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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 6

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STZqoW 4 ' VL»* UAPP.NîyJV-F10.31 ALl, OVED TUF. GLOBE IN à - WuTSHELL Canada., 111e Empli.. sudàl, IV oml Pnopeisifôabuy '>..?j( the bulding trade a nTorento., Grazin-g lIsn in> tire We.t ha, basa leaaed to a com»pany for,< uoirin&aJ -Oum,' a0>dingte s tate mentu by the Maitrô jIt. The. yedllcw flair p eaeucr Cra-wfords, havne- been IciLded for »&'» 8ssn by: ti, cold winter, in. ~Nifflra 44.rlct, - Lfiusoclertooe o! Grimasby, cne of the Mo*tp'eio r~gtwu Ii Cada dale'd .61trenyfu h o r , i ll e u ., t t i e , a g e c f o u rt y Frýmk Hsyme, uner sentence of d'ama tiratSydney, N.8. o mmdr lias eonfemsed nI on DildUTa-ad Ifr4, Atilineon, widow of the. mur- dered mnma,'have been arreted. .On o'çmaPlaizit cf tire manager -of tble sirt .raalway oompany, that iAiberti Rea-ucne, ho-telmîan o! sand- wieh, had aold liQUOIrto a car ce on dutjy, Reaumie w84 fiaedf 10 asnd The Prineços Louis. cablês the Duke o! Coniiaught tirat sire le <eep- le toucired by tira ma-ny cablegranis o! coadoleaces f rom Canada on Vire death -o!flier iruaba-nd thre Duke cf Argyll. The Internationaî joint Commis- sion, meetuirg at tie Michigman Soc, approved tire application cf the Micligan xortàbera Power Ce.,a-ad tire Alo6ffia Steel Corporatioi o! Bautt Ste. Ù&Are, Ont., to ereet compenEatng w>orks at a point in Ste. Mary'e River betueusa tire two Cornelfius Vanderbilt, Inspector-Ge,nerlal in the New State Nationai -Guard. 3Mr. derbilt has announced 'his res tO go on actÀve service in Mex RILWAY EARNINGS, And Value Of the Land Owvne Grea Briain.Thre eàrniags on our. Ca-n Grant Bitain.raiiwa-ys during 193 an- King George a-nd Quen Mary b1913 ta$20,0000 opndAhe aew wiag o!-tire Br-ltisirh grsicueaI u ur Museumn. fgrsicue l1t-s Guln-?uInnung iran suppla-nted cat~- lines, and otirer affiliations ci! tle.drlining-as the national pastime evar nature; but Vire figurel of Irelairc.-ramarkable. Tiirty yeare agý Tir- »ritisirH o1use of _teords re- C.P.R., whicli aew airows gros Jcetëd tire Woýin's franchise bill by nuald arninguaxe 14,0 a Vote o! 104 Vo 60. oidlîrl ît xae s. Jom-ir Réedand opssa-ny cern- 25,000,000 acres cf lanad were uw promnise until tire HomeRule bilIl ofisin 5TireIn e slsa î iràe passed tire Lordsc fen 5t $35 p2r acre. SA petition signeti by 300,000 hâs 0cdhlaîa- la-nd la it-' tetality r, been senýt, asking tire King nott o saatis a'aah uvaluîe cf nearî1y $ algn tire Home Rule bill until after 000,000. Tire landia stîhI to be an electimon. wiIl realize $200,000,000. Tire -MIa 3'zrier, îuici the Lendc-n p UiJated States. of Ibc'--d N'OrtiCi~ffe's calle:d Ans, sent eut to e siaecnl Blapoi Brent, ~formerly of tu tnhia, cod was aiected Bishîep o! New ' jersey, have scîd iha iand-acy part cf tAs peculabtors ia tic eamly di Geliral.Tir- cem-pany regrets thb, poIlc. - Two Britiplirstîbjecits were killed &1Yt itEeîf; hut a't ti'3 Moment ti: by a homb-dumiag figiting on tire diti not seem a-ay- alternative, J>pcitei1jcceo f Mexico.' patipe cc>ulcl net he caxeti at 'Sucepiag victories ton tiere ebel time t-> sottle i hew,13zr, forcés la different part8 of liexîe andti tir company needac m-or wei-re reparud -te Carraaa. and Vho hig parcels uere par The international h'teyýk tmade andi witli-,par,,els wirich la thirer ut -grapih'ic arts exposîtion %,,as cpaned etîpicci stata ar-rho at. Leipsie, It cover8 100 acres and ». - eteu.mdrc in liîneco.n,!g settîc, i',u o 1>0'> te ncîtîdes twcnty building-,_ca -.of1 fuîl:,rb-kwhl ir p teuwith-five acres cf floor hepiIet. b ard cli ide le t tisPe ai'u King Albert luas aceepted lire OtI 0f ri onorary nienbersirip cf a dozan I -CecrFe, a-t an lacre ns 'ldr t Xecpt tq' fie geiiutm- ttten clubs, and uill gk'e a pipe f4ur a-l en fîau suai c.Iiferen nin er ianpipe- mcncking iuir (,'ana-dia-ir' railai-, urih a totîrnanment. gni eb@i'ýadduw 0f twenty ]Xewfùundland iteani a a eilacsat otb,î' crs, Qriploy'tng 300meicrhtît 9ýa ,11 ntie ca-i , omit on thie huntmtwr, tîaZlY ;::ii ge at faehi itireil fu t niaetcen rctuîrned 4 t itî peltq of li; ea-nings, ina, tut-l' 233,18 eal, v-hicci i $în8o~O inorth, <f $200,0oo,03o, LaFit yea r 272,'956 e.