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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 2

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, &tLtoi oaAl =jed teo th. eaa lie-uee of Dr. WMiiurn' PàOk ilàt fer Pâle Paopbs». Soni. cf tues eïs arle n o cêrul a. tio> chai. leiie bidbut in ever csetlu mtateneute lha-vo e = carefuli; vo.uui6 d mndeuy b. iàne gatd bj amyone inrtiemeted. In Vhs. ooxsne tice tihe oaee cof ia B. mlMbarn 011-9t. John, NB., i. wxrthy Of tii us<at o,&"efïtl attentive. Milo Mille. baln Oeyi.e: "Some tisz-, eý "0 wa tiaken eri Qsl- i4wàbtui ph- tijemia.The," doctor brought me îaw~sy 'th.roagh tiiadreadeti troàu- blue, a-nd I wae aseumed to b. weiI. But two weeks later I took am-'re- lapse., my flct atand limbe beconi -*ng pas'aiyzed. I oould neéther -èa epum r walk. I was u'Ibr tho bewt of mediesi ca-ie, a.nd &fter a few weeks wa-s a-bie ta ait up in ;be, but ny thrvat was e&l. coni- plteypira-lyze.cla-ni 1I oald ouI-y ut>ter uni-telligibi, sýound». I waa treated by three of St. Joh'. hast phiysjicians for this trouble and my case wa-s g1veun up a-9 lopelees. A friend â«ke me to try Dr. Wil- liama' Piaiç-Pil, but I xa.d spexit so mnueh ou medicine wdsthuut help that I th-ou-ght ilt wourd bei only a fu.rfier waste of nmey. Howevér, 1 feit myseif groMlimg dai1ýr w'ea-ker - - ant, wcaîke r, anti I clecided as a last chan-ce tflait I wr>uld ry the Pl,:By the ti111 I had ta.kon a half-&ozen boxes9 I could walk "rosa the flor, soithing doctors h-ad Viid me coul neyer lhappen - ~ a.ain,j I etili eontinaed taking the, pssy Lpeec-h retu-rned, sud I feit ni',ïE;lf i-n perfect heath. My friends though-t my restoration nothing short of s. miracle, and I * tlhik mywci&Lhat I have to Vhwik Dr. Wllianis' IPinkc Pille that I amn living o-day, andi I feed coufidkaaiï 'they - eau do quite . ais iucli for other a as they did for me." Dr. WI~qs Pink Pilla effect cures'incase8 o! this kind because they înak new, rich, red bkuod, whîch f céds and rytrengthens the nerves, and toues up the w'hole sys- tem. If you-are in need o! a medi- cine. give these pills a trial. WVe are -cenfideut you wiIi net ho disap- pointed. Soid by medicinoe deaiets or hy mail at 50-cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Wil- liamns' Medicine Co., Broek-,ille, ont. WAX CURE FOR RHEUMATISX. riuage 'the, Parts Âffectcd Into les-ted Paraffin. Mi-. Bai-Ie de Sandfort res.d a parper at the Freunch Acadeuy cf -Medicine detailing bis dîscoverica in -regard te thîe se-called keritherlapy, or w-ax, cure fo>r rhaeu.matism, con- gistdg ini thie plunging of thi-swîhslme bqdy or tihe part-s affected mnite heat- od paraiffin. The new tre-traenrt is said te ha qpn4csrfu1ly tifeacluusin casea a-nthritisansd i-henniiedisord-ere. B)r. Bai-the de Sandfort baud, fi-st -- by pereunai aindtheu by genou-il ex- penriments during thle la-at tea yeare, -that wax, even wQien heated aboya - 120 degrees Fa-hi-euh-it, did not burn, and produoed pureiy benefi- c-i effects neyer attaineti by poni- tice or other sub"iances ait lower temperatures. Momeover,' wax m absoiutely ageiptic, ca-p a-nd c-aiiy uei. Europes-n phyiii-ns have hlalher- te viewecl tjharnew idea s.uspiciiculy, ailt-hioug Dr. Cari-el of t-helocke- febller In:sti-tibte o! NewYork àtemes- fied h-la adberenc e o stheory un 1913. Dr. Ba-tise de Samndfourt liasper- sied,,a-nd nxow defea-Ve seeptiiclani VI-hl moUiv othe mutg ac Smnpisahed_ net ouby iin nmtm Vli>eapeufic'es, b-ut aise0 in vote-nirnary su rgry, esàpeeially with swollen ioiat o!fi-ace hiree, 'swlera the trietenet ieo! the. greatet value. CAUSE AND RFFEÇT Good .Diget§tion