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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 8

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B1«>OKLI>I. - made for songe -' Éd pkem t of - <> ooiýtY. Kr.Norai ~ouIe', >f ~j>r.music, Al l adies, grecor4iaPly l3W Mr. and Mrs. Jobn' Marron, di Norau outeY,01 ete- ivited.; Briag vour Iriie ai8" ' Mr. a 1rn.Wallon Warren, o1 Te- orspent thse hliday " bis'basket. .71, e., CIr . ,h , r.Tises. Eouilay. Martin, and baL' Miss tIglea, 01 fGreesb"~14 t s18.Ù y o oot, f .t Ct Ifr. J.W.d ettai xM. andiwio.,E. I Jt. . XùMItty, ot-'roioiitoiWho Mfr. Horulby, Miss -WaikOr -ad-Mf9IDBI y.r ai$téMiaA sre Moyr, t TrotpspeitMody at j1Mr.. Oscar Leader. Mr. and 1frs.. i coitipnIèiaiby lra. Murray sand i Miser h foome to ,sd fr. iceey JohnstônLeader, Mn. and litS. Gi, Masi Jessie, boi la thse- Fair. Mn.b Wom.o r. Land iC s quIta 1Ur. , d Mrs. Limoreanad ciIlir, .Io andl tlonledIo0 lis bed. M.M.adM.Lv, isTnlfSiWONDERFUL HAIR. Lawrene's many f riends hope for a Mn. Everson, Mi. AIra Biggs, Mison fo dnrutsd ppeedy :ecovery. o ssaa Bsail of Toronto, were- amohg i mapoasee fral e ramdisse4ruff sud q Miss 1ig &Il theholidaycevisitons. Shrt ndMiss Grâca Warsm, O Mlis. Marais, of Toronto, is visitns ,foot b i in la u"wa ~~ Toronto, were gueset fMiss marie at1Mr. Aruolds. 129, 1 hsewosItrwi 1h Iloliayfor!tferM. Kircis speut thse holiday in To-ig scalp,, dassdru.ff, coirme, dry _or il Iliiafr&fwdays. com1niol ooklug hair.- Sagoino ins , s.Spencer and Miss -Spencer, of r0o v udew Ilita te taded unattractive lair. Pennsylvauia, are ln tovWnfer . thse Ur. and lire. Jolm Grills litdSageila teed& the bainr oute w' th tae d limr. Gro ndrosan ag- Mra.Snodden and cblîdreis, ,'ited 'neueary food, for promoting àa 1er witb M, n.ideMrson Wm. Blight. wlth Mr. Chas. Anderson. healthY growtis. Sageine lu-ir.tb ter, 'wnthMr. an M aynard, nlid . On return4ng rom bise concert ondaintlest -tonic you could wiah ,ftz'.,f çlden, su Mr. JIames Hill, of Mouday eveufng, Mr. Bert Han lentn yabi efltiryo Tollr 'o "itdrltie ee nhd ts msorue e rnmbabe-<~A large shaker-top bottle Tornto viite reaties ereove ha th miforunetu-runint a el-Cents only 50c. and Mr. J.E. WlLlim Sunday asud Monda>'. - rap4 poe on Railroad St. Luçkily gives bis ýpersonal giarantea te te- Miès- Greig, of Clareinont, Was. h.etise pan8engers- escaped witbout imoo'ityn r-ne n gueit of Mns..A.C. Elîîo dibis eak wbth a broken w.be l.tireîy satisfad. Be. aura te go to J. Mns. lieare, of lBrougham, visited e tcwIhabos E. Wilil drug store, as other stones d the bhnme o! iMr. sud Mrs. J. Alicais. T - ra y, Vala1 Cat gr nanet supply yen. Miss Ciara\ ElIaîs and friands, of under the auspices etf isa Brooklun 'Toroto, w1-h theformer's parents Fair 6oard, on Monda>' avemslngi, was Terit, tt tse,.an a grea* succesa. Tise periornxne KLE Mn.e Mn. Fo i aih>,sdwko represeuted tisa varIons csai'ao- Thea holi day visitera over btse 25tls Mns. Baunister, of Toronto, wlVb, Mr. ________________W1510e:Miss Cors, Larence and1 ___________John_____________ riand, [rom Toronto ;'Mr. T. Lewis,1 aniMr..Joh Sine dMn g CoIWllUr.Mn. d lins. L. Mackey, 1Mr. and1 Mkin red SfiTrontsi Miseillie . lIs. Atridge ; Mrs. Emberson, oet Snné,o Trnowt.terps-.Peterbare, with ber niece, Miss Har- ý Mr andMrs.Albet ChDU ad vey ; F. Mowbray, Mr. and Mns.1 M. O'Bdin. of lerotCîhnu Mud[Burns, 1Mr. L. Rogers. and Mr. >. Mn.O'ninet orziowit ,ns .Brignall..1 C'hinu over the week-end. Many from. bore attended tise1 Mr. -Deloss- MeNeely, of -Toronto, Ii i3rookliiuFair and eujoyed thse day.1 Iom; on a month's holiddy5. . U1r, and lMra. Harlock, ot Toronto, 'Mr. Uriah Jones in rusiig bis viulted at lirs. T. Ricbardsouys. 