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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 4

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ROYAL-flhe Mosti, elebrated -of ail the badu owders lu- the wo«id-ceIebrated for ifs great leav g Strut u purlty . a e orcks boures you aantalum sud au alforme of adulteratiou tMat go withtheclowprlcéd brands& laitoriaI Commente It I e to alive, provided one What a beautilul worMd we bave th try. when the "bloom la on the liet 0ai fy anid ail of June! heather," or on the orchardi. It le estimâied that one hundred The lovely rain of Mondai'. mornlng tiiousand persons passed througb the brought many a trown to youthful Torontto Union station during the brows, as the prospect *of a spoiléd li. 4olday period. day of sports was faced but in the W.je LUKE & SON GARAGE, Auto Livery Cars f'or Hlire Bkcycýles and Repairing New and Second Hand Wheels For 5le# ~WATER ANDOJIGHT COMMISSIONERS!1 DO0 IT ELECTRICALLYIO '4 -4 44 * 4 -4 4 4 4 .4 Soes that are usine eleci Saddod convenience of uising the Sfor eurrent as set out opposite J.,",, bricity for light may have the Bfollowing articles, at a cost each individual itemn. Do The Work For You - 1cts per hour - 34c ts se t orhals, " "ndhs o elong hour burning, at a cost 8 candie power. GEO. W. P.' EVERY, ýSupt. Plantinig Time To get the best tesults use the best seeds. WC hav thm.Cheap priced seeds are dear at any p'dce. Try us. GARDIEN 3131D3 By the- package or by bulk. Diutch;'Set Oiîons 15-C pet quart.- Preeth Manale Seed Àn1ce lot'ot Àowers and plants just in., jnoÙ09 .WATERHOUSE WHITBY pu 11,il Soêd >ôtatôêi Prompt Delivery. Le t The "1White Goal" -Washing Machine& Wringer -Elcoctrie Iron - - Tea Samnovar Clîafing Disli - - Toaster Stotos - - Six inch i ie cStove9 - Coffee Pereolator - - Hleatiîig Pads Electric Fan4, 12 inch- 6 d 16 -d j, La And best of al, the 10 wi now a commercial success. lis, any place you would appreciate of 1 cent for 15J homme use of bd to - or ouil and' mi The ~ Iflzgng thç quesa, removlug beoefrôm' G la n e sug estê supers, operatin g t a' re vent #s v p ..' thenaese! V.*.Purvie, cf Cmi- ' PrOmnent local beekeepers *111 lie nington ; John Fallowdown and Jas. fasked to téke part and assist in the.' Topaon, 1cf'S underland, a'd .,idiscusion of praclical queti oun. Thom nd H.. S These 'aplary, demanstrations -ared Camneron of B eavertan, any ýone et being heM -aIl over -Ontarla, ii" 1$ ,wham would ma»Se good County will be well worth your while to at- Treasurer.-What abont the editor oi tend one.; the Gleaner ? Ladies are especlally Invitod, and ail are: requested to bring bee vels so they can coins right out Into the Now that attention bas bee11 calied apiary with comfort. te the. dust plague en Brock Street, MORLEY PIETTIT, South, Whitby, there appears te be a Provincial Aparit, gond deal o! public opinion in favor Guelph, Ont: of waterlng. Froin one vdewpoint it would seem ,te be a good advertise- REMOVAL 0F MALE IIRDS. ment ior the town Vo have thiS The Imnportance of the Removal of ,much travelied street sprinkled. Tiie Maie Birds After the l3reeding' dust fmay bc taken te bc "a great Season. cloud of witnesses"y against. purclias- 11y W': A. Brown and .J. H. Hare. lng prapexty on either aide: of Brock Figes .hich have beeli fertiiized co'n- stret. ette testostitute the greatest proportion ot the stret. Btterta t he dust liiferior stock which, when exanij.ned,_ nuisance than te frightien