atui >lavy, Das gated the, aller b. rday Night's" Weak "Oie oight imagine frein tIi. gem- 'Point. eral at;titude of these ýgovermneùtal gramimotheri that the commxaîdlng 8 States, Secretary of1tMe ollicers of thonse 810,000,000 naval miels, who recently promu!- creations were stilli iî,their swadd- order that. there shalhere-lfflg clothes. 0f cour»e, Danile o Iiq4or. in the av î'lathe Mpeans, -if possile? tg Sa8% pepular- mare genius wbo- issued the orde-1 ity hý hie hoe Staté by mach ord- tbertly atterward resclnded ý-thatior, the "drys" hr biglati n ad ehicers, et tue iavy abould Obt at , ceMuuou table. It cannot bé - sxpected that a Secretary of a NanIVy wOUld linaw anythug about naines. 'tberefo're the orders Danteîs le issu- i»g will probably have about as- 1*11t effeCb ýupO-on le.who mai aid eemmaid shipi as would a dipperful s ar 0ou,à duek'u back. ascendant. But et tue sanie tie the Trouonsýb1e oMlers of a- navy, the nici who direct Its destinies froni the bridge aid ualtmem In he draw<xng- roemor the offce, muet deePly 'r.- sent suuc In terference with their per- sonal liberties. Inu -thIs age wve are cursed wth a lot of people who fond- ly Imagine thà t the dawa' of the. OD-IN G.'T N W 4'lanting Time - To ge~ the best resuits use t he best seeds. We. *have i themi Cheap priced seeds are dear at any ptice.i Tryus,. GARDE3N SI3EDS - By - the package or Ontéons JYlc per quart. Sed Potatoes by bulk. Dutch Set Presh 19-pgle Seed A nice lot of flowers and plants'just in. Jno. F3. 'WATERI-OUSE WNlTî3Y 1 hlne Il . Prompt eity THE DOMINION BARRK OIN EDMIJND B. 55 RM.PP., OsDKNr w e M 1TUEIPR£SiVENT. C. A, DOGERT, General Manager. Trýust Funds Shouîd Be'Deposited In12 C B nh-EOlll1ank. SuCh lunda are safely roîta Whon paymorns are mrade, paru culars o! each transaction nuy b. noted off hèquie uaudw*hleh ln lit. 4crng arecel pt or voucher when .canii.ld tb>'the bank. BRANCH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager. . B LACK, d FTa rns For Sale lJpwards-of f orty f arias fromt 25 acres up, and at front *811an 'cre, gUaraîuteed to show satisfaetory resultf, front iives!tmeit, lccated in WhitbY aid Pickeruig Townships, Every conceivable requirement of ioeil, buildings, erchard and éther improvemnents cii bo met in the variod liât off ered. J. E. WINN, - WHIIT1BY Bell phono 199. - P. 0. Box 394 Itesideice, Duîdas St. West. NEWSPRINGFOOTWEAR We are receiving large shipments of the latest style footwear. Our stock us more complete than ever before. We hiave shoes that satisfy particular people. EXTRA SPECI A lS Cal and inspeet -our extra specials ini Menus and Boys'_ Work Shocs. - -j. wuMVWs UU UIItiuffl, 1ndIo - isrpon- Omlii. or the lbs . otmauy iyI ad- klng4ora of bave up ion eartIi iemuch treasure ye.rly. j~ comïnisnlresponse ta >ust such'silly it .' ý ta au efforttahevnt -* orders as that fortheeming f rom.Dan. Sales sityofa S tde,.Unigh* Iels. We have themInli ail wà lkm cfgays n. Il.fe, emelastlngfr caillng 'foi refor a --a4 df, b t m ~ on y . wbIcli mean taking, away from the AMt< Reçy ha ha t, ild n hwyo ipoce people their .