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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 3

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'l'il - 5 m~w' Corn Syrup One of the famou* Edwardsburg Brands The .Wedding Evg Or, Marrled to a Fairy. CHAPTÇR XII.-<Continued>. perament under my care bel have Invartably found thE .Mro. Morland 1 had found very lilce hours of study, pienty of ope ber portrait, and looiing flot a day old- cise, a weii-occupied mind. ai or. A littie overplumnp.,a littie over- stant. cheerful companionshl drebsed, but sweet-votced. agreeable. anid ber. of their own sex. have oo-tured of aupeot. , had lef t Lii- monthe' timne sufficed to dit goI'th thber, confident that theY woiild sîyfnlso eigI oe soon' be frierids, and bail returned to have' beeri prevtously forme town a liltle paiaied anid rekr.etful, but untUtored brairis." convtnced 'that 1 hait dofle the best that Ti a rtytogl lay lri me for the cîhilit I loved. ýUp to Tt a rtysrn thevery moment of partIrig- she had out of the way ot Moriand been quiet and .orrowful and more or li wa. one which I did flot n le.. Indifferent I mariner, which wau already determirief, for my the neaest approach to suikiness wbich as weil as Ltlith's, to give- she coul.d compass; but as 1 was leavng wide berth for at ieaat a Yi jMorland Bouse, ahe darted Into the hall trne, as two hundred a yearY 1 eter -me, anid, ciinging to me, besougit tln a thousafld. lit behoovedY tme lni a passlôn of tears to take ber hiard, the more na as 1 wasr back with me and fiot leave her among on accumulattIig a marriage otrarigero. that my pretty Lilith, on lea 'ý hate school, 1 hate iearning, J hate shouid flot flnd herseif peu ail tese strarige wonr!' she had %ob- the world. bed. "I*dont warit to b. a lady, or any- To speain the plain truth. 1 thing bût lust your servant: and 1 arn ered INrs. Morland'i request sureyoucar t ar.fortha Lay Mdiedred and seventy-flve pounds a.r you wouidca for ta ay!"ag ther unnecessariiy htgh at Mma. Morland, sailinif Into tihe halVi htld asa luil Ltithn rear, had taken lier rom me, pIuiflp. Unit he had so minut and endeavored to assIst me tI pacîf y- cd to me the Items of expenÉ tng her, 'whtle she iistened very sym- tic services of the French, t pathetièally to mny expianatton tîiat, the Latin, the drawing. the Pince ber father's death. 1 had beenLi- fenetnrs. and the dancing and Iths oniy frterid. masterm, to such Items as t But when, on my return to town. Y arid rackets, swtmming costu wrt oMrs. Mgrland. begging-her to bousa, and indian clubs, as we let me know whethcr her neWv charge J wetsas contrted a aditw wàt; beconîtng reconctled to her chanîged 1rous hosmaespetaditya 811rroundtrîgs, that ladly uastened to as- umbesalepealys sure me tisat Liiith wam rnaking fricrids oloiast ntgt h wtth every one, and waq aiready both and tu suppiemnent the amoui contîrte andpopuar.sum of twenty-flve pounds a "And you must pardon mse for Navîng. vate pocket rnoney for nry lit * dear Mr. 13ervey,' Mlrs. 2MNorIand con- -Not for very rnuch longerc tlriucd, "but the childs Infatuation for Myseif tlie pleasure cot secl You-which, under the cirnumastances of told myscîf this as 1 smokd ;your exceptionai generosity and ktnd- moonltght that Ir ght at Cowi ness' ls rot only raturalbut creditable sever Months eMadge and 1 1wl no doubt die a natural death, If. married. The church. the b for the space of six months or so, she the material for the bride's