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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1914, p. 2

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JohnaA.( r'~eui4e~b ~u 'C. R. 14lour 1(111ï. Lid.. Dfreetor. Bfls ime. Jichn 14elCergow.ffotr u Moir i~ ~ rector. Canadtan - Life . auzanca e .D rcor 1f.C. 13. Gordon. Prealdent. Do- Mon. Senator- DanÏdurand Director.' ]nitnlon Textile Co.. Ltd.; Dtrector. Sun- Lil. A surance Co.; Dtrecter, 13ank ofMotral.,R Grand TunP&Oitl rtailwayo Mfr. IL.1J. Y gor .Noue. et and4Company. i rfou" iet iultu aÃ"PPm e au toi A? J. YOUNGE AND. COMPÂINY, 1,î9. St. Jamnes Street, THIS INVESTMENT MAS PAiD-7 PE-R ANNUM haif yearly @Ince the Securittes of tht. Corporation w.re Ilaced on the market 10 Year» -a9o. IluOineais *tabttmhied 28 S eara. Inventment mnay be w1th4irawft In part or *hole any time affer one year, $qfe as a rnortgage. FuiI Par- iu lare and bookiet giadly furnished on re"eidt. NATrIONAL ýSECURITIES -CORPORATION, LIMITE09 GOmmWzDNEarZON LzW»n vILDING zo»woN . OUT. NEF/S 9f THE MIDDLE F/EST Tl NEF/S'[N A -PARAGRAPH IILT' « 0' 0NAK AIN» 11111- il i P'XN îksMFON1ALL OYEDJ TISU (IÇOLU5IîîîA. 111WGLOBE 1iq à l4UTSIIELL. Iicîmis Froin Provlince. Wlere Mlanj Otario BOY!I.and rGis Are canada, the Empire and te orla laklng Good." Ltu Làcucrl Ileforel Tour Meîcne iat wiil biuild 10 Miles Elyc. 4 eneUtt walks thi's y ,c-osti'ng Caa *90,000.. A 5'tvmtictlîh f *.. Galt Board-of Trade ini a unie-day i's ÃŽbting carried on i- h-prieed --hlirlwind- campsign added two Iiun- *~~~~~~ %Vi scame. 1 n~inn ,*- dred and fifty names to its menbe-r- At oj, Sask.., seven car- Nearly a hundred brides-to-be M ("$d of OntarjoIliorsea have so far carne tu Canada by the Glasgow been reeivcd tlisseaon.steamner Saturday, whicih docked at T!112 Winnip>eg General flospitai Montrea! on Wedneesdcay. 4ia. deflcit 'of $50,000,, and thé Capt.ain B. G. Kendcall, om - * ity 301be asked Vu pay fhalt ut it. der of the Canadin acfimlner In the King Edward Hospital. at 11111henia, b.. been app>ointed cap- Winnipeg, there are mûre advanced tain of the Epipreeis of ireland. * tal!es o!fûecu<,i than ever be.. Jutige Charbon-n-ea;î bas reversedd fore. ~the finding of the Mont-real Liceoýis, i J4 tire and riabber cumpau1y, capli- Board, which cut, off thle licenses of taiized a£ 8î,Oo,ooo, will soon start, five cabarets, folfowing ma.ny pro- on -tue erection of a $17î5,000 faetury tests on behaif out citizens andc in Regia. chu rcheq.9 * .'ii t i~~fr tule eetîof an The tru ;teesq -o! Qucecn's Univer-0 * rîur atinc tlhone eXclut ugo t-y1t. expresed their approbation of bu)tilding-lhave be-en let at Prince the offer of Major R[. W. Leon-ard Albert, sask'. for a niilitary residence, and ap- r Winnipeg wnter nmin are ufe-puned a conmittee to conter withd ing greatly from eler.ttolysis, said lt>ui regarding de-tails. be causeci by inîperftet b ofNn The NUàvor (f Maisonneuive, Que.,T elft-tric etreet car raih, %vil1 conîî}ei the street railiway con,.- *Carpentrs: ani -on tr&etkirs of pany to give a ontinuous service Calga.ry aýie ditputiîîg as ae and refrain from turnùing cars in Theý1èr!ée wat 55 .oLîý 1the bar.u b efôre reaclîing tbe;end of i Phfrmriv~t 5ce -~a n h ?ou1r, the rouite by ordering the arrest ofd £lnd the cont-ractors only want 'to1b -puy 50. ail car crews who U ffend. On']-lus "a neh st"thi of îagrath, Mrs. Harriet 1Shunn, o! Lo»ndon. AI;W. Il-. MIye . Ont.,receive4 word througâh'a firmn a *2,000gweling ou1e1whih, i et ld country iawye-rs that she is a i-8 said, wili be the finesit rarichîîjOint heir tu an estate inIran h0iUeý i souhernAlbeta. that is valued ab 811,000,00. Mns. Mrs. Chrimtian Harding, of or Shunn, W,1ho is about fifty years old, MemurraY, wi leave Athîaba'ska with ber husband,,"las