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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 2

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Beci Whll over t Ur no fr(m iite croup carresponknù, W"waaelf o'v, r-t êaad o My 6,'.about 19 per cepnt. R,ÉÜi 4n .wed e.'t te are& sc>wn to fall'wheat i p 311 i W ri rpre' s b bas been i wnte1r kilied, tIiniorrnally late, snd in -Quêbe, peroentge repreenting &, red 1t»on where not mnore than f rom. 3 to 5 of 132,0(0) acres, Lei., f rom 694,'000 per ceSnt.,ef sp>ting ieediaig as te- acrs, the area 50âWDj te "W2,000 ported te have -been done by May 6 e.ucrea. the area exi»eedd to be [hei- lu Ontarlo a thia date about 24 per, i'Ot«i.cent, of wheat, 43 per cent. of cats,ý . IAibera the. cther 'large 'fall and 41 pet éeint. of b)arley'had been. wýheat province, -faJi whca4 has bçen' got* la, and 40 -per cent. of Lhe'te- kiiled te tihe extent of .15.6 per taliseeéding *vas reported ». cen-q éect., reprementing 36,00 açres, pleted on. May Oas' aietth e me w hich vil make tue area. 4 be bahr- proportion laitk year on April 30.. vèsted 19,000 aores insteaid cf 229,- In Manitoba 57, in Saskatchew&'i ON0 acl'es, V" are& soWD lait fàli,. 79, -and in Aberta 88 per cent.* cf "D. e total ar& e.tdmated tib6 be the Gpring wheàt crop was reporteci eoirn to fali wheat, including be- as seeded by -May 6, these propor- aides- Ontario and* Alberta, 3,000 tiens comparingfavorably wish the Uýresi-i M&nitobtt,,78,000 ares ini progreas -repof-ted lâ^t yeat 0on Saakatchewan. and 2,790 acres in jArl3;Frtefv provinces of Britiah Columbia, vas :-1,006,700, Quebe, ntar, Manitoba, Bas- nov reduced - by winter' killing likatchewan and- Mbrtâ, the proppr- Ontario andi Alberta to - 838,7001 tien cf oe"eiigr.jioted s'effeeted gerea. fen May 6 vae about 48 p.r cent.,. for The ioncition cf fall w'hoat on whee*., 23 V'ýr cent. -4oe, ate, 16 perl fa W*s ]ýÛOntyi- returned as Uest,. <r, ariey and -37 per cent, 813per cent., andin Aiiberta'asfor ail cr4ps, *87.3 per cent. Fror'ail Can4.cia-the. About 14 par cent. cf the area ii «kndition of fall wheat on -May 6 h ay andi clever m.adDws is report- w as 83 pe r ceut. of the Rtandard, led as inter-kiled. as cemýrpared or 103 per cen t, ef the average m"- with 22 per cent. jlast Year. The dition co! the past five yèars repre- avera e condition o! these crops on O~ ented. byi 100 The condition o! Vhe J fai] wheat crop thig year i&, in lc, Éuperivr to tha.t of ariy year since VIN JES~IRABES »ErORiTED. Oufîîreio Rejeeim Ov.' F Our Mina. dreti là Six Months. A dpspatch f rom Thronto gays: 11 luibe haif-yearly reJrK)rf the Pro- vin<ciai .Po ice, imsu ed Wedneaday, the -campaig.1 against undesita.ble Jias,: h:eti vontinued with-. ooiisider- a1ý1e suec s During the six mntis 417 undebirables were turn- ed over te the J)eàninion immnigra- - 1in authorities for deportation, wi'ich is an increas&ç of 274 -over 'tbl * ame pericd iast year.r» Evidently c,nditions in the United States are 4 riving th, oicasps -te(Canada, for ia&t eck 44 undeeirables were en- eutinitered at Niagara Falls.- The punber of ae handled w4% 789, Je connection ýW"tliwhieh ùdere were 527 "0 n Vet.ions and 136 dis- chargfem, V'iis i an inc-reage o! 27.1 oasps IhaudIed. *JV3II'EI) F1031 M T lN A 1TR iN A d.rspaýtzlxf rom Brcg:kviile eys9 In juimping ffrm the eaqtlèoitnd Grand Trunk expres.s, on whieh-he was, stoeai'tig a r-ide, Fred McCor- Iuack, a King*ton man about 25 yearsof aie, feu under the wheeiu athe train was coming to a stop at the-local depot. One armi aAn une kIg weresevered and other seri- cuusR injuries inflictedl. McCorrneý <ied ftour hours Ilater in the hoi4piý liai. -:ýEiW ATLANTIC LIN ERS. * T%ýo SpIl'ndId Veu;seif4 for the Cana- diaimu Paciflc. .Thia% seanon wili see the Atlantic serviS -of the Canadien Paeifie aug- tuented:by the addiIon of two new, mea.erà. Thèse -two veàsels-will be -o the One clas cabin typé, whiol- are beoming se popular. Barclay