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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1914, p. 8

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ýRQOKLINI -plios. Tht. la êie w»y 1o3wýý LX ai.M u.iiesosi, oetrnrs- oe dQM. n M 5 Tbrgugh an rror@thelb.pecAl'px eek. -for best pony, 13J banda hýigli, "dot meked by Mr. J.- A. 'Peer, o! Toron Ige, who bas luit grad;, wý omitted rom the pp$ze-itf lhe -Y.terinay CoIak .tet gtaulfather,»1Mr. Broad,th ap oueà àitis 1'pare@ià aii Sea- 1Mr. and Mmi.. Reid and bfidreia -, *1~GUrgy, thîs withMnkR - oad ! id,0'mâe it u lnill and lir. Hindiee geo is la ader the g of the past wilb "ton tiag lad bill S, 01 ou Moiday, May 2oth, in Vi ro e. Big prn l 111. Gri con falu teovoiing. Corne sic e! -bilar vour frIends. Lpond's id'con- >xg and Mr. F. W. Hodiou 1 mc Toronto, toe dieGu H% where ho willI roside wlth ithe, future.- Seed4ng opei'atl(ons8aré ni ncari>' cen- tee, are vii for !a -i 18wi1tlfI ______t&_ piLu forme'ls allier, Mr. A. Ketchen. W tae W;ri, iaso lr c¶o bubi lo4ed fo r son -The auai nmeeting of the Womns lsud Mns. Kirch ever Sunday. «neru ai. Syspao u ,as, I #b txe0u-sof Iustttiut willIbe 1beId in the Masonto Miss RenaRsetWlb, iid-Miss -Pitbett's =éter, Hall on Thusday, May 14, at & p. Mrs., Wajker Iis week. Clesu sud"IreS tmom siandruif, aid Bemmumbetthee8Brooktin. Spring Pa'ir mn. A paper will be given on - " The M Richard Moore was i toym poaessiag. ail the-radance of perfect on Monday, M", 2tb, Ilji pond's Cane of Childrezi la tbe Suznmer lis wèèk caillog on friands. isl. 'lai ulwa aen rv. Bgpie1.,Grand con- unnths."1 A good atteudonce fa r.- Mr.,"R. H. Walks andi Mise Walks manus b to,-oste-.wlxesufer withfeh brlng your friend. spectfully 4iured. As this -le tte moôved h-o Toronto lat week, whoe1 ins; scalp, daând, coarse, dry- or annual. >meeting cuber, wil beho let- theY wilL reside *In future. Icumo'îocig1nr .aenel ns.*PRT1TyTY od for te oomlngyear. * Remember , the Madame Le ,MUlie 1 t. b taedunatmacti e uir. M.Fe ivr h 0scea Mise Minnie Colwilllbas e~d ce rt u b. eioni Hll onght DgOïel2ie eds th« har rloot With 110fully sple ,e upto t position as clerk dn Mr. A. V_.F-1- Thursday, May 7th. meeur odfo ±mtn Ob'iuLcled t e ar laOfStbee llott's store.,issAm n Eu oe 81healthy 5rowtI. Sageine lathe110 e-appoine he er Madame Le Mar concert'to-nighit, on Tuesda.y for Lethbridge, Alta., dalntie'st tonle ýyou .could wish for. It iAAt *0 djomnd ery eein (Thursday) iu the bMasonie Hail. Ad- where they will remain for aUlie. l ba6O n ano tcy o 1S 6ajor dvsr etn C.ntaIe adi 11atcy o <S. John's ct ureh,. helti on Mon. nmission 25e at The Soulli Oitarlo Agricuittiral greasy. A large shaker-top bOtteO day, April 27,. Mýssrs.'E.it. Blow and Mr. eviW aritbys. e i ti-Society wiil ho-id a Spring' Pair lu costi lOni OC., and.Mr. J.E. WllllS1T. Y. Âbkîuîsoni We .O re-appolnted Vipoflo Groe, Broklin, on Mon- gives bis parsonl umi gaitea b e- clxurch ware AIL. Frank * Luka has iut enveied day, May 251h, 191-4.' A big lstotf!tnd hThoe fyo r ote- mngs are live Y about the h6mbor freu -auattck o seatîc. pimeswill'beoffeed. h 11e a en-tXly satisfled. Be sure to go te J. gnce more. -Whle assistiug'at Mr.t DeHart-s Inglthe Brooklu Dramabie Club wil E. Willis drug store, ai other stores Itla1 rumnored 1 ixat a 'great deal of barn aising on. Saturday a! ternoon give the populan draina "The Valley tainot supply yen. duck shoot oli a being doue around -last, Mr. flenry Burton had the mis-1,Farm" lu the -Masonle Hall_This ----- --- the marsi-. 