Followa Rjght Food 0 Oel- A remifu'ek,0the- uiiw prodiom Jihha &domsu d yMýë bid o r soon Vo< beecas d POse-iU az" ,io. of 4 oe si y 1eadii r Sé i.,Canada, f,6pug1ao* ir wae iie cwiy -on. s lw 'Prodùetiam inereaad in i- bïprovinSe o! Britl y'ove>r 67.7 par cebt, of tII ota.t1 uMi yber çù, mmd BritiM Columbi je &t e- preesnt by £er . e iàhý"btisnber pi'ovnce in, Oaa"q ontiinsa m- w ording ta orn um «mtes, onejalf -the mr hntable tiimber w.salh ëo the Doimn. eiglite kabIe re o tgdVanc wh utru.n-k houndred:t..i wit latra-1ten te t.wele fee tin *diameter, formiung, a.k>no or mixed wib heimlock, great foresité extemnd- îrug four hundred iles nort.h ot the IntLareatiomnal Bounlmsry. Its na.- tural range extemds i-n Canada, to tihe eastera foot-Iiile of the Éxoky Mounotaiinà in ,Atb'ènta, where it grows to & heigbt of 130 feet end a disanctèr &of fOur feet, and is -con- &idered onie of theuemSt important -timber trees on tihe Dominion Ilocky Mountains Foi-est. Reserve, which cevex's an ares of nen.rly 21,- 000,square Mile.. It i.s also wi.dely dietributcd Vurugloubt, te wfetern United Statýs, being able -to stand consid- emablie climiatic variation and being Prà-ctically im-mune, tVo msects, or fangue diseaseas.' Dr. C. S. Sargeint, ope of t-h-e greaitesit authorities cn American trocs, des.cri-bes thse woc'd as ha-rd, durable, and largely use'd for al k-ind& cf construction. Aocordin-g tû a recent Dominion Forest-ry Brandi publication on tihe "WoV<od-iing Iu- dust-rieis of Ontarimo," it is incr-as- i-ng in' popularàty lunthat provincle for 'deconmtive puriposc-s as "it has au attractive grain -end figure which eadly londs- iwt» o tain.ý inig." Douglai fir onstruct-lon tint- ber i6 ehipped to all parts of tlie Thse Douglas fi- lias been int.r,,- duced intq Europe with gre-at suc- cess and large foi-est-s have bee'i plan-ted 'which aire now yield-ing handsome profita. Germa-ny and France purohase eve-ry yea-r large iquanti-ties of séecI frein the ludiane1 in British zCclimbia. WAKEFUL BABIE5 If your baby dees net ele-sp, if hie is cross, cries a great dea.i, <sud will not be, comforted, that la t14e timne Vo give hn Baby'a Own Tabictz. They prosnotjô aleep - not t.he drugged un-natuals kind obtaiued tihrough the use o! "soothinig" mix- tures, but that r'efreshing -natu rai sleep ,of the he.ldlh-y child. The Tabi-ets baunishiaà-istonia-eliand bowel comnpliit-the direct caulse o! crossness - and sleeplefsenes. 3onr-ing thean Mm. E. Meclra.-, Grand Bois, Que., saays- "When I began ued-ng Baby'. O-wn TaJilets baby wasi &o troubl0el 's4h constipa- tion lie wouid not sieep day or nîght. Ncw aIl 4"1i5trouble LUaS vainiahed aid he i5 a etrong h-eaithy child," Tise Ta.blesteare soki hy medicine deslero or by nmail at 25 cents a box from Thse Dr. Williamis' Medieine Co., BmuekviBl$,- Ont. QUEEN WAM'ED SifO.E Bitusîl. Clerk Thought to Flatter Hem By Offering a Tooth Bruali. IV ila aSpanisul -ustioru te openiy ps-y conmpliminnte. to ladies; in tii-e ftroeu, thse thestres, aud otiier public plaoee, ai-sdlladies are disap- puîntediflu their walks o-r shlop- ping excursion-s niany pret th ings eim110 sad Vo tihe'în. One aftenom a iaey Que-en Vic- toria- tipait, accompa-nied by ontu of be-rladies-in-witing, went to a tsmshonable perfumnersinueeo!f te principal etreits and ask-ed a youthl bhhIind -the counter for a faiy etrong shoe bi-ucul ci mýodt--size. Alter i-toe monents' dday the oclerk prao4uSea a dinlilutive týoioFtl brush -*ýkioh lie pre&enteti 'to Hem Majeety for ber a.pproval- "Wliat is thse use o! me 41-cr Corl wee. -.ul< Indigestion and theo attendant ed -for a strong alice b