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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 5

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*&P@ A' * POA i« lbu' boom- fit1.1up Very aBtiSO*. kae bb4 YI'uti hie soe b»». s7g p~ ~Y THE WAY itiýVitdwtteto;elP? I. Mon. Coomrba, wbp he om ,.lt.. Ro.. EsE.Sayles, B.A., B.Th., oft Have you any piotures Iying [gretr ne o er bone .la ti ne ObvBpisCuroli, wlli give hie arous2d that need Setarte. b.om laitheweek. Yooug e oplJmon t h«ap Mr. and M»a. Geo. Anderson and YoagPepl'mieeting ou Monday Btiiuueoe, mies Jean Ânderoon, 'ot Dales- g vêa g nrea it.NohIa lu sr on e -bboro, Sask., are YiDtig wth thie - ~reat treat~ No admis~lo~ teenor If §0,-bring them to us and we forneîinheMsG.Adro Colletion. Everybody welcomne. Meet.. will attend te your wants. Ier M. AerMs. baG. ld M [ng cormnnces at 8 o'clock. îberp. jproperty in the west, and wilil prob- Ameeting of représentatives of the You had aloo botter make anu bylct oi lc nearer borne, tOwn Sumday Sohools vas ed01 appointrnent for those -~' WITH the My and June wcd. Frlday evenlug lait for the purposeTE M PELEFTARO VY ding gift buyers particulauiy o osdrn the holdigo on PH TOervesiî ce crearn dally. City Dairy la mind, we have purcbaued some excursion thîs summner. No Informaibik o ae ogntcois *ove(t and Purue.charming ideas. tion May >be given out yet, but 'it Io you have been promising so long. Plain bat cake alwai's on hand. in -zcddlngsîîver. probable that an* important an- Lev crdan w wloe ors tiaken for specil cooklng. NothNng Înakes à more gratify. nouncement in connecti on witli the Le1 aladw iucr pcialfor 'rlday-Rolls and quick 89 glit te a bride than a band. matter will be mnaile shortly. any time andmike a nice ,rown 2 b re ad. Mree ce Of siivcrware. In the ..... photo of your bouse and the fauition centres* tMs season silver- - NEJW BELL TELEPHONES. lawn. SALE REGISTER. ware is the approvcd thing. iTurI- My2l-utinsaee -We curry a.'mlteueot '15r 5Hmeta arm, olr'êrnstock and Implenients, the bot soic Sier*3tare ne of Fanm. 'DEVELOPINO and PRINTINO rproperty of L.F. Northeru, Tot 80, lfinest 0f iver plate, besides -a A aeDna t for amateurs çpn. 4, Whltby. Sale atoee clok Véry large ra nge of othe r goods. jMr. F. G., Rogers lias sold hie attended to proznptly. Wrn. Maw, auctioneer. - ranabout automobile to Mr.. R. A. 11 SOME SPECIALS Sonley, who took possession on Mon- - ALL SAINTS' BAZAAR. day. l~n. The amnual bazaar held under the -PecdDesign 1 0 W ilson ' Studio auspices of ' Ail Saints, Pariiel Guild~ sige pie plate m 54.50 li ongratulations are due F. C. onl Tuesday afternoon and evenun, SfvrSnwthPae 50 Mechin, 0 f Broughamn, who, on grad- was a splendid success. The tablesJ Sanwlth lat_ 500 uating in Engineering at the Univer- _________________Weie al well patronlzed, the eg Silier Bread îiray - 5 00 sity of Toronto, lias obtaine<j the - feature this year belng- the table degree of B. A. Se. with honore. Mr. lmprlsonment, the terme to com- -ditplaying useful kitchen articles. Mechin bas obtained honore each mience at the expiration of the time TIhe tea was excellent, and was par- year throughout hie course, and dur-, they are now serving. taken of by a large number. A pro-. -ing lis fourth year was Preeldent of grami Wae rendered iu the inusic hall.