away any proves unfit for fond. 1 is noV ne- prospective purchaser o! property or cessary that Vhese shail havir rernàin- 'possible resident. ed for a tline under a broodi' hen, a ~ tenîper4ture of seventy degrees,being, ln itsell, sufficient to cause Vhe gerin The story of Dollar Day in ,Os.liia, to grow. Ji the heat is con4.ant the as told by The Packet, la published in deveiopIIînt of the c'hick wfIli con- another colunin. The special effort Vo tinue, iut if it ceases or is inter- draw a- crowd of shojipers appears to mîittenV, putrefaction at once sets in and thé egg becornes bad. On the have been most success!ul. Th'le mer- oti'er bond, infertile eggs wýhieh arc chant» prepareli for the day by large f ree froni the active germ celi, do and attractive advertisemnents in the noV, under ords.nary conditions, de- thres local papers. Seldoin, if ever terlorate seriow;Iv. belrehav th Orlla pper, \ell lew farmers sern to realize these patredhasethey ailays are, been facts, and c<T15;4ueciintlY veryf e'w patrnize astey awa'y are be n ake aliy effort to insure in!ertility. en loaded with dlsplay advertising, The impressJon prev-ails among many uecessitating several extrapages for that Vite prescn"e o! the pial birdi the week. lt'e Packet carried a»'o- tlsing, or 6%j colurnns the leugth o! those of the Gazette and Chronicle. The Tinmes carried-nearly 64 colurans, whule the News Letter waa fnot fanr behind. Bcauitifui iiair-A Clean, Cool Scaijp. USE PARISIAN SAGE. IT MAKES- THE HAIR FLUFFY ANIÇ' ABUNDANT. It is needîess for Vou to have hair that is anything Mort o! perfect. If it la falling out, losipg color, aplit.. tinîg, or if the scalp buras anld itofles, îmrnediately geV !romn A. Il. Allin or anY drug conter a 50 cent, bottle 0! Parisian Sage-use it frequentiy-the flr5t aPPuloaviOn removes dandruff,ini- vigoratems the scalp, and beautifles tlio hair until It is gloriously radiant. Parisian. Sage supplies hair needs- is penfectly hariess. It contains thç exact elenients required Vo make the hair1 soit, wavy, glossy and toi make it grow thick and beautiful. You sviil sureiy like Parisian Sage. IV is one o! Vhe be-St and Most de- lightful bain tonics knovn. RAGLAN. COUNTY 0F ONTAR1O. L. WI TBY-Miss E .L. Macdonnell, Clerk, Whitby- Jan. 18, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, April 3, May' 4, June 8, Juli' 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, Jan., 7, 1915. OSHAWA-Miss E. L. Macdonnell Mr. George Nesbitt, o! P'ort Perry,1 lierka-Jan. 14, 1e.50.6, Mar. 5, Apr. had the nîisforttîne 0o! gctting hil41 Mai ' 5,Juge 4, July 4, Sept. 41 hanse kiilec by -the six o'clock trai Oct. e3, Nov. 9, Dec. 5, Jan. 8, 1915 w~hiie cros.sing thue (',P.fl. railwav 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Green- noth o! Raglan. Mn. Neshitt hin-' wood, lersk-Jan. 15, Mar. 6, May self reciveul no etîrv6 July .7? Sept. O, Nov. 11, Jan. Miss Rubv lWe.therhiogg rind %i's il, 1oi5. Violet :Stanton have arrýved homle 3, PORT PEIIRY- J. W. llurnbam, affer sPendling a few daiys in th~r city. Clerk- Jan. 17, Mar. 7, May 7, Monv former liaglan citizens w'h0 JUlY 8, SeDt. 6. Nov. 1i, Jan. 12, are now living in %nnro', came 1915. 11o111 to sîuend the 924th. 4. UXiiD oHJCJ- R. J. Moore, Uz- bridge, Çlerk- Jant. 10, Mar. 11, State of Ohio, City of -,,,..d0 May 18, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, Pr can lounflty. s.Jan. "-, 1915. FakJ. Cheney maken oath that he la senior CAN GT T1O.