beelà a resi- for t'ie. north aS soon as navigaition dn !bno oto e ie uc, sewns< e ieThey' are in conýortabIéý circumn-I bloide Skinos dscoei-e by stances. * taîîsson. At the Manioasbo ecur Great Biguamn. Co)nvenin held in 'Winnipeg, ît The -flouseo! raCmite nas tateti that- out or 83,000 cllii- caileti Lord Muz*rys dealings i-n dreri attending -ehools i'fi Ma-mili-a, Marconi shares "(errors o! jiudg- 2â '321*000 attendecidigleruom couîntry ment.' t - uchols.The building trade employes uf An anditing film iof Calgary went London,, Eng., have rejectet itlle over tlie oitys book-s andi diseovereti I term-s o! settIeient offereti by ie N4 an o1rror whioh rtýsuted-i1i the city - aters by a vote, of 23.0tjo to '2,00o, N li--eing rettundie i*,50fo- tn-thuu 20,ý000 peopie, înainly non- traoting firm, which hati been over.- coniba-tants, have-bren lon-g on tie 'N ii a- a theresu,!it (.!fan error-in verge of .starvation. N( - b<okkeep)ing- 1Twu ufi a o:_ds ?se s is -di rebgi-in again1strh(ivM(-uInng int ebu41ard lotige -prugraitameW, 1bîuy. <~t hs i ml ing, tickets or giving Lu,, indi>-erlirni Iun' leep On- Your le-tt aide. f4r Ibteelîu I n bfuture ailîl suli i-t ca-usea *oo great a pC*e-sre o" - fle proostinsmustpaw hece-uorbart. Donilt uleep 4on youir ]rglit at .ihip cominzîttee o4 the Wirnipeg Re ide, foi-r it interferp§ with the rer,- O1 ý1ta1 merchants,' soçao- iation tof t-llîat In. trot ! Prvea ire Comn ii i .-n e r o <'n vr stomach, for th-at interreres ,Tiniheek lîa-s made some strong ibtl"'piacu f0hiug ?J o-tcmqof! recent fireýs in Wi!nni- and niake-s breathing difficutit. Do(-n'tsoui ~uîe eceyuer l-ut le leepLuitn v<mir 'ba-rk, fol' this methuti squi losys th lihSuf ave - lee-n neariy of tgettin«g rest.i, liedx for Vbe ner- $700,000, wlîitiu, couîsiider-ing pre- %-,,u qY utvn1. l)în't sitstting on Y v-ailing con)Iditions andt.Iie practical a chlair, fu.r yuur bodiy tallas into an --fail'ire of tite high water presureuî'a.ttu-al îx-sttiojn, and you ca1nn]ot It starecent fire, ca!ls for intmefiate ýgeL tthe uecesSat'y rela.xatiiujn , i't mv( -r-îna tç stoy las ie'n ek a- seep Standing uzp. for ""'Yniay top- s st4ýi- hs ben -od a jle oven anticrack -yOlxu ukiilî. cnti ,aga-ibert,&. In the village of l)ont slec-p. teZd W-infeur niles e-ast o! Ma - 4-_-_iss gravi>, live a çcuîpine syling t-hem- $tiltInla Doubt.ai t44fvpf; ord and ,L'dy Mousf;,-n, wlio h o".O mar,)] e are said te helong to thIe Engli-sh "hydn ou mro rnobili-ty. fordMolusto-îîworks as elap 7 'O -i tarinlao r Irdlis. wife teaoh . Do voi think a man eul pro- Mo , holabon wand ah as(edeieticure ail the nece-.ssties tof life onb !zer te in a way wicheiii cona-et' I$1,800 a year? - lher. ord M wou -t-Me n unystaecot- w -. "1 course ; but inot the luxu- fire lr i M<h. irî,vaY e 1 n hJ9ries." n Tra-.sval ninng ut ka;tî n -ne Weil, 1I haven't cdeci-de-d vet vhe- 1 Ie niinngt-6lcs ilen amether- a wvife is a neressior a1xi1u to Canada, Wherc h1 .hopes. m r. o x e - dav, to ittake Puiffici-nt iiin-ey -on ajc P rm to Pna bule himi tcf reclaim t-be Some catýe boin lûck-y, ssthers ac- R,(,1 faniily m-cw cennow owas by a quire luck andi stili others jil blini-ClL wvealVIîy merdltànt of!London. er into it..jr ---1 f hé %fe a Tameçneîv cxd ~ba4,wtamce. êoand£ 'tiiiiig adOIOôlf~ o - upn an Ànercacumero*n ia} tedict ofi. oexuo.d. Luei.a iueerb.ge. are the. distinxctions the -na-- fIýixig the Cîxhbuo ù11aý;a.n , h19Ve nuuber o-qi je ip etwnon thiriFrat (7oznzaoner in- wo unded lhýr'Éýieiiman. A -blletin îby Captaian ngand' Durnt"h eriMnoe 1 s« àlDh . ihe, SVeàheeHeesl aea'too uxl draÉc., given eut at 1thle Navy, Dep6rtnub itf ionç,çle ,ç~ ----Jivee anid eve.t usllire"U d1neroý, Q the0 many ancent per4ùtiftea -ciftho of- saicl that'Admirai Mayo reporWu the OonEti