does îlot oeo you and does not too often' these things were aireadt Irear f rom you. 1 have lad ver>' young lMadge's symrpathy wtth arid girls ot the saine Impressionabie teus- my wark were wonderful; b that one point dtd we seemn wass exed, wtthout caring to be Jealous, w-bon she flirte( as rhe tnvartabiy did under lier bitter Speeches hurt me. When tlirough old ard perfurnes, bier piriched elaborate toilets, and cynica age the bodily Jarred upon me. It was clear lie refr mntgeams 0f lte functionsbecomesluggishnset lam f e ward me grew lons anîd lesi Na-.Dru.C<>Laxative eto- tUs t-attons with otheri a marked every day. And yet S ipve gentie, timel an were conrstantly appearrig ln effettive aid, without uPrIng; and. should nothini dWsomfort or distress. to prevent It, on the second tri the followtng year, Madj 25C. a box at your 1and 1 Staould become mar ia liefore that date. 1 had mei Druggist's. 13 She should triow ail about Lt walaff& emed ofly r1ght, anrd ber ciever b C40. e Comise.soive th»etierga of Llilthsa CO.dCi5.Stkd. uP tri now the' chldsa name Ionce pâssed nis>'lips tln spes fiance: e'en If Site were ini lliese tihe reai facts of the sioui-lsneer, and i could i lier snerss ut tie expenme of 'ufidni>'.as t lay on a IlUN p- orn over these thin tii' Yacht hatied frorn thé id t d>Margaret. ahoy!' The. cati was answemed,i later the soft mPlash o! oai Soundi of voices Çiose under aide told of an arrivai at ti a- morfent luter I heard M andps el~,unqeitarîecl THIZRW LOTHEs thtrogelsén VTH Lord Çarçhester %,ias at about fty-tIVe 3éhirs or age, oldor. A iight, dtgnified, qt ed IYian, of satirer ieq thi height Si arn. trandriome face gras huir and moustache, y lic seesneà 10 beconTie1 t1 è'ý,Uat CcOlsAj; V Mqu'il dii lie unhtird to show the gd bfoilic, i tc e humor that undtrla>' bis lh Ë&ccýVittIe erve, lJitweîî htim and l~e5~be<tiiit.B i eAi'p. daighieî thîiire e'ctetd a dûe Iwo t 6ýiý16&". CA - d p t»Ie ýaffection a"d syrnpathv. e uDft oPester esfrtOlt 0 as 1 was se rtiy convinred, the littie olui Dianîond Quef mothcrwha possnesed tu pe are f ailaiti eroelf disag A, - nol e o J-strsigbasla i nmine. lWby, mate," sait, you w@ e nt 1085f~yosw o-nist.- Yenar.e sate -éft and" senti, m- tal. 11 iphpe, I siltfl b. dsvbted'to Yeu andit f My 'work toglether. I ertitnly ~u nover- have 'amcompilnhed ves w-bat I bav wtbtyou helpait encourage- maent.:,Tht 'ehw thé be chano It gaveé e alrgtoeMe4ite'neî~Ln studirs a0 eninaubl ame, andt yor ee u m as beeri sf111 more." "-Thon I bave really beorieanosai e'Of some iuse? Mly tareet 2Madge. you have been, tn*aluatblo ta me." fflheleaneit -toward ,me, so that. bar shouMoer toucheit mine, aÙt lookeit Up li my eyes ýlna i wstiul, cager way - quit. new to'ber. *11 -aTn no giadtet hear you say that,"1 she mnurairured. "~for during the past- -. years, Crin thé few Occasions w-hen 1have seen yon betweer your ses trips, 1 have * Faritet that somethirig more than - your absorptiorntI your art hait cone. between us,' aisi made you more caiitiy idithan ever." - - "ow coud you tbirik such a thing?' 1 asked, the iriore wariy as My con- science secretly confirmer! ber -accusa- -tion. IYou muet Irideet suppose me un.- Little ]Buecmebowi wBurÎ t &tthat unlucky word she started ('t~he heeps Ii te nsado , thcows -up. ait softness gaule frorn ber face and lhe heWslh he = clow thýccg@ -mariner, and, witb, a littie bard laugb. - frthe omoved'al afrolUuine. -'ngat 1",elerepeateit. "Oh. no, Buit Lttie Boy Blue, liepalci. n heed the Ides. neyer occurred tet me. I hai t i expectet gratitude. It la flot a quaiity y As ho stton aysa an feusually offeredte tame. 1 have admira- -4~J Cro n Bsnd yru fum.alied i. frs.tion, affection, even love-or w-bat in Crc>ew Bran I ýyup fut"cailhi& aoe.