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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 6

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Thousandi i rowln irsjust o6ithé edge > îam> e1, 2# OFIIÏ Yearly FaRI lio a Hope- that ewould have nÈi, , - me> b le$$' Decine. thue preipiee., At k - ý BXôyyU. "PT Anaenia-the dotorosns-me for While tring towe-ke wfrýeb P7ha4tePU~Ct e blolsa ti8- hcktabaek many Wtb m 11, ; b a ~ . tl} .f.-Kq 8e ou girlsf tn he pat. h o b riglht, -1 now -remembere :P-- lEkftif- abI héaIthywdt I noc.At that aIl- ut IV nt; ndope è heâ* T enba eitme_.Gocsr (>portà~nt - timne wlxee thoir -veie tiii-openei blade. 15h1at -w"s ag TGtIa tt1eent lUos pholdb',ftlid rohredblo{Ihel, ad wVh t~i4 anihà~t";Qf Co." N.B., May 25 (8pdcýa»>-Mr8. auaxns- .eep4n -n ~hxmsteitli Vs xeI' mnae»te rgain the 3an» eB. 11.0, an ixeb1e lay, ily, rob-ý tuer of rsparkMlng eys and, ridge. -If seemed-,.to take aseo-od welI knoivn uer., Ua» ma&é the foi- -a oiesr shin. They beçeme languid to sid. down ýand â-bout two houm 1kvwig eatsement -f<r publlicatio6n: and exhausted 'at Atbe ledet exer- Io crawl baok;-the distance was "F I aif eirdf rom an -tion. thoir back8 ache, th&ir bearts about exlsKiy 1,f-1'%he wind began ektrSflIe w-èknées kid an àwfu1. palpitate vidlently;,- appàtît6 fsils, -to bkiw f rom -the nort.h, intesl"aniithe-biok. Scmetimee :wy, and t heiib complexio>n haùges to a oôld, a-ànd-titià male me urry, off' b&ck wa-j co weak 'lI*oould bard4y pau6Vy yUw.or they- b.csomethe ridge a sta_ cudgo ywa.l-k'I W- luy nv-~ at dcs&tl3ý white. No> medioine ever, clothes stiff ened ýpQjr -me, and -et, DO s-ippeite and 1 w a siling.very - bfre h publÎc h»,,-bestowed one î-tsai-1Ifeus ihat 1I-*as' guing, Vo 1fast. 1:,1toc& medi *ne 'Lro adc euech important benefits upon -ans-e- lose the use do! my bauds. 1r-ubbed 'tor, bIÏ ft mtaued Jto >grow ,wor.be. mic girls s-sDr. Wâl-iaxnix' Pink them with snow, and began -the de- "Then- I *tated_ýto us Dod'd'a -Pille.- They build . ap tisba body aasew sdent; but t-be wind ad im , -zed thé. kidn-ey -Pille end - oon began Vo by making the' rich,- red bk>od tht rock wifsh ice, aud I wae - a -eîry ienprc>ve. fly Ithe timneI had iished' givos srplendid 'heslth, brighteyics, long time in climbiùg dowu; even the tuird box I waà omltl a !e-ar com>plexion and womanly e,ý I bhaci o exoise lte grea4est cured. I kraow I ow-emy-cure t-o b mghtxness.-Rems isaistance, eut ca-ution. - Dodd's Kidney Pilla, sad I waut OL fn- - reerdedtbýousSfldS.,Mioss - could. not'give up. becs-use I thler eufferers to know t-bs-Vt-le-y Pslins Arsenault, Urbasiuvill-s, P. Whould never have been found. It aIuâo ms-y b. cured.,"- E.I. sais:"I efferedf r m atrequired ail the- w 1lIpow*er onci P&- Mïs. ly'i s"Ïymptohwed t-bat tack 'of enaen'iui *Wh sy friende t.lence -I cou1,d eommaniwid' Att1fime.slhe - lid - Ksdrey trouible. ,That'. fea&red s-V one tiaes-'w-nld prove- fa- I wse$0e tterly eihïi itld.. àDÜY whfshe fqurd,..epý -rolW - an4i ti grew tiui r ey i-,baud le"s becs-me se strained- and sore oapeecr n oW iis dug.k cir-ele. s&round any- eyes, could with slippiig dowu ýbotween th-e-Ps--j3iy&-aIdo' -mcy not akjep well at nig-ht and got. up boulduera, ha-I' feît I >could neot. prsda P n Te rs-aon tb-Y~ lu tlie r,ûnrng feeling tired -sud stir another yard. Af er- a, brie! -curs-e> 00 iWy suffering women us dp'se. 1-euffered eever-ely frcux ret, I pleddedonsgan.Iwlad-h-- 'ne-e so en' rou- heàauhes andi pains in the, bauok lighfsed Vo see my litVle 4teufs on t-ho:. bles COul».fÏoerakk Ëidn«yaus.