ruah. " ciaecSmforts o!fnmid smd body- are "For cue wbios footb I feel surm certain te ft>lbw ccntinuied use of muet be as is ailamd dai-t->'w inupropeî- food.youms tua ibmullh wil.Ibes more tii: Theo 'w-ho a-ra stihiyoung and sufficien;t," reple th Ve cl-rk. robust are likel>' Vo cve-ilook thc - HardI> kuo'wiug whether toii)( -fa-t VI-t. a~ iropi~n w-a-si-wiî or amused, tVlr-u Qusee-ii tu ru wear. a e9tone away ait la-st, se Wili edclte bar lady-î,n-waî-tilng, hî,t tiiý the use <of lea-vy, gray, iicI RKO<'IMlut-, with gtu nîgîLeex finmlly cause lucr of! appe-bte amd cIaiued: 1-'Lum-aely tany aire the'nglîtful a-ware tht-t this lady iii ciy<j -enougiih te atu-t>yteme el<sdliv d'esdiitucIanmpri note thle prinrci-ple cfA caufr-s aninc-d i-ir s nou>e ot-her 'thaîî tir pffee-t- in theu- daiiy food. A un it-tnp writes lier expërîfwien ": Th niapy ohH( À6 - -soRneimae a-go I had a lct >f i-'ad cl-y reeutI>' c-one t.. MaIII-i< trouble fremi ldigpEtioun, eu- byl frein tiie provinces, ansf'd t-ý twee ilobfeod. -et eio I was un- re>Coguize th'e Qiiecu, wbe wî.>M ; able té digest ecarcely- anything, u'eil ami was simpi>' attiredi asxd Mcdieluos seemed uselesa. Ioeeluric oshariya CiA'1 friend advsed nme te try hN n age-mr eriyo Grapk-Nuts footi, pi-aàeaing it highly, eAýI; fti nidn hnK-i aW eà a .-entresct, I triodit. -j A onsiim lanef, dvue ia akeeu inthaalcfui te sa-y thait Grape-Nuts se-use 9! limmor. 1 ~ z :::: c rny:eO Victoria- bas auceunbedf i-cwest anin3ltIgdesire. But 1 bier tisa-t ehe finally used uan opel ~tlck o Grape-Nus." - gdets througth wIhiQh mstMvng. cou ' - me «iveQ by anadian peetum be seen, lu ordier te auvoldiwitnek Ç6o. Wimdscir, Ourt. Re9à 1Tqje .ilIg tise socues a is e ai-sa. Road 4o W.llviI-1," in pkp umow se aitenda morefgtsVa ~Tiet's, offici&Uy 'requrd, adwa, o» alDe5 jo 8fealtée 1%aw is te usual 'yîwih foreiner 8» 94aué Us 5M4 Eau Zhe e n- )u le e- 'DOlUJ'S MD!qEY pe so. ~Rua Dwuu fr twe Yea tlle How she Pound -New-lie Ith. lïohboume, Fnotenu 00, Ount,, May il (peal.M~a i~Goy tii. popu~ier poatmistreu b iý, s lipo>,, bOut two yoarS," -Mira. 19Y deep waîa l»ikenamndur4eh ing and I euff'ered f rom's51i' ee.s cfLrée-th and heart hlttkeili ga. 1 ftially 'C~d ia II y were the cauee ci my frôub anc docided o try D)odd'a Kidixe PU.. -iôok four boxes in ail, sud I fdë quie atrong a.nd, like niyocIf mamin. I certua.nly VhisxcD'd' *i' Plile are a good me éina."J The eàperieno. of tàw p"bt i~trose is simulai-ta *hot 'cf tbsu.a$io otéher Ca-nadian won>en. TImewr -weak, mun dvwn, nervous aý d., îi baci health generally. Tluey t«*o Doda'. Kidney Pillas and aref4r'cng sud weli agrain. *The roasoior s 4h.%t wlien Kid, neye get out, o-f order 4er 1tO train the inipurities out (f t;he blo'cd, and generai laîssitude and weakneas ensums The nauural. cure 18 to cure tihe Kid'ne-y. The e.cpcri- ence Af thou&andg ot others tW-is 'v>u that Dodd'is Iidney ?Pil cur the-ý Ki-dineys. WOMAýN*S 6"PIDER SE'NýE-' Kaows W1hen Insect lm Ncmir By Au ext-uaordinanry st.ory cf ~ o man's spider seuse lias been rein-ted to th iseLcndoa Tmes by a medical correspondent.. Thia woqa-n1cxmn de- teetr lier husband say3, the; pi- e-eaneco! a- epider ilu amy r4"oeshe happene tu bo li in iwithouthav- iug see.n the inseot-, i-, indeçd,- %ithoiit liaving any re-ason teý sup- pu-se tîhat k, -was tliere.' The disce)v- ci-y is aceainÉanie<l by violent sdick- ness, malaise and ecn-udcbility, but ail thie-ste symnpt.oJnlu aut once paqs away wh-ec the zpid-eri-; cauîglrp aud reimoved f rom the rqomnn, The writer <eh!