-kitîs rvrue rettura- - cd, buît tr1 wemc- valtued at orul FAjTA 1 Àv('i D FN 1r /~'%-*S4,5. The bs <f lite was 2i52. (bJIIîipict' tof a (coi (Claine ai mon Werke d the 'Shîor" t, a-girrie~k T' i0 despa-teir froin Montreai '-say 'aligit N 'orti Ila. wOInen uvere drowaýed ani Rver Uîîi Ctîlî Nm Nî'huhly. ljurduc a cna-ne upon whi( Acspýaitch tronu Nortih Bay aays: tirey Were Worktqig a nl'uding CR Ciriles Crooks,îalias Margraves, a- at'te foct cf Ppiaeau Streetc young Aaei-ioa- frein IQwa, was Wadnela-Y cella*sed and feu la'n sentemaceti by Judgc Valia &'t -orti the uatcr. On, of tire drowmît Bay Vto sevan uronths in Central Men is n&med Courtois, Th e -ti Prison on f i-ud cb,,rges. Ha-rgra-ves victinm ha-s net bpeq. idetfr.T workeod pucsengers -. on express boddes, whîich uer-e cai'ýntifid wah trainsa-ad wa.s ccsnvicted on the swift curanthaeto ýchargeés o! defrauding pauengers covered. Pav e i] É( out oi $20 on southbound Grand Trunlk l*ilwâY North rBay-Toronto train by tir hothne trick-, He lul> 3iI goe' large bis for urnai ll es by One daj yan riliman~ la'. dying foldiang theai g0 lagemiously as to tire d<uctsm aid priast we eWit, apJiiear to be double tiroir re&l hîit. He liad !a- Wife amd ml a-mount. Atter lading a-u'ictim he aiid hea wes witing,.ît hi-a wil, would leave Vthe train at the tiret <0111Y lia-ti a- h'drad p<nuîiide . station a-ad take thre nex&trteit ladocf4-r .sýa!i- -aflic fir'tpic-V thre opposite direction, Tic police < et' hiefiftY potîndsihî ttî auithoî'ities believie holias been vc)tl." 'Von caa have 1fitv, ea workingtrains for -some tirae. W - t-Pat. Tire pi'ie'>t thire11 aske<1 fo' nassFees againA Idticu ere the >Victim FtOneii;ag cid,> ct141> (lit, apet. S, a-nd train creut. Paf'ift' fî- tuyace ili"".' EXPRESS NI'ilt0'(, i~ïoî. tiey'u'ust i il;'3 wife. "*1,4) cari tel] lier, "'lie murid, 'i lied 11k Tratin Défahletl iad Si'veral of l)in jir,,Ior-d-between bt'>thie c . ing *('r Crt'es- hîjuîîeîl. A dcpateli. frin Va-uîcotivou,' .i tothier Pig stl.y.v 13.C, asys: A swiait r)ck ali4da A ccmrr'e'>pudent 'ençJ:c iru n e Ftî-,uck tire diairig crofuttue- (3Son ieý' ýin f Ransîîîucn pig !si- ý.Ol cxues n ,X'e'.hImuaa,'m4'rnuning at 7 bri like port, niiîe tire foiîs t ~'cock ' ttm" fte- tlictraiun hef ha-t. Tlîe X'llig )etîm- î oriuBs-ad, duîe iii Vaac.our nat vomikrm, îjtte]]i'oî nl<in, Tire train was del'ailed, anà îi'wl, liat h 's vei .r' utnttealir',' 7tc sciera- i îucrcbe.s cf.ti1e d'iing car havre na g stye lo-rse teto ii ürew wce injitietI- Jy scn!4î. Thre lcî~,' la'r, îu-' I.i * _reur Llfi'orf Üt-lietrain iras cuut cîfid'item, Pt0 incei ir h'mt .LaIit rlî surlie t'irapaseeigars uvere trarsafý-.al p'eie -l"siet, i, Tie g' rucd 'tc uefront end, omni ng imto 'acf in p tenybeal thyu andt4 taix. Lur'ic iîîèo U4Tsod crn~ oin*let att"nei. : met t i. ~~m an a ÀW ' I lS g b »da1ýr 4f o Éau ud a x Ov rt ie ke g ý fer a asty o n ~ .Meal. Af ter the m a one produced a ~~ f l A . . ~ r n w b R c ! f l o r i n , w h i h a s 4 ' e a t I .V e u t , i n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ e pt Sart.sand a'eortoletwafi ade ,that ~ronto, May 2.--Ontarç W oa té e ca man shouk(ji war th~e, Mémento on ~a -Der hcent. 1$S go uw$. 