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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 6

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Josraey- ~.p eeinkcjj eýo4attrublpthan »theptra.&eIy êho nettiÏe' oneor mor'S49 ~ hnisi betns ~l1 à~t.ravelle4 Sf'm àliIn cit people suifer-!romA un tiErporter- .»the reeulat ot idooir lie, in poor- verse, throusb .the & q 1 Whet'her ei 'IY Otem tis jurneyi,% n*1ly toi be made iwe k>Ujdn5.offiàl ,DrcL prove a mahie wiehis lighter or hg tha iu Ai1and Mâ nuag&,V ~8rair ihoi4h WWIiçh t1 St. Yitus -dance, epile'py and cother maves, <k0e mat ;ot ppear, a.nad iltu toaolmsýùýn e r v,_rube aeuttei eenisAsf thYs peint depende more.n ~ an tha tihn, nprethenx- UpoIl the maithan upon i.m- ,any other týwe, a beiakiu,,Chine, ssti- oiti~ mrc n nerve-reeboring t.offii e needed.-,The-renarkable trip from Par-iai th a-tquate.d custboan o! taking t-O Wàrsaw sd returriWyB lxde purgct4:ves in he &pinla i.ueleOsg>, wnC "rMud'wi-sw's a' Plwa 'for tii-, Sy-iteen re.lly --ne:dsaeruplanÏe; wýhfei-le Vsiatest Zappe- ottrntening, wlii-Ie purgatives-S oe sspotdt>hà.vÈ 4h11- on.ly gaý!<op through the bowels, îty to reimgg-din tuui ir for tbre ' Leavimig yoiu weaker: Dr. WilIli'am2' d a.Ys80d tGe have a ePeed Of 6 1 iles Pink Pilla arc the ,beetmecici ne for an hour. El-ter iàoihile hoiiid hét hey êvtiialy,,nake thé "ne-w, riclhrenïd!,rëd capable oit -0singi red b-bcd that- fedtihe tst&r4ed 1,31, 0 abtweenNwoudlai5Iai nerv-es- tuud thuiacure thxe, msaiy &n e.ca,.d wf-na peni eti foris f nervou's« dl.ord'ees. T'hey raited e cm 0to40 luona. -- cure a-hosxh, heio of 5PIiý-b ,i 1e Bien ent,'< of Dfiettty ni troutbles as îeadaohes, 'pour; p Il-e, ca'xe-s n f~oli~b~ as-m1~iu t-be u.nder-tàxkiflg are comsiparative- 40-5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I i-l>Pui~litypnpe -d1 c nnumber awid cf!0anaturew s.lutactmh-yuneo;andca~pable C0!trivicl 4nvotigat-on'ald 1» uCt dly, ýfakm.glý, solution o-n la-nd. wati h oie or tWo t bing îww- h-abitIiand tmn:tegt.h toaîav o~-ig t-î-à vwe ahk, Li-'d wadd-,Pres£ý2ýd monCxcptic-nqs. wy a,,un ia Wo-~mei Sklrn.,ufi ent fun&s are ava-kl-à.V'e. For' -4, S-1'jy ail1 mediciue de.alers or by tIleac-pi-n the -nxu-rIt importa-alt miail al -*i0 cents a box or eix boxestin eheasrce!tI rl- fur.- $2,50 frmi The Dr. \viIlianv-, Iiility Mf the itve pc#wtr; for the *Mediilciine Co., BroekyileO . dirigihlt ài,4 probably the mainte- le,01* ance, of the tightbneoÏ cf thie e-'ve- A- Nb- éAeite. ope an-d the conseqluent a-îuýranxo A Nobe Acion.Vf henqability cft-h-e mac-hine te nle- Hie mothfer was holding an cxtra main mnf-he -ilr foi' a kcing enough special after-noo-îî1 tea, anîd Tommny timt.. was ar5 ýJ- -iii ail bis Suinday glory For- bu-t-IL olacixîs ou'ver, the liai-f an hvuir before te- gre-t hîuxan clenient f-t'rms ouxe yof the ini- event-.Hi, wa-ý rn't out to the con- a-cterminate featuredth-e otle-i' o-n-e fectdenjiers, to' remi-nd them that the beiîîg the possi-ility of! bc)ing c'ar- cakli a-dn't aî'rii'ed, and lie return-- ried far out of the wai by reasoan - d a fpw mintes Jeter breatl-less of feg a-nd by air citrre:ît.s.« and lcoking d-eeidedly t-ha. worse for Assuani-ng that the proble-m of Mo- uc a r. tive power for thbe nerplaiuti le ."Y-ou' nia.tkl-i,-Ybo -'ai hi-s me- capable o! solution cit-her by imn- tier, byo'veben fighithug.", prevement-s i-n tùîe d-eEcgiiof the en- 'Noe, mot-ler, -I iî haven't replied gin-e and -extreme ca-re in its con- - px-oct. strut-otii, o-r by the dpiaino "1kýw 4<11d, Your lotihies geit tor tie ie-tÃŽ-û cp-owe-î'machinlery in suc-h 111x< yow-r f aciî- teied V' a inauxn-?r t-h-at t-be naviga-tor xnay .92 yuae~nte r, li-f, me.diate-ly f on-e engins ie-i~d JXxnîy "I tried to kae,,ep a to, the other';a-d co!tn what is t dboy Vfruontîî iurtiîîg a gooti littie aI'relýdy , elieved- tO> 'have been ac- - complisled with regard io -thîe - IIîa- wa' ~'ry obl,"said hài lexigith co! hume whnch a di-rigibléý van 'mothe, -:!tV-1-fl."Who1 wan thie bc maintained ail-at. we corne to gU4)d little 1->oy 1" thetw uo indete.rminpite feat-ures ai- 1 e)qnînry ey'd -heranxioiu-sly for a ready ment!