--offered me- every day by iDI'~b '-~more Impressioriable art lois art-loving S WIIy SL1oWG ho 7rr'2 W4 e hoUild. , persans than yonrseif, Adrian. No. he care 7doubt .t ie for my moriey. Wbat else V4.1- should t tey soec tr me? Bo you w-anid say, at ieast. as I amrnert your style. But gratitude la an offerItig I dar't ox- _______________________________________________ -peet everi Tram so w-clregniateit&alper- son as you!" t CRMIDM NLV 'EEVLM YEurT KISSEArid with that sho swept scorrifully cI away. and, a, goot deal to rny surprise, W QV ebd afruD put0 wtermy uneilo Carcbester opened bis eyez, Si sat up lnriebi chair, stretcheit himoelt, ~ et le z inand rose, talctng Matge's wrap carefnlly èv-.u'p idNUW uttr. r-Mon is armr.O cet on II muet say, Atrian," ho observed, as y iICr~fa.a bttrd flvo. e aser e, **that you'ro a bat hant Ir.sspna Sod. m hcat makirig lave. Also. you don't lni fhécVI Goda.up i OU r V«least urideratand tyour -Cousin Badge."1 si Pap ~CHAPTrER XIII. t A martu lator I took the train for Chili-er lile Crwn r*ndCornSyru becus.Bristol, resoived upon payirig a surprime ' ChWrn Ue CownBrâd Clrn yru beau«visit to tise Mariand Bouse establishs- a ment for "tintabins<' youaig ladies o! of 1i b cou~~sttw*nt fvor. lft z.g *wleeoo neglected educaton. mr.tt fo ht plainer food& ,te nicer, Bread In six monthi. I shoulit b. ardt Crw rn o yu sa adge, ard I knew lber w-eu enougis ta sud u6tr wth Cowr ernd Ci-nSyrp ~be quite sume sbe wouid brook no rival, trest for02' m ChiCICf. ¶lit 18i ceUent too for . andtIhat. however fanciful andi piatoniOc sw etnn~cae ad at., rd o1 my attachmrort ta Ltltth migbt be, it taf an no e na" and 1ýy i onpanakebachelors dead loves, riever ta b re-- 10 and fritters. It coatse tte. suscitated. Af ter aur weddirig il hait Verybeeri aettled traI w-e shouit go for three iT' enciforour ree ~ec &,cc, norths' cmuise tri rorîberri fiords, so t4 Ut fo' Fe Rcp Bc@tisai aur retUmml ta Londor vouit precede < AddreSs Moritreal Ofie. . by ouly a few w j h termiriation ofh Afler thqt date the girl'. future would - be my wife's care anti flot mire, ait I knew- weli; for. aitisough 1 bat no far riever giver bladge the eliglitest cause h T he Canada Starcéh Co.' Limited for jealonBy, I w-as pretty certain ht' Manufacturera of The Edwardsburg Brand& W C ycwfe! - ae wih ivi Tise w-rttri correction w-tlh Madge amouset tri me no enthusiasm, art for 'W MOTEL CARDINAL TANO B-TOD ACU more than a year something like a duil MOI4RBALTOaNTO RANTORDregret. On every hart 1 rereiveit con-- gralulationu. A beauty, an h eimess, a TJ brilliant. TascinatIrsg, art gifiet w-aman,< - tise taugister of an-sar, art tiseW-cil- belovet adoptet ctIld of tise heait of mY b bouse-lb. tiougbt af w-nntrg sncb a t bde should hase mate un>' heari ieap [nanI1aiv jo>': yet It seemet ta beL trresponsivo as leat withti me. As 1 Badge batl sait herseif, w-tti bitter trutis. aise w-as riot "un>' style." I ad- minet bier.Iliked lhem. esteemeitlber*, but 1 cisertahed tjeep tri my mind tise me- mary af my tIttie mrarsb fairy'o lisses,I =everyone about hiem uncounfortabie. rouit be no doubt. The smooth, firmw 1 and sainet tircin a thousand times moreT Lady Carchester nover Torgot and neyer Ivory-w-htte skiai of ber bars neck art higisi> thari ail Lady liadges generouit>' omittet to reinrdlber second iusband siouiters show-edt îrough tise 1hlm> and ioçîsrîmînati ng encouragement. that she bat been tise w-tnow- of aniwhtle wrap she badthtbmw-r loosel> '-(Te be conlinuet.) eari art a militonaire w-han she stoopet about lier; tr i er earss hair. art on hiem S o marry hit, ant that she w-as, mare-I breast. diamant iretties gleamei rd , and.