86'Dmr: (me4%y t,, wth hwet n t toul nàrë. The tch fron LilàPi d e .' d 0 M a n t o ~ ~ » îr s p t e n s, l a u t e b a u, ! eh tsfu r M e l o ýn e a t o ie r en, atid r e g - n i e À e x a nd e r f T e c k , t 1h ir~ d s o n , 1EB ~ ~ ~ el JUIl4 0ODs 61~ tOfg'baga, tyt ad Dr. Dwig h Chathat moment,neithe Prince O ! hêlaeAlexaèn er ý ~ , ~ * W ~ r J L " . J r . n e b, àfk. w 'hled a e a . n ht s a g i i t , o fD k e f - ' 1 3 i s o s u c - 4 sé e o n d' Î9c~ a Northern, tJc, andNo. 2at 951c.-dua maemn rcenze ee ehe h N a po nt r o o ts --N821 1 te 40c, b kjy,, 1 p o.- I î t e , ' w e e b i e he a n d e r A u u 4u o ft r i e r i e k U e o r g e D tin g is e e y c . Orl, w oeut , ta e, and t 4 2 aon tac9,T61 noë. ie'ùmal uars. n ln et ô he en ing l as n M n ntat c'fri o . hé at- N o ts. gliiZng - l oa on. bor 1 74 biean ,,0, n rak.Toono.invitat lesofionte ta. thd-u erwah bgotrs. is àdedntryt OaieyN-G2O ntario a. 312J t e Vii r h h.. v ia ir eroya H ignes Prin e sA le . a Gr a ria a Pu a e a nd-Prîces om nal' .dt e d lu b' 4 tio-d g ou m e et figures 'issued by thS e rv ceLen-. * I'1.. lloe BBc a cor i at 63 t 14e , o id . o p c, jùyee iu n a e i e w ê d n eou t heC o u n t 6da t e b ck e 1856In ad r A n, <u htus Ù' er c k r I lL(PrJe Western Canada ats.f T forRN .n2, 0 BuckwheaÇ.~andouthedeplma.g e .l i4 ie 4 o,.tY i~r d i so rcd tha ee n d net ol f the m at n et m -a n ceLId uk f l a ny, Tex o t rank-o i re r jio tJÏ raildeloontosa d fr-n1904eepe h >eran-Maicno miban. $26 tte $26 a ondon. bf Airij 4, 1874,mtrriecapital abeo a i the itay Me-£ ]BarleYý1-GOod malbeefluaelonth6 town fine t1866ohan 'Phevà obign e: - Alieinet Britn. to , a ba a, T ro t tet h. hot,' D~'dé l~r d thet "f Are voureof h u r a-ln d bth e mLon- R P F&ri c ye-N. 2at 6 t6aïeouemeuthop éç n d whioa o ter-dollas.oun a hCunei ats twentyte 86 Prilbnys, May Htee'f'aemmabora prac i nimedaaofey a[.er" Buckheaz-.;ocioutide lagel' 'danthes ofntîosha e m inete Imrove nc Co trn -N o a er ar , 11 te 20c,; la- e t " li d h y ba i ! ae y v l hav ete nbespent ben' ethe thnr. o z- P rince R ue rt Alexan4erof eAlb ay, w h é xri tr ~a K h edw P r' m. o tabè 0 dres'are big epar o h r e a nt re- yAugat &on bofaAu . ,T07 e cite p r &thfre a o imm di te1r i a. fe lr . 16' M a t lo b a r n e m$2 5 os $ 2 a er c ase sr e v n t, d'ote d m i o ery q r m en tstrev e n u e 'thc fca p ita l y a- en8c; crn theeama a nes 186ntas, trn are hu shom Ighn iat tF y n in to , I b g . Tor antg fe P ght.uShotrtsmtîîîDr, Cà in '-n m laions alc 826 seag,2 e28. t.2 t ; ô'tir$28.a dio wi r ie h a.ett e dorain eLond e hve s llonod Prince AeoceMc' Tc s aiea ie tte c o a ili. 'igW -ar te 2o ar dzen la~ lv0, f trro cut cf evey dfur avesbeense hn adr d an d nt haray Qu e mary. Ho wil ButtGeire Teks ae mely à ae, d- thé R o u 3 ~ m i c r a t e a t n t i n i î e l c h i l . r n o u - e k e r i i i t i p h t , e r a . t h e s m i l To n s h a v e o n a e b e P n a e ' p h e tie u n O c toJb e i r,3 , 1 9 . ai t u g h3 , th o f g t h e y bDu e ao f F r e 4 i k . L par doz- 'I .ucin arovtdiabu tarkaiaadm o re nm illaons. ha th x p r. ti c t r t r m cf t re of P i n c e e. 1 i b g ot. D u kea f d n fotr-CQo. 1, a lr, 8to '$i.2 Nl aà à-béùof cl,ýv1 e ae 'are be ouglh foraresen 't Dguke o! ornAug. 24, e907.n-e dia tir o! fCerl e-Ne16' heose, 14l ter1nera f ert A. TITZemet n 1te 8c M forvenED AUCtIO4e iSeU. tweiveofd a haitmililoan,-whtls n '~ns-Uana-pîe e $2 d tsea2.re Teli ns f L oor have coat-over a k0 ce Alexnder, ut ofa. had litneitlal h ude tan ooae 2 o28.1 inhl mll Nne.Oty mif llôn.hvearnitei.eeprlae M a ea-r ièc f 88o, Bop.et.y~ Pr ID. -Cobel$.250to $2.50iver l.;xfrz- InE %, " ~ protsl*g parkatand on thetamws.,eteeprto*o h em o h $1 n 1 oiij ur te $1.05, A W'? ro for thedrwPou tr hvcn-v aken oof iliarib t he »h là B orgasuzer. Ma has 8lne muolone.13 ded aa4rdesiend thave a Mhnis Ho 1 prms 2 o$.6 ff bu&Ppeas, u Gt iaa<,bëtïï yonea tn..hwva,'tecat eo vera erg. As -cons f r e at ,ad to urind a hait C8exeriee. M oo!