Curie & Comipany, of Gla4gow, »e- cured the eontract for the building' of the shipe s some months ýago, and ihe construàction is welI under way. They are being speeis.iiy construct ed for the -Atla>nticeservice and1 wi contain every possible convenience for the comfort o! pasisengers. They %vil1 be 0oA the "one cis"type, with pusenger atccemn*dation for l'e,0 second, a.nd 1,200 third Clas. ThesAe new vesees have been name< the '"Missgarbiý" and the "Metz- 9 ain. " Their lengt-h wiil be of IY20 feet, greatest breadth 64 feet, while the breadtli or the passenger dçà kNwiii he 41 fecit. Each vessel will have a deed weight capaeity or 7,950 tonis, with an approximute cargo capaei.ty foi, 6,000 tains. 'Phe là1iim ~crui er eterru, wh1ich i t-he W0' tie $ l.04 va#,tage toi tB'i ±tishlarmiy 11r 4 - Tere-rt cao hoap$, d tât. i te 11.05, outoide anti$<.Oon trc, service, 1à iv pQiItd out, by 'orne mnplaneuie pwe4l1 Q $gitluthbi- ToroMio. l aàTW O~sN.2 Ontario oato, 881 to 40-c that lt woul êaane -Ltheinter- plan.,-- b71- ?n 1KiS-, li outoide. aud et 42c, on.,traek, Toronto. et. of h1Uianu'tY in fie conquit of ~aJ~i~Wai'1 &î~itc Wiestern Canada osto,.431 -for No., 2, the 'air. Ti ingi etn4icBlih xep .6 igi, >aê lt ô 1.0eoufiorover the ne'w machine. Ait.> t - W h. beê t t u!u~r ria~~ Aldrsiot ne',c- I ba b.ga1sefuzt a b8h aeording te ut 'in, nesn a fibk, h6-au- liye-xo. T.at ôto 1coutid. lside:ynu-ün e; 4h o it d4'~diii,. 4$ nd bk 1Buckwbeat-SS -to $Se outdî.G rc fteeliVi ry orn Né ,Am;ica, kin ree f îesein "he .iiy V peVdtabeial cuoted at 7fgle, Toronto. Col. Seely, .Secré ta ï erWer, ,iiiw4ys. A uiovice ý un quite ssfely- ;]3rau-Manltobii bran $24 to 256 1lyhrs anîÈéýe ,'À ton, In baga, Toronto fretght. .hrs nitriwe~dt-h. invention-cf control l t the -air, huit- 1911 t'e $26te $27. the1 maéhine .waa dueto>tue b r uine greateat .Prtlem,,. iaemînto Country 1!@od. ai many mi1en. Four -orgeanizaitions eb s-vd-tha >. ablndn.- IlterCoced 9r,1 to 20e: In. had .played a part, naràel-Y: th~e Na- have iiown'huxidred,of ;i,nbsac fele, to 6fres atter oa1PhsialLaortcry te.Ad kowtht1hi . one h-ng1hat prInts, 21 te 22c; creanier, prints. fresh,vsryCmmte n Aeronautics, checking the advance ëf flYing." 221 24c* o.. s tnrase pir nts. 22 te 23 .lV10c;6ïù# 1 ggs-21 te -23e per dozinlnI case HIouey-Extracted. iu tins, 10i tO Ilc per lb.' Comube, $2.25 te $2ffl per cloz- eni for No, 1. sud $2 for NO. 2. Chaise-N e L*s o4 ic for l»re.andX4Ito leforWll Iff-eens-1{Iand-picke*d, 82.25 te $2.30 Per bushel; vrimes, $2.10 te $2,20. r-owl, 17 te .19c per lb; clickein 19 te 20e; ducks, 20c; We!se, Il to 18e; tiurkeyu, 20 te 230. 1'otatoes-ýDglawares , 1.20 to 1.26 ou -traek-bîre. sud.Ontarlos at $1,1 per- bag, on tradic pr b lu case lots. Hiams-Medium. -185-te 181ce; do., heavy, 17 te 18e; 1o-019,15te 16 c: breakfast bacon. 18 te 19e;, baekm. 20 te 23C. FROM ~ONNJE ~COTLA~II~ BAN<KS AN<~D RÂEB. Whaî ls coins on a ifie lgb2sndp and .loeJaas o1 Auld Meay- 6-vas 86.7 per cent., ai; cern- 1 r-T ei,121c; tubs, 13c; Pas Tiaume. n lioa ,enmae li:a pareti l-h, 89.6 pin cent. last yean, I310i. gift, of 8500,000,.to Dunde. by Sir anti 74.6 lu 1912. Bâled H&Yay d su iw. James K. Caird, Barl. toua-rda ithe4 Bale be-Ne i i-$14.60 ti-o,6s,îri erection o!fa new ci-i-y bail a.nd io-en ritract liera; No. 2 cl otai$1cotciha en t813.25. ati clos-en ai- $10> ici 11. A MILiANTSAREBLAIEl. ted str'av-Can lots, $8.25i-e $8 .60, As bhe re*siitt f an ýxp1osion t-ba - 011o traCtTornto. oci-redi-n Mou-it Vernoni Coiiiery, Firl e Boke Out Neat Where lRitug Wîinniegrain. Sei-etntomnrDuincan and Queca Were Staying. W Sinnipeg. May, 26'-Casli-.-WVbeut'a- Melntyre and John Bron wîîere se. Ne. 1 Non-hen, gifle: No. z2it.de..9480;va-relly nîured. Adespatc-h fi-m AIdersbot, Eng- Ne. 3 do.,6 ilo; No. 4, iSlc; Neo. 61 rom - gsoie: -Ne.. 76hie; faed. 705e-, No. 1 %Vin- A minnmamed Mc(" ofe!(4iait la-nd, es: A se-nouis fine, sup- i-en aheat, 9olc; No,2zcie.. 94 C.No 3 go w, vasfats liy injuneci v-bil-'t, -posedly ef suffragette oengino . 