&,ned. muomnxt-, tli"i flflCWe-i'd, "'Me"" There ià no doubt I tat tub-e neces- - -'~~' sary C-e-w cou-id rem.ain comfortably BABY'S OWIN TABLETS enctgli in. tthe ca-r o! a Zeppelin of reitype for tilhe time3 required -KEEP LIT ILE ONES WELL for the Atl,&untit- ve-seing, but lt la - ----- also eViýet tiat àiti~'î!d be a most Mothlers. ii you wis-h your little severe strain upon hiuma.n endur- cries to bé a cli, if ye-u wieh the-m to ance te stay in the cramnped quar-. b. bîighL, auct-i-ve aud ha-ppy, frec 1er. of an aeropla.nc for the per iod frein coldus wmmcnsiaiorqurdfor the c'rouosig. epetiai x mmdi IiIip, c-,unV i, u.hi' hiillud ail-- under te inevitable <e<ndtî<na of% -us merut-, gi'e thtem Baby's Own Tab- lets'. The»e Tabiea sneyer f ail V-o t--1.- cK41- lîttu .î mental aetivity. -Slrn onî 1the OIperal'." viks, -diwiudod i-nmofour Uarlyequai tages4 , rmtteizthe d&fficuluties c-of mduý&anSe buutb o! nmn snd m>- >Line,. to e tieduuccd -ini tan greauter ro~or-lnu, ndbrimg44 the cquça- Ji of f ueiaup-ply jute a.1ucsctlien Din'geable sh&pe. ' It mnay >» said t&îatsuch-a route t atogher undesi-rableÏ, bcauiec oirita, anud ,foluows umàsuitualle places'en route. The greit thing, owave. - M*nrue s ato demen- copise t ýs probable that im - port&nt miodlfi&tzonie Nould flew. 1»n the e waÃŽitiine, itV may b e'*r abie -Wu hemitate be-nre dcauanding nom thie a.ero<p ie slndit. OPera- Lor, feats jo! enduraee whieh have ne 1er yet' beeni. 1,aked of' thxe 1oc- i--ct4ve êIng»ic r its driver oand 'he wélI sat-1ÃŽAed that- thé- Ne-db AtIan- ic - capble o! division lIto prac- I-ca-hie seoscfor serial naviga- SMOKIiNG NO-AID. Frenehlî tterateurs Say It -Docaé n4t Give îiiplration. lis smoking a bielp to litenary cern- Position 2 Emile Faguet, Vhs French acade- mician, who is ? au invate-rate fmoken, tbiuks nePt. "'I amoke a gze-at deal,-but I du ne-t believe tinat it does a-ny good. I even -think it may do harm.'- Andre Theuriet-, the nevelist, wlio afterixates between pipe and ciga- rette, says - "I' have neyer found t-bat te-.habit, liais the least influ- ence ou what is cc>mmouly called in- spiratotn." Pierre Loti ahanes hie colleague's opinion: tý'As far as I have eh- served, tube use o! the cigarette bas no effect wbaîtever on nxy tacultie.s.". Amen-g emekers wbo are uxembers o! t-le Fre-noli Acadeny, Maurice Ba-tres i-'net averse te a c-g&r, whiie Paui Hervieu considens the habit a-& a vice aud a weakneMs. Roee Bazin aUoi-t severe: "Ii sinoke eniy an' occasional cigarette, but I denave not-ing fram the prae-- fice but nu-ualgia and t-ht' uupea- - sant kuowledge t-bat- in contînuiug to indulge I sunne-uder te a xeak' arcs whic-h no longer ha.-s inezpei- e-n-ce as a-n excuse for it." Ois Twin Brotiler ToM l Iie Curc WHYi J. ù'. MA IjIP PRAI SESI mueales- ly eltroi.ý,-n d- 'Mraltthe man did, nât walk 4qt'uitýehît Ris 32 teith, ,are oôpse d-bstffyPre- served. Thereàienarke aupon them âs if thèy had Wen 1d. The forMýa- bridés of > th e nise is akin 1. to. tha.t The.mx wgnjQund'lyiqg 'on hi. back çýi* hiàhhed 4tu rue d ;>ver t the rgh Wýebis face, and hi tt 4juawniup'in a O-ro4o6h-1 iiig p6sitîdi .1.l ine ertaim t1hat theicposition jeis ntoné o! burial. On the' spot where th,9c in" W w,, foui ,'tie*h wa.sonce.