- parnlti D u k e cf M rib o re uh6eto 4re.daa nvet thîngal- after Il n ly abio ut . 2 o 0 *T ev r n c s ' o T e k l a. g e t B a t n b r n i t i d p rê a o g Iacen_ ong- clearhave, teharc parklb.,ndn&-rel nei' wai flca5es l»ot s oc;am-Mecite , 1 8 eIs;"t fied >1.fd aPihead tirnth ra w ys OÉa iep. a p relB r d aair au sorig Uritala Ei6au«md8,88gas: te Londo faorie, faud h. iy Unanhanoly wti 18e;d.,hev. P7t18 on,16.0W5, v. .trno mrnli p hiepprwa tsa ace thvtdtr'rt.e st O"etre be Thdues.mno eGo a 4erc on tra e; bereatbao,18tP9eeak,08e8 ftas a !uylsetiaioan n- hc ttsthila thaubertya- oiWanin tlefr Lad-iece,12e;tusu; ~îuee of dspsetoth hghet iderle AnthenlarKlafour and thalfearaneo aS ea cfa uk1Mibrof'os e i xred- ftenIs usla tran ion; at,$7.0.- ThfPince-i Teck 0t ]Baon-ongcler,ý15 u lc Pr l.,ehire1Y ew.TIfil etrOxfro d u ed. le g 1.611.B6Ocwt; sugar. par- a il hI aemlots.d mrchatsarvorite, and e'ree puLo eneret, oantty cw"pepartios o!ho the.62S 18c;d.,hav,17t 10 ris,1 ý rian a 3m 1 mai etlg t1h saI ACIVthe IE ih ndve r5etea kfasteed aonhe to, e, a 00 ad he tlt e4latcon esir chsosiag 9A1 whitpoae aahps ustsue ntl y13 votedlu a ret lt te b andblthe st duktha 22; o24. e , 7t 19c.aiske, No . he lt eS tgOd uces. 85 Punic s, Wliea ttom hthehsumb andit Wasa habi LardnuTierce!,barraIstebeearcpro-ietà, end with 4oltw the-miihàai'waydet 1. 10.8 to821 do. N. 2.817te 18; Noi lo g ag tie D ke k>ugbe dleI t Unt ed 37,787 o a n the aon a h uisti. H atdt o'Aria w m a n yrso h i 2, 7 t 8725;alalf, N. 1 $1 t $1; u 50316o!tir viga n uf c O fxtrd e neb epdty30ehargec 13,7.87. Telea r etehatO- usinatral fcs G re t a mrbe f b- l eo reti e t te deiaret au e et £2.1an 8.379 Queenal'M ary-e!om m e n tao n la an e shire MWe. Tl;wemeeet-ylits,637llitaliect1 Whieheceuorn.,pierce N ho e s , 6 te 7e . 'f crac otr oear e £ 1 0 . 9 3 ; l i a t u i af G e m a n yl l~r t r r t l - T r e N w Y r a v r i t a a gre"dle8Te of pbli28nter-et, antih t 1 2.-Cds e d t h é t à on t e 1C an _t h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t o k ti 6, 2 7 Of mPe p t o n sh b n s " . n6 2 -1-la u t n gl A t th e o n r , r- j u st gac d u ate d 3 0 O mý1 e s iê titn ~s ra o. . 291o1.e;No.6,prunds' ad hopath: - yers.I$ 41 e2 4d. N 2e. Ia', Ma e1,60 t oic. o tlle WGbtowidpri $50 oud 4 . 0 ; W n t r p a e t s . o f i c0 l ie , tNGor eQ.e na mes , K i n g m m d e t t h é h i a t a n du l ty e t a u h a t $ 0. 6 0 s e o n d2 1, , 5 . 1 0 ; o . t2 . n g1 7 t u $ 1 8 ; T e f i r s t t u o fe a u i e o a p a rt i a n P o tr o u gI n h y e s u p n l a y a r s o ! m î s y à a - tu a t w m n c n e t v - e r ' t a Tiie. o.. hbag, No..0te8 .5 o$.0 N. NRologlatihe oats, gh upervi sn 7e 07the 0u.u nd-the aunti let th e ment san ti e.in hi.e t dt ns sl oe ary --o n n ve h w $7.90; 7.s6r a l t rol Ners , 14.7 t 84.9 ; UW o moan thevnka Fo urf -Ao ngh e ofbe r wn, w h h w rare 13 7 ;18 2.ceait tathe bhanaa Oh. a Tuest Who n t e d o.o , b a r r a I s $ 16 0 t e 8 4 . . ' t l e t a u ,E g t e a G t l n ' D g r c T î y o erl o o k 5th a 6s u p r l s or a - t h o r l a nce m i e ' w e l w n a y as k n d n T r r o a s c t g ! d . g i t r 822. Shots 26. Midiutn $8. eutbA c tlh fon Min te l a e as ws buy dringthaes.mer bint r eah ly s o r ei hetoreband et ie s- Q a Montres. Markes. ifom comtrversy.the itshra Elg athn il theM3,968;Aee- -onthe onetîtutlo netra bitatfon ctour Pet. eo lcs lie.$28 e 832. 76à o7. 