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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 1

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-e.-, ;, fr-. Vol. 51-No 49 WHRITBY, ONTARIO- CANAD)A,TBUBSDÀY, JUNE 111 1914-'ý, KiýLLS ail Lèaf Ea ting Insects. CHURCH'S POTATO DUO FINISH& ace or use dry. No mixing requ4red. Sticks ta the vines or leasit msd his ail the jnsects and patata bugs with one a ,plication. The only sale way to use a trong Poison. Worth'its colt as a fertilizer. D»«s fot injure the plant. 110 'Iba. for-2508 1j E, Brzugglt asn MEDICAI Brock St. id Opticlatn L HALL e Wbltbv. professionaI Carda uINO. E. FAIIEWELL, K. C. Derrister, County Crown Attorney and County Solicitor. Office south wng Court House, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN BarristeM. Selictor, Notary Public, Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Tloan. JAMES RLITLEDGE, Barrister, tc. Mbney to Loan on easy terms. Office immedîately south Royal Hotel, Whitby, Ont. 6. YOIJN6 SMITH, LL.B. Issuer of MAR-RIAGE LIC ENSES, Court House, Whitby, or residence. Du A. J. SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc.,. etc. -Oshav;a, - Ontario Office-No. z King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew St. Pbonçis-OfficC, 32i; Residence, 326 F. DENTAL W. DÂMS, Dentist, Office, lDundsp StrIlett Residence No. 4, the Terraco Byrou St.. Whtby. Phono No. 122.. JAS. 1315HOP Oshawa, Lioensed Auctioneer. Suc- nmor to L. FAirbanks. For terme s4 dates apply tb self or G. Robb, Wu. EEAW LICENSED AIJCTIONBER AND VALLJATOR. AUilkindso f sales proDiptly attend- -OuI 10. Arrangementu for sales ma be miat the Gazette offies. Termeroaeonable. melad Independeut Phonies. WIIITBY, ONT. FARMS AND FRUIT LAND WANTEDO s eoilail alassee of suburban a n d country réal estate. Every d ay w. have ouquiries for some cia es of property in Ontario, and we mayhave the purchaser who use c an what yèn have te Beil. JOHN ItISHIER & 0eo. 409 Lumsderi Building TORONTO SES~~~1ONS ~ mmber of the ls flat re, Tehne and adS MER F .0T I AND COUNTY COU Rfir reI am c0n ydBlwodFr~bt O t tto b. further entruste&,with your con- wedding on. -Wene, il i. rd There were no criminal cases to, chase price of the team and cart, but. fidence. -T4ankingý Yo 'lQr 'your past* he I Wtenesde fabo ut t "RI H.T NO W occupy the Court, whieh opened, n llowed no damages. Hi. Hono.l'suport an!cldeni ppaigto gues t eir, second daughter, Verna ' HI O Tueda a-trnon atth Cur take te osa ! hecort ont ùo againy I azn, Marie, became the bride, of S. Wal- Ox'fords, La ced ind Buttoned.. -' Rouge, Hi. Honor Judge McGillivray ,Darcy. Yns tly er Truil, son or Mr. James Trul, ! presiding, S everal civil cases were This Was the only jury case' tried. W. E. lN. SINCLAIR., Wib lb017'.E Jhson Telaeti Pms aentLaheVci Kid, Oun Mea,1. on the docket, however, the lirsI of Twvo others were on the docket, but - - - Pcernotlitn. otearan -uc n1hieCnas Ec which~~~~~~o wa COittO.f fLhegin's weddlng'mardi, piay- W. G. Clarke