-.Potr partuer of the fSrm of F. j. Cheney & Co. doingS. AN GTN ho M Pstr tuualne in the City o! Toledo, County and state Caninington, Clek-Jan.,9, Mar. 13, aforesald, sud that said fsij ll psya um of ONu HUNDRED Doi.1.AkS for eCh aua every May 14, July 51 Sept. 9, Nov. 19, case or Citarrh that canneS becured by the use o! jan. 15, 1915. Hallva C .tarrli Cure. FRANK 1. CHIENEY. Sworu to-beforemne sud subsenibed lun:ny pres. 0. BEAVERTON-Chas. A. Pater- euce, this 6th day o! Decembet, A.D. 1886. (Sur> A. WV. GLEPASON. son, Beaverton, Clerk-Jan. 8, Ha"aatarhCue ItaenNOTARV PUBLIC. Mar. 1à, May 15, Juli 16, Sept. 10, directly on the blood anutcu srae o e Nov, 10, Jan. 14, 1915. systeni. Send for teatlxoulal4, free 7. UPTEROROVE- Daniel Leanard S P .J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, o. AhreCek a ,Mn 1 Tod ail druggis%.. Ahr7y lek an7Car.1 a ll'. n*Fam2iy Pilila fur eonitipston. Ma 1, uy7,Sp.1,N . -~~~~ M1, an 1, Jl'17,Se.15Nv OSHAWA ARMOURiES OPENED.115 Bi' Order, J. E. FAREWELL, Oshawa, May 25.-Col. thé Hon* Clerk of the. P«e. Sami. Hughes was the guest o! Mr. Datd at WtitbY, Nov. 24, 1918. Hl. Tî. uarsýwe1u, 0 hawa, for ths apenlng of Vhs arniaurdes here to- day, a! er wrhich he was escorted te the new anniaurles by, the Boy. Scouts. The streets wsre thronged with people ; iV was the largeat Vilrn- out in years. At the Armounies Col. Hughes mnade a short speech. Speech- 181 were alo made by Col. .Bick, May- or Ednianson, Col. Grierson. AfVOr the. ope] lllg o! ths Arunounies, Col. Hughes motored aven Vo Vthe hall grounds and opened the basebaîl ses- SOU1 by throwlng the, frst bil. Tii. weathen wau wet lu-Vthe mcrnlng, turnhsg fair and cool in the a! er- TIhis evening Col. Hughes wausue- tertuinled at dinnrer by Dr. Kaiser. about twenty-five mien being preSent, BALSAM. M.rs. W2. ILidgett and the Baisanim ieOOIôo tteher aPent May 24th in To- ronto. MISa M. Smith,~ Balsani l spend- luip a ew wesks lu Toronta. BEEKEEPtRts FPILD DAY. Ntixt Vo dulug a tua5g yourself,the but way *a. learu lu ta te. ut 'do»e. IV la one thlug Vo Bit, lnsonie-con- lMi 01room and heai an=mm ll .1 hOw h. maniages is bees;- .It Io far botter Vo go with hlm ita the apimry snd have hlm Show you. That lu ,what yen vili have a chance ta douiM th. apilani' of Mn. Weley Plckett,Ux,. - ec whiat wi 'vue Prew Jl j , 1 PariBZ ileSuUatdS I1IBI ites ln Ofeaàa 110w ofera, the preni4um of from n oe to fiv4 cents per dozen, fé;br 'frtillz-ed eggs, nu- ge e an add tion i 1l ina ciui c oflsi - eratianwbch ,but ïew can, afford ta overlook. HE-ENJOTS NHi EA NOW For lHe ccps a; Litt e std' eand Mr. Gla cicfT9rtoo, mate us an May lath last: TnC oLuMAZI M:necnm Co., D)ear Sirs,- SN ($urcli St., Torotito 1 w:.b you would. send me another box of your I<lttle ~gesters". Ail the members of nyfmly have been using them and have atied the moot satis- factory resuita. I congratulate yau on your .uccess in putting up a tablet for the cure of Indi- gestion., I suifered for years and tried everything that was -recoinuended ta nie. Nothing g ave me rçlief, until 1 waspersuaded to try lLittle Digesters". Now 1 neyer sufie frorn Indigestion. I en oy my mneals and arn flot afraid ta eat, bcaue Iknpw,.a "Little Digester"' after ecd meal will digest iny food. rccornieénd thein to ailinîy friends who suffer frinn Indigestion and -would furtiier say that you niay publish the above if you wishl I know there are tiiousands of people suffering from Indigestion who wili be glad to know there is a safe and iure cure for them. - Vours very truly, (Signed) Z~ S. GLASSCO. "Ltittie Digestera"? cost 2,5 cents at your dnig ts orby mail fromColçxman Toronto. 