2b arto.Cn, ar- ia rslspotth W ded" e k n ateSa ni eatss, 26.98. e b wier s e uibetI dxtheair.mats 3wger . r- a-t o! Viute cd ucor. ouà thv- lots, $142c t ey6. .Ch ee , fi 0e to we . P " cars areng UV mih.ye s veu $5,22 60; seco.E 5g 10;fr s 22tro 23ale , frttne a tGh'ity c i e oletin etd elis r, wI b a o g h a, ortre an e poTht ccp e en h c u t av e ie 4.90;ed 'ine r No. tenteo ick , 2 $5e a e s u i e s ty o rta n c h a ne o 7 y a s g,25ba stii tras n l - w g a l er s ti n a ca obfa n is e- .0,sr gh olr,$.0 t $49;te rt ha uiereof S withthe w ol ofstro e! Eiht y pmer osait vo! te ira w n tË parba, cr ot, 8 ti8.15 oreata v o! ik r i s ox. Mm. rione Alba rt sh ra redms w theie pape andeaay ang d ft he ane al coutry do.;a- braoth0t $.6 Rle as u er. the lofrthce qe a. ng e e th sat e temau a Thur e ola tbise ntd tte oer te y Wtlls 4.0tnpo, 4 .65 . îLanot, E g ta 6 if, tl e re w. hey act ihat th eodsuefo tterktg. ad lbituin hicb wonce wse ag iitated nhe ere i6 à ahrae arri d ' g o baga,, '90nî Ieg.,M$2,1 2 t Cash.1- . B ra o p e r t Iefel s a nia dwln i a ' the aavy, b a ndat teépri and wet er c ing e t he e w emi a P ia wom van thw $2ir 8..c Spnn hrt $Ne. '1 dlnor en$ 28e;o i Nec f,1 M n r l sy. t Wo oe a s wy r on h e a tr , , han d nt ea ," hs ali "th at a dm ollatr ie o a a i s o u ll 2 8o thur ,$ 932. ; Ne. 3N o rîh.erto ,c r. y ra 8 3'cg P n i Vg r - e e n o gb ln tsedn a the te r ret t e In y tit lei n ao ar e ro oi s e no a l tr ro e aoeex e t 'i lot. 4 85e $1N . 6 7 e; e. 6. e ; fWest. Fia le, r oe d aucos eo n W eudî a a x. Ing Se c n s a for hlm. pay. wh h en id tch e ang es oh and ire di ri r hj , dnhto ar y erns,-68c; N . 1 rest atis t,, 88e; e. B 2tme-, in thnfe lt fl w tM G l e ta thuedtgh ne he vrk wa t pses thYa db"a a et Csue forct e a osgf th-iv-coren t s ar ltedne retis , 6e; tuo. 8 e tdseods, maith n, an on a f uri e 'or sgrîneas arnd ber ro- rt h eeva. e wt h hoa W mi iyiiasi ie L n ed B - e firt tije nmuetty thoSers abrvis o ut a onhe r pone, qestlon e t o Ialishai. "ca lst a ," dt srW c rsin tmp an n hi li, reg o 2 ti e e N o . 3 a E t,8, e. W la22 t er2 3 -,h e . l c u l 'ec g m, t.eytr e d e g e < cf ller t n o f d a ati ln i s h e ar a nt ih "a It or thfo 'tc e atmp o e e lt ba t h ti e r p s i o s * t. e y m m n an- -N . 1 2 e 26c . 9soc03;Nc . Po 58e. Bu.C.L. -rs t tir 17emit c n orr n ouf d a e a dS R aliez a.ati slenne, mauacuerna.ird ad e yenaCW, 7e;etr eei vraby Gerewo sth eugat banth-ohtlu'hacanm n eeatyace Ne a, a o. ts, 3e.$a1e-N. . ro T er a I t llho napneOf t'h rwosi . nhe e epe hinala? Ttae s bîpses O aieti. a s! 'oti- 123. N-.<.,$131; :ted4 e uoe4c B r AsoisoeV ênia- Ray Ltig CulZSraanount enwh ct e l uebsbti taof rage massPe eting ui nils ln ladian tStve 0 the air ex. M s. Pince lber oh-aed -oomà fth bis Pae eket an thnaeevaybo ad rih." heUnte - irr r 1 Mm. roF th t h P bsrin sof e 1904 fein Ifthlu wt e omhapnuf wati aîteteseu ion lat anîted Wnnipeg rain. M Langstff, the f sIt oaldola bl the fc'eth0 atteslaia n oftkirgsdiium-c nelsicss VtheYer3 0 ýe aueght tire 'p Thy Witnniapegl. Mlay i 2.-ahWheat- y. C-9>* 1-.eiasa cadd at haunlthorte aa rytng t eut s n e s rn nentwfAmeric ha- peincsd o w- epre - 8 8e Jur I y, 905e;No. 1 i bah rd, 942 e; No. f r thheavpo es i n ,t eY e st t It is ne omi e ,y te eh c san n t ie " homlatakîna- the f ra ca.b l m o. ddjar 2 Nertbern, 9D o ec; N e. Northarn , c;tispo-nt e ld fIgura, altheug the use e o la 'Wiiaî Hre si. tmise e t rel tePoesin xet, N'81t 1. C nnN.' elw 4 e fuvl niakesi a large reduoettmnresosoibl "0.> Fleur c;aNti .bra 7c;aN oti. 7esruin al x a NCQ d u it ay s e frh r îv a ilio Zala 'nd t a hangfla a n ds i e t it-c pan lahehi&= ye Duîsj69c. Mina., reJected -Lid aesi, csh. 2 e d, tr-ran f B tr(i>î ilaenierathe uiti ofthePr an h ten-gun s aut thre bntine. Tssepir Jeepsers 81 7; Jl. .86c N . aWIIaat-Clanose az. arj s thcsia 85.0 er oe Pbur at ae- p e gypt phla wes o.Ic br. ; e NeUi. 8ic;Noh. 2 u marchann th e ed mberadfly. c teIrsainaî n. abu nanf oi.qti o'rn f ndocit. ti n othea 1 eJcl, 93. " ie ad oan n y I a "'t r e thar riv ai Of teele r W o a - lsM iner, iLewtu ,er a alth d a (C n.> Must m en ha 86eN-8hapt. e 'ntrwet JO 1 run-td a al bt bih aynererran h atnic a exotn mciecun. o eeanodn 00c0î'en; o.2fing34. cîuant , 01voa-1 i ttlbl eor e Ineet hpt). Cantral Asetn ap. My a n Ypourbng oacc rrw c; o. . 