ý a-nd limbs. I lîad 'te les-vo shoo1, moraine. enad* was unable te deos-ny work auruund thee houie. I had ne appe- ma eeÏ.A. PLUCKY 1IÂT1eE. tite and! frequéntly vomit-ed wb-t I RssnCrss tid cat 1 w-a-s un-der s-- doct-or's The region tribusa-ry Vo thle BisC -chDoe Three Lions Away Froue Ris -oare. for eight monthas, but waus Seaporta, f rom which Englauid goe rdoCale gr w on -rs and worse, s-uit was se much of ifse annual supplies *o!flr ! ate alit li despair, when a fq-iend wheat flour, bariey, os-Vs, ,sand Fo Ur lionsatfsacked a herd o!ies-t- advited nie te give Dr. WilliaiUs' maize, stililJaceks a weil-orgaaiized tie on a f&rm ast.1tomsey. Sou-tii Pink Pilles-a trial. Anxious te geV syetem of transportf. Much 'Of thle Africa, eaye s- newa item iu the Bh-- weJl, I -decided te de so. After country produce doe« nefs -reach the detia -erald. Ilhe iierdîboy -w-a-s taking P. few boxe-s I fouud s- g00d ses-ports until wiÉ,ter lias^sefs li, tanding on an-nut ies-p. examin- iîupocienlt., and I eonfsin-ued ta-k- wibb the ressit Vhsaianuch o! if ha . çg1a pair o!fboots hee baud got- the ing tlie Pi!!. tint-il 1 lied used ninse teriorated, s-nd fetehe.s only a- daY previeus, when h-e ies-rd a lois boxe-sý, whe.n 1 was s-gain enjOYiu-g fraction of ths price ài ehould grewl neasr him. On looking up, -ot -perfect -health. and. I found on, fetcb. Thse Rus-asn governmnt saw t-bat t-lres lion-shad gels hole wèeighÎng inyteifthat' I liead- gained bas now begun t-o.bu-lit clevatuore o!. tlres cove, yhile .notuher lion - eventeen pouuds. 1 have ilioe en- and store-s in agriculVural ar eus-ssood looklug -on. jcyet perfect hes-1-fh, -for which 1 bot-hil. Europe and in Asis-. Wlthl- The -boy. pulled off hiz boots s-uc kaveVo thank Dr. Williamis' Pink in five yea-rs t-bers sliould lie- depots turew thera -V Vhe nearexit lion, -und - ilt-s, nnýd strongly advi&e sIl oliher enougl t-o do s-w-ay withIî &Mit-le fhen na4-e a rush -f-or thora wth a ailing gir1ls to give ths mediuine a to>il-some cies-niag, fanni-ug, aud s"io, houting st thle -Sasme tsime fair trial." clssfyiung o!ftise gr&in thVhsen-ow s-kth'te top ef bi.s voie Vo s-net-ler iEver e womn afflicted with s-nge.- neecemry,. Odeasa no - ouger ex- h.erdboy to bring a- gun. nis-, every woxnan who -ufr. f roi port.e thbe-most grain; N-icoliay and lI ths mes-utime swe lions lis- -baclcacles and Ë~deuabes, a-ad thbe Rostovv oach lià -merze trade last gofs -fheir cosm down, but., ootuhin i*t-le-r rajs-rie-s that afflicLý1iêr seux yes-r. More -bsrl.ey in shippe- fr-osai dan-ted, the Kafir m-ade sa nush for Ivanl ecurz n-w lies-jth g-id sreng theh Bla-ck Ses- ports t-han s-ny other-Vbeii, said the lions raoved away t-hirugîx a fair ume o! Dr. Willia-me' cereal, bu-V grat quantities o!f rom their prey. The boy t-ben Pink Pills. 'Sold by s-I medicine whea-t, os-Vs, corn anudi'ye ar-e ai-se rounded up hie cattie (lie had 108 deaiers or by mail st 50 cents a box export-ed. head>, and while lie vas doing se or six box,-% for $2.50 f rom Thse Dr. _____lad te disse hselions awav Beveral Willanis' Md;.i-neCo. Brokviletimes; when lie was at on-e sie, 4-hE Oiint. Mdcn o. rovle THE ONLY MEDICINE lions wold try Vo catch the cattIE Ont. - CT'tYT5W r-DAi nT on thlisothler. Ilowever, le brougbi EN, A sNows1àIDE. çliinbing Olle ()f Ille Loftiest Peak@ - of Siberia. t'lie n an 'h wiff sh'leg tO leeP in tents everý nig=ht wherx le i§climb- ing oelf m>fl.ifi lt mxade of hard enough istuff to get. to its Ruminit. deares -Mr. âamuel Turner inx his account of, "My C(limbing Adventures in Fous Con- tinents." That he must be hardy enougli to eneounter mnany dangers and pyivatitJus, Mr. Turner .lias proved by ie ouwn exPeriences. Ini einbing-Beliik&i. one -o!the loftiest peak-3 of Siberia, in rmidwint'er, lie w"~ compeled to leave everythirtg! 