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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 1

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Iqo 45 WB1~B, '~I~<} AN&I*.. THUBSDAT, with eaelijar of PALM O>LIVE CREALf1 or eaeh bottle of PÂLMOLIVE SHAMPOO at 50o each. Palm Olive preparations have a world wide reputation for quality and purîty. Iwllpay you to take ad- vantage of. this ôopportunity. J.e- isWILLI3 'Drutgglst and epticlan MEDIÇAL HALL Brock St. av Whltby; Professional carda LEGAL INO. E. FAREWELL, K.C. aurristr,-County Crown Attorney and- County Solicitoe. Office uouth wing Court House, Whitby. -- A. E. CHRISTIAN awriro liter.Notar, Pubilc. Etc. Offitu, Brock St., Opp. Standard Batnk. Money to Loan. -J*UES RUTLEDGE, BarNoster, Etc. Money to Loan on easy termas. Olive immediately south Royal Hotel, Whitby, Ont. G. YOUNIG SMITH, LLB. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Curt House, Whitby, or residence. De.-As. I.SWANSON Barùtcr, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - -Ontario Offile-N-o. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-5 2 Drew St. Phoues-Ofice,.,321; Residence. 326. DENTAL W.ADAMS, Dentist, Office, Dundas Street,, Residence No. 4, the Terrace' Byron St.., Whitby., Phone No. 122. AUC rIONEERS JAS. BISHOP Oahawaý Lîcensed Auctioneer. Suc- cfssor ta I.. Fairbanks, For terms And dates apply ta self- or G., Robb, Whithy. WM -MAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Alkinds of sales promptly attend- ed to. Arrangements for sales cauz bo made at the Gazette office. Terýns reasonable. -1l Beil and Independ[ent phones. WIiITBY, ONT. fARMB AND FRUIT LAND WANTEO. Wo s[ alglasses of suburban and country real astate. Evary day we have enquiries 'ýfor some class of property in Ontiirio, and we m.p.yhave the purchiaser wlio use can w'bat.you hava to sali. JOHN FISHER & eo. 409 Lumsden Building TORONTO sù and Dray Business Bus to âlitrains. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE; -a1oo Ilaeks, Çarriages ind Rigis of ail kinduâ DAY "OR NIOHT. Bell phonee-89, 14 and 74. - 4 -- 4 Stables anti Office: 'C.P.R. OFFICVALSw1tàa"y rom the INSPEQT NEW LINE uieofprns>wr psS Th me ew Iakeshore inp' of the Ca-' Eventually Mr. Blow learned that il t -uhm bOio, nadia Pacifie RailwaY, 'soou to be had not reached-Oshawa until about, la oper4tion,' was lnuRected by a1.4 5. -At Oshawa the -officialsis výse j A la number et -the officiali o!thece- met and, taken on a-motor trip over1 pany' ou Monday. -Mr. E.R. Blow, the town, wth tbe resuit -that 1htj a-Ssa 1s-t1 >yl n local agent fer'the cempanyr, recelved by was flot reaohed unili 6 o'Oldck. 1 .kloCult '0s omnlnTm Iword that the specihil train carrying At that late heur it was- Impossîible pe.Aine.Xrrstaleo the men would arrive ln Whitby a- for the part! .te stop long ffleugh'tuI I lan4ce ejoke lui al ehurchea iln bout 3.8O p.m. Aceordlngly he ar- aee >the town- . I ot ta epoeu eti ranged with the Mayor and .members mhers were on the trai :-A. Prime, Ir Wh1tby n iid yeVenlng ReV. ofe thé, Council tifat they ehould be Asstant' General Manager <~ .Dý. MoTavlsh dellWed a*»i làrestnj1 present at the new 8I8ali pta wel. Foster, Assistant PassengerI'lratfre antiInstructive address in the Meth-' corne the officiais, -nd several auto- Manager; J. T. Arundel, Generai Su- qs aeüCe n oM.Ry mobiles were, eagaged to take the peritondent Ontario- Division: - tl-ouietenaclit oRte Mr. Ra visitera slght-sSeing tlxroiugh the, Uren, Superintendent District I, On- cIùrch, deliverlng a most practîcal stal cnwdha tarie Division; Lt.