- the Engineering Society. He le a htate of Ubto, clty of Toledo, The proceeds aniounted tn over $200, former etudent o! Whitby' Collegiate, pauLuesa(outity JIlc niseff ufcin ro f FakJ. Jhedney niakes oath thât hli eniaoro hiiIntsl eaufcltproe' p r!ner of the fi rm of F. J. Ccie> a Co. dngte succese of the enterprise. bnine-a lu the City of Toied"î, Colsntv un lst - ~The report of the examinations held aforeasid and thtsaal Ilinm wiil pay the ai of rrecentlya the u ho fPatclOXHNRE O..R o ahadvry A LARGE ADDITION. at te Scool f Pr ctialet oCita:rrh thtcannt becur.d by tese of Science, Toronto, shows that among tiaWmCth~ Oure. , FRANK 1. CHENE~ TheRoa Tetrleudgin - ~the successful students was Mr. Ce, thia 6f h diay of Decenibe,, A.D. exesie mroeeue.Fllwng Bruce B. Hlogarth, son of Mr. G.14, (Seal) A. W C 5VASONC the erecti on of a new theatre in H{ogarth, fonel rnia !ten'uaariueseNîfTnaJU1 PU(BLI. QWMànVille , Mrs. Perrin has ciecid- orery ricia o te ia' ay ta . ue l&for nltnlladat Whitby -Cliegiate Institute. Bruce dietvo the l'loodandmucoumuufaceauf the ed to enlarge the building here. An U dd n < inç, now has the ilght to append tU.e ""m' ,i EN, ;l Y a CQ., Tolédo, o. addition of -twenty-eight foot il ei V.U II *IU initialse13A«, Se.Vo his namne, IBach- Isodild,.uggiste, pl3c. rogpto. made at the. rear, and will horaisodI U O~~ elon of ApplieI4 Science. lie bas oh- 'rk aî'laIyPi.frcntpto. about a StOry and a haIt.. A large I --*-onrsdurng-ac o-th furtqfge will hoc constructed, and an) Whteerth szeyo mya t iued onores curne. c !th or The aunual bazaar In connection aebestoe Oire curtain will' ho instaîl-, Wbate ve t st ocak. n, èaso!bs 0orswith St. Andrewse church will be ed. The seatiug capacity o! the JThe Public Librarv is heing pat- held in the Music Hlli on Wednes- thcatre vill bc very largely -incresas- ronized hly a t'ery large number of day, June 1 -0. Funther particulars rd, hy this addition. With two the- PRICE: -peopie sîince its opening. The tacti later. atres9 under one management, Bow- from $3.00 to $1000 that it is opeîn ach a! ternoon and -4-Mauville and Whitby nov receive the eveniug le- greahl,% appreciated Il! TRou'r SEASON OPI'NEý'D. bondift of btter attractions than M thos wh doa g'od ica o! eadn~. The trouit fishing season was duly Ae bigscrd The tables are supp]ù-îl witlî,,, widc opeuîed on Fricay, May lît. As usual He 8 888 , lll o maaznes ad oe ayfichermen were on the job at 12 p. BOARDERS WÀNTED. R. N D s et Pend à very enjoyable evening among m., whlle around 4.X0O and 5 a.m. the: MUrg. Ilaskin, of Montreal. has F -4--- fshermen, flsh poles, hait, etc., uer o! Athol aud Coîborne streets, de Monday was dlean-up day, andi a' but what should have heen on the and viii ho Pleage t t funnish raters 1Tor imwler and Oradmate OptiGlan large numnber of citizens took ad- scene iu greater 5iumbei's was the to Inquiners. van tage of the opportunity asffordoti fiel themeelves, and the mnost o! OFpositePott Office - to' deatn Ur their premises and dis- theni kept at a discreet distance -TI pose o! ruhbish. The town and the fnom the many tempting tid-bits~ prek W ibOnt. tilontieultural -qocietv J(ointly at- dangling on the end o! the lines. The HMn. - it m tended tO arrangements for conveying f ihd otbt hn omn hn- T ue sway the refuse, lu hs connectioný ces are ofered thern like on the fret!pe a good suggePstlon bas h een nmade, o! May, but in spite n-f this manv tirst that If the people would put the rub- fishrrmen macde orne nice catches on) hih inoadlhe or h!e Joral.and attenwards.