931c. Oatn-No. 2 t'.BN>-sO. kn u i~k-iae )ck Wedneeday, broke eout ini the long No. 3. 49ic; No. 4, 48àc; neieeiti 455c Gagw,1-oghaieay io valîey close by the IRoyal pay lon, ed. 46c Piax-Ne. i N-< C. $1.81; Gbago.- fal lug on hieea.%yi v-here King George; and Quecin m2 -- Makts iImporlaaàt developinents are pe- Mary are-etaying for tiiemnnoeu- Montrits. Mta)* al Mi)--kets. O:iginteca iid ru h -vres. Thein Majesties had left i-be 2 yeliew. soM a>' 6.-e-tatnýainiccstn. Io îug m-i h. ll ieti eldii o -ii t ae pavilion whe'n tue blaze vas' dis- No. 2. 41à te 44c; mie. No. 2. 42-jelbBdi-trithe W ew pits a le),-Mani-oba feeti. 50 t i- Fe ur 11- bin un y teWsmn covre. Te fie asfxtr*ey anitoba Sprnîg wuîesr utets. 1frEts.Compa-uy in t-be viein-ity'ofMosseind diffcui i- oounb't aci ws ntbx' $60: do., seconds. $.i 0: si-reug bak- Oigt i difiut o oba ndwa 5t 4.90: wlîîtar pate'Ins. ehoie i igtoteisackuiems, (4 ftrade tingtîisbed for a considerabi. timfe.525io51:ingnols. $4.70;mn i- r eun adofo'sa Whe-n the Ki-ng and Queén ieft thi.te S4.90'.iderinbaga.$i2.20,ti $2.86.1i pede atGstw ocaui pavillon tue otîffragettes were Of'en Iba. 82.16. Milfee-i-rs. $23: shortsjcîovds o!mecn cati be seen waitlmi ai- the ectrauce vas aNng votes per $25: mcadrrga $ ots, $14 m ~te -in vain for a chÏnce to e t i-oi-k. weeu anueis. $11.C au-iei-wsen. The deatb bas loecîîred &tL iii; Ite 125<: do.easi-erxis. 111 re 12c. But-IV ten-Oiocet qrlieimer>'. 2 3 i-o235C; sac- ;'esidencein lu Ipper C'otbiid ge e r - .1.- ~ends2_,)i-e 22je. kgs-I1et.22 -toi na-e, Murray fe-I. Einhurgli. tif 24c; saieci-ad.26 i-e 27e: .Ne. i stock. 23.1 Ne Z o,~ t l~. llaee-TeniMr. FauisBri ,frinirhypla- IIASA' IS'I'RLEON POINTu. bag. car loti. 95< te $1.26. nçal or f Glasgow, in bis 6sevoni->' sevt'nml Slave Ba-en 1Uiled and 'Mi neaoit~states Marleti. )1aîrnage te filleextent cüf bi- 0tlîcî' Iùu'eIleei Secil. May'. 93lc: Julv., Mie; No 1 bard. sijc; $00,000 vas do-ne by a fine in ihe Ne. 1 Non-he. 11 iosi t 9it':No. 2 S'Nor"pape t' oîkeo! Meffi's. PinTre ai A depa.oh roin "Mn*dn Sas - tarr,. Si!i-oe 961c- erni. Noe. 3a'etroW1 deepaeh frnn68 tg)n sys: i- . O5-. No bi-. ite. ý1 totneywtood, n r-ar Abevrde,sud Beai's seeru te be particuliaî'y tanne3q1c e.1uur anti bran uriluaugad. b-tu-e- 400 ax4 (00 empiîyl ihas-e jusi- nov in the Nonth Coittu-v h i-ulth. %lin.. .%ley 2-- Linlqpdeih m.~ ntdn -is eekieni that a boa-rlus semat1 bard. $l'l1 - oe wiuiiN..biledmýl a, ccr o r --,',tutrgeon Point, yet ouieiroûtetd 2 Non-hemn. aîc'te 941c; Juiy, 962c. Hu rhm Kte.a raiei .pas-tý a lady necenti>'and disappean- ofcalo-h'-l Ril ala i d in the butsbes. A big black ben, Live stock Markets. ompayici ais ow.b H hiî aihva 2(10pouna, vs sht by Tomr-eo. Ia>' 26-Caiti-chuie l~ u--~ miu's lsgv a dbe 5weigbing 25<liai-s. hotby $7.910 e $8.0: goond. $7.90 tO11 i-ràp1o-Yed vu-b the; 04u.inpa-nylfil-r sMn. Fzra Kingý, o! Beinient Lake. $8.25: cemniioni i-ws. $5 te $626: c 'l'tie tSauqili aad iks.îe aThae kin vas in prime condition.,ti,! $ud,50ute $.2$5;0 nel$c uliuat. $,'ieunqiifyaadKrcpt Phi] Aldred, of-Nor'th Harvey, shot w, teil.5:àho(c bu 1111- (Colieiesbasve.avanced ihe Kiîk- abear which lhe ha-cl nuvioulsi'y 0 re.i eal, 897.5 tri fh 1.1. yi.$4.751 in $7. ct.u-.nel IJi<owliug Club ible ne-amary ti'apped. The peit valm;jet bhack ,Sci-Mtis-erm an d .i-!teSo11 ua-tin t ni-f 4e oh m 4'oo is_ $l ta $776godw quelity.at>' ucea f h e 1 sud valied ai- $18. The bear vae a oDte 80 loo 1$7 te $7.50; ight. S 26 -hà 1ein new green auJ as much its wi-s hau'ge one.. to;ý$7.25, -' 81 îul îî uodt a-lo àhrp an lai iutms--t.'lgh5thil iiupt-ae aiin i-o $7;: telS6>. 511 t6251: cx 6761'hmanagera of thbe We In-î' featre e tim na Empeme eee t terl.26: 'Spnuuig lrrbe eci.86te 'fli'ary o! (Vaa#cigw anijnelnst-bCe .attie oftýe ew Epreurlcnt- .9 'liorlaicho. $9 i-ni$9.60. -Ijgo. $8.35 te $8.40. lad andti vatan-, iatnduseme gift, na-à-de t-e) thei-ufrui--i-t ~placed onthe Paeific coast, lis be ed:11$S6'ite $8.66, Off ea-i; $8 te $4.05-. îioîî b3 Misis Helen Murnray. Ill- îng intnioduced, and the new ships floyi is 6-rm avs8 ugb fastm-!