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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 4

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~i~o1ue1Pure, Cakes, bot biscuit Pot breads, and eMter pastry, are'dally necessittes ln-the American tamtIy. Royal Bak- tue Powder will make tbem'more d'igestible, wholesome, a ppetlzlng, 90 AIuan -MG Lime Phosphae@ M EditaradiCstence on Dollar Day, prInts i lare tpe hefollowing z-"Railwa) tares will be rot uuded ln tull t0 ou N'ature le beginn'ng to put en her et town shoppers whe purohiast g ayest garb, and the joys and 'de- 820.00 worth ot goods 'otber that Oglits of Canada's sumnier timei are sugar and gour on Dollar Day, an( m*w hetore us. Truly this is a good- - to those purcilas1ng ten dollarfi ly land (romn April tili November. worth (ether than sugar and flourý o o owe will refund the difference betweeî IFhere seemu mot ta have been suffi-1 hait tare and t ul tare. Railway tick. sAoul houri Inu dean-up day, or not et and purchase chek'wlll be pre ouough teame on the job. 1It mlght sented at the book-keeper's office be that_ the tewn team could occam- This offer lu limited te 85 miles ir A*ually tuke a load of rubbish to the any direction trom Orllia."1 This lin Ofml whlle ce the way for a load of dicates a bit of enterpruse on thi pavel, and ln this way the residue part of this merchant. Newupaper -411dlit. aned tsd rerchauts alike are unlttug ,t * * *make a real success ot Dollar Day By actuul count thiere are8 10w The Orilla papers are full of liv né*marly."40 automobiles owned lnandandcom~pelling *dvertiaiug, sud thi elpune - Whitby. It takes imre gai- éune to .îujýply these alitos and mot- y-r g OP boatt no-w leunue throughout thes y er g w.rld, and the 'wonder la that th. he couidIn't cmi 10ic. ci the article remains as rois- ASGordiag ta, utreet rumors, Osk- ows bua acither an out and out LIb- mal puewfflper uer a -Conservative SPr *t sAuits its poltîians. -Il ~T o balth Ohaw pehs lke Today he cam est three square May, wu I papteri, lawa ess iagmoe ealts and iczmetirnes -one u»Y ownPapes, a deotig moe "extra" because Ch-nberlain'a ib a pc elclmlea u Tablets ciîred Stemnach Troubles and gave hlmn a good digestion. te ieavlng the discussion et so-called You try themn. 25c. a bottie. political qiuestions ta the dalIy press. Al Druggiets and Dealers orb e s A celies. Thhbs dves net, how-1 CIakskhce.,b over, *atisty the pollticia.no. On ofe Orillia'. largeet advertlsers te enoourage shoppers ta came from. -ç J - I y it ;e n 00 F. e lo - - -- - - - -- - - IWATER AND LIGHT COIWMISSIONERSI Do0 IT ELECTRIOALLY" Homes that are using electrici1ýr for liglît may have the - Satideti convenience cf using the follewiîîg article s, at a ceut for current as set eut opposite eachindividual item. VLet The "White CoaI" Do The Wo k For You iWAS11ing Machine k& Wringer - 1-acts per heur UE cVic Iren -' Pct Tlea'Samovar -Id3 -I k CliamlugJ)isli - - -11 1 rpoaster Stovis Id Id~ct , Six inch'limc Stoves - .ct" Coffee Percelator,- - - 2ce' Heating Palis je ~ t" Electric Fanîs, 12 inchi -je4t" O " 16 " - - ct Id - Anti best cf ail, the 10 watt tungsten lamp, wlîich ýis nDow a commercial succeas. Use it for halls, verandahs, or -Any placeyu would appreciate long heur burning, st a colt of 1 cen- feor 1- 5jheurs uise of -8 candiea powI'ï-. GEG. W. P. P.Vn, ut ~~9NQIT NOwI Plantng Ti-me Tro get the bçst resuits use thse best seeds. 'Tf have themn. Cheap priced seeds arc dcar at any 1price. Try us. BARDBNSEEDS By -te package or- by bulk. On* ions 15c per quart. Seed, Potatoes Dut-ch Set Fresh ManqUe Seed A nice Jlot off flowers 'and plants just in. jno. E. WAT ERNIOUSE . plc'ue il Prompt Del lia- ery. teco1*b.