- e , over. passesset o! tweriy-ive thousard suarklet. She w-as a 11111e tired by a yafombratsr asoscad- day of intense heal ani anunuinlerruPl- A. GER3IAN GIRL GUIDE. les. art Lorimer'a beer were tisaof Iet sertes of fentivittes art flirtattoria, recerit coriauriptior, certain>', while' arthemr dark,- eyes looket softem art tise Herveys w-ont back ta Plantageretltees keen than usual....... trnes. -art hait fougist art beer on- Lord Carcisester's heat troapeit back - rbiot ilnlise Wars of tiseOloses. But amfosrg his cusitors as w-e begar te ~ for oit tescent. Lady Carcliester, as tglk. Cleary, lise w-as failirig asileep. Q hie tersel>' expresset Il, cared rot a "I wonter whether itlal goot for pa-r "brass fartitg." b g6o-t sleep lathtie maonight au . - "'What a park of nonserise it la," se lato as lIioq'?" Badge sait. .topptng lrn '~~ woniit say. "tri talk of a farnlly heing bier conversattinta- cortemplate him "X Taore, and 1 ancient. as tisougis, ike ciseeme ant w-ie, anxtousl>'. "His iurgs are rot very - ,at regular t lmth ie better for keeping! W. ail traî. h1'0-ut u tssron en-air exer- date back tri Adam ndrtEve, i suppose: l. rit he on-art ! we iîcei tapaylisemerat ise As she spoke. se drew tise srap T ram [p a! meun- Hemalta' Office ta int out les for ushmaolesatitti tityoe -tiaTw-we rouit all bave farnlly treen a mile ln Carchester. ýsîpate an>' ieigisl. Give me a big balance aItishe Let me gel you momelhisng cii.: you'Il w-thmybariker's. diamants likir mine, ia goot ýcatch colt," 1 sait, slarting up. , ed lntriteir sourtingitîtle. slit ats'anlagea nabot>' wNn!Iv ensttigaldy cari help seeing. But lii stuif about Art 1 nover catchs raid. Y au kriow- how anetylrîworîi tise tremeritou.iy tougis I arn If i Teel 'k hinI ta keeppae'iswrt chili>', l'il go to tise saloon." - Hanse, but S r."ît's ail your sanit>'," 1 sait. iaugh-y eed, havîng Il rannot ho denledthtia Urclo Car- trg. "You kriow- you have a beauliful w-eme la bo "lYbatthon'!" - rtesmaits, ashe rownet artd isook ier finger, - sgaw-n, ail tbeatenirgly. Tiser se sait, In an aw-e- -;<;k- - - [Y chason. Irispitg whsper: Irlereat tri "I shail telegrapis Tom marna." Dut orly on W. bath burat out langhtng, but un> la tours. 1 uncle petIlioret Tom a cigar or teck be- À ~ Visitai' ta Engiand. sufficieritiy Tome ho luret tri, art Badge bostoner! Onue of the body o! Germian Giàrl t ta excssa, ta f11 la teck-chair w-us ecusitos,,art un> eyes. ta bririg hlm a littho - table, wihs bis' . Guides who reccrtiy paid a visat ta ber powter cigar-box art asis-tra>' upar iti. i-i vaist, "Art now- l'Il ix >'au a delîcionae' -Ergiand. Sise je dressed in full sou'- LI lalk. ail lcet whishi>-and-noda, w-us a su ce o! vic outfit. ta me tisaI lomor, jusl as >ou like IL." she sait, arend___ e, if aî ail. rustiet off, ti searcis o!flise uatertals, deresa tri l ber trained ailk eventrg gow-r.. Color of War Vessels. sn fmequucr. Lord Caurchester loaked after hem af -I L mer more rectianateiy. &Sm e] iL. Tisaît the war tcor of nasval ves- paragraphae"l