$000frib viii aise have six compet. steel Ie near Sle: mecÏtii i 5to 71c: ilom- dowrne-nt -o! al decks. - Ini erden te ensure safety mon .45e te Die. #cove. $3 i-ne io50 cacla vîd the hila.anc e be tîubdiv god by l stiei-. 15e i- te bcmpnuîug l 'l'b, h. Xesto-n District C'nnnil>ee thehuiie reto e iti-dijde by$4te $6 eacb ilg0à i-il i9e. w ateT.tight doort, and buikheads, h !-tiiuabr ave !e-iîIteci a mo as te b., capable o!f loatiug vhen -.e--- aiee for t-be iunpu-vveime-n-t.tif 46,16 three compartmenta are 'opSixi. IRL l d: eoii,sfo' aba fr --b >Thlese vatir-tigtti bulkhuadsan io Badal lSEFN.fire aîroeald4ng. t i doors will b. autoulatiealiy conad.le iocei-g r oled from the Thridge.'iBig Seizure of Sklis ai a fluusinu At tieha nuitai eonifenence of IChe -of eladi vessel vwiii be 15 kncta, with Ray (oinpally PoNt 'Bcie esiîvcn c do-i ya drauglît of 275. As for ti-h.la. A -de-paUmb frono t-Willii.nn qterior o! the vesseis, eaeh eond- Otesad bîutePovnil calling lg upoilthue Gt>-mte - lias iat. rciom viii be fitte d vit- n.gyfle he rmic a kel bîtber i-uiry ijuote -ai- a wardroble and chest ef dravers, Phct enhd -eHdo 'te-r o! Statp, banus io fus-ernei-î. Cemapay' 1;post ai- hi-mg Llke. 1u-n -fol lg avatmey ithi mirror, and aouIee unrelilesiircgîfa isevere tubund.a-rst.-l othe covenince. Th abut, me undrd nilesnor)h i lia-t brtîke out ovin the Wemtou a-nu other conveisaces. -heJaoijr oncmtbe ('.P.R., la-e.t Suuî -MiLidditrtsoSc-an, i p l a oioouwilsrnok- day,' '424 be-aven. 6 tt uitati :d M llof.:1'24.n, i ydining tlo, o-musknai- skins weî'e b<tind1. ti- t-bespire 411(1 pari- oft-h-eU.F- Uh-irc- îng roin, Ici-nge adnnscmdarendoie'id , 91a- latk î'. 'eî'tbshi.ie. wv r daing' roonu. The refi- -lsw. Theùmnager ofth -e pcet. Wiî- --tr~uck bl: iigliitu-i-gald an oId niain -geratiug planît viii be lia-rn Tluokmps;ou. wbenî brouilutbu--kll d icbe -permaigbtibout e tbe Ma-gisi-rate -ai-i Nipigmnu Editu,ul O iuil havi appr<ese- - ôflic pereigt hors.tif a recorimeuil-iou bl thé Electi If The vessela vill be hlaadplead-od gii-lty iu ulavful pi-sses- t ai'u vetiaate onthoeiouïf!i-hiec Ls aiakdi- iaaih,ig-ing ('omin ei-a t a plîce t* anbis case 'emandehe 'hLe e-nane,-grotln be aeqiîined a-t Wîuui-ba-- r i--berme tank systeninumber of peltsare vstiued lai- $10,- h tbio o ih laiino >i Cbanging tb. air eight 000, an-d figuring i-he petiualq tyoi new eleýet-nic igbt mtat-ion i-oe-iý f timiesiae hohur. 'Theru- el h ki-n tîbe maximumni fice wu iuld $5,00 e ilaie be a printing Wtn,- 11.0,A boy îîaiuedj4ptun .i-n il l iiplanountntboard.000. Vian <f mal ,o! Aberdeei, met vitl e plnt <ii oarde-ae sbp _______________ -- -a terrible d-zat'tî î<n Ib.evas he (t over i--e ciffs a Biirbailk '.iorl nilar ('<i-iIa>'. afew-i-s-tniltît- - Abendt-eui. aendfbeilla distan-eo i-n'en 'I) 0fpeet.. Ca-mplie i-uvl fihpî c mcihave re - - u--~----atived 14., pr<eýtes'i- againi- the run- 1111 i--~~~i--unpasetd b>' i-le cneti i > , i 1burghs. reg-,rdl-'nga. tiuxme-f 4JUi 'lethe c nu'ir'-g o! Loch R>'ac .-a ~ \'Pe A'nîyand Navy (Chaplai ("oKi-nmitte- o!fi-be, C-hli--m-h tif 8el _.Ai-d a-c -- "ie n-a (-î .Now she lins fcuudt-tIli an annivenIta-I'y 5001.- hîWeil, n oucii-ht uiuexpeet lu fleepro,>i«ate --nettie wv,î- l'rn aira-id t-be viii re-t.aiate.