uf,tAe~t- for 8&n 'expitý_ iteaonly-t r-, .MacdorougliýteI1e le, thatt-ha~Vad bier nt~1a, iyng atioe of tlie incident. - The- iO ut!1e i,ukandl doé - i lied In the Cban -flag, ýwa9 stopped by th e i u i n l e e n & x ç z I i i' the royal preàerve u aut W indsor are <rt- Cenaifuionaist whi ste eti.tut -ioeyalisbd niot let tite bo>.tprbnuigly ent te hm and thW(Clothworkers whie 9 wei flàt-thy.culd no leth bot poCqmPany-,oflLcndon -.preigenta-.him et th iv r t t e-ct Oýé cT ' ,.,m A a C rlnt*rM *fitixa gener ou à wiath l tie' pasping up te1ilrteth it TiPW<4,lu ir &uIueff- béot brôadélôth, an ws cusxd aanho -inth ,.y for, themh to i soe um a, gry Bila flwnmS iýndwas forM t anhor à he ýS ef Wet-O' al, -R'tres The taité Lord Suffietdwas for forty "'AppaîzrentIy," - esa he Navy lha4 theyi woutd-ebe obligeai t< stop -houmehld and lie was a personal frilend Depîtmet. bllýeýti, "t wune-411 erc&llt- SIS jnt -0f the royai femtty dturlng the greater Departrettbulletii, il u n- ~l i~rt~êntve i eis tfture. h art of hia lite. Lest year Lord Ouf- -field published an interesting volume of in-nlu, chielly dealng with reininuu- 0 cenes of the court. on There are morne merry atomes in the PRCE ~ F R POD CI O m en E eno Volwine. There Ioroeou teSahuh ivien ha awolie fron souand sumber t Amon th mas o!tegîiaton udarlmaanother of, Mme. Sarahi Bernhlardt ne- «PRT ' o p TU AINO il;taenbablth Bnte louse ut Co:nmons buking King I2dward as Prince of Waes, UETIS0 fMRIA I e rbal ta fu lbmae111 w f or presentîng himaetf behatted bahind - b.Pae.ed' Into taW thîe session. it com- the scenes, and a third tel!. 0f the tour ItICSa et catit.craint cluueseans ~Moandha nortyhe th.House Of Coin- fhrough India, on whtch -Lord Suffield moneand haathesupport of fhe gov- uccumpanied the Prince (King Edward), *vsreauetNoms. and Abr.aa eranent, and It leaian effort mnade tqu ave and duringwhtch two thugs In, Lahore Breadatufue. are threatenad with extinction by, the r uto o their method of strangute- Tor-on te, îtay f.-Plour-Ontarto greed Ofthfie blrd.,b.Mnter. The United ricea pratlailtua wbeat flours. 90 par cent,, e3.85, Peu- States bas alreacly set a nplendid ex- Another story told by Lord Suffietd board, and ut $3.95 to $4. Toonto. ample In-fhis matter. and Canada l'as concerna Queen Mfary; Mani tobas-u'iurat patents, lu jute bege, now haseed a law by'whtch effer Jan- "t1 went out one day (ian 59) t $5.60, do., seconds,-$s.10; sfruug bak- uary 1,11, if iill be Jliegal tta bring W~hite Lo)da, tviierc 1 errived Juet ira ers', lu Jute baga, $4. Jufo Canada aigrettes, Plumas, winga, time to sec 1'incess 3Mary.. aow Our Mraitoba wliet-l3ay ports--No. 1 Quille or any other parts of y.lld birds. -Queen. sliding down the staira on a tray. Northern, 96c, and No. 2 et 944c. If le tira. the nattons tôok a hend un Sho IýOlced niuch embarrase whcn ah. Ontario wheat-No. 2 at $1 to $1.0q protecting the wIld blrds for somne Of saw une wtt hleu" m'othar, feeling that oufeide. ecc-ording to freiglif. end S1.(j~ the Instances of staughter are perfectiy lien lrogress down stairs lied been per- te fl 04. on truck, Toronto. horrible. Take the cane of the Island naps a little undignu1çd, but the Duch- Oetm-No. 2 Onterio Oeta, Z39à f0 40c, of Layean, the greet breedlng-ptace of ense smply laughed at lber and eaid: oufsaide, andi at 42c, 9ti truck, Toronto.fl lbto.19Y the efforts utonne n. uNeye rnmmd, deer cbuid, lf la only Lord Western Canada oat@, - 41e for -No. 2, and assisf1ed hbya gang' of tweîxfy-two or~ Suftield.'" ut 0e or o.8, ay ort.fwenfytrea empioyeee. thaftIslanidlbas Musical lrodfgy a Girl: of Potart..u. e 40e fo No 3tBy re. been turned froin a glorfous cuioniy ofr .Amift I a welIl known tacf thef many Berley-Goo4 malting barley, 50 te happy birds Into a cîarnel-bouse of nîusirlcapjrodiLeshv endeoee &Se, eccordlng te cuultty. belnes. -If le cornputed thef somefbing by.