(*od-given liberties." l'apliMai w dy Saitsof.mrovmà The above lW tram the 44"Frontarudy>iho . page" of laut w ek'e -,Saturday ew pepl lkete te, hyeèreuhom e. s oo Nigiit. The writer signe, hkneelf pcialy saits, beau*êt r e V"iéOsC81b u~O~O0&utIuieu-u~ " 'QU.OI#ne "Which Io cominonly disagreeable to takee, aed ecau9e "W. n r-.ipbecrclsad shelves madeo dean andcanitary-dul woouw rnfuuul euppoâed to be the, pen name ofet griping ýand' Pains timy cause. e e -c Edit0r -PauL. Saturday Ntîght daimls "Ozal Orderites enable yp ou te ~ brgtadce-ndhewlh efigovedwhfdddtcietg té be a paper worth wie i l ee-pYale, aail 1 ithout griping, 'Walpaper or streaky sud sabb asmn, a .aeat!tieand amtsry. :purgmg or excessive. looseness., Saltsaeea etespca herwçin-Williamsproduetstt ildoaltefr 'ut ts"Idaud Drees" colunms and sud harsh phyuics usually give onlyý "Israc"pagesar ryvau--4ejniPorary relief and,,oiten leave the' mmcl'i expexaze. pintd inst able, and have donc much ta protectbwesoreoftabfreFeyurferueSW ndeForantoraualepnedinhrSW tihe Public- interest. uY1.teRxliOdrisiue i.bwl ~ Foorlac for an attractive, finish imitating ail the popular hcrdwoodsa sueli as" droMnt page articles are. ano, Inter- ro' , Yiand sootbe, toib andOak, Mahoganyetc. istrengthen the,, Intestinal' muscles, estlng'and Instructive- i tep-laigtehath i oua ~ Rfns or untrihcca fSWVcrnish Stain, a comnbination of a pe' ekpfint testh. OloneVa ho.-. actioni. They taste like candy i emaetpgetsti i4 urbevril, which renews the olà uz1t formèrk 'AIIyaperznp'tntô p aid .tatWraIaas ahdurable v bowel - rn ~fico ti , eel efetJelha d yu nd bo. ,f~bq~qi uroe su- t e DZOUY t6ý t he ar aà a' the Élo"em t.Pt1Y - c 'I Cubause Io as -ves, pantedOa ors doo rs u!wisotig ualb trsncial ies- thatw. urgeyou to ty..4t0e Tht iuo soldbeaoXse, ihte i&tidn f > ieattctcolore , asy te keepdean tramthe my id ivy le 'tiug li satîs t ë îîeveyouway, ail The be inih fr wllm-aSewnWlimcFa-à nadrbeolpitta d.a r ein ti i, eopl ebord a9 portion1o! ba0 ha v t e ot e orlne;diwt ot velvety baiet. [ e ruae n d eo iii tht are he Ci > ce thsur 0ibertes," h aha ivels a mteliltbs W n-'estîybe.. e xp insetd haoe.Iy"'t*s-Wvery Pabl sd u.frabe pars sudÇ,sa lýe waob God-giveî he to behe eur et bowta rten ihsa n atr ihu nu Iht l qwuko shoufait that oie t heud25cni., 50cl.e - e Itatiécooaeayto ee le fral he ra cmjnd ad omay are t e ea st or es, ai way, tile tiseo alasShr i- ilin Ia-éea Uabe lI chirettodes b ti em ls .. x-in te leete 'o hebso- lrj- ployer. apea labor prp witti the use o! emloes copiosn o Ipos tImadue . Sl In e9t, Wet. tinERY boxNesRAR thi nsa y'eI4aniJf n c hotome .'oc"Tomy25ono20 WITB wok o tiiude tisemle um arm ly e t l re eekwlthAre cmilaees ai theïrp.eople uh te M. hs O ifac ho Wi Gmoernhbent cVERYTtHIAiNatSIoc PoiRDWAREee. should et tue e po