tla autontsbing tisaI a girl Ilke, i tb. papers lisal shouuit be-" be began, hal-mus- se lsaw-as weeted beSiuse oaf tauini- areinteInl. thinl lua nd -iiithon isatJU8 Ofld I visibilisy by day ualer t"tn by g Interven hiniaetfeandtaltuhd Benthu'e jeanatly Ig Lorimer yau mear," i sait quieti>'. -"But yaus You cauhut your eyes and madie by Àa naval offioer, and Vte tn w-tTc. muat reunember yon on>' aee tlisw-eet- vrl eiv a r rah emt hw'htavae esoled tat t ite o! hem. Badge ta a splendid vrl eiv o r rah e o*o iitavsel ame -soiedan wa girl, but se car make herseif ver>'iîs- ing thecdelicae fragrance fromn in thiecolor, whiie clifficult Voasee in fuu'îreugt agreehle ifse 11k.,." oun,,or tori à bunch ai' fresis sweet violets, dayight,- is easily pîcked up arnd i bat nover muais absorbet l'i Your work, reali>'te so pcrfccmly bave w. caught marde vigible by a sa-arcllight at- kirg ta myun>'userstant -or opproriate ber-," lie sait, ui-e to be- stgiisg "l'Tiseve-nig. for' 1 air. the real odor ai' violets ir Jer- niighit.In necase a vessel Paiitied roe heasewas tise Ife aont s auo! tnse- raOt inuerate part>'; onu>' 1 krew- w-hoaabitter tisap- gens Violet Glycerinc 'S oap. iiahe of-ar colio rds deert e L,11t01 Sart- otmeusl >our aa>enewas ta ber."-u bst o i. Ve deaneo 700yrsîrdrts "M>' absence? tise hardI>' asket me Btti sntal C s-rhih.Teeoest ea - tkutsl o1 corne." have caught, tao, thea beaut. hee sert t b a ian. 1 terd im;)I -ou do uihgttsasîcut bàak-ou gren of frcah violet leaves, irsupe-rabie d-iffiiculty ir cosiarectior g'or. i ls tîan "iul410 iutiusshe <'lmaisat l taorak-crsta.- w-listisais. Fou' nigit w-orW alune AdrJi,, iow-lmt lthat. witis ail your yet kept this soap s50 biaek art a litto lIntelligentc, ynu s00ertrel>' fait lt-o -un - cîcar you carisec thro t t bakii beiieved ta be tise beet ns ardthlie tentant liatgo? If1 I itu't lnow 10 . è calor, but tis is lira clol' tao OBklY lishe boat- tise cantrar>', or n>' soul, I ehoriait tink wheri yau hold it ta th isegt. d i iîabol ayih ab hoe yacht. nothisig rouldit humu 5ta hem fatcin- dsn- ýal ndyih ob :t'svt.atioria but sne urforturaeucien t Aak your druggist for Jéýe'gii onsdere-d-PpirMcaie up rammy> T aritbewomai"Violet Gl'cenrie aap, ioda>'. 140ç -f Ju oku tf"tfle curlousi>' as use a cake. 3 cakes foe 25c. Oct a Ibi iespolie. ardt tier uauset, as thtigistri qurtr'9wati. 1cfî1 aristi ok invite my confidenice. jBut I amoket on urtr orh ue-anrlnsilence. Iu trulir, liere was inothln ti a rntunto tell, Tonrisow rouît a roamandei. fond'- ieeac.er-Ben.j, cnYutl.l Lan b>'yer a littie. unformc'd creature clayon htapoht-s7BnyBYn moarY ea tinyearn m>' Juton-aiTect un>' selatoris- watjropeta d fe nr-Bullgà ffdgê en tm "li'lr 4aihta u, soniet.hing for ade~dsligi Silerifl y ris'w-lsLady 2M-adgn"r' 1 LEfoaqutir ,enlIe, kindlyim' ef ta mthure gnoauler Wî,mar?' raqatr ordriay r- *Youkliw tereij4iioe, ir; 1 e- IIY erieo 09->P A brooun cavernmaide aof velveteon ~î' rusut gu!u tr aeOfl Or $dOjby casadatidrutisisfrOm COS'i s xcellent for goiîîg verdit otrwr. Aflur wannitng on lier stupraîherase go to. t , îs4diiig e<ivuIondOfld Walls. -î<ueiaigtm i lui awc a! dmn'w-a chair ul, îtçtc musa. Sua ss'as >or & iMnpis cube, "id 20 , s'tr bu i)scenigtm en," ittaules î--sl' n black urtin, mate 'tn tise Â.î,dîegoe-n Li ac5ei 5uniuriig 4heita is iape cue .sriee.