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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 3

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- BLS FINISH. TBF "J% -5 ci U Is the Plan . flappeci Out by the Ooverr1meht u t Waehingtoui Pt &sa Vos Irin Wsahi-gtnadvaacing ft-<ces out tlie vWe-r~u *»:T!» battie cry wil Inut bc "On rvvolution.àts." bioMecic> City 1 " .voordimg o John "Iîas Hueita.&n effective, armyl" Un- iad, ww»wu gtiteeew reprea,- "No; -the pick of bis foro" era r liv. o! the. Pri'e t, in Mexico Oit-y -ent n-ci'Kh. wlez'e tbey- were a-ne*'- -r' unW receùftly. Mr. Lind la mnp- hintécd in rsnd around TIor-cors. A- poreud to be f amilier ,tb tlis tztua- lie lias left are some bandseout'hi red tion ead t-he planat. asnis, ad Mr. Li.zd. "Nçiw thet VA.mrîal-Badger ha. ar- "Whiat- is your opinion of t-he týived in Mex>ce2l wst-e'-u witiihLm hià irmnWai at Vera. Cruz?7" fleet wil l lot b-s advisbI-o undor '51It. tîrned out juitasm aati-ii- the-çîr.unia'tance t-o riisà t-he army [a-c 'rapiied Mr-. Lind. "When -.---from Galveton tu Vera Cruz and lea-ied upon tu surrender, Qeneral proceed directly t-o Mexio City a-nd 1 Maas, re-mrated fretin Vera Gruz t-a-keo pqses&on boforeu Huerta. cem nwiî-b t-h-ebulk of bis conmnd. arrange for a- ptubboîi defenoe of Thozo ieft be 'ind were di*organuizeti hi3. capl.ta- r" and consistet imaLnly of rouglineciss This -que-ttion was aaked cf Mr. and assssins. These xneri conceiaied -Lind, who je - probusbly t-he be-lt thorn-,elvea un the »Ms roote ot t-ho ipQst4rn* bere on t-ho present buildina nd pieked'off our men rtitiîa.tion li Vera Cruz. - fi-cm t-heur conceaient. Ail t-be "No; -tha.t le nott t-be- pi-ceint in- buildings have fla-t rwyofsa and cup- - -tenion" repled Mr. U-nd. <'As ings, t-hoelIMter affording consider- We arcn<nuwin of sea~n tVara able prote>otion t-o'the Mexica-ms. (h'îîz, ýte next îtep will be to -Iran "WC have ni> qui trel witih t-he up Tamnpico. Thein wa uhulsi reti.r-evcîluti-o-niat-, therefure, Whil-e pu!ý>si>uf hotlh oitie anti ao lo uert* a Iii bkcked away f rom sup- bloekmal hie resnaindng port-s ini pliea, et-c., thse rev-a1tinists aili Mexiev. I do not maticipat-a any push forward teadiiy a-nd irrosisti- mor'e fightirt-ga-es ueita will have bly. Thse esd sthould noV be ft off, a.i1 he> can du te cuntend wisth thbe as far as Hua-rta. ls ooùicerned" Comment on Event8 Thé Tirm* 021L1. Ae~- Ino a wrier In the }'opular '~tne, l Monthiy chool entra-lce -in ioit E1uropeisn cotntrles tu inI ief no etiverpa an ordeai thail t contllulesaa ahock b toite nervous sylotem tof the C.hild severe ensôuxh 1<.retardl rrowth. Measurementïo takien nt 5100 Germa-n -. .illdren on enterlng schussl and atainf two months Inter reveaied. according to titis ws-ler. fliRt twenty Per cent, -ut thý.- hildren had loat welgrht. This la esecaiysgniflcaflt. he says. because of the agi--s.ofthé11 chldren--they were -betweeïn five and slx-ansl of the tiea- soi1 tftire year. The ineasurema-nt wer tzck-n iln the aututin Nesoasan. whii-hýi normnal> u he, se aaon or moat rapid* grpwlh. A lupâlars autihority la nsfuotesi elUni the iiuvoc wlilcrh aeý re ,xamiatloni' 1" iay wtlî bhehealth ofriosianipupflis. eh,>'pl4icss élcs ftevls of exstminationlit :re (10 lnliasrable. ie gas ina.ta leevel'A lJjii-ss Atnong the more advjanced sPu- pise a eiitronlc niorbldity manifeste t- uie,I s avurdinç lu annther authorit>'. i 1ltis niirbldl ty la strangrer anong sttutenp. utri th*- c-a»iaal c ourses tisan Stq)t5l th(o«,e itudylug ubJectB uf a imentilie î?ifture. 'veiaàtud>- clearly han ciementa or (langer li great as understudy. low Cmadlin O1U« Grow. isjil sthe O-ly of Edmonton. wlih1 itîlIs publie, utilltlen, lias progremoed1 ooiî-ie lt.s nrporation li 1901. sterha»5 ri0o otier d-pari tisent ahowa Kgreater ad-1 %anceenrt ihaîs the' street rallway. Dur-1 lux gP-l9t264,tL20 miles werti run. carry- iuig 1,8i2,fi.0 pa.