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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 8

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1fr.W4i-Der s d me11 -a 'I , Ubbo-l asl w u n 4SbwB 3fr. B&uo ýe -Stbl spent Sunday b screi "'Dr ,ýo Osawavivtedw1tMrKnt hog1e en.oe, ~uSaturday àMend4 gber tattisr'a umder tbeopmtaI roof,.oia,- 1f , . -, a saa ile and the'erauseW.- xtend our syrnpatdhy tO 1Mr, E..Hogsn sports. a splaapzlug Clsf ûr. <; L Jo es 'as e 1lag e k Mstaf n :Èe.uei'bea r'î I, h > 1 W Ou $. ' You'Il bave t10 e,- 1U eir -adv»ý Ma t4hJoeshN lrg ' ~fre Ter Iu ~Mr. E. Bromeli han movo 1u~ ou st 4 01 ni eu lwork bulldisg«his 111kG 1w roorn, and sparks are thougbt tb bey, wbere hose ng e A M or. iAbatsyWlOàu !Trne 80 V ban baa ave f&Iloudowa and., augllt on the*Guthrie. -u-Me as loveofTornt, iday.dp Mr. A.C0. Ellot bsmn tw board 'in frot. The. fire haIt de- ws oeOe udy excavatisg1 ho cellar for lus new. îtroyed -the isalle sud burned tii.I o Ù oy et lbn latlesle ~ouse. ~ ~ sud KEPHALDOL. buo OWby ot bugti MissLilinu Iron vilto An To-1WasSa figte but tboy iuailaged tbu(JURES -PAIMP BUT- DOE MOT ! on ORda, M" 5Bi Au Vin 8 d; roat lat wek. gel tbe botter o! .il..A 1ev inutes, 0C4H EAT rv.Bi rz At.Gadcu Mesi. Fra"k Vîpond and George Au disoveTHEil 1EA NEED: Brown have returned tram their trip jr- falli mybeweîo mhaven. oe aoggn Iao1the West. wôld-otbav bln ooii s< Onrt o!a l piii may fi. theb pr- b c orAu oeusu.Con liii Mr. and, Mn. Poibor; -61 Cobalt, "ehfo"A b.po xn or endéM. Mns. Walken vi slted hrduhe wi beegae Ms herbcserptii o! of o0 o! thoworld's g . - at11 ü* 4Oshawa this week. t1swe fr nie A oamtwekadbv -s ovspedaji5ts-Ji.fanions CÊALK 'LAKE, aî a any Mr: flobt. Gilroy lef t ti ek o omnol.terdte aýe Herr, Doobor Stbr, of Vienna, Aus- S op p~~oaaejrtyvl an îe 1-alifax ciVty, wliere lie wilb remain CMr.flanWd lioindamis, fOae. - tria- àlcdk ths* y.,Sm ofMte tr for a tirne. -have pucae r. -J54. SIkiuner's Heh usd'epaol Inbite rmsba;mtt îi* Tl'ru: two list rehearsaîs of - the property, as. d make p o! sbaa oba sd"epadl n A i.faeahvea inflAhd ate' *horus- for teGrn ayfstvlAJn.ithousandao!o ýcases o! Headacbos, os lJ. Nt*ifaam.druff, ÉPAirie *onieert ilwili ho held on Salurday, the 1 The seleelions of Sacred Music re-! erli, Remalun&atc., Ms .M1styoA 1Aj~fred edt' iid of May, adWdsday 111 <>4OfNcualis, Là GrAipeSt.doTieras'ns anoundScarboro Ibis week,' wel '. ubbed and eus y, enlygîvn u t. hoasclirciof Morve Exbaustion. - -iV» are, glad -ta heur that Mi s won'ders-I MAay, i the Masoflie Hall, Brookin, Brooklinr, will be nepeated on Sun-' The moeetact tliat. Dr. Stolir orý- Gladys Parrott, Wha had lier ankle bain roôts - at ciglt o'cloek sharp. Ladies and day eveniug next, May 3rd, .ut 7 0' Aîue Keblo"A teol o-'aeb1en eul batn c0o lldt gentl enen are requested >toa corne at dlock. coidatneede d b is the uy r- b agai n sabtoatn