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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 7

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Con ra1ec~ye land1 bi~çç1ap of burley meal T9 àae Bag Ptudàýig. A AB4gPuddfig ye QueenJcjmc akç - When Crawn Brand Syrup was the sauce - Yeniae~s ail fought for crumbe. (<W~ - ron rand Cor yu A tUn ci Crown Brand Com Syrup will nmake a h«P o f taffy. D.- lciouo taffY that lu b.olu!tely pure i HeaP.o!fwni nilt, too; and -OU fPr thç amn ilco f- a tUn cfCrown Brand Cm=uiSyrsip 1 It lends a deilcoua-flavOr tO fa'ttoe andi pmncake, and fo, aweet- enlng &nd dlavorlng cakes, aud ng.sd pastry lt in ideai. ~.Our Free Recipe Book tele of niany treats that art e98Y t-o make wth Crown Br-andi Corn Syrup, Senti for t, Atidresa Moutrteloffice. The CnaaStarchCo,'- Limited ManufactureUa of The EdAwarsburg Branda, MONTREAL CARDINAL TORONTO BR49WFORD VANCOUVER SAUcE FOR YE-BÀPUDPIMG 1 cu ofmwnatmï z- Omi-holf Cup of B3utter. 1 TU çpema ciFlour. 1 Lance. juces and insd. Ontu-hu« Teauoo esch ci Nutuseg, Ckmvs and i Cn- Ml: al lbo.rouglsly lna sauce-pan. Atita teacup ef bingwater. Stirit consmtatiy and tel ut bell umtli . Titan uts-in. IbisssMme wiirisep fer morne tirne il put in bottke, and properly corked. o - ~ ~o o~~§g ~»~$ The -Weddi n-g Eve*; 4 ~'%. : or, Married to a Fairy - L'HAPTER 1X.-(Contlnued>. about the roor. i -apping her hands '"3u t whYcan't 1 ste y here?" încsulr- wth ds'lght. éài Lillth, "I cran aieen as Weil as pr- r- "Iliqy. dpar Mr. IierveY." aihe erléd, asible ln <hie Iovely aid armchair and ru041hig ta the hait-grand piano in onle i'd mnuich rallier be near you, bIt li'1er - orner oi' the studio and openlIng IL * iey.- I'don'tý waxit to meet atnv more "Ilay. ansd et nme dance to show how l4-ittae women who tell me 1 augh t toalgad 1 an>i1 have corne back to you!" bu a servanii gî. and If 1 go away your .4o 1 played. and for a few seconds relationis mu> corne. as 3Mrq. Nokes »mald slip flltted about ln that blr-dltke fashion *they Wrould, and persuade voirtoseond of hers,tIght and awit't as a swallow, me away and neVer ta eee m0e again. Let over the poliihed boards. It vexed ne me staY lhure. <ear 'Mr. Ilervey. anIv un- ta know that Wray's eyeu were devour- liIt 1go away 10 sehool Dci't seîîd me lng ail lîir movements, and that lie wu toanny more horrid woamen ta late <are tr-ylng ta lot down me af them bl hii of me. 1 can't abide wormen-I do iii<e aketch-book. But mont orai i>t anger- Met% so muets hetter! Eveii- that dis- ed me to see the eVîl emilé upon hil; agreelible aild gentlemîan. and You5' titl face. when. havIng danced ta lier heart's friend wha drew me anid etled mi-- an content, 1iiiîh ran behind me, lhrew animal, J'4 rather have ta do witiî osîr lier armt; round my neck, and pressed -WOMep. Homeliow. thev 1101er Il(@kerip her flumiied cheek agaiîsut my own.. -Tiiey xeveî cared for my dancing whpn *"Dear Mr- Her-vey," mhe caoed In my 1 wcpit abaut with tather: and î'erv: 'oi- pr tlt) o 4 uhfrpaI mon and dreadtui onen, driikirgtnealt ar,'a a o uhfrpaig the br ws>uid 'al mea fivalzî,nni' and But 1 ieurt'hie walter on the stairs with seàoîd thetir îfuxbauîin foi, thî'owiuîw me the Iray>'andlît 'm tocliîuuigry tb dance ente when 1 wax (lutte a tittie ogirl. Ifas> more. Thls in the hapient and 1had m.v wav J'd never meet aiv wamen <fost teautitul day af a»'y lite-liSte a ett>- more, 'l sliould lîke the woîrî to good slreRm <'otite true. 