-i thoe fo1Liwing t1tory : - "A few nigh-ts ago thc, lady re- ferrcd t4o joi-nted bei husband 44t Fli lieus-;e where we werr -.ieiX,. In idhe niddle f ý(,itIi night- my ntý' ac-' quaintance canie te )nîr ro n d r asked me to att-nd hiii wife, %vh-o lîad beemre u-e-ry urîiv cli. "I foll-o-s-e(lIini, -incl 4tun<dlus'i wife iu a stste w'hid-lîstugge-%rted sudden oollapse. She w-as -'ory pale, itlk a teeble prîlse and ra-pi-d brcatlîing. She d-ý2elared that she fei.t 'dreadfil1y' si-k ard t'h-aýt plige -as abs-oltoly certain thvere was a spider soîîe'where i-n thle roodiî. S "no> insis&t.ent-was slie on ý- this point tha t huinir lier but witlî-, eut in the le-avt beiieving lie-r stiory34 ber hiasbaud and I lit a candle a,-âd searched every nook and cranuy of, the.room. We found ne-iiing and we-re about te give up tbe ra-ther riicîîlus pursuit wlie-n it-le pi-ýtient guddeîuly announced tuiDt e-be 'ihad a, feeling' t-hait tIe spiider wars- upc-n thie mMlielpie-ce. "We 1<>oked th*o.re, anti ha-cl as- fied otirse1ves bie weis qukem Mis- taken, when Lt occurred to me to lift tAie cge of t tihe filinS Su-r- rounding <lie wo<>dwomk. A£> I did go a largo blac-k spider ràa qi-ekl3' s-long the c1oth toward a hole in the wood a-n-c disappeared. "TIc fl hiv0bandand 1I lokd at cacb otber, asud I signed t.o 1m afford no ind4eation of wûhudhmitlc cari-ad. Bul ju-at thon a sigli cf re- lief f ro the bed a-eompa-uied by the remnark, 'At la-st you have-faud it,' proved tro u* the f u-ifity o! our -preaution. The sixthl se-use had not failed." Ezn&tiîreàd-by tii. prol,=ged a-b- tewle Qo oin iaUy cf thtr ki*8neý the New -àebrides, 'maya e D aâl CiZoeuip ,SydUneY correspondeýnt, havie beeome extremely hboati. toc wMite, ný f ,?- and E1i' trade who laand on tIÏe'iula-d are invariably w011 a-uue'd. -1V wa-s therefore witl oenzir&ble« trepidation Vat cap- tain (»iùbey, Cf tube Guadeloupe, dee-idmd-t& -'la-d thi-ee o!fldsWcrevi When 4fr ýniato, the super-cargo, &nd a sean'rf the Guadeloupe &et ceoot ocn shere, evsrytLiug aeemed qui-et,,aaid Vueme w-sre no natavcs Vo 4o feen. Thie VhieC nic,lowevor, had onily jast reaehed a- beIt of tihik bruali- w" ModnPl the beach. when a horde o! sa-vages, a-rmed wift-h trade guns9 -and etoue clubs, atitàicied thle help- ie.ss visitors. Thea matc's hisd was battered fi-cm b-ehii4,. and-lis companions were wound-ed and carried inland wit-h the body cf the miate, capt.ain ié , nbey heard the so-nnd of siiote, and' fcaring trouble, pull- cd ashore, acomnpanie-d by tw-o vh i-te - mn. He vaarece-ived witihi a volley o! sjhets frmtoslnh ed saa-g.eu1 A despe-reite runing figbt eusiîod, biut when ou-e of his nmen was ba.dly wounded the cap- tain de-cid-ed te -ict realto te Ve ves- sel.- -An<ther, la.udiug was% effected about uîidînight, andl Vhscaptai-n and ýone -of -lius m,-en pro'oeedeýd in- laed, te discovei- t-lîat t-hetiir-re un- tortanate men captuîred by the s-av- agies a few Lion ns lef-re lad been c-aton by theji- fer4ecloua ca-pfor-s. 'Vhw -omly t-race..-,tofiie canuilyal fr.-t' -tvrrclibre emoulderng fi-es andi parts o! tiie bodies o! the ic-txm4. Laine Back Streiigtlieiied Stilfiess Tahen Riglit Oiit Was Reiieved ln an Hour, and Cured Over Night. A 'lame back? Quite unnecessary. Ail you have te do le ta rub on Nervi- Ue. It.'saIniply a wonder for bacit- acle-relieves after eue rubbtng. "No- thIlng possibi>' couiti cure un achlng back faster tha.n Nerviline," writes MI'B. Arthur _fi-ia, of 1Lawer Chiel- sea, N. S. *1 cïuglit cold and was so prostrated with pain I couiti not bead over. We aiways have- Nerviline at honme, and I had the painful region rubbed tiioraugl>'witli tiis grand liniment. At once the pain deps-rted. The lamenesa was rapidiy rcduccd and inan heur 1 was able ta be about my> housewark. 