-a lake, and it is 01 ,jectu-red thet the_ mnan wasd~w~ The -body ws& gradually covewèd Wihdib s o! sand ônd chaitï- iQ-iéb, in the.course of etr4 .uf« into the vol- canic tuf a iii -wh-lo the »kelet-on waa foiand. Neriie Euws Neuralgial rings Relief ,Instanti! No Rcmedy WIk. OId "Nerviline", to Cure Pain -or Sorones. That terrible ache--haw you falI reel with 1t--that stabbing, burning neuralgla-what xiery It causes. Neyer mmnd, you don't bave ta suife: -use Nlerviline, it's a sure cure. Not an experiment, because nearly fcsrty years of wandertul auccesbas, made a naine for NArvlline among the po pie of onany ditterent nations. "There ls nothingspeed1erta end Neuralg< beadache than eold-time 'Nerviline," I ;writes Mr. G'. C. Dalgleish, tram Evý anston. "'it is'se Powerful and pene. itrating t4àt it eems ta eat up any pain -la a mintt. My,famlly ceuldu' get alôong- without Net-viline. We al ways keep tuie 50ec. famlly size bottlE bandy on the sheif, and use It ta end chest eolde, sore throat, cougbs, ear ache, toothache and.pain in jbe baclo My wlfe swears by4,.Nerviline. Fai cramnps Its effect 1taastonisbing ani we believe It le better and speediei than any ather beusebold family remi edy.", SWAM 1('Y MOAT. Adrenturex o! BIiiinOmiiaiAr, rcsted in Austria as a Spy. clit R- cm-u'întheiu-ely M eil.cîee Ia- -i rw uufor a momnit tVo t-ber ODDIS KIDNEVIY 111111. e-i dry, Lipper Cîiraqiiet NB., wîite: anti fa-r m7ure higlly developed mia- -eni 'Baby'i; Ow-i TubI-etas have be-en o! ixfltines for t-i'an-sports-tiyn Me fi-ud lie Siffpied frein hidney Diseuse, £1 greal iî-iu n-e iu keea.pigng y that no thouglit as given to tt-li n- 1,Iuiîbalgianîd Blcurnatisni for liiti -î*il a-ad 1 cati reconi- position o! au>' sucli strain upon the Éive Yet~trà-'NowwHeies a Weili th meud 1hein tho ot.h-r mathesr. - lTe opémaiter, inrd tha-t à.tl sau .4e aî Atgalli. tr: T&b1i:'ts aile -ld by ms'dicine deal i- M-lhhOtV que-stion taï bot-h machine .fr hvr mo ~'îail -at '25 euts a lîox aud mani have ver>' deftnite limita- Beîieiî P. O., louson-by, que.., Dis DrutxTî- h Williarri Mediücine tion.s. Iiigh-2pee-d aiiwey traisAr.2t Spca)-J. C. Mapp, a th suad driv ewli-knowLs farina - iing near here, i £oBm rk-ilIe, Ont,. change lotit engin(,%l rwlîo atîffereti !nom Kidue>' Diseaa3 dj + ---- every 2300 or 400 milfl, 'while -onit ieyas s nemr elt 14uuie' U 'le'.ocî ~tîrswîîere t-le mîotîv ive 3ea-e aoc oeawl -el N-4 IlsufiMari, anti in a statenerit given Vo Ia 'Yt loe iie, duîirlngr, lie ask- 1pOwer cauncIt be y'lived asuf- lite press lie gis-e- ail the credit- for c cd --cient iumber of imcnis le i'ed bis cul-e tù udd's Ki-dixey P1>111. 4~ À itt. bu' etl-i divitie t-he labn' lnt-o watt-h-es, giv- 'Mly trouble star-ted wl-lb a olti 'Ali. lit> Il. u'fxot ttiii yw.ur ing ample appouizity fît' î'e4 a-nd about- flue-e ea-îe ag 'Mr. Ma&pp ti kveats "and I-Uint recîpe'attOin P' - . e. bit l'i utrt-0-t-tiare wvlîici llvitlîbut - fe.îvexceptin-s. tîose sau,'at e-i-udit tr-l wv-who bave lj-c'îxaed t-lte problpni of bitgo a-nd uboxtumatismi. 1 had a bit- te crî-aît the Atluîitic tliroîtgli t-le tem tes-te lu my mon)it-h i-n t-le moru- e 11k 'ieî.~îte. ar lî--vef 'Lthetslc'-ve holîud 1, ntgs andi I -ris .temnibi>' tersl. I Vie r aeceen -ftle t -)lpa-a-us deîîresw-d andi low spiri-ted ard i ý > rw. ot lîsau a athîïe prelient ~of tlfnWii ndfotind i t difficuitthocolle--Iny r gi-ca-t - tii i-o! jîloasîî"re eu-of lis -.- tonglîts, wîi le a-t iiînes 1 was gaie-i I!