-norera, whle the to- -rat lit 11<1 shows 1,203.240 c-ar miles, ,o-irrylig 1.0,2017400 passevigers. Such - hua 1>-en the growth of th ity Ivthat1 thé ile*parrie-nt fnuiss it necétaary tw 1 )trure may 7new caro. l urlng 1912. latisrs SiInereaae the abêrvice. The. pol- -iliaiIan cfEdmontoîs. Ir la expeceted. l l1~-ie ie 18.000 IEOOor IU*000 this *yîear, ind irue to 20,0010 a year for vears Lu <cunte, IràcoliieqUeisee or the compie- tlçen or t1pe 1-sànma Cainai andi the open- ý-N cofthse Catsadiai Notheris andtheii , 'r r-untk Paciftoc rairouda to lise ýý'aciîfle Coast neat. vear. Thia ln but one fiimplo OU-wlisat 1l6taklng place on - ars-ini, ;4ecalaiail over thie Domilnion. - iMlltlty ]pro= tue 2umpyresuai.. - Veî,y 1i111e more tu known ofut alms- t'heric epe-tiîsi-ty thaus Franîklin dis- > cvered lits1, 15(2,- wheti he proved that thse ci ofi-lit th<le air ansd the elAe- ti-itty lot theii.anboratory are one andi tire îi- Varlouli de¶.is'eo have bei-ms iade foi. meiuiinK th'. curreit ln trio fioir tiMat Il- would aiuist in rorecastiir- tihe weabhoer. loit i Ileil ai.e rtji! eliîeiot> tht ii preuriîiy surrouinds lts globe andi Wiisiimftwlils a netwox-k ot currens leI u1i l afllttsr înystery. The report. îiî<r,fore. fronti Madrî id sat a Svanlah iIsasInliassucceeded tus î-ssachlnit out i lii&) rite ai- wlis spi--killl as> ruratus apnd ioi eiglik.lectity erisuugli-to llght lfiteeîs lainieand ls.ev Iie-i i lolhted duiig a ioluiiied test. Iole t rie hlgh- 1Tises-p is xart t t -qervolr oft isIti-oueuItii tiie aiir fronts which iiertilîzer f'or liré Ilde ilias al-,triady hI-en urcÀ.Aoq- fuilis-eiiawî 'Nw. îIf<ii.ait-<an alima c trti iilIty for liettlr ,nd psower. (ibis '-t ILA dnaillsewillI uo longer fi-ar a ifiifauiittip ,r tihe exhaustlioh et the (AI - l(if-id. But It la iposstile that the t- i îx-iliste(dune lioitlil ig iliist tf tas iii- iuriisit àe-ni absisail front moine- gîcl s rit-su l o-legraiili nlatlonî. Insteud ùI- i;sln theti.-naturi ti ustvîy. Trme Tlrlf .- t lis-irlie iwo wava or .alng moriey- i '- sueItlu iîold tilcis t o î-vPrydollar Iliat a lina le (-ait ge-t Iito )lirbant. The ailier t -,n 1) 4ls-rid soin.'of t iesîs t'>- inake morn Viius..Te lbuisneàem mi ii the lut- t f-r , tsddiiig lu cusurnîeni. erlargî nx lita ijaiim ,et ut i-rsoilucîon. ad ve-itsinti hiti 1 nîlii-t to obialii ssîîwMir and144bptter ois-<t. 'lie mî---hiiii loca t by aur'- i'l.vieil; ii iii--lt i4-5ih tlii i5.>it oolols. Thi- Ililii i i uslui4aary do<lu-s 51 uv pi-utz issiis-ll. vrori(ooult lf«1-111)pifili-elf msi-- iully, ortoi- tit, Iiîu-isîixiii lsrove hT4 A -"rtI a~i--ls -îi~.-reportu ar.-W iuîi-l;crî insu-bilnets wiiuld do ir'- la i l-5yailil l t. li . 41s') e-oas %. aui, ;,0 1khîs1 je us> -irîli iii -if avioS foi- tihi- i-- - s o t lo- i ' 5 hrit-il oulîl - -st iiii assil shelUs- ijýfl ii1ri' thu(et lin ilîi j m 'aiftav let-lxit u '-sîîiry The mnan who puta away money ln thse saving> batik. tp trying t-o accuinu- late caitltifcr hie uwn benefit. That sune who lputs him money-Intonew nia- chlniery or aelf-impi'ovemlent latriî tu Increaae earnlng cap)as-ily. Elther carriesi to extrenses lu ru inousi. One soie- ly purisuesi producesa a miner. thse alier a spendthrift. Truc thrlf t lies about hait wey betwýeen them. -- The olâceft t of outh. Bishop Thurston derîlures the Conceit ut youtit. Tise cockmurenesuaofthle "twentles" IrrItates hlm. He Pities the dogmatm utthe e 'r-vnew graduale wliu han -batinishesi lookinsr upon lhe aui total ut human knowledire and lins- Injg Il good. ibome one han saisi thal at neventeeti yearm eofcraIe ioksusw more than we ýl hal evr ïowagain thougis we nt- Methuaelah Mlethuaelas. Fruns that day ti11 the day ut eut deathu we sshod layer after layer uft tiis knowle.dge tiat lien su beavily usea.us n nOur teana. Bimhop Thuraton aawn Ihat lie dues not belleve haljflise sermîonis he preached ln hie firat m'lnimtry. If he s able lu b.