'flot bOlled he just mu' andl,àliIthe l'ut mnî. fQnly heum rts dvery good butter. ladies and perhaps 'd have corne women one iint gontleinen <'orne to uupper!' Butl'en Nee do, tho cewing. Why d1-J o ya iugh goiad lhere are rina lldeo,, xcu'pt me! My, Mo ts mcli, Mi'% Wray? MI.. llervev itevet' jljît tilusagraîîd feaut. Let me talle iaughis 'et wiat 1 Boy lite that. 'I1dotthat nie aidcat lns my apIm ure liSe Your iaugh at mil.- . lie waîîtm a bit, toa! Werat a pity poar "Mly siler iss $1a axon. ," Wîa:>'snaidc, ols Mr. Wr-enuhaw's gone tb Baitersea. with à <lepj ranteai i>ow, ',l icugiz front i 'lare ta.y he wax au hungry au any of situer de fglit and iilîprectation ut the um. What! I)an't he have isn>eaiu Irmt remn* nne permsoti 1 have aver met wliiî YOu? llow mhould .1 knaw he dId. thtttiltttu ti<i rmetheo <'Ure trullih, Ev-erY n't? Yotl'il have a lot lu do 10 ieach Ottitil ti htinis as you do of the relit of me 1to ' a lady,. 3y! yoU',re eat lng those eX. but vpry 'lew dore way no." litile greeil rtimnu iret oaili; lu that ill't ttt s" he rKeurmted, mtoririg the riglht thtttg.tir) begin with unripe nthlii fàr amoMeti tî lh wide-oirenitlisumm? 1 shouili have thoughit they'd bitle ,14e, Thon «#u; uîiestiti sit . bhave mie nfil iitrgo off. Not dlre$ smasiiuii' * v gr " he sattiplumes.' is't they? W'hat do you cuit f'ort-he tlid time. witt a litttle break theiin, tlieri!? 'olivet?' I neyer heard lnilher ,voies', Of ten. Al'rnt IlîeY raithoUgli, ail f Filuwî I uld,"go tr i'1ac'a- saIt-lite! l t tihe faishion ta cat cMe- tel'i* tiu l order a lutile dtnner at once. ttstng ïiat t-%irut, au as everything cime "-1*sutalip eta ab to l>$tis'ruea anti akteiantes rîlce atterward by comparison? >'our #sîsterta oPut Uti' iflu ytsu.hg lady Weil, fauhionable waye are straîtge. fori-tenight." -Air(] ts cour itufI' le proper wlne-Iut ".Yex.loir. 110w lizariys-shaii 1 say thé 1 do lite ginger-beer mut'h bel-tem;. Wten din.ýne-r lufor, air?" 1I1Shave fioul) 1 mfltiy teoIttrlit mibowi %%11Y, three of couirme" 'rled 1îllth, wlth a tilt or lîrcmtcl, htot wltli a up)oon: B10i'OWlngIvoi4 at lise nolton of fondi. hut vou msust téli nie filet where 1 ain 01lippi n0&aflier chair, aise twiried MrAng. 1 wanit to leasýe you and heaa -- lady. flow fusilly ta haveidWerent nets ofritilves andi forks for alc, It muet m2 ke a 'leai nt washing up ai'te r thé me-til s over lu that abird? Why, It's -n b1na lgger asan a sparrowl 1 taeted 'ilile nekê lit>!tut it was good. î~a.ru.~Laxajves %Nhat a lot or îiiit'k gravy ail about are ifféent n tlat tey -v3thlrig; and 've sîever 1seen pota dorflot gTipe, purge nor Ie'Armg f:shtanoabîe al ai a rush. ont Sloai? 