- interrupaîcd nptnted <u)ng ne.st trtibied Mitll sltifflîcss in t-he. joints. s ouee 1I.go'~ouiot ~t lati pa-tutu eui'u's -'My'appetite wa.s ftitfitl,a-n adlid, cîenitug iinid tons fui-it wîîîwlu't<ateot îui tetiipat-lieart iîîi-teirttgs tlîut addced- t-o " b tît bt d arieex ia dncdu îxgbîitig itS s ari,s"Pot tiitîs Weill wit-- va s. My 1twiu brother, who hati _________________________ing iliita tuf ettduu-atee aîready tord 1)odd's Kiduey IPillesud g-ota t-endu>' sustaineà 1 itu-tît b1w tlte mngu'cat benefît fron thecýq, advis-ed me t sIartMd tise îsçîiu ait-o use t-iem. The fin-o-t tu-e boxe-s Prevem .iietàe -o ntip sbn did tie su inueli goodt. h.at-I gotutLwo ti iade f rouni America ttEuriope, and mure, a-idt Ie>' co-opîcteti my cutre. he1examnine t-h-c pîîuibility o! e;îbdi- od'sKidu.-e>'Pis axe t-be iigit viding t-ho tript, regardie'- uo! t-be la'cfltt'f-or Kidnle>' trouble. " I)I 1IiJ.L~& Ila nc's fou-iwed h>' 1hz exi-si-ing Every peî'eon wlîo bas Vw-o-nol sbiýaixihip iunes, hit idu-tît lat a matle tuf Mr. Mapp's eyrupte-ni lbas * ~ ~ ~ ý4r frp-.'~ - ' îom' Nelýf4îtrudlatid. pn.ssing sick Kidacys. The right remnedy> for BYwaY e-f Greetîiaud, lkclanld. Fak- i-cy e cddaKiti-us>' ~ - h -l'ee lslands and Nutway Ould Pis. If yOUn don't knOIX it Out cf- -giva ouppeî-tn-nity foi tti'cii isiu>n o! Youl' owu experieuce, aek your 1 1ia voyage iluto teur sections ojf n-at uetighbore. - greatlv differiug berthe F-1,*-Iouwing_________ - thte precrec-(t o! railewa>' przetîtce and leiting eaeh e matiotI1 t1a)p fiÂB~. EEiI - ~~~vea'eed hb>' u riad inctîîso e laYs l ýi-hwuàditut cccvéiiiiut1înoe;tib V --da mailbag. foir example, ho E -siidiin y Skeicton Fetanul 1 Etir-- .utpe through tit 'air wltil the' ap- EretAfnca paratits wbiclt- ilen i-cii sai tr - - 4 disî-~.s-l . li'. H-ais e Rccrf thle Geol-ogicaIl - lunstitut(- ot Berlins Univensi-ty, ha Th1'fil.' w y t,îtîis dli.ovv,'ed at Oldoway,I-n the north - r11 -W'lî~nt-hi-, bag be-u'u sucoes-s.!iy e!Gern1o Ea.st Afnica, a humai t ~ ' acec-ixipi,-h-dtwilil e timz enough tkeIetlon iuiel-i, fer t-ho ant-opualo- to thliîk about cn5tiii-g e-n-t -une oýr giet, s bIn e cio the firet lipor- %y P Mol~uxle luf the wa>' stations. This aie LW-01ild mauu, i thie e-aue o of cana ,c roxîglît- Vie askail home with t heIer huaiinamOtg bis lina-n forgear O p lpasne, lbý-e provisiton o! four grea-e iie- ctart, wa-s nmadet, ant i nluthbe lcm- D T . M o rs esIi S poyinexit o! as many operator.. Ai m lu iuii'ii Doubt1,OU s sncb a nicthed lwc-u-d net *oot p-lUs £1..appeal tu t-elueuuo rtiug- ellemeTtt, are madie accordIng te a formula in -hie-b tegar-thte xtndc-taking in Use nearly a century age amoug the. Tl'lxy do soi zuch te pnôuxte-and t1ue Ecame 1i,.Ft, aas a -t ceor ludians, sud land rmthem ib>' tialntain :tiae purity and bcauty o iulreeib vi, cn rd D.Mre huhrpae i the-'coinple.Ni, ýha-rdsanaxd bhair un- usholly a-z a con-5eryvitivO engineer- clans sud hemt, ba been fa uondys dt-r al condithins, and lare unaexcellcd ing probltn, tAn' plan May well, e h sandmp iberoimpets h ee foua o in puritv, deliczcy and iraSrance for e xs-mincd ipet its mliet. thé Pilla. Dr. Morse'. Intia oot the toilet aüd Dutiey Freni S-t. J oh.n'rzlN t.,te Cape Pille are ahousehoid reondy through- Faewl, rmiadi a- otm eout thse wold for Constipation aad cutjc=-oap Se Olntui 'are If Kidney sud L-vrtroubes. h - - o! <tu ar 'd rSmnt i-e e lt - eroonptly and efciéy n b~I~ t1lP~ ~ugac~eu. lcg cf talte trip, oud lue w!ich migix 1anth S s. ~Qepl>vi9~3Oi4FIYS...bu very matnaxi hotened il!a anhe oensicuages and betwniee uia, onfheuoae bad aud Gct >unyi n tnlon Vite andhex atin feelisn e!mutal irri litn feinignaton, wbaidrinta d my ave ndgaton, idabne eff n ay hav couseo nierialelufe n h ous. fInentonlrl io-nas. iciet t cu Te ai.re at Brdy.o t-ha. Acu iears aid o! nthhceGeAum oin de f atRea.ian potalofici-a Lmcd opoit of a ac osac'eIm ted Austr pelles u bcusgeg p bed ltraiturlàe iuoGoud ai r Âbtitin it and Ipao f aetora a titutn g for V andsepso atincfor"SI atne" forothAstria ran ofhein usefn li RustrLa