- lieve that many. lie nuet have beehm an exceptionai young mInister. Liste ail the i-est of lsunanity. ie lias - been but-y "uniearnlng" an Influiitude out hîngs aince tatltne. At that theolilopi shoulti not ton harshly crîticîze lhe côneeit of youth. That te une giartoum per4od whie IL en- durem. Thera le noise other lik. lt and it cornes but one. While we know a trentendous amunl uf things thal ara nul true ansd have made up Our mmnd. uon everything troin tlie orin of lite la the drift oft he aniar mysteni. every tizne w. sei a beilef or say gzoud-hy ta ais opinion the *hock reacmbicu tisaI-of an amiputattons. Tbe ahocks rpay b. guood for se but they are nomnetlieodstInctly paînful. andi lhe erles lu no long lb becomes mo- jîatonuu.. ____ $200,M00]FOR STATUES. Montre al Wili Eret Three Thi8s Year. A despateh f roi Mon-treal says* Thr-eo nemoriai staituee, t-he onl bined c"ît of which wil1 exceed $200,0WO wilà be erected ini Mon-real this year. ¶'hey are those týo King 17dward VIL, un Phillipa Square ; to Sir George C.artie-r on' Fiet,-ier't- Field, and to AdarnDollard, Sieur des Ormeux, on Viger Square. The Ca rtier xnemoria.l, xetitg over $lo0,000. wiIl ho t-!» most ebaborate of the three.- The statue of King FÀdward VIIL, for W'hioh $60,000 bas been collected i-n aanoîiutss ra-nging froni fire cents to $1.00, lus now be- îng cast in P&ris. Itit j t-he, work of Mr. Phillipe Hebert, the weIl- known Freneh scuiptior. T!» atone base for the statue is a-lrèadY Coe- ('ORN-lGUOWERS BEN EFIT. Change of DutIoM Will Apply ho A despaikih frionCkmOtta-wa eays: It i, iinderstooed t-ha-t the chaînge in tliison biniders frosii 17%2 toI2Y2 pser c(1etit. viii aleo a.ppiy t.ocorn hixîders. which are ia>ed puLrtiCUlar- ,]y in t-lie <rn-gr4,wing counfiffs of Souih-wesstern Ositnarioj. Dwring t-he pretenhation hy t-le Finanre Minis%- Ver r>f t-le tarifi changes the ques- tioni was asked if thbe lowered duity Wcîiîki apply to corn hiinde-re, aind lie -(-xpi-et%.sd tise opinion t-ha-t Lt wouiid. I-t iFi tsxpect-ed týlîat titis wili tIpe ccînfirme.d. CASUALTIES AT VERA CRUZ Officiai Casuaities of Americans ini Three Dayrs -Ozcupation Were, 15 KiIIed and 74 Wounded A d-~ptdsfrîînî Wasliingtd)n u-atctr isls l asecaiining somae gays. Tiîen cd aîd 2- wpunded anxiety.. are tlie'report-s 4.4 the fnghting in - "The Mexic.an forces >ire dimpoFs:d Vera tCniii. TItis usakes là i,i--,tlong the riailr(iad lune, and, whlie canis wli:î," liaNe been kilIed zmd -,A m-ia dger reporst ise rismur w -îddii lie three days of tlght- (ha-t tlîey are preparing tco at-ta-t-k. ung. - he addb t-hait it is ddvtsbted ilit tItis Theie Navy Departient gave outjetrime, antd express3ý-es bis' - ef -thie bulletin: t-at any attaek cain bî:îerefi &A<.liiral Badg8r wireu that lie re1sut-ed.' (I&and-ed a- hattalion trom the Minne-' sota. Mivhigran and South Carolina-. Diplomatie Relations Severted. a-uT tbat. thee anding 'force n'>w A dilspatch f rciîWashI-ngtsîn ashiore, lotals abtist 5,40 snen. The nay. . The sieve ra-neh of dip- blinnestto. Chester- Prairie and j rymatie l'ii-&ationti b-weul î1 ', t $an I-ranyite-co arciyiu-g in t-be inner 14o-ofrnlle'stuo! tue Lu-1 liarboril St-at-es and the de facto G-uv- - -AciriirL Badtgeur reports t-iîit as ern-ment of Mexico was niacle coam- a rýsult cf desultory ftring which plete when Sen-or Don A. Algara R. -cnt-iniîea3 about t-he city t-hree inore de Terreros, Charge d'Affaires ut - Ameirais -ailora were killed and Nexico in WV-aEhingtcnm, rece-ed his about 2b wouiîde-d.- passporte f rcrm thé State De-part- - Tlie ia.nding piii-ty nom <CClr1S ent-. This action was takers at- the altihe c!Ly-, alid otitposts have been reqiîest of Senor Algara-. It fol- i--tationcd e n t1i- eandhills in the lowed ths course cf President iýar, 'whlo lavr hee.n engaged in Hfuci-tain ecin g tAt e-ian construc-ting defensive worke. O'Shaughness-Y., t-h-e Amrc . , ' Ver3- Utile f ood supply has beeri Charge d'Affaires in Mcxic-o City, coming into t-ha dit-y, and lt-is ehould be landed bis paauports. t4h'tught that if in 0; few cays the Arrangemients wero m=de for cjeuto f tee-ding tilt-e people o! ,having t -be Brazilian Miniter iii tlhe city 'tili becoinsi parainountit Mexico Cit-y ta-koeharge off tie -- is poesible tihe Uited Staltes wWd be archives o! t-he American Em'bassy éalled up-cint-o furniieh food. The- at thet place. -From. tto