1 was rubbed agàln Just befome ettmtng, sad awoke as usa-int thue mamilng wlthaut a sIgu et uny back trouble." - Tiiere te ne sort or muscuasr pain that Nervilino wotn't eues quickly. honts-nde ewes-r bY tt for rheuma- tls.m, nieuralgia, aclatica and lumnbago. il siake ta the came or the ps-!n-mlght thruouglî muscle, tissue. and nerve-it penetrates where neo oll. greas>' lini- ment cau go and lnvai-iably cures quieki>'. If you have an ache or s- pain anywlere-use i'4rviîne-it wîîî cure yan. Fs-mu>' size bottie, ver>' lai-go 50c.; trial size 25ce. at ail dealers, liow a- Sick Woinan Can Regain Ilealth RF-AD -THIS VERY -CARtEFULLY . "For years I was thin and delfcate. I ]est color and -wi'a eastly tlred, -a yellow palor, 'pimples and blotches en my face were not only mortifylng ta my feélings, but because I though4 My skiuî would never look nice ags4tihI grew despondent. Thea ruy appetite falled. I grew very weak.- Varlaus remedies, plus. tonlcs, and tablets 1 tried wlthaut permanent benefit. A visI t ta my sister put Into my lihéda a box of Dr. Hamiltoa's PlIls. She placed rellance upon them and now that tlîey have ruade me a well woman0 1 would not be witl>out theru whatever the>' miglit cosit. I found Dr. Haýmil- ' o0l11 St. Lon-stracey, ton's Pis by thef r nlld yet searehlng The oincm<f Si-r Edwaird Strachey, action vory suitable tb the delicate a-. was b)OTini 1860 a-nd was character of a woman',c' nature. The>' edicated ait I3aliiii ol 1o-ege, Oxford. nover once grlp-d nMe, yet they estabi- He îhcdtted "The Spe-ctator" Ilshed regulrlrty. My appetite grew k.'en--my iilood rori and purr-1,eavy F-mnec tlio rWireiiiz-nt '-f Mr.Tuw-n- rnigs under îxîy c'yos disappéared and rend, whio, in'crmnjuîucti<rn With Mr. to-day my nkiu i s as clear and un- Wi-ar HItHt-t.-I-rotight that wrinikh'd as wlien J1 '9s a girl, Dr, it( :1 i-fi puInt of literary liasiitoz's PUis did It ail." a eit a The above straightforwmtrd letter a pîftiîp.ower. Mr. Strtch.e.y f10111 MIrg..1. V. To mifî' of ,j wel 1 il a FtaIwaet me~m.b's. cf FlicUnion- know n xaliîr InRog>rsiille, Is Proor , tparly, wlile hqs brthe , Lcrd Schî-Pyi us a- Libila1peer. Mr. 'taryis thie auI.hýor cf trerai 'tkiuclùdàng "r-lnsa-ad t'r-lso Sc lan'd tlie "Prae- îý'al W'itd~-ni of thle Bible." of the bowels la an absolute accea* oity for good beaith. Unlege the waste inatter froru the food which collecte there la got rid of at ieas ,neady, it decays and poisons ces whoie body,.causing biliauisnesa, indi- gestion and uicic beadaches. Salto and other harch minerai purgatives frritaté the deilcate lii gof!the bowels. Dr. Morue'. Indian Root PiiIs-entirel' vegetable- regulate th elsectIyely witbout *cak- Indian Rot PUil e1. -1. I88U~ 20-'14. M moethat Ueous.iep sccl niglt a ftwa 'sue . *1 was ffveu nmre salve sud miter uslng $la prewtion SWl a WWk $13 diiiM becam woemand .1 Où1 D06o~btala auy raUnaM ïihe mko bÛt bhyOnly tubom. relief what.Mor, About tls la m. '&frnd recommended Cuticura Olntmsnt t. me. IEowever, I1Rrad icet faitil f in mroeisand told hima0, but ho lnslted th&$ 1 try Cuti- r cura Olzflizent 00 1 p=urced a 'Dm. The firet appUctton gave relief and lu about à week .the mores were beanl nsd 1 wau able ta Obtan A good nlghli'sret, the lBrât I bad enJoYed for mâany montba. -I contlnued the treatiment for another rontil andi by that trno ail aigus of the dlaeaabad vanlahed,'! <igneti) WlJard Fr. Ailep, Ma>' Io. 1913. r Formor, $han8 agononton outjura BORD and CatlcÜis Ofnti ntbave afforded the 1Moab$ eonornJca td Dt*bfor ffeClons of the skin and scalp that torture. f tch. barn scalP, and destro>' sleep. 