'except food behlin'd hîlm in atternpt-1 ing the summnit. Having traveled far, and taken the risks o! bear.S, .wolves. and the intense cold. lie re- solved ncot to he stopped, and prem- ed on. EverywNhere flhexe was lresh snow1 but tîiere did jiot seem to be rnuch danger of an uvalan,<he. 1 walked (,«refuriv for a fe-w vardn ' and -be- gar tu lbelieve that 1 had dune the riglit thirig; but -a second alter xnaking tis% decision. the sflow le- gai tu move. and 1 wth it. 1 steer- ed nilviell! witli imy ie axe for a rod or two when I1 ost all thought of Pyervthiig. exeept that. 1 wa.s be- ing carriPi. , destruction, I turn- ed hýbe wwad and stopped, sud th, 10iow*clo"edOver me; but' 1 wa% -abfl tu knock thse snow away f ronm mv head. and 1 found I1cvuld ý)reaixe. 1 had îivriy reta»ned MY grxpi on my -ce ax-e- and this ,Our Winner ing ont hst post Toasties are diff erent *tromd other "res-dy toest" foods. It5s lu thse masking. s-ne carefully of choicest In- toasted te s-n golden - brown Gare and tins. in tosatint a-nd' the delicate flavormq make, thlo criop corn-food dellihtiul. -poit "2oaýstes-res-dy ta Ïat d!re4t frons tIe ses-led package, with cream asnd - a-id by,,Grocers. Mra. Aleide Charls-nd, Ste. Se- pile de bevrard, Que., writ-ee: "I s--n wel s-stisfîed -vit-h ]Babys O'wn Tableta whioh 1 u&ed lfor ns it-y - ena, dluring thse t-sethisg petliod. (l kaiow cf no other aisediiue toe equaI them." Ma-a. Charlacs'a Vs-ah-,mon>' Ïe- Vhs-t-o!ft-ousas d o lier snth- ers. On-ce t-heu table-tars-rusuesd a motiser wiLI.igive ne dbher medic to lier Little cnes. Thse t-sblets are giaranteed to. lie abue-ut-ely sar e, and -are not only gcsed during thao teet-hing period, but cure -conétipa- tien, colic, col-dis ud. simple foyers - i-a fac it h ey c u re a l t -e m in er 11-e cf littie eues-. Tise-y are soîd by rasdicinue denlers- or by mai-I st 25 cents a box f rom Tise Dr. Wihuiame' Medicine Ce., Broebville, Ont. IRELAND 3,000 YEARS OLD. -Recent Publia-,bed Book (ilve4 Some lateurestis-rFset.. blien one o! thie ows li-s--died, the dlaw cd a -lion ham-ing penetrated For cool d-aning, it woui-d ho hart to lieaut thie chas-iug cf four lionit ainîç--shaaded, said viti-noseapoti exceps a pair o!f-boots sand a etick. A Fs-mll Trait. "Ps-t,' a-aid- a manunger t- oeee uis w-orkusen, "you must l is a exarly rise-r. 1 alwaya find you ai work Ù61i first t-hiig lin the msrn ing."e "Indeed 9 a-nd. I sm, sir. Ib's é "Thon, -y'our fat-ler san ais ld ricer, tee 1" "Me fs-t-er, i-a ifs? Horiss tia es-ny Vhs-t if he vent te lied a litti I-aberihue'd -meet -hinseDl! gettin-g u luý t c rnilg." 81lowhy iaid ienperfecisly tise mat- WoIni Nccd 6G11 1>111 tered lin-les of evidence sat-ot-hie civuilizatlmof etVie Bronze'AgeJi For Weak Baekn sad Ileaidaches. IEurope are lieing fitted- teget-r, bliss ilthc-i ijxicombc. ef Port Duffer sad li "Tise Bronze Age li Ire- iu. NS.. vritea! -,jvs-s troubles-vil ]and"MrGeorg-eC-offee bringa Ktdney dises-se for titrerai yeas. M. ino ous- . aU hs ar-chaeohogioal back wvssweak. 1Ihls-terrible lies- data of thie "Bronze Aga finds," aches and vas no resttes4s that 1 coul Iwhieh go -te show tisat "triais .l'. -net asp st nîght. At *lait a f rien t-le -rs o ~riu1tre <'~ totd me about G05N IPSLII 1 ait oni lizaootbe to f bu, utuan t aVs-boxs-ns- sf er taking theni. 