-accident. ma there ta avary ýreason to ]fye-No. 2 et G3 f0 64c, ottslda. like une-liait or the catir. speeles hmeliasethef 1h. WestfHem Board of - Buckwhaat-80c, outelde. thara beau ulestroyed, and file hideone (luardatuuhaaveefound In a ltil! orphan Corn-l-No. 3 Americen. 72jc, ail rail, work Woliid assuredly hava bean coin- girl orteunrfl1prteton 1 Tioronto. -pleted iIf the United States bad nof hep- thaetUinailne iviomyinhenrf- ]Bi'ati-banifnba brun. $25 f0 $28 a Pilyr-wakened Just lu time toe w astrh a nvelgMae.Inlae ne ut. o ton, ln*bags, Toronto fagt -Sot.golng on., The Plumage Bill o!f1 waf trme lrbyLunu onAtme. Clar e tager 826ght fo $28. w ilî n t suffice. N othing but ail tIne f- or e ntenir b uti n m. t t e op r t g niational' agreement wilb pi-eventtae' Sheleai.a marenu-"setla e munlr out- Counry todce.egrat and the bird of peradise dismp- flue guardilis, Whuun aeked about Ibeir Butr Ooluetry.1 o2c ln peaning from the worbd fonaver. dlscovery. "Sevaral o! the Board have ferior, 16 to 17c; farinera' sieparafor "olnt *7 cI. haderign ii&ppurblat, prints, 22 le 23e: creelnery prnuts, fresb Tbei'e wiii be naon. o! the usual pri fal have been chai-mati by ber v.uloc 26 f0 26c; do. storage prnxtm, 23 f0 24el- fis and hartishipis atteeaci f0t an Arc i1he possAssas aiso e remnkable range- soltda, etoraige, 22 te 23e. tic In'Pl n the exc'ursio)n îlaruuîed by afiteotvs n tsm-oe Bggs-21 fo 22e per dozan. ln case London expllouaf ion comlparxy. SFonthe -he fumuait eamcnta ung-lei ii an bos' sum o!f$"'000 the fIrna uili Provîde I ear.Tegadüsmn irt Honey-Exfnected. un fins. lob f0 il*1polar de luxe voyage thut Ineludes hunt- i-r.Tageduuasn irt ' ta$3.2 b Ig an fisiJngprofeMsor et fle Royal Colege orf Musie. per bli. for No. 1; coitls, $: f0$3t5 ler uganti ehoneg. eacli'passenger wtt! h eirtdta ecul a ihu dozen for No. 1, anti $2.25 for No. 2. bealoe uuenta- hear, on. seul, ouea Whueroîrte fiflue;thobe t'odaay iou Clieese-New chaose, 141- f0 15e for isairus, two muskOoewf niwoatreeafltthacttcwioisi l a g e a d 5 o 5 ~ f r w in g . W h i te f o x , W h Ic ii li et iuSm g te g S hoo t f ' îîî m . o te n e ti t o b r ut t h ef l c o le g e w e r c e a - l Beans-HeItid-lîlcked. ;2,15 f0t 220sèlf, To nriait. il easy andi colf utasunî-imed hy ha,- giffa. $2.2 raortaie There lm no doubt." li a sid, thaf file par, bushai; primes. $2.10 f0 $2.15. for ail of the polar explorera, flic shil î- hu cy gra rms" u Poultry-Iiowl, 16 f0 lic par lb.- will be fttted with leatrio iightm. battu- gr hw iygra chickiens, 19 f0 20c; dueks, 17 f0e ic Mrra Wtfh buot anti cutd wat-r, utanuCam, a hr guartileus thaf as fliere la geem, 1 tel6v tureyo20 e 2c.- etet aip m deto, ad flcntv nofîme beforelier, she must nul geee, 5 u 1u';tukcy, 2 f 23. atentel's duo, îda selacteti chlef, lt AllWed f0alraetlsc lier higiiest notes Sl'otafoes-Delawares ara qutfatut $1aswal. a esui)pIY or cigare ttndot Iue-tssu isbe ong.li ult Io on tnack, - lera. co., wuc spirits andtiraineati a itafen ufin.--çlà,ugt po file basf bialidie an u tltîîe ' n 1'ioi îrl r i. t, f0 do r>,-n'elbndd.a or Ceptain Bernîer coulti nut demire ally sue titis fe lc iitng -of a very unusuail Whl- ed r. - fremeligtlng taon.. j tîil-alto vole' - ( ~ViiolT'lie acd mar -orante ire setuiniN T London'. Pmo.try EOOkulop. recle-ancui ar-ada txfletta, o iehi-TuSerh n the 100- t fi.lt-ast of modern Londot'cs-o-n lb, bests:-lled clouer, Nio. 1, $19 f0 $21; Industrnînt omm, linage anrrianieuts.