ebottoinitGênes-ml Leon- ard Wood cf the United States army; Generai Blanq uet, Mexicon Mîinster of War, and Gênerai Huerts. HUERTA'S AIR FLEET GINE'. Three Aeroplanîem Wrecked la Han- gar, So meehaniejan says. A deapateh frein New York r.ays: Hen. Huert.a's fleet of thrs,-e aer- planes bha be-en destroyeti by a gale. This informa-ti-on reaeied VLîe avi- ation grounds .4 Heinpstea. Audre Houpert, a- moumoplanîe fler, at-i ijouneedti 4istle ha-J a.letter fztm Andrew Hardy, the former Moisma-t gnechamiucia.n, who i. now in oharge cf Cien. Huerta'. fi-et t ofs-ru- plagae., saylatgtîh.at a heavy ge had blowuî down Huert-a's hangar ansd hati deatroyed t-he Mexican President' s aeroplanee liwt e yond repai r. Huerta b.d hree aetopla-uee ini hie hangar, but nome Lu in ennuis-- sion now. Thefeavers- t-he only acropla-nea own<-d bv Vtii- Federale. IMPORTENG GAMV-BIIIDS. Moveinent .by Aibe rta Fish and Gaine Afflocation. A -deopetoh-friin Caligary, ibr ta, maya: A shipiment of Husngarii&n phieant- a-rrivesdin (a-lgary on Wednee.day.truin Pemnsylvania a-ndi wili b. liberat-ed on several ranchs-a< in t-be territory sîirroîindi-ng t-hie city. Tiis movemnent wagi promoted by t-he Alberta Fi,41i and Gein- eFx-i ctition. It je be.lie-yod pbeas+aita aili t-hrivc in t-lis prvince, ghip- mne its-aving bey-n li>rit.lst lil yea.r- iy for' t-be lpst ive yeusar, andtitheý birds appe-ar t-o ho miîltifi3-ing ra- piaily. I'a-rtridgee lisis, alto, femn impos'ted, and fti-êre aé ic-n<w ns.anry tho.usanidt in tlîeP Tr4ovin4s'. l5ha-, assit-s aili b-e proLemetotiibl 1920, a-nd Vise eocàot3-will 4cut.i'iîe lus- p-rting tbem ni-util Vliat ~dea. SVI('IDl-OF i E, LA,-:î -:î. D)aniel .)ls-l)onalgî i li,sît4 llhsitee- lit: A de!apateb frimanHilifax, N . satys: I>aniei M<rl>oiaid, a fcî:rsier utier-keeîper at t-be- it-y prVison, cornsnttsd stiilde o-n WVednrea>, moriing by shotbin g h i mself through ýtise iseai. Mcli. triaId wam coti of thbe jailers inNvevd in an in- ve-tigation no-avbcirag e-ondtic-t-c,-d luit-o t-ho management of fitihe <ity piitou)ý. Ho tende-ted hie -e-igîa- tinsn a fs-av aecka a&go. 'l'O STRIKE IN JUNI. 1'hrÃŽe >-hoiicnnd lorkerfq inaj(jjt-t real Wil Go (oui. Mo.-ntre-aI,. April 22.-I)ulpiicatiiig tise action -taken last- week by Loca&l No. 13 of be- Ladies' Garmnenut.in- dtîwttry. the ftut- o f tiiatrarle have approvec t-be- strike o! 3,000 gu.rtîent- worker- i-n Montre-ai tis June. Tht- me-nîbere o! t-hoetitu in Toronto ailI strike at tuie s-p Boiling tht- kottie. Mrs. Camipbellia-c. enga.ged a nurse-ruaiti. "Mai-t-ha," Faid t-le iit-reEs, -on the lit-st inorning, "lbp carefui always te luoil the teit-ketL!e before making t-he teji." Maitha ignifiet her willingneas, ant i-ter an absence in te kit-lien, retutned te lier nisutress anti. said: "Please mun, there's nothjn- ig e.nougk t-o hoi tise tay-kettle in, 'lesa 'tis tlîe w-ash bilier,-sutre." No a SngeOde-lasBèeen Isgued by thcx Ulilted A- kes'#paitei if rom Wamhiugvçsei1 Secretary fur Wair Vhal~ -& art-ion 7 i: iot a. iÉïe o 'rdeir, <ther had l ieen tak ên luoking to. 'the b i - Ùenit -rdefliW hua sbeetu lizati«n >f th-é,rnilits. georetary tra-Muned ro -te 8cr.aryfor Oeàrris>lat -t14t' o 1owàn th&bý lie -to 1ri ôe-Géner&l'A. C. ,Iooked t."Gcrwij M~iem' Tureau Miéleii.of "th«- Bur e <f Mili taff- to6-ke' the-~a )p.tnn tarAà,ri' fr he nmubIilizatol of informied ,as to the exact C»nition> th .,oal Gua.rd of a-ny sttteif of!'911 the Natiolial Qîjirds of tihe t.h.s (LJni-o>n. various dates, and tha.t ho was conl- .Týs wa.s the unqualified ~ vineed the bureau had avery iteia- nounce'ment made ia the offioq of of nezeea.ry inf<.>rmation ready &t Gen4rik- Mile« a&t tihe clo6se ef -the lhau'c and al plaine fo>r the noii oficilbuéineSs oon -Wectne'day' ini zatioxi o! the guard il cirderg f,-,r that bureau. The iaeseme-t was roiia>-o-ihi ise preioated upon, tée- ont!nuoits Volunteers for sberv4ce in Mexi.co streauzn of ill-a.dvi*ed requests fer will nt besàa1ed for italefs thcro inforùiation -mlleyed into Washing- iusa formai deel--Irati-on cd wa-r by ton iromi cvcry quiai-ter -of -tîhie Congrees. Taois wiis announiee ini UTnited giates. the Hou- b Ly Cbairrna-n Ray, e*f the AIo it~ wa.s said in t-he office of t-he Houe-e Mil,,t-ary Affaire Coîunmiittee. NU E~ ffFARM PRODOCIS Ir______ CEPOnIS ata 19<5sLEAusis IO îA0 SURES opF 6MERIWNL grisesg ef Cmiii, craîn, ttesse ans CiiàO# #refusas ihom nà Aorea& Toronto, April gi.