1$ Illt am'bpagne? -Do let me caUMe li.ausea, nor doles trY Il! S 'itzz,' faîher s'atiod it. Poor con1tînued use lessen their ftrier! low he'd have elijoyed this! E3ut he'd noever bave let nie conite, anti effvtvec~ YU Can_ he'dli118%e imeen Sure to get drunîr andà alwygdeemd0n the=. g~r o 1îs, eS etr heere ~ts~hetlm 2~.a boX at your * iit: Drugglst<s. - s,7a CIAI'TX'R ~su. iug aisd Ch..kul Ce"NalWlüt (Ioo 3,011 iaei tado wili t *rosms or aler 1Ii lsew 5 woisii ensne~ tlt t ueiai~ que4tiosi. h Ps'ev W iaiiil Saxoîi'u Iami'esaidii),ani Iras (0111-) wat iig fol' NIC'II()Ia>j mî t 'Pliee ohiti ad gane pnWeylt at, i n i W"seia ' as e. mster î' ltillî,g fil(-. rardattztng lits,,. ansd iugeiy asnusIngi1 Wt'VV-Yb> ' tl'<tovi-Iîig a frantle hiug Up-11 CAN Oms 11Ille is a purt isugsalu tation,. W'e iîa, C dr:îwri n0 etilre orwartiontIrlm hearlm'm-:g lt'rfi>tle 11 leiie 1rais suettjed loivn ta pivesuand a a 1,1 f Tint. Nover lird the l'eliow apî)i-died i D Y .("l est ingelial ta mo luis <s Ilt il îghî;r andi rltitaugli, as it fiîpcmdls >acel.c THIRCLTRS dental ltîretellmé it en>,mytuio l.caj -e-i WITH ieri ne f tra> l î -imârîsma i l'aaepaîliînI1illm îrgar(J <o 1 i'il 1 vas norie the lt'z i.' gr>' with i tî so tc'li an at't'ournt of lus %Word:i and Il in.nrertow.rdfier, W'IICIL isa ri lvt-ibperfect Ily ilmrugrnt abe noma, but berause «f a otiniosls Iis cyes as they £ast'ned il Se1sîuç-lvem Lj upan hbr whttctiatt more than ar The D ýy KlyD cluerii; the cvexming illtil n1. %iettti msrm rý hoye that oIors AVWY KIND j deaime t tr 1,1io'hlm. > i L> SAMU DYE, berJîetli qesftiO'tvas out ao' I, c cadoo.iiedn ata Ybielrti w5(1t I anIgolll gatng ta senti ber tosi choni" j "-W- but wb'-n <'hfo c mi-e out?"'. 1 "'Wl1suri Shi, cclni!m out, the Mill bc Ir tSi elghsteen and capable of 'planning -ber Àft er a few nmnue»' pause. durlng awn caurse ln ]lfe." whicïi my bact was turned toward him "Oh! If ecle la ta follow ber own lni- anti 1 affectedti t be abarbeti la an aId e llnalols" observed Wtray sarcasllcal- volume of prints t bad taten aut at ly. "1< lm pretîy clear where they wiil random. ray'u 'aice brokuibte silence, ]ead her." speuttng ln rnarkedlY mld and concili- "Wtsere?" atory tane, "Into your arma, af eourse. nmy dear ".I'm reaiiy awfully sorry, Harvey, boy' You are flot partieutarly main, but Ibat t annoyeti you by speaklng out my 1 presume you cannaI l'ailt10 -aee the pîIm'ate opinion of rour litîle pratege. girl*@ la tom-e wilh you?" 1 had nolIdea that Yil al resent "Nonsense! Liith iua chitti!" wbat was, atter ail. aniY an lndividuat "1 grant that aselu child enougli ta expression af opinion. The faeî la, lie Incapable af cancealing her feelings. yuu're go kind-hearîed ansd lsgh-rnijnded. -Alsa. Plie in probably unaware ai Ibeir and gsa nlaciîed ta set gooti lntpeople nature. Bult elle ln in love wiliî >ou, ail where il really doesnit'~ exisut, that you the same," rua canxiderable danger -oi being de- ..You forget ber agae-" 1 was be- celved i esery tus-n. Weil, .1 woa'î say -glnningr. when ha eut me short 1 &ny spore on <bat aubject. 