~attraebire barga1t dar s tq' vhieh &H $be tor* cotribul bargalus -n4 share. i thse bemaft. M thskagood tb.1a5'for Other lewis, why mnigltIt 1 nt ýproveoqal worth trYlng ln Whitby? UP to, daté an arrangement bas not leen ýaruied aI .witb bhe rosideate -aleuig Brock street soutIs for the Wateribg et that Portion O! the town. Thse Couachl sus the'- ralepayeri whose preperties abut on the street to pay the full cost cf wateming, andi the petilieners believe that the town as a whole should bear-à part o! the coul. There lu a stmoag argument for botsides. As at present egulated, etreet walering rates are admiltcdîy sitl equally apporbioneci. The busi- ness man near the four eo.rners- wîth a $5000 assessment pays as much as the resident situated furîber awar wh0a has an equal assessment but probabiy lia-e or ten times -as much (roulage. Certaialy in this case lte two mrei do lo t pay for equal value irocoîveci, since the business lnaw 10- ceives tam lesa benelit than bthe çther. Until some other method e! distri- butiug te street watering cost' hbas been arrIved aI,' il - l hardly. fair to refuse certain residents street watier- ing privileges because they do not came te pay aIl the coul, wben some other resideats do net pay for al value eceived. Again, every citizen uses Brook Street soutb a ýgocd deal during the suaimer, - aad it lu tam, trom pleasant te stroil along, cèon- tlnualîy bllnded and chokeci by clouds of dust. It lu a matter cf cenven- icuce te the townaas a whole, nl- theugh not la as large a miensure a% te te aeatby householders, that Brook streeetffluth uboulci be waler- ed 'aI least'ence a dat, say aI mici- day. On the other hiand, if the Counoil dofmayu part cf thec coul of walering Ibis streel, other oullylng sections ot the corporaticn could dlaim similar privileges. The two main roads, Broci St. and Duiidas St., however, bear prob- ably seventy-flve per cent. 'e theb lraffic, sud are thorefore deserviug ef moe attention. Other corporations have founci Il advisable te cil their rouds. MightI not Ihîs plan b. fol- lewedle o morIexent lu Wity ? The dust nuisance on Brock St. seuIls bas beeu more anncy-hag titan aI an other place lu tew-n, and a strong atlerppb sheuld. b. madle te concludo an agreement whereby Ibis rend may be watered. The citizens ia general would certalntly appreciite te move and t e ltaI citent would doubtiessanction tbe bown navinoe ri13>G .YtT.-prafe Jones, Frank1 Car- s, 'I -Allesu Ou.É clameil Verni Çot- C mla -*o,«e.Violet. Cottreil, Ralphý loues,.IenWakr S nPmeui« 1 Spara;-Glsys Jous, VIfie erôy >Jones, Jr.- 11' imer.- 1ALMÂ PÈ.UTTINO, DIÂMOND WEDDING. M.r. aidM. Joseph Bîgelow cele, brated the4r disrnend wedding on Saturda y, May 2, 1914. M-r. Bigelow was married to, MÊss Elïzabeth Pax- ton sçixty yers ago at Brooklil, in Whitby ,Township. Meéssrý.. C. A. Bigelow, and T. D. Bigelow, both of Detroit, Mich.,were home for the occasion, and a number of Port Perry trîends joined in the Telegrarne and letters of con-gratur lation [were-.reoeived frorn many points. ,Bothi Mr. and Mrs. "Bigelow were ýresented with valuable dia- mouùd rings. We coýgratulate M-r. and M-ms. Bigo-. low lu ,iaying en>oyed soA~on.9 a jour- ney 'nlu 111etQgether. They have been almost 1-ontinuously réesideuts ot Port Perry,î and yv»rth> - citizeus and nelghboies VheY have proved themsel- ves to be.