6cre ect d. 66 but-d 43 . tiona T uhar a fi8 i y ,cu 11sold t O m-t an ] demvn. twan- htf r I u- ais o t. W a tha -han tat c-are e e tl -&ý ulis TorontMaythe-Catto---chîce sts tin wor'igewas- ell Lrescat item ofor dmestle-Servce. U 56;N. 2;CiWthia ' e e rn nen e usars fer the in Es etigi'had pis ba l -a a e m î le es . Itasl a e s tae T axas.- T o w a, $ 6 , 6 0 te d 8 7 . 2 1 ;e h a re t @ u î , ." " N < , " r g ep hi e d ,t-h a fr i a n d bs o e t h lo er t a th on tr hal a , i l i n m- e a n y . r a e e thars li a c t o l a n a a dph. l M inn apo isdo oba a e ts robnably ea emtill i Therua- th eu acy e u ni a, Buewolgar i, (er- fe thie. u lcg& C f R ou b n a ar l oten 1 ob-;No oten ev ýPtbtI anvlkl te 7..o!b e aid rlsenan d na in hm frpat . e. here 9tt Dt Calres-G od'a .-38 Y el bs outî64Jin's tdffcu th c ln iuet.t a leffien ethe u e r a of'itt taa at w yf-c h s otb a vr Ta e L c k i t e s e u Pi e s 8 0 t o . F e g -t k a e a l v n , a a fu ade fr ein s ura l r e r u fi n e in h ale n w e n erata t e C e t @ ra l t e wde z f r t 65c.er.s's-ssecia tonite.i36à tc 362C.. Àhe barvey Iau werkin thrtb arti, antiWtgcrd partition extend the> 900oran ba peusisa8725 e . -e sa- tr ii sgodIsleia dde uunbsi ferabv te. arm et phe is fo Engansiu a -esl, -at a. a nds e anti îng Vo the op rtryte B l )ap r ulth M nn, %l,.-12-Lnsed csh N d, he fren 'O B ll t e ls Kun u e'î enosîaryflooî n a rail io we. The aI a t e s. Orea-ofn ant W o iî g, $1t 6, 0tJ50u nd $.s $7 te7 0lat - bt. e tt wh.dfollu'tg A ars b"'o e t uthaso hiatio gn sis Wstln g tin e tati ,ani a e ehn o pny i hld 1ev; iheap nd lanbs-Lght ~es. *.50 i. arî dees prett wcll alec t adrlbber wi bec 0oa mc<a v a er o uth L)nkeands a hU'e r la te tr altia te $7; havy. 8575 te 8 . 922bc; . nî t m sfuî't I ned i' snt t aint a hinh. îatton retes. A autTegim H un, Pln, als rp ýtiota Nh. 2ourseernt tlie;sext, vearor twej, greeteat bamlecit aion' bietttaedyeor.hernaIrtro. o!eruaassrreed îoe t $ 0; ye niag la ba $ te $951. su ' . 01 m ,u e a t e Im e d o t îe r e t e rk - a n itet I nSat as. the norw oeave bite 'k larahis. 4 smo RUbb r opost la bng. r u ethr eInie at go l rno , 'es-56. e nt etec 12.9. (01 fti eut {g r ous e'old t yir'ajçqatngs îh;et p uO Oetebeen A r -Nomîbxe rtng Ii Cvlir h P ea sa r , 88.30, fob. are."- yM is.'Yr dnan ho laIsi "l e anforat ur .a rYPt).C eraln>' t in Setan cla, nc r h bii g to a C c e r $ , 0a i $ . 0 g ,$,9 0 i a i l - P t n î e - , a d N e , h ea r ' . P - e s n t r e e t c ' f o r i n g , e b e l e n t e r v t c el a iW s t e r < ' i n t hd a c a l m e t h i n t ha t g i c r s . s h u d w i n r '- $ ; c m o cffxca$5;tu $6.2 5 'i f 8 ou8 'ars nie - îem,,, y cf Iniîî e d 'rla a- ew t n itoe mbaes,-nP e as. o ti f ic . a t ey rc 4 v a s o d be o e a r - 'a-v. te 6.60 îe tm $, 25; te 7 c mbultrîîers's "limî t hie f.in felUnes,,.he gr un à r t ot e 7 . $ 7 . 6t e0 . b ei ! 3 o î a n e k o t t f r s r fT h sis n t hel o o n m t e n a s bc e n int . w a t F a n e . t e n s , E e rnh e m i - nd, a d ' l c t i a t e ' o l r - o :1eW $30e-Go teai, 8.7ass5 atu o, co - f i s b ut h I 's a dif '"td furette fcbes «'l eun ubil. ermEasterh aaa.nteUie ttsketa a rm tesot4 e- Thet teon. $4t.5 to C.ye$7ngmmts. 