- uulé lltitutflis le i'oaîu'y iook- de., No. 2. $17.,0 ta $18-e0; alsika. No. axtremes ut Wealtii andi putarty - , 11110Poî. If lm tut DevoDnehire streaf. a a, 1. $20,50 ta $21, do.. No. 2, $17 f0 $18; but exaitiptas or tha fruth trit lrnow- >Itlo!ti'hi1t Ou1iiiti fliturnlng offTea Trtly, No. 1. $8.60 f0 $9.60:do.. No. badge Wi'l>-tupl9tîuyh crabud out uu-nu Tlthe- 2, $7.25 f0 $7560; alfalfut, No. 1, $14 f0 refluer thilxaeblesmlnig. The seeker lifter tuhunP. for IL siguboard represerig sar $15; do., No. 2. $13 teW trý klnowledge fr fa-is ownnsk du n ît sl-igfm ag, h lctoar. wuY raspunta .for the erronrst!ates- lut1 ett-dylgulu'nfrls u ]Provisiong. men or file feulls.qJ' meritnti, Tht- truc.,tilmI>ý-. Whlt-n your c- liasea' cI 13acn-.orfg ledisçfiu ;re ut Al- wilie-e ainli fuittineta ftfelagloom y>,u, mce all 1 -' .lc-Lrg ea,5f06eprlmm flaWorc d "r'eau-onu: "Kncwtedg a arour nderui t lilueasMy reecil o! your ncase lofa. Hema-Mcldluiti, us lu i55e; t na ncouclifoi- flic turlous spuiitnon aimahrlvc,,upon siielasu1.ufn.an 1 lu.. lîaevy. 17-f0 Ise: ruls. 15 ta lize; a lerraet-for flic wandartng. non' cfoîvenrualeit "rtnl todtrn. V1uarc rit lubt-rfy breakfastl'bacon. 18 lu 19r; baeks, 221 ta f5tfaefurt flicproi mluîd, ruer c vant. i- tie îladoWn a-ny volume tandion aai,-ot 14r-ircs 2ee.b,13;pls ega grc.und for irea augity, non- a mho> ftrttbla ottk bancli atfiai y6uars,-uraIit 1 a3T4 re,1Ce ub.1;lct. for profit anti sale. but aittonebousa for m-111. 3the flicgloY O! God and flic endormient ut Moreto-en, If chanée bas led yu un Montreai Markets. Mauklndti" the sPOt atîv Tuesctay o un Tliunlt 6aIi#S Tio .bi ologusîs wli dev otet thaîr 't'lttk yuu wil1fapfaîft fce Alnfrel, tny 5Curi, maica encr9f-and ptr-ti&nce ifuiur Itues-fo truite f0 e aunait whitewaa,>ate - -îm ai Nu. 2 yallow. 77 tu 77àc. Qafe, Cania-fic the oudu'Outflitarousqunifu haut nuor-oi- utlila culggestot u te e citu st-ut lien WVesle-ui, No. -2. 43c; Canauuian eepiân ~utuaI flicv-wool iethiflCchierfaicuu f ifelwhtcla Oecase le gunct îmbed a %Vcst mx., No,. 3423<- lIant-y, %lan. feecti o-nfnlbutors f0 fÏlic suceu-eistul tustrue- el' aageeforfuuua arîi u i t înya i.> fui 51t',lîlour lan., i4t'liig >vhpat pa- tion ut lte >auania- Cenekç. 'l't lte e l lnt-hle lic edîinluwhicb fwir--'week- 01 cet, firtec.$50 seconde. 110 story of thti- scanct for lnowretge ln tîn 1y Aî,libos -Lontion î'otenias asse-mle. e% C- gfrong hlrers, $4.90; %%inter patents, endis ne. filent-t- hck ut thosa greet htrekground Of bitte curteins andthli -botte. $5.25 fo$- 6û5; stralglit roîlene, 1nantes ut tht- pat-Pastaur. -Far-aday. laiteflttdhgî !tuti ada 4.70 lu $4.90; efraiguif oIter,bagq, IletarfI umphrey Davy, Kelvin. , 1t ' r, îva f0te v.l Ofassarbl thasnlus.PI 2.20 fn $2.35. Rolle atutst. barrais. aillVttaîîi lluxleY. -J-neu-tably une Ittesr'! ac uit. Thera lma, moentr- 4 .11; buige.90IIlîs, S2.15- lIran. $23. a"0ut: s the flc cumunffgegalîratuon bea able htshet air ut myaîteny abotît ftic au «-tu iliorleq, $2. Iliddlug,,$21. 1rlouIll(., 1te o lucInnnicapable uoflotnîg sur-h i tIle atauoîîg a-boniwomau pradonîtluar 28 tu 32 812 fayNo. 2. pan fu)enirlots. worl, aW-tuteurs? -sume ; fiîaastsaSaaitFhr- lclnghiiuutu uit' U4 f0 $15. ('licese, ntiest wesîterna, i2tu think fliat't fl f Oit of nqulr>- liq cX- tictiOn ta absent, ýo 12âe; flîist ecagtenuas. xIlà W 1,te.haustad; ilathe- flc iast eages o!flthe TlctOTY for RalW&Y union. ta tut fer-. d -etrtuiiuicnv, y23 le),3&1e; marcili Pav. t-eau surapîi anti theet- ThtecgtfoîiflcNfoul 'uud ;eotittîs22 ho 224c. Rgsfrasît. 22 ta vatre sogm-et tîtat t eliqe tetle terni- ofutI-ailwaymnen bv ft.e rallway t oin- lec; ar--i-tarI. 25-; No. 1 stick. 21-.no- tony lefu lu expllore. But aadimaure-ri- ue iqisbeiug accuaimat as ont' orîtheilia (fuai> u)cr- Wgi, i-ar lOtts, b5 la 95c, 1119gûeiealtî(n îtomelly ihinkt4thet f I bigreet >-ctortes WU-11b>'Itr-,, ullns fthe orla pieueding if. 