yer lu ti case a BM A SECaen e R yn LIelNr m u r ue. o ee eom e d <tl1try i dcaed ifr ed M. McEhi l d luST.a d eaed w a u -, sed tMyou will recommeudtht 1,JMaîîrM t e s t t a t h e . C o l o n l l o uth e t h e jt w . n e r T r i o . F r s m ' u n o t h r y y a r t a e - D e e s Ou lo t i e e o plof th 11h theiMrideba tii. ula cLn e at s a id i he t w ny y u. $. A eoeneto hecuty Adt H. ont es ee.gArliii, d eenrcmmdittryglat deee y myleit r. eaor s ag oo. d aa aieuipîwu the' shyuM ne.thLemploex aidhisoahera»trelatives lu' jhe. Trees lou. e arcsurry.a taveas peo. li sln t ae aiof bayphone ad bere s itoneYu aeCl ta ete o-es, fMr.G Bowcue ane an ure icert ta i mpouse i~ther bM. ng manybafor o nInle. -ed t __ _____ecm____It'_e __treaor O tawa 'ThlaeUr._tree, _and ________ue ________ugh necoasarily 80 la s, anddtthak tusre wih h. Personal Méntki Lt us supoehathhoeol. bis ural mnc. y ol dearTdliverarsy aloibut gityyeBase s. Luee -aprhee een nd i itwith l mothrus. r$ At DhIqET A h iDerMofT iO t a is ifsta cth Base ie - goo Aiss ,'A. d ello w, e'tTTeeru- est i mah eflt frý s ga adwsanepoa f eFeC.T IE TEAIM teNT .Pon 11bcrbrsitory caled b.tkn phrudne in' ars. e oandfouher eaivsi-80%Trë aco Foe re CoaId Ind the H geaA dthp. Tlbey sto alI for on Aeria1, UDnel.u fTootvi-a cW h * Z n oneeybn, andOatsar .JulyIo MOte with Dewi eý Pronad Adame'i West JuM.WayhaIrtunnedMrwoek.1 tontealtcrrrect.Mr. dl. W. Wllle ofhas retumned 8c . n er ai r me i s, ai h as wih hi n , Mi'câ . Youas e Itcwbe n n a itex sp nd nth e is t er h Àre tDECT li hen aOT inth insueer fisema atuItrc.Mie.E. N. Graîger sud sonThofa aa P queks atin Mr. a Gobrd pt U a y i arbrspen a t ew dayu w int the - Ihiala aplie dirctlysud thecity - erme' aretsat ort8h&by WenECtyThronhte îMewNozzl M- , -Ç_r.taids ors.hR. .3. Goldriîa_ have an>edc d 0th cll psbi t be anr oiVy ý reWI7ITY b s t r e tune d r m th i npt.h wIuhI lpa ui. 'h a itleflz7eà r. m r. 1 Mr. olrig hLSt We . d Wiil ehoa hoe tre teiY me .i u tern theieieqtricasd 'Inonda alter May 151h, lnatead o!1 Mr.r .hJcýno/mmer nastla the eh,,,<1fMI- psatazeakinltheeg a coul nte or su il ls a In 15teitict!g -E.N 4--g ndsno cada Butaeothethe qmar tin iain'ber. nagt ers r.ilicad Pni d Mme, wa. Wo Pea frshe jus hteedQ 11l i h Ier= h l . i sa id lie k i ne t om e f re n t a t c rt Sco t baî . aa ~ -l ~ p i t t u t ~ ~ c u l~ "Mitlmae reuig there oh te FrnkGMdrng I nd tapst R.yJai d rush hru ed. eold or elev th ctrhsaltt o e .C.1v, Wi ha hereml-CI Th e i ac t thnw e ns of tld a Se~osia uldnsfr the adsthen ilb thmet addmîchteheaîîh" r. Lvan Mrthe. Jamil wingfo- hRavea.eneso gnl qeontetube Dmgis'oros t _ tomtorwedtg fi shalterng "English" Paint0 rçedy, lfte omlBaintwsr Inan . à t AY I a t al accdnou rred w i D ru & eî J M r . E N G a n g r, o! S c n b o o e c nt y o t ethP. . p aab idga la n n e h e b u ld n g s in y o r p.of and, hnit e cl ma o tre l. 2 aor as te f inicN pe nta e ' at t h lcl etatPteror, e hbrh od iat