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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 7

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r- died. Ir&. Charlotte Ar. $a deÃŽ119 fier begt 6taise Fà4s and Fanolee. OtIeorSUO and,4cry-names for PoDipt d'esprit is d j Leutp il. ho seh in 4r è !', lingrie and negligeea. It is use&, zrs T*ci.1,1,*L ane sand getslike netg fçr thi ea fnilt IepTtP..2J8 ~famiy keee gons ~minafoks OU .ne. seli, Èarried. After wed- Charmiing itt,1e matinees are e Vel7ô 19. A. certain riob Mali' è takes ler husban.d'e. nami;al 'f point d'esprit triinèd wituh Risnaine Je nowh.i-r gen liU'aS nomje o4 her owin toi kee-P waly l"t » -.A rcelly beantifulI popidaUr ,itle "Dives" beins m.1'f dow tohercliidrn." boudoir 'cap is made of the point Iy te Lt 4nfor'sa rich, man."9 s don b be chloien. d'esprit, mounted over c:>ored silk, là purpie'-and- fine linen---ThQ' and dgéd'-th a frili cof baby Irish outer garntwaa ade fth T!hêr are those who think tihat -wide in the -back and na.rrow in "purple" and the undie f Vthe. 4wohIl&f'Who has nothing'-more tihe front.- A. band o! brown fur "lnen."' - Both' materials were i coersthe jonin o t lace and. very exrpensive. --The name "pur- ~ev~u towory aoti iesol the cap and "a twist of ribbon, is pie" 'was at first applied only to' "#temn hese1 mic*et fortunate.' But, 'wound &b>out the cap, îornetiines the liquid. dye obtained. froni a »off, eourse. ne true philosopher will ab-ove and sometim -es below the. fur. .hbellfih adlte ae té Ie nsed4 4iamisas e grave: a subject in<, ome ribbon fLewers, in a. loose, metaphoriéally for the f&brie dyéid lipanta anur. gievnce anging bunoli, are £a.tened on one e with this liquid (compare Prov.. 4a erievance, a- question is a ques- Teltiegr' bts irvr it 2;reera ,18.11arytid I6).coo. tineand natbing je Sttled Until rimal1 or Very large. Tine very large 20. A» certain beggar namned La,- ~it is aeffle. d. rig.bt. What, -then, ea.n hat 1-s a plain one, witiha. band of zarua-it is intereeting toô note be on fr Vs ûmn a rgadsRoman-ùtriped 'or plain ribbcin that this l'e the enly instance in ~ams o tsei ~upward fromtéhs face. A black which 0lra givea à name to anY velet r- luh tiloedbat la the character -na parabie. -sinartest thing for the littie girl to Was qaid'at his gaote-The verb Wel, 'uppeeunion in edokwa for ber walk out-of-doors. probably means simply lay. The ~paernnpniedÃŽ,~ unin inname. Tese hata are plain, îîeua]lly de- position of the beggar ait the 4e £xnth arres 'Mie Joes ndcorated witlh afolded i eilk -Or-na,- or pr-oba.bly-,portico, .indicatea the. Smit marie a Jnesandmen t on the side or front or back. grandeur -of tèhe house. th zm.1 aebomsSit- B h way,the mak:rs of gofine, 21. We are not told that LazaruS ~and al i . tçn»oth unitil they irn turn 01 the new fabrios-say that its f romn the ricli mange table. Th. marr. Aothe nane i adednaine waà given to it because it is fact that li lay there day after day maru 1 Anoter ninean admirable fabric for golf clothes. and the rich mani knew him would and we have Stnltliî4ones-liobin,.on. It îs qade on a ga uze foundation indicate -that he shared favors Iiuw long cen the process continue? and shâws 8tripe.s of cotton v'elvet. and abuse alike- with -the dogs. His eylIng in a bity and humor- It is -admirable for street suits of position does mot imply', however, tg many kinds and will doubtless bc th;ýt he was