'fice wuniltino- lit Englant for Manty yeans. WinnÃŽle.g Grain. gi-e-ses aud mern gui on developing. Tlicy The agreement betwe-uficIîutîult Niliiinîag. Mi> Sf'isi-iîeî aunef s tauti ekili. If il taelaw oflirethe'liccomn.patrtes. ywhctheusîlrteare 1 Ça. i Nortîteun, 902ce; Nu 2 -Northern. -excalator, eerdt rirto.eprst h Sic No,. 3 Nortuxau, 87c-; No. 4,fIit(.;Tii.TradeofetCanada. ('litl o! thîs Ycî', aldlith'nt-nraîtîtide' No ed pes 6 7; feod,1Ose No. i tffîu-cu ltratia figrers ftr h le fweiua e rt uabtain -ii-su u li ru. 5 7fr,: a-as necugitz- Si rice thie fusion of flic epi.4etar- No-a, Sui3c No ejet-ttI ,;monîtlus o! the fîmaat ar audtng 'Ma r- arlwui>e-sevants, ilie genarai railwey seda.~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 54r; njcelsea 13;htc eclceilfixe Custounas li- torkcens. andtheficsigna aie un laf cc no 3 sRîuufîy, fuiu-;NO. 12 sunuty,i 842c: partmeul reccutly sait show e grand the riemheu-liî fflcynuie ran-C o. 3atntty 51e: o 1rt-l ierIc. Itotal for oi ya f $1,112,662,107, n izutirin$lias 1)mrOfutheou)bla t ht atiP ir-; Nu. 2 n-crI Wituîr-r. Sl3r-; ~~No 3 retijna-îilitCanadien utusîor. u icme fsot 6.8.a-a Vtnter 573e. (lais-No. 2 C. NW'.. 153e. y'ffia total tld 6348. ni--o .453Je; 'No.4, 441v; ne- Tetoa riade o!ruuhe pêr-r-ditg 1 -e'ala un.cu h nie rtufuxe clati ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p 42 eYa-u. 4P i'R 'N.tw i l es t p l liu lc lîgî a t r 22ll 0 a en.an rd e tni ne c Oa -b . to Scaa; . d $,6 iiwîeh tihe 'ultra-violet raye panle- ing to put a stop te lt-s deliver{ at Mate.T>oitrii epntes alix Frantee. shihiport. The Cuatoins officer helti Uonre.l. iayiý=ll.(éeeteene cf bave been checetet y this genm-cleqtroy-liîp t-be vessel am dirvotýeçl, ,25Io trIM $.iuîRodt $t7.75 lu $8; futur Iug dtivce. 'Ihe rnà aya m> l.*o ha oct-r $6.75 t 7. 25 The taasr rade 10 priry pubictibeha. - 4 - A rrnm5 ii ;eanti bulcixena' c()osfhîr¶ MIl 5o1-P57.50, su buihe fu'nm - - $_____6i)N~~10 u nILa. iri-<ut Si-ýced lots orf togm, asD paner t. veighlloff tirp, Sprilîg f Ihg. 1.fi*1 cras tisIze &"at liiî<îhim ofras'-iCatallitfai et oiîmewoe lm#ui altir t y. -ai-m n s be.-4 ta $9, anti 1ehr-ep f3 6 lu $7 peu-t q .(!lVes 31mWihi ttie-Whbat elighL!ill Warnhiug to the -Pi iriîAt d froun$3 to $10 ast-l as tu stze anti manners y4oiin deugbter b-as ! ('-oua erfeit $10 note- of the Can'a- Ox 111y.M is. Bitén (rroud-ly)-Yes. Ytut tian Banak uf Commerce ofthtIe issute Coi MOIuEL Dîî~ IIE) sec, !tube hec been away f nom home at prese.nt ijin fùe are in cireîulation per 50 TD. gomInch iiH-amniI-ton. Ont.. c-ou tsedu happens thiat piivate Tbe count4,rfeits whiclî have stxfàr'pro est-orit ana given the oPPortîînity - Ieen Rseen are ntx-xnblered 4512,47ý7., l,10p scîuing stock in Sueh attracti've C- - ( Not l' heti. red ffoveî'-back, wlieu'oas tht. ge-nlible wtr emprisres as -Modet Dainies b imi- "Please, ina'atan, an tidiman, nta-s Pnuw i'-ýsuttd by t-ha henk.are oift 4, Montreal, advertiseti in thia timed andi poor, %vith woodenles nuifblercd in blue. The colors used îoui tie. Large dairy ccinpanies ia is et the door." - are also muffh deeper in fiat t-han - têué lanrge cibies o! X\ont me"h vBiiew et ue tahoeo!the genia-ne iiote, el;peelal- - are pa3ing hantisome dividentis saiti se. aiWhat tise four woüden ly tlie yellýxw antif rei oâ thç ace their shaneholers every yean,. legs have weI, On lte baeck the-re a-ne two or three dol Dainies ba.s been organized lw nfi ct.in e rnl a numnbcu.of tîxe keenest and =feawa in tîe dsiga ppar on the St îtiCCCSs!ui businless men in Thle "A- B C' mediatcoîs asgked matirdbyblotswice ppi. o h nada, Thle naines of tiiese me-n thle Govairhmeats ot France, Ger- tofet the nocte. The coua'terfeits iire pformanence and good njRn many land Oreal Brîtagin to urgently are couIniP'gned lii 'cly cmait. U6 pays telo wgoo0d reque11 Prasideat Wilsoun to w.h-Il (le ns. - ~~draw lis i-n4e c it ~ ~ ler- ~-gta.n o at a ta beLelimainat.ed f1oM the Provision- sas s aiiply frtin Petrelea. 