-Flus- -()n tarie avheat fleur; 90 per cent.. $3.5. sea- board, ansi at $ 3.95 ta $4, Toronto- Mbtanobanm-Fîrot patente. iln bute bags'. $6.60 , do».,secons. $5.10;: strong ba5t- crl'in btuta hbaga. $4.90. naiîtoba what-iiay poilsg No. i Northersi. 97c, ansi No. 2 at 91C<. Ofitarso aveat-No. 2 at I t u 31.02 outlde. accordlng tu trelKht. and- $.1 ta, $1.04, on track. Toronuto. Qatu-N4>. 2 Ontario oata. 391 ta 40C. outelde., and àat 42c.' on tracit. Toronto. West rit CanadLa als. 410efuai-No. 2. andi at 40t for'Noý . 3 Bay ports. fleae-ApouL -90c. outaide-. 1larley--c.Od maltînK barley. 56te t 68c, osîlde, nccardinsi tu ssuality. ltye-No. ý2 ut 63 tu 64ce. asiade. ltuckwhet-9i(c. outie, Corn-New No. 3 Amnerîcami. 73ic. ail THIS INVESTMENT IqAS PA1IO 7% PER ANNUM hlt Yea?1y mmccdo the Fi.curittls of this Corporation were P I1ueoton thé iarket 10 Ysars ago. BUSI oM *sâtblUhed I rearm.' Invesetment-may b. withdrawzx in part or whoje arsy- ino after one 3year. BSsii.aa.. £ mortXage. Fui! par- tieulàrï and bodklêt-giACIIY tUrnllhid -On yaquest NATION.AL <SEUDITIES CORfPORATUON, LUMITrEDV 'à'j SAFETY FIRST * la the watchword of ti day. The uniqu' eorWd - f Canadian Municipal Debentures properly places thoiir for afcty, ln the front rank of'1ail nvomstmmntm, The fOit6wing constItute. an unusually attractive grdup to select f rom-. 1. They cat be purchaed In a mo(unts-of approxlma t*ly $ 100 ind upwards. 2. They mature at practicaiiy ail perlods from one -ta flfty yearm. 2 . They are offered to yieid fs-rn 4V2 per ce nt. -to- 63Y pet cent. Interest. ONTARIO GOVD. ..4.500 or. . AUaUNr. a. 5.0 ---OWEN SOUND, 0OUM. 4.90%/0 NZLrsoN, B.0. ..5.50% II. AZTON. Olli. 400/. IOVNDlC .0 fIZoGXVzLL.ON19T. 5.00% MfZX3ET loiSPiiLs, ONT. -_5.00% A"TA.,.....5.38% tFruuUou. ONT. .-51% OMM............ 5o sTDNI. i.1..5 -... DT.NTAXOOU- jU2MNZffGTON. ONT. 8.20% I ...--------5.50%4 mEu TON. ONT.... 6.25%-1, ET(oir. NrOMTÉ, NAf. ONfT.. 5.25% SONzes.). ONT . --5.78% 2Z*UugA. ON2T ... 525e% TI&AXBOKNA MAN. 0:00% ommESEf. ONT-...5.25% liizSiiÂ. -oASà. oo autlà"ieT.ONT. -...5.38%e. WATR-OUU. SE.-& -. =]3zASOOLISIZT.........7% Write for ruil Wertiou3aru. - *ly seat osi equ.mt. AE. AMES & 008 Union Bank Bulilng, T.oronto Ma slogoa ra anlteba Ibran. $24 ta $25 ____________________ ton. in bues. Toronto freiecht. S h0rt. __________________ $(6 ($2 Ã",i 0w London Letter TC*w lannnaî CoaryPodc.REAR-ADMIRAL FLETÇHER, TUENWSIlÀ______--- litir-hebt riduaiery ic oW nmander oftttfleet at, ho. *--EILILU i lrM anr Buttr-Te bmt reaner litnow tur ofVer CrDuake Wili BueiasOwn .Auctioneer. seilliss at 28 ta 34)c. Cholca dairy. *22 te WêQ eaCo..h ioau aluuesauunes .P NNSFO L VR 23c; (sfertor. 17 Lu 171c, farinera' sé-.ma -__The______of__Marlborough____________ rator pilîsî. 23 zata 25c; cricamery Prliat"r. thaL ha avil smeil a ,limais part ofr Iebis94P-N.GPRUALO Bt tregli,28 ta10 c; dos., oorage prints. 26 OxtordshIre ebtate un Ma:, 6. fils pre- ta 21:c'. mouss stoare. 24 la 26c. AI l'L111NNEL. sent Intention ln houstet as lufs owi asic- tI LIeI- ltigga--Tn 21c per dozesî. ln ca-Se autae. tioneer. but thaïs lias tsot been deflniLety per ie. for Na. 1;t-oise. $3 La $3.45 per 1S'Iiluillig Itilliis i cerettlesi. WUT5HEL.coin dozes, for Na. t. aaad $2.40u w $215 fr .'-1. 1 prieeathn60a-a,îsbtvei No. g.urîaî.(1lmîsa xford ai Wo ýiodîtot'k. The reasn-- Vitesse-New che-ese. lui ta10 l(Icfori*d- wliy the.5dUke avanis tuai-as-I MR he wsî Ca ada, file EmpIr -dté,o large. and 16 lu fo<.rrtwliss. Advls-esrec-d a-t tauaasa-aucineInotgv, wlivler adhetrà licatio-H and- piled. $2- 010 if3 2 25 IPauific bedqîî-ârtt'-ridji t fathe paymaenî t of560 for- ais auctio,-ncerua pet' bushet: ortnies. S2.1;i ta $2.20. ' ,ae l lenga. IGencral Jiefore Tour- rutr---!ow i. ii ta îI31UPer ai,,: thev work d-f Vise gseait tîsursel iu the The itarl of Dauhouàste anrsounes. that elti eslto2s;dos-te. 17 luIS-.W18e l frs>eýdig aii-iavli sali hie Bres-hîn Castieestate InEia gai-e. li15 1e:turkeys. 