îyî MILl'PÂ~TS AGAIN ACTIVE. Battlic filBusklngham Wasu FlercelY contested. A ,rhaýt b. fromaLo.henn r- y Wiahi ' anîae gaeva tevas pet- hap mahe gvest cftir nu eru sLliy shows whfein otheinde ops- Utini9Pocif !cg and Great Lakes the T'-rée teadquârters A dentokfrinù, ott&WÉa says The Gokvenane nt Bure au bhais i ued a statenientwhich aayg that an order~n-C5unci ha.been pa-ie1 the-Govennni t and was ig'néci by the Duke ci Cnaught -authriz- î-ng the establishment ini Canada Of 'a volunteor naval reserve force un- der the Naval Service Departanenit. A sum la being placeti lthe. esti- mat&es sufficient for thùs year'a There le alreaidy a volunteer na- val force at Victoria, 1.C., which ha been fiuanceti privatey. Ad- mirai Kingsmili is î6n his way to the oat, and this force iii be ait once gi-yen officiai recognition. Th -are ,,is a a p t!to Ir~ y b fore the deiprtneiit for theIo.'ornis- tion of a~ compn y of naval reserves ini Toronto, ofd stepe wi,11 beý taçon at once to 6rgani .ze thIe force. Mr. Aemilius' Jarvis;is intere,%d in the Toronito COMPAPL, and pred&ets ea.sily 4-he fOrxnaÀ!n cf_ a company of 2ô0 m en, The headqu'arté"ià,of tii. force wilii be at Ottawa, but it 1 in popQ'«1tO~ organize -diree di-visioiis, Atlantic, The Gr-eat Lakes dià'sion will likely have its Iiead-quartere in Tc- rànto, -and 'will unçlude-*ie Upper St. Lawrence, the GreaitLakes, and the te-rrit<.ry aà far sethieRockiee letgs aitte tôt force tler way iute Oui London - Letter Comment on Even'te Buc-kingham'Palace to see King_____________ George. They can, if they wish, On Watch for suffraffetteu. Coi More iSsci About lu».' boas-t cf having caueci several hun- Hampten Court Palace ban just bein The' Idem of aa lire ou the iplanet-ilare. drei plio tebe uzuiieecie se-reopenedunder conditions - wvhteh as- and especialty the Mieaa life clOse>Y dre poioeto re umm>netoape due is hstoie ollctin-fonidam- iresembiiug- our owu, ison-iîbew' lways cia-i duty atrthe puiblic ecpenso, and aieat the, bauds of' suffragettes. maies a streng appeal te the imagina- o!haing auedsoe hosadeo .An entranllefee of on. shilling, (2 tion, Aotrouemers themmelves are net idlers te stand ini tii. breiling sain- the comî>any et adulte beingç admltt-ed e ok enwltn r t - . for sixpence (12 cents). Vsitors a;eeof.boankswlin r een wtero notbl shîe t waeh hei f-til anies nelt aîîowed te vauder tbrougb theî pal- cane ed iwel-rgaoued dîfe.nce cf te but their achieveinenta beyond tihi ases aloîle, au previeusly, but are, con- idea ot Professer Pereii'al Lowell, oee amoutedte raic.icll. notingex-ducted around lu parties at conveulent of the momt promjnent of Anierican Iu-- eept t-bat 57 cf <hein ver. arrestici. in arently there viii be no frie d'dysvesjtlgatoriswfhtee. ilocp .e but large parties are admltted ai ha hi eory hobbt' tage, foor uoabote ratas. subjeet te prior application te the Inure"hobsby"Rltagqesto.no etwelUh- secretary. - ng proibabilities aud speculatiiig frein To Do Away Wlth Utikuu - them toward possIbilltles. 11IELD AS SiLAVE EN PARAGUAY A great t-aitéas union combine ba" OneiareaTact bas must bien thrown - beeu organlzed lu Englandin l whlch 11110 the scale, addlng te the-wol¶lht, 0f British Charge d'Affaires Bas Bieeli vretent otallig 1350,000 macn, here- the planet. Professrs Blpher -a d allter wiii support eaeh othîr l their Very,- ef the Loweli Observatory, Sud Askled to Ri-port thel Faett4. disputes svltb employers. The maru- that Mars -ile surrouuded by a watery bers et the Miners' IFederatien veted lu n-'RPer, aud that tliere In probably one- Adespatoh frein Lonudonl eapg ao' ttuswekn geeîtb-thIrd as mucb vater lu Its stmosphOe 8irEdwrd etted iiithetween the tbrea organizati eus and the as Ilu the atruosphere ef the earth. T2his Si jwr rey tae iith executives hava appoluted a committie meatis (bat forme et lite sintilar to 11hiuse o! Coui-nions that the at-ten- to arrange the details. thoee Wklnow are possible aitbough vi as feunti lu semae o the more re. the probabillty for the existence of the. tio oftheForignOffoehad beà cntstrikes tiuut without a vornlg human opeclîs ls ulight. It le, o! course,'- called te a report that a British- agreement b>' wbich ail would join te- slIgbt ou man>' otber counts as Wil (~aadiu wa eing bid u lavry aaer. ln came 0f a disputa, net a great Nevertheless htir a%15a very *Jmportaut Canaian as ein. hed inslaery ealcoutld bc aecompllshed by any oes ew factor.