ni.iri M. Kopoin wusa efne'-l M.nody ai wsud tte bcin qi 3od once orn wieer bheinue rgne oc oagsr t, reaolve-d ou Mmigtte e-cae This liea ie-s-!ng l cpe. hisb'eov eabar outlsd th-em I-dowi ie o-eil and cII-idetb -ing w ps matie ed lbi bedm"xion wnop melofthi-ng. -fies Thn élathig. aiisili-ei The r air but I o eva edat y blisd-g fNor ie i unde île o!in orbwo o rds i-txx crleof tu iom-a, &tiiencneuii ng Ruass thenitomyoa, hene lie ated luss experinet-wer hs a-h lae i xet uieof. cwa'stin a t-o -îblyO' excaud ond R itin ad uow i-a hospital, in delirinni- i: ai- lie- n- ac ýnd ie- n-g .01- ne- otri- e Test. Ntirme--Weil, doctor, inuet we ,ive him up.1 )octor-Not while -lie can sign a eh e que.. Adivittes of Wsiln e Cbeap form-of Insurauce You are tnsured ega-ntuAicornâansd buuious hy the purcliase af a saInole 25c. battis af Putnarna Corn iEx- tracior. It -cures palntenl ln lu24 boucs- Ter uta' Etatr zo.a l Teatehing IIim a Lesson. The judge'hiad dec4a.red tlat he wo'uld stop the carrying of firefLrîns, ini th'e sireet. Meore hilm appeared- fer trâla tôugb 3iouth eharged wth getting dnaz* and firing i revol- î en gI od e treet. ve4nda. an o~,"udth é jumndcdge. qd h Butye.o,"jtoroe "Bcute for t ricr, "my enzt dôude o the Primerbod "Mclet "W nth, y adm4 tatb1ie the gun amt."t afie thes, utb irdititote i, explas, ed the liwer.tinota i, "Tlimten a ndese.,"re- «1e thojdse "H and itlaepeaot Ulnams's Liniment for gait *w.rvwhesrm E D. '- IssuE $'4 inf-nyfoe rett-y good. n-l 'nAntyislhe-nte -odpoîL, is-ec to be no grettrir t-ban t-8-at01 aente- mnobiling. Our aeria-l charabaaic t-raveIs ei 50 mulf-e am hotu' witu five paL;seungers et a cost L4 sixpence ptr mile for evei'y four p>eople. "Aeriai iouiîng willl -i t»ea8' popular a-s auto'mobilipg; 'no,-'ling coild liemore do'liglitf{il ùthg!-idý ing over F.ngland liiithbe isumme tume ait the i-se o! 200 iîles a day. a-ud patrties o! thiree 4m- foùr couid eaeily lie aocomsioda-ted o-n.onic mu- chine. Once you a.re i-gi t-li-r thbe feeling of secin'oty i-s extraordi-n-ary- - Net long &go I was ait a Party in a ocu-try house wlt-ere ev'ery eont o! Vhs -4 p-e,net <ixer deciarcd that uethÏng Ia thlte worid wouuld I-n- duce theni to taie a flight. Thse next day I tee-k eschli neuxer o! that pa.rty for a trip andti -ey &Il confe,-Eed that lt waq-s 'ot iai! as terribe s it loe-ked. - Tryimîg Io gt/hi'i'e. The fervîeit tempe-rance orato3r stopprd lu the umidéit o! bis - spea-ci anti said, impreEsively: ",My friend, if ail 'the Éaloons were a-tlt-e bottoin o! thes ea&, wbat wouldl'e the imeitable tsei-1.0' -And Ire-m t-ebe a-cheof 4e me-aux came t-lie louti, cmpbatie epi>' "L otso us peeple waild geV drowned Y Try Murine-Eye fcmedY if yeru have Redi, Weak, WatenyEe onatulated Byeiids. DoesiSns at -Soothes Bye pain. .IDrugglstiSoien Munlis B ye PRetied, UlqoId, 25, SOc. Marins Bye Salve*la .Aseptic Tubesi, 25c, Soc. Bye Books Free' by- Maib Au Ici, Trmie 0.04 fer ÀAt»t £vei< 5.1 Noes biurine Zye ftedy Ci>.. Chicsg. Mînarda Linimentlicurés Dandtuif. The l3enu.. "Did You have a. h0inily w1licn your ninisten cafu, Vo dillneir?" "owehad tnieti chieken." Sü, Oone"mOO miw" Toiet the gonuole, omit for fulln arne, TIEBROMO QUININEI. Look rs a.tureI of E. W. OROVE. Cures tôof nOne ]DaY. '5c- Borne peopl.e s-emtot thiuk a phll- aunthrpa-et rme-Tel>'an caxw mark. NînardsoLiniment. nelievês 'tiduràlA. At Jueat think of lt-a direct breathable 0 me'Ilcine, full e of0tbing alntisePtlo and watehnsaki«n uhe-p in King WiI.- pins esàences that reaches svery sors, IIÉM Street, Lin'. At 14 he->vei . congosted membrane ln two -seconds, meeoen-e'r fo>r a city firmn Much Nô drugs totake,.nôthing ta harm or et liia ediieztiozi be h»Pieked p 4 oloen thé aÃ"macb, because Catarrb.