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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 7

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5 tZ/ 4e~ srng -a-song-a-Sixpencc, a Pocket full of Rye, Four and Twenty Black Birds Baked in1 a Pie.. - ~ Wheri the Pie was opened the King began to sing: "That's the way I want m»Y chef to sweeten -everything." Cro-wn -B rand Col So many klnds of iellcaces un bemaudewith Crown Brand Corn Syrup--Deliclous Candies that ore simple to malefGoodto cet, toe, becaue Crown Brand 8yrup ia abeolutely pur elihn of the fun of Maklng tlaeM, and how littie the cost. ¶ Klddles lovç Çroy Brandi Syrup-on bread. It ia an excellent swetener -nd lende à dclicious flavor te cakes, puddings and p*Otry. Our Free Recipe Book telle how te use lt ini &~,host of dainty dishes. Send for it. Addrese Mosîtreal Office. The Canada Starch Co. Limited Manufacturera of The Edwards6burg Brand* 6 MONTREAL CARDINAL TORONTO IBRA*NTFORD VANCOUVER rn Sy-rup omIa Pousiftini On ft-PSId IOppSI f ut csne-haÏf Pound f o! uen Saugr. Onsâhalt Piat ef C4doe. Mi% mli tluooughly end wamunon etove tantil heet-ed througii. Renuove froua rire, and wiueu neari y cool, add Irmuud end wigîe. Put ln a crack, COVer it tigbtiy. Keep perfeciy Cool but do-not letIt freeze. Will fieep good »Il wlntcr. "Titen" 1 said, tgnortng lte tnterrîîp- lion, *'we wtli senti a tehegiain tna ir-i. AMorlanti, annaiînt-ing Ille faime o your r,,turn-.Nou wiliiha fearful>-late, by t.. __ I-.'~ andi bye--'- T h e W -ud d in g *v e-a "Oh. tile teleiiegam te 4already aeîtz! tlMr$, Mouiaaîd iot ta expeet Ile @ 'Then site knows yaou are in town?' 'Stueiliknow b-v tiislime. lBut siae wiii thtrik 1 amrn witiiiuuly frierîda. un lt-sg Or, M rrie to Fa!ail rigiti. Sa titat. ynu aote, Aur. Hervey. - O, AL~rieA o asary. we ieednt go ta i'addlngtan Station, wili u1 ansty, . tigI lace: but i cati Just have any dtnner rîow dtrectiy. Hpre ln a s"hop wIltoa-eiY ri-cil ruaiaps itand dear lititie iive lobigtera -andiaat >1 CIIAI'TER It- V.-{Continued). son. at Battersea, as 1 titi that evenîng îales of champagne In the wtndow, i v. veryntc. se anwerdLtCaine up. tItteen months ago. - liad fiotiing ta eut since irte ocelock tui - saer>-, ver>-ting ielleansnwet okeia briddsaWa9g iljthemorntng. and tOas even, ,Nfter dut- J~utinia pe!ac litie emonforeu1oi- oaibe that flieren ma0fth crelier your msa take aie ta a iteaira, jîsil kutan>-- fut anMlie expenfrve u-epes rîîgta Men a lîttie bit of ta-Iiraaher go IWVg nuy dresses. t neuer can kaep a or ulaenivue. - - ha', teres'axtraninink ting decent- more titan a week or tawa M ansesqueeoexampie e-hasomewAbere - fitt-t 1wl tr> andi taltomoi-e caî-aor abat-most weli-brati anti exemptary nuari- a rati tit yu r a music-taii; auîd au tllingsiIf You buy tiieni for me"' nereti persoîî. lIre. Stanhiopea Morlandthecniep nourasyceon y.k off atch a >11e avîompanied this saeechiawthi an- had en utterly ralledti taeradicate t he no-ha im. re a etheoctrk mre of 1k.al otite ut itos upweti roke f îu rv Fe Boheiniaism anti unronventionalisty dc stksWa ritae ri'yblu sye initqd lsuleihie fr> iti nrh arnpeut ntne. Then i shall have hadl amnt- Iftary luéeye Inliqid lulgh hlt': f m litle-mash agrntbeauttIfui day. and VII go back an gooti 4t&eh a look, taif-aidactous, lialf-Inna- Site wax quit-e In earniest. Mer bitte as gaidto th ie biltboards andth -e Cent. titat OntY Lilitah couici. give; - anti. eyes gazeti as frarakiy up tta mine asu}French verlu ai Mofrland Hause for ait needltees ta say. -obeheiat her ow-n way thaugit there were notbtng of a atari-1I otiier ninre montste. tnt-il 1 amntInistieti' i albout- the bat and the umbrella, andi tri- ltng nature In lier proposition. Against t-o a turfi. Ilie a Joint niely rotîsteti!' sistei upon sporaiîug bot-b anti ta.tng my wiu thue tboltt fiasbed tuto m.