-Col. Geo. !larn, a'2ress, basing bis remarks upon the At 3.30- a siI rw galber- General Publicity rAgent, an ffldsbory o! D)avid's deteat et the giant' ed at the Whitby C.P.R. station. Whîtby bey; A. L. Hertzburg, Di- Goliath. The, 11q uar trafflo - wae Three or -four motor cars were ln vision Englacer ; A. - Stewart, Su. îiken tAhe giant, but the speaker readiness, and the Council was Pre peintendent- Motive Power, Dionîn-wacofdn httefrc pos sent. Tu white away the tinie untîl -ton Construction C. .. mtedi ta the traffle woîlild Iât tength the train arrived the new building' SuPt. Construction, Dominion Cvl'prove as., effective ln killinK It as was inspected with a good deal of istruction CO, and M. G. Murphly, David was ln bis attack upon Go- Intenest. . District Passenger' Agent, -Toroute. îiath.- The interlor of theý building ha. been' They travelled in the pri vate car, almost cempleted, -save for part of "NewqF Brunswick.' the electric wiring. The station i t A short inspection of the stationAêm4Ie large anud ls welI provided with and prenises was made, and the r.Pri one Esap waiting noffs, baggage roem, la.-, party boarded the train again, asi atories, etc. The woodwork- is very' one of them had te make connections nl Monday ft ek three pris- handsoemely. finished, ani the floors with a train for Chicago the sanie oners at te Hospital for the Insane areofildhrwo.Teaeteeig ma-de a break for liberty., They were will have a fine large office. T'he1 The question was asrked as te when working with a gang of men,- and place will ho heated wit-h hot water.1 the line weul-d be in eperation. One wrheui the guard's atteiition was else. The main waiting roem is te bu repiy. wns June lst, another was a- Whene, tbey took their, departure, ap- lighted ' by about two dozen electrie 1 bout the Middle of the month. Tehe proprlating herses for the get-a- buibs, drepped -from the ceiling in! first nnswer probably referred to way. They ivere seen hoading along - ornaMeUtal fixtures. The entîr. frtrcght service, as It is custemnary te the - ase Line, anti the aiarm was structure is et a very substantiai de- run freigbfi-trains over a line for st ~noe turaed ln. !Iarry Watson, Sign, and will ho an added attractioni some tinie prier te inaugurating a whoapndtes hemgr- tie the~ beeuty of Whitby. passenger service. There is 1ittie piea withneud t ethee fgi- The heur came and passeti when douht, howevei±, but that a ful ser- td ivepth uoe, -Anstiff gh t sheldgi the speclal train was Idue, but neth- vire wlll be in operatien by Julv 1. himi until 'heîp arriveti, when lie was f1ng. waS heard or'seen. of it. 110ho -i unfortunate that the Upeclsl placeti ln èustody-.Assistant Secre- Waltlng, crowd -grew restless, and train was s0 late, as Most er the, tary s A. Armotrong's automobile Rme depart.ed. Stijl the Counillers Cauncillors spent -hait the attennoon S walted, but Stiil ne train ca-meo. at the statopa nl e edsapin--was mcsd, te pursue the othen mma ___________ poit-'andi - the! were qulckiy ovenhauled.f ed. The telegraphie service along t'o The' men are new la the County gaol CONTRACTORS line is net yet in full operatlon, 0awaitlng sentence, whlch wili pnob- I that it was impossible te obtain ln-' abyhohsuaiteer. tenmatipi as te the pregreseft hes'býb h uultoyas J. HDWIELL JAMES train. Carpenter, Builder and Contracte'r.--.---.Det cfM . . Plans drawn andi estimates furnlshed. at fUre eBell Repaira, Alterations and Jobbing. Toronto-Easterra Again aif-Bî oki, Agent for_ Brantford RoolIng okir BOX 467 WtIIT,>Y PhOIe 149 b A great sorew visited the village ý =~~~~o JO N TBON B = -e rooklin, when at Friday evening f, . -UILCIIÇand CSUIACTOR Plans Made and Ertimates Given. Ail Kinds of Brick andi Concrete Work. Repairs te, Chimney Stacks anti Bolers - a specia ty. Whlby (ox 91) .Ontario Mfarriage Lic.enses. A. H. '.LLIN Issuer ef Marriage Lt rennes Cerner druustore. il', Y a Wtnes*8 required. New Laundry., 'Ne wiih te acqu'unt the people of Whitby and surrounding country wialî the fact that we have opened up a first- class iaundry on Brock St., Wliitby, ln Hewis Bros.' old store. -We are prepared ta do ail kinds of laundry work. Family orders given special attention. Al work guaranteed. Parceis calied for and delivered. Charles War - Whitby Ont. ROYAL THEATRE HIHCUSS MOVINO PICTORES. Open every evening. We have installed a newi Simpiex machine, whicb is absolutely flickeriess andi easy on the eyes. Saturday night, ioc te al.