'untess Trpooi-s on trial lin ai Pres8ider-cy t{M13exioo aS a cand.i- Hostiliýtaes haye oeAzed - Xce'xioo -j3 clia re, wiherthe- nîturd t oen, lrccedenkt% the orca«clu-sien of, peiiditigthe-,conlerenoes bain 9h.ka ta~~~~~~ .m Oin, erhibn'.pao.Thee tehree Europ a pwirmi W ehinOM y tlhd ôUt.h Nt lely. - have cu - - 'À nd. the C,- --- -«-Ï;7ýaiiç =r -snsA,'.i woo alà teta sothoSoughty roi a9v O'plenmd Servic;,auu.uug k. AMsAY-& SON -Co* Etbihd18Z MONJ NOTIN FAVOR 0F A Negotiatior.s Not >Coni,iected With The- .1 Affàiit -With IHuerta A despatcb trom El Paso says ; Imrnediae prepacations *fr ce- bineti attae'kq agaist Maaýtlaei, Tampico, andi Saltillo is te aaswer in ativance by. the Mexican robais to amy invitation that Inay conte txi theniý o ceae buatilities againýt. te Huerta Govgrament peading miudi- ation of tilt-e diffe-reaces betweeîi Huerta anid the UnI-ted States. Canranza anti Villa do nent reeog- nize te-amistie as baviag any con-etion wifh tthe affair betweî Huerta, andlhe rebis]! anti do ut feel aiie-d tupon t-oat,-p pr'essing t-hein cain-paigan againîst Huierta while mediatix> is in prugress ove- SaI-tihlo, San Lui. P~tosi, anti Tam- Vite Vent Cruîz-Tampieo affaiî'. lnd oeePd ('.S. Officer tif Stead Siltiund JNru Exciue for the pres'aleneofe to Rob Gimbling Ilotîse. -Theni Aiiyihere. Villa lias arnioun<ed lits Inte-tioe o! pushing bis caumpatgm agaiast the Federal.!&regarAleus !ct-lie n egtiat- tiens which are being 'cunduct-td be- twee-n t-le Huerta, Governinenit and' the United- States titro*iigîti h- -n'r. hile bcth Carl-a-a, andî Vil-la have expressed f hemr approval o! t'oe idti-- plans, t-hein nepre3catalives heresay. ihat itader noeounditions sltu- c.oîititutionalist leaders -s crjrlent tii a cessa&ti&n -of hosLilities a-gai-net Huerta at this tîme, a-ntinix pro of thýis position i)caîl, atteîtion -ýo Villas vigorous iilitaany camùpaign wiob lu e hats inpped outtagàindl .UEc WOSTMISUTOS A despath fnom Vena Cruz says: Thue first fendIjjs cacA to coxe be- fore tlhe'Prevost M -sia Cominan- der -D. F., Seilet-,, ot the Anrkansas, indieated t-be ffiecy4of tlacnaval ual-vice, A thief iras apprehlendeti t-ad lodged ini jail. wit-bin a few Jieurs o! theicoilsmin (Jtifs crimc ùf- blac-kmail, A maa, giving flue haine ýo! J. R,. MfuleatY, w o s-serted 1 tiht hawas an Anienican reporter, toit -le Pro- o-t Mlar aal t-bat lic liad inf)rhna. tion of the wliei'eaboîits ýo! quuanti- ice <of an-ms a-ad amnnuuunition in t-be bands of Mexacans. 'Mlcahv - was giverf a squlal -o! thec anineti _met>ahndiinstructedtu t seize t1ie arms- and anununition. Led by Mueaxy. -ldie men went te) a rambliug fbouse, wbere Mîl-caby in Spanisli de-mandei- mone - mar-teati ot r-ms, andi neprezentetihmd fa seeonti captain of!- polic.. TPhe marines, niot it-mude rat-a ximg lie trana.cin. wa teuet M ulcalxy ,ompel t-le epening o! sales, wbich p ro dti teb e e-mpty, - tlic cauclu ie r ex laining iluat tlîe !tuîds hati been ,urnecl over te bis emlo(jver, - Pedro The casluier was thfeu;n. irc<îd io conducit the, party tii flue resi- cnt-e A -f Net,froîn whoux. mumney vas detiantied. Naun sdetI over 000M palits. wiuicli Mut-caly carnied i lifis luotel a-ad dismisset the mar 011thfli foiiowiîxlg day Nami coin- Aaint-t to the.,Pnivos. Maralual, a!. rm wli;ch d-eteetivsus traceti Mul- îb3-, wbn was lat-er ali-estei anti daced in jail. 