-Port Perry Star. Ev.ry Woman S Knows That instead of sallow eskin and face blemishes she ought to posses the clear complexion and the beauty of nature and good health.i Any woman affiicted or suftering nt times from headac ue, backache, nervous- ness, Ianguor. and depresson of spýrits-ought to r 1B ECHAM'S PILL the sa<est, surest, imost con- venient and 'most economical remedy, known. Beecham'd- Pille rïmove impurities, unsure better di»gesLtion, refreshing le nd a ve an excellent generaltonie effect upen the wholehe~diIysystem. Theyhave a won derful pwr to improe the eneral hqalth, whie by purify«i'ng the bloed, Beechams wPilla clear the kinian Part ot the à Cost. Naturally, etf*iflly e' Jg ORSE ROUTIiS. course, tbe residents along the street SAI AT rpry~ m sistance trem the Council weuld seem 0risom&SnsuplkinMndý te be a very faim and proper proceed- bold 1n.de . » abz.. 25 cents. jas. Whte's, lot 35, con 7,, WhitbT, ing. INo wo shtoild rail <o coud <b. valma no;;-Jh onr',Kna.,ngt I dircion& wkb sevarbo.. Of Jh enrs islngt i Tuesday, Gmabam Johnston, Green- - ---- Wood, accu ; Temperance leuse, Bmougham, nlght. Wednesday, Thos. Knox's, noon Liverpool Hlotel, night. Thursday,,-Wm. Miller's,King- ston Rond, noon ; Bandel's Ilotel, _______________________________Whitby, nighit. Friday, Malcolm Mc- 4 Taggamv's, Base Uine, neûn ; A. Rob- Insotns, con. 3, Whitby, nlht. Sat- umday, home tili Mondav morning. e Enrelmcnt No. 1261, ELECTRICAL WIRING It speaks tî) the lieart'uhrotigli the'A » S PP IS p -cket-bc)fk, Thlat's wliy the Iîavung purchaseci the "lElectrical Ford i% a friend to tliousatnd.s tie IBusiness" from Jas.S. Fin i beg IcIove. hat an oi ertu anneunce te the pulic that we_ worl ove. Wht an c)tt--rare prepared to doall bouse wiring, tif 111<b ie orci wt d o-anci. ingtallîng etfinetorgaltérifflonsand Ao th ' 14repaîmîng of ait kinds, electrical sup- more-at a fraction of the cost' plies, flxtures, etc., and will warrant Buy tday.flst class werk in strict cempliance Buy tday.wlth underwritems' rules. Ve- will carry a cemplete lune ef ixtures, and Six hundred dollars i. the price cf the Foôrd piviterispeWcin y a wllintediou run-about,; the teuring car is Six fifty -the prhsrwc e ilfn u tewn car nine hundred-f. c. b Ford, Ont., ries are as Jew as in any city in complote with equipm.ent. Get catalog and the Dominion. We buy la the closest particulars rom W. J. Luke & Son, or L.W. rash market, and wlll onlY be tee Dudley, Whitby, Ont.,or Uriab joncs, Brook- picased ttu munlsb 11ke fixtures at ad- lin, Ont. vertlsed cut prices by City. denIers te attract Our people awar trom their owa town. Special pricea quoted on quantity lobs. We are juil now put- bing on a speclal caImjalga in edcc- _____________ trio flat Irons, and vemblngîlen bot plate and toasters, ut very attraet- r- Ive prices, andi weuld advise ai in AUCton aleof 8 8, Sta terested to, Investigate. W" use"our a o very best talent le ecure for our Aucton S is o Roa Est customers the best In the mnarke~ a t act tllat hlould Intercît ail who will stop te censider. Note a en- IL VL UI'J.Lparriôo f our wlre drav u tme in the io Wfl mof . huy lampu wlth éther milieu. ehate and contre! the best tle h in, and in returu solicit vour support- and The undersigned bas received instructions f'om patronage. Open Wednesday and Sat- Mr. ergu J.Fergsonurday ereninge. Ferg us J.Ferg usouiMarshall S. uls To oeil by public stuction at Dundas St., Wbitby. heAUction BOOMS Un the Town Of Whltbyl- - 0 N.-GUARANTEEO ADVANTAOES S4TU DAYMAY GTHhe advantages guaranteed te itsý plcholders, man for man, throughoîîî the o:loir.gRealEstae: ts entire business by The Equity Lite PARCEL 1 --o O 8 ntees ieo rc Assurance Company are much gyeatei PAREL2-ot 11 ad 3 on t h e east . siof Jeok t. Northî Wardl. for the premiums pnid than îhey are in PAREL2-10b 11 ad 13,on heens, i-4leofAsti Street. any other Company doing business i<e PARCEL .3-Lots 168 and 169, etist side of' Byro .ri St., North W~aruî. Canada. This is siated as a fact wlîîch PARCEL 4--Lot, 110 a 1011 ies id Al t, n os10cannot be successfully disputed., 1 eat si ofAst 18v andLots120 EXAMPLE- At age cf twenty.