2<> tu 23e. - eti~ ' ortathlte. Hcotiand. ait aiaeîSn q'he oltr hase--elaae r qitdu-S oddedfu.vilts t,-il<le have estate conrss2.4810 aeres "<anada-ý orstiae hr- I1>ecud itan a-,uit 50 cei. o-f Quane.Pîceleoo XLace blld la ili-or.- 1 t ~ ~ I hcn t--- i Queen «.Iarv had planned te wear <lui-- Berlin PUblie Librai'y Boiard wl, Prvsos lleapisahleý euh ul,ýn tii-shng lher a-SaIt to the Jreuei capital somrti -'e~e*000fen~nrw ar 1 Ilmlam.I celess aid FretivSi lac-e elvei tot->lierrCi- $000- -Èlnde- ar Mda-rn--Long cisbas-.11 Élit 16e per th. 1vi-t&t tiîî. Mr. J. GA. Sil-iiva-n. whoj boi- Queen Vi'ctoria, part or avich b.- nt.g'e. ln case lots. Hams--Medui. 18 (fi tr tise <-iief engmleer for the We-tk. - longasi tu Marte iiitôiné-tte. -Enrai-hU- 18 ie: do.. îeavy. 17 ta 15e; 1ruile. 16 10 naîely the. lace halosbeislottIn- a uer- In-gem~l vct-ed a- ioan of*15,0w0 lic rataibsn 1 ie ait.-andat oti -otpanigfs-tId-uiarly ainsiyirsirinatsuer. Ù0 a> Detroit, fi-m m-ho wil ina-anu> 22 tl sle-i-uk andi seeisig tlait W-bon plaun-et Tii. Queen lptisi -i foi- xhliiton a fe w liît le efficiently caried î,îit. ha--.jjr weeks agoalai9 sosieof ot gîst sraslzed facture auto starters. - Boa" livtheroyal s-îîu-i'îoftart "iseweorIr. I>rHaung Wlsoleaia esil merisantaare eiilng ,ret-tred froni a-vjtitil1,4) t-ls -tunenl o-aszlo nw5-sSe ijmyha id o-rt re.laii- msse a it tad. ittie s>. lhci h s-a-eetakestee-ffn lnlsý-reni. - dairyrnen tu destroy -the germe 1 in rodetioo. pAs a it taile oï he10-!aiicl fRitetaÃŽS beiîtg Fi>' leM- - OM n-s iîsi.Isle las-e saut saii lu alb. baant:-Ited s-tosr. 2Nd. i. $19tu $o 21 ; 5il do, N. . 17150 o *.$; lske, oî- with 4in a nx-vt v »Itad se- ~s,r fir$S71, is ii5-li ie fr belo, tt. ihil-nd otier daÀry producits. do.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rta 2 1.01 eeO:aae.'-Vali-., ars, .vet roisaiIls 5iàftica l'ls- Tebuoines ection o Br an i. 20~Olu$2. d>~ ~O.Zi$î~~' ~- esfîî iatiner. Mr. S g!m'.îslaies ueslloîi lnsia.No. 1. 58110Lu$9.50: ds-.N - 1Tise turs-ia'er Waleda toreltiser. and lQuse.. vas deet-roye-l by lire, tsaenty- z,1 $7,25 ta 57-ô»; alfalIitp N. 1, $1su tthat ih>prga> w vill M,-an, fc<rr -ail effoirts ie urateliser lhave taSi<'d. ihttosanidw!ln3bi 16; do,.. No, 2, $13 la i$150- ùtue j,,ar. Wllîîei.$3t.fiil0.0tj o! ThuyaenSusepect Sportsmen. übîsrner o n d hur %gsay. - ou-tla-y. -A greait. part ojf biia noey ýTise taaiabl- alis s&dpiîi ts rnni Lori WSntlpg. pri 25-Caii hsei~ u. l'- us s-i-~i~ (<h~ l,oirselîsîs- ai ii r-as-e rsi@mlis oie hune Ge4'. Powell w'as found dea-d'at 'Winitpp' ApIt 2.-(-oh: heauNo. Ai'. bt--.;a-nt lisuboerisi-lu' ssed avithian siPolue>' t'ellbtt-tom cf't-ho180-foot eha-ft at No Nortterîs, 5e; N. 4tr. t;4<' Ns.5. 1- hb'fd'îlisa i ,ra-ck work .hssîttus--e- frorn taie thier for Ille Itllure tu ree-og- o. Na-thA.nt S"ibotiN.64,miles <j o. m. litre udisni as a unpttsi-i utfIslsIjotlipr- Ite Dune Mine, Porcupine, having .56:Nso. 6,1736e;: ted. 633i-: No. i 5i- îare b u,6 ie p iw ln od of' spultseiesu. who~. t»i-i.rsliii <'a parnteLi e-sî euis. s7jc; Nn. 2 r,.e-'teilsei-dsf fi) lie laid o-il.h rairl- l. ith,*, ai- ~ etisica utf Ile-. s-ai-tress. are - o! thu faHonte 855js; Na. 3 r-Jectedsioneda, 53ýc':. si.4 ,, iisnîne froa ss, Iii'-mt;tiiost. A lrent-h .of noImper-al o snqtty, 7je; No. . tisui y. Sohc- NiN,. 3 t-*,e,,A411 ii ha4.Lîivraii i-ele uî'k n - 'l'h.os-art S-4siot uit Iýkrsoats icdis te leîn: e amU.ttty. aSic': No.a1 res i 5nIer. 918g-: - ,ates.vsi'u 'urssifsottr eme omdis No. 12 redVsi tes-.cr391c;e.Nor. 3 red l 'sinter, 15<'I tnsiu av-su e-ast td.- l otcr14 ouIato i Iepr. j R uji)a L u u w s fr e j 85e Ous-NO.2 :W. 3s-:N-. 3t.W. -~151-s t-it- d nbte lage 'o uî-gtasd. bu. lie Oas ulti o -rte'il hti-reç L'ndcn, a ci-dit funti cf $10,000F be- 34c; No. 2 teed. 386e. 1imrii'y--Nit. 13 -ribatgslUelatatthé who-ua -1 m-ii-e1 rt- ieIg est-alilied a-t -4o' Ya 451dc: No. 4. 