01<ovoryïewiere, SanPIpleOf eaCh malle free. wlth 22-p. Sida Book. Addres post-=ad Fotter Drug 4do Obeni. Oorp., Dépt. D. Boston, U. B. A. NO DANGER FRO31 WIRELESS. The Quelýtion As to Sparking la the Rigglng. The published -reportis of sparking in' thte riggig of s3hips oarrying wîrelesa' nad the, fact tba" the United Sbatîeis Bureau of Navigatiion has been calling 'the uttentioqi c>f thes ehipping iwxr1d Vt he po*esible dîan ger to vehi oa.rryiang i.nf1annable' cargoecs , arid that the Britieh B.ua.rd of Trate hais beei in ommunica- tion with the Bureau èuf Navigalin on liîe ÎSnbjoyt, have -arý&used co~n- sile'able ýLiseusEioan in tftue shipping worià a.nd ainonig underwriters. Aooording to the Mer<xni C.oe- paIIy, wiich lias reScivcd numITerous inquiries, t.heîro is noît tdi3 alighrtese, fire-<Lnnge~r f rom wireiess when pro- perly iu,led a.nd operated. The company hais oouducte earching exp-eriinents and madle a full investi- gatii>n. The first authlorita4âve et.atcxent «n the sb&t'ws made by & higli official of the oompaaiy Vo- <la-. "Since 1908 we have fitted abo>t forty tank steamers with our aippa,- ratus, and ricýthimin L ou-r whole ex- pe.rience indicaites trat thie fire-riak 's inoerel thereby. "Any posgible riait fryn t he, use of wirelepss hip- buard muft arj>e frc>înVhe existence ,cif elc'ctrioe pa.Akis- i proximily to inflammfable gais or iaiterial. "For instancoe., one firm of ihip- owners nmade the fol.Iowing ýexperi- me-uit ais long- &go as 1912 to ascer- tain w-hait danger, if amy, might arige f ixm the exietenee of Eparks in the rxg8imS as well ae in the in- strumnet roo0m. "A isaucerfal -of na.phtlhe w.as P1aed asokeLuag -posIblà to a he&avy epark. A piece of waebe, ïàturA-4!d wikih naphtha was lg pl'aoe4 close to the epa.rk eleotrcde,o but in neither experiment waa the vapor ignive'd by tihle Epark. Thie saine naqphtha tegt was alzo e.pplied to the oaia parki; &t nin>or partis of the apparaitus and no'tbhing hap- pcned" Famllyila Navy.- The. British navy affords F4cime g'oed examples of family coulinuity o! pro>fession. Ever since 1735, whe'n AugustU, Koppel-th;e future I admilraaed haro ef iuîa.uy fghts- was appoirted a nildeshipuman, Vthe naminofIeppwel,-bas figured on the na-y' ist-. Even this record la sur- pa.ssed by S-ir Miehzeilý-Ctilme-Sey- miou-m'a f amlly, whidl, hais -up'pisd Oficer Vot'O thénavy pracîtiall~y vwithout a- break since thie dys o! Hen-ry- VIII. , whem Sir Tomas Sey- mour combiin-ec the offices cf Lord Higis Adrul'al anti Marter-General o! Vise Ordnauce. A Styeaiu serveti as Vioe-Admnirai a-gainaittue Armada, and -anctiher Scyzueur was killed in commiand ti& isehip figlit- lin-g týhe Datte-I in 1666. It is -eid thatt iI. uane of Sisymur hmasbeen miore <Iften mîntioued lu dispatches than an>' other -na-me on record.-i Lonudon Dail>' Chronile. Pain In- Back Ail GOlle Gin Pilse ('oinîpletely ('mît-cî. 'Mm,. (1- :-Daid, of Cornwvnllls."N .. ss-ys:"bof a year s-go. I n-as suffeIig se) rnch n-lth a tlredfuiL amo Bit-kI andt Ilips, that 1 could net standl up Stmaight. I 'ias lrformned by a fric-,, about (!IN 1PJLLS. 1 sot a boex. It hlpee inuefinmmdiately. -'I licîvo takceî about tweive boxe.s and the pains In mY back antd his are al.ilee.1I annot s3euk toc hlgbiy orf youm GIN PILLS1." 