sc slclp, dan th.1e appointed tinie, as th1e doors Of, Remembor Tliursday, May 711, -wlie sclamnan sungea 10 orneii4Y110Aganumer scalpngban g-yuhadr th1e hall will have Vo ho closed dur;- Madame Le Mar vili sAng at 1the fôrmo!n<andliertensti omnd. ie Ani ar. p ur , sngooinle theairbe ing 1the rehearsal. fMasonie Hall, 'Brooklin. Doors open arcephaldo" is 11aetomobpainsre-teus aprbec Miss Olver- Ass pcndiug a few 1 days at 7.30 p.m. Concert commences at &(pI -"l heol anr-ti srpat n a wit-h friends. An Whitby. 18 p.m., sharp. lieving renxedy used by Dr. Stohr,be- We Wionder wliy Mn. F. Stýe ist.and. a ~.GadMysiva ocr nIi r .H lishdla t cause t isa1the only One Ihat doos likes MA 'old home e cbot ? You wAbb AmGandMayFesiva Cncet i th Mr W.H.Elvss ad ad stffnot affect 'th1e beart or ollier organs, Some ot the !armeno.,around weut "'W Fa' liasonie Hlai, ilrooklin, -on Thursday, o! mon installing an ait englue of 25 sdmyh ae il efc ae nafsA~epdto a WhibyadPnarfy o Miay 7111, under the auspices of St.,- h.p. t0 supply power for his miii, Anty unlil a complote- cure resuls. reotlayn ucesad anetd wl o Thomas' church choir. -Madame Le place ot valer, siice 111e -dam. was "Kehaepor"Ttllétsrna W He lme. au refa Mar will sing. Vocal and instrumen- waslied ouI. tafepdéi mos ltugstor e iesAc . ý19gicî n ra o r bal slosquartttes cliautîc O~ 3~ -tubes, or tliey will lie sent on ne- T0nwarashave made their- Volcs. ccopanst, rs..11 Kich.appearance'An aur niidst, a boy wlth Brock Tou .t AdnsAnce eipt of prie. by Kophaldol, Lfmlted, lx-anagilwt34.E Le voleeis iompais25c.. H i 1rh311 Lalour St., Muntreal. 4e' n il il n d ee.OliZOfi by th Mn. David. Burns, *Who lias becu - Robent Park eu cllctngfo 11 Srig aiNOW IS THE tIME TO. GET EID RAGLAN. 40uM CUREIS rHEUMATISM. MnChs hasdon,ý xcediglywel, avýngNo malter how ln tnigyu years owne -ba oe ex eeedin agell, hanvlug 1 OPTHESE UG.L m"r. Mn. Noah Luke, of Toronta, s-bal- cs uyni on epar e ' > I l ars 'caybce aavrylre u u widaying wfth -hAs parents. lon tadngyuriÏ& ea day.. - ~There's nu L;'ne'r the- 4. iellFt Mr. and Me on ru s~ aleoRMrO to-day. J.E . W The Southi -Ontario Agicultunal ueed oaIfeeling ashamed iuf yulir iu Shirley on. Sunday. .lis youlsýttha um A vne o flAbsft Society wiIl old a. Spring Fuir l An leas 111é proaorLpt'Jn ;thiue- r.Filyadclrehv eitq. .Rum Iownru-Ints -Vlpond's Grave, Broaklu, on Mou- double strengh- us guaratîe.. tO tured to hein hamIn Hvai .bck. uscles anftihespar i oe or-he day, Mar 25h, 191-4. A bg 11,1 of rtmgve these bomely spOt',@. *The solo given by Violet Stanoni mls .id tflesar id ofyso a prizes wil lbe offered. In' the even- SirnpIy gel au junw oa! 