1 dont want 'luaSAge blas nathing to do wlth ta put your back up agaîn. W/bal I wiit ItL leuides, uhe le sîxteen, and amont say le that 1 know Just the place fas-lit.; the vagrant clans. lrom whlcb ase Misa Saxon-a actiool near .ClIfton - priagu girls are habilualmy wivca andSiiuspensian Bridge, kept by a distant piatîers ai sîxteen. It Ilu oxty among cannocîioî, of mine wbam I hau'enlt seeri th@ professions] andi wbat are calied the for a good unany yeara. ]Mra. Slanhope bIghes- classes Ihat lte regulation ofaloMrland. fi-es-busband. Caplaîn f4tatm- passions bas been made Int a systemn hope Morland, bas beau dead eight #,r --a apecies af religion. This ile *ay- nmne years, and aime lias milice ibeti run aide weed bas grown apace. ln senti- ni sort Of primate tintqhung schbol l'or ment lit least, amnong iser unculîlyated abouit- a dozen young Iniden of icg-lec-ted tsurr-oundigu. She neyes- takesi hel' eyeeducation. $he's a ver>' smart, <lever off yau. She tlIs la. listens to, loots il-mati. and 1 believa )tler cboom - hau - atfa ne eaeBbc a awayawaningbeeri a great succens. dite la related ta t0 toucli you, on any pretext. and ps-e- Me On My Mother's sIde, and my mother feî'ably to tiloa you. ghe In anxloua Cc wan very prn'jd af beingz a Trevor Staus- 'be a lady.' as elle cele IL. uImply In or- bape. l'au tnaw that 1 pereonait>' dan'l - de 10pluse 'ou Sh ows tat iercare a Iwapenny bang for Ihal sor-t-of Ideai of happiiiens lu labe your parlai'- snobblsh. daubIe-ýbaieet lummery, but, mati. ->our madel. anyting. ca that elleao'acum'se, it paye In thal sort ai fashian- ina>' be neat' 3ou. W/tii. iranklvy jm- able schooi. Kate M.orlazmd. fraîîs wlat enviesi you hefore, pretty bîttérli',_as 1 î'emember of hmsr, la a weil-bred. weIi- y-ou know for'tur monty, your anjis- mannered, weIi-ds-es>ed womnan. willi e ti sefes: ut1 evr nmy lIteen~<- great deantaof tact. anti I beiee mehe vted >-ou au ardently as 1 do at <is guarantees ta mate any girl presentable maltient." -i a couple of >emra. Of courbse Sieli as "What ln the world do >.uaea lie10buexcemedlngiy isartîcular regardlng Tnan"heml - prn ' <u ro hose chu' takeis. t believe lhe>-'re mant- 'I i-a." e clti apingng ts ram ly the contiectl1>ns, of .tumped-up inanu-4 iesmeat and pianting himueli bel'ore mel factut-ers, and -tlaî <sort oft tlîng. ansd uon the busrth.î'ug. "'that I would give no doub liser cherg& are ps'etty etiff - ten years cf mr werthleaa lite <o hav'ebt[ ouds)mien s tewna 1 auch a girl as Lilith Saxon look et me bfor ayoud ca> eis abust <the ora as ahc looks at I-ou! Wby, >-ou muet four andtit o.bt1tikYbv b. made aif>vood andi atone 001 <o feet nd rlyptrtsof. bu I <sin Thave It when Ibosu afky,-biue eyes. wtth the an u'ary portIt yutan be onemthereo IOmely and Whaiiy deceptive loat01 ut manI guls'e toyau i. tes- babylîte Innocence lIn tliein, gaze up "Tha?:tlu, care l sue I" oldlk Int y4xrs wlth that whole-aouied aa, -ta aeeanae port"r aid. " but t miratian ln tbem, '1 I-awulti turo 11.St e IWpr tr m ait," og ie ktc Antbotiy lîtto flesli and tblond te be a ydruetne agihIed aog it ie ukoel temîîled by suli ha wiîch, tGreat IScott!n etsswbc ilt n îrlyps wbet woulgin't I gîve ta be in your behlotd a sofa ln aîîe col-ner ofthei ehoe. fer ovenent ar asful ofstudio. aver whtcm, with chretert 1 c ufreatrained gras-e au <houe ai a young <1'eoni a lui ie ai-, lî'aescnty î kîttets, aîtd lier fosrît lenasg uijîle stitiafoudrohmpla taglrleuaph êmnty Wllot,rancli bending lIn tle wintllier fou ithIe ineri' and brouglit Ita coaorIng, too. Ic delleîaus: <.55e wondersql.I a ncrbd FoiYu that canutant exposure haus't ~ mnKute," lu lairge, feminfine lianit-T it ,, -, -tlng, andtIit represented a comel>' h '-ng waman. atts-etlinl the heiglît oa, g, ~fauhion ai ten yeare aga. wtth at nd. pIeapnt Yace and a somewhat rplumppuigure. There was an ais- of mp-ed gonid nature and goasi breeding -ut ber- wbiç'h auggeîoed an amiable h aonaiity. 