50c, a Box, 6 fer $2.5b. Sampie freie If you write National Drug & Cliiemical Co. of Canada, Llmlted. Toronto. Many Uses for Banana1. I am-n netusure tîa ntesha-na-na cquads a nwttbon chiop, say-s a wri- ter in Fise Londocn Chronicle, but yon wiil b. glad te heair the4 t-le banana lias main> other uss Vlan the profit ef Vhe Lindý«icoster. lita Iea-'îea are plaiiaed tVo foi-m ma't-and baga, sud Vthe fluer en-ea make yaur cigarette, papers. Ia Eaist Afuica Ï.'t pravldee net only -food, but drink- au intoxicatiig drink tliaMt lamu-eh admired. And wbe% àIVcaines Vo Lomndon and oa Seubraitis skias ýupomi tihe pêvvemàett lt briaga ita waruiugý te tihe ,unc&i-ful weiker. mml',ithe une s 4ie rn.,W Particu1aily i. tLisepouàaa wi, M he Alner ncmIg tise 'floIeclopeasam- tmy, 'altbcugIh -:kurmu dbb o 'verY hbt L ànd uýncýcrmurable fo>r ti purpo»e___ Thoe Düuvoh cf Aiterdjam plis beraitdiL-'ed 4rb d-4o a bat 'WIIcre ib ue. ta aýhpe 1au n- Tp .(Jd w irp t. IV mu>y not be . the style moet, 'dedto her roud, I1'iTOU pakfoe."but " would not X.Fitl chnelt for the latent 1"4*dng" i on ise iel.an0t oMariveain- h Zudeîr Zee, ite lahienabie het lae a-gan 01 the niuitre e'h-a"p, buït witih roi the adi4=of o!-*idme, fsppimng eu'nC$ wings. Faý'îhr norfui, irin-rwy sa cr A ada<1heu. briddy dons aTo-n. tdi-c-,lÙrÏeoex wIIic4ica', beset beîlikeueoan emiVrk outaeôr agizaintieceas-board. tw rainoe hswcnnea weair a huea p wu gc lietàdds. 'Th. wondxfuiOa a Vhing a.bouibthe-tIi. wcin s aisat hciw is it suppot-ted 7 Are tlh e.ne o: conceaied wiircsl'And hew " ceiV 8BC. Tare "stiop,,on" in a- higu i wndil INFORMATION FOIR INVIENTOnS 0 tr Pigeon, pige0uý &- Davis, patent C(1 SNCB siiorMuotreal, report 127 Ont ,pIlae Ca Pian -enis issued for Vhs usceforl weck euduIng April 215b, 1914, 84 of L!W whic'b were gran!ted to Amerleaus, 18 to Cenadéans, 14 tc> rets'identa-o!f 1 foreign gounitrîe1S, and il Vo i-c- -denta of Great Britaéuaen-cl colo- aies.- Of the Canadians who i-e. eîved patenta, 12 weVre of Onta-rio. 3 of Quebec, 2 -of Man-nIcha aaid 1 cf- Trade Dcpremmiou. Bayer (Vo travelier>-No, no; no- thing at ail, thanits. We're over- zto>cked 110w - Travele,-r-Very we-l; but won't yoa just Iok at my sampies 7 Buyer-Net a bit et goc.d. Too buy. busy! the-. Traveller-Well, then, look lîcre! - SPa1 Do yon mind if I ta-ke the blessed yea thinga o t and look at 'em m y".edf I em I havernt seen 'em-for t.hree weeks. fron lus Diary. A' littie*boy began to keep a diary, and bis first eutry waâs-"Got up this' mûrnifig at 7 o'clock." Rie battle showedc the entry to hiê mothar, and ourbo 'ser, saici reprovingly, "Ilave you drgg been to echool? 'Got up,' iudeed! *L -Suoh an expression! Doethe sun get ap? No, it rites !' -and - she seratélhed eout "Oct up at seven" and wrote "Rose ab sevýen" in its The la place. That nigbt the boy, before a joke a retiring, completed, the cuti-ytfor llimse-l, the day with- t-h. sentenoe-"Slet to lectur at 8 -o'clock." I]and, atr 600ad Prospect for corn CroPpeCed CÀ ]Evsery one with corhe wili be pleased W-heu ta knw that Putna'mRcorn Extî'actor hd disî lse urmanteel to cure hard. ,Dlt omrv.utearr bleeding corns In twenty-four heurs. voupme8 Painlens anti sure la Putuamna EX_ n- e tractor. 25c. at ail dealerij. j +.Ln. S"Woxnen mnust consider if, a dreadtul fate to be an old znaid," r-used Mr. Chiigwater. "The-,,-do, Josiai, " raid Mrs. Chugwater. "What terrible sticks 'they some- times marry to esc-ape it." And Jo- siali rubbed bis chin and uaid noa- t'hing." T cureid a horse of the Mange with bliSAItIYDS LINIMENT. CHRISTOIiIEIt SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. 1 cured a horse, badiy tom b>'ai plteh font,. witlî MINAItD'O LINIMENT. St. 1'etem's. C. B3. EDW. LTN*LIJ.P. . 