2 ELECTR1C4L ffIRING AND SUPPLIES. r Having purchased the '"41ectrical Business" froni Jas. S. Fian, I beg Vo announce Vo ýhe public that we are prepared Vo io.ail hous wiring, installîng o! motbns, altenations and repairing o! ail kindi, electrical sup- plies, fuxtures, etc., and will warrant first claus wark du strict campliançe with uùderwriters' rides, W. vill carry a comploei lins af lixtures, and Invite Inspection bi' ail lnteud.ng purchasers, whtn you will find aur pricei trêas 10w as in any cit'. ln the Dominion' We buy la Vhs Closent rash. market and yul l 1 be too pleaaed Vo f ururIsh like fixtures ai ad- ventlsed cut prices bh ilti'dealers-to attract our people away froni their own town. SpecIl prices quoted on quantity lots. Ws ane luit now putb- ting on a speclal ',canrtpalgn in alec- Vnlc fiat lrç)ol nd vomblflatlon bl plate and toasters, at veny attract- Ive pruces, and Would advise ail In tereste-d ta Investigate. We use our very beet talent to secure for our customers the best In tihe market- a tact that should Interest aIl Who wll stop ta conslder. Note a cani- parison af 1 u*re drawn tungoten lampa with other makes. We handleý and contrai Vie beat ta be had, and ln netun solicît youn support and 'patronage. Open_ Wednesclay and SaS- Dnundas St., Whitby. GUARANTEED:AOVANTACES The advantageS guaranteed te its policyholders, man for mari, throughout its entire business by The Equity Li'e Assurance Company are much greater for the premniums pakl tlian they are ÃŽ any other Ccmpan>, doing business ip Canada. This la stated ai a fact which can nos bc successfui 'ly di5puted. EXAmPLE-At age of twenty-tlîree next birthday The Equiti' Life charges $43.20 for $2,ooo.ao insurance on the Twenty Paymnent Life Plan with everi'- thing definitely guauanteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exâctly the same âmount and similar ternis for a Twenty7five Payme;t Life Policy. At the end'of twenty years the Equiti' poiicy ia fuily paid for and bas a Cash value of $898 oo, while the sual cash value for the other policy at thýe samne time is $720. The muan who gtudieà hia own Intereste wil patronize The E3quity LiI'.. Assurance Conipany when he wanta 1Iife Insurance. L. W. DU.DLEY-. H.SUTHERLAND, - - -- - - - - -P-r- - - - - - -a- à -l - - nage McPHERSONI FOR WGMEN .~ko ôtg-Ptlng 101.4 nôw CÃ"Implèee The question of eom1fort hias been givèn ear eÇul thôugh and etUdy by the makera of MoI'hereon 5hIocet and in cavci style shown absolute foot ease is assured. Our line of--eushion sales, both in low and bigh cuti with medi m vamps and heels, is more complete than ever before. We invite inopetion. Re.Ise-HO)R Reliable Footwear 2 Doors 'South of Standard Bank, Whitby. JÂPU HEN yon start on your -oamp&Wg hoWi.beuutifying this Sprint, don't jusitak for varn1ulh"-aský- for JAP-A-LAC; sand don't e content mith anything but JAP-.A-LAC.., Aiways put up inuGrem-I"ins. bearing ithe name "GLIDý DEN." Maà;tWW2-1Fl utiful coloro, providine fer every possible requiremýent of the' lîouseWife,JAI-p A-LýAC i. indeed a-wonder-wrking aid in keang furniture, floors'and woodwonk *"spie a-nd sPan. Na maiter how 1baclly acratceed or marraed a pica CI uriture May b, a coat of JAP-A.LAC vi1m:a:Et look liii. new. - It covera p the . acuhes andl proIsue. a beau- tihzj, brfilant, d urble finiah. Quiddcy and eaaôy 0applisd. No .xpedonae.requir.d. eArdau'b" hardwre eA for the. JAP-À-LAC celai cardZl"Zk*WtW- AThou"an md Ons Usea of Ili Whit.by jap-a-ac is sold by GEO. M. RICE MalL'Y Th ma donVanieh Ca.. LmstaJ,. ..t DISTRICT DOINGS. Mrs. .Joy9, mother of WJ as~ Beaverton, Nfay 24.