'the ,gaine wardeu,- who- fotn ofa rlg at do:: pl#~ was given two years ago onWH EV E ever ho le, shouid Put a stoP, te ibis Hue suti cellîr ontdawO fleor.ewviitos omthecijschooner Arthur1 Captain James IH. He _usaneda elu ra nbshousefi, sdsoudpova rai peiambulabed iour streets aidae eeek mle u ityHro arm at the_élbow.' card for the Pair visitons. The Tem- ynues ou Suday. rrivueIn itom Oswbor *Mr. Wm. Fo*Iib as moved into1 eaieHuewlltrihaell Mr. Daniels bias brougbt rive hùn-~N . ae lh70tn fSrn the bouse rèceutly ,v acated by. Mm. iaccmodo te isimetson te dred or more pigeons te lis rort)kery. ton coal, conslgned b Mr. E. R. Wallcs.- ilas erfehet n 11 They are the- prettiest bitnds avail- BoWity hsl h nta lIrs. E. Gkrigg, who has beeu outilgdou ndsuhob water t fniished for1 able, îandeverybody wanîs ta cargloo., couIby.Tis sisoh n, itd l ci town for sooxe.time, bas returned Pie aiesConealcargorngîhm.he f old byth erso, tn il Mn to tehie village agaîn. rIod. Thxe whooping-cough epidemie etill Blow's large coul alorage sheds wil While hurrying aleug' w defective * hoids oflý Some eildmen are very ho filied. plece of sidewaik on Sunday evening COLUMI3US, i 11, especially Rev. B. A. Fisher's___________ Miss Loule Macdonald <li nlh eveï.Gfodm lr,-mail chlldren. Quite a few grown Yu arNeo Pnsa apraied he vnis, and The eeveH. Gifordanà Cerkpeopie have beau attackedby il. O larNesP iin sprind br i-lt.W. Purves, wore lu Toronto 1a Fammers and gardenons would ho Sage. Meaiqrs,, EIIIott and Joues have lad week ;&ud ùtervieW"ed the H-ydre- pleased If the weather bureau would a ae simn mlm dlvrdbeîic Cmiue. Te sue- senti some warm sbowers tbis qiay. IT.QUICKLY REMOVES DAN- ès t be on coeded ini getling a, promise of power The school speutthe cAmbon day Iu DRUFF. The village promise oeoe of and liglit for Columbusanud viciulîy. cleaning up the grounds and reno-. Jibeasyor arLafnlf the prettiset Villages in the vicinity 'The Commission aise wiil scud aul vatlng and redecorating the sohool dadufthin, astmer ay, dullaof itis sunumer. Nearly everyone fa ni enginear down, and, if feasible, wiill d_______________________________an moneW&Y trying te beautif y their1 have the proposeti electmie alway nover will do up le îoçk pretîy, do ansdeaW.r. fleâtritul hair. thiek.' -W.o MeLAWRENCE -THE' PAUNTlINS SEA SON 1$ ? HERE The requisites for a figh Standard House Paint' are Covering Power, Spreading Capacity, Durability, -Wearing Evenly, Failtng by gradual wear, and leaving a goodi'surface for re-painting. Now,,Lowe Brothers' High Standard Paints wil fulil th'ese'requirements. and wilfjproduce the be st re- sulîts at tainable, when fairly applied to a surface in a fit condition to receive paint. - COLUMBA ' RECORDS Wath -tir te- LitIe iu rig--iou -No other trade-markl Psotec:ion. M.Lawrence Ont. mteans so much to Music loyers as these Columbia Musicl Notes. They more than GÂRDENSI FOR PROFIT ýre'macle wlth modern toots. 14ô haad weeding, no baelfae no dôubté about doing it again next year., The work Io easy, inteesting-Iots more fun 'andi the resulta more sadatltr when you use fDflAi~i'PGardain Drili IKWIWU and Wheel--Hoes The drilla open-theirown furrow, sow in drilla or his 4 to 24 ladies apart, cover, packthe soti andi mark the next row. With a Wheel Hoeà you can hoe, cultivate, ridge, wced, level and fine the sol, open or cover furrows, etc. On a combined -tool n you can change from drill to wheel hoe or back w.. gagain in three minutes. 