- l'xhnidgeCh a yR WN'è C. T. U L. men î' gooth wagnsono nre'touraloR( ________quicklY. Whi-n flictown sipTierý s g'-+- Prn fro - _ __- waggons, it is fot asking f -ccit- i T N N > P R I N G bily cértain 900(oi n ' (juan- Po o!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h thPAcINTINrsGeiiel hVAetnt N cont&rTIact. Weu tîtC' a WIILRE IS IT ?'zens ¶0o rmîîfh to co-operaf e to tiis Donc hv the dayorcnat.W1 l The more we study thîs proposed v, ou want any work clone drop a lino oewl Ll t ainîg laid Umt7treating legislation the hetter TRAINt '.Mconl.PotWitî,o a - t o . M a D ona d , P rt W ith v orJon ( i wo like 1. Pactically al patrons phone 123, ring 6.-45. >1o h icne aspsiiey ae The cvening train qw'irih former-!i Totnatoes anîd I}earis hy $the treati-ng systern and would weî- 1Iv Passed through lWhîthv, Junction 5 --tcome anythiug that would give them at75gin 'îonolîshn- Persona] Mention 1 C ai oeî r il zcîi a gooti excuse -to cut it- out. And dtneSthtiISrwde atrn 'be Most vriciouis part o! the liquor 1 IN ME'MORIAM. ______________ or tgàfiec. WrlS<O.4n loving rnemory o! our ..L -By ail means 1<111 th a refng $ys- tather, Thomas Ihall Wilson_.wo i . r ' ~ "am t'C.-Burk's Flis JrArrow. pacsoni from this lite to the great' ne __________ hYond May 12, 1918, ire un Wfe lnVMnA i,.,f%.,+1.... l Loc-al Happnings Mlie Water. and Liglit Coummission .IuId them regulzjmotky eein en- T'ua.d.y eootg. -, *t.t m u itai er nteaîîy, Put Jesua lor-ed him best, Anti took hlm froni thil wori4 &f To Hif h8avenly rest. I-ITJRRATIT OR MOT4ER' Yes, a day has h-cen sot apart for 'Mothen" ; a day that aIl can revel, fni-no matter what creoti-ybung or »r. Bascom bau purckased a 14 iod. --J 'msw McLaughiin-B.mlck motor car. MOIER i Ay Ige has dsposed o! -hie old*one. Appeils to us; al so splendid!! that, 0 withouit a doubt, itS PoPularit.vwil, Mur. JAýF. Dales, o! Duahsxtou, bas t.htough -Te eorning agem, gnou,* with' ,ïcomipleted bis Mint year at Ougoode' f ncreased intengit,. IJWI, Tloronto, aedhles mgaged ini ISUNDAY, Ce.t. .11.E. P1aewell' office for -1te M&y 7tli, the Tabernacle S. . are: ns.king a strenuous effort io gire 0 Mtle, a more hrilliant setting.in' STRAWI3ERRy PLANTS. (Mur homnes ansdlifvo. 'You cau have a limiteti tuartity of e eioo MOTTEI fiXbeaingstawbrryplntsat-50,- P blif-Pa programme is living an-; taN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' henn tahrypat t5crangr'd thalt Voitwill fborocîghir on-' a dozen by applying tao14. RO1.o5.. Wkdthy. I7ME o'PANTIN ANI IAP',I- LotsC ' si- voin cotrntenance ,gloun as PPAINING ND PAF..lIIAN ivG e chpor for mothrr. - . 1 . Brladbury, Mary Street, Whitbi-, will ho lclaseti to ciee- dors for ail kinde o! paintinglia' per-liangine, gaining and signwrit. - n% Srec (ilr sa.mplelbooks. P. 0. boX 176.-t!