>- Ste wus In bliiîbitng goad humru-, eyelqi her 'oit bat Put into a bag foi me ao nii-what wou-Vd ba t-ho future or such andtilips iaughtng, andi littl. dimplesi carry. together wîtîît te shoeu, a girt->-ourig. coquettisit extravagantr. peeptng ln andt oua of her teekm, - 1 taoki Ludekiy, il was Seitembor, andti aere pleamture-iovilg, andi at thie lsie tiue lierInft-o the restaur-ant wbtcb had coe. wae haî-diy any one about-. 1 do flot wuîotiy Innocent-, canfldtng anti affection- tivateti ber i'anc>-by no nueanathei cardtd a diras- for fashions as a truie, but ate, shouit site faut Into the bande of a place t ehouid have*tchosan foar dne t tii iot artcuirlyrellli eln sauî îlilnwlth a lady. alihoîghil t was well knawni paradtng the SVest aint latien witîî suais vet tbere were certain cleas-ly dellned for th. excellence of las cuisine. Jt wouiti awkwaî-iszd and ishapeti parcels as #Il points% or dItTerence between t-is lovely. ceu-îairuiy h talet lune that 1 anti my i 'vide. sbady bat. a pîair o! new lippeis. icorentiotiîst maiden o! ta-day antilttlie ward' wauld dine ouatagester. and'i a pair of oit bous, anti a large bag of ah. ç<hilti or a year aga. whose highest site fi-sguif asweli td elber own way ln luiruonx. 1 - deai luati been'to litraanti dia un>-liar- eeryliig. JAIlith as a companion was-la hersei-%aît. Neediess ta say, 1 Irnmedtatetyen LiicletiY conspîculous. Her îieigbt at-Thii girl knew th. powerf offlber own counaered Just t-le vers' persan 1ldtd îtin ,er uew patentleather situes with stefl beaiir-, anti hel mariner, thtiugb frtaîad- want- -ta 8eee---ierbert IN inson. th~etittu. bUt-kieu. ant iber big black bat- croned 1 , nitrat. anti occasionatuy coquet-aIs, t lback-anti-white ai-tint wtib whom 1 bati Wt¶ pirguries,)tnw o bund. Stetiai atoat-er ostt-ie tTiele aYco jartet In Ragent Street about an tour1 trippeti alOng, wreat-had inheuîlle. top* tlion A-iltcbhitatiprovead afot-etimas equa t-ag ~tget- every sbop-wirtiow, floturii.hingli-v deighttul anti erabarrasaing. Iller 1 sa.v him raine is eyebrows dlat- the1 .lernew eoiiver-itantiled umibretia, anti es ewuere as trighIt anti ciear. lber limite, ibo u'lviaiai- otîna VrY îDow antittaen standingln* t-te wam .a iixsrin)>- aidsweglt ue o! >ore. but non s-vIsin i theýpce. idet.tunj ftitddle aftte pavement talilft the etige; ln bothwax mingieti a siade mos-e fmean- ru, aioka- trai iee ant i ass af her akira andi gaze admiiningi>- at-herl- Ing. airrosi as If art ecta of te worýdi d tt h omtgteadIlsat set -àatninees ati air-ais' reaibati ber eaa-, I cis fi-w t-o attend upari lber, 1 hardis' >I pouilet sereautn for lo te confideti if one ward better tian anaiher was i new wteter i was pteaxed or sînîtoyeti tO me. -Now, when 1t tare te giove«s wk,,Ietl ain escritJe theImnpa-ession gen et- t-be ttr lier beauty reateti. tiea--r. anti t-tie, iandke-clitef s, ant i ttc-%v8 thi1liv llitts îîîiaineî-. It-s-as 'Bobemian. self tooc It- ery ealmuy. as a matter of and Ilieteouurnes,and te uosden. 