- Hughena Mw of- Oshawa, di -ed recently at North- Lean, wo was accidentally shot on ville, Mch., at tPe age of 83 years.- The Vanstone-Reade Manufaeturing Friclay, is stiliý living. The bullet Co., -o! Torontoj have purchuâed .-a bas noV been extracted. ler leit arm building in Oshawa, and wi begin op- is paralyzedi caused by the pressure eratioiis about JuIv lut. They wil of the bullet oz the brain. employ 30 or 40 hands at the start. Clanfloors, doors; Woodwork Wti~ "q God Dust is such amarivelous cle-anser,- that a littie of the product sprinkledi your, rcrubbing water will gaveyo mut Q£ the bacli work-and cleNan mueh' more quickly and thoroughly t1an- any, other way.9 F~or anything and evrything about- the house GoId Duzt _ is the best known Thle GOLD DUST TWIS cleanser. Try it Neyer "Break ADate" 1use it always. Sold in 5c, and large packages, Duy the large package' for econe om yfi sakea TUE N. à.1rAIRBAE COMPANY Andlest onthe7ft ay "Lith e COLD DUS? TWINS do 'ou surA LIMITED, Montreal, Canada' Specif Brandrain -Henderson's "Entlàsh" Peint For Your Ho1is Malce it aprafyaur contract with the paintcrtha hen tac usvh an ou 'know ta b- better thban any- thn icho could buyt gor any Paint lie eoml omil m;x himself. even thouch he vere ta d&cvosç d ayjto -thee pains chat in Whitc and tftin ft,. e 0 Zrinam là-. (zenuine White Lead and .30 rp Whit ZCn - Ilic bc« formula known, for. long service. th ne n pain,, that.Can give yau the above cern- - biu.aton and that PILinter. vwjre are enthulgjt1c about toëdai'.-the honeitpitwt behind it -BH 4"NG'sIii MePaI t rme p Eilllate painting risk . a bookiet on the mbeg Get -our ~"1î 't I .4 >4 4 not coins to Our experie saine use tt -!Most de veil -worth v Let us, spea' suggest (solid and plated Ciocks Jewelry Wa tches- Rings- Fountain Pens Ebpny*goods 25C corn I-vory -Blrushes, 25c.tocon Grafon'olas $32;5 ,Umýbre.llas Canes -- China 25-C to Con Pipes. Lealther- Goods Cut Glass - Jeweler and Gradi Opposite Poiu 14 i 4 BEFO.RE IT 1$ Ml ou h'~e a gray-h In Ibeç old home fai S it v o u d 'v a n d 'ýi Ybu put-(FI from'd Don't iwaituntil -he- Reach hêavenspea Eut sho'Xdv her4-hatv Before it is-fo lai 1! You. hare.a tender or a loving word-t flon't wiVuiî ouf 'But wluspelr it to,-d Wh0 knows What bi-tl May haunt- yu-ifv 80 make vomît lovcd ]Refore it is t±oo lat *The teênder word- uns The, letters nýlc'r q! TÉ Ihelong-tori;otf i- n- m The weaflh.6[ "For, these -sai-j ie * For thsè- sorte loy Show thein th at u Mr. Samu. Tees is 'W. have 9 stylesj 'choýose froni at Gc;é -RememnberïMissi furnitune on Tuesda C. P. R. -slbwav. Mgrs. Fred Hlatch Pridai', May 2ti, Do nbt forget .Mr OPtoznstrist, .at E istore, May .%0 (Satu - r - 'Young mns boots and oxfords Lower, it u nt .' nd s;'e;r'i Mr]4. FN.- ur ah -c1d illngles At the-À- - ersn may ave for - Mrs. Whielaw e chioir o! Ail- Saints' day evening Iast. A kine w'as spent. - ' BAR N T M I R - -. 15 square irabens- '20 ansd 25 feet long, WI{ITB-Y v amP-w mWu w TOROhITn HOMESEEKEItI EXCURSIONS e i.-OMO AWM. MAN1TQBAM,&ALDER DOINGIT NOW- -el 1 r have them. I.- - 1 LIMITED, Montreal, Cauda

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