'and au 1 utudieti the picture -i ecideti thât uuch a wo-man wauhd pro- l>' be tînsi andi patient witi Liith, V ready ta mate allowa ores for lte tu deflclencee ln education. Would yau Ilite me taunite 10 ber?" cd Wray'. row," I unewer'd. "I"roiwhat Nyou lt ucema jumt tiese ort ot thing I '--Ilot-ing for." s',ludcl better ta sue the eSscoal l'or ii selA', andi bava -a chat e'lth àlu. tbc and. Hem' -atidress lu Morland, 1 aI _e. <'iliton flownm. XIyau -an tell attrain yaîm'it travet hi., l'il Pend g Si unle to kpep lher' ln 1< teccive î'OU, ti -Il bu giad to do Kate a gooti turn, " r. s- itls'as aei.tled, ai'tcr a consultation lu mae-tables, tîsat I sçhouiti go down c enrly aftermioon train on the fol- a 9 day: anti a senne ai relief ntole I sme aI the thaught bIset the pro- irl of u I>liih'ueducatian was îîearing. - t-si - -t natmnag the e iant oai y an%- tîon-ernsîig ber waiq the tnaw- C ()f tise passiariate dligbt ber pre- tîs the studito aff<rded me. Stis'al lit 1 haît bel ter sue as litlte as pouç- gý i s~ ut the girl. and 1 hardi>' tnew ti! lier 1 ought ta feledpleaseti or angry - betre I bas i lussbed my break- CI or; il thrIe QJo;ylng mornins, a Isurriesi 01% îg tatef ntdoor. follawed by ofrited altercatlo and a @cuffie la El,' ail. preluded Liiith'a tempeastous flot icee mb my atydia su work- lace ofi mine. sehicli occu- ÏM, 'ie mr'o e aifthe tiret floar, serves i au rq,'bhiieals as I1 t0k ln tbe lhoug- but mare than breakfast. wbich was hg torl d lcy the landlady, mi.ha. witli ber M ber. a-upled t-le baseenent andi a roam a --j top floar. wbere aiea Wrenqhaw'a 1 .icmst nt ltitat Of aaother, loclger were al uimc -. My bedraam ant dresaing- al- rere on the grauxit fluoar and Int tpr W'r-a>' basmadie bim.ueif rquiteiti - e. atndi bti nieedily reduceti the lhc<l î.-s. He was a mnen asdîcetesi 10 sr la- r.irs andtInlterminable tgasulriover ss ccl whfisky: anti long atter 1 bati T ~h andi breakfast, and oftten afi $1g arria- q Weii. aidj-mat iztot ta- tih r,'-f mouli stiii bho sleepIntg the un- vii~ ~~~ - d ltsne ibe talas-y down- ûf c : ~-~~; u~oc.Vi I, neeral mli. did- stare, But pr-esentîY. whe'Sý: begran le lay It on a bit t100 Ibtet. ali grol cross. ansi la i e not le lalk nios siens$; -ati th Io môrning -she wanted i to gîve the bidren thei- brcac~ ]But Ifi I'm goIn 0,be an . Z ei yoÜag lady, itIt olst do to go- ln' - <4 nus-se;jsatdIs wos-k. Sao.whIle her, -e *au t-"ted, off I sl<t1s and Jurttp5 151 cab-and away Isere. Il badn't aiiy >50ne< jef C, soi I bld gr,-.Ws-enohsaw whstn - opeoned thé <boo. and ane~kd him toWi tisa cabman, -an-S he Rol thal cros -h4 niaS.