1i iiai te, atidioiteriaui Ii idi n id i-anse, andi fot- courige. io wtti site watt;quit. arcts- tI perrectîs' tiappy.anti siaii wanata odancet liusatter-das' cigritflcatlon. Not fle tomaed, but i could sectat ste was fuluy bi ClntIad wlk. wcaîrs-. uoisy iIrregulari>-(if comtec- conscct;so! ttc effect ste wax ruaking. 0 Ciei-y t <eca-os d;au-ia'e<a Irtl mlsnglnig. mlusiic-hail lioulig stot'k- 'I tssa pity %-oi ditna let- nie go on the CI 0qlttupî,ing un tire 'exi E'nd oo ionn1 tnet-s assd tieirlr idadire. but-tte stagre sud dance*'site whtpe-edti t-aie 01 -Whiletieaoltîig Il i itte I'esit Edati h ati -ltat-1i- ,101,oauIli, ltaprîy-go-lucks'. flair- 4 -o)fldr ittauiu- aci-oxs t-ta diter-t-able. i - htri <nesurote ut-nus aegiet-ted irali te istîRs f-pémniies .xlisierîe O! strug- . Ya liate no Idea bow the men wouldw "ttisMiliuag t1.- ilîiluî a t - Niot'-I il d - w ng-lutelm ettu, titelrs. anti journaiistis. a go in la ootk at-fli,' ilots, ~ ~ >tap~aa- ~ lirfetiii liai kriowt ciaseilt In itt<5' r'nt iaik like ibat, for Heavens a if Y fat au> stiadptuit ,w àçiugt-lifr alee., yex(à-lalmed, ln alow voice, tenid- r te, lit 4 rmol o il4 t t ai i(- î-rîeistIblyI- tl oev qabb#ly tg mv riv er te menu and pretelti- li le t i l it-arI-' li iatioiat IL t t -.-ss rejid*tiil. ii itiithe woî-n chocs. tthe fruititu stutyIlî, -If voir knew ho-w i it iiati tii liialit-ti a-rail - . iiaaa-taed giote, artnd atttint. sweet- t-liik of >voiras aIJittle wilt tiawar, seti '11111a-ti t-i- li'tt' i tttaraoc-c.Tr-ot-, miue calottagranîruat eýicay onri 'atigh batik away tram the de- ni g<iîgto.gel ti taciet itt. " t he--'rint an wit-lîout elilier cock- s:critton outhsue'popujar et-are, t-be yul- Ir "4.iiuit- wue %t? 11'nea-tta, t* Itt*( but-a- ila a-cent; bleraspirat-es g rciilaa'tejo tigcow ,y u b l"tf, cbiiIiitîiand 1 i aitgetl d'aie-Cclativatîul.liaiitit eexcpressed i er- voult rate Yourself more blghly," c cmi. i-triateWliii- -ali i- itu-Itheit-saune terni m a wo - $die itazaS at me ln sllaenee for a min- ~iiUt ti t a i- tatin tit otiI -e lo.-a.'uîî-o> d t> tte ladiesAif uY. uIle or Iwo, rostina ler ehin an ber t! tîtgi ît-ti- aOt ies i- gi-ti ett;~i a- aaaia'la-- tat :e tleue .ts bandsan sd lie à bows on tho table. 1 ait 4) ho lav'e u'trie ' ittî i mjjt .hleri t, akpd tlta irrît st-akatlie baîrier te- .'l i iaink1i like thevuigor crowd," mite ti vît li e ata,. auî sre a,' a-ail t---a-lj ~ i~-Il]oNt pnsitlv 'And wtld flowars ara tc !c uc fYîuktî t~a iuig-ai u. ~ ir r ilng, >ste sis iîifieiiiely narîr- aîstiie Io tac pickatiddl Illytaipata -~lyu ar ci - elaicss- Vliuc a3ltli ut nt catsa awas' 10 die by the roat- lituera-arc Ilaeint> tf tr-aita:' -l u i s a miatatide etiruget. al' Iewien the plucker wearies o titenm!' a -telest goeids ta iîrisur,i uuai- - u t H)%gîi1t ir t'etenleen ituati evé- riet.; 1 lîsialykrîow wts 1 spake t-be bittertri 'Skit Iipre le a laier otie auai : - î~ artafatal earception vatlct-i1. ords, but riteir affect atm Lilitit wax "it- teitotIiile tin-abes' laae da u-îuuae- te tile nioPleis starililng-. 'Autte coter fateS out of- i «'it NIxoaly oi"i-rsdia ur'iîag fut- teuai -isetteioa.or!Ile Latin quai-tr, 11lieu-lt'heai<s antilips as suîddenly as It t siauiter. lritdt-, watadot.-a aie hadl-l l ielnelie,, site lirst recogntzed me at ri I'tdoit giàhbck inMIilu.7i lii.se ta-: Yet mmith ausperfectay uuodesi ijIl i*xIord Cieus ant ittteotis expression tf uîiht- iis, ioiIîiai -cut eq'ea tie er utmariner, anti i tati cleai-ly oeeu lis(18iiiCitltileii s'sSUCh 8seoit@e cees Ilni astici i- tieiids at t o in--i !el--.%l re ariir-. 