi12 eusII&Kn <ic! not jc;ýuLtd bha n.doll boraself 1n1 l -ch) for a d4>11; ýa doll waa aç>meta atowel rol>led up- ora pillow ý%a,- or a lifttle oddrecss-st n»sade or ferenoe<Vo the baie;tb.oy wereall euddied.,up an.d lova'd,, When -the pine iiehion n-oticed t1halt se begaà to fidget. Sh3 aqýiirméâ pins loose, soiled her dress, àa,n tièd her bowb -,sbe vai§a "lonig pm- -ouhipn, wi à a sot-t, *of t doll.heart. &he bagan to tumble toward thse front of t;'he dre.3âJng table, and ge honz<l and. hoped tat te babies - ivîýuIîd see lher. -t last-:the pin-. ouahioin had hier wiah It >w3S ise daày .Of thse evening party that, Lauraand, Mary Ansa's mot.her ssotieed'thbat hèr. pretty pi .n- cuaShi'or w-as Seoiléd. W le musst, wash this pin'uehion cover and press thse ribbon," s"id.aIse. "Eiverything in thIis house mus et.~r fresis hand spotiese" Wý-henmiother satdcown teundrffl thse pincushion, - Laura, and Mary Anna Etuud, by ber side and watch- ed. Thle, p-ncughion kapt saying over and over in its SO& lfeart.. ]et me be a 'cloU. lti grs Oh;' let mebe -adoll!" -Straightway thée wonder -ha-~ppen- ed. hyitiadl "ecamd Mary Anna, and ,-bhe ran away for a moment. She came bak withthe bisque doll's mualin bon;net, Wh"e exactly AtLýd theapincuebio-n's }sead. 'iNow wrap somathingý round it,"t begged thse iittle.-eister'. Straightway thse pinctiehion W"g wrapped, in a towel, and became si doll in Mary Anina's- soft, 'round arma. You. can under"tnd how -happy Mary Ahn was, but unions you have been a pincushion- you can have no idea how hapÏy thse ne#ý 'doil fait as Mary Anna rocked and cuddlad it and euddl4,d,.and'irockeat- Al ter awie Mary Anna lot Lau- ra hoid the dol,- and Laura sang kindergartan eongs to iii ail aboùt. théa ol owl thaît hived in the tiee, thse shoemaker, ande-ver'so mnszy, At noon, when the littie g? went to hiune-heon, they putbhe lupi- cushion to bed, bonnet, and aU. Y mày be sure tasat tihe doil did Pet elebt Iay there wide-awak ti thinking and thiaking m-hatVa bea~~ -tiful thing it le Vto be a doi. About three o'eiock: tha;t after.~ noon mother b egan to searas for 2 pineu.shion,- She sw isled to pnb the fress covet. .So Laura and.Mary Annaôearried tise pincuehîon to their mnother. Mother had tu goý to the, tele. phone, and when she camne back, thie culhion was nowhere te b1» eeén, ýNq aue coulci fiad it for a long, long time. Y-ou see. the piacéuehion was try- irsg the magie of!-Isiding ip plain eight. It did not wish Vo be a pin- eu-slion again, and that was -why, lt tried the hidiag_ magiv. -In every room mother -and Laura and Ma1ry Anna isearched for Visat pisseussion; hi&h and iow they hu-ated; in Ohairâ and under ciîiirî, on bede and un- der beds they looked,ý until e laat ..hey f oitnd à- on the as-mof motiser'e wicker rocking-chair. » "Lt. doeînut like Vo - be a pin- îutshion," said the litti. girls. "It wishes to ha a lU" -Thiat lesasd. I amn sure," ad their mother. -'We must grant_;ths Au-clso ev-er siace that.happy day' t-he pincwhi-on has been -a doi; it wears a msielin bonnet and a 4Êh ed plaid gingiapn dress, and.is loy-' 0O-fficial Castealties -Occupation, Wei A dfe pia(ciîfli romt.Wi fflys: Thnee desd aid 23 àare ths e é ts 4of t-hafiî -Ver& C s-i. TWus h-ie-l caewliv lia-v.beau kiliet Wouîintcddit tise tbree das.y VIie -bulletin: - 1 -AdmiralI;Badg8s- wi'es~ laucled a ba[t-ajion'fs-rsi ths- vota. Michsiganiacl-Sot-Il asic! Isat- tiah e aading for ashore tetaIs about 5.-10 mý Miasesta.Chastes-. P-aj S an Fraticîscis 'tre lmg int 'dAnira1 Badre- rreportsb arôsuit. o. clesnltony irm-l c0ontinuet a'boýUttIs- eCistIs]t about 25- -weujsdeId.