hv b isitd dataffwith Mr theJam.rSmith. when llarryg LrenMrsmetihiardnande- W wi ru =jtin Mk bethn trog te Frn Glrig W G ales a js c iveCo 4-arE i -ingba.ty nd ndr col orreleveth HaarLLItonc.. t P w o h çrt i l y e nd.rom G reporSts t snd caei nc i not rpaintat o w Th fc ta ti nwniaiso r t h eopia bidighfth <>e a nd Vo boad a eat-bund fabuyithe ant t ime f uho u s Word hmah tb thnvaluelf tdinspetded NratbLte 'and eileFA ThLAtCthE mNT. s 7' Brn4a' .B.Gnun wa0 aaccidet tvaI Tennwandts,.oN.osY-'1ein A sh ed ingaalta -ien t thre ' 0Zn fralpitsta nb Auo S anla t a D mdebor_ xinn recntlon thsee, PRsaid rmov d -themin W e dI it. inq i --q-kl 4 ootal oîu op g o fr c w f 1io oan A ar y o I a nlai îaIofere have r enîî s t.B ll ghe-e un e W. bellevo Rexalolive 091 Ernul- 1914.)soE. adite, sion le thé besî remedy made tt I Wo£MIuEL.Miônel touing, the nerves, enichig the Clerk, Whtby- Jn. 18, Fcb. 6, blood, buildig up wasted tissues, -Mar. 4, 'Aprîl 8, May 4, June 8, reiewing health, stmoîgth aid cicr- July 3, sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, gy-tho best medicin e yeu can use il Dec. 4, Jan., 7, 1915. you are ruà -down, tlrod-out, nerveus OSH-AWA-Miea E. L. Macdonnell and debitêted, ne natter whaî the Cierk-Jan. 14, Pcb. o, Mar. 5, Apr. cause. It doesn't depeid for its good 4, May 5, June 4, July 1, Sept. '4, effect upon alcohol or hait-fomng Oct. 8, Nov. 9, Dec. 5. Jan. s, 1915 druge, beresuse it centaine none.. u 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Geft- mnay net mdake i'ou tel botter ln a weed, Clerk-jaî. 15, Mar. 5, May few hours,j but-ht will make you feel 8, JuI[y 7, Sept. 5, Nov. il, jan. better, welare sure, Jusa ac sea as 11, 1915.1 1 the tonie end food properties it con- 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Bunnha tais hve chnceta el italie Cleik- Jan. 17, Mir. 7, May 7 blood aid,: tlrougb the blood, lite the est et the systemi. Pure Olive Juy 8, Sept. 6, Nov. 12. Jan, 12, 041 ad the --""1ypophosphites have i 1915. lon ben dorsed by succeseful phy-'4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Moore, Ux- sicians, but liere, fer thè lirst time, bigCekJa. 0,Mn14 they arecôcmbined inta one prepara- May 13, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, tien whhoh, as a rierve-food and a Jas. 16, 1915. builder o! strengt anid henlth, We 5. CANNINGTONThes. 1. Pester, believe, bas rn equal. '1 Canîingten, Clek-Jîn. 9, Mar. 13, Tf you dont feel wci, hef.rin taking IMyl14, July 5I Sept. 9, Nov. 19,- Rexal Olve 011 Emulsion to-day,1 - Jan. 15, 1915. 1 arid build vour heaîth and strexrgth 6.* BEAVERTON.Chas' A. Pte - en your svstem ngainst MOLe ' en- SiBavrtn Cek-Jan. 8, lotis iIIness. To convalescents, old IMin. 12, May 15, Juiy 16, Sept. lo, people, puny childreî, and aIl others Nov. 18, Jan. 14, 1915. who are %ieak, 'r1in-tlowi or aling,1 7. UPTEl1GflQVp>..Daniel Leonird' we offer liexaI! Olive 011 Enuishon A therîey, Clerk- Jan 7, Min.,11, J wilh aur pérsonal promise that, It it; May 16, JuIy 17, SePt. 11, Nov.' d,oesn't make you weiliaid strong! 