1 building aloug. 1lie bas a fine stable 1fr. sud Mrs. F.M. Chapman called1 snd heu hanse ail completd, and the DJ evc -ou friands beres unday.1 toundation for bis residence is a150 'u -Slins. Tripp bas been in Prince Ai- 11nished. When bln. Joues' resideuce Not Just "A Viieci bert attcnding ber motber-iu-law,wbe In compieted it will sdd griatly te bsbe eyil reet ,Yste ,pay'for rs. F. Harbron 'took ber dangiter .Miss Bessie Scott, of 1shawa,speut QUJALITY Wbefl yOIIbu>' Mabel te tise bospi tal te underge an the holiday at the, homdeofet er par- a wheel, QUALITY: operation. sos.makes tihe differenâce be- lins. Geo. Neal, who has beeaun- Mr, Gordon Hail, of Brampton, tween the drUcdco' iefraln ie Hll.b, pretM.au n.T bas taken a turu for the worse, but Hall. LtmradcId ,o o we trust she may yet necover. rt Latmer a cinlonofrua-o! TMr. Howard Mackey has been under rote er u oouofo fwthe doctôr's Caro wltb tensilltis,and days.~aCLEVEL IAD cousequentl>' bas- beeu unable te at- Mn. aud lire. John Vipoud, of Te- tend te bis studios 11î High Scbooî. rente,, were lu towfl for a tow Mr.. G. Wittield, Qf %Witby, viuit- tinys vsit'ing the fonmer's parents. . ed bis friend, H. Mackey. «Miss Jeanu Haycratt speut the weék 'Bicycle's ten t. fifteen Tise Young People's. Society' elected % ud lu Oshawa. years of spiïdLd serv officers as toilows : . Miss Hazel Worfolk bas been vis- and the one or two years Presidet-C. L. Mackey. itiug at thse home o!flMr. sud Mrs. mdifferent service of thse Vice-Presidets-G. Mowbray, Mrs. Jon ir.Jcponto udMssLur heape;r kind. R. PilkO>', A. Rodd, R. Mowbray. Mr Jc Hrtpan Ms Lur.W. have thse !ntaut Secretary-A. Corner. I-ortep, o! Toronto, aud Mn.' Ren- Modula on ,:hsb-t- beu Hortop, of Oshawa, were with tien. Aise a M YRTLE. their parents over thse holiday. Complet. Lina o Miss Jessie figgs, of Toronto, was High-Grade Sunddue Mrs. .1. Calder, of Port Perry, was with ber f ather for a f ew days. SealfLu at the lowest renenIug old aequaiutances bere this au Ms.Muru, t otutpricca constatent M-n. r.Mrry fTootwith worth-whuiewek . *ho were resicicuts of Brook'inu mai>' - 50dm Mn. and Mrs. E. Carmichael motor-À years ago,- were lu towu this week ed from Tenonte on Saturday,. and calling on oid frienfis. -I (~~I spent the holiday at the forme's Mr. John Ketchen and Miqs Rena $4,00V home. Ketchen, or Toronto, visited at thse Victoria Day passecidr very quiet- àhome of Mr. Alex. Ketchen. yhrteolntiab cer- 1f?. A. Atklnson, manager of thse tien belug the report of an occasion- Dom. Blank,. con tributed liberally to a]ai finecnacken. the Bnooklin Faim und regrets that lins. Black and Miss S. Biaek spent Ledid flot give a special prize, bpt lieo will be pleased to- do ou another occRECORDS Thse regular summer meeting of the - COJLUMIA R E O D Brooklil WO'mcn's Institute will he lie4d- asa pienic