not given eliougl to t used for tennis and cbanoeing and satisfy his hunger. As the. dogs otdieo outdoor sports. were regarded as unclean animais, shall the mairried wonian retaîýn Coîored Iawn coîllars -and, tif the poor man's mi.sery would be her vwn naine? il what of the are fastened on1 thin, white muslin doubly exaggeratedI by thein. No-- chilrQn IfihL each generation nightgow-ns with fine narrow bead- ice. however, that he doges not drop parental nianes and make 'a ing. ' nurmur against Glod nor againat p ~A durable and inexpen6ive petti- Othe rich man, Lafer there is no fres'h starbi(Contusin worse con- coat is mnade in pink and blite. The0 exultation over the reversai of *fourided. The problet.m ust be giv- top is madle of a Eilk and sotton fa- their positions. e» up in de8pair. Liet the revoit- brie, sheer aud thin, eiîher in pink 22. Thlis is, of couirse, on4y a par-1 e4 i fenini4t chamrpions make a.p e r blue. Attacdhed to tliis ie a cor- able, and we should not look for aitie îgesi'u 1~-n uteestsage net ruffle, te whieh are stiteh- special*neaning in each detail. Thle 5litesig(Ri). e:nitrs ed two ocr tliree strips, of pink or parable teaches that happiness await i.blitte ribbon. The ruffle is tihen and nisery after deatli are deter- - +- iOde pleated before it is attached mined by the conduct of persona to the sikirb. Tîhie tikirt lias much in this life. W"ai i iom"t dii4asteful ex- of the dain-tineiss of, a mucli more 23. Ilades-In general the abodea: -perieîue f,,to'the 'avcrago family expensive akirt and, moreover, ihoii lpatdaiisgo nd mani i erha.ps it is ito ajFpear open- is even more duirable than oee made bad, until -the tizne of final judg- fi ]y as a viotija of d<>mestiosubiec- 0f chiffon and crepe. metwee oevr lal tion 'he c:np&te~ foin hat A petticoat cf chiff-on is ede d place of torment for the wicked. with a lace ruffle. Undert1îee ge Bein in torment easT fh iina- s.uchlstibiection 'can take is that of iof te lace. wbich is not. gathered,waint etbcasofisnn pulîi'îg a baby carriage along a is a band of black veivet ribbon. difference to the poor anîdbis Iack r public thorouglifare. The humblest This gives giome 1JOdy to tolie lace of sympathy. IL could, not haver xok us"ffle. U udei' tItià uff1' i4 one orf been because he was riclu, sinceb husbadti'i Terik.itcat cic"bs lae hfo.Abraham himseif had been a rich h1Usaitu ii wi Th bus- lwork of Ille .oveliest Piece. !; ma".i, bazid il sure iis 'ho txirge<is." French lingerie are made with but- 2-1. Father Abrahamn-The richa tonholed &lits thlroluglî which tlue mani was a Jew, a descendant o! al AnAutrian ar eliduke has giv'en ibbo:)n is mn. Tiis is a xmîch meire Abrahiam, and lie appeals to theira Alitsdurable ar'rangement than heading relàtioliship and to Abraham's fa-a hi. vIIws-ifi action. Shn.ring ini although, of cour-se, the button' themly co.mpa&sion. f that general revoIt against irksome holing is tedious when one must do Send Lazarus, that he may d ip de court étiquette which sens, scooer iL one's self. the tip of bis linger in water, and C orlater, to-,affect ail Auistrian areh t Hn mb roier s tlludo coolnly tongue-How changed the v' dksadarchdluchsses, ueh se1 more lace than the French doing wasý made te contribute to cC declared and dcmonstrated bis free- and iLs asoit daintiness makes up forbi selfialu enjoyment. Ie had liv- Wý dom by perfOrming the most domas- the.-exquisite ambmoidemvy that we ed a life oi coinfort, aase, and in-ol0 tic, famili r' and cemmforipiace act do Det finid tîiwe to use. However, difference. Hie had not been ar- a" he czuid tliink of-ptisbing hie- son the French embroidemy has a charm rogant and driven Lazaris freom bis m- our dos nt psses, rodcedb ygate, but Bimpiy unconcerned about IS< and iheir arouindin. a pamambulat or, tha wonderful embroidemy and theohersanhame 15imploe te halp di turn and turn aabot witlî hi. wife. tiny frili or edging eofine valen-eshtan s ~ î ipoervihe.ama ciennes lace. 25esThorvice, faeim rcivds Thtis incident may mark a return , Linen that is to be marked with .Tni thy lifetimgs- e receivedat ie n -4te general social simplicity. Under indelible ink muet' be stmetchedth good thngshe receiaed thse ar Iios:uau' inineGe risocrtictightly. Little metal sheets, wwngo hng sbson nhsd0 Roi.ringsau'ahinflthnceinenstverathe . them for bis selfialu pleasure, but eJ ,French mothers résumed the prac- are soid witdu some kinds of indeli- ftbe macle n nveinnsfo lh fice c f nursing thieir own chilidren. ble ink. Embroidery hoops can be 26, Abrahaim tella1- the rich mani be- tTnder the influence of the democra-' used for the 'purpose. The linen, that it la impossible te interfere, w< '+,,, f-1-1- - oret-cej'in dis tebamar Ld frfy. The-y held 81i&wýerms ma-un e bieas -a pull. h ianetitemeste-d in thlese siacmed ia whîch} are thé ara of fireflies audJ iîrkeisaa noen irs i eachingg weuld nôt repent andi wh- gie 9taady, tîuw.iu.kiug light, ln.(t auy mnan <an. stutffth cag ae f u is rinm aga:,n!*t a d'tsk o! white blotting pa- Tht, woî-id wiIl1 forgive 'a inmai- deOrgI pet' under an iliu-nination of! 190- înost a-ny oid thirig éxcept a failurce uetre ûa.ud1es, aud by mi equationi, Excepjt for bis bigaears, a donikey s KA TXIMJ EtNK 01.1 SALT. c initr) wioh ituine",,sary te go c-otiJ noV appreciate bis own mse o(ot~Rfieîln >,esthe here, oalculated -that tlusglow- ONxosioonay a mnarrins a figh Wîms Ni'et.ary.tai worm's fhgt was equi.airîîit te 0Ar-,2bcÇ.çalý lue hasîL 'e ret e the T-etîd lsiorir qar e ia.ietr irida f away xcser A ikating riuk umade cf salit wa.s T T l - a î- c u c i s o r s r e a s i l ow, O u ' li sa(fYa p c te x c s e . ! a -c e n t y e x liib ite d a n d s k a te d t p o xn p u r 'Titi calclatin i111de n t gena- l une MI"' 01licits dirty linen at t-be Bei-lin "Zoo" IL ivas -Pr()- von bnsis o-f Lh-e iglut fumi" 'ishvd by tiefo I>.'iffe to waiînrd ire-n <Iiucèd by pureiy cjiemiücai meanSbe glow wùly -î und r natra of 9 udmiiil Aî a'ttel- cf fact, l11h is a gorl eail withoîtitthe emrpiny3,rnent f a Lh-mî. t.u 3 a-o~ id fsiu a l like iyaîtroizing a clienp r cr- -coaýtiy refrigera4Àing p.n>ces sý. t mc- rern tioti IL. irigiîtQ1Lîi 11may bu rîtit 'lu- tauraruL. 'hie thhiit.y-ou rea.!lv Wri*îîenbled ice ia evary isay, Mas od,,r- cr.îd VTe flash oif the fiefly - d rotho poi tha LIII uf fat- e eirs and proiuf againuit a.uy heat -e prolîably -many foid, peîiîaps fifty 1,ow 86 degmees Fahirenheit. This or une hu'udtred fald, as liight as,; Faib ink was macla after a proceýi tu -ted g woftli la Suh libling tIli. inve-r.ecl sudpatented. Lt câ-u be e conclttiýsî,ens ash-ai-o been drawri My 'dci," rnarked Junes, v, a nedevrwo, 5niit r s h -ifirec-.>act tue -andequacy of the 1*ld ust finji-iedcc readinig a bock oup hlst, or bo-ards cuti be coatad witb ht intiinel brltiac~' h C e na. -The MWon<leme of Naturt," 'hiiLad Ecbld om fos. tan ,b sried luol<i o! course for the samt. reaiit. is a remarkable wvork. -Xa- is epplIecl iu successPive layatu and as fitisect uncier mnie. intense ex,,rtiion. ttre la marvcellous I Stupendous! thie '-'&no'w" ahraded by tîhe &Iates h - - 'appears, then, that bhe 1 When I reaq a work like this it c&n he oollecbed a.nd melted witb eauy noa aîeia o tegîw orni akes ime thiuk hew puerila, liow fmcaatrii i, uatiyr-dni coudd itbe reprodutoed, would alto isgn- cntli a.qnired for a singlie layer is about iîui Le, waihappy uxean h in itrinsic briglit- "1-mb " sniffed lis ibetter hiLf. one-fifth of a pOu-nd Per aque.re fodi. ri-,frlwrttnthe artifiîal1 "A womau deesn't have te wade A freali layer applied twice a week hIrgti uoawtl hih~~~ tîrout hfour hupdred pages tLe find S-Iffices t eep a riir iki ot'r eys, y ît igh e nough te permit o-0ut th e s-aine thn . e ir it s th utpre-enipting Mo ealigned. a rife e ce et w~Ispaee ita wen~wgiv tO She-I Itear t-bat your friend. Mr, Shie-No, Jack, L fear ws cciuld - - _____ - Drinkleigh's lhabits are very -irre- neyer b. happy; yenu know, I, al- tend: -agular. ways want Mny own way in Overy- ', Many- girl imaginées thlat her He-Nonsense! Regular as a thing. Bt lieart la- broken when hem liver is clock-he'a neyer sober after dia- Be-But, dar1in8ý, yen oould go makr out o!f Oide r. ner, on ýwanting h tafter w. are marmied. mon. A thouund-barrei."dY floirnik Saê., l4ii ft "ou Z mis& 7 .Jeancs, 'whiowasc Coerk i Ltbri4g, Mît,for six Regina wil ia;- a clsaiup da on May Ilacd&i4e mniiten v~Lb. absked te, r eje r t e ta . ni t4er iiitheio pui'pâs.' sevlen caries&.'o! dxreesad me4, -directed ýW POinta BaeitbriCa -ada ", esshppe.4 in o ne4dy f rom Edmiciton meontly. - AYoung Matftob&. Laxýar- wanted -&wife, go adveiised 0n aWinnipeg paper- f<çrh-ar. Tiffl ,nuptia het ha* juat bece tied, Regima.now eolatim te-have a su- Plus o! 810,195,275 civer Idubilitiet, and esys that 'will compar-e favcsr- ably with amy çilty lu the west. Tiie Manitoba Cold Sbtrage Cvan- panY, eituVed ini Winipeg, wiu add, five stories ýcit plant., amn wilh thenthaxe a capacity o! 1,700,- 000 oubie féet. At a coof !epoinaey$2, 000, the. govemurnient o! Saskateie- wan il ereet -a courthouee and iîamd tities buildings ait Swîift eux- ment and Humboldit. " Ednioton Cýouneil haa decided that Only snob eivie work as lu abscý luîtaeiy mneessary shall b. don. 'Lis Year. Stihi, ove-r a million willk be expencled for- latter£isewers. A boy naied Richard *McIinock feli 35 feet dourn-an elevaîtor shait at Win nipeg, aud died -thle niext day. The hoy'e faniily bad, juet moved ite WVianmpeg fx-om Deloraiue. Rtegina wih i-naugurate a civie farta a -oýggy Creek, nssr that Lady Newborough, Sh-e waa MisCamr, of Korituéky, aud nuamried Lord Newborough titir- teff Ye-ars ago. A sniart crener amd j% iavi&hetetae. Ilow Mueh Sleep. Wber IL-mau la in perfect heal] he wakes Up riatumahiy wheriho ie aâd e 'neuglislep.-Wbat, la nouê Ileep is entirely a matter o! hab nd o! individuality. Oua man mu ýave bac! enougli when lie bas siel lotir howri. It is not walh for a me w-ho is iu the.-habit cf sleeping eigl r rime hours to cut down h igbt's m-tet sucdaenly to fou rc Iva. The bealthy mari wakes Il *eady to get up, ready te leave L )ed. TIis la because he too fmil ,igor te lie. idie. The man lu pei ect, heaitli inust b. active. But hi Lwakeninu' naed noS uecassariiy b idden. Many men wake up gmadu lyv. Sudh au awakening is pies ut, and is ofteri accompanied b xce greatest mental a-ctivity o! ti ly.- Poets.-have fouud thieielve îos"iug th-eir meat beantifulc 'erses, ' .musicians imagning th, ve-lie.st melodies, when in tht oudition cof perfect physical mest ith tbe 'mind efmeshed by a nigi fslep. Nom bas ltha heaithy min ,y recoilection o! hIS night. Ei iay bave dreamt, and lie may liav ome hazy mecoîlection o! hn 'cain -but this passes away likeà 'e-atý l in a poli-shed steel sur 1ce. SIeap la te the healthy min ierely a reviving precess for brait nd body., It anuihilates the poie se!f fatigue that bave accumulai dduring the. day, the. poisons thit iake hlmi feE!i sieepy at night. An< taen hae wakes np be jumpa ont oc ed vibrating with ene-rgy for tht irk (-, anoLher day. Spring and thia Onion. Nature 15 -neyer. uiggamdly co eafl in hem womkings, and whilst ýjtvenating t-he eamth set spring- me ee &So supplies that whièh, roperly taken, rej uvenatea man- ind. Tlie miedicinal and blood-pumify- tg quîalities o! s3pming vagatables -e upheld by ail medical men. Tii fluance o!f te bousawifa on tii aitlu o! liem famiiy canuot, there- 'e, b. unlemeetimatecl. )nions, covemti «y- and cautiously isumacl by man, pos-sess invalu- le preperties witb regard te the imn-n body. They preinote slaep, ,an aid' te digeetion, al-laviati îghs and coldq, aud, ahlay the uns of mheumatjsm. It i-s the pre-senee of ar-powemful phur-ojilthat rtender> the onion valuabie 'PThe suipxur bas s rked staitilatiuE affect on tuhe3e io take iL. Spinacl isl a waell-knowu laxative. contain S a qîîau-tit-cf iron in Ianic feomin, aud iron lu t-be formi a v egetable is a perfect bloDd lie. (Jar-ots matez-ia-ly assiat ln Ltreatmnut <f derangemeuts of liier, and shoiild be eaten by bilinuissibjects rurnip-tops are splendid blond rifiers, and tumuipsanau pa-rsni.pa tain a peculiar oil Ïhat us very neficiali The jmicas o! t-be la-st -ea ve-getables si-e au old rural nedy for celîgis and lioanseiuey. lu llîr New Plaüe. 'How are ycîî gattiug ou at votîr w place 1" asked a la/dy o! a girl om wshe had mecommended for a a.tý0on "Ve ry well, thank you," ýwemed the girl. -I arn glad te r iL." said the.lady. "'Your enu- laè i a vemy nice person and- you iot do tee mucii for ie.r.'" "I 't anean te, ma'anu," was the uceut reply. wbih fi b ucdt<>feed the 'uar,- 1idintonl po elped.,Afeehle andl negatii-e Le- Ihhorzts owred by 'Lb.eiu-nicipa.lïty foud we n e sees a Parisee oi)- igity ceu oserve thi.-e, rx< fiegina, Sask., now bas Ã"ne o! the bing widows cf titeir 'rpmy adt nnimdb n4îeiu o tasl'et grbge ispsaiplntslu nyfor a pretanse making long pravers. sitive love, like t-ha Maste-r's, is, lagh s Canada ci, hl hit 'lastn fnyBecause ha canuot abide insincer- î'owed froti iseuits with ildi;g- bit wili take car. of lthe. giibage dis ity, lie looks in speachîcass wrafli on nto-e'- lfarry - ]3euson IFus- lay --6a.1 cf tuhat city for emge a ans o a gi-o-up cf men wbo, thainselvas dickz bn ct mailway emtployes of Re- BEAVERS AT WORKl. ,h g*,ina have for a Year beemri rceiviaug -f . t-ime and a quarter for Sundizays, Their Enterprîses Have Attrat-ted or and the muîn-cipahivy proposes to Attention o f Naturalists. o!s trike mn-y result. wluich, though t-be union o! worke rs Rei,. foiaqu r r t n caV tseil -iseoixiplate, t-bar. la ne ver any lis or--qurte steetcarticetsdur stike Nowalingdelega Le is ,h igthe roon heour, but the aldermen needad in a locige cf beavers, for iilit tdie Ch ldren c ne. t-uned iL clown, alîeging that busi- M'Jere comlmuriism prevails there q dont nant te Wear y rub- nesa mem wouîd mcap thbe g-est-est are ne "enipeyaers" and ne "ein- bers :" tîignmhd >7benft ployed." Beavers are proverbially si rn'a 'h te Disappointed inl love, Adolphiniudstrious. "To work likea beav- dîek puW it"sited rbranda oIn esLowenbarger. o! Wynward, Sask., er" has bacomne a bywet'd. Tluay wltan lt-s wahks inu thie of t, crild of killad huma.]! wit-b a shotgun and have skihl te plan and te carry ountud.", hechi.sel. Ha bad sihoît limsadlf, and, their work. Thair enterpmiaaa have 1i don't want to-practice my -inu- at thet not proving fatal, bncI finiahed attmaeted the attention o! n-tu ra!- sct complaiued May. twith t-be eisl - -ts, and oeeof thein, Mm. liios A. sic 1h~2'-~dguud- Ti S T he P rovince o ! & Ib érta bas 289 M ils, hin w r itttla an i teresti ng locua t b s w - k d h r l a b l' ceýai mines, einxloying 6,610 mi in- b.ook, "In >usjeme Wold, " deveted sonles ever since ib was- old enough e side anid 2,2b3 imen xuttde. LaMi to thc ¶E1é and deinga o! t-hase auj- to kuew how. Now it ýan sing frein ,e year 4,306,646 teons o! cen-I were Px- tuaIs. o 7t Iihzad.bc agn is dueed, an inemease o!ýne&aîlY,25-Pem At imes upward ef fort-o! them 'V'itîout au uneven note." ace-ut. ove-r 1912. ware lu sigt. Altbough tera was ' "Idon't want t-o sw to wàslu iiy r- The erection o!f te Caiùlmcian Pa- gene-raI co-operation, yet eacli oee ns, ad Nd ncîfie Office buildings in Winnipeg bas appen-red te do bis part wibtout o .r- 'luanda,!" aid gcl. 'Th [n beaai pos'tpoied fer two years, dans or direction. Again sud again "Wh3'-stop ' and an pa hee s- lesses of the sites lhaving ! been a gmoup o! workers completad 'at gtsos aud cl etaru ie ver tgranted te two others eiL gaVa foriled. ands feett aras covered b- empaiesfortas, ad wt-but aum. shenîy ith hairs that make a gooçd bruelu, 3'L t-hait period. moved off, and began another-.wadislt oabtof by id Tii. Dut-ch Siocuiey o! Winipeg Evemytuhing appen-red to go on mect- aond is bd-lsne1 ito <usy )f held a supper aud dahne, ait - whieh anicalIy. It produced a strn-nge-" o'} i t oy",t hepi tég le th-q waitress e reedresseid lifeeling te se, se mn-ny we-kers J 'I on! 't and ayt to helpl dgr Dutcx-h costumes and itii. dihes ing se many kinda of womk eff ective-Je "aJRyputd thoe mSuct in favor i Hollain< 'he ly and atomaticay. Z.t '*Wly-a:" ýsai4 granda. "Thle scce'L ba a xesberiti o!400 Agun uJ gai I istned fo worm helpa Toin every day as it Hoceny Kr a.sRussian iizenf o!. tiisueiand aut'I voice; dfc-cawla along, it turne the bits 'o! r er Krftr Rsiaoitznlf-testp rire de tsea ve --diri over and over. with t-h. queer beencls Sask., wa mâssing. He had st-anVly I watched to seet-e oer littIe hooka clui-ta body, a-nd that it ehauldg wood Loi- is employer, seer amongite; -but I liste ned ,0 01 -nd when searcliwas m-ad. iL was auJ waitehed lu vain. Yeti I fe-el ikaeps t-be round icle w d o feund 4-lat lie was 1lying cead undei- that somne cf the pat-riamebial fel- fulldof wowant te l he edbe a, load o! wcod lit wais binging lows musit have c-arried inu t-ieim fuil of wo-ed" sdclaend. ""h fretinthe moumnitaius. The bad hând mindsa agenerai plan cf the womk, b'W-luy-e *es ei ra oTht -upeat, kilUng te driver, and t-o and tii-t during its progmess ordars bunibloabe os atand n