17, Jan. 18,' 1015. again, lb 11 cot you nobhIng. If1 By Or dem, J. E. FAREWELL, ire didn't Iave thie- utmest faf th hy Clerk of thes Peace. Il, wC wo1ldi't otier Il 'wîth tilt Datod at Witby, Nor. 28, 1918. ImpregnabIe Strength incompa rab/e Dividends Minimum Net For rates, Cosit anild Ki 11i uforri-ation hi Mî"* A *E *DONOVAN, e h r (lip p uî .> Q ieer> & Viptteija SÉ P Sho - St re syitle Toronîto, Mgr. ýck St.. Souith. Whithy. Ont. Phose 161 The Mutual Life ineac â 'WITH the May ai VIding gift buyer in mind, we haro pi 'noirei and purse-ch; ia wedding silver. Nothing makes ai ng g1lt tcf a bride1 'sOeopiece ef ailverm fashion centres tis s ware ha the appreved We carr a cern1 'both selia clIver flat, finest-et silver plate vemy large range of c SOME SPEC Pierced Desi Silver Pie Plate Slvei SandwitcIh pli -Sîlver Bread Tray Whatever the suze you n we bave it in stoc PRICE: $rm 3.00 f0 $1i Jewelep* ad Graduate E W Ce' T. A HUAD AON Ah THOult o th lal oM - nte iaeofUT.lî(ý1 '7th, lus told in the followiig -taken !rom 'thIe ChicaSo Trr Iii. tollawing datd:- 11niî-alocins .feit, the Yesterday o! the iew- wômén Incomplete returns tem 1 tewisbips voting directly on addry -question show tI than 1,000 salîoohs were put commission and that 'the vote. was respoîsible' for the It was not a eean sWeep à antt-&sîoiu ore, ai i resuit was qfar frt'ùni thr ) 'forecast made hluthU.e dry lea tÎhe first electi-on in 'ahî i'h1'I Moen would have a rhà iwô ' what they- 4houg9ht. oif ý'the -i 'I -~ t1 Rave you secured'your stri bed.If you have ni(et you Curtaun -sreteliers aset I.Rea.Aise hav ja a eW 8stock of gardon tools, -tcnhé 'lisat et ders e~on April 23, by the MedJv mlty etofQueeu's- University, upwas $he zname of Mr. Fese, B..,son ef Mm. à W. Friser, o! this towa. Niai. youm cyca' -careftally «ud properly fitted- wit-h s1e or ee-gasse. ,EY~Vll d mi optician. It lias beèn -defmnitely decidei Mue Whitby Bland wili -go te 1 «amp this 'year as thé 34th R tg Band.- Mm. Ceciu 'Grenfiel #eu appoined bandmaster, a making arrangements to t'ake f ganlzaVidn of mutsiciîns te-O ual camp at ugr-i-lc- Iasteri Star Lodye; No.LZ -: dther aniual spiua(i îaftemnoon next in thbe llpthstý "r wlere-.Rev. A.M criwl thei. sermon. Memiiers' ý,re re' to liacet à t tUic od.jc roo-n 0 Clock. Thée lmethrcn -olU e cpt by the 34th liarid jon il,,(- p the church. r"îco eni c'clock, IVWALL PAPER AIN! 'IT Whea you waît your lieuse. or aufr paInting donc, sec aur. b,001-.-P. R. Bradburv, Mai or box 176, Whitby. TeFord-the'Liglitest, Surest, Most Economnical..the very e ssence of automobiling-..and ail Canadian. Model -T Runabout 4 fI f.o.b.Ford "("o O n I a ri- -Get particulitrs from W. . Lulce & Son, or L.W. IYudlé'y, Whitby Ont., and Uriah Jone's lîrokin, Ont. I $Local fltà ppei m A moim lmu#leb #%OC i%&19uA 1 j WHITSV I OSHAWA - 1 sa^ 1 -