îhre 111)d 121, west side of Hickory St. next birthday The.Equity Life charges PARCEL o -- Lts 170 aîîtl 171, etist mide of JByron St., North Ward. $43.20 for $2,000.3o insurance on hle PARCELT 6-1-ot-1 167 allil 1681 east -i<Ie of. Hreck St., North 'Ward Twenty Payment Life Plan with evcr-vý PAR<EL --Lî~ 72 rnl 73 oat slo f Byon t.,Nori Wte1 thing dcfinitely guarantecd. Most other 1722ati] 13, tistsid ofByrn St, NrthWar. 1Canadian Companies charge exachly the Subljî't te Reserved BBid. - sanie amount and similar terms for a .Twenty-,five Enyment Life Policy. At Sale at 2 o'clock, sharp the end of twenty years the Equity pulicyf Hs fully paid for-and has a Cashi va ue of TERlS- 20 .cetitin ofsl niteblne ilin1 $898 oo,,-while the uàual cash value for à clîrent ute cniinamd nw t time of sale. ,1 heblnewî i 5the otiier policy at the same time is $720. (Jay threafer.Furter ondiion mad knwn a tie ofsa-e. he na,' ho studies hAaowsn i,,tLr&stsý,,ik patronize The Equtty Lýitq siiratirc, conpaly For furtlîer'I)artiCtilarFi apply te when bc wan if e Itîsurance. RAD A. E. CHRISTIAN, Barriéter- Whitby WM. MNAW, Auctioîîeer Whty Ont. Prest ent o .*et;îa 1. z03 'M JAP.AuLAC- ýthe 'Gloo-luiser W HEN JAP-A-LAC entera your home, GIOOM rn I -ts' ua4yeL.Fo- di dirt.'.sud daugerous Seruts can find n.-restiug place wheré JAP-A-LAC bas boots used. 0W lo ors cai be given a pohshed surface, teaUÎl q enh c.soal wiping with a darnp cloth. Duli, gloomy and'unuightly fumnÎure canlbo made te oIokike new. - Tarnislse4 radiators and bot water pipes eau b. given a permanent gold or alumlnum fnswihwl net rub off. 'Kitchen linoleum can b. beautified, and its weauing préperties rncreud- straw matting eau ho made waterproof., and its life more- than doubled-ýcracked. sud f rayin' window shades cuti bc renewed. Any'one eau produce tlsosewonderfÜl 'iresas by the simple meaus cf JAP-A-LAC --- the gloom-chasm. Made. in 21l.bosutiful'colora, and always put up inCroco Tin bearing i14nn &*GLIDDEN. Cet a cari of JAP-A-LAC te-day uat yeur local hardware store, and ask 4o.ir a' JAP-A-LAC celer card aid a copy of the. itti. book, "A Thousaud and One Uses In Whltby Jap-a-lac issold by Geo. Me Ri<e Made byI Il# Gliden Varnzsh Ce., Uàmkcd, Teom. h'ais -and Boathouso*s frSi Six boats, One Canos, and Two Boathouses - - -Whitby, Onftm Apply box 397 MONCREIFFE ALBION,ý property GREENWOOD. cf John Viponci,> Brooklit, Ont. Mca- day, R. R. Mowbray's, Kiasale, Mr. and M-ms.'Martin, cf Piëeoingo nigbt. Tuesday, W. F. Middletoù's, speul Sunday wibh Iheir dauglibe, Greenwood, noon; John Bryant's 3md. Mme. L. Denny. - con., Pickeming, uiglît. Wensdy Mi. H. Matthews hasbeenia ome- Samuel l3ath's, Pickering, un; wbat indisposed for the lnst few dayi Liverpool Ilote], nigbt. Thumsdny, 1 Mm. and Mrs. E.'Tilt have been cmn ~Jas. Prousc's, lot 19i, bf., Pickering, a visit te the. formrnc's parents. noon ; Robt. Howlands, lot 2, has' Mm.and Mms. W. H. Crummer, of lias, nigbt. Fridny, John lBon-!lPickering, cnlled on the - -lattei netta's, 11001 ; Royal Ilotel-, night inother on SundaY. Saturday, home tilI Mofnday. Euîrol- Mm. .James Denny shipped a carload meut Noi. 1676. ' - et stock frem Pick-ering the flrst of SILVER SIMON, propety o! Wm. the week.L Ormiston & Sons, Breeklin. Mnnday, M.K elyibidn e Jos. Garbutt's for noon ; bome for kitchien on his'bouse. night. Tucsday atternoon, t.o