ýne ncarIvýy rwAttslaîsgblig. -causé, voli se, <thé¶ cabman hadto ba lit - one. ad.if 1badnet anY'4 wbî wiasto be doneT' $lhe seatd ergbt-elf at table tacinlg ni 'afler ahe liaS tbrown ber bat acroisa 'ti s-oin. Pretlier than airer sbhe tookes ii t-be cta- Mos-nn lght hes- blue eydi datncing wit excit-Ment and galety Site a itIle bhngrybIrd. $ho poluo etbe self oves- thédishes lifting covers and examining thein crltically with ber huad on ans aide. (To be contlnue-d.) 'Veal En Casslerole.,- Get two pounis -of t-be neÇk or shautide- ef véal -and eut it amail cubes, Dretige with teaoneti fleur. -Put ttme veal in a'-cassarole, add a teaspoonfUI ai ehopped parsiey, -season with pep- per andi saitandi cavas-with mrilk. Cover ýtha casserole anti let it ceelu very Slowly for an heur andi a ball. Thieken t-ha gravy with a __ litte flous- cooke i litbuttes-; if neces- sas-y, anti serve.- to oe coffea cup of suigâr beat two eggs anti a dessertspoon of imelted buttes-. Sift twc heapiîîg teaspoons -of baking powdes, one-fifth tea- spoon of ectia andi a half teaspoon of salut into a quart cf fleur anti stir tii with a coffee cup cf sweet milk into the cs-eamied sugar anti eggs. Astiia-gs-a.ting cf nutrmeg and a lit- tle mo-e fleus- te s-ol aasily. CUL -andI fy in halls. Cutter- should be about size of ordi na-y napkin ri*ng anti thbe dough about oe and- one- baH inchea thick. A - sinall bole s&uculd ba madinltise deough isltb t.hunib anti finger. Thsis closes wlien fs-led. The fat shoîtiti h su hot t-bat a imatch wili liglit wbea drawn acroas it. Rail cakes in pcjwdered suga- when colti, Make tlis-e and one-hait dozen. Lentoi Bitter.-Wss. tir -thon gr-ate t-ha vellow rindi fs-ouicon?' fine lemoen intu a amui1 agate saucepan. To lb add half a pint cof fine granîl- lated sugar, cone fresh cgg, a pincb of sait anti a desses-tspaonfttl of butte-, five tabiespeons otfcld 'wst tes- andtithe'sts-ained juice of -inN Ieonn. Overi a slow fis-e <issolve these ingredients, thban simmer t-he mixtutre tintil as t-lick as mola.qses. Stir conptantly. , Remot'e îlîe pan fs-cm-the fis-e wisen tisa ighit tcon,4it- -îtcy iu atteineti. Pour il-o a glass dieb sor large tumble-. la lu raady to serve stion as colti, with plaini unîceti cake. breati os- csaekers« Scous oranges may heised in exact- ]y thse sanie way wxth i satefaÀct-ary resuitsq, but sweet unes's-hil nut an-:- swe- ut aIl. . 0111011 Solip.-Clit six miedium, sized 4unions in «lices anîd ccck in une-tiiird cf a ctîî>-cf buttter etr but- te,'iue bsec mimute.. Addt two tua- blespoonftîls utffictr. .stii' tîn-til wéli mixed. Add o ne anâ (,nt-I)alf 'ups of boiiing s-aber and ç eok imbutisah anhuns are sort, about t-weiîty Min- lutes. I-ub thrugh a straine- and atit ths-ee cîips tsf milk and one cup of crean, or one qtuairt cfiik andi p 4ofîi -st1 uking îscswces-. one gili of %%bit- flour, siftet a-iteus îulensîi' in g. WVhen ilege; are tiot'-- suiglly blendedi r,p I by teac;poua- fuis on s-el greaseti tinsi Bake in- a qitick oven. Give *-bam pientv cf roûm, as tlîey tspread. ilemate fs-un pan it-i a cake tîinr. They are soft as fiî'st, bust becunie crisp selen rold. T.he vanilla as-dicbcoa van ha mittati anti an extra spoonful af ;ingers' sbtituted, os- cbtspped seeti- les raisins afford a pioasaît. ,hange. llests of Spig. The spî'ing is upon uls, andi inse-et fa will taoün became liveiy! Bc aera you may laarn lîow to'-exter- nînate unwelcame visitessn tisa sape cof ants, beatles, mnothibs, lugs, Lnd t-ha hiko. Net a pleasant tiisk - iwavs, but it sat-o be doue, anti t's the wenian'e privilege t- oeit-î .Ants.