v. J. G. McClntock. Bay of bâtieCojieretice c yMs agrtDrio o-SsOrMn idIm InvRg* n uaml BUSHY v DAOT. Sharpe& Coolce for plaintiff; W. S. -î ,lu rdeelre i om 880 OurI1Vù#8SUSSE WandVDer rTh u an n a ho dwan $0d5 rRaefr lini; .. uiip, nbly ea l esin'> neiad.hb foerwlhaakgondo ages. ~ ~ ~ ~ riso Tf vdnebogtOIiis o endnt. pe ayt cf t.swe $Npns1~bne m.Tebielo ty ao uSabmprhapaod 8 0'arc NOJuYv.CA SESb;W. ih aut , 0eg f aCobourg wasl NI ii afnd na athorse130. Ho ad $50 - Wd nesdoch orpay nt iig J 'udlo'pc- eletod Pzesin s on Thu ea d T ho rp ecee n h are i These were loer, wtha acgruaso ags hem way on warrantt, sthey frdéedn. ao, Wmad e kn kofn rat0 f b a n mle aî ea faceto uhyphabensoe rom A da D Re Y v CTh S . dJew o hh, icued lueof, ooig,.lia o e llr isNll yde sSoks u t L k J - P bankd fers, - he brde loked Prie & on, ! Hmilon. a r ' y llTay o .E ewe li. ojry ases. »PoWtofhDi st togcmictI le snadeoeagw fbn lkw5WWSSIU IU.~~ hadpuchsewte otiI n n te-W.H.Rais fo dfedat k hityM.. ezmltbLouquetcaflilpof niwhitoecanna-e lion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e saeinPrhPryeuh MarloeH sv.F.SmimaGdD err, . Mowrbi; e rooklin, (1oflons.th r. Rsellan Coin a !Wir era. dhmay on ail warruty, icia Cn-fraintf;Dth.. wan- h supiiedMtie aown b asbutmn.Dniglb ig-TforA .19 whoe sto ae li e tem d isoed [ onr o r defendantv.' h Rn Nw o geib sriu;c ennge ulnso!teregisser, 1fr. BM. uSir« Wlt.11- ____,W itb . -n Pie katoniio sa le, rpo rtt l b aylr.J. Erî . arew ellfrpai. ffr; GryMe eod , . ;PTink îngsl, Audesang, "nloflliesoi! ht u cae twe. hea ubaeet l a-1WHCrorifor laintif BayS mnt , .R and; riceAc T iedAler bndwhdint e ak-w M PW r, T .lBe; ea bank, D. Eskif,oMr. rted. sa enPot P the pe n" fr are'Naifo r dcs ef ae . I G. D. .! Rdrc;Segae u bchpyu le l efli - fora hot .N llA I N I B l yearsr~~~~~ Buhb ue orli etr tfJa. cev Bige Mhr.H GW MtleanPbd.Colmobous, p he rieaeigl '& I U~ liy e prse rice, and aIs Te aned L.Eean for plaintif; DCorlSwn-ey, wu hefnldrf.ind nwn o o enhag n. uri th whilm- wh0 aes r no nvth e n ience s on foer&Difdefendant. Rogerday, o ntad lis.ointe- hrliaIofthemed it iM, .# ite sesi i .u-RIRfY£ebi mmu m te a aaIhs cane, o! otn cftoe ' R. J at .S .Pael ...ns fAdesn'ýUiltee th bne. e assbsqvnty r2Crzweforeait eard. Fno r Wfhitbyltr te. eddigIbeak r.e andbe.Pnt t ere"r , fr - dmitR. fer t efed Ms Pt e orW. Folte,; Sb.A., D. GeeBanfour fas.ho e luh.anpy rs. Toup l l r aideortL& fenant., mîsyed rthe ctnofha eJha s ignKe Y d trac t ser -1RSuowl An . d: S cugW.H.eker.a I am nt msoed ugub h $225 damages. Miss Pha.A., ahglv-motom rp tbiegrove Whit.y,0F< ln ameu thapcy hasold oe n d l in er. L. b- farm for00. Wn i f ound a 'Uesaal drf, ae idonemihge il si wt wie Mns net therefor n nenhabl e. . share, - p ise D fr e efus at T ed y onand t ei flit-hi a rmed 10 'i2hperhitReCH OoN auLs - .