8 'hi l eain n Euela - tehr's a okdnrhad n Stockrs an feeiers ob. 1ve gt to ake alivis'can In. re yArd, blut stîl. It is cl aim t In m ere rartinathe o esa ltle adNethian xezd ah e o900 tn lr g ms , .2 7 i i c d i lg . w' ift f is h, c 1h :" n a n d e u b ie , d r It h i g an m tri w n or lnsi S tmbe -A e an d n N eT h s kace duntry ] ao te s t C alo'pCr i a u ' a 's . t,"0 tu80P u d,$ o$ ,0 ih. p e t el Ifi ,te 9 91<'. s ut a 'S 18 I l omm r. <tî>Iow .he t i .anu l taeOrgnand. W o m n , h r o e av $62 o$.5 .relac ofthi~Seasoaion Id iWas it rune t thv e s easo.ns vn- mceîl milidhe b e -~~~~~l th-c o u s e f t e'R N F 'ie a o t r ea îe s e h r v e s a a l a e n f t i i a ettr u l t w t i r a b i d g w i h l tîî5,5 i $.6 bcs aiSt Myri' ut 1 nevr stiîi t he aAdlîiaî'k tult.rhilani sbe.ade'heeîr arltfo ieu -nth ale t $10.000 an o nd i nchwars Il ' c lm srtc-utu tst et r s nce Du as îm iut - elt> urn. o l n ea to ry$ 1c r; y e a r lin g' A t h aaf o w era $ 9l ri $ 9i.r)s(n s e b u t ? h a r n) -t uman, a out . 4 n13iltp alîd o sîIw la tles. s iwn " r 'bbeh tislube Auîstr a nd Gary etghrta-t u I'thi ra e W les Mar ia Bapopul altNe A d>pa.e f om ri, P., ay :1li otier wa a itte, ~emti l n te hi' m e'i akn dfûi;lme ac'k IIr e r. a i a teRr . t N rta tap e stmn-av d Ae wit' i'î thýe ith 5e Pr hed déd ctedfor il te min,, a d Fi let1,011 n(jw'ow ol, N, uck lmbasudetnîmn Can expirea s ct ilnnysttt in.heyUiars n 10 os-ti -e ('ii' f a i:, îimd icimot 4 ft.13in; Te(csem '- nu... - ": *,%%,o ! I s'r i- - - - el lusc wv lîa ln ein a uxiu ur he sîfmnga o g ie a ilsc ed %; ,uL ' o ý 'ev ia a.lt 7" - ' " " ' e, d'r fair, r tîraig t and M uet lve Up To stadard. ____________________________________________________eamY or' fretgc-boma employeeu eu l .are fidin a- ut that whe a the D troit M t e f rd y '-'--------.-.--. Whn.- lioCe e .r ar s cley motorcair king iurattca l eriecther g o l y - 'rw a 2 C Og e s by h ie p r fit-oh ucnng tPlan le 'd id A 1jytT m-vexa »nd undir the nic-o spe, n ltent that all the extra moena ril a k g IIKUI144 ins not 80, The Euiiop8ms an' *'siould go Into the savlng bankuî. IMaay LI ~ ,IU UII.~U ' 'Iofe these people la their native lands ex- of frea'h, crlap BIL 10 IBJOIS JIPPING ia.s r>und, a.n<itiéuinegroes oviaî se n&Udhvl, bae.dîrty anti ý,-A Un hOloCie, r. ardhan s e'ved ne- rod -nt . tie ponthrn ha thy ust clean up po av l a r t a l v- ter h m s a d lv la l, decntly 5 e a i ? k o P t E d t D m r l z n den Lya ti i d, T e b t i a g . . a d c enfortabl>. T er a nust e n e o s ?r Dvis aek to ut Ed t léD moraizi ja mard e erowtilng their abotes with board- Huma-n ain, the r-otcf which fiq enare 0f their ewn natienalities; ne more -h iand Inoerbl ySLcn1 of etyBrbey Itlb ',lis enckwped in a- kia ftoli-bathuba used as duck ond. AmereanT a Yt.- - ',as'c'tdwith wliiclî are i-ha.- ef living. T o stile s Ceeuis glands, wht.se àere'ýon givtmg Adesp!td> lf 'An O as [:or tento ohtain as'ccmmo-dat-lon anadif.{d aad go îî2ltothe liuser. l abwan*d -rmor M i 'rp '> 'yul ii.< 1, nj)( îp î wi hj a t r i e A p r o t o oî ti e t d A o u r fac t that em p la si ze t A L M O S T A I E C K . i k il i -vo! l <l w i t ,I i i i A pi l0aI 0 1wa a ndlr ld d 1c r e a rnM io r g noett if 1-o rI>î'-,l'iîo i b cins'antti'lave-hi,, iaîdinl b -i. od e rs f aiie ie th at e ae a hei id and lîad tu bî';ib)e tis way insîýgnifical.nt am lt J.9 fl in E, 'lîcîdi a"Oceiln J'iiitedl"-Train Stoppe(] Then, with some fruit,a [ii mda (,îh-î f orir t'ri CUp of Instant Postumn, and Ilu"" imd umeiî.'><s J1J' 1n' n Iocl> 9i'>tnp. TreSentorccucs - r a pg'ao t ay ebut o',Jn aTn 1 tb ey irij îs. s u a i > ~ ~ i i i eï t. o n p eri? oîts u h o iece iv 'd co c ri îg i m oter fa,3s ithe ha r ft1: c ? Ys: A n att-e ait to v w rck t -hi lik e , y o u hia v e a _ à im p l e c i t b > t i î i a' f i n e r i iji i p ' > . 