-Damp a igpange, anti s-inkle it with augar. P-lace 'it rhe-res- tlente are, anti you will ind it wiii t-cen hecome chtked with se-in. Pietgc k litho a gallipat full- 4 boiling water, rinse and clean ît, titi reset until there are ne anis IVVAION-STf-BAT Affit SEINP40OF MIOHMET HONORS AAUPS âleht. amphor on a larder sheif TUllE ENJzEIS FmýosquiTOES.- willý always keep-ints away froim e, thase parts; eea'alqo .tig-Rdo h ln~ Redi ants are vos-y nast-y. Smear SvrlWy f-etn-I !~i a Plate with lard, and plae somePet r. etieks for the inseets ta crawl up. Si .eir1onaki Bos d imovered id Wen'you have a plateful, hold it- t-at t-ho microscopic. blood pIi.TMi'tJO over'the fis-e t-i t-bey drap in. Rte- which give rise .to malaria W0T- peAt until no more atits appear, * Cockroac~hes.-A*s with beeties, it tr9aniitted t;o t-he buuian '*Mdy,, is bet-ter not teo "-nove thlese n" roughtth agencyf d taoeqs4toy wvhich turpenti<Ie poured int-o their "ie'awro xrodnr hees would do-but toetempt them virulence hua bean waged agaiÏns$ out ta destruction. Plaeetwo or "~at particular inàset Peîst. 1%. <three basins or tins hlaf full of cold larvM, it was well know-n, bra in l water andi a little« treacle,- on t-ha more or leuaStagiTnt water, be it à ground, andi arrange stick8 for theinarshy pool, a s'hltered corner 4ef te climb up. There -will ha a full a streani, 'a water barr-e],_ or.avýený watery grave next morning. When the Chane. dra>ps that lurged in a you seeni te have caught every one, rain1pipe, The oeat of infection was pour a strong solution of aluni and att.acked. The hàunts of the lamve boiling watet into the crevices af bave been re'dered îiiminhabita.b1-e the boards,' by the spraying of cil to foru a sur-, 00 Mot-s.-Prevention is -mucih eau- face akin, which the larvae- la un-ý i er t-han cure! Once these terrors able to penotrate- un erder te gasný ihave obtained a footing in, a gar- iteneeessary supply et~ air; or- by, iment, et-e., there aàre twe sremédieéstthe additi< o f etici poisons ae f which may be tried. One lsto bake cresyl,_ which, even inowak& thbe garments; and then thoroughly proportiont as 3 dýrýps te 500 c.c., «beat theni. The other is t-o sponge ha,% beein found t-c kili mosquito 1-r- t-hem wit-h a salution of acetate of vae in five minutes,.lIn otlher case. poxtash in spirits of rosemary. .1,5 the, breedinig areaa% have been en- graine ta the pint. Ttîrps, campisor, '>él dn aa 'wt-h b ran- *sheetg of newspaper, etc., are. al But týo tihe natural, t the adoptio>i good nmoth preventives. an ncourageament c1ýf the tu rai Mice.