1 fe i ns-Vêrsilcuraort, had re-aeised s- better-ftaWti' tking thrce bjoxes I W2 farl i h level." - Pe nsa-ps, re- cured.' rSc. a ox. 6 for $2.50. lai-m îtsarks-ebndo xpèu lsj fa f e rité- National Drus- ce-rtain.ly curions t-hat tise peuple .> Chemnicai Co. of Canada. Limitea Vho,, Bronze Age oould findetiMe te Toronto. warct e5.POIL said oms-mets 1 Stand b>' Hlm. o! -uehifne arVisti-cskilî, said t-bis gos-ate shocw t-latthough Iris-h s-o- "flev is it," iaiquired a yens ciety va-s nuhed by t-be st.rong hand bride of un older snarrie-d f rien d,000yesrs a-go, t-le privilegcd cîsas-"4t-bais you al'saye mnanage te hs-, titi meth ie flgitiur, While tise suéh delcous boue! V" hussbsaidaien said artisans vent "It's ver>' simpie," eaid t-heo Idg quietsyaotthi uies. vmn I Ifirefs selecis a gooi, lit ýtit 15is-e5isiag te les-ru t-list- e-stbutchle-r, sad t-len I stand1 r enze-razOs -Probabl> cause li-Vo hissau," nthv eugv hms ufe about 9W 13.C,,sad t-be &sol- "You usntlstyugv l logt wvissudies thSe developusent-o! your tes-de 1" - o! huan seaisib:lit>' heuld exp-a-ri- "No; I meus Vths-t. I -st-saidliy hi ment withs tbis- bronze insrument vhile lie L3 euttli-g t-he mest." before !omiug s-ny theoeeficmeui clusion. A gco.d iaiitan Ofo!t-le un- INFORMATION FOi NVE'NTOI certausty of arnivlng aM final conclu-- &iono esat t- h. relative influence af Mes-srs. Pigeon, Pigeon & De'v centres o!fs-dvanoed Europesai ecivi- hs patent- selielisrorsf 71A1 hization on outlyi-ng regi-ons is te James St-recV, Montreal, rer be fouaid in Cisepten XII,, w-bre' that 115 Cana-diaaips-teýiM -wv MIr. Ceffe>' summarizeul M. J. De-che- is-suet! fer t-ho wouk ending M lette',s beiliant. lutorpret.t-ion Of bthl, 1914, 80ôo! vie-h verP gruauf tise "Senibinge" on t-he gros-t. t-u=uli te Amenie-aus, 16 t6Osais-diasi s-V New- Grange. 'Mn. Ceffe>' said to rusadeite ef foràigu cous-t: -other s-ut-loriti"s isoîd t-bat- tIseasn-ad 7 Vo reaideaita o! Great- Br.iI -rock "seribingu" vwero derived f rom sadd Colonies. he Aegeau civil-ztien', andVh-t- 0f the O-ns-dia-ns 7 venus o! t-hy taveiedVo e1ulsnd Vil- Seau; Province cf Ont-s-ri, 3 a! Beit dine-vis sud t-le- ambler -route., Bu-t> Golurubis-, 2 o! ManiVoha, 2 of 8 M. ýDeehàlete ee-aiu thle ms-rlcngs kafchovai, oe!NoVa Scotis- ait Nevw Grange '"a degeasorate eopy 1i<)f Quebus. of tiie toms-le k&19. of cf eehithuie __ -tinieeansud comrare t-hm wth H tate--- ne rs-nysinmilaur ne-o-thiecarvs-i'lNeSM Mr t l.uit0 e ôver to Europfsiu continuent, 'j Mr. ene>' (n t-bus issat- ef oaetheor>' put-e the oth6,orn>mt oi Boujt: "here-'.sot -a is-gbI0 court. It- may kis-netea d tl M nt us d&Ye.> wnse our Ihomueis areoloogieteare stiUin udeubts e bh'heirni'":"h yutle to wlsethier -s-rly Irishi-culture ewee des-r 1" -le:"hys h itu cible! de"t-to the Scandlnev.iu M.Bas-e:"'d iet trade rente or wa# minftuoed moe Mv-lie lres k,!Ir lie1" k b>'social relaions Ymlt-h fitVsny ,Mrs.iecnt-e >': "Ifs.l eysc nd Mri teMiyeu have gweo said-Spain. ~e-'tlehap l Witli babies%, fbovovr, eIfs'. - 1 t,. thse-fat word thley les-r. ~xiaeu at- le bs plat-Ei oe>Aui ipi5oa vqia-s. -au ,aay size up te16- feby10y-fl. o k Mr. Turneriduoh-dan che;olpcoe - clé Iiees, -is -en 19sce.libis ffpol>Sts-ýIîn sny e!f its rivaWl-, 3ft' iiriboi'6Orê iDw I can be -cieane-d lýy wrshing, Oe.des- coratil dn. IÀ*# - eit-Od atéeVh terne e! aianfam-an ad vil nover n-eed rén-ewimig,..afl Iswll n-ever ne@d ps-liting. $ S.uob - aship couit! liýe "ahkd pl" like- a chis- cup. - iug. Tue t Ynk 4,000' ye&s-r eld are e' good-'ý*onew 'If a ship'a hull lied - e 'ie srpped- the pore- i-ucuc.