Ç5su.u ae PaSCa. ca- o a ardall castors î.ehould re'ii nialssays admired ros'si.t Çiigure. andrt j ebe ando the beautY af Matiges figurée trr be oiled. lIousehold Dhshes Miade Wlth Asparagu., Asp&r&guo is one of the thbings lat. make ue glad when *priflg lons lte ilavor, like the6à warm winde that blow out of au ipil sky, is a delloate forerunner A the ejoher gifit. of éummer. And rot i. there one.of ail thie manY vget/ables tAiat thi warm 81W5 of summer bring out -that ÎS more cohoethan asparagus 1 Frora the houzeewife's P-Oint- of 'iew, tihe best thing about aspaPa- gus is that it, is so simple to pie- pare for;the table. In fact, -with a ittie boilino in a little waier with j&littie salt and b>utter you -have a Iish fit for a king, Tfie mattér of boiling, howevér, is som2etimee ae stumbling-block. We &Il have seen asparagus came ta the table with, decapitated heads. This difficulty is due ta the fuct thbat the heads are so much tenderer than the stalks that when ti' -ý#e,ks'htve been .boiled âufficienti1y ý,e heaIs have been boilied t-o pieces. One way to obviate this trouble ;a to tgke painas to put the bunches of aparagus after they haveî been washed and ecraped into the bail- ing dish with the etalk end clown. [lie boiling wa;ter should be poured over the stalks, as far aii the heads, but not to caver theni. Then, as th. stalks bail, the headýs are-gently steained, and- if handled carefullY will not break. Another way to obviat-e vhi» di!- ficulty is ta use a wîre bai§ket whir-h ie macle especiallY for arparagul§. This basket holds the stalks while cocking-and the bottom opens eas- .ly 50 that when the asparagus is cooked it can be7put on a plate or serving platter without breàkirig the ends. ~iehes afi asparague, and althougË corinolaseurs inusie that tise deliéate flavor of this - vegetable' caznort b. improved an*by tse additiono! llav- cring, otlher than peppîer,ý saIt and, me-Ited, beWtr, stili saucef can b. cleperided on by tise cook for va- riety.- Regarding green and w-hite aU-- p&Tsgu., it, de gene.rally admitel tsaît the long, green sort iasw-meeter t/han the larger wluhte- variety. But, on the other 'harid. the thik k w-utce staUe per haps look better 'thnthe green olles. Either -kind àe good,ý if it ie fre'sh. Sosies lu, the itehen a N'çessulty. An ilnp9rent -way'for the.effiicient - housewilta redue thée iigi-0oe of living la by w-elhing everything wheh cornes into -tse kitchen. >- It may ueem * bother at firet, but w-len tise hsabit has been estabiished and thie tradespeople know -. it la d&ne tlh-e I iscuse'fe Mray b. sure of- getting vaine recerved. Thse hcad cf the ice t/rus-t, writing for a wa- mnan 'z -magazine, said that il aillýo! the. housew-ives had scaies' anid weuld make a practice of weighing their ice it w-auid rot anly resu.it iri a great s9aving to tise consumer, but lielp tise producer as weii. Tise dishone&t iceman and-tise carelees houisewife have eounbincd -ta eatab- Ilîli a syst-eun of short w-eieUisig that only donstatit persoiitiîSiipel'visiJI carn breakcdownr. One housewife watt arousqd by tise sîze of fier bis, andi, being con- fident that -heu' icebox couid rot isold --tise amont a! ice cisargcd _to heu', ase bought scalea. Lt rem ed' a little extravagant, but jr three months' time Îhe hiari. norg t-han saved thre price af inhe scaies -by the, reduction o! 1lèr-it>- bills. ehe fourd that tisere hait beer -ai cortinual charge a! ton ta twen-tyj pounde a day toa mucs. She wrote the company a stateenrt o! thel' -fact anar annoncd that sise w-ouldl sericfortsw-eigh her-le.- Tise casei was investigated and 'it w-j faurdi that-the icemari was aocnetonred ta, shave tise few paurds fx'am eaeb, customer, and when ho had accu-; unulated a few hunred-pounde7 by' Asparagus shouid always be cook- t1'sInt'ulse" uan ' 'u nC ed wlth sait iri the proportion of a proceeds.: beaspoonful ta a quart aof wa. o -nother wayv of pronuoting dishon- mule can be laid clown as ta the esty is for the careless housewife tý' length of tuiie-taoacok asparagus, give the icemar an exttra quarterî When it is young1 and very tender to give hier a gaodK, big piece ofý w-lusufice Whn ~ ice to-day,." This hie does, but at, 15 minuteà,the exense ciche.otherwomaïi 1 sotnewhat aider it wili be improved the eighbao hot wh oake n' by cookring up ta- 30 minutes ortce! the igh o! od wthe pesoutno- more. ta eothe i oe.ode scaes puthini, In çhaasing asparagus f ram the tweir oe.Go clswil market it inatters littie whether Atwegh up ta sixty -pounds may be be mal1 ad hghl - oloedor had for $3 or $4,. anJ they are -ein- thickstalked and' w'ité. If it ii;paias ozhl eest. young and fresh it is eure to be go-od. Asparagus is* like fi-Sb insfu lue this-that.you don't really know ita H-ardw-ood, floors shauidbe dusted flavor untîl y<4u have -eateri it very daiy. ? frreh-just caught-frmi the wat.eî Hot vineg!ar is good ta serve with -r juêet'f rom the asparagus bcd. spinach. But the next boat t'hing tao do with Aiways break rather than cut as- 1 respect ta asparagus is to buy it an paragus. market d-ay, and get it home and in Neyer cover the pot in which youl.ý the ice box early in the mornirg cook greýers. belore il has beeri exposed ta thé Bail brass curtain rings ir vine-, air and lient mary hours. gar tg elean them. The cuetolnaf eerding asp aragu-n lthu-barb jani is a gc>od fiEing fort, in as a separate course is a good the chilciren's sandwiches., nie, for nothing le more satiafae- The beet dressing for asparagusi tory as a separate vegetalie course le butter and pure cream. than this succulent spring stalk. It Oamphýorated ail wili renioveî can be served with the heads reet- white spots f rom firnituire. ing an a tilny arip of huttered toast, 11cmiaino hbr n -dre2i;e4 witih pepper and sait and orange mnakes a delicious jani. butter or with a go-ad creain esuce The simpior, thinrer and fresher or it cari be served in any cd! a doz- aummner curtairs cari be the bietter. eni mare elaborate ways.- Tattling iS revived, flot oîlV for. Servd siply ith utte or se an2 colars, but fýur centrepieces. o-aid, with a Vinaigrette sauce. it is. Sierhb> mksaapty, a good accompaninuent co! any oast îng reish:ta sers-e sith euld nanfts., - meat.Cut glass neede thorouglu sicir- meat. . ing and scrubbing t brisîg out ite Varlous sauces make, varlous beauty. S r s lt.Itt o a £ e a d c e la to iw u te e re r g y , U re sa n d c a u fo r i. NMIDRUMCO HaaleWalers Y.. Dvugtlat viii OenfM outf aten.et thm t ey &Doot costaie szu»lhint IhM cmah«Mbarahemor nerros syàsben. 25a. a box. "go A IM DN ClboAL C4. OF CAROiA. UIMOI g 124 bugair does make the bread and butter- tase god Io swhen you spread it out o n bread or, pancakes, fruit or porridge, that you notie motat thie swèe4less and perfect purity of REDPATH Extra Granulated Sugar. Buy it in the 2 an d 5-1b. Sealed Cartons, or in the 10,20t,50 or' 100-lb. Cloth Bags, and you'il get the genuine ,ýé 2absolIitely clean. iuaf as -it 1.f t the refinery. -8 A- e ý, ' PMI CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL.

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