1 cumed a horse of a bati swelitng b>' MINARD'S LINIMENT, É i THIOS. W. PAYNE. B3athurst, N.B. itue man "'Oh, su] I have k tald ta il looking 7as' 8 West Adea du Otre.f. DENT -&GENTS: IN EvErtl wn ta tntraduce strIcti>' eeitl- traIluteed tnvestmoent-.' Dropi , rou canjinàe, $5 dully' or more etbne lIn your. own> home toWfl. lMan lus totuaily averaging- 00 eeaci -weec. We Nuarantee Iaon ta youand your-customero. -The -Cana<1ian Mairaiine Pre- )epg.rtmnent, Ilooni'802, Eog ,nto. , 1 ý .l N GROWERS GET IEt. are c'nion weeclers. rL . ]B runir. ,nt.- RI, TUM1U& LUMP!. 'j. ernal sunti zerual. eesO with 1i bcOur home trestmsst. Write *e too lat& Dr. Beluisu Mleieni ted. , lnwoOt >ATENIT3S '0P INVEËNTIO.N8 wazGOl, PIGEOw &P MAVIB, 71% et. James Uýt.,- Montieàa1 WzrLt. for Infornz.tLon. E's cheaper ta rasrCOUn'S than ta Ylorses. But it's cosily if yau foçe e-colts. Xcep abottieof Xenldall'il avin, Cure handy.' Par thirtyfljveý rg lias praved it the safe, reliable medy far pavin, splint, curb, ring.', îe, bauy growtlls a'nd lanenesA manany causes.. ld b>' druggjs cvcry-wicrc nt *1 la, fe0otlâor 85. Ge a frccopyof' >o Aretson the Ilorse*l at your lf gig's or writc us. 85! LICNM I. CO)., Euosurg .rIIISVY An aExcelilent Excuse. ate Sir Robert Bail enjoyed at'ail times, even agaïnst On0 one occasion lie was re ln a remote part of Ire- nd on his arriv'a1 at the éta- qoked in vain for ivhe ex- tll the other paissengera >erge.d, A t-inioally Irigh ter- nMe up to hiln with, "lMaybe Sir Riobert, Bail t"1 -eiving an affirmative replyl n broke out apologeticaily, ire, your honor, I amn sorry kept yoiu wa-iting,, but I was ook out for- an intellectua-1 To g t the genunns cail for full -a-e. LAXIAT1VE 51WMO QUININE. I,ôoic for signature of E. W. tii-OvE.Cues a C.iSla Oaes Day .. 5 - Lucky a ms-n le neyer teolo Vo ferget. -4Pst," sai-d Sandv. ,"wliv 10 isa- ahort mm str;igglin)g to kisi a ti-s woma like au i1riiliman goirig up, Vesuviiis 1" "Faith, and itiîî't -i 'becs-use he's trying -t-o get at iciîe moth o! û te crater 1"' îeplied Pst. Try Murine Eye Remede If you have RedI, Weak, Wiatery Eya -Sna 8 chool Tea-cler-' Ncw' -Soothes Eye Paiîî5 JDru gisî; K211. tell me what'it is Vhs-t binds us Vo- Mur-ine Ee Remeti>, Liqul i '-25r, 50c. get-her, andi makes as bett-m than Mrn y SlehtA,,tc ilî we~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2c ar5>0sVi-. ite aa kSc. - Eye Book.- Fre by Mail. weae ynaue. it! Srh Ans" Sic: eacl for AilE>. ar ht .edç r Aun-' Corsets, miss." - Huria. E7c e teedy Ca.. Chiçago lSleuocuratuane t 14 z7 Kev inaa4' Inimentlutahebm hounas. Drugmista refuati moue>' rIf t 7Z0 01.N MENT £fsle 1acnr t-e lng, Uflnd. ,hSIc"Yi>oîî -i« lv orm ProtrudiartPstes. irit &apiiicatîo imr-e-eJ pyom- r givez relief. 500. se that I tboiiglît m'eu iere goiýiig b> k-s M e." lc-e J geo ten Beilîîg a fantie -ia>' be mcerely git iu m-viey lîSh-iXe oue of the stelis t->o Luccess. for goodmess enkc, swallow iti -ct MInad'a inimnt ued b - eed 1sanie lu yuur systeM." - Inqire Fo 1urself. The wite of a wealt-hy mniîfac- tarer hs-d occasion tVo ca-lin m the lielp oi a uew floorpolishci-. "Do you nnderstand yeur business tueor- oughlyl" "Ail I ask, maclai-s, is Vhs-t yenitsca-Il induire for yeurseif s-t ny last situation. On ihejloor o! the large drawing-;room alome five persous broke teir limbs dur- ing hlast winter, aud a lady elippedý 4own -the grand sta-irease. It wes I who polisahed.,tle fleor sud the TouM wiInd reloidin Zi Il eues b4lu buirge, pain, Stops b!edl a esPeseveranco, w] gu, nant cure.-,Whi à Ibis~~~ 7 1 qDmusam 'r'o e pqe tpn a" h nd intestinal w OYr D fro coteti dsale Te". use a remo4y tiat wIll- uat 'ehyi ne 1aet. Pull instractlons lu boalet with overy bottli - SPOHIN MEDICAL CO., Cohon, lIn., U. S. A. vu ulm mir ~ 1

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