*,01i1..t fSiL bd od n alohr a clarefoed (if te -Thn$1.00 artty daimfESthe eues6 PFICe nm m syuISuP" otflt. R. Je.ol utiht n ce t omission, sied isPe l fornd nNJ .A, .D; r -ii, . home Mr. ad Mrs. Tl ill JFS d that Darcy had posed22n biv d a unch s, Miss Phareli hensif J 1Lv Jd-I IIL~/ hMr.l to besPorut erryîerd, WnRowland-,ingutoesale. Bucare.. awaHoaward- WHITBY BRA.NCH-nt lnan , tha ethe e ontle rntio . aten bbc a sge ountr il daimand beC A ém odC l a , anager. Chs Cler wlhaai e u qu5I1Iet1d ol5iCy an inter, 5-u l VUL ýW . E. N. SIN CLAIR, LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR 5. ONTARIO. Pl'oling June 29, 1914. To tie Electoru o! South Ontario-. Gentlemen an! F'llew Ehectorsa: I have again been nominale! as a candidate for tic Legishature by tic Liberals o! South Ontario. Alten two years sud a half of the reguhar four- year tenm, tie paniament lu prematurcly dissolve!, au! lie couin- try put te the unuccessary expense o! -an eeion. The Govérnment at dis- solution ha! 84 - members b 1the Op- position 19, an! thcy' have- not eu- -unciabed any pollcy which nequines tie endonsation o! tie peophe. Tice apparent reason fon 'bie, ptemabure dissolution lu 1he unfortunste'ihînesa cf Sir James Whitney, which wil undoubtedly preveal ils holding thc office as Premier. A re-organizatldn o! 1h. Cabinet will ne doubt be made alter bice.ection, wiici tic peophe arc now entible! te bhave bof or. an clecîlon, s0 that tiey may know who are to ho lu coatrol. lb la nol brust- ing bie people laua way wbdi tic Goverumeul abord!, net allowlng bic people a chance te select their ewn adminliratons, but on tieceonlrany, l la a selection o! your governors by caucuq. Tic transaction o! -public business lia nol bscn satlsfsctortly carie! on- wili lice ver- *wiclmlng governmeal majoriby, an! iIl would b. better fort11e govrna-1 imeut lîsehi an! lie country aI largo, 'If thon. wone a larger opposition of active mca le scrtlnize ail legisis- In l a logllature wberno semuc', of lb. leglsllcu leIoeofsabusianesna- lune ratier Iban a'malIen of a -Party pollcy a[ectlng financlal - la- Tne prese bas bept yen ail Inform- o! of wbat la golng on Iu the Logis. lat«ne; an! cf bow your rooey in belag spent. Ton kau fuiM well hour wtandard-bearer of tie Conse aidve' parly lu lie South Riding of On- tanto, by, the unanimous choice o!flbu Consenvative convention ici! la tie music hall ou Saturday afternoon lisI. AIl past grievances were for- gotten, and lie party stood solily at the back o! lie uan wio la te represent them on Juin. 29. The Convention was s large one. The hall was weih fillcd wien Pregi- dent E.-R. Pundy, of Port Penny, cahled lie meeting to order. Wili Mn. Purdy -snd Secrebany J.J. Moore, o! Brooklin, thene were severai prom- mnent Conâ*rvatives on bbc phalform. Tie President fr;i,,4naouneed tliai the executlve had 1usd a meetiag, aI wicb lie nesiguatlon of F.* L. SMa- son, as nomme, o! lb. party, mad been presenle! aud acoepled. Iu vlew of liat fat Il was, Iherefore, necessary te select a candidate to take is place. 'YY~4~\à> CIAS. CALDER. A credential committee was ap- poinled, consisting o! Messrs. Shot t, -of a pgaaible 275. Nominatiops, were Ihen called for, with tie fo1lowing resut: J. B. Laidiaw, Whitby, by J. E,! Williis and A. ýT. Lawler. Dr. T.E. Kaiser, Oshawa, by A. Brown and Jos. Craig. Arthur Jolinston, Brooklin, b y T. C. McAvoy and C.A. Disney.. T. B. ýMothersill, East Whitby, by John Stac6y and Geo. Mcdcalfe. L. M. Brookes, Oshawa, by W.J. Trick and Jacobi. John Slaoey, Ouhawa, by D. A. J. Swanson .and M. L. Argail. Roit. Miet, Pickering,, b, R.B Brown andiR. J. Hardy. j P. L.-ÎàmnOshawa, by- W. P.' Dobson sud, Grant Christie. Chas. Cidàer, Whltby Tp., by Thos.î Hall snd Jý,st Grant., Before proedlng furîher, the dehe- gales unanlmouffly pledged biemeelves by a standing vote, to sapi lie nomlnee o! tic convention. Tiose noininated were tien cahîci! 10: spoak. iir. J. B. Laldlaw askcd - the parby to stand united, and nio- tory would corne. Ho declared-bis Intention et Qfering himeel! as a can- didate. Dr. Kaiser, wio was not presont, by letter asked that hîs name bo witidrawu, - and- pledged himisîf .10 support whatever man was cliosen. Three .rou$ing cheens were given for the Dr. ln qulck àucemslon tie othens also wtbdrc w, eaci vowIng support to the nomnescof lhe convention.. Juat befons Mr. Calder was cailte! upon, Mn. Laldlaw rose, ssklng tint lio be alloWMd to wtthdrsw isname, sud liat the nomination be unan- Iniousiy offened bo Chas. 'Calder. A motion to that effeel by P. L. Muton was quickiy seconde!, sud ca.ried, wiblioub a dlseentlng volce, amIld loud Mr. (Caider then spolte bnlefly, ak ing for thé active support of 'eveny ('onservative. A. H. Wright, cf Toronto, sud Peter (Christie, cx-M.P., ecdispoke before the 'meeting adjour-ied wlth +1....... ,4..rn n.. 1,.,. P nvA ,Whtnev and educational matteru are being han!- shrtk1 m, epote that 22Ã" duly Cadr led, fnem the condition in yeur owa uchool ectons, iow Money is spent -- -~- __-- - on Government lIeuse, Statute Re- vision, Prison Fanm, and many otien ..,VVNTY OU C MEETS Unes. You - know how public investi- gations are being blocke!, sud ai be- I U E SI N cause s woak opposition -, an- beeNnU E SI N overpowercd. by a lange govexament ________ foiiowing. And now a hiasty, appeal lu made bo -tie people witîout just Miss Emily McK&y Appointed C.ount,' Treasurer. cause wien bic lcrm Io not muci _______ more, han haIt explred. A I haveserved bic peeple o! 'South i ue eso o i oaî intnmtc hitby Herse Show, Ontalo fr thee Sssios la-the Council opened aet tc Court Houso consistlng of rsdn .Hli Legisiabure folloWing ahI tbe Wprk . asou - Tuesday etterno lmut, with onhy Secrtary A.W. Jackson, Mayor J.E. caret ully as I could. *Raving.«' agaii bliree members o! lie Council absent. Willis, Messrs. ?A.T. Lawlet, R. N. been nominaied, I appeal b yeu for Tic sessions of Tuesday sud Wed- Bassetl, John Fahlowown. support, and If again elected, willldo 'edy eeclronîcled la- hast wcck'u Each of thest gentlemen addressed ahi lu my power te -assîsî lu any- Issue. 190' the Couacil, urging lie dlaims of tic thlng tint - nisy be ton lie'-benefil of TRURSDAY. Horse Show uipon tic allenîlon-of Soubi Ontarlo,' an! for lie welf anc At tie Thunsdsy- