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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 1

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FREE E W. give fret, wl with oaci or each bc PALU OLIVE at . OcE ýalm olive prepi et world wide re .quality and puri It will pay yci vantagp-f this D)ràgglst anmd -MEDICAL1 Stock St. a Profesaiorn JN4,Ir.E. FAREU »m"ster, County Croi County Soli Office south wing Çourt 'A. CHRII Burrister. Sofflter, Nieti Office, Brock St., Opp. Money to 1 JANtES RLITLEDGE9 I Y;,BROOKLIN -.% Tbe Bioôkli- S .Fulir, hèld u; hile they Iset, der. the upce f 1h.Suh O tarie Agrlculturokl Society, Ocamoi *iMOlive SeaP Jday, Xay-2b, waa pronounced by a] Who attended an unqualifled sitcesiâ h jar of The raja inof the. morptg gave -the DI rE CREÂM rectors a bail scare, -but fortunatelý ottle of the rain ceased, the suiaboie tortl ISHAMPOO tbhegrouaid dried, and by aftercoo, each.' no ta irer day couid have bten erilci led- arationg bave Vipond'sfine- grove' is an ,Idea- ,eputation f or Place for, picnics and gatheringa c: ity. tbis sort, 'and tbe shade of the Ire. lt>~ -was very welconie froza 1the heat ol >U to take ad- the sun before the day was linished, opportunity. hen.fair was opened by Col. tlb Ho.Samn. Hughes, Minister of IMl btla, Who Motored over from Oshawa where be bad been opening thme urs ILLIS arniouries. The Minister was ac« companied, by Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P. 1 Opticlan- Getting off te hua officiai, startthe Fair proved interestlng id profit- H-ALL able. There must have been 500 Peo Whltby. pie present, judging by the gale re- celpîs. The splendid exhibit of -horses and cattle were the admired of ail eyes, as they were paraded to and, about J! C r a Theroundof the day made goond business for the refreshinent bcoth mai. The program of sports an- VELLiK. C. nounced' on tée bills was realized only IELL, ~ t th.1~ 1e exhent of a tug o! war b.- >wn Attorney and tween married and single nmen, which, iciîor~caUSed mucîx amusement, and was t House, Whitby. won by the single men. There were 81 horses aid 3"' cat- STIAfI -, le entered, and prizes were awarded Wry Pubic E Q in aIl the classes. . Stndad Bnk. The Pair proved tl e h. orn e x- SandaBn. tent at least an oîd boys and girls L.oan. re-union, fer quite a tew former re- sidents were here. Barrlster, Etc- The -prize list foliows Money 10 Loan on easy t erme. r Office imniediatel1y soutis Royal H9tei, Whitby, Ont. G. VOUNG SMI H, LLB. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Cmurt House, Whitby, or residence. De A. Je SWANSON Barpister, Solicitor, Notary. Public, &Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, -Ontario Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew S t. Phoues-Office, 321; Residence. 326. DENTAL W. ADAMS, Pentlst, Office, flundas Street, Residence No. 4, the Terrace Byron St., Whitby. Phone No. 122. AUC rION HERS JAS. BISHOP Oshawa, Llcensed Auctioneer.. Sue- cessuor to L. Fairbanks. For terms end dates applyto self or G. Robb, Wmitby. * WM. 1MXAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER ANDVLUTR Ail kinis of sales promptly attend- .4 te. _Arrangements for sales Ma be made at the Gazette office. F,1erms reasonable. BeW and Independent phones. WIIITBY, ONT. FARMS AND-FRUIT LAND WAN TED. We seIL ail classes of suburban and couutry real estate. Every day we. have enquiries for some cîs of property in Ontario, and wo may-have the purchaser who use can what you have to seli. JOHN FISHER*& eof 409 Lumsden Building TORONTO s purpose, - l i:I , ýal- finish - 4 Gonoral Llvory hu8 and Bray Business Bus to ail trains. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE;1 aieHacks,'Oarrieges andt Rige of aIl kinds DAY OR NGT Bell phones-839, 14 and 74. Stables and Office: 1 81oo l e?î I . fttêgont. i~*BB*êOBS8S~--~ OONTRAOTORS J, HOWELL JAMES Carpenten, Builder and Contractor. Plins drawn nnd estimates furnished. Repaire, Altenations and jobbing. Anent for Brantford RooflIng 3cx467, WIIITuY Phone 1, ý49 WRI 'l-Bac oy' FnfY'Pom these iz:rnt *o the LiAUAý *. , lac Ior thS-iis&, Richard- For the fi$at .îorWihe oetab- ai lb. rnercb son, Columbus.; 1' oîceift AibStadlimhut thUe M, >Day celabralli nai "them, "lthoughy aiufacte6ry; Jl n VpeiBo oi;3 Sa~ f Victoria Day aithOt ar L-ad b hpes 0ka yag --Fast ÀInt-î gd n h Wm._'Ormiston &Sons, Brook of lb.wcýtokdyi h, lin. -les' Colege, 90=14 e ars ago, 4*91 h metous bargans o00ered, ýn Brood mare ln foai (2 entries) -1 Whltby girl' has woai lime verygreat>. >eemed.equlily welI pleased. It Wau W. P. Baty Brookl OliveRot.one- fet b bLest day's busalmosiS W. 1.Bty roîl;2 om.ly coveted henor. Mif Olie.mlli-wî. alhewASon2,-roôkin.da, dugmte ofHMar Hliday, Shopp)ers came from long distances, CLqASHAVY RAUGT lime tortunate young lady. Afler a bots be, rail- aid drlvlng, and_ trois Brood phare tn foul (3 «stries) -1, spirltod, conteuti l3lT3'lvlg lie takiîg oarly mooenngtli closig ,lime the >f Jhn eit, ,Brokli *.2, ohnVi-cisevralbalotstWr th , . shopff , were ,erowded, largely wlth f Jhn eils, roell; 2 Jon V- c1 sveal allts 161re h.docision Out,-ot-town peopie.. A dasb cfftun i.Pond, Breekla. was reacbed, th1e bundred aid lfywsln etedyb 1.hi o e PillIy, 1911, <ia entrles)-I, Rober oewt b vefevdnc tY b. "lOnysete a her.BhunDollr -Duif, Myrtie; 2, J.J. ThmsnRg oes th-vr-evdSo th "teMseiu M.BllDla, Ian. 11 oxsnRg popularity of 1he auçcSuful candi- wblch went on rnorriîy ail aiternoon Fily, 912 (3 enries)-1,,W. -S date, greeted lime aanouncement with aid evening, rwn nitrs n >Scott, Columbus ; 2, W. F. Balty, saîvos ofl appiause. -It bad corne aI- înteasity as th1e lime rai on, and Brocilin ; 3, John Vipood, Brooklin. ter a most brilliant address on theIbe mysterlous ýBill shili eluded cap- e Fi7, 1913 (3 eîhries)-î, W.F.I<leal Woman by tb. Rev. Dr. W. H. turc. It was past iii.o'clck in tlb. Batty, Boki 2, R. Matthewson, Hiucks, of Torontoy. Sôine o!f1the evening before be was lînaily rua ta Brookli; 3, R. Dufi, Myrtie.- .' qualihies ini girlh ood wbich he elab-. earth.-.He turned out le be Mr. G.1 *Stallifon, 1912 (5 eîhrles)-î, John Qrated uon as th1e eslential te making C. Macdonald, cf 1the Royal Bank c Vipond ; 2, Innis Grant, Myrtle,; 3, '6 an ideal wemae. were training,' staff, thse well-knowi hockey 'player.1 1 Davi-d Russeli, Brougham. seifrconfroi, conupaýiongteness,- prao- Mr. Macdonald was up and down 11e hllo,11(5eres-,WF.ticality, individualianu, healtby mmd. street ail a! ternoon and evenfng in L Batty; 2, D., Russell 1 j. Galletly. edness, sanihy ini cres., beauhy o! comPauy with a hall dozen cpmpau- Brookiiu. character and faîth in. Christ. Elo- iois wbo were jogning hearhily la 111e. 1 'LASS 3.-AGRICULTURAI, quent tributeà were paid the lecturer Pursuit of tb. mysterious- Bill. Hal HORSES. ln 5peakiiig to -a motion of thanks by'1 says hie neyer before had so mueb Brood mare ln foal (1 entry)- W. Dr. Waugh and Dr. Abrahamn. The fui lnai day. H1e was acco.ted a' Morrison, B9rooklmn. . counciliors for the M~ay queen clected nimber of tinies, but n'ot until Mr. Filliy, 1911 (4 entries)-l, Leslie, by ballot were,,firat, Miss Leara Gil- fIerb. Ca sweîî used the proper salu- Hall, Brooklin; 2, A.E. Grass, Col- lis-; second, Miss Greta Whie. Itatiotiaid Presented a receiPt froi umnbus; 3, Jas. McCormack, -Kinali Owing te th1e -showery weahher, th1e Messrs. Il. Cooke ;kt Co. H1e was F1117, 1912 (4 entries)-l, Albert ceremnony, o! crowning th1e queen and, awarded th1e $5 reward offered for 111e Smith, Whitby. other spectacular features of the cele- capture of Bill Dollar. A short lime Filly, 1913 (3 entries)- 1, W..- F. bratàon. were held in 1the splendid ne; * before M.Nra aveaee Iiatty; 2, «John Burton, Brougham ; gymnasium.An improvised tibrone wa Mr. Macdonald withh 1e proper words '4, Jas. Wordnîan, Greenwood. very realislic aid lmposing. Mrs. but failed ho produce a reeelpt. CLASS 4.- ROADSTER HORsES,.g Nincks placed the crown with afew, The Northway Co. offered a reward Best Roadsher Stallion (4 entries) appropriate words hte1the youzmg o! $5 for lthe capture o! Mliss Gold -1, Boni, Smith & Richardson ; queen. Miss Edna Wakefield sang a Dollar,, who was %lith th1e crowd in Aldorf, 'Hugb Pugh, Glen Major.; 2' liJvei solo, expressing fitting senti- their store but she wiss net caughh. Holstein Chief, Mark Holiiday. ments on 1the ove of th1e ascension te The arrangements ior Dollar Da -Carniage oç Roltd Horse, 154 hands 1the Ibrone by thse queen. Stately, were ma-de by Mr. J. F. Ganiey, or and over (.3 entries)- 1, Leslie Hall, aid most beauhiful marce eepr'Colingwood,, who carried them.out, Brokîl; , JD.Mayard Trono;ormed ho suitabie music by about a in a mnost satisfactory mimner. In Rond Horse 154 baudsand under undred o!f111e studenhs lu white., view of 1the success o olr Dy (o enhies)-l, S. A. Devihh, Burke- Great rivalry was evîdenced in the itlsl likely that simnilar shopping Ion; 2, M. l-ollidav, Whitby. renditien of hwo sets o! charmiig festivals will bie held hwo or three' Pony in harness (. entnes)- 1, dances--the TMay Pole, by thirty pret- limes a year iu future. Smith & Richardson; 2, John Miller, tY girls in black and gold witb great Ashburn;3 A. E. Grass, Columbus. gauze butherfiy wings, typifying Best road or carniage colt, 1912, 1tle seul, wb0 danced around t11e pole Persona] Mention (1 eahry)-Wm. Draper. Brookli. -and interwined the long black and Road or carriage,ýcolt, 1913 (e en- yellow streamer r bbens. depending Mr. Wm. Ayers was lu Toronto tries)-l, W. F. Balty; 2, A. E. !rom ils top ho the. nim of th1e over 111e holiday. Grass. mystie circie soîne t-irty feet acrosa. (MAS 5-SEClLS The other riva1',2 possibly thel *Mrs. Bogart, is visiting friends in' Gentlemnan's Turnout (5etie)-ffmore romanlicali'v beàcuiful o!f1the j Toronto for a week.1 1, Geo. lBrown, iirooklin, 2, ILesliio two, was an Indian dance. Twelve1 Miss Edith Els, of Toronto, spent Hl;3, A. T. Coakwcll. girls in IndÀan costume bearing on a few days wilh ber Parents.1 CLASS fi, tlîeir shoulders a real canoe in which Mrs. Foy, of Toronto, ia in lown BeSt 5 colt,- sired hy a registered~ was srated a dainty Indian Princes.s staying with 11cr mother for a lime. Cl~ 'desdale Stallion, (2 entries)- , weîit throtigm an elaborale revival of; Look for Alnionds gardcn Party on! Gallant (urra,'han, Grahani lks., the poeti( dances th", only aristo- .June 111h. Fuller particulars later, ('lareinnnt ; (;rahar, Bros. special. ýcrats of this conhiinenl have original-. 3lî Lavergne ýStephenson, o! To- CIlA S S 7.- cd. E~nthuisiastic applause gneeted rente, was in to%%n for th1e holiday. lie,it 111lyor colt 1913-l <(j ntie)threcfine -performnances. Miss 0'- - 1--.'F Battv. --e Bis lrien, the instrtictor. %vas presented M1iss Evi Bell and Miss Edua 'ilîi a ig hnch ! Amcricn Beu- ath4son spent lIme holiday in 'Toron- t . \ 'S S lllU'lOVsithabgbnh %teia eu Aged li(ill ( entrý'tiWs. The altendanre ' oI-ô,-se) 'uiedBul ( enrx)-W -Bryen1 fonpeople r Mo lihi, 1913 (2 entries)-l and '2, - iandi fniends o!flthe stumcttfrn F->. M..Jhn Mt'tlaî of Nortwood,! A.lln. - ronto, Osliana anmd else-where was speul 1the holiday %w th lus parentsl ll, aiiy age (2 entrirs)- W. *A.Wiiflfl in praise o! the djeligitfmli en- here. - D)rydemi. tertainmienl at whihi tlîcy were Miýiss Laura Evans 'vas Én Torontol Best coW,, 3 yrars aflî over (2 cri- giffesîs aI ltme (Inîlle faciîlty. In the fronîî 'lmursday till the beginning of lries)-1, A. -1« lwin 2, Thonins affernoon the 'usual visit fo the thiswek Hall. 1 shore o! 'Lake Ontario at ('orbetl'sý .1r. aný1 Mrs. Toni. Britton and ilelife.r, 1912 (:1 emtris)-l andl. 2, l'oinit %vas a inost aPPreciate-d Ireat' child, vifiited witlî Mlr- and Mrs. Geo. W. A. iDryden; :,,...1.- tùîwdcmî. -, orihrstuilents. Miss M('nmic itton. ITe*fpr 1913 (l cntrv)-ý%A.. Howu vas awarded 1the nichai fcm'ivalking, Mes.Admad ntir eno den.aiid~lms (irce lai'gfor îme eslToronto, spent th1e 2-1111with their CL.XSS 9.-BEKI" (;R)It.D. ollerlion of fossîls collectcd on th1e parnt'ns îcre. lest cow, 3 years and over (3 en- hik('-hre. -- Mrs. Wm. IrcCouîl bas given up tties)-1, W.F. Batlv; 2, -John flickle. .'- lier house limre anudIliaS gone to To- Best heifer, 11 (3 entries)-1, 2, - East Whitby Coun'ciJ. rnot eie and 3, Jo<-hn Vî,,,n. roobrei. PRIZE WINNERS. SI -PUREB 'RED CLYDE,& BALES, IMPORTED. -. VEV.fTise .Orillia Paccetît telsla i. iw IflOigParagrapha tb. atory ai Miss Oivye>1 & Eccted dollar ag ay imaIt wn: =JOHN Te HORNSBy= IUILGER and CONTRACTOR Plans Made and Etstimae Given. Ail 'Kinds of brick a:L.,d Concrete 'Work. Repaira to Chimney Stacks and Boliers a specia ty. Whltbyp (Box 91> Ontario Mgarriage Licenses. A. H. LLLXN Issuer of Matr nage 1Li !enseo Corner drugstore, Whlfi yo Wtnessefirequired - NéeWiLaundry, v Wýé wisll to acqutint the people of Whitby and surrounding country with the fact thatfwe have opened up a fýrst- class laundry on Brock St., Whit.by, in Hewis Bros.' old store. We are prepared to do ail kjnds of laundry work. Family orders given speci al attention. Ail work guaranteed. Parceis called for and delivered. Charles War - Whitby, Ont. ROYAL THEATRE 1110H CLASS MOVINO PICTURES. Open every evening. We have installed a new Simplex -mchlin e, which îs absolutely flickerless and easy on the eyes. Saturday night, 'Oc to ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager. NOTICE TO STUDENTS Tie manag-ement of Shaw's Busi- ness Sclioole, Toronto begs to advise al Senior Public School andall Hîgh Scli.ool students, that it is prepared to mail a copy of its curriculum to any one wlîo desires to qualify in a short period of 6 or 8 inonths for- jood salaried position. Address ýShaw's Schools, Toronto Ontario. Head Office, Yonge & (lerrard Sts. 'SEED POMMEOS r Specially selected for seed, direct from New Brunswick. Buy the Best Bliss Triumph Bag 90 Ibe. *1,4Q ra'l Oobbiers - -- 1.40 WC have a lew' Baga Delawares aid Cobblers for fiable use, good quality, per Bag 81.10 -SEED COR. Comptons Early $1.80 W.C. E. Dent. 1.60 Impt. Leaming 1.40 Main. Sou. White 1.40 Prices are for unbroken Baga, al Scede have been leseod by Geverriment Analyst. 'Je H. Downo y &Co. Whltby, - Ont. Heler, 1913 (3 enties)- i and 2, Wm. Ormiston & Sons; 3, .1. Biekle. Put steer, 1912 (3 enlries)-l, 2, amdS 3, ohn Vipond. Pat steen, 1913 (4 entries)-I, .John Biékle; 2, Wrn. Ormiston & Sons;. 3, CLASS L1W Dair7 cews open te 1the village Brooklin onlv' (6 eties)-l, A. Coakwcll; 2, Thos, - Coakwell; 3, Grass. Pretty May Wedding. GOODFELLOW-WILKINS. The marriage took place on Thurs- day eveiing, May 2lsh, aI 1the home of 111e bride's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Wilkins, 24 Elin Avenue, Rose- dale, Toronto, o! Mnr. Gnaydon Good- fellow,î B.A., o! tise Gazette and Chroutcl'e, -Whitby, to Miss Olive Wil- kids, B.A. The drawlng reoom was- vcry prettily decoràted for th1e ore- mony, wlrtch was altendel by, about 100 guesîs. Thse bride was given a- way by ber father, aid was gowned lu white -charmeuse satin, trlmmed wlth, shadow lace aid pearîs. The bridesninld WUs i5s EIe CAhalo who Ore pale Pink aiik Bedford cord rdraPct oVer 5shadoW lace. The twô Uittle mileces of the bride, Mso Jessie and Mildred Wilkins, wee éharinu5 flower g'is. Mr. Bruce V. Me-CrîMmon, a University dse-mate o! the groom, was beat mai. The CeremOîy waU ColdUcted by lb. Rev. T. T. Shields, of Jarvis St. Bap--it Churcis, Of whis bbce bride in a mon- ber. The wedding marci was plýaycd. by Mr. Robin Nicholson, o! whitby. Buriig 1the slgiing o!f111e register, lis. T . Russell Wilkins, of Wood- stock, sang "'Oh Fatr, oh Sweet aid RoIy." Dumhng 1h. Wedding dinner, whicb Was eerved li a marque on 111e lawn, a string orchestra dlscoursed lovelY aire. The youmg couple lefli for a trip ta Quebec clty. on biseir returi tboy Winl resde la Whliy, wheme biset r.reuidence Is now In the Course ef erectien, corner o! Trent and Athol Simeets, ('ouncil met 1hig dav. Ail the niemîbers present. Ileeve Gillord in the chair. Mfinutes were reauland n-uopted. ('oiiiînunicatm ois wcre ncad fruni Walter Wilson, ('oI. J.I.1 are, W'eil, K.C., Biell Tehephone Uo., h>ed- han' Peuple, Royal Bi4gk, itegistran G-enrai, F. A. 2dagee, and Ontario Lean & Savings. Co. Moved by àln. Dearborn, seconded by Mn. Pascoe, that tihe lolhowing overseers be paid $5 eacb for tbeir servIces for 1913- Messrns. Ilascoe Found, Henry, Warne, LotI, Green- tree, Drew and Baxter. Carricd. Meved by Mr. MeKeuzie, secoudemi - by Mr. Dearboru, that th1e Corpora- lion of Eat Whitby being desirous o! securing electric nailway service from th1e Commission, hereby its Counchl requests that the Hydro- Electrie Power Commission lnqulrg inIe, examine, Investigate and r.- iort upon 1h. feaelbility o!f urnisis- ing an elechnic railway, operatcd by 1the Commission ln pursuance of th. Provisions o!f111e Act respectlng th1e public construction and operation of alectrlc railwaja:3-4 Gee. V. Chap 28, 1012. 0àti . Moved by 174r. Dearboru, secondeci by Mr., aloyer, imat tise followlng be pai bous~ onwlre fences when erecèle.