'lhe nnoney was ne- ivt-mod anti re-turxidt,>Nan. (;RAI"'l'SCANDAI, IN JAPAS. ýduiral '411llIe ('îuiirt-31 arlialei and <Ithers I lîîtîelied. - A l -, t i f r u a i T 4 ; k io sa 3 s - T ii-e 'ci itiraary eitiuirs ini. tudiîe tnaval raft. scandaisre-e4t - ftatAd- i-ai Matsiiiitoto r-ece-iveti a 4G 00 bribe i-n cqlnt.eotio)n witbl t-ile ruiser Kruitgr-. Tluis sîîîn waà givaîn )lu-iîîî 010 tuts fi Jaxatlese gent o! tie Viekers' siipbuildiag eeit, out cot a $575.000 )ccomm1ris- ion the latt.er re-eived. IL lW be- sved t-le admuira] c-ou Id uot la- -aen bnîibeti without Liii- co..univance 1lui- suuperiorg. 'llie iadniirl wi-il - -' b>-Re~îeesmn'teat.u cSmth, eof m ry- $20,gmlo FOR ROIDS. Itd sysiellu of Ionaî sfer fthe C.unty  >IIÂ'I'IC IRA C E~S IA R R E D . uOxford, A d-espatcl frnom Wcla'tucik sav a:- t ti -d a y 's p « e x l â .] 'o f t l e Go n t a y l . r t e r d C o u iî t y O m n c i l a ni t ii-r d r r i t - V a n c e uii v e r , B . Q . , A p i 9 . - e l . ouneil w as i-catiautlton;iig an îu-x- tfs o! &Il rae wili 1brred fa-cm >nditure -tf$320,000 et a41ystien <4 tntîy ii--o O4adîa ta.ndr a àiew 'in-- tnty rads for Oxfordt, wîîul the I terpetati4>n of onreî a-OCpUncii N<. -oviso tîat enly $ 60t.)00 »lo -l be !897. 'le new iiterrem tioiln has Fe t i n o n t- y e ar . A hy a u . ! i u d ie Ch -tu o r d e u r k i- ( Y o u4 j 0 i 1 ap p l i i m - trluued proviing f!<> 1wtliiilîîij lAu' (ý,te, Cljuise, Jrta.ês Ld ,in~- the latter am eunt anxung Vbc ver- tius, anti ill beo -oc n eff* eiV ' j a. î-îi~îtia May 31. GINPILL are Just as good for ýthe 'Bladder 9, no1yS. If thôte 15 trouble lu retalning u-n-- ~ e p'thrcO Or fout fi nes or o tenerdurlng.tlhon ght-....u t urln lahtand saadng-Gin Pilla wuiqucy eiv torub. Thoy cure Me iddneysýand hcal tho trrltztéde4 acer, ~bOX;M &,1er 82.50. At aIll doalot's or sont e ocelt of ;e - Sat le-f e ou uîctiouhspe-,84 N&AMUL PDUC ANDMCI O.O-LM gn. A desgpatcrb freni WaEhingto>n sayi: Memberis o! the Hou-se Rivera. -anti Harbons Coxnittee we on Wed- ncsday discussin1g tdie tex-imony . Of -Si' William Willcocks,' the Euiglish c-ngineer wluo bouit the Atisuan Dam en- the Nule, i-n whicqa he tolti how 111e prublem cfetle malarial nosqui- Io aloîîg the Suez Canal lied been xolvcd.,He tesifieti before thecomn- ni eittee it1a t et Kha-ntouiiîm, -where the boats bnought d4\vn t-le woreb mot- qtlitoes.-in tlie worli-.,<'t-be drainage. i-s er.o perfec t theehat nowv we fine a mea-n twelve shillings ($3) for every mnosqiîtîto seen on Iit-s pla-ce.tt -&r Wilkiâm contentied'thlat tlieie wa. no excuse -tonrteprevalence of fies- qititues any-wheme. The people. akmg the S uez Canal.le saiti. wrestIed with t-be nial4i-ial mosquito until Bnitisli eni-eens pre-videti moidem', drainage a-ad discipli-nedtithese wJ» - REMARKABL}:- ASE.- ~Ian Bh.iiuîl fol' 'iwo Vears Can 'Now - Sec Diftinetly.- A leispatoelifroin Quebeà says; 'à reniai-kable case of t the sutiden re- coen>- o! sight throaih being itrtck on tîte notse by a pieoe o!f'acod i-s tlsat o! Mr. Henni-R-. Germain, an employe o!t-be lcal ageîucy et the Marine and Fi-aber-es L)epartment, who resides at Bea.iport. Mr.* Ger- - - main lias been pnactically blinitifor - oven trwo i-e-ra ps-st, follewing a se- vere attack o! infl-amnimuon'ry reu- - metisutî. He wa lîipping woodait b-is homrue wlîen a pieue flew uap and -stx'uck Whi onithfe bridge -ofuthe~ nobe. Tits sî-vered a Vfii, and as; a u'esilt M-r. Germain 1<-setmueb$ bkod-. uuhieli -as. slacr-k iii color.! tmme'duately aten Mn, Germain dii- - covemed thait ýue coulti F-ce d-t--ty St-range to say, lie tel-t no iîaÀia-wbieo à struu-k ly thte piece o! i&woti WOUI) DSEAL. 'RT OF - lAS KA -4 lit Itetsiiafour Ilepeail mu!tht- Ha>. 4 A de etpa.teb t rmVa Wauh<îgtrih s'tyoî1t Ne-gctiatLan it-h Grst Bluitiiiiî idMi- C--uaafor t..r-ne-lr of S-outh-eaet i AWlaska tu GCanada, by saue Or ex-î j oChange. or bu-th, wît1t 'repeal su t ie Ha.-etcifde tetay &as eenetf ihe ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO- - IIAD A GRFAT SCHEME., -- ý 6

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