a1t the home of Mns. ---l e~ranik Luke, ou Thursday, June 1 1 li , Àth, The neting wfll he addressed IIV -4y Mrs. Launa Rose Stephen. Subject w u ii A RE C ;ce Cneams, Mousse, Sherbets, dem- oustated Arrngeentsare eingBRO KI Soasonablo Nocessaries iron Age Sprayers are a îiecessity and 1a'-benefit. They save încrease the yield and improve the quality. variety to choose from for many purposes. has advanced. your order. your Cropy We ha*e ai Binder Twîne Be sure an<I gc~.t or prices before placing Cô-ckshutt Riding Cultivators No. ý5 ail steel two row corn cultivator, has ail the latest improvemnents and, cultivates two rows at one time. The Cockshutt 5pring Tooth One Row Corn iCultivator also buit with stif tceth, is a leader. Lawn Mowers our assditment is complète, and the prices right.- A compiete line of new and used Carniages on hand. Afew.good young Ciydesdale ËFarà 1Horses tor sal1e. W. F. DISNEY W]IITBYP - Bell and Indepehldeflt Phones. ONTARICS No other trade-mark means- so much to music loyers as these Col1u*mbia Music Notes. -They -are more than a com- ý mercial trade-mark-- they -are a synibol. When you buymusîc look for the music "imark.7 Buy by this trade-mark. Note The Notes Columbia' D Disc -Records ouble are unexcelled in quality of tone, re-production surface and durabil- ity. Prices froni 85c, to $7,50 each. Brooklin, MI Vc-I. 51-No Il it dose gvoyen èua dean cçomplez- [n tdu oenufe fi tnlfthg. Sisupi>'-get as u OM of o othina loubla strehith-from aiy dnuget i4 w a appl@a#im8s holdabsow -ou7 iow easy lt le te zld younmalf tisa bomday -freMuklan d 9" .a bOsu, tif nI conspîcimn.Rmryilo l"Mme tisai onae onuedad forer iawerst Be aura te a*tise dnuggisbtfon lb.l 4puble streigi thine, as Ibis 10 tise presclption -aaid unden guraubeaof monay backil i.ftalle to remove OSHAWA. Rumner #as it bis*tcars wii tba mn onen tise Tonato Esoten trea Bout. mauville -'te Piokering at au eanly .data. Tisa membiesisip eftishe King St. Motisit Susiday -Schel laabout 1lâS. Wa C. Beneon la tise neut sac- retary, f.et iaY.M,C.A. Ho la oniy six tetfour incistail. 1Mr. Benson le axpected te enter -upou hi. dutse about June .L He cornes- trom , Win. Ripeg. A strIke of polacks teck place on tise Toronto-Easten last week. Tbey Èanted tise sanie psy au Englishmen, $1.65 per day. Tise police utene ap- peaied te and prevented trouble. Moxxday eveuing, uthile Mrs. G. H. Webster, a lady even 80 years of age, grandmother o!flits. Wiii Mattisous, (barber) _wss walking lu the yard at tise latten's home, she tripped sand [eil, running a large. siven et wood, about six Incises long, lu h6n antX, hetuteen tue wnist and elbow. -A-doc- ton utas called immodiately and il utas removed. Sise la appanént>' me- coverng trous ber paintul accident as napldly as possible. Tise Reformer maya :- One pplie- Mnsu bas beau suspendefi lu tho town fon alieged ' wrcugf ni acta, but ne charges -bave been proven agailist hlm. Thé questidn uow arises for the Counci lte innestigate thse conduct cf constable -Sprung, wbo teck Stevens' place -,Ou nigist duty. It fa aleged tisat Sprnng anrested tise weil-knewn musician, E. J. Pull, on Monda>' af- ter 'neen iast, for tnespasaing on the Rider fanm, situated on the Ritson Road. Atter arresting Pull it is al- ieged tisat