* 1I1 IfA I..MATIL,(IOWS. -' A statemnt liauîdrd ouît bv the thereo arrc notw in opofion 2,300l imr$ril mail îcluevrouîptes Vliigli- nit Canada> sirvinrg 95>000 pafr-i-ns TI Onianrio duiiing ihepast ivoar 587 rural pô,st oIi'e havi- îen, ciosed onwing to tlî' i-siaîîisîimnt o! nuiraI mail deliu-ery. POLICE (COT'PT. I.aSt -seri,-a Xhithyvyoting man appenared lbottne M'%azis.tratp Ilarper' chtrgod vith ,nnou-ing tuuo 'oîng ladlies liy pprs;istinZ in uuvalkinK wifh them ufwle b ey nifr-îl heir dÉs- aîî)provnl o! hi-s atention. rho(,'g -istrati% oyprosso,;d bis opinion o! suicli tconuciiet b' i npnqsfg a fino of $.5 and -csts-a iWarnitifVo flirs. Two prisonprs at the Asyum tarm weril ilso bhnought tup for csnenicon' V riday on a change o! a sprfouq isa- 1tuire. Ont, was s-ntoneel o two t vars and the other Vo thrcee nonths LFE insuRNcz FOROURL fOUSE A TRIBE oftenlihres several hundred years. Nature hL as protected the wood by co'vering it with bark to shield it from the elements. When trees are s awed into lumber,- Nature'. protection i. lost Therefore, the wood used in your house muet be paint protected to "r'100% Pur."p Paint is a good life insurance policy on your house. It Protecta agaPinut 'deçay-pays for itacli over 'mld over aitain, in the repawra it saves--adds value and beauty to the building ni weil u long life to the wood., MRartin-Senour "10%Pure" Pain! iî what we recommend for ail outsidt- and inside painting. 11100% Pure" -is genuine White Lead. Oxide. of Zinc, purest Colore, ad Linîed Oil - ground to extreme" fineness by powerfui machinry-the combination of which produces a paint that lu greatest in hiding, coyes-ing and weajring qualities-and makes it thie cheapest to use ai well as the most saisfactory. - Let us help you in selecting colone for your spring painting. 1 V.,W. m. PRINGLE Mîsceliarueous Adverts FOR SA LE.t 7unishedl summer cottage ai l iey-, shore.Park, Witby Beach. Apply t Mrs. W.S.' Goid, 50 Vermonît Ave. ronto.-48. -NOTICE. Phe "Maple Lea!" cleaning and sing paros have been opened by Alex. Deaus, of Toronto, over M. Rose' store. French cleaning, ,sing, repairing, etc., donc w'ith t-class workmanship.i FOR SALE. asre ('omb Rhode Island Red oggs hatching. 50c. per setting o! 13.' liflc .iayers. 1 have 21 one vear hens laving at thie present Virne average o! 1JR cggs per (1daY. Irtve 1ail blirougli the wint-n. t'î'ialî iest H3rooklin. FOR SAL?. h.p. gasoline ongine. In good ning order. Cheap for cash. Ap-' .1.11. .Jarni-s, phone 119l, lVhitIrr.L ('RIJMMF:T-At Ninga, Man., On, May 4l1î, 1914. Mrs. Tlobt. ('rurn- mer, ageci 70 years and 7 inonths. A NI HOMESEÊKEI'S EXCURSIONVS ý-~TZ MANITOBA, ALBERTAluA yT- 1 SASKATCIgEWAN Bach Tuesday until October iIth. in1ndm~e Wlnuipeg and Returu -$315.00 Edmonton and Return- 43.00 Prom Toronto, and Stations Westssud North ci Toronto. ,Proportionat. tfars trom Stations East of Toronto. Rcturn Limit two months. Particulars rcgarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets f rom Canadian Pacifie Ticket Agents or write M. G. MURPHY., D.P.A., C.p. Ry., Toronto. Traini Time 1I ig- ~ CQt1INGI 11 ,Lîîkî, t it. Toi, ofto 's tle <pt icial, cIlil' WI-TIY J 1NCTION. (11.11g store, \Vithy,'. I f 4 t'tt.. 4 ?tt1tGoliîg iasi t ...20R iay mu 'yh itt i i' 1 ,je y'nu, D.i.il ti n n*itbil, a i fa to u9 .3 0 LP.1 t nday trains leave for Toronto Sarn. and 7.56 p.rn. Prom Ton- '-trains stop at Whitby .Juinctiea 15 aad 9.55 a.m., and 9.30 p.rn. 9Niurit Il-8-0 a-11îG0osIl USt-)Itth 7.1 Sa-n Fîre, Lite, Live Stock, Plate Glas 6.4» Il. j.05 tp.