1titîdeaît-at,ý ieat-eyitians f4 ron~jti tope of a duunsb animai utujusti' treat- hg aln itha. gond- tu tia-isuol h-atréolgarém,, ui id. ai., uti-r. Sur t-ra cd, 1 ctoll*tiii [ h titc v m ->-la'1%,1 tr[, -'lii Cttlit lx ilitîtîrlieuble . ilo,-11P)'luît li d imilier l m lethe matter chtld? Are you f- 1t-L OUatiitl.uied ho te Caîltediiiruer aultîi re-stitues istdt aue r aa-g 111" 1 i noluireti anxiou«a Iseeeing abaty or,, u ig-to at-a-r- -,-l~a aaia f -tite' aontior, Etohatnia, ueat- w acregatherin nturee Ylitli V lt a-sytaî nir-g 'i<" bt sti-Iîvoerfou mldý ielaiieat .dug - ilts nol lîlfi--ir treti-somethîng il ,Aund c t-ail l ittgilt w-at .aitt-tetIa it-o-iak- 'l-ud d&lerîdua inu- n, t aatd. aIl,. i".-me a ania"" .or 'J'am- It -en-cr t > ne k i frtîaîe aîgle - tl witî pulme t igeîlei'" Tili't taIli.1itr(,.-1 er1bettuer, for.1 I <i ied it , sWalter, îvho St- once iaarv- __________ tlati i-at - .raali.ee "gtoîdg I h-r, aaiff n a t'ew deconds site was i il ililii oi , tî- emi-îtitigî îg lai igia- îg hI911lfi t male ut et tilue cdge o!f hti't I ra. 'r.Ieý - rcd ,.-.nd f 'ngrîîLn i-s. aidtomir.pg or se-ýa, - - ,r t' -tery - iuîd b ler itariilecai leliluht ie-r- uita- tg 41Nvalm t-Ylient igiae. ltas uirli.' -- ouutluder vO ar v : cite>:l, I ~of V11-ce areait rîaîrow- utaa1-ctirjuîri'ti t Youî?fuurhop-uaIf mInde(l. antitte more atnttAing anes ton: i in ?lo'or.grandod, ore cautiaîmoiagerîng tînt vielous tI .I î!j_ 0jrani t I tiouglit, If trot soniething worae, roa1-el - -s-toa i 1sitîtid te "oit the siteli' so far Ilr fevétImas iiniitaiaoaent stîouîuîlng estrall titti h;-- _ - :a a-elitîu- i.r rteuni w as concennet,- andrd dtr- -riuinedt-i a ake ttie montst- Na toi ni.-t rtiiiiilym go bacl, taBris-Laxaties . - taitrie liiI.' au-e it agood irl ytu l accomplish their purpose I - eiauî gi t l-tatit train, ils ral. -- ith Maximum efficieucy sue e-im cl-tu îolaitdiugton. lt-ave t'lît're nai niumdiscomfort. r 25 Aa e, Ile Cuo.lues ýas iarcia , ie yd-.urs lut t-le citak-rau,,ni a wlîere isat-os 'ul!t-yaroitrig Inreasing doses are fDot ai it;masauta Cc "it-on from Wee-lcn- ed . dents. 25c. - -oxt-tsuçcr-auard; it,,tiJra~a ~, -Wiltiigaijy cas;e. 'va iill droit aui 2ea o1a yu- -- t uiesa-~t.li-t-.u r, tîec innîdinettu tera atimmd<tt Iruggist-sq. 174 Tiàis ni. se>10ut.rei* nui, t-i li-t-ftairi you spterand fraiiyOuIunetrbncbfa Irjjt iUn t aek Ofra]Y d 11 -go- ri -' tcnda iua - i 'du t know littioes-evei'y Thu'oarn îc.tsad.UiY»î. Ioyusuppose t-ba , Jlug there. i ~~ 4 Ytd'US.l knowr - - eflough to he allowed Io corne upo anài Pee the wedding?- it jarred uPon me lnfolerably te hear *her allude ta my wedding, andi 1 ar) aghanied ta gay thaf heý,is uatter-of-f art mention of It. and the total ribeence o?ý feellilg ,'he dlàoplayed on lthe subject, hurt fie more thati 1 Can 8ay ..1 do hope' - ehe sald, la-ter on. a little tlmidiy "that you will thlxk better -of your detèrminatlon fot ta aliow mie tn gzo or) the otage. After'ali how arn 1 go- Ing talive after i lea%-e 1shooiV« "Vou wlil -ia1y said a littie bit- teriy. . 1'he îln swer taine out i glh tnerpected force and dirertneffia: andi. looking across! at her, 1 saw that her 'tefisitive face liaU growil pale agal n. V1ou willcertaily imarry: i Yretier- atcd. .-But, my ebildt. 1 don't %iaîît you to feed fo.rced Into a lo'.eiess marriage for rnere money'n salie. ilo 1 have or- ranged wilIh iy iawyers ta cettie a lit- tie 111COMe Upon YOUF-01nlY a hundred and Iflfty potindn a year--but whatever more you want-elnce you nay vou are gov~r eNtravagalnt-vou shahl have If yota came ta me. 1 don't want yau evér ta know what poverty means any more." Mer lovely eyez sought mille wlth an CNflresniot>ilnthem. halr-puzzled. half- tearful, which I could flot tunceratand. .Yoll are loing ail i hlàç rforme," sie murmured; *although 30u tion't even watflme for yourmeit. J catî't under- stand it!' Tit everting*g exper-tence was4 parus' detigtt-faî. anti partis' a paitîful one ta i,llitts fuarnk enios'ment. lber exquis- lie beaut--tiat eu'aiuexcent beauty wbicti 1tleso-t-be bioad anti ciauts the un- derstantIing-tte lrres4pcnsitle, citi- llke galety Chat ceemeti to îadtate from bier, aillthese things etarrueti andi te- 'vitcitat inawhile baer apparent î,estgna. lion to thte itea of ms' ruarî-iage, anti ber way of t-alklng as thougit oui' future lu-as muet iiacaepari>- lia apart, illeci me witu a sbarp regr-et. Of course ut was rnat anis' ngbt. anti pi-o)per, but iviols' ie turai that lber ctldimb lIfatuiation for- rue stould hlave bec-orne nospeetilîs' ranuaformet Iinto ab- v'olut-e Indtffareiice, LBoih Nictoles WVray an i rs. aNorlautidlied piopitesle tiai sucit wault te the case, anti it bat bcen uns' wn wict. Yet nnw. as we sat lite bs' sIda ln the cat, wiiu itiittc arm close lagatnsa rus' ownm. andt lier treati on rus cheek while ette citatteret Iinto nu ear aitove t-be noise of t-ha cab- whieels. 1 became suddenly posseeseti by un Insane dasire t-o seize bier in rur urmse and kise my lîaart out on ber soft. -cdlips tîntIl site ad tpromisedti sulova iie again as site use t-a do, More titan ance, ineeti, Iitac to turn nY heail ebarply Tram bler tbat I nigit lot ba tamptat bayant! mysaîf by te nnocent provocation of lber llowerlike beauty andtih-e careless affect-tonateness tf her unannar, Rpecialîs' when ch. iaughed, ags sie lit conjutantly. anti t-bos t-wo oVan rowu Of amigll pennlysetb peepeti out froni he tresit reinesof lier mouth, j bati Io set my face bard, and remInnd. mysef laggetls' af my engagement ta Lady Mtatge. of Llîtit s tepandent posliIon. andto a hiundred ot-ber tbingc, Ca keep nysaîf from ktsslng bar part-et upct. Anti the worot of It was .tlia t 1 knten che wauit fat bave mintie I tt-he least bit. Ms' kisses, If sthes' 'era fatt- ou iasslonatewouit bave meant Justna- bhing ta lier. but vary muait t-oune, For l ot-ad her with eves's' beart beat ai'my îeart. ' tati loveti bei- as a eblti anti 1lovat lier t-an Urnes more now,,In lier -ails' womanlîoad; loi-et hep wth a ,*aining tenderneai, a romiantie adiora- 'i. and a loligilig hat was gerce Iti io lttena4iiv, with t-vers' eleruent Indeed that goas ta mitke up t-ha Une passloWq»U a meilîs litefiai-oa auoutan, She diti not kiow, se ited not under- itatidsite iiever suspactel It for a mo- tue nt. She ut'ac its naorneauc a goot fttrea,,, and ahe coî,iO not bave prem5erv- ed bar uîîrurfled fiandlinel4m and chattai'- mia tayoneeci, lat site guemcei the feel- ngs1 O hi1ch ware warrîng iF rus' hart. tid ohe slowîî ohe Careti for Me ascii a lit-ie. 1I i,,ot iniaiilhave brokeu l0V.n ln ms' roi. of kîidis' ant i ndui e L guuardluiii, antd taken on t-lie-rs' di -lr. tnt On.ea!Orîlena louer. But lied 1 been bhe vaineitor men 1 couldti atIuomtclbiy bitve ' cnctuucti Luth'lsigait-teartctî uulaînier Iut-o enîcour-agement foi' love- ýnalng*u Qaîd Wo horior niavailetiand t-t acie" nas atever given- At the. sarleiy tieatre. nwie h citber- ut-if Chome as t-le plaice ,of amucutle.nt gtue mnt aîdenaiy ivlsic-ttu vicia, ht Nvta l 1-ti cottifildo tou 1uaavcntlier (ro-f -liuîulîgliai tr autts andtti t-amuung lier Plsu Miluut-t-ia <an tte gi-ouni tilen of l'Pr leet i jcyuneiît, Il-i'rsnalms'. 1iltid '10 t-asiefoi- sut- ciowrthettc sag-ani- ian-P.aniait't'i-cd nue; tthe sigt-oa eri u ii i -l t 11 m, n tnîîsbrtom raii tut-a>'-as1i -olasitiî'ueu iutaritie iitnl urit-rt- ir lesmp lauatu; t-he 'oao -ttuci-re (iiai140 amuse lise, andtih-e ii-iliiui'l i,îllticir i'c»heballet Iin-i ceieýti u Mcni o n mre than fto înucb ina- [tuier t- Lu It-t, boe atnceo u~ _131n - r> ctiîtaati o jeenseof u j 'mfa mieziugtc îsalai im -DaiBti Dishes. Mfape u PudIug.é:ý> oHome Mats; out, an~d 'M-. n tej ir oaJy upu We n s- in ad 2 0upboUT- comfort.ri e.-.ncîose quichkIy. ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b Wae n-1 u r.rI nbatting in mosqufto ----- ' diIuted' with J ol ,ohal e'.wnett i ilYn UNE TI Ooo»k until ib hfrLë. Wa (15 Boy, - bolier for , minutes, oc*-or meee eoept.ait away, 'uoi , 1m fo' r ad, Au Cid foUr,%ifter cati be umedSoie tNwZandsvtIs w ie s S e gs , ea fte e, te d od-the eggs while they«are boil- t cup Dut rneat* br-oken in pieces. etCmuny Serv w1t whppèd crem. reamed codfish is improved by New revelations of the effect 0f Sevewih hipe tea. heeése grated over it before. it is compulqory 2nlita!r servie.mnde r, ]Rhubarb Jiarinalide.--One cup- baked. . the Defence Act Ii New -Zea1nd fui rlhubarb, juice andi pulp of one, Itju wonclerful wh*t ua JookiDg- were macle by Mr. N. WorÉali. oni orange, one tablespon, of, lemon glaus will do towardi cheering up his lanctira at Bristol, EnÉland,4 juice, crié teaspoonful -of grated clark corners. froni tie New, ZeaIand liner Ayr-' yeiiow rind, IY-2 cupluls of granu- Romembêr every garment' must shire. Iated, sugar, one-half cuplul of be thoroughly cleaned and Ia.îred l'e- Mr, Worrall's son Jim wa.-among blanche'd aimonds..v Out the -rhu- fore -it is put away. a large m~ajority -'whù reifused, -o barb intû, amalf pieces and 4<, each L;a ppe patterns away flat in eubmit t40 compuisorY si, on thé cupfîl f te plp nd uic ad a ommon file-book and they will ground ot conscientious cibjectioU t'he pulp and juice o! an Orange, a be neither loit nor torm. to rniliterio'm. For this refutiai bd tesonul cf the grated yeilow To keep cheese, wrap it in. a cloth prosccut-ed and isentcnced to' ;rind,,one, tablespoonfuil of i emon cipped in vinega and then cover 28 d,.,,', inprisonment on declining juice and 1 %~ cuptuis of granulated with waxed paper. to pay a fine. sugar. Let it stand unt-il the sugar Fruit salads should replc evy S nmeoî ere the youths>wIid is dissolved. - I3oil rapidly until puddings andi pies for desserts as eiected to,.gýo tagaol rather tian transparent, týhen adc haif a CUfl soon as warmu weather sets in. ý, ayfînejý that usu 1 place.of! hý- fui of blanchiec almoncis eut in tihin Boil apples or potatoca 15 min- carceratiôn becameatoo small end suices, boil up once and 'put-1in Utes, then bake thein . It takea for a tîme theywere cOnfined twc glsemuch les tie t-han the Usuel wa1 in a ccli. -;Mterwards 3the Militai? Strstwberry Short Cake-To make When peeling onions hold a oor-k Fortrcrn, oÙ Ripa Island wa.s wtiliz-i it sift two cupfuls o!f four with bet-ween the tecth and the eyes wilI cci, andit 0 h<s cn ce two heaping teaspoonfuls o! bak- not becoine affected. forbade their- undertaking niilitaryý ing powder and & halt teaspoonftîl If a littie too mîîch sait ia put in daîties were rem,.ived vhbithet-. of sait. Work a large tablespoon- sou ag avya pinch o! brown The life' f.-a pî-h4orer on this is- fui of butter into this and add onie sugar wiil takie away the salvy land iseanything but. pleasant, ac- cupful.of nik, This -wili mate twa taste, cording tQ Mr. Worrallfa story to liyers. Bpread-the first layer wit To prevent*carpet fronu raveiling a, London ýDails' News represeî.a' softened butter, place the second when.-eut mun two rows -of machine tive. Twenty-three hours of thte layer on it and bake in a hot oven. stitching where it is to .be eut. day are spent in soli'tary confine- When done, separate the layera, A littie alum addeti to thbe wateî' ment, hiait an hotîr each in the andi caver eacdh wiik, the strawbcr- in which chiidren', clothesaraue j orning and evening- being -set .ries wbîich bave been standing in washed will rentier them fireproof. apart for exercise. The.little food suigar. Place tlhe iayers together To whiten ciothes which have be- allowacF Le o! indufferent quality, and serve withl whiprucd cream or a corne yellow soak in buttermik and on one occasion the lirîPonflrt stîawberry sauce, for -one weêk, then wash in' the reEorted toa & uînger strika. d-- Beau Cîîlels.'-Two table-spoons tisîîai way. manding eithier suffilcient and goodl battrer, one tabie-spoon floui', one- Instead of kaeping parsley in -wa- food or nona. liait cup hean liquior, sait antd pep- ter', which often turns it yellow, On conviction oîuly the initial ojf- peu to taste, twa eggs, one-fou-rth put it in an airtight jar in a cool, fence- is axpunged. and refusai t-o votind dried beans, breaci crumbs. place. This wiil keep it f resh for enrol at the lime (-f liberat ion' Boil bean in usuai wa-- in ksaIt wa- soine time. 1en eti eaîet hî ter nd sda ntilver tener. Summer squaâh, str~ing bean, lad coaîvicted at the age af 14 mig'ht D)rain tiîem, saving the liicuor. cabbages, asparagus. eauiiflowe-' Pend the next sixteen x-aars of bis Mah ene'; butter ini Pan over cuc umbers, beéts, Vurnips and edr-lientle orss -fire;- biendî ýi-6iefou;adlito.rots are tail improveci hy -standing Maray o! t-ha time-e-xpji-ed- boys pepper ani: impre sait is neede-d, or1 tîneiWldwatrlaund' youîhs. whlo art, fixed in thi r beans and tha- beaten yolks. 1ut, Vegetabies with a strong fla;'or. deternîination not t4) enijol, refuse in dish and let get coid, then make e~ta bbage. anions and tua-nips, to leave the Island. - int4) ciittIt shapes (or a-s for pota- I i i*Uld be cooked in a large amaunt In numerou)is instanceR. said Mr. to cakes). i>ip in beaten whites~oo water and ke-pi boiling rapidlv Worrail, ! -i mprisouîrinent 15q eggs.uhanin brad caîmbs. ~n and a small bit of soda wil1 improve rckn trngcntital fi-y in hot grea«.e. Titese are cmi- te ysfeigterfbe. Auiothe, wav in iîh e-.iiîrifor- piv fine. .~îtd eetbenaybfeh-tanate lads suif er is bv sspense. A Bostont Bakei Be(ans.-,ýOne qutart ened if allowed t-a eaak'in cold wa- lad je- eonVicted fo)r *refteingiili- il navy bean, three-fourths Poaînd ter. Olci wiited potat4ues become tais' service, and a fine is imposed. fat pork (sida meat), two table- 50lij andi cuisp when soakad , For weeks, in oecae mont-hs, spoons moinsses, ane-a-lai!union coid water; if soaked for long after1 lie and his Parents uecaiye peri-odi- (mined fne),ana-iai!teasoon aring, vhey ]ase same of' heirlcal vsitef rom police officersi h dry mustard, sait to taste. Baka starch 'and minerai maiter. ..de-.,ortuo sadire paymn-ý>~rh not lems than six hotîrs, Tnoving inl To retaiui the color and naturalfie uiven. Kcep weil coveu-ed with Wa- fiavoi, of beans, peas. caîrou. orl iIt wa;s Jim Worralls*, intention W- ter, hait do flot acic water aset twO other sweet-jaîiced veget-able.s, go ta Englanci ta acqiuire additionaI hotîrs. (This came fronu an o01<1ntiy immer them in Aigbtly experience in his buýsiness. -A, berth German lady.) Ieait iv &ater for soda detrays the was seecired'for iîim oui the home- I)ile Biseiteo.- -Sut and measure e 'ct green calor o! these vege- c>ring staer-Lun h dyof fouir cups levai) to! gooci flou-r; add 1 tables while sait intensifies it. ailing lie was placed urideur arreet.. ana tea&poon sait, twa haaping Cqilars of coats sa af-ten hecoma , teaspoons baking powder andi one dirty before the coat je finisheci rounding tabiaspoon lard; rub into - with. A. good remedy je to- riub the euiah Fi. dry part. Beat yois ef two eggs soiied paît- with a lite paraffin ùil A renaî-kabie féat vas a-comi- 'cary ligut and mix wit-h one c-up on> a soit cloth. and t-han bang in lsebyIomrleiofateup sweet miik, Mix t-bis' with flour, the- air for ai holr ta take away opli - e b toremers in a trcupe etc. Roll oe-bai! incbhthick. eut. anv unpeasant amiL-ofhae-eprres nacrî, - put-lump of butter on one-haif and When cleaning a st-ove ithat has exh-ibiting in Berlin, Germany'. re* fold ove r. Baka in bot oven. been. epiashed with fat <rom t-hae cntlyv whe-n- -hooks, con neated withà llaked Ham.-Bi auth a frying pan the best plan is tu take XOp6s swung- froin t-be fll.as i>e-re. before. After p ein-stc the a a piece of rag snd dip it into the oaugh-t i-n their queues, lifting the - fat uliof holeclaesoneand saft coot at- tha backof t-lue st-ave. perforiners. t-ha ta-bie at - wJich thay fanc-l hlncles pr. oeppradrubbing the greaesy parts before p set, and -vheir chairs, high in the - covar t-ha whole with dark brown plying thbe blaetiead. This improvas air. Here t-bey swuing. ail the Fugar one-fourtdi inch deep andi a t-e appearance o! thé stove, ands while oamly-dinking. for Fe-ve-rai ci! ting af flour an top. then bake in vota can polieh it wîthaut difficulty.tiiite. a sow oven an hoir or aver, hast- _ To wasb woolaen ctockingése-s iat-ad saîgar. ona cup rich milk, fur- e- cups pas-try tlour, six -eggs, une evan teaspo-on soda, t-wo evan tea- spoons cream o!f art-ar, Creaii- egge. Add creanu of t-art-ar ta s-he focur and sift tçgether gievetîmi t-a.Ad soda t-o milk and S'tr mixture int-o butter.- suigar anîd voiks. iant t-le ivhItoe' iata .foas, and c'ream of tanar. Vhip whites o! eggs*tw yvcîy -suff (rot-h and toid Lhem intd) ecake iast. LDO nt St-il' cake aft-ar t-at-. Tee vaiuow. Flavoé' t-lis wit-li 1iemonî as it is a yeilow cake. Siltalia Fiîdge,-On--lauarter cup buitter in pan andi wlin melt--cd add two cuips o! cugar; mix thoruughly suit-h meited biîjtt-u; aie-bal! cuup milit and - ire-oaiartem' up Beat ail t-lus until creainu' am for cake, and ,aot- grained. Add tîu' sqtuar'es bittrer hocolat-e Ianidlat luoel t-enminutesa nlv frtm afi-at boiiing. 1)4j nut--stir sîbl-ictoig lie Inove frtunî Otre and T,-i t-an< al !ew mnuîtes before bzat-ihg, theCn bana tint-il- erPanîy (t--be longer the better). Ad-d ofiétca',popn aia >ud ilu" sor s3uitana- raisinsit, etc. PAMKMa Why take. chances- by asking for "A DdIar's Worth ci Sugar EX=Z2" t- Buy REII PATH Ii and you'I lie sure - of full weight b igkfest quaiiý - -absolute u'. m/ M- - __ 1 i sittC TYI au oui ail t-o. lis [ <4> i..

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