1 t 'l a d a t c n d e c y t < s p a u p e r - b c d e i e r ' ' h e e ~ î L a i e î a e f o u o t : n b r e a k f a s t t h a t i s w h o l e so m e - i e ! s i m l e li L f o î' ' ; Y i , w a i t e r s , p o r t e r s a n d -o t i e r p a n - iu ' m c r & £u' c a1 ~ i d t i s e u -l i a i ' H a l i f a x i ia q m a d e a t 1 P s J l e H i l l -d a i f y n bbce empl<o.yer w[l aîiiiki~~u',ih0eimuld! etand oniaaplanofue:îlypiovided ttte A O.I <fab-ouit onamile Wes-oi cfTruro, on et[ue tt5lî ~sati of îiaffiiotci aîovec thie-semvije p1i-j bu-huigý:ig abouît a -c'rimijiaal's convie- Tîtesday night. The Limltmd, 40 Toasties a-re bits 'of corn waratuity ç;,eabnde, tiinw1ii-eli tiey ivere pluced in tieIn. ma[talti'eapeeding &ç, e arefully cooked, delicately Seaeo 'dU..a.t itî-uiigtgh eceLre'of gratuli- We 4-e a "eý,i eerd-ih.ait miles an irouri'uh-en the*driver" £av,- seasoneti, and toasted to an 3_-ite ors Wt1c edm>rsdat tics>. EînM)lo.sers sisitulti pay their <if amîu'-.1i'ti sad kilsd iris a îe-l>'iag a-cross the ti-aek, Quickly appetizing "'brown" witirout 1, Davis'ing tlIs tdigfhn 1.I ~ îad înt expeett ile puiblie viLrtlyîeci fa b1iwoin the -a-pplying tho air brakeshe stoppet beirig touched--.bY, hand. i a irs .-aitntluî rcfcm} iv' J sîay ùtirurhe!p. Tippiiug aNa de- b'i 'i 'rd ;iai t ït ad bec tire train, but nct tîntil tire tio uns T ylo odtsegcd r a iftîIt'aie 3'~em if s't:'~'i'peda pu-it i, arrogance on it!ie fov unrîl<miat bannner i thýDp 3- siovcd simcac of the engin o n tui.d nou. ' u ri i,' " îau-t 4f th.oi<e Bt'îviflg 1,110 pllilic. sio>l(if lite stusptx-LeÏd 1110, afteîr be- Juuîdol ee. The niatter is bQtmîi hi" IIe-li'idih u >ij~ q'(--Snat.o-i-Ri.,5s ut Mitidhcun syai. lez ý--ubjecte-d Ui>enrefucs <euîiy n-ivestigated. wtmr!, k-'xtî1cnyt un-i1îIn "Jiitt patliizexi u itil i bIte bject )f tuhe bilI]2, rta IcruscPe rt.ved! te o bc"Th Memory Lilngers" y~cfî; atu<] l'p!4J l ib 'ritti ul Fer' ian sutld pay tir<sF? ofifllire irmman <' ye-bmo_)w -,Tis, Sl YGoes Iuinet h,îuîd make lh« iayt wile-e," tisiu uas ki]led by a bluw <:;i t3 SiSie save ire ' whh' a M n. 'e P'-<i!" ' iftîwf111 e aîlr P-oîrin rfa -t.ii anI bo-,,p-ue ole l iikl ie rouble.", -Clisatian PotUl iCna C. ui Jte give," ,eed awat, is . i perienre, foi- tira - ver mari i 1PerJînp 1i tiia a',s a Vietutsl'fî4 n tien Thre -Cltii s pushumig a bai'-n, 'i iý1rtisilih mkT idi 5 band îs sure it. s.cr ii , f- b ai nff c d11111114 dues :i t'hiulîuchîesseý1 aad hein aruQîtuud 111 uý3 Iper 'tura and' tin ,Vit"sIbL ) Tlsis incident mav miîr' to'geaeral socîal sinip]e * Ii&its.,ýeait,% - ufluenre a~ lîreici muu-hemh resiuned tCee (f auirsiiig tluiî j I.Inxler thte iillueuîcc s'it Ill tic - pirit, -Whiicli l'î~tej stiff anad artificiaMl c-li.eîî hast-boa fatîeue-d r longer lisilate bu t » D spring -fer ai airig. Y -ha-rde a-nd fîtbhirý niii note cf t-lis, ') sr?.u?,11,i plea-sant 5udy (401V ý'OILM',S 1l'J Fifty Tintes Pi SI b'iln flf' ty hfllOs tih~ ..~-' -minants.Tt. -sn tre tise gh Heniie.mtR.eelat - clanîIlc i ltLgin hou theà-ntusuuçd the.- fr-l:'T1wy- lîcld g- iihiolu arc thelavvîar. f,flre Rive a1-' ete kY, tiw~kî petn-uîirî'der7 aiiii iîmst;naticn tIir rutcluaies, ,a- s s .at i w ikh i e inn'<'. ba-ssc-<if tie ligir f iurlsh, g4î We'lt uîui. u s cri-aý-d1. Tire irnt u - .tf? te4ly glsc1w "'f t-hic larva aî u.rcd iii'ktof c' urse e r '1 h iuseet'urder nxccre iies ili a'ppeas,' then, that tji noue, maiterial' c-f t-le , glow could l i 'pvue,'o ~ .Ï iappy nu an mintîu' ness, fa-r louerc li.thIire a I -g- surces wti -CuIeuWer 'oi.-r eyes, yet Wh-temnsui te' its 1use0-tithout ,pre-empti /< j Brother fo -easilyre djd Cilmani on e Women! A QT3, lher father'cs familv nw it uintil bho is Marriel lock slhe takes lier hxi "Slle lias n<r>nP 4f bli *anld pass3 down to, lie, Tliee are thos.e w 'a wjmân 'Wfho lias E ëeriot,s ta wtrry aboui *esIteent-ielreif mosV cof s ,notrue ph disniss .90 grav e as flippant a manner.2 a gnievance, % questi naInes ýof t±kir '~ _Js aeccoinpanied by unt Smnitli maries ,a -Mir, the fatmily nanie hm Joneq. The eltildren1 ~and ail is mm-ooxtli nti marryv. Ariotiter nam ,'and . -liavo> m ithi-'Jo How long can the prâo verx rng il)a blu Shall thein arried ;et ownratTe ý'ro)Ppuprental nume-S ioîie.Ther,ûle en tip in déa-pair. Li

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