> et asfsd usd, for s~ohrvsa- u edti-on9 fi iand-Itcby Do e ucMthed' tIl quit. largomeaouls- f i b tlie reut ad -tbwy usine-ta b. rwater , X\i"atter I risbedthmünto a s nr.My face vasvery acareed durIng lthe 1 W. aobiiued with sors bandasrmont aU vintro'twoyears. They k"tcrs-cies- tili tbey veus- be bleedlng. and tbey unsarted and vere noo mI1coulA bardly boue to geIi'b.r veu. "pne!sCuticulesSoSp and Oint- menix advertamG I tiought Chers wouid b. O h=m a trfgthein so1 atartd wfh a aras-i mple. 1Ipurchamed a ffli-decake of Cati mOa S sp &W o x or z etCuticura Olntment and- beore - I bs-AQuite finuahes 1 t la T 1 àio~ta boter go the. maans- bav e- b-s n made on Gerna-n wa ùïS it lighted- prejeofilei, whielX V1 he>ught ms-y- fs-k. e -lua-ne o! tse eleeotrle ss.s-rhjiigbt. The'pro-- sicesiiy pt ii» - vrysrsus ditrdnts-gme oc'wtral tatc- ;4,,--Éoue Nlaking, Artilielal Teeth. frs iilke. - wou.id lieredilcetid s W S MahnsfrcuaîgaVf.IPUl &Uwa. Ume tensur-o ýOP*twa ucusd u 150vitstho sri>u8 motah avo lse-n Tüoronito. umit r.dUoe. - ao00fac-ns ue vsstri'crd. ~o"- pn'tO obection in t-bat uniform - 1 - . . . r 1yl s S - M i.' an . l m eo , y 2 3 ; 1 9 1 . tory, te iâ=u pfe F or&tes-tuE omemplaulon. rirogjden-rWtco-ni i-o-be ebt&inoci, andi - roam OXO». laiu ôn e ï.raçu sna-a dy lbn-ns auE aeaut- dee-t eSeipdew-g-e seE!.--ONE JMYNýb]FýDRELBO- uk, si4~r,~Sus-.r,"&m a V s "m es Oaa4ue in5Olflbaev a- preper conte-nI o!prfssure. T'wo F 0s-Wifor$1; imake YOui' ow - nsos-p s-ho ~ ~ ç thisf frà ~bV fox' a on Auqst-ran enginlees haveiaufely 0con- no bolini. u ahieY srltlr ehmase s- tlse MsiuVrabexAinla.àaoetnt struofsed aduSvicOO ,Prague, w-hich, Tpronto, Caknada. itt onosore bihu ù - e s-n tl 3»..-boo>k;, -b on.tcad tapoise à-iiatssusde- -- liuers tiseres 2" D Te, pressure la automs-tLic, *SULL.ANsoiU - - s-ly-y nuiforun, and lu exertecI ver- T. SELL WIVES FOR .BREAD. tics-Uy, somothing bers t>f oro re- %j inaipoil autenure gre-,witb, Dett eal Came racow Pesa-ts Starving as Re. ernlVen -tla nsuch srallnuelds. col, ___________________ NowBrnskkLad>' su 0 orpa. pite Sentenced to Immediate Death7 Was Retord te Mer Anxleua Fam- i-n the Gerunan nekspap5r5 oocern- wt ha"Ppnam'eveor iras ou treat lIy When Hope Had Gene. - iug the terrible predicainent of Si- vli.un-".onde-ee e St.Jon.N..,De. 5t-A Ol !s-c EwB. lu inse neigblorhod turnu. Nothing sao-eeetain and PalnC M a- St.JonN.B.,De. 1th-A e-sen p-es-sethoonzo ;W0eusas as Putnama'Corn Esctractor-try tiras It vas feareil that Mnè. J. Grant. enad Thden ou st-Ly o àend o-it. Fifty yearw succesguaranteust aio of 3 White St., would -$uQeurab te them- dclde ai astl oes udntrits. 26c, botties at ail dealers. des-dly ravae su vanced ltlduey Rutheniane, wlio-liavs, corn-s over 1' h oUfl sTt8fldtshot~s trouble. . 'My Seat attaclia of bsck- the borde-r fra Clalicis-, are thers - £eVis couse t-e a&-k for your ache and- kldney trouble began yes-rs - begg.ing for food. Th-ey belong te e ugo. For i% years that duil gnawinig he agricuitural popuilation o! tbat sugctee iaa," fsmanrd h bain bas been present". When I ex- -country, said hasvus been tot.a-îy Younig ms-n, sratcfiing biis off ghin uhatun 1 s- orteil myself It was terribly Intensaified. wt hqng ot Cnthv ,) if I cauglit colil the pain was unen_ 'ie b idla-va u gn-a ith -ie nigli fooet - Cant. Ihaveniérbuô durable. I nsedmos-t sverythlng, but titeespeahn u Asrai V"si-pe -i V-nprn. ~CetireDetbt nothing aveVst certain gratetul re- consequence cfthIe xioneys-pen-t-forsifsutiste inst-a.meni-bsies t L,.sved lie! that -came frons Dr. Haralîtons niobilization