-: iin Paraguay, and that the British urganîzattin Wien the transqport A Spur tb *Uiiony. d'Afaie-e had bee re wokers were ou etrIke. fer example, A novel argument for the iitablSl- Charge dtAffa'aesway mneunkept at werk aud the meut of a ,ni'nmum vagi lu lndustrY niiested te report t-befacwLs inrue- atteru rt i-o tii ut) the transpor't ef goods, Ili advanced lu au article irtitled "Sema - e îceapt Iu rastnlctad arias diti net suev- Aspects of thé Minimum Wagi" lu -1diat.eiy by cable. - eeç1 Aise wheu, the minore go ou recent Issue et the Journal et Polltica1 satri -e ' canit malta it Immedilatil>' Eeeromy. Accordin g te the writer c'f- <«aective unlems tha railway min refuse the article, «H. A. Millis, a minimum te handie ceai, as In mari> case the vageinl maîîy cases WoUld benefit the. Si(uiTu)CIRAT CEERfS. coiierias 'have 'large stocks on baud ampliverr ns muci,thtuaemploya. for SI(-,IlTFII) REATsud at other mines tion-unlen- labor co'St woàld compel both te adeptmore et- - - le obtaineti, Wl-h tie itrec.wor*klng iMeen inetlîouas of production, î,ut<'S,îîv-ovred lsiriîs. e-together. tha leaders belleve they eau At loneseint, i-he wilLer pointe out. LikeStko-CovreilImiiiid. Re enfrcebitter condition"s froru the em- manN- ,nnv'utacturera ,ee-peCiaily lu the um,.s eaudnaiîîî(aîtiu. >iS'lor, Iltrades iviich are labelleti "awtatei," i)iei-ts obent Srîilllé. M.. presidant of the ron thair establishmnts lu à vaatèfUl' -Mlnars' It'adaratiou. wbicb with Its 800 - merer. They are able to lceap up; with A d'espatcb f rom Bosfto)n fsaYs: 000 members le the iaret erganization tiroir more Up týO date aud efficient coin-' Nuimer<ou,- bergs and heavy field ice 11, the combinai-ion. balaves that cn- rpet! lors -only because i-be vagis theY oration betwaen the threa classas of pay t.hcir worker's araexuucb smnallii' on tile Grand Banks compelie the wi'rkers wili de avay with eti-rîtes andti-han-lire wagi5 pald b>' i-b more ne- 8wedeu-N0r»&ay Lina c;te am ni p îloekouts. as, repremeulatlons mrade te ijutable employer». e 'loyera b%,. leaders rapreseiitIng I.- A minimum wageilaw appiled te suet 'fc-xa-s, whic'h arr-iveci bore freifn Ste- 500,00Ã" mari vill be -sjure te neeve employers veuld it ls asserted comPet ,%anger, te make a long detour te ilI erven couisideralion. white othars con- ibeni 'tii-baril) digcontillue i-hrir 0lovin- mider i-bat the combination wui wld n iv mathod of manufactura or get eut tue Fxeîuth. Ca-pt. Hillestroin re- greai- iniluence lu poli-ica., Social legis- dorlîumillerp. (oiirosilted b>' eucb a drévs- ported iut sôme o! tbe bergm were lai ion supportedl by ail these % t"oter ic itrution. i-bepsemlployers would 1,10 siz sd lokd lkewlll cîrtalilv. h Ioarsg-uad, racei'.îthaeuloubt' lhan ite tiud othen mians Ct- or en-or-mous iead oodlk, attent)ti ofe paliainlt.. keiptnig their business on a payi-ug badin .nov c4<>i ere i islands. Vin4dication cf & Eaporter. illati theexplitlation et thoir Coui- Tel) 'enî's ago lenry W. Nesineoi. ployes. then ilr, ather obscure London journal-_- "0n. ritisb Pl.t -in MeZi-e ________ Ici. ivelatlgated<'ondiltioriofetiavan>' At the heigbt o et ria :isl, luthéi aliegîd te ixisi- lui Poî'toKui4l %V e'4t Cii-y 'of xiobefoîc- the uttrmhipie BJOWN TO l>IEtES. Africa. aapeccially with nespectin tethe sent men asiiora at Vera Cruz, au Am-, -labonilS or the "rocos" Islande oetanSrfl ean, travelIng un business, ti-opped 'rthonîs sud Principe, H e rote i liet liiat hie cotîntrY'sl ebaSsy Onfliesval 'I'rieulIo le ik Iynamite Out of a ,,aw sud bis report was racelved wlth treru the railwa>' station te a Irote. aug h 'tii' i wiih osuaietuen with -Doit1Jet the natives tnow you'ri an- .'8 Ie Wit'amnmer. 'augrV aIa . But thei "WhitO 100V Aiuerlciair,' an attendant varned. hlm. rac._tly publi*eid by the Btriish te. -itter negioter as freon lordon. .And A. de",patcb f rom Llîî-das, Ont., reîigIi office provas that ha undersratd>dl hIire,.Wear tbia"-and the attendant Vin- fotn ns was dI-ficuit te Kit airlous governi Union Jlack. 