fr-stops Sherses liadc tbood witii nothin;g te and diieetioas that I coulti not. coin- uhîc smoaner andga eyqie stop e est or drink for t-we - Jays and pr.itand were givemi friom i me tO ti o sf oe bg -m ut.fi e nigita. time. 1f1hlot, a'"a2th! nL - Mrs. Victor Ean-misit, who h-nlids a Thte womk was aS lt-s heigiit a lit- t' h I on't antl akt-bi nt Minnesotafirst-claas eriginaer'a 11- tLb before midday, Nowadays it a i -bsilag, "iThace- ycen-se, and -had held-it for 20 years, rare for a beaver te wo>rk in "Wpigon-ares ' sagesudora "lne -W-s refused tihe might to'rmin hem liglit. Men and guns have prevent- pin arn tes nre ti-es for ath ug, e huebandi. Li-tion eng n ' in Sas- d d ny-light workers frein leaving iL- n i l i"' k a t h e -eia i . h . lad a p p lie d t -e t h e d e s e n d a n ts . T h e is a b e a v -ais n o t . u cl g w -i g os- u s p ps.h o s e departmea it ait Regina, a uJ- w as, on y w orked ut played day hy ay. lit-Lie hil d o en- -s pposil - s e tuned dowu becausa there is a foot- Qe momul g, for mre tian an ltl hlrr W note tO the la- w ie~lî eys th&t hur, there wui a general f ollic, iin . They san- riFht djwîu besida the ' r-xn"qualdfied, te otake ut- 11- which tha entire population appear- tIatj thy anud pot gmumbeah liera en&eës 01411be màêgoVer 1îg yýsraePd to take pArt. i-r;te ees -ieh"a-- ,c f a e g a U ci a- r t - h o 1 a w M s . . E a x r - ' P e v r a c e d , d i v d , c r o t d e d i nS o e h y w r s î c s t r ist io ncot la perpon, but. Jhe is vrygeeral mix-ups, wheked tlie water the a-i nand the duwoar itle îuts- augry, as ehe *vanted te ru the with *their tails, wmestted, andcliv- bee antid t-ha igrm, t-lia]]bet4e- angIne foirlber -husband',s tltrrsiug ed a-gain.'Phare were two qr tiiree b.. ed tsapin emey,-auil bCoL-t-m eu-t-ftt thzs s-u er, pin-y centres, btthe Li.aI-vwaut on pnVrdio i -ey-oti' on w itbeut iuterm m mso ; and as th a-r pa i n i Unortuate ilîmtratomi. position9 constanti1 changad, the nerry nakers splas bed waterau nll " ~ > I O D S O A E Figg-Do you balieve in maten- - tveLa main pontd bafoma t-bey psyc losis 1 ca m d dow u and retuined. tqe w ork .»wî ho m It, S y " f' ~ > - (' Fogg--Com e again, pese' lu silence. Bt'<'iiiîtS rs I, Figg-It's ike Luis. Aceorîdiîîg Igave Mnd;*"ttttntionrit-r> theabar- oi ,t3rageri-s gcid forlrc,- -o te -at doctrine, mv sotîl, aftam 1 vesters, wiho.~ipled t-le asýpaus and ae-igt-o t-lue report p! Preofesîmm'r geV tîhroigh wuth it, may inhabit moied t-hemn , edmv 4or iluscetions,j Ka iftlepîic-mech -th a b ojdy o ! a jac asa - by land and i w ate t t e li arveat llc- L r i o - itî i n. U nd r Fogg-Wail, I dont know en.v piles. Ona trac <iit tia shore 0_f t-le or--ua' ditioyns o!f-mcauv place whe ma it wou ud feel t i e a i p o-n dl, i4icth ey fellad ;t< theli a - r cad L .j n ait once t-- oslest iti « hom e. ter a suc iglît in c(heîs lin dia eter f r?hn-c-s, a uj lun co,)nEizqttmce is a ud fi f t e n f e ,& t h Iig h i W lit u t ba i- - n e a p e a t ab l e V ti - c i u n r 'lie C ?Isolazti tel. in g e ven a 1m b c -rît-off, it w as float- F -o r tii- a ,es oi-i fcr g it 's b ak ers " T h - r e i s r m e c e n u l a i o u l u e - c d c o w n t o t - e n e a t - s t l t - n e s t p i l e . l i a i e w o r k ,c d a t - n i f i t - i i i o r d é- r m l a t i.ghelv," s-bne cosulid -n e-Ane-tier, about fthe saite aize, whiehl tti-cunne may 1liaxesfrei gAnd witatash a î"t-ha beaivers feE-ld about fifmiy