-T..A. Down, 40 rodeaia 250,9 and 60 rodeati 25C.; H. Coeté 80 rode at 25c., and Jon. Thompson, go rode, at 15c. Carrled. Moved by Mr. Glover, seconded by Mr. Dearbemu, 111mb tbe followlng be pa.id bonuses on wlre, fonces whoni erected :-Jolsn Guy, go rode, $20. W. G. Howden, 209 rode, $50.75; J Gray, 65 rode, 315.25, simd p. Cross. Man, 178 roda, $19.50. Camnied. On Motionu of Mr. MoKenzie, sec- onded by 1fr. Pasece, several ac- counts wcre recommended le b. pald. Moved by Mr. Pascoe, eonded by Mr. GIover, that Ibis Counil ad- boure b mee on Monday, June lai, at 10 o9clock a.m., and Court of Re. Vision same day ai 2 o'clock p.m. Carrled. Columbus, Mar 4th, 1914. Mrs. E. U. l3rown and son, of To- ronito, spent th1e holidlay with Mr. and MrA. %W. G. Augusîus. Mr. and Mrs. .J.C. Waltens and son, o! Grnishvy, spent th1e holiday with '11. and iNrs. .Jes. Augustus. Mliss àMahel -Jackson and Miss. Chara ('olwill spent the holiday with h 1e formner's parents lu Sunderland. Mr. A. C. Macphenson-aid daugh- tè'r, I)orothy, o! Toronto, vlsitedt11e ,formen's parents hene this week. Airs. W. Il. Johnstou speut 1the holiday iniFenclon l'alla. 51e brought ber motlîer, Mrs. Luglon, home with 11cr. -Mrn. d Ars. Walter Shaw were lu town over the holiday. Mr-.and Mrs. James Shaw- returned ho Toronto with lhemn. Mrs. John Whitelaw bas been vie- iting wlth Mr. and Mrs. Alex. White- law, prier le -leavlng on au extended trip to the Old Country, 1fr. Allai Celwill, o! Wnipeg, ar- rlved home last week, and h epend- ing his belldays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.G. Colwill, 31r. and lIrs-. Chas. Robinson and th1idren, ànd Mr. lPd. Nicholsoni, of Coidwater, visited with MIr. and' Mmo. J. H'. Nicholson ihis week. Mrs. C. Q,-Frazer, Mrs. L.S. Her- ronansd Mi"s M. R. MeBetis, Of Te. Toroito,:were gueos ofetMrs. C.A. Goodfellow troln Saturday t111 Mon- day nlght. Meumrs. W. G. Auguetus aid C. A. Goodtelhow attmepd dthb Laymas'i MlaslonaryConferece at th. Brait Heuse, 15urlington, froin Saturdai evenlng t111 Monday ev.enlng. Hon. W. Il. Hoyle, speaker af tisa ,Ontario iLegislatui'O, 5znoinces lis8i b. bas d.clded tb lei hl$ name came btor. the next Conservative- Cois- vetlonî, whieh will be hsld la -CM- iingt=on fer .ndlng of North On- tario onF'rldaY, Var 29. The ladies of Uibrldge have- organ- lzed a lawn bowling Club. r WC" are receivi ng L footwear. Our stock li Wle haveshoes that satisij CaiadEXTIU Caladinspect 'By'Work. Shoes. *Peell's Srock S.Souh#-WLI a0 THES TORONTO WHITB' C.A. mi a*à! FfU l Gallon'Tins 'BROÇK 5T@ large shipments of the Iate<'.style more cozuplete than ever before, [y particular people.- -SPECIALS, our extra: specials -in Men's and' ýhoe:. Store tLy . Ont. Phome 151 ESTAIUSW 1878 _AVNCS depo.ited.ia £liis buk - h.draw the hihst cueat -rata of jigegeuL W iddraw alu of Pa84 S th W"ci amoumt may hé madet whe.. ever desired wiiut dela. 'Y ]BRANCHa iceoi% Manager. ookiin (C. A. Mtc1.iIan, MnId=,* ecat., R E M a gr, P i c k e fi m g a n d P o t . , . '$1$Î-38 AT. LAWbLER WHITBY, ONT.. Phones; Bell, No. 47; Jndependent, No. .47 Seed Po tatoes,,I For early we have EARLY 0HI0 EARL\Y SIX WEEKS and-IRISH, COBBLERS DELAWARES FndrLCae Garden- -Seed New ansd choice- Our Bulk.Seeds are the fin est-obtain able. W. B. PRINiL E&00 WHITBY NRI - GREEN MOUNTAiNS WIiITBY STATIONERY 0F ALL KINDS MAO2'iZINE3 'AND, BOOK3- Fi Pure, and- Highest 'Grade that that- can, be macl. 4 j- 'If I -i '1 1016 WRIIERS Dt.CLA RE THEN RICHI- ?7XF1R, lPEN -AND INK>e W.J. He RIGIIARIJSON'S MMMMmuqm 1 1 1 For late ! - 1 BOUGIÎT AT fil ithys. onta

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