- - - BAIN PERRIN, Manager. NIE TO STUDENTS. (il£The maa.'(ell ct of Sliaw'sq Busi. nlua icools Troont o begs Lu adti, Scîxoo 1 stiulunt, thlat it is prepared to mail a copy of itiq cuxrh'uhîmln to ally one who desîrem to dualify ini a 910 li ot îiod of 6 or 8 1 ton tlis forllS fl rP bl c h o l a ig gfood sa lariegi position. Add refss ~liftWA ~4 o ronto Oiitario. Ilead Ofliue, Yonge & Gerrard Sts. SEED POTATOES Speeialîy seieeted for sedrc frein New Brunswick, .Buy thie Best Bliss Triumiph Bag 90 Ibs. $1.40 Early Oobbiers --- 1.401 We have a few Bags Deiawares and Cobblurs for table use, good quality, par Bag -. $1.10 SEEO CORI Comptons Early $1.80 W.C.E. Dent-1..60 Irnpt. Leaming 1.40 Mam. Sou. White 1.40 IPricos are for unbroken Eags, ail Seeds have been, tested by Gevernment Analyst. - J., H. Downoy 00Go Whitby, ont, 1 vz inoncy wULa[n bengan the' m'-'"1, e'uveu W-iiOfet ev. J.U, gratiiag of Mary street east and west Bell, pastor of the Brooklin Meth- et Brock atre,, preparing for the' odiat churcb,, was 5wddWiy called Torontq and /Bastern Rail way. At, hodio ttelier -eternai riesrt. Without the Cfouncil meeting last week anex.anly warnnng, Mrs. B3ell was suddeniy tension to Octeber 2lst was given sei.zed with* an attack et heart rail- fer the campietian et the lino "a' breught an ne deubt by years thrnugh town, but even this means ef xheumatic suffering, anti though thlat the work must bc hurnieti aîong the actor was caileti at once, s)'. wilh littie deiay. The hard beaten passod bhome in about twenty minutes road wvas net easy te stant upen,but restIng in the arms af ber devoteti tour liorses attacheil te a heavy pîow hushanti. furrowed the street for a couple of - An aPpropniate funeral service was hlehk-, on Mondav Th'le work ~is,onducted at the l'ore at 2 p.mn. on hîring continueti, an-d the roati slîould Monday, by the Roir. ME.- Sxsnîith, c-o 'n b e d o h a i g e the; ý ha r mnan et the D istrict, in w hicli rails. Mary street wiil be consider- the fallawing niinisters took -part - ahl%. narrowed for the use ot vehicies Revs. S. C. Moore, et Oshawa; Mr. hi' the~ constructîon, of the roa-dhed, Ilaig, Preshyteriàn AMinister ot Col- but probabiy -a goad deal et the um1ibUs and Brooklin ;13. Greatnix, tratrlc will lie civerted te other an ex-i>resident ofthte ('onterence, streets. anda a forner chairman et the Wlitby District; Edward Sheppard, et Hain- 11. ;ILAllin, et Myrtle ;s. qT. For er kity T wnhip Tucker, of Gre.nwood, and 1). E. Form r whtby olm, Johiiston,-Of Pickering. WomanA large number et the serrowing, IVU1IIand Synpathetic peaple et the 'i - cutl were present, aise a numbýer Dies in>,Mailitoba. froin the lPickering circuit, a ftomer, charge oft'Mr. anti Mrs. 13e011 . Mn. W11i and their - da'ughter, an- enIv On Tuesday, May 4th, theie passei clild, andi lier. husbanti, Dr. Gibson", away at lier home in Nitiga, Man., ot Lynden, ivere the near meurners, Mrs. Robent Crumimer, in ber 7Ist anti are iett te endure their great year. Mn. andi Mns. Crummer anti sorrew and-loas. , h .spems doubly family were at anc tinie farmers et 5a(l when we know that atter fort-v Whitby Township, living ane mqle yeaes et faithfui and efficient teuiili west et Whitby. They ivent- West tlhe Master's vneyard, Mn: Bell in- fourteen years age anti settied at- tendedti t superannuate at the Conter- Ninga, 1%an., whrie they hati 480 ece noxt Jun&, andti Vey hati heugl acres