durng tise t-wo Baikan W-heu -you eau suippori-ts nsr IC Pilis'of Mandmske and- Butternut. In- vais, girl t-hon y-nu carn have ber." - teail o! being boved dcown it in-l, Mn are wi-ling te "I their________________ -day 1 ara strong, snJey splendid daugrn-tere rsaid -vvs, - ove-n. for a HOMEB s-ppetlte, sheep Souudly. Lest proper-,,;,0,f oret inard'a UInent Ce.. Limites-, tis have basa Instilildinto ray blood -- ie-! nai -eYarmouth. N.S. -celt ar os îiscloan-~ ill from st.arva.ti-oai an.d -expeCaiiCe, Onliie," anayiut rni -1ek e' ks lh oo, n enitan-nJaur T.Frnl heArts Course mu.y ths-uic hst dA-Vtti es-rd ot so grand but t-le Priteian polie xa-vO îouuuidLcls-reenv of Vhs meni ampleveil b>'bc tnken bycorrcIion- - a mediclue as Dr. H~~~~-aralltoli's Pilla." st lan- a rernedy for -th1ese poor ,ne -,vrkinl a h ubrvoi aldsrn pils rcilesîiee- ase eDrg. I VllfuiY.fsil on bim, .crushing hlm fear- d- nste graduate 'Every voman-shoulA use theso ilH.ethe.Te aebin n e ewsa.Wheii founpaeonMs teoe fully. whern gpas-cessonon. -regularly bécs-use god health paye, liack like cet-tl'e acre-es the border. a aies- sns- taiceis home, veegae 'a ! eso bais Vo- i houshelt tafeasaers entertaineil for hi. recovery, Haitn.returned. How musny perishe-d on bos-y turnes bls-ck frora hl» riba'tii hi:a 'Q U EEN tMandrake andi Butternut Pilla.t. We unes- MINARD'S L1N1MIY,'NT t-le va-y t-h-e officiais do not. eosV on hlm freeiy te deaden the pain ans- UNIVERSITY * ~There are ne coroner-s i-n Pnissia. wif h hs use ef three bottlen lha vas 0 TILL TURKISH ARMY. competely cures-ad bis to réturn to KINGTODN,- ONTÀRK) hua -vorli. ARTS APPL.IED- SCItNCE SAUVEUR DUVAL. ZOUCAITîON Inelud] RtfCle itus stductlon to iniv". Chest Colds and Hoarsness Zgn ed LitC. u.-LN s-nd Forkix. AIIrRbe SUMMER SCIIOOL a Net sinSeita supposedly iflvinlcl'iIlvijs"<Ditwovcrcd. 1JI.YadAcgT 2 - __attions wG. rY.1eCHOWN, yRegstra, Kingston, Ont. - thse PulÈarin. adanuce at Lule Bur- "Nervilins"' Gives Spesdy Relief.,and A colle-ge studesit vas haule<uh _______________ gas~~~~~ ~ ha -- uksiam xsn- Cureus Over NighLt fote t-h-e deani for exceeding bis _________________ enc.ed a grea&-r shik Vhs-in Vhe OT' {lot a coid? "Well j" aïnd t112 der issued lb-, thle newv Secrets-i>'O! leyour voice raspy-is your cist "- v - - y cýr- sui the f Ws-r, Evr Bey, t-bat hersa! ber s-Il congeafeil or sore? tnegawfullys"Irely,' - uad t-ha Il Turkisuh eol-c.ierf5 muet.- -at vit+ a If sol you are Vue ver>' person Vth inerga-dubat-oe. 'I realy couhdne ýt ai! - and fork. Nerviline will cure In a jiffy. ge;bcÎb-fr. v- dta4d ,,- - Tseenisied onarene elv Nervîlie is trong sad psnetrating.- iy impiortant -usnes" o ,, i -eposeto u-' t sInk rîglît lInte -the tiesues, takes Tise deaIn looked aisti t-u~-- ahlarne ,d l t e p 4j% e t of l a out Inflam mation gnd soreusesa, de . - ' vou w s-nted t-wo Mo r'e day b of a ling t e trange ipeseis but stroye colsslIns- trul>' vonderful va>'. grane, djd Yul" lie as-ke. '- are hurt by thue intimation ths-t Rub N'ervllie over the cliet-rub on "Ne, ir- ," suwerced the young v pvaCr [yfa-lVlful-~hsaidî5, vIti -bave aulvsys lots of IV. said ws-Vch hsttghtneai pvnCr eevd -opis-ypul'pos5e o con- dsaes-lisr. Nervillue won't blister, mtIaxi, off ihus guird fcor a rammait-, h.see-, Ia t veylng f oodte their. mnouths, ehouit! ainks In f00 fast-doesu'V elmply ets->tario!sisarjorufarts e d-euedsmo longer fit fer t-list ou Vhs surface lie a tbick, oll>'lini- rs for 35 >crs- be dee ment voulil. If tise thlroat Ie raspy Wbat thse 200 M'ell,'è. in roc ýp useful service. said sors, rub