Sprung took hlm hack (to whene Mn.and Mrs.Rider were, and uthile stili having Pull lu cnstody, be pemmitted Mn.and lins. Rider ta ibeat hlm. It is allegedti ta Rider stmuck and klcked Pull wbile Spmuug hadl birn andcufted. The cause Of these praceedings Pis said ta bave been a! a pnivate nature, andi there was certainly uatbing- ta warrant Sprung's behavior on this aceasion- Pull was piacrd In the lackup far a tewv hours, wiseu be vas allawed out on bail, 'aid -la nout cenfinedti t the bouse, suffening tram the. castigation breced ved. Rem azkable Performan.e i3Y ONEI TINÃŽE CRIPPLE- lJames Bailcy, of Mlord, Essex,was aimast crippleéd with rheumatismn for thmee yeams, but the ather day he .udeeeded in rnning a mile lu just unden six minutes. Ho attnihutes bis )resent grcod heaith t,, Kephailol. Tisis prescription was dlscovered by Dr . tohr, cf Vienna, àwud used b>' hlm w!týi great success fer alIments arfecti-ng th. uierves. Que great advantage about Kepba4dal la the tact that it isai),- solutel>' harnîless, bavlng ne bati e!- tects aven though the heart ho weak. For the relief anti cure et riseumati pains It bas ne equair. You finti dîilcuit>' lu obtainlng Ibis pro- scription, write direct te thse ma.nu- facturers enclosing 50c. for a large tube. Kephaldol, Limited, 31 La tour St., licutteal. There -1s an a&itation in thse vil- lage te have the main street oiled. The Board of Police Commissioners bave cohisulted their solicitor and have issued a statemeut that they baven ne uthoie>' te 1ev> a [routage bax. for paymeut. and are lu doubt as te uslng tise generai rate for thse purpose. Tise- Whltby correspondent cf Thse News says that R.R. Mewbray is a candidate.for the position of County Treasurer, and "that -ne botter choices culd hO Made.'" Tise-local basebail club bas pro- cured lsew unitorma. Mrn. R. J. Fleming la upendlng a large sm et moue>' on bis farm iu undeMdnataing. RBev. W. R. Wood, of Franks- lin, Man., sud formenT etf Dunbar- [ISNY BRSe1 I Brookllin, Ont. LEMBALMERS ANO ed tce. Netrchreodistance. A omplloeasd up to-date stock of cas kt. sud suppliesalways on baud tecôosefreai. Ce.ltlà, lIvo w4l. 7.50't.o ,Ob Lambieacob..0.00. oito 8.00 ilogs, &«d .uu .........12.001. 12.50 Hlo", select ....... 8.25 t. 8.50 Cblçkms, per lb. * 0.0.18 Duoku. par lb..... 8.. .18,to 4.20 Goe, dressed, par lb.... 0.1ý t.o 0.20 Tukydre.med, pr lb. 0.20 to 0,28 Butter, par lb. .,... 0.25 to 0.28 Eggs, uew, per doz... 0.20 t0 0.22 Lard, par lb . ....... 0.18 t. 0.20 Potatoas, par- bag ..... 1.2010 1.U5 Applispar barrai .,1.50 t1. 8.09 A DIREQI ýAND, MOU EFeECTIVETREATMENT For OoId In tho Head idm1f Clwking a o1d in he ut 7« get Lthe qulekestsaction ài ýIlied directly and con- saend of the collapsible tube i WlaÇ, lt le put up. This littie nozzle Iee weil up Into the nostril, and agentlesqueezoii the tube dîseharges n O h tis osal am to spred oew tis, membrae lining the nasal pasae, kili the germa of the cold or éantarth, oothe thee mmarting iniflam- mation, mais. breathîng through the nostrlsfe besuad easy, sud check thse efl or wllive thse catarris at once. nhe lact that this new ineans o 11,lylag thse ]rossal ali 15 5handy, andgett right up where it is needed, @ddMacitotbe valut of thim splendid rsmedy. te t ionlrugg&eictal po atbaorDrugg&Cist rpot QfC4nsda, Limited, bMnntreal. ImpregnabIe Strength maximum . Benefit8 Incomparable Minig t Dividende lum Vet coqt For rates and f ull information apply to F. J. I)UFF, MRt, A. E. DONOV AN, Special Rep. Quseen & VicLtria St Myrtle. - Torante, Mgr. The Mut ual Life al o sMd 05ff IiSeu i >hlgw tcenmt rates. WHITBY BRANOH: A. A. ATKINSON,1 OBIIAWA M A H. BLACK, Fence-1 Fence!