feet 1. rean ut-ho e --ii Mr. Kats " Xj' e a r y i -i t -e t -liai w o n e n a r e fro mn th e w a te r, {lta y e t in to fo ir tho4 î f e , lu p o s sib ilit y o f k -e p - will ing te co cde at-t 1Iasesn- Ee tions, sd removed its -branches; imîig tha b cad abs*olut-ly frenli for sible and vill mnke a good wile for thn a single beavr wotild take a severai dys. Curiously en-ug1hlt i -e a i n.il -bra uclu in is eeth, an d -u ag iL to i s at) - b. ordin ry tem peratureis som mn.the. water, and swim wit.h it te ia that hmend growvs st-aIe, andc ait bot Pdder Psted, harve-t pile, higli and low t.-mperivLu.ros jicrn F o u r b ea n v e r s u n it - d t e t r a us p o r t -L . p a s r c . A t+ 4 0 d e meA a l r _ 11 - - rem on . - -, rüdf i us 1 a 1k! I ii mto d m r .b u, ikn d Iy. eq ua . nimity. B"JeIo~v-4 a jMýn1-goed anda evïiI, learned .and igaor aut, asideno, P.t, of. ht ' Iîtnnô.~is médton Bust he-ýne-ver liftae n .r to-help aper-gon,,-nor tee] IG of-ni natin-ae oila >! î~land. Wbcna yiial - Jxetan o ewevêr, -love and goocl will- mun ~i o i i n . . d u f e e n t t h n g . ¶ P e y i n - thîe pstve alorençe. lie bates .h ys te ýu hat m ic sdebau chery with ilaUlteh'gi.lK an ,aet !61eigeu worship; îïe. relents thi; apathy bthat leaves Mîilio0nsý withotut education; ie, cannot;endue the radîtiona whicai eniave. child iw' he is turbul,ût wii àauger ,t tîhé spec- tacle o! fa'ini-e,'aufferçis-.umaided' by w*eathy neighbora. 1 is a mari o! wmath, whditem lun India Or in America. Rl e fe h eard the injuriciuion of Paul, - wfr wites the thirteentit hapter o! I. Corinhiaziq on3 love, and then SAYM: "Y. that love, bhe Lord -bat. evil."1 'Plis attitude of the :Ciiietian is a directï inliemitarice irom Jeanls HiS wrath la the negamive electri- Ci-ty e aiorie'e4ncI O!fi h!caused by tIi. positive el-cctricity cf his love aL t-le other end, anid by a Iaw o!' eternal ueceýssity ii. etwcr are imankind, ihig anger j8 Idndled sàÉ the sight of a oelfish Dives wfi'IicOàn enjoyhii Iuxury at eags' WhiJe Lta. vzarus, în diatreffl, lieps at his veiy doocýr.1 In the presence of tihe IScribes and Pliarieees who- regard the amalleat oeremncuial demanded' by tiie haw as God.srquieî-ent, alkingside O! '-'justioe -I ad:- mercy and faitb," huela s o ýroused in apiiýh ta as Dr. iSeeiey Saysaý "Of t! hs teacheî's )! the p-ast wiiese cayings, eliave beau preserved #!,Mhamuaed would be, regarded -by most as-the. ,typè e! uumeienting.'serity. 1And 'et we *May eearehijie Xoran lrom beg iu ni - g te end w itih aut , findîng2' words exprerçive o! miore veýhemené cenfdemnation titan those attribuýt-. ed- te Christ"- Tiil iove-of Chî'iqt. Let iL be itaid, wiLh distinctriesa titat loye-like that co!fte Master lu :terri-ble. iL iok-s on Lazarus- and then IL 1looka on -Dives h Lt looks on tii. littl.e h-ild-erhin rithe factory-and then on the manl who Profit iby iteir labor and- on àociety. taL ahhowï Vie Outrage. IL looks on Lh. poor struggling for b-read-- and then on Lhe men wlio keep !uodY Iprices artificiaily luiglu. lit' looks on the "abandoried gimi'>-and tîten on thJ-main who betmaYed lier and on -the men iwho seek pleasure n-t tlie cest o! hem aliame..It looks on the utiinpiiv-ileged, ecoming_ ote ir graves, as Sydaey sinitil jaid, "Witlî souk s carred hlike a sl dier'à bojdy' '-aultitan -on td priviieged W-hîo have e-njciyed tileir -- 1- lu ~ U t e blani

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