ef choice land. Mrs. Crummer and were prepaning thrir home for a hati been pooriy fer samo téme, but tew"years et wcii-earned rest at Lyn- for two menths hati sufferoti tennibly tien where their daugliter lives. with cancer et the stomach, The body Th~e serrowîng eues are assured ofj was breuüght te Ontario, anti inter- the deepest iympatiiy et the peoplej ment matie In Salem burylng grounti et Breeklil circuit and the he on Sunday last. Mn. Robt. Crum- cemmtunîty. mer, who with hls--san George, ac -___ __ companiedj the body here, will ne- main for the summer. George wîîî Additional LocalI tems. return la a couple et weeks. Mn. WIli Crunîimer, ef Plckeing.; Mrs. TH-r- TABERNACLE. HIarry McBnlen, ef Whitby Town- udyMa17 shiP, anti Mns.Reeoe, ef Oshawa, rirservceiay May 17. Mwr. nLait la DurKamf.1 ect-"The Goo<l Shepherd.'-' Eveninir service, 7 e'cioci.-Subject -"dAnilous Thought."1 Duning the merning service a ne- Mr. rthr W.Beal, MA.,lectr-eive inro full m-embonship ail those Mn. nthn W Beu, MA,,lecur-who ceuld net be present ah ho last on on Purity anti Soi Hygiene, spont nocoptlon service. nearly a week la our Hligh andi Pub S. . anti Aduit Bible Classes ah lie Sehools. Mn. Beall ik~a spocialist la hie subjeet, a'ud hie taiks te the a .. pupils pneved 1 u ctrn/e-~ This Is-our Sntay ah the Honse et uiae. -On Fr day, hoe poke unthoetue torenoon te ail thé High School pu-.O AÉ plis, andti u the alternoon ho the FO r 1ALE, wt boys alone. Betb atidressos were ad- A Ifamliy lent, 12 9ftwh 5 minable. Thoy tienît with the phy- foot 'wall andi double roof. Tont matie siologlcal anti bygicalo facta f et sof e 8 oz. tuck, urali hooks on to the pneblems la snob chaste and neflinet roof. Sale P$ice $25, iess than halt Phrase, yet se plalnly, that the ne- the orginal ceost. Tent la finst class1 suits; cannet failite bc uplift .He condition. Appiy tu 1ev. J'.C, Bell,' urged î the parents presont, anti rooklu, Ont. threngh - theso, othere, to lustruct 4 their chiltiren In the science et the REALTY TRANSACTIONS. beglinlgg o! lIte lasuch a way that - Properties Solti. thé blidren wonld net go te, unlaw- Thse follewing transfena ef pnoperty fui anti poilutei sources 'for lhe ln- have' bèen affecteti by the Greater Ca- formation lhey urere bounti to get la oadi, Improvement & Landi Go., Lti. oeme 'waY. On Montiay and Tuestiay Coùeeslon;4, Whltby, _23 acre farm 11. spoke ho severa 0o!thie Publie from Eti. Dlngman ho, Mrs. Gaurle school classes, andti o-ay, Wednes- 9E4Sarp., Toronto. day, ho sPçaks ho a mass meetIng o,;J1 '%0cession 4t 25 acre tain. froni *Louis 'Nertham 19 qMr. B. FEdwardu, ie T o r o uto .M F i n u r q .g a f ' Port Whtby, sun»er cottage, trou.UVEW r i r u w rn f1 Walter, Bum t o 1n. H.l 4 hke -F O st,' ]ý PnopelUeaçed' e Mé! acrf.art 'a loti 27 ad-8 andi ten acres of OrO Ù 4r,5 lot, 27, aidW e a ege r f h l t o bioue te Èd i. ningikan: - rereceiving, largeshirm entsoî ,h 1a e t style Fâour noqme ibikdeln 1>89t,.footwear. Our stock -la more. eOmplete than, ev'er before. gin, Tononto.t - - - 'V«We havt e sthat ai -t g i n eur po ps ty9as ti l M . h co sa i fy p ai t cu lar p eo p le., Lele .on-Brocèk-t,., eassd te Lele-iMoore, 4 Dwellg o n er et o Coîborne and- ~E T A SE IL At.MOI street. to Mri. Haikin, Mon- - t r e , -fo r b a r d i aig b o u s e p u r p s e s .Io u e x ri n M n s a - 10arsoù the west -sîde -etBrook j- Calland' inspectOet ra PecialsinM 'sad street, being part -of lot V7, conces-1 Boys' Work bhoes. Sion 9, and bouse te Mr. John Dykes. 