IV veil outoide n-rIth 4-OfxitwklsId.OfCauac Tise TIAis privaf.e uius-at pr-uv- Nervîilie, said useNervillis e as*aga I- shcogirl Nasrequired lV, write :iiediaAt. ai11 in a»spt ppi.Whe-nhieii - gis dilutes- witli varra water. .Just s-n esa--vocf!250 we)rdu abilit nhierduia-ketuli t Ja. .1,1913 perler - are absent he squa&ts iPon oeeor Vwo 'treataients 'like tVii.said automobile. She submitýte- tise fol- for a good inaiy > st t zgiul russui- lu -seflo a- evo hie,-li. fu inluyour..voice said hros-t wIlI ha quick felowaingr alotit- the good ohd-faRhioned we.Y, btnra gl.- ','My lin Scbult nattu iie i iotic-iifor s$-'l.it lr. wt- *tfý r for et. rt-lia ppreaeh o! au offiuier lie Justthik o! lt-for fort>' years tfile aringnthcoMrwle oporu bk ïet- nte TCt r- ,ame te a sos-tst tise t-sbic'larges-t used fsail>' medicine li tli bHu v- riding ulaiie h t tiF geti LpDro BoJKENrDALLc'nlie it u1fcc r-sralécountry-Nervîlltio must be goodisft ? oagu t- us r j ~IALCMAy th nd 1 t. iinghi nw ,a- ibi ie ut Wty - ords. 'j'ie oter, Enoubauàrg Falls, Vermot, US.. 79 &Y an 4 i al theise111he Ca,"-inu- dredIli111e hs-V lefal uvery fsal>'. Try 2005a.e-evtMYlnl si he i Ld- mand. It for esradie, oothache, couglia, wna a1ciaig back t t-ow-n;buI id ThÇ-vhzii poe i-a net - te colde, sors chesf, îoasrenesand niuos- uoat rit-"ttissus dOwn»* ris- atop vifs teachirkg 1t-li Ttirkish culs-r psaisli ever>' part of hs body.' lç Odýe.-,alma-aime-ra. The-- edicis Large fsail>' aise bottie 50C.; trial -nl,'atlimbeniltst iffliu oldirtbe < th h- ieni-ize 25c.s-t sil deaiera -m-i-Now stPost G r ple letirli tpiread said v ritle- . ET u00, viibt iiariiov l te 445. flt vîwtildits-ty 1,L- M~~à- ceant st- I AnvontcardiLs -ait n ttus-i phono- aiau sa..s u.4o ng b>' ail ir RS St. >arts gs-y ý12 ,ries tainl tise Sas- pao- l'or- ýmev houi beus r V v s r I. --Happy Thiuglit. Ps-rt la Quadrilles. Xîss niépp: "Ta-k. bauck ye>ur Tise tve gta-te liall it hi har-steO .ng, Mr. Sharpe; I love s-notion." lie given s-t Bucking am Palace yl Mn. Sharpe ; Pîs-se mentie-n noS be -tise onl>' ocosaions- this s-es- bat i lis-vs s-ring for salo--thie e-on ou wlioli 1ie Que-en vill lie uoker'& sogeV Vo-have- one.' 'seen dancing,- anys tise LondonM Standard. She lus-&-aireaudy -r- r Murne Ee: ftmedyrs-ngd Vob-e preseast t-vo dances If y u ha e R e , W e k,ýin t ise near future, -and i 4iV l uî if en aveRus, Wak.WaVery Eu-fl Improbable t-bat titis number will or Ges-nulttet l iids. ISoe5i't Smartbededto The in huner -SnothuRE ye sai. Iruqglsts Sali die o 7h igha ee Mdurine Eyc Remedy, Lîqui 2, f, bee1n:- mue-b attracted Vo dancing, Murine Eyýe Salve In Aseptic Tubes, but- thes Qiien su regardet! by man>' 25c, 50c. Eya Books Firee bu- Mail. g-ood judge$ as tise be-t w altzer munJ As s-ye Teid e gsd fer Ail yaa UMMtNaad oUI bndnc Mlutine Eye 3X.medy Co.. Chicago Lndon. rylparnaewlii lis-R li oa arnpwi4 Thse on?>' sae va>' vien ye ou1-se s--utg l>' lirouglit about the pre- your tempe ist old yeur ongaie.e-tinte--n4ltt lu daneing. A !sv yearsa sgo even tlue mca-V faslienile SiaCS'a Linîmeune&S lv 1y siflia ostýs-cs exiperieic'ed s- great diffi-- culty i-n finding isufficiant nien te "Ps,"s-sid Tousmy, â&kiug hie provide partners for s-1l ber vosin flfty-first que-sion Vhs-t eveniug, a isa guesl-s. - Recours-e, sç it vas said, s- vesse-I a-liest?" "Wcii , 's,"meven ailsd te lie Sac!in atme cas2es e-si Ps-' tryius.g Vo ces-t! is paper, te thle hiring of dan-cers. This. e! "yuosnes-la vesseh s boa-t, cer- course, neyer occurretiat fise gre-at isaiouly." "6Wel he st landi o! a bliees of