4314,. rebect-di.41&v": t-d. m-Wa p--tlit-a g oii emnisi - suit- haSusil et-her bconlsia Sn hi.hund.red citizs'n. 4le. rflax -Ni. i NW.i'.. SI.3115 , Nuse. 2 Viiiswork, âitM'. M. itlîa lijers lis -hîi-. c CW., $1,3*1; Nu 3 <'W.. $1,241,- Tisemsnti- uf 1tt-trc--ioitssisi Melbere i! uidn - ik>:~.111. is-h upart, o-f tiie 4<Iti rro-1attenions or'ik .tukeson EîiIiTru-dte eetiJanmes W'att, r-e- Iestreal Markes. granime ifiit ciba nlhe calli d c. Il ai-<-tvmeEol otlv rcera ilie, wi-- peen - ilotreai Aprt 25.-Corn tînrli-a ~ lu~tlinIouai patronis tii' usjort. but exiets'ls ttirig atte-r t-en yea-r as secretaiy, No 2 vellow, 74 lts,78je,-. <ataLe. 'utadiatii rsm:,tfra >-5 l nra'-Sng selsvl-c it-rslt-grapli river- witb a &suibitin-tial Cheque. Alexe %-itern. No, I.ie. tâs:anadiarsWeîlpraprt. o! a gi-eat, î-aI AsltlI is t-o be alors. Pecod fil t, u.1 satilise ws-tere i-n4 er ath e ieay 3j in 43. iharicy. liais teo-ed, 1fi> es t(;wieesavtnoit iere ait5usi 10 .- iu bu ï2e': siiliing. 69 bu 70r...<iit. uai. gasiîaiv r-aiie. fîm -cr t> -whie aaSingforlsl 5.aSa ie sa ait issrie witrat iî.etoessls.firelos. $5,60: t-sc- :e..îst -- <aI îinlîs uh -il'y iitlIJluitl' 10011 su lurw W .Sib n -u oste-er nuits Si 10:sîrose bsker'. 5 9» %ts ,y~e.:n' hiiseW5ia'erusaI llItlr t oe usd dson o! Port Ryerse -u.arroavlye- tes, ;îal'-iit.a. chois'.. $5.25 Io s » - w 1, -tjusi:t-< I li re i t. (or- its ue lass--,- »aid the pigliels-untl;st. eotsailih rollers, $4.ÃŽ0 ingo$4.1)(1;dod'.oul-ia-k-if ;:-uctlièsstl(irh-i e qlieîits -- ~-c p- vtt hi î-e ve hfu.r beg. 2.2 ls dot. Rl', 'Ilu îuîs, tril- S'i. 'u- iu -tihi :ki -- ngizeil Iins am s sp tort, Tisai t ilutist t,-a-.inCf i se s avg e-ie kLid anc rei 4 il,?d., Ipiis . 90tî Ise,.. $2.1-. feii i». lýT)" %4114 e r i tae glnsar.'c a-t- i ý- ort i r lse ip r- t tiri-tu$23. fShorts l slddi5îaea $2'14, m-uyiil! ;- ff!-tr. ieiîcé vr s-uii)l lisî's.(ton wtsli s ald tha-ir wagon smcsied by a&,train at NitisilSe. $28 i-s $32. Ili.-Y. Nio. 2, e. p-vTire. is-se .s-nilstai»- - Sirncoe -tu-nThursday. bis -car lots'.60 tois.$14. 5lîei.fii,- ms-rk. ts-tsývcvc. ý Msallheprsî:-u:- >5kmali salut. oct cf Lîttis Slnaers. esjt wi.sierias. » 12j ho t3; fln-'si cissi<'rO'4. w itl isst.'aciypi-rf;l'a-eranb'c. - A trdntsh daioiise iî.rieg u i 5 thiSe I ti 1>, I24-.'. isttoir. -uirext rui-s ry. o iil ýLnj§ o t o 26 :il) 25;,s c-ondis. *-41 to 25v. - 99%ge. NVh-cn rt-aimi-e. t. it Gl,' l sg- iîsiti- ie u tu5l sits st~ - renat llritaint, tiesis. 22 ta 23e-; ei---î 25e-, No. 1 ge-Ltiliclert-t ki.lg ifli a jg ii a5 iqll t5i ir teTîis îu sut ;.vug î 12-1. -loisIoimilr a surcorlititsug9 a loree. t i- liele Suffrage tte -ried t.o bu in ' nn-an- Diut. C'.15c. T-i.v-rlae -a >l- l naistl>afsac1 aIen hi-l'y Losrd itdavii-i Who lias a itcfit'w.dais-Ha-Il, a. large tîn-oceripedian- United MSates -Markets. Sinol 4tsYuiiii;i i bsl-boie- aiii alu ttIoint, Blfast 5> - s:.1<- >-Sl; Jui,. 25 o 95 la>5 i. r. i- 2<? iî in<a i ire mentsi (o)5Ii liî laýrmt. i-t.- lIs.-> ave -A pro>miiesît -Nat-lornalisto ini Bel- 7siln>-,u.uosl. .Nptl 28 tî'h a IfllctJîl s lit sle i gd eut-iie-sa5 i i~O-i th-ir 91 Sst î.04o h: u.ie]; îseu It fi" 'a sîeuuin92btîset Ituo.t1u.ifsWfat tatt-ci tuat- tat- home rulo con- - haT 95;Ni. 1 i <s t- 1k2 t o 94i c; hîis Y~enu-. f->.i-H-si-i M 11! l--i ie'L t1o e-I-rý t -ri. i-stfiî- ltt u it s I udgce:i trom erby woutld prohsaIl-yi be settled Nu. .2 Nortieie . Oétr940,Jds), Nu. ih re -îî hî>IUresio.he ai.-o ntaâ erýM 3 5ela- 2j te)63e,.oasis. Nri.- .whIsi.tufîtrlse,ê~lis-~ 'ka ~ ,-Y: n2noirut~îasa luso i-bsco nr-sat.ren go i;s ISti.-lour. tant--.alet.-%,us. $4) ilt? ,wt.lutoisure In ane:ion for tir-ban UlsVern lis wood; Drtiie - rs .r i5 Ilis oi-Ju Y1te; . . 1î ..ca- i li-fi "Ill>-e i--' Ot F-'i- Lor txisiiiiiii. ailtjl: n f rtr a it fond ,-ieaî-e 2. 