38 combinations. a, an su e îhtm and ask for bookiet, *"Gedeu. Int with Modem Tools.! are1 a com- merdiai trade-mark--i they are a - symbol. When you buy musc look -for the mu sic " mark." Buy by1 this trade-mark. Note The- Notes Columbia Double ZT-~r~ jYeDisc Records are ~ w~aa~~w~ unexcelled in quality Highcas anss, Trunks, Club Bagsotnepouto Mitts and Gloves. o oe epouto The 'Frost- & Wood Cultivators are leaders surface and durabil- -Wilkinson Sprayers, for eve ry1 purpose. Also Wilkinson Plows. i Succéss ManureSpreader reg. $135- now - $10o L i N o.' 12 De Lavai Cream Separ- rator regular $8o now Pag e wire Fence, Full n-c.'9 Guage per'ro-d - Golumbia Graphophone Demon- strator Machine reg. $65. * F. DI5NEY ~eladIndependent Phones# 60 .00 23c îty. Prcsfrom 850, to $7,50 .achm Re. KotLonce Birooktin, Oflts lff, lustrons -and absolulely fre trom daudruiff-Is only a matter o! Parisian Sage fremuetly' applieti wiliî work Wondefs. Juat eue appli- cation stops itcb-ing head,ý >removes dandrufand aIl excessive oùt. Il gees right ho the bain joolsansd- furnishes tie nourishmnut ueedd-the hair b.- cornes soft, -fiuffy. abundaut aud rad- tant witb life.- Parisian Sage "not onfly saves the hair but stimulAtes it tb grow long sud heavy. Get a 50C. bottle from A. H. Aluin at'once. There Ia no gther "J u5t-as-s.Ogd.19 -KINSALIE. Owing te quartenl-y service beizig held nI Mb. Zion la Sunday, there wa8 ne seivice here. A- goedly number froux bere atten&- ed the quarberly, service at;Zion. The old Hylleld -property has beeu soldti o a wealtby Toronto man, wbo is planting eut 1ýfty acres o! oîcbard Mm. Frank Harrison bad a runaway iast week. "One e! hlm horsp-q Injured Iself severely by fallng uPOn a hr Mr. Lon. Letigeil sports a rine new driver. The Wome's - Insittute met laet Thursday ut J.W. Stevauson's. A- bout a dozen members were preseut, and a niost enjoyable lime speut. Most o! the farmers are again tirough with seeduîg opeationa. aid state the land wôrkad well Beutley Brou, lest a valuabie herse soxije. ew days aPo. A couple of aur populur singera sang lu thie Zion] choir last Sabbath. Wiy net, ging aI hohaie, eh ? 1. Mra. Neal lae-net ecovertng as w. would 11k. to Boa hem. Rememben the ýrooklIiuSpring Pair on Monday, Ms 1 25t, fi Vipond's Greve. Big -prîze 1151- Grand con- cert lun t.e venl' g. Come aloug and bnifig your friendu. SUN AND -WIND BRING OUT UGLY SPOTe. HOW ýTO RE- MO'VE EASILY. Here's a chance, Miss Frecklo-Pae, te lry a nemedy tfon freckies wtlb the,- guarantee of a meliabie demie! tbat il will net cost yen a penny unlesa t removos tie treckles; while if Il dees give yen a5 dean complex- ion the expense - is lriiUng. Simply gel !ai ounce of othine- double strengli freux auy drggist anti a few applications shoulti show yen bow easy It s te nid youmselt et the homcly. freekies snd gel a beauti- fui complexion. IRarety 10 more than eue ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure te 5uk the drugglst for the double atreugîli1 othine, as Ibis -1a tbe prescriptIon moiti under guaranteseto moey back tIlt fails to nemove the. feckles. SchoO iReports. HENRY ST. SOHOOL HONOR ROLL. -Sr. IV.-D. Éradbury, O. QuInton, L. Ravin. Sr. Il.-O. kuamlI1sn, P. Mcm-. tyre, L. Hlarris,. Jr. 11.-H. 4Jackson, H. Richard- soni, P. Shepid. Sr. 1.-J. Todd, P. Willlansd J. Bryck, eoqý, ID. MoOflSuo. Jri I..-P. Cerrehl, 4. Hall, T. Sr. Primer.-tiHalW.Gallino, D. Todd and S Enikine, oqital. - lut.Pnmr-..Set,>.Wl Jr. Prim & SlOn .Galin- Trlmm n qual ; EyxIyn Bonneli Clifford BrUee, equal. Sr. Priffier.-Norznan Corner, Ward, Edgar-Éfolnzell. Ward, Vera ýJôhasn., Jr.. Y±lmer.-llareid Rie, I MeKay, -Earl SWI.ghtholm. NEW, BELL PHONES. lvy Wm.. Bertte. 195 r 5- Artbun?-, 'Holllday, La Shore. 119-4l^oyai Cafe, Brook St. 186 i 4-R. Pludar, Lak& Shore. Bave YouCId 'rhere in nothlug slow br roundabout n.dct r i rritation 1%0 actiof .1 satlseptic, healing lu 7enufl la made mnore certain an' âW ythe hsa*Y WaYojfaSPPlYI 1 Lt. The. colleaubld tube contaiiîîg tii.om Woa um ends lu a littie nozzie about li' nch ilong, whicl' lits i to tiza nostril and plies the ointiift weli up in the puuages. Hufée t worka almost like niagic, kuling thé.dlseia germa, checking the infematlston, rellevlng that burning irritgtion, clesrlng thc passages for essy bresthing and restorin g normal, hualthy COUdlt oa. V» s1o.al Bain at the first sign of saodia thebead-ltwilI flot only save 1Mn from ail the. miserable digconifort .f t, but in doing soýwill protect you fronth tic ore Mserio' diseases whicli folio* neglected colds. Get a 50e.- tube frôt your Drugglt, or if lie cannot upyout we *1 mail a tube pread on recelpt f the 5oc. National Drug- 1 emcaCo. of Canada, IiAnsted. 3 1mprcàonabIc 8tpe-n,th Maximum Benefits Incompa rab/e. Dividends Minimum Net Co&s< For rates and fuil informition eapply t10 FJ. DUFF, MR. A. E. DONO&,, specual Rep. Quceen & Viot4 t S Myrtie. Toronto, Mgr. Th0 M utual Life of #ew4i N uALc -& . EcSjit - mHERE -are thrc istinet kinds<> T &aavimg lu actual dollars and cents,, which maiy b. effected îhrough the weë of JAP.--L C, in your home. JAP-4-LAC a"i yeara t e i f. and wearig quahi tisof your ootrs!sud interi*or woodwork- JAP-ArLACulWuatus the necesky of replacing ex--- pensive furiture. becadisoit makes the 01d like uew- JAP.AOLAC emables you te do the wrk youra.I, inat.d of Mansux a repsir ma»n forthe purpose. Macla i 16beUtiful colora. prov cing - or your every ta. qjuirenment.JAP.A-LAC la aiways put Up in Green Tins beainig te sasse "CLIDEN." Asie for j AF-A-LAC color card. and a cory of te. unie bock. 'A Thomuand 0»Oa Uses of JAP.A.L.AC." Bt your local hard. ware storm. 1In W hiby j ap a-lac is sold by TheUGl s Vamatak CO., Limit@1. Toto, ..âB.1144h éim*5*5 rFrms For* Sale L~lllll i i iii i i 11111 liii i i i i lii i iii iii I i 4 '4 Upwardsj of forty farine from 25 acres up, sud at from $35 an acre, guaranteed te show eatisfactony results from investuient, located in Whitby sud. Pickering Townships., Every conceivable requirement of soil,- buildings, orchard and other improvemeuts ean be me-i the varied list offered. Je E. WINN, Bell phone 109. - WIiITBY P. 0. Box 394' ItsdncIundas St. West. lit ............... .... Are you' ub- #AMIN We ail appreciate comfortable, attractive homes, but we don7t realize liow much modern paint-fiaking will help us in improving our surroundings.- Nowadays people are givingmore attcntion te bhe iuterior decoratiou sud furishing of their homes than tbey ever did before. Thc standard of living has becu raised. What sabisfied us a fcw years ugo wili not do now. -The Sherwin-WiiiiamfsCe. htuu given particular atten- lion te tthc mtking of fluishes for the interior dccoration c1 the home anti thay have sueccecded se wcii that their fluishes are useti for every purpose in bbceaxost elaborate mansion, sud aloiu the most humble'cottage. The waffa of your home eau be finiahed with S-W Fiat-toue, a durable flut-drying oii paint, absointely saatary-can bc wauied with soap tind'water-or 8-W 8-W Irusido Floor Paint for your floors, or if yen prefer. a stnincd and varnisheti finish use S-W Floorlue. On I hardwood floors use S-W Mar-not, a durable waterproof, floor vamnish. -For the cupbeardg, woodwork, doors, etc. use S-W, Pamlly Palut lu any color yon desire. Use S-W KCop-aj Vamish for vamutshing wainscotting, base boards, doors, and auy kind o! tuterior weodwork ou wiich you.require - a varisifiniah. There-is a Sherwin-Williama finish fer. every kiniof surface sud for evcry purpose ceuxma M& taik to us about your flaush$ng problems. - GEO. M., RICE' EVERYTHING IN -HARDWARE Phone 2é,;0 WHITBY -w - Vo. 51-NO 45 FREE.-OFF! We1,give free, while -tih Ibm lit cakes PRIM 011 with eaàh jar el PALM OLIVE CR, or eaeh bottie oý PALM-10LIVE SHK-A at60é each. 4-pa1m Oivé preparatio' W world wide reputati qualîty and:purity.- It wil pay you te t vantageo( -tlis oppoi J. !.WILL D)rugglst-and. Op MEDICAL {ALI Brock t s r ____LEdAL fiO. E. FAREWELL, K. Barrister, Couwly Ci'own, Atti County Solicitor. Ofcm south wing Court Hoeue, A. E. CHRISTIAN BerriaUr. Sffeltor. Notar7 PubiU Omie,, Brock St., Opp. Stan M4oney- Io Loan. ~ JAMES RUTLEDGE. Baimris Mioaey to'Loar on e-asy ter O49ceimmediaiely South- Roy Whitby, Ont. -0. VOIJNG SMI1Ht Lt. Issuer of SMARRIAGE LICENSE Conrt House,_ Whithy, or resiu D. A.*.J. SWANSON. -Ita"iter, Slictor, NôOtary P Conveyancerý etc., etc. Oshawa; - Ontario Ofil.-No. 2 KingSt. E,- Mack- * Residence-52 Drew St. Phoues--Office, 321- Residence DENT.&L W.ADAMS, Dentist, Office, il*eet ' Res idence No. 4, the Byron iSt., Whitby. ýPhône 1 AuOrioN.EERs JAS.'BISHOF -Ouhawa-, Licensed. Auctionee masser to. L. Fairbanks. Fi n4dates apply to self or G WM. MAW LICENSEI)AJTOE AND VALUATOR. Ail'kad o!saespromptly ta b. Arrangeme -nts for bp mode at. the Gazette oMfc TerMa reasonable.- B*l and jIndepeenut Ipli WSIiTBY. ONT. FAIkMS ANO -FRUiVT 1 WN fEUI We sell aIl elascs of suburùi country - reali-estate., Exei we have enquiries for no of -property in -ut~ro mp.yhave the ptireli*ser who wtzat you lhave te ýsell. JOHN Pi'1SHER 4 09 LuniSdenBU TORONTO .Gene-ral t Livory BUe an d Oray Busir Bu eail train AU OxO11EFUYR aise -UackS,Carriagý Rig! iof ýil kinc -' DAY -OR NIO lBell -phones -39 l Stables and Off tefi __REAL E8TATE Last week wc sold three properties and& leased four others. We have a good demand at the present moment for other properties. If yen have asny properties to.se.ft, corne along snd see us. We eau oellil for Yeu. Give us particulars imnrediately. SPECUALS-Two suxal rame houses for sale thât will? suit working men, Smaii cash paymenl required. Balance like eut.- f Greator Canada Improvom ont & land Co& RICHARDSON & RICHARDOOI MALES - NARIO : WHUTBY, Wo Brooklin, ,l3atem-an' eNTARI0. ip m #àke oNirAnsoi olz=a>h e17 M, b- $40.00

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