> Accident and Autom obiles. STAGES. Agent for the best Canadian, ngiieli avesWhibv or shaa a 10and Ameican coni-panies. .and 4 pr.JOS.' -lolden, pro-'V tiy Ot hn -E LUKE, C r u 15 YuîSt.RNTO = Itox JAMES MCCLELLAN 29 4aVes fer flrougham * 6 - Mn.- F.dwards, proprietor. ' FarWea-uno ,» I - - I Cor. vougeand 1 J 72itb-» 1j Akezateder 11,. irîtca .30Oi. '1.3 .m om eseek siEcu rsonsu a _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Cordially Invited For st--. 'or0-6 M ~ ~aaîiewa Via Clicago, 14t laiio riil ut h.__ toattend the ai low tarn. "Scranton Coal." iTlrouglî P.ulinall 'Po ul-ri 1et "Youghogheny Steam C a ." CHI-NAMEL DEMONSIRATION NICHOLSON'GeogSELDON WINNIPEO ouii.' at rin les Har war St re n L N DE TAI~ RS Nochîage f cars. i No Coal u equa these. [Ph 0 n r33 HT' RETURN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS. -ScTation for raniges, heaters anud turc- WEDN SDAY and THUR BAYMAY 20 a d 21l'le (;rAttil Triank P.tciO'ii tiltt' 'tiilt-.çlitrtei-i.ices. flhe bcst -cean, bright and dry an eanho e aeREAL ESTATE iùRgiita 'îrti iitt,.vrttiitn5 i>ts, ctîgatrý. Yotghiogheny for steamn. Nonie any O d Floors and Furniture I________________________ i a rticîjt ttlG rand raik 'ikt bei er. (illie or w riti- C . E. lilliN IN G , 1). K . ,.. ; e r ge C-rcek for a l kinds f te mith- Iook Mie ReOl Hardwood. FRANK E. JONES' LIST. I*or'tit, Ot. ing %ork. 'resh irned. Several ouses and building lots fr andi 500 E. Stephenson, W hitby's Up- f eiii q rti> t d cu rte sale, l u W hitby. tow fl ticekt fii"ce. Phon o 3C) W.M. PRINGLE Fam for sale in the Township of.--E R LO, WhitY HARDWARE ~Whiby and lPickering.' IIt< i Tl a WlIITBY. 7 __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ O8D~IDfilaoralepiSoo a d Teaming.E .W EA N oIaotlaSok I ihave receniyad.lîonv ct Fump 'anuactùrer TV t xv l! pay you o cal!1 at our eqtiuped livery stable a 1b i t'iS utiId W sie ce ti a s . rt 1 -works andi inspet for ourself. -,.nd i uraytr l1 kinids i crttge andi So n tsiee, ( iOsbv e Don't le miseti by agents. We do tean ting ,rk, uld Iwill bc Pi-a tt' a cî u VH 1 T.NI- n dot llo w then agsent ' - can reccive or<lrs, whch t auj hiîe pri 'tpiT ree doors ws ! Witt lue O U 1IL L W N T YO UR N E V IHA T andîdoemloy theni cntent ly emi aion- We are prepared c-t e WitayIlood or F O I T R A D Y1 () p e r c e n t . , w h i c h y o u w i l l t e r t a i n - a r t !a rec.'t r e fttl , u i t c r i i o i t. o FO I T M ) Yly cave by purchasing trom us. PHIONE- 65. 'itnpip ~isotntca lit is ready for you at ACl oItd CARRIAGE TGO MEET AL TRAINS, attend to al inds- o! re- 111 fl nn Ur Onpaiting. 1111111stkATHEUMISSESi IPOWELL Agent foi the Ontario wind mill, als'o Tf-l MISES ~~WL.L iuq uîuatu v. <q>,~rj imoe ~ gasoline engines anti the içqbar..-gar- OpoposSt.,StandarId50fl'icea:dWorks Ont! DUNDAS ST., WEST VHlTBY Phone . Crerneri.- 4 'Ïi h - I DISNEYBROS. IBrooklinl,. -Ont. I MALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ttt t,) N t ta i , for Il -. rc~ GREAT ,U<Is NrAVIGAT10 ý1 4 14-; ' I ' I rt 1 -'t Ni l l i Mn- fi d I l,it ît'î Mtiiil,.or STEA3ISIIP E\PRF,S fi -u, nad i;-i s1 ..I ïî'. 1 'j, t i ytt eji't Iigh Grade Empicyment Yîtii'îti lit Ilaki. High ra'ade Prepe,-al lil r-'IlIît ('l'aia Ir. fi r ut 1trly Toronto, ont. "i - radiE'o ri emplo> ment hucatL'lIi'if r1llî"ittiý ARCHIVES y;uUr Mis I TORONTO I M 1 A&

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