'thine- on Sunday was mucb enjayed. lu ptetAabethve ie- ig the BrooklilaDramnatic Club wil double strenigth-fnam aiiy (Wî lg'5t Tic frientis and ne-ghboaso!ofMr#. sam atet n it altyot aveth givethe popuIar drama "The Valley and apply a littîs of It n1Zht and aid lira. Couch held a fareweil social ORiie ttgina ab d Ms blood of yich id Farm" in th1e Masonie Hall. This mrifXlfg -and you should soon 500 An tAhe bal l nWedflestay eviillg lait thc thatuield cannot pomsfihlynd playwasgivn to yarsago on tat ventuewort feokes avend presented them wlth a purse exist. Rbeumno costi ouly si for ai two - former occasions to crowded begun ta disauppear, while the ighternf ann hryfu olrTelrebtl rm .L.wlio bouses, andi sbould prove a drawlng unes have ivanhsheti entiraly. It Io aiuius fethArly to ge ollrs iMrge.01e<o J .Wli, card for bthe Pair visitons. The Tem-1 seldom that more than au * ounce s4Atsetkeiyleloso . direct, 8.11 charges prçpaid, tram B. IjOS@and irie. Coueh, but wisli theni every. V. Marion Co., Bnidgeu>urg, Oit. > prance Ius 'w!!! lurnish' special 1 feciedti l conipletiely cloar the skln suSfts. accommodation ta visitors. Thene and gain - a beautifulI dean campiez Mn. and lins. Normai Whitney viii aIea be nefreshmeubs Ou bbe ton. have maved ite Mr. NotnhmOSA . grounds, and bot wuter lurnished for Be sure to asic for tbe double bouse. - Oigan shaOa s ta Wafr114wl . plcnic parties. Came along aud brin& strengili othine as Ibis As sold undeni Mn. D. Thompsou's many tnientis 29, the saine as blinIoallait year yout tnientis. guarantee o! money bak Af il (ails tb are gladti t see hlm ont again. Tr.saapois nes<aînA Abut12a'bok Sunday nigli Mn.. remove lreckles. * Rerneuben 1the Brookln SprigFi unsing aFat el fcp o -on Monday, M ay 25th, lanVfpond's 111e local' papers. Althongh Con- Girave. Big pnize liste Grand cor,- stable Carl Stevens bas been sus- cert iu the eyening. Corne aiong and poutied, nane of thie changes have yet bring your fInds. been substantiateti. Inh a debate by 1the Raptit Union' -Madame le'Mai'01 Save- TUrne! ied hatwo Tim lutbC8Sin, ~~,ative. -W l l S n ~lassitude and depressions of bil- -.,-IN THE - louafesa, is worse than wate. Mn. James Nugeut drappetidoaata Bilounes 1edsqucky o he the home of bAs son-An-law, J . P ., Grand May. Festival Concert Bfiou-Cetaih eeId y-~0 Dln nTedyo aVwe.~ ~ U Miecerainhomeremdy- Heart faîîure was the cause., mn j HarOd Bteqana young mn e P MASONIC liA LL, 9BROOKLIN 2EECHAM'S t the - O N . C mpluib A atie hat the ew .DTapavemnent laid 01, bClng abreet- lasI Inexper - Thursday, M a 7 h '-P LL S ear *Alaual weaïing weli, the winter an air of _______ _______ ______ _______ __laboxe&.__ _25_cents.1d.frosts having craked it in all direc- them thal C h o us f 3 v ice s MRTE SATIN.A new Society, the Loyal Order otf lihat"s th C h o r s o 3 0 V o e e sOn Y1I LE TAT ON.Moose, ls being'organize i n ow . Cut in Onanti after May, ist, 1914, tie Accordiug ta thç bUeformer thenelAs a breasted Myrtie Station PosI O-ffice wili b. a charter mernbership of 15o. English- Doors open at 7.30 p.m.. Concert commences gt 8 Sharp. money arder office. Mn. Nathan Kohien bas just com-1 modela. Mns. Rolit. Brttoin spent Montiay pietedia neat store with brick front,ý orlng post - SEE POSTERS- in Toronto. anti plate glass Windows, nean Watt-, If anyone lias any quilts ta ho matieor Patte's establishment on Simca.' _____________________________________ le ave youn ati nde a tt11e nexî Lad-1 St. north, anti has- stnrted to builti JUST CC< _____________________________________________ es' Aid.' The paît week seve.rall-anthe.r one . -esasleusgig PSN - - -~~~ bamu--womnssni eIauIstauce frrm 1the icone by ane of the I Wonnu's m sama ie nts.cur ecfr tabos. The Doarbornbuggy was b 1r1,Clem. 25c. a baffle. b adly broken. The occupants, al- U pmTo= Date Carniages # Druggos:sand Dealers, « by fli tliOugh hadly shake11 up, w ere un- Hi»gh-class Harness,- Trunks, Club Bags, ,mt S. S. NO. 2, PICKERING. Mitt an Glves- The ollwhng As the report of S £it n lvs. e. S o 2, Pickering, fanr1the manbh Apio The Frost & Wood Cultivators are leaders ---- Marks r6quired, 390* ... Sr. IV.-..Voet SadIen 524 (houons, Batemàn- W ilkinson Sprayers for every GUARANTEED AOVANTAOES liret ackey 484. ýeý - f Jr. IV.- F-.a Re.dai 4-76, Ln purp se. Also Wilinso Plws.The ativantages guaranteed ta its Sadler'4,00. purose Alo W lkison Plo s. polcyholder, man fomany tbrougliavt Jr. III.-..Lock XcBriei 473, Verna - Assurance Company are much"gneater Marks nequired, 150. 1 Success Manure Spreader reg. $135 for the premiuuns paiti than tlic> are lu Clasa II.-Elva Redman 213, lî - - ay other Company doing business iu No!18 Namnlel13Rlp Canda.Thi h tattias a faet whicli Wells, absent: i No. 12 De Lavai Cream Separ-- cannot be sUccessfnîîyý disputeti. CasI-io Seesn ar ator regular $8o now $90.00 îext bEXhaMPTlEqugeoiety tire Mackey, ClarenS edtman. birhdy hoEqityLue hage Sr. Pnlmer-Hitia lackey, Kutb FuI n. 9Guge $43. 20 for $2,aoo.oo insurance on the Icn enhly Page wire Fence, Fl o ug Twenty Paymcnt Life Plan with eeï uiy prrd - - 23c thing definitely guananteed. Mostothr Jr. PÏlrner.-Mabel Harbron, Oeoe per rod c Canadian Campanies charge oxaStlaflier lia Wagg, Eddty-BçlyHtr Goubia -Graphophone Deo- saine amount and similai7rmetlfohr a rile Colum Twenty-,five Payment LAie Policy. At 1qumber on roi! 19. sîrator Machine reg. $65. $40.00 theo end af twenty years the Equity policy1 Average attehidane 18. is fuliy paiti for anti lissa Cash value o! J. HARVEY, Toucher f , N ,y q y $898 00, while the usual cash value for W ,. i~<. I) I FN[~< the other palicy at the saine ime la $72o. . ASifBURN. Te 1a ,lh sud"e h1 o utere atawlîîRememii.n the Brookln Spring Pair AiHITY, 0 T~I10 - =jZh. «11ýUe lçlrsnao Omn Mlonday, *May 251h,fI Vipund's Bel ndInepndntPhne.L. W. DUDLEY, i, SULTHORLAND. Gnove. gig prisa liaI. Grnzd cm- Bel ad IdeenentPhnew=tffa. Toronto. -brin6 'your ftAsadi, PSS- USE PARISIAN SAGE. tParistan S a nbe drug oount& t 1A's 'cor- ijéý g bà-Ve thin, britte, ýrny 'or