- 'TIse. ia-dinfg pas-tv ncw naJ -t-hacil-y, aiu1lposts Ih ,etationed on ifht-a egnclh - - sar, wboliave beau -eng, çoilsts-uctissg defeissive wuor1 'T "eryJittle food su-pply copsing into thao city- an týSInist that if in a few quests e ! f eediasg tIsa1 thse cty wi1be<euoiaý îspocAsible 1the Unte SUA kaileci p4to urniiz -rore fighting, ais Huont- allihecari do te cont.end Comment on E -- CC 1rding tu a writer ln th ce tohlly iscbool an mont -4'us-opean c,~isI -Se*erf.1an 'osdeal that St nons - - hock tritthe nervous sYst -c.hild sepere enossgh (o -rotar -ehIldren, on euterinx schoole two mositits later resveuicd. ac thix %vrItèr. tisat twenty Per lae hu1srdnlas ost welirht -epci-iillyinEitiiiat. Sic saý, Iof tho Sgie fthtcchildien-, betweed n ir and six--anid of non- of kh. ycar. The -mc were tatasSu Si ..I un normai' - ia Kthse- seaSorrafui -gro)wth. -tf A Rué~iian-authority It,%qu tho haslc which severéelc 'play wi t.lsthe health o Raiis The pheulcal offerts of - ex arc uýomparabse. Sic mays, tc ileeiAxong the morseaM ff ma eiïronie inorhtiditiy i smm1f. accurdlng - to another Thiti înorbidlty ln strong studentmR SInthe*-claLsÉit!al eu amorix thoope tudylox c subj iilpntiiic - nature.- (>eitudy clear5yli*v an el fianger ax great as unsdersgtud - - Zu'Canadian Olties fillI ts public ultilities. lsas, setnce 1ts-Itacrtoti nlat 190 rio bther, deprtnsent shbows -vancerent -thali tUicentreet ratS tu1909 264.530 miales werêt Ingt51.41 psuenerowhi tai tln11012 shosws 1.203.264) ,arying 10,Zi41 .400paisctge -titis bas the, -ruwth ofthtie th 6£s-art nest fouîîd St ne proîncure MrnFynew ý_cars lil LE4khteeti-cars are noqw awa.ti itnation uiieeethe eie qiltio cfEdfiônor.uoo i1 X5 vriar. and up to ZU.550 a -rear Li) Corne, su cousequence .-of ti tion of thé, Pàtanma Caflal and4 ~ aof the Caradian Nu-,rthern Ir'rand Trunk Psa-Sic'. a-lroaLd a-VL-tcli a»t nexi Vear. This 1 éxample of wisat, li aklngir varstur suale,' ail over thée Elsotr!oSty Yrom th55wi "tylittît. ruüre la kaown ýcover.,d fit. 12.whiie hec Pr- th4 electu-ielty ' o! t Ir ir ti-leliyoft1n -tr rate.-v are -tue s8m3- lrlous de t.es 1 isuade foi*, msusiusg tisa eui hope tlsat St wojuld U"eslst Si fi thtiisssîanentiY sut-noufisha wiravs St with a network o f c f iîtli a bafftig srmysttcry. Ti tienetore. fronis Madrid - hat Anto theéssii witls 1111111>1uo bils-in l Sa ckeed lit 1,1>u fifteeii iumni and Sue1 tie (j ~ duning assPruloingesi test. ile o! est tmrpsrtuce. if tru.,- . ý 'There IS ,an exhaustles.4 i-c - - - nliî-o>en lni tIi, air froîsi wieit -for, the-ieldif han alreadyba -.fpily cli-swiî. .Now,- I1tseair -prusoduse ,ileetrSr-Sty forui- Sit à the ctvllIzed nati5îii'll nu Si a coat fainn or th(-, exhiiutlî oll fl-ldic. But- St Is possile T - S5paytiard làs" dunn it5,intr -tap thse cun-nt ient abui),Àd gr-et wiree-Ses iejC-asiî-tait of drawing un i0the natura.l -iu Trias Tisif t. -There.ao,- wo wK'-8 f sa One e oto hlà itiglitt'> 4) > -a inaii can ri git i li5 i si'i.. S " p--sideioue iclti-s)t -dol ýlune.t TIse bI)Uiu*tk.s aji do< ter by iaddiîsig t<oeiutiîent. t . hisi masSucq t r od--ion '~e xnarkpe :Th. -is.î5-.ui S ~~~taiiy nw- foi- tho i.yi.t i î>hy-sicùîCodition., A, nect-t isî -a veies- li i isi- ihat he -Naisii Iigtitiasîic-IriS tiiere u--zplib. -ii,îc toi-J., -[ a -few add1ssiz înat-illsses wiîuit rautdly arcS Si,-ttcrtii-. it iI.-> av picking u, .-iiss.i l-pîi-u f th fris--.. ' .It _srt m, tit noS quzi lvluýe ni' t1eifi _tdUStr!eU. 19,-mier. littht.,- CASUALITI 1

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