16 acres Gimour property ta Mr. tHugli Graham. i Tii. agenits *for the abovp, w e n ).J Messrs. Riciîardson & Richardson. Hefra ecl' s Shoe.StÃ"re. Hofratrip te the OId Country- ut Englnd, Ireland, 'Sotan, any. B oc t. otif b, VVDlIDb Iy . Phootto where. Cheice of ail best oceaýj S.S.l lineS--one wny, roundtrip, or pre-- paid (any class). onle-way touriot or homeseekers te Manitoba, Sask., f H ad Alberta peints. Cholce ail Ry.li and boat routes. Throu-gh trainsi oaci Tuesday p.m. tilI October. Seel Stephenson, (e'pposite Standard Bank andi HUriws Pros>, Whitby, for these'SADR thnough tickets and berth reserva- tiens-on axiy existing route. Have Stephenson resenve ahenti your berths r E buèsu mrn who Las andi -bekinga, especlally for Europe, à 0M~UI andi secue. 'hocest locations, etc. i CUt M YID VUOUS POit Aise buy yOur Toronto, Riverdale ~umR of! Caà dao ewhcrc wA andi ail local or forelga tlcketq atj of A l* o your le su e at Step bnson s. H e e- j k . .L o dens hie tickets when preventetid i > oppl,<,Nibrnaluable assista ncei coflect., WHITBy BRANC.H- C. A McClelLmn, Manager. IV.WIN;'l rUUNL'IL. Ceuncil met on, Monday. Memabeis ail presext. - Reeve la -Ihe chair. Min-j utes et last meeting nead andi con-. firmeti. , A numbor of accounts were passeti fon payment. It uras moved that the usuai grant of $30 be matie ho the Brookli Pub-- lic Llbnany. A grant et 835 was matie te, the.- South Ontario Agniculturau Society-, in aid of the Spring Show te ho held In Brookila on Monday, May 25th. It was meveti that the assgesson's - roll, as presenteti, by C. J. Spencer, be and la hereby accepteti, andtihat that the troasurer grant bis cheque fer the sum ef $125 la full payment fer services. The foiiowing wine fonce bonnses were granteti: Eti. Pascoe, fùr a- bout 100 rads went -teloicon. 3, and Oliver Pascoe, 100t rods «est aitie lot 20, con. 3. It uras meved that the Cierk writiy- the Clerk et the Township of Reacb that Reeve Moere- anti Ceuncilion Brewn have heen appoir%*-i (.Vommis- sieners ef Reach tomailmp, andi de- sine te meet Cemmissioners frein said Township before any Pr.,' uhîi1ture,ý is madie thereon, either hy staluel labor or menev appropriation, :1 Council adjeurnedta t meet on Mon-I air, T Jun Fle, OaNA.,tROurt tf eviie nn gner914. ns~ 1. WI-IITBY-Miss E.L. Mactionneil, Clork, Whitby- Jan. 13, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, Apnil' 3, May 4, dune 3, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, Jan., 7, 1915. OSHAWA-Mlss E. L. Mactionneli Clerk-Jan. 14, Feb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 4, May 5, June 4, Jùiy 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 3, Nov, 9, Dec. 5, Jan. 3, 1915 2. BROUGHAM-M. Giesson, Green- wood, Clerk-.Jan. 15, Mar. 8, May 6, duly 7, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, dan. il, 1915. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Buraham, Clerk- dan. 17, Mar. 7, May 7, .luly 8, Seut. 0, Nov.' 12. Jan. 13, 1915.- 4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Moore, Un- bridge, Clerk- Jan.' 10, Mar. 14, May 13, Juiy 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, dan. 16, 1915. 5. CANNTNGTON-Thos. 1R. Peston, Cannington, Clcrk-.Jan.,O, Mar. 13, May 14, duiy 51 Sept. 9, Nov>. 19, Jan. 15, 1915.- 8. BEAVERTON-Chas. A. Pater- son, Beaverton, Clerk-dan. 8, 'Mar. 12, Mny 15, July 16, Sept. 10, Nov. la, Jan. 14, 1915. 7. UPTERGROVE- Danili Leonard Atherley, Clerk- Jan 7, Mar. 11, May 16, July 17, Sept. 11, Nov. 17, Jan. 18, 1015. By Onden, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. Datei at Witby, Nov. 28, 1918. Pure, and Highest Grade that Gallon Tins A. T.uAWE WHITayF ONT. Phones.- Bell, No. 47; ]ndependent, Nb. 47 Seed Potatoes! EARY OHIO Garden .Seed s New and choice Our BuIk Seeds are the finest obtainable. Wu B3n" PRINGLE,& 00s WHITBY 0_TRI WITER DOLARE THL RONT, PAPER, PEN AND' INK - - EARLy SIX WEEKS and IRIS H COBBLERS For late Wu Je He RJCHARIDSON'S'. BROCK ST. LWl1ITBY 5T-ATIONERY OF ALL KJNDS MAGAZINES AND. BOOK3 - ~'i - MAY 14 1914- wi. WD11019 ont, For early we have BOUGHT AT $lm38- p

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