faded hair. N ir imsightby the. iiafr i-,-'hw falIlng, ýrliow mucli dan. flan Sagse- As ail that - a rt0qusnt aplplications and 'Ito the 9calp will ..do b..acti like nmagie. Thei are ornished. and st.m grow n ~ a r t b u trun 'and falliilg hairo 'iasé Ëfeels fne Best >ý*,a-, à1j 'Com es so t l u y, aî z d c & ýdant, wl~life aad 1,eau- be surprIW ed dreih trisian aàge. Try at toast mt battleîrOià A -&Illn )wnshplesbt an estimable ýh death on April lSth, of - rk, at the age of 65 years. .Parrish, who for many kd and operated a grist ;onya, passe away recent-, horne at Port- Ferry.' JAP-A-LAC *-the. content SINGY. diaclor.d and uneightly Rom ")duie tbcontmuw. Why no by comlot trusionuionbynîssuof t6i eModel Floor" procos?-.? iapyi Tlu. proeffl conis i a is'w A-LAC P9.n color, a coat ofJAA color (W" - 4' griiu wh the J'AP-A îool) Mad 'iie twocoýU o f uaturl JAP d"cn s ',isrdurable fmuuhlà'lbpoli jeA.A.lCaeh21co bea q 4fW ýu C t T O A Y a i y ô u T l oc a l h a r dw a r e a c o c a d a -d a c of tf e l , o k A l In Whitby Jap a-lac'is'sold .by GEOi Ne. RICE Sdaü tes YodU'i 'roud Vear ensive, dressy, and ýfrefinement about it mfarks the wean- weU.dressed man. he Hobberlin kind. the smart single- styles after the or Amenican Fabries and tait- iitively guaranleed. EME IN WHEN 'G THIS STORE RAVE A LOOK FS $20 to $40 iLýý, Cote,"- " JGNEW IARIDWARE -Improved New Perfection Coal 011 Stov, Hysbop Bi- cycles, Aylnier Sprayerg, and 1900 Gravity WaShers juet to hand for spring dehivery. - I HAVE FOR SALE I Sec'ond band roller, good ai new $16.oo i Craven gang plow, in good sape NeW, whelbarrows regular $4 0, each 35 I have the best- une of wire fence, and gates, ever- shipped into 'tho Township.4 flCail and sec our co nbined field Cultivator. Thé newest thinigion4 URJI-IJONESe Brooklin -- Ontario. Bell a d m d . P h o n e . pi - REAL E-STATE 19 ACÉes ta lot or for sale-East side of Brock St. Àn îhe- Town rc a cy io r c op . w u iu i ca se ro r a te rin of y o ars. - 164 Acres on the Lake Shore in Pickering Township Largo framo house, goad barns, about 5 acres of woadlaud. This. Iis a first class grain and stock fam, well fenced and, well S.- Large Brick Dwelllng on Byron St., Whitby. Good stable, J .Çlargo lot. This property «will be sold for lesis than it is I 7' worth if taken at once. SGreater Canada lmprve êt & Land Ce. RICHAROSON & RICHAROSON MSAES -- WITBY, - - ONTARIO †4-1 d i-à i e: î F Fg THE -COLUMBIA "JE WE'L erlln, Limited. 1$45Go - LaweoM Complete With Ont. Cabinet $55100ri -iue of Co lum'<g iila Records now on sale in-u ..luding oopular dances L>wners ofDisc machines send me your name or the Month- y Sup'plemen- .ary record list which will be mailedyoufree of charge each mÈonth. som e R. Keith Law 1rence Brooklin m. M- -. ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO- [ PI, onte - - 9FP is-

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