Msyfair. liest- is -a blood vessell" "A life- Wiseu dancing was at as- 1e lb boa-f, Of courb-e. Nov runu off te e-o fa s,- sm-e-sa were cenernet imt b.d."11 vas sud-denhy tabou- up liy t-be music ________ ~hl-ls. After a- while- cama -t-be ta-s- Pr. >a'loS@'S goweuiclit-o>h London b>' sterra. Thon pe-ople begau Vo le-arn -be inidisu Root Pille ano-e, saidthose w-ho could noV s-es. just tieshe- imedicias for the ma-tue-r ita et-eps EMougiit refuge li . l4eui.Whea shry agiecenstipateil tise ws--siuoesupereed,'d b>' tise --vt:sa deir idneys s-re eut of ordef Bostel. Ils lisa enhyne-deit-le -ws-eno ve-indulgeie.nla omne ataaip cf royal- approval to malte favrit edgs bmidgsu dancing nov more fasiil-able t-lisn -De. Merse'a Indigo!i Reet P11113 viii itV las bosu for s- long t-hue. 'uikly'and suretpuit tliem icht T heOpro e at 'the- s--te liss Fu rel -vgrieab e s-ît v d . u uall inelude t-vO polkas, t-o sets Uard ouf hidhesi eaitis-'by of quâdniUlea said t-le-rerns-inde-r ïWivs-ydepuugjs beof Dr. Morse sa vs-lt-zau. IThe king es-rély ta-e-s ps-rt ladis- Roctp lI Ol s, ~~ '~'Thçy si inanythiug:but quadrilles, but.t-hue 5... e. hUd." .ureet e! hi-s femilys-e-te uEe ise expresIon ef a dancing nmter- 1, 4DO. 4. ISSUE 22-'14. "*e-ad>' for anytsiiig." Prnceass )ATENTS «FINVENTIONS write for .eiaat. -t.- i -t 1 COLT DISTEMP~R - Cen lie bandies- veey es-uiiy. The ~sIck are carred, s-aid ail otlsera li 4sauelesasbis,ne malter 14e0 ..poed- kept Cxciiiha«.i7 -tIi. dises-se, by uuit SPONNSIQ 'du'mIïfgBTMPER Go Give on tuhe to>nsne-or i feood.Acta on thie blocs- ans- estrel$ gera etaIl teriaoft ilutemper. Bestrne- vrkos f rmares la foal. Drus-glata and- harnesa, des-icti.unr fre* Bookiet slysa everythins-. Largs-ct cclii . hrse rexues-? in exlutence- 15 yssra. DintrlbatoraiALb WtoLBALE DRUQI tlIST. SPO HNMEDICAL 0Co.C'homis.ta andi Bâct9rieojiSlIl. ~ 1 - c ahef , in , '. . . - lit -su Expermentancf Experience. Dohtb oin t l o ay's Paint do your logcalcholce. Inu ptity, wàris ett yW0 A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (Estabiîehed 1'842) MOJNTREALe Que 4- -i -~ The CHAPTER NIV.-.-( e-gery, ~ver,-îhing i But fiii a perfei-t littie 4 .aig amY'dressaes. i aeic thing ciecent more thau But 1I 1Litii "said tali'f thuinga Ir you bus3. ilium Sh. sccormpaailed thia Other ftthoixe upward ËVarrv blui, eves lai 11cm Cent. Chat on]>' Lilitb ci bie Id hat put-,fnto a- ca-tiey. toe-crer wt h Luckil>'. It vas septei vas I.' herdly s-ny - ons st curea eas- 1crfashjicai I sd not ps-rticxîisrl> re pars-dina the Wiest Ens- 1 sa kWardaized sud - s-bap- wide. aiuadv hat,. s laIrï s- ps-X fr 0121 îoosand- bonbon». - J lultbass a corupanilon- eyS llnl corxipieuoui.. r. L r new ptent les-thfsa s- buekies. and, ber big bisa( wfth ,margueriteit. knew - trIipes- ilons-. wres--ied 'iw ivrhaied vt îîelw s-justhen aMI DIddle- of Vhej.-veaieilîtt oft ber akirit ans- gure - wr e. s-aid the l.urp. , n&rhe m-o perfectly lhappy, snd Ys-iusl )-tes-s-of usaik. plaopi'fng IOs tri. - iVa-Ifý 1Veén ne t. uf-hie ltmmiîipes i tr i ~-h t ~ 'î i. yg5 e l t.t n . e 1 ami.ims i1 i t r 4uk s.- -bn I ;,f , lu .sr i -. y,-iil t itahrc le- a lnter <lit liiterm-c-t lxiitls -ts Ir i doiî ii' hgo ak tN! or; tahih .lre. c i, :tuu j,, "tl-c..tiaijj' itliis., a m .1 ,r utllttg;, rfuS !h.0u -m ' SAKI TOIâOItTf -1 Voastie EIavi The best ever to une or maili to your friendo. WILSONR SPMEIALIES Ttaiuchester BUilding-, TOltO'NTO. Toast-les co0ked bits dias-corn appetigiiig, icriipness. FUR -1-IbL- 111111 ty IJAisirD Il >1

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