-Apart froni cat4 andi trltps, enemie<s of thbe sosquito is cf more sif oil of peppermint is sqtuirted interest. lh bas beeAn obsarved in Iabout and into theis- heleq, the' 'mica our own ponds th a.t ticklebaeks &mid iwill depart. elsewhere. Net de- mnosfe edl nga n * strayed, you tee, cnly banished înnios fadre Adî n t s nti Sîtîgs, the amateur gardener'e. mosqublrve. Aund tomis knaw- Pest, can ha exterminated lbvc ol-l fdge a be tfsarne t igcd ac lection. Cut a t-urnip un suicesand coun-, for a bat-ch cf a ed st-Id place it about thlefliower-beds in fs ri in"rcgiei-a tbe evenirg. Go omut l'ater, and col mosqtîte deifttroer. b&3s beau im- lect for destruction the dzens of, ported into Seouth Africa with tâ- sutiga 'on thse lices. A c ahbage-laf kiea t-at there t-bey wilI1 become smeared wit-h drîppmng-not salted aeclmmnat-ized and aJd in t-he endea. -is even bettes-I Reppat occasion- vers tW extirpate t-he mosqtiitô pest. ally during the sfug season. In anot-her quarter thle .protectian sFleas.-There are advertised pow-uf thse wild duck, Anas bouchas. has Idess which are quite effective, blt been advised. as it. toc, lias beer a certain method osf banishing thlese- ohsrved fecding largelv' tpen las-. liul-e--pests is to bail an ouînce of m'ali )àq-itW stages.,ÉBîit perhapi fquassisa in wat-ar. add that to a most cllrioiis cf the rmthods bucket of was-m water. andti -len on stilizing natusrual enemies is t-bat a "turning-out" day scrîîb all Ile tett-ing aside hiînan beings te aic< woodwark in tise bed-room wit-b uasni>uqssito destroyers. In the oarbolitsawap andi the qulassia tva- malaria] district osf Bassam. on thbe ter-. Theî'e wili be no more fleas. IVOs-y Cost, as many as five offiiaij' 4 Jý -.'.-.. niasqui-to catchera" we continu' St111 Sb@ Couid Fi. cu-sly eînployed 'dus-ing 1912 with- M aud (withi m agazine)- l&erc v: ' great- suc<>asi. and ,- it- lu report-d oulnt cas-e ta lim'e in Japan. t-hat tha 4work cf t-ha mosquiita Eýt-hel-Why not 1 catchere bas bcen greal *v diminish- Mau-It says liera t-bat mlen a - d in conseqîîeneof the sps-eail of woma buy a deas n Jaan te Jkmis-wledge amongît t-lue'inha bitantq,-- storekeeper asks how old »he i%, and most cf diehoeads of factoriet there -being speciai de-signs for-the now empluy men fer tlîis "pCilal different a-ges. pisps. The in ymn ,eoii if you wîillI tiref l i smeiL viole The momenft ys I. Iit kwc have C wh;ch has madle the In it, tee, we. ha fs-egh violet leaves. tee through ik wheî: Many soaps ha' sus-e, thes-efos-e, te stamped on cadi cal Yous- druggisî lias; to tise ligbt. you wili in moment yau do. For sale hy Can-4 druggi:frem to'at loc a cake. 31f Wnite tOdayf For a 2c stamp sewe wl tendi you a gcneiouastampl cke-ad- drets the Aads-ei Jes-gens Coi, Ltd., 6 Shes-broo4c trccl, Pes-ti Ontario,, t fragance ()L smell1 this soap yau will wanî câptîîred tbat sweet clusive odor e violet univeraaliy beioved. eve caught the beautiful green of Tbis soap is sa clear you can i you hold it te, the licht. Ve been made to imitate il; be )look tas- the uiame Jeegns itî Ask lîm for t. Suell il, old il vane îî the -adiaxn fte ceait erge x (or 25CGycrfeSo p "k.er ýl\.so& ARCHIVEÊ 0F ONTARIO A- à Aga biindlng hea4iacbesaj-yvnlsh when Fou tt 18k Na-Dhu-CoHeadache Waters Tlu.y do net contsla phenacein, aoetanld, merPhlne, Opium or sny other dangerous drugf. 25c. a box.aI your Drugg[2t'a. 123 1 6naTisuat ussà& CumnicAt Co. oir CANABA. Là ui¶e.- - i Jý 4,1311, d.,4le -] NO 1

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