- Becsure and get my prives on Frost Ceilod Wiré Fonve-a fonce tisat là net. put'up'simpiy te meet compotitien, but te stasnd tise test e! yeane. Remember 1 erect fonces at 5c per red, brace wine.and staples Irce. L Have for Qbulçk Sale 2 Fleur>' Tnrnip Drilla, new, regular $rS.oo,-sale pnice $t2.oe i MvCormick Reller, regular pnice 42'00, sale-pnice 38.00 i Croutu Gang Plew for- 15.00 i Steel Range, regular prive 40.00, sale prive 30,00 Gravity Wasbens sud Ne* lPerfectiou CÃ"al 011 Steves always on baud. See our Cern Plantera, regular $55.oo for $4,z.oo. URIAI-IJONES" Bell and Ind. Pisenes. Brooklin -I 4 Ontario. Farùms For Sale-. Upwards o!f farty farmes frorn 25 acres up, and at froru $35 au acre, guaranteed to show matisfactory results- froin investuient, iocated in Whitby -and Pickering Townships. Every conceivabie requirement af sil, buildings, orchard and other improvements caui be met iu the varied list oflored. J. E. WINN, -, Bell -phone 109.« -WITBY P. 0: Box 394 Ilesidence, D undas St. West, - For Headaches Herc'js thec Reason and the Cure Most people a: nmre time or another suifer from headaches-disordered stomach, liver or bowels la the caum-any onae au b. cured-ont womsn mays: Chamberlain'ç Tablets d14 more for me than I ever bo ttudme. reuiti>'eCand mo , THE CHICH BUG bas been chosen b>' the opponeuts e! tise" Roblin governmeut lu Mai-obs te conteet tise nldlng et Beautitul Plains, lu eppoeitiou te Hon., James Hlowden. Mr. Wood ils a man 'o! mucis abilty, wisotaises a deep intenest in publie affaira, aid ii elected te s.a seat lu tise local*- legisisture lu Maniteba, would 1111 tise position.- utbi credit te himielf. His numenous frieuda tisnoughout Pickering Township util follow bis caneen uits mueS interest. Oia--Tburuday atternoon asat, as Master Jack Jepis 'on, whoie neani>' fine years eld, utas playlng areund tise mili> ho met utitis a ver>' painful accident isat wlll make It necessany ton hlm te bake s perlod et test. James Keniedy uns eugaged dnawlug gravel sud eaud ton Jobu MoGint>', sud hetono turiig l lnwtis his load stopïed te - allow anotiser ni g te -paes. WPseu doiug Uc Master Jack atoempted te climh ou1 10 tbe load, and bad bis baud ontise top ofthtie ubeel. -Tise wagon atartedi aid jacks rabained i bse ltio! bbe mise1 uhicis passed oven [t. Tis a ad iras badl>' crusbed' sud eut sud tiro boues more brokels. Medicai aid iras immediately ' mmuoud. Tise - houes mena set sud tise mound dnessed, er- anal atitches beIfgng ssar>. H.ela- nom doing ausutell as could b.e e- pacted. Ne blame miatever iB. at- ttcio Mli. Kennedy, irise iad uo idea sà isa ayene utanear tisa wag- onL.-Nown. Tise Experiimeubal Farmus Braucis et tise Departmeut cf Agriculture bas issued Entomoiegîcai Circulan No. -3, eutitled"Tise Cincis Bug lu Ontario." Tisis isu beau prepared b>' li. H. F.. N 1- 1' S. S. J' I Wo gin. froe, while Thmu15tuke PRIM i with eàch jar PALM OLIVE C or oach bettle PALM OLIVE SR at 5Oc oscis a .werld wide reput quality and purity. 1-t-will psy yoei'D vantage cf, bis op] D",Ogmist and ' JÇL H, Firofes ioua3 JNO. F- FAfEWIE Banrister, Count>' Crow #'-Count>' Soiic Office south wing-Court -- A. E. CHRIS Office, Brock St., Opp. Mone>' to L 'JAMES RUTLEOGE9 1 Money ta Lean on O&fce immediately soul 6. VOIJNG SII -Issuer o: MARRIAGE LI. -.Court House, Whitby Barrister, SOictr Conveyaner Office-Ne. 2 King SC: phoues-Office, 32,; f - DENT, Stee, "ldeuce No -BenSt.. Witby. 4- JAS.- I 0O1shàat,, Liceus.ed A ceenrnte L. n~ - qd dates appi>' te s WM. 'bbLICENSED AU 4- AND VALU Hudson,ý Field Officer of thse Entomo- logical Service, Iu the United States. tise losses. due ta the ravages o!, the- Chincis BPg, duninug. hls 1aI ixI>' years, cansiderably exéeçded $360,- 000,000. Fortunately 11ne serions 0ult.- breaks have, as yet, occurred -in Can- ada, but the inseet bas establ$ehed. itselt in Middlesex Ceuu-ty In- Ontar- ie, and bas beon neponted, also Inron Nova- Scotia. Thse circulan, tuer. fore,- is timel>', and diacusses tbe mothods to e hadapted lu order ta - central -the insect. Inu'1912, 'ý1n vestigation of the aifected rnea n- Middtlesex Connty. was madie hy tise, abono Field Oficer, aud thse liteý-bis t ory of the insect. etc., was studied. Iu tise cincular tise inormabion gathu ered during tise investigAtion la gir' en,. Preventine mensures, snob as, dlean tanpsing, rotation cft creps, etc.- are diacussed,- as uteil as antificta.l remedies. Copies of the cîneular may, be- obtalueti troc of charge trombise- Depantmneut et Agriculture, Ottawta. Botter Than W.alth, la perfect health; but to enjoy good health it is necessary first to get rid of the-miner aliments caused by defect- ive or irregular action of the stomach, liver; kidneys and bowels,-aiImýnts which spoil life, 'dull_ pleasure, and make .11 suffýrers feel tired or good for nothing.. AU .. Aetnaugesu b' d ttise Grange Týermnasoute. T«»Il sud nei WIandIde,ped W é ail elatiseS 0 -M!Fe have, enquliries Of property in On mayhavo theopurcha wbat-you' haeto 409j Lumsde TOROP Bus and Dra, - -4 - .4 Me- LaseseSal et fAsr Me&Di the O.WorMa) have proved themselves b. b.e the beet" corrective or pre- ventive of these troubles. They- meure beliter feelings -and those who rely upon thenmomon- find themelves 8o brisk and strong they are -bete able te work and enioy life. For that reason alone, Beecham's -Pilla are The Favorite FamiIy Mficino, FI, m ?i 7Fions oa t Ie. elen.,I.anoasblriag[s 5ld ooeybsr jeCanada and . SAoim mboas,sn« . ~~1 Bus te allj AUTOMOBILE Saise Hacks, CÇà e- igs 4ô£a DAY 0R- 'Bell phons-S- -Stables si I TORONTO Have Vou any Property Foir Sale P If so, eut out and mail titis coupon for our liating forai. Phone 1U3 Orat., Canada- Impm.vemnt and Land Co. Llml0" eSt. Gentlemen,- 1 have a.................... for ae. Ki:ndly mond yonr listing form., ANmEl................ ............,.0 creator C >d Improvenient & Land Gog- RICHARDSON à RICHARDS OmoMASAES Belphone 193WH ITBY9 ONTARIO Ind. phone 70. ---------------------------- --------------------------- m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bobo4*toobA^Ad 1

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