- vemingolais, Two acqusi'ements ôzone la the >pureet, saisit eoUgh,- CO L i e bro>uàttauwav -frota a 4toy ear' tarrh and cold remedy *;ver devised. "ÀFor many, yeat.,'writdU .Richard ecool -hieh,'esywretnoes MoCaiIum, IStlrig,- Ont., 1"1 have os- ýîîetinay , e-la*ts - fened from CGatarrh, md nâcentin Uiiy vàluelaif témaynighiù hawked -and cough.di 'oeatht - my li d5d Thswrel<cuorJ throat was aiways nln nInflameà<i, Ir- anud ahorthsnd. nte , hucruthandy. nitabl condiion. - te-m he !eund, irusVo d-evelop andC "Doctor. medicine did not hoUp me, compléteécun1,y In 1907, whéu he g-ave ; In the sitand ail other nomadies 1 itt.o the . Výr1a -11 a 'àbock ealled used wsre quite,ueiss. lnn es ca -se- i S ii-anfd:"' Since then lie t was time wasted ln snuff.ing- powd.r Up the ýno#.; ln another, lusi ng a- greasy bas ý;publîuhed -"wfbn.'Ac-'4 olntment, and go 'on. Notoýns ofthen edg i c woW nt sei.Sir il wam the lsaut'bitbf good. - --Edward W"el ntto la-w as Ra avenue - " herd atarhoonefavl'aly d aPolitucàl canee-r, -and ha. wa-s spoken of, and trled It. Reaiiy i en. oi flt6d me'noýeln 'a f*w heurs than tn-eetiflTl188o182 Year.s of tr.atmont à,h- tCsa~ Ho -reprenentued 'Ply-nucuth for 20 othê-r so-oaitd 'reffedies - -ene adVs-iyof boundon for Y "Re1vb»gsýiçi imus*bs4t, ia hoýrt tirnieý. To oCtit-r- ahi-eve- c. o ine sig ai rzn ,ax nmente Sir .Fdward i-s ad'd hose a lw wekmt wêcot~petsy cred of o aa, cýngwr:uer nd a pec-maker Catarrh and throat trouble." idopt-i Get Catarrhozane to-day. Large size costs $1,00, and las tWo montils. Sinailer sizes 25c. and 50c. Ail deai- SliR GEORGOE Si1IMi'SN. ors,ý or The -CataÉrozane Conxpaîxy, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont' Iiiliigof Faisionîs Explorer Pi~ound Oit a Fallen 'firee. <L LN O- To carve one'-e initiale oui a tu-ce Ail. IONDON~ '«~ truuxîk i8 a gîeatand paosel--nate d- "tiare l'onu - t.là 4,Sury sire of cli çsc'lool boy-e, a!ntito titis yohabit-h-e *o-rkl is p-eila-p% indebted' W hih Agitai"M Socity. fer the intere *tin-g discoery o! mi- "Have yen lown?ý" is tlielittle tials on a laid-r2n gia-ot of! the ferest- query whioh is -excitng even more in the Ca-nadian Ro-ekies believed t-o rintereast ii London society th-day bc tihosEe o! Sir George Sim=p-son, at - 9than tbie tango or Vthe war batween cue ine governer o! t-he HudzonEs i 1the hotels and tliý supper clubs., Bay Comnpany, a-nd o-f bis guide,:t rThe ext.ent to whicix aviation ha-'s Jmnes Rola-nd. Wha-n Mir. John M. "ic'a ught on" lu eocikty ;3 le âll4rated Gibboun wasa st Banif, B.C':, e ndea- Sby the report tIi-t a'yotith!ul lord voring te le-ente records o-f David >- bas r.efig-ned -is commission lu thle Thompco, -mh-o xi'ia the ge-egrap'her e Royal Herse Guards ta e-tudy Vhe ji the early da.ys of tîts Wcmt te tht'e art o!fifying lu France. Hic sister Nortth Wegt Tradling C-om.,pany, the' is aizo woring liard for ber lilot's great rival of t-ie Huldon*'s Bay certficate.Company, lie wa-s reterred tu a Mr. y At tihe Henddon Aerod-rame, lMr. James l3rewater, -a r'ai c-licr. as a 't Gralsame-Wbi-t? -reaulled that Lord perse-n wei-l ver-ced in local litoy - Carberry lt-ad perfomx-ced a fine and lie f ou-th tle lattergetma Sflight f rum Paries>e Heindotq, and h-ad made a. diFeoveirS'o-f g-t'eat in- that utiîer piloite who hasd graduated terest. He ks.c been inyeatiýguilg at hi$e e.tblihinent included Lord Simnpson P-a-e, 11&piig t-o discovaI' jEd-ward Grusvc-nor, Si-r Regina-Id aome traooi of Su' George Simipecu' a il Sinclair, and Sir Bryau Leighton. hiistonic passage t-hrouglx t-lie Rock- r«u "The m~ell-known pergons who ies, and, hulting tW examuine t-be hav~efiown witilî ime c.ould lie nuni- under sÏ&ofae!alg- falleix Iree bered by thbe sc-ore," said Mr. Gra- tru-nk, found some car-uwl-i-c-h hame-White. "Heýre are juet a retad:- "C.S. ... 1841." IL-t i evi- few --The l)uke o! Sutherla-nd, dpnt t-bat tubiee-e initiais are thlo&-of io Prinee Olriste-pher of Greece, Lord Sir Ge-orge\&Sinu-eon anxd h-1-a gutile. rCurzon of Kedleston, wlivo sene James Roland. -nle ye'ar 18141 i-s of my -first paseengers. Lord Drog- t:hat in wýhich the fa-uouï expioe-e bieda, LorSd Pe-rtaàlirgton, Lord' Des- ma-de his trup t-hrougb tii-e Xecldcç, r- borougli, Admtirar Sir Ed-ward Bey- choosing te pass whielx fias becux bn m-r i hoxa iton,Sir Ricuhý-- amed alter- hini. rard Pageut, M-r. Arthur Bâifo'ur, Th il If .,Sir George. thi? vntr- re Mr. Regiuald MeKen-na andi Coi. an fur trader, ie one of the nice-t a- Seely. Pîotuirsque in Can-adiayn bit>ry,. à0 ' And thxe ladies, here are a few He wen-t te thîe CÇaaiati o et selecltins f rein the book :-The Weeut frot Scotla-nd in 1820, ho take a- Ducheseot Suthierland, Lad-y Pan- charge -o! t-lce o~rsef tht Ilid- sonby, Lady Drogheda, Lady Lim- son'. Bay Co'mpany. In 1841 lie le-oh i, eric-k, Lady Lilana Mariners, iLady up his tour oet he waî'ld. l.eavftg tI- Port.al-ngtw>n, thbe Honorable Mrs. T»,ndonim' Ma-rehl 3rd o-f ia-t year. an Ass1i-eton Harbord, the 1-one-iý&b1e With can-e an-ipeck hors-e ho cross- i - Meules Grenfeil, aund LaLdy itree. ed thie ctinent-, took ehip f rom by 'The dang-er o! flying han been Fort Vancouver fur Bib-riga. anid ýo- great-y exaggerated; the stati-sties refeh-ed Loîîdo"i on bis retuiro jou.r- id 1-110W t-atüthene batibeeîi otiiy ne ney -lu xaetLiy 19 nionths and 126 di-, f t-tal accident te evernv 96,000 iniles <l aye f rom his tintme of- siartirug- tDOW taktug inm"v third box of GiN, PILLE." sue wx-ltes. 'The Pain aproas uîy back aaid kiciue-vo tis ahnost- en- tiret v gone. T was a great suiferer- frouî iilieugtattfi-. uit it han ait loft me. 1 strougiy trIvise ail womeu Whoa suifer frosx Pain lit The Bac*k sud Weak Kineya. go crv QIN PILLS4.1 60c. a Box. 6 for $250 ampxle fret - tf-ion wî-ite National Druîg & Cisemaical ('o. of Canada. Liited. Toronit. MN ooqýaister; - A a .- io! hîgs-ba nd , s-aid t i- & With c(liroitîic ackadle n-are u î leT1kits; theîr s ives ai. iieydI;d wl-eu tley -e-o a yeaî' Or t' to nî.-mned-. Meeting There lu Trouble Ahead. -1îepeewi -i îxtdyai l Coistantiy on thi elieat. alteîîdiiig, ,ns - l' ngo, i>-,e ta t he w a ts f a la rg e 1an ti e x aC llntis 1 Wîi abtiit*i s"a-id 'l s - d th e pn m ùAlu t r -. famly, wouîea efen break dowîi-'h- i' 'ank. îepecxr witli nervous exhaustion. 'We9I." aid lthe m-. "wheat In tîhe stores, factories , m d on a w'aosr ho lue ait r le cne -n lait farus are xveak. aiiug wcni, dragged 1i n-ght aod isKI i-ny wife ee said-ý dowoî witb -- torturitig b acitle and 1 - M'lat's gtuîîe '. O i -tjs ýeU, yo iu beartug down patis. I. Sucli suifering isîî't nattiraj, but îr's m i o daugerous, because due to diseasoti kiducys. Thle dtzziness, tuuuottii. derangt'd tueuses and ether symptoma of kldtxoy compiaInt can't cure tlieîiSiseve thuoy-- re.quirethie assistance of Dr. l'inmii- MIas I.tiu" th and:ied tons Pille wlticb go direct ho lte ses-t vti1giuti i'umtd ,Lz'il. 1imîsed of thxe trouble. M-«t <lfli-C. - -d kidneys, te iend aid te the biadcier and Orsciaeul* liver, ta fr ae he -boud o ! Po tisn , man'imnî . O t s t. C probabi>' tuera lis ne renîedy sit su-i ci ais u Z unimet roXuuvbrwma 'o e n ed cessfitl as Dr. liamiltou's Plils. For xmaarao mutnnent usoes& e.bY Plîyn, ail womatily lrregtilitltt«atheir mi'1erit i Xtnard'o loiniment in the hanse. le well knou-n.. B3ecalse oif tMoir milld, sotlsng, and healiîxg effect, 1Dr- ilniituiui'i.pilla dre safe, sd are recnmnetded for girls andi wemeil of ail age. . 25 colite5 per ________________ box ah ail deaers. Reose any ub- stitute for Dr. Ilautilloît". Plilla of Man " 'per,' ej -ite ci1i,'dd td ra l e a n d B u t Le rn u t. .,,,()-u te ll a , w rt y a i i-h a st oi r -. l - v 1 iibt -tt-_ . tbI 'ioi -y- g. -m Why net "es. m- teboy iTII-J. Wh v" ' - y ot1th-ey -epaunIc 3n &-i. s 'uuldu m WaS Ma'nt uIt-at eOne niiht c'-Il I c ei o-u' a-tdWlie "m.anlY, a-nd s-lis'had i spachedîit. - e eh-e trird ;t cn-- 'If -hzr nas iI iaýs cueestuna te 14 M&eu - wam I presuîn.2 you wouId 9,0 ho r-Is iVruqgieto e~Ifnd nns it PAZD for yo uir ceuittry ?»?hl?'o Irotu'No' is. irbitet#aiid.o -I s ouldn t ldke t e d o tia i ' ive a relief. 60C. - - - Wby aotl' as a&&H."'ll'I-. be shit, "t-bey are st s- CellIcsi-n F igg-: "Tue>' s:î-y t1liùt- t-e s-.t e their cîîatig." - j1 2,000 years -olt. TrudytFi.?rekçlo W)ngnewu dcr1leAm Fg i uard s Llnlm o fi C r s S SLe.nti h '! N ù i j f er tie & w gh V . -- --- - r- --,2 E' lu .Th MONI jTleJW w CHAWPER 1X.-(Contlrsued>~ .-But whv% caf't I tav %-here?"fil il dLiiith. -Icaun.'teoax wett ai aible inu tt. loveiy aid armt'hair. -f 'e nuch rath er be m -r y. b, IcI vs>'. i t waîîî to ,- fl et -.an they would, asud -»ersuade you to - o m 1 cean't ablkie wnef- MWn ne mm-h better! Eveîu i-ha - - agreenhie aid gefitlentan. anud yoît friend who drew flic' and called aT animal. 1'. rather have godowt -- -Women. Hotnilow.- tteY 110rP1 They nei-ci' cat-ed for uv <anclîti 1 wçnt about wlth i'ather: ,and verN mon'sud dî'eadfilones. ulrtikUitî -ti. bar. wouid os-il me avrin scoid their lîugbaîîdts for Oh: owtî'J er hnIwae qguige a littol'-J: dliedsMyapay d never-tnleeî a lV V -aughs we 1 h Is-alike tuai. I beJÙtleandrhaitiuth'e' I with a -dêeep. irouteal iv. ' ;u J - sheer delight eand n~ietf first femliite îeroi t lia- --%,L that liastoid fixe the etxdre itiih.- ,pnaunhfks as 5-ou-tii-- -r the r- be ebut ver>- tew 4<lre ik;ý L a -- - lotu for- a. mom g tl wtd inie eyes.. ZTni i e i ti ieîîreui <o mIeý "1î adreadfutîy tgg:-7 ;e for the t ird tUnie. w-gb a uiiltî fil lier viohe. Stelli*s mtordeT lt u, îl:e-at 1'ý-lieîIflke a cs-b to mt-.t:'-:soa an yaur sister ito put up - Oh. yuuut for the ntgh$ý. - "Yes. air. How :tîiany sluitti-1 a dinnter la for. air?'" '*'Wlw tloee ef cour-i" - "rted 1 99iOulug Ltvel%, at OielOt Ilot afr gllpping - off lier i-iba-, at n ari- différant i4a do flot -grope, purge caUse nausea, nor continued use lessen i effecthrenes. OU always dépend on th 2.5c. a-box at yoiur D ruggfst's. 17 Dru"fm and Chealeal t .1CaadIetli i IENAA lç il V T1XofATI: la fjs h age :t m b r the su sa u Twe ty Du 1 , 5.ukd tw 0TB1 < ul 0 W l 'ah d vI ed lb cate n i f es ch te eiv l o $ y.c u u d hue t -hzPnil bsytoo h divÏdcd, (Cath rgcçui g e-07, hbuld (Ou 7 0~CENTO F FOURt>OE IE OUA0E~TtS. ":*a in site à 11,0. illaae o U C4 u fr «cetaz WRWBÂY bONCE! S:I IIAmWIEIE0.M. Dep't~ R, 1 ina tue bacs,. iou ean't oe.v.a Spavin, Rtagbone, Splint, or Ctieoib tO ' pilttitig yotr hr lanthe lbaril but y0Ui oa pvetthean trouble4 £rom keepfini KENDPAI&S -SPAVIN CURE~ at anydruSrlotitt$1 abottleS forIté, and iCeecali'awîll cure. Tlîousaflhtof (armets and horsemets wîl a7 o.ýea. r book "Treatie an the hârscl froe. ,-', M4-- Dr. 3. J. KENDALS CO., Zaubursva g, . i 'Net Faciunç Déatlà. -'Oive sud Oarald wbile cut vw#l-k- ing me ta vi _buchîlldueg. a,11d Ger-- 9,id'is condiut itl -e next-fec M- mwiats le! t lnhb te be de-ired. Wbs-n i iey hatL -ýaf aIy pa-ssed Olive tîtmnad te Oera-1d taxid -id ra.protoh- fu iy .' . '. t~ ~ ~ ~~ m "Wy erI adY,0u1 aidyu wouîld fac-e deatli-for nie," 'II know 1 diti au-swered G i'd, 'and Inauit But that bul4 de-g wa-er't dea.e' Roait Wh.t 3Mr*. iHarris Baya About 1 > 1

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