Tenm- The League held a Mother's 'meet- pemance'1-buse Raglan, for nigbl. ing la the churcb on Sunday gigit. Wednesday, A. Vance's, accu ; Jas. The churcit was filleci, and everyon Coates', 4 bo 6 p.m. -, Ormiston &, en.ioyed the meeting. M-les Glady* Sons farm, night. Thumsdny, Dnvid Mowbray, cf Kinsale, gave an excel- Fergusoa's, Enfielci, noon-; Ormiston lent paper cfi- "Mothers." We hope &e Sons farrn, night. Friday, I-l. to have Miss Mowbray with' uë a- Recsons, oon then borne lii Mon-1 gain, day. Enroîrnent No. 1811).Mr. 13. Widdifild and wife were-in - I UXl)rlflge one day 1ast week. DISTRICT DOINGS. 5 Seeding lu over- for anether- year The ilroprieter of one of the Port, cand Ihe fuimems are aow bus! pro-' Hlope hotels was ecently fineci $651 paming thec crn and root land. The and rosts; for infraction o! the Li-J landi bas worked fine, and b he grain quor Licease Law. bas aIl~ ul a <ceI* n od shape. -. jou wua -s, is mind, we have purcl A nsovel and pýurse-char, ta wedding silver. Nothing 'makes m sg gift to a bride tha soite piece Of aitvcrwari fashion centres this seai - arè is"'he approved th, t -tOfSle pae SOME SPECIA, - lierced Design Silver Pie-Plate SilVer Sandwitch Plate. Silver Bread Tray -i B '*c hue;pît ârel because kis cbcap O course, but the paint wenu last. Before painting, inveigat. BrandramaHender,,jn's- "English" PaKint -- ht gives yeu the u . mest service andi satisfaction - aud is M as dependable as Gibraltar,- When you paint witlu B-H "ENCLISH", you know yu will gel tho ervic y.w a, because il lu made accordingieO the guaranteed formula: 70 Por cent Brandram's B. B. Gienuine White Lead andi 30 per cent Pure White Zinc for white end tints. Exceptional endurance is a quality cf B-H Paints that bas been demonstrated by goneratiens of painters. If the M jcb 6a donc with B-H "E-nglisli" it will bc as lasting as paint cari make it. We sellitil Cali !There àu a booklet waiting for M ycu which tels about Paint -and Painting.- Je M-CINTYRE - v WHITBV' - Wodding -Ri Whateéver the-sire you ma - we have- it-in stock PRICE: from $3.00 to $ 10, Jaweler sud -raduat. O1 epW.Ité Pest Offce W.ý C. T. The more we- study thiS -aati-tre-ating- legisi'ai-on t véw like it. PracticalIly al', o! the ileemsed bars- positi.vi 1,te tmeating.systein and w .,come anytbîng that w'CiId- a gooci excuse 1teCut h Qiý -wlat au splend4d ee rt - ' na Jn- iu aw -would be Wýhy, Ibim of the treating St-att-rn m - -koeforce thbe lait -oen bis n~- ut. We d'oubt ifthe tien o et i Âqlo >rLi--e côUld he enfiorceci snI-oc - tsuc-h lîti.e c-ai-n a-c lEvery -patron. of inliç ;rn would he a I-a.iepl -- What would bc, t-br e- . slonc, r.~u it V-11!c scores o ar()f i~ -;'t *for lack o(if ccnfha sna-e tbem pav. Bfit îr ihr -~ ~ ~ ~~r 115 t-ay ni 'c r-il of hotel - koping -oul »e-ver hefore, lb wIOUid 1land a, !r(>lA1'-p el enthe rnosf - unr.rale ra~ ie most vicions apart cf t, 13Y all means kil]lbe f.t.ra Local Happenil -: ~ iUe Walbi r sd-iiisbt c( - II ir oramgular '-monlt new McLaughlin-Builc me nie ha. djsposed cf -bis nid -Mr. .-r. DIaèA, et D uab «mîtpIltM bis m rst vear aI aiToronte. andA le 011 STRAWBERMY!-PLANT You can 'bave a lirnited qj UN- aMhering strawla-rcy plan a dozen hv applying to K.il Wbi thy. PITIN 1XN) P l",VI-l11, P. R.-Brafil i %, -nr Whiîthv, viii .be fli'S.e (f îo tiers for Ilai]inth (iet . r - f per-lîangi n. raînirtr- j w r - 'oîg. - Pie tir taliL- beoit box 176.-tf. thr- ac owi o ct Trural mail]clxer ;t- -In Ontario during- thbe pa.t yuriPbiit officos haIre b - <wîfg to ' théPstnbltuhrnn mnail deliveri. p - ------------ L'q 1 Il 1 m

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