2-75 In jutei -3hjluuiienis. - - r. . Ltiih->l-tl W.!4,-.14-t 11(Ytud i t)%S'u Wu, fir-it)is- The Gapce -thletic Associe-tionsit 65,684 Ibssr-lo. lit-ais uah-ei gé'. s iô. ssu no-r M r'r --ls tcIai t1u-i-z îotui I-if(uhs--uuîsutuui- 'sýiil, lri 2.18 Vie it. -4Isard. ehgi- it-c'iitd.cotu- sec cf a thosa.n lii-- N. i p>rtl riius 92j-t; N%'r), r- siseie 14l ad it-hir'w-as t't-i 4-u - ! <rt '-l t l u lat tit- a-e, Ic-d lii.>-aut r 'l'r ti tti lie.- vout-sg ntîit-t foiu t-ho nucleus, - i isiria. 9 M. illishaslt. Nus. 2 Iîssr.lId lu ia a"el b.fo-- c-: ! ~,- ut'd i-oh si-' uie Tuoe a w g .stt May,91.;Clu-: sI91r- C.i l'me.: l.ihtîsi-i.tio i- -lit tu ir i uftfii - fa N ativnal..itY m4t-ary orgma.iza- (4l .t-- --u a Il iar gwee lo. A of ij,:!.-î mmat- ms-iîwerr-'a.* it ie i.>.rdt1ciuuse si-t10 %1,4h.0ik toit-sia5. ---s-ip , % oo.Ij.jorf bivs tutî gît-la at 000 m en. Liv. StoCk M rk.ts. u- r1-'u l gre--tit 4til 1.6; si .' ta r.tuu-.- oeil .,tîhsé- iutsjqci. They' do-eli-d - Tornlo A ISI25 a1si I tluluu is i de-îrfgI.r -' .- 1,n- i '-1ItL, Jaid r iit . t lu marga vrine ln itiase tist-iiii I t-. su a d s'iivs t) ApIl10 N Jal ieoîss i r u .'b : Y i tI I;--, Itsn il%.it e ilg d ilîti iere ani ht-re lise>'lsieil oIl s. - te)riî.40.'eunfiliio i t$ >t '.1 te , ttu < aarmite, hsid*ilei r î'-wus great iligisit anod E ni-os y l c b.î-ea andiuuiu', $5s lotlu $ 4;; - aUte iilil-. b'r ofi -, C iea-.) , -- 31p t lts-uît il> -iput7 ao n, v t ùf bt in». V7-~U lg î. 862 i $f; 7îfI i i i le r iiiiit raiss-t;ol p . t 7 t:10c ui N 'a-ua tIl Mte: , re i <t -il,; i l.510 - i-j T i n sit 'isutîs if i list itt leIs tml- i-h'e ist ini, lg t <'ss. 33 1 -i55ltise etu -ttii.t e - p,-s E1 4> g t40 Ib. $7.251 -Sîu auuI ,.$-50 zolue]. 5$7ste, %vivrs 1 4, .aîs( th lo . ob li e t Cr*Iale(ll tNom .. - în pe de gilt Ille c age o hea dgd,-lcl t, a Is îe sst a h. s( 'iit îî bhout f i n uîo' it-1. e Ii-ur mibi i u->ser. ihetQieu î.. Nul iiîg -9. fîi5ud <ticr-t $1- l -utay.5ai i ri tii s&-ri teisi;t-l 5it soeuet. t<,p- 'n Gn en trk il . ili a- cas. uîl e - a . $9,7ia lie $10;e f'rui-iri-tfe'sr.'Ic toui i--ssIt-s us14t1tr-se ihtiiNg s'> o atje nd tiuus. 5* 'o 7 - n-édi. 4$6, jtslHs hs-ui ils (t-par uîseus-h -f la-uuu-..tog ean>-îs. Las-i i irrsaildlisatrutiti»iftamix' lrtuor.d hm i ----he4'-es ptýNr A iw i Xi' ri nie -ut - itinolus iidlit'îiý,- -std. rfir ote Cuieritt-a-t -lJ ar :-bttel su-utiis.tst Io 714.; it, 1 uhn ".- rtlV. A eweh-pId frc $104) sye: 5-- 11 -as b'VllP i ;uaî .N h o isltun St Ille 1* i llb, ofl î.5,-llît-i a - e 3 o 7 e;miei.6 ;l in ., m i, i, 1j 4h a n a d ta l d<(o'le li-t re a i l <s t-re-- Ilft iil Ifn t5-it sîta- - p d a .i nto 1, W - à 0 8 1aMxe.Oe -y'raotlegrdt i îîltll'pief.h (se.ith e iîi itil Iri ts-st'l irig ilslit kusa teeh iu-u .tteibci-- lio M-s rlid .ailMleWl 11.tsit%-OnJI vlis t<ngs ro ee osenb- --, bI ot, bilitis ! trae -evesaîneit ~tî~eo-e eenng.u.Gîî>- -obcd" -as itm uiIe< t lsI Jit1ma.iMsifft It lia opner he lit bfr shln. het-td o!t-h-eDo d tnio hi i T-'i eIv. - -Ihope ein- - h- go.ie îs th4e o n 0f a -as s ifI- C-fili .4lii ustlni es bl4 Ins.411, illvet.d 1uts- -as rit n Sii (lws it' .rii tftt-L s' lutb M xc n eI-a ise bs-a ii' o, Ise thl -o b-c a i i tii g-lditiiiihlthfll< hM,to rts ant o! -ik-h$3.(fP'a-.aî-- jteîlmihila if tn ifvsbrd uti4rlie Mifaipies.li iLounicrrs nggreatdil3f3roi-99, pitflhl-]i9 lu-iIr# wcheviIlg." on. 3ni Mr. St-ii lllaactiti' itsaut- y4)vder srduîtsi futrnois. Irseluis-ittie ihia faimuosa - nen)- illî ltWfiiil3-ngooji cf y-tu fee i tisex-o-t--tu g erain, oul, iae P Tatilh15lu ieiiacuub<tthu r Vaell 0f tor a.isy" e at u thewa wthda -anirs t-o lietu'm-t-W tlie ei-ipilut-on a ui-us aI lrsutccuv bal u iti-eia-ed i t-Ie contry inai- busp Iis cut. A- on~ ~teeaute I). s '-,ider i Ib-,ikfth-r.n- ] diston- hîk wo ueti1-o,"saic t- Vay in amw a, ofercor nnintr- exuee'aly Tori±5 ý 7"a,,kien -l Mr- ti ai- t b-u~-aiy j -t-omkoXd M-, ala wnkeithkoyl aruianstbe-ute na. 'sveil aa cftse cal1 g enh-ruetr fcorn dw.nis, rendrn -e-islnos"-.cfe-dtm-le o'prnici501oo inm-st-entViseDanluln mîst --ey der~ m aite omm h-s herd iveas raim fortire Ïa'ttoci ch'rf dis- y1lu m- e ou'ader uite!.- o dq ARCHIVES 0F ONtARIOI TORONTO .7 7 qk

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