'l'heruse worked.' &he 50 years 4)! age. enuployeci bv the mental attention te i-be maitir, but thbe' i nsu at e and fr0 amnn the e'x- CandaCruihd Sen >epo affair becuimi an Erîghisb poflîtIa iesi seau- i-id nativles vîtheut being moletat. Canaa Crelle --Sone o('ra- lai becautie the leadlng coeee-albers oland. bat'ng empli-id lits îrrand.,1efi- tieni, vas blovu to pie6e.p at the ulelng i-hies@lave laber produets- arealise 1liri perfêetct afety.Veu've gôt te baud b-en. Nblockpaliens et noncuntetity sud bounteouis It te Johbn "1111 fer at east eue i-ing quarnies h, ut. biteu's dropped te iberai pari-y funds. Fun. -haebas madiebs ln gfai siy p u e o ! d n a mn i t e i n t o a r o c k c ir e - a Il >' t h c Po r tu g u e s e , g o v e r u n litr5w er a f n t e î y b e e r s e t d - ' vice. He tried te pick it eut with è i-o ed pg'omlli i-e oud onmersa esOan ure. il ha-rmner 1,aud a terrifie explos-i-on 38.,000. t-WieBook"nso nurnbi ThiqOri' jguferlsg o oîy. inT lue adiug on the mainilaud foi' i-ho bave a gain bîcomne Manîteet., he ltnt ilae irat.tligoing ou.,i-bat i-hier- nce -usImpriý'iid bîneâtl nt mines ut nepatiition are belug elackt>' Etua. ha. ruade *,esother effort for ne- keiaî htVitir pr-gtlcal unanimltv le aue andiliams shaken i-be wboii istan d, j lOI MENKIlLI) ON5111. ib landbo i oht g oe.". with disasicu'- d FUR ENKILEDON KI. te aosluZia Er.ak"go Up. iow great tiha desi-ructioni shail prova in ldin Bralciir V. bas vet Ie be show'). 'i-s extent canilot Veese ~aePatiipting uiNaai S GeOorge ltclii rlK ihb. e 4iarnnd uni-il more empiete ne- VeMS W03 Prtiipatng n Nvalclaume etf Indaut aiti-e Baî.tlst mission- ports ai-e mceîveti ef the Isolai-ad colin- ary societys meeting recentl>. salut iry dIstrits 10 tevicb Inbabitat3l5sd Manoeuvres ait the 'rime. thatI- f uhere Wasl oee act cheai' i-o-day freinthei-uicinmblilig anti bur'lIng toWIlP deeptch reinB.izrta. , ai-btatn 5te In Judia was breakirlg Suffîcleur la toiti. hbever. i-e evaken A depath foni izeta.Africa p.oui leanntidindtan bad' teld hiril tti asymlpatbV. c fr u-unwoerid. -Thea Ssys : Fotir men were killed aud i-bati-eiigave caste lin yeans orelt bMO i, nitlcgea.te unc 1rv.-hict-. it îscuid ne longer exlsb. prospereuls enterpnises calurnitotîS.-lb. crue va-9 badly scai'ded.vhrough an And caqçt- gene, tulera would be a gr'eat destruction t homes mnt laîintalli. ~ acidnt ru he tokhol o!tueinfuxfrem ni i-no the Ch'lo*tiau utltro t exieci-ei that bis i ili- proNe ai 'ecde t ntroe R hoofte-n dInfl~Wd'cuxc- o te be a parailael rthi-e etupeudou,.çdis- h~~e Uead se t esif leySSa but i- i n-e-ada>'- The Reunaudiiî was parieii- $Ir .Renald Rose. discovilr' cft 2i-bewill holti a inemuvrabie 'place lu the long n ~imalaria parasitaeofthi-bsmestirite utalii-t. pating aibe u.nie i-n i-h. anniiulai appiied i-c i-e Bitisl paniainent ton a Lite la a ruauy Wrropoistio2s. naval manoeuvres, pension of $6.000 a ycan in i-he effort i-o hsl teWYI lcl oi d ablisb the pinCipli i-bai- iharo shei-id cnc '1hse h atrbands t nilsel i e-be publie rawards for scleniiil lsigv-1c>'ic:r,.dink wi-er an acgt tisibuORW c aerIas Wbicb are oet suet a nature thai -puever- ,nkgml-itdgel i-îimerauiO5l5t t ihey'cain bnlng ne col enimui'tai ai-Onu-iet suint goiratngbt'a disens; eut MI)11) "îE WORK - 1ev ruch bis dieer>' ians l il*% tidtI et on 1t apopiing em t ----moue>' as Welu au luhumer lsem Sla cytetns andti ga-flee-t î,oîsouilng <re showli b>' tha case et the Suez ('slai i tacles aind iset >ml ii sui-il G;rew St.4roulg on Right I"ood. conpanyve Wrts ai- Ismaliavbi<'h li tale snd ierkeri le ysu :snio ena.abouti-e ba ramoed becausaeI iaete uhdsfr-y):, 'fe Yoi. a-n't grow strOng by menely manv ef Ille workins venu dsing with lid hilai-ihenrui 'velaiot ss' fil s f>xe rq»ln g Yo mi*thav f<M - bree i-mies vu-bout tee. Asa resuit position afi-en ail. Perbapgit !ý-~în b ibe kind you ca'n digeet ani as*i.mi- oet lus iInvestigationsundanti tik ill the-e the piaywiiirb5t'is èdi,' e - Inosqitei acre romoved i tai-catIle h51 utinjiior bis Ipla%' "l'ut ia v cia ii>îe lai-. 1 oîks aidthe l 3itiili iacln. viîicb - liait',rînti go Une foi, an >011 lhle.'- ['n amniriýt>' orthe 4'aisI rdsni' chinagesi Bandit White Wolf. Pwa ond u mr tla 6.0 t-b-efood y<îu sat is digest- 1o i ueTlihitpkln a ed it adds t.>th -le hîrde-u i-be digels- [i, pblervene.iraied i h b' 'irecitles 4 f tbine 'iiîiu jetii-e trga-nîs bave inatitraily teo carry pr.pare Counaugllt'» 19o11s0.- I,anatit W SV of. ,sjîau'e tbiid.s i!n Mbis ofi-rn meugef a neivous bre-ak- einîg1i-eInitlP' iînunlei i-o us e s ie.itd prepanel for i-ha bome-.'oming o h hisle hr m-iLIl ýe- Dulie'land îîi'P-oiesi issoriuonuitt. ince i b ha saa d e metAbot aiv trle plî-oîit1 --iAboutai tuî ,'hei Wet i onusuoti the tioeiM'asantioi-beeic'ioaietati- i î lneit Eiý tni ad gorie- titenD ieraii-riro he big matîsion lun le iwnrfl siî,îîî aîîtIi119îK a tiie illiui Fepr ay lbcd qiit- a '~i eea 'iitatcail lu'1 îi, ln iîesv'siis'riars.t of q~~~~~t,.iarue-04ba.mbeen. chili-up and101-h.t 'iit olgbieakdov'iclugd asl il, sgn IVýtke owevsud l ' iris1 >o iieed ovevtrkcace iaebliîîds duawu, sud eiii onianaigu mîtliroeacri gk n-e aî-l ~.r a-nd ssoiry Ife abutth t.Yd ~pheMoniena ir, Chlia- 14lI a e"c d miseevi>. byrveu w thé laetY ei-hamdidoore]0lo ne eli7-t lhéedl'ttir. "banldits. %010 non et ~ ui ne Witi.i i-be 1af the tisy.beaen rur hul l4 ht n- eaî's liaeidt ia Ou. Vinaai. Ot. qRe -i'T'l t-,an niait i-hein chiltnn otihein Jour- Thena are about two i-bous sud e ate'- 'eB . n avu. t e a n ti fre i F ol , < O. i ; i pmi l n a t run t l u ilo n d o n . -m o s i- eo f v io n i 11,cad, to elvhe,'i'î ik.g-s. t tg: ciiotîs. i-nie. it ' iiSen~ are uni-eh lunalirade organisation li-nioss er "'he'e' a eagn."epedtIîlris a Rîmale guide te 4useleae. antida -irte Bei-all Horsetieir Canniesa' -As- R-a. lthere n'ult bu-mai>' oeigli -\reiiiui'oebation." anti i- ti-ey refusa -o biiy E'rrosd t e abOVO loi-i-r? A nsw anti Co0lonal ivotinnoîs u lc.ni-oim wlio 1.îi-cili meai- un-il pnie are lovered ellea apears' frem Ual. to bine ii- 'li ould lji glatIofet i-le ns Oa f l i1-- I--~ uigt viii nô e haappy oee sieguu.true. and.;fun31-of ihumrau Éalta voruan vitban Intimla-C kuos;itige lIwti-h vih ei tlvn eiu jog iie rit. - - w th the be Wet n b5S ~ vi saUvlng Qi-be L onnei 91th WstEn ooq. at a ýel a ab";,çterLidoe-N ei t -lmto be gests te the appetit fruit, a. selt boiled of cciffee will repre anmd kixudness to'the lIly. Therefor-e whuna -wisdern, with 1scia *b thatheIav.y wp * ouglit te lbe thrown .digestive &gans sa quen-tly the "hea7' da -dxought te be eëa - * MOrning, We Teply is plausible but in * orgians may ib. resi Iîng, butt they are' 'wcIrk, exoept in tii rarie* and &lway'q ~bel-ore mentîoxred. M.oreever, the. wisdom lâ .ocially w elcome: liii.chee *one'a fellow Mauxi -eveningi but 11o Ic * rae »wants te ami o crock ln'the -mer, tibLe. right of hum, l i thie orngl. conforting gr-ouol * of huýmanity ,thait ouit-of stgh, at -mouth -siut. * ating is as 'mu * -as it is BteDkifg would becoe I wouild fiee -tO -ti nieat if eating vue A dinner, propeý the- gentie fiowx'l -day. TVie climax The- stries -hmaI ramindcemores restf - fw. are le meal" e--f t.he da 'clock in the. m G REAT JA Ln Lae Genéral -N for C The laite Gene *joys-the wnresi the ,Japa'nesa, e * fuaeral oftIh e la "a 31ot'e of dISCi;ý f(or the pUwpi L of --of the. Peerýi'Sel tains fourteen *truiy refleeoteth. ithe _]Mte kenera the sc-hooâ. The --Keep Yo>ur 111 Minci-w hat y, Oaa w1-se eYe i tel!t]ý thait hýs nm W-hn pa,,ung Do noât forglel £1anntily atanduing * respect te 3,ur - tant. * A, Loy rol emur. Whoe - Gold 1 gd.H. eays caîoniy wor~k pereciug the teswork at tem wimn the baffl chianged in-bo. tht brought- te -lits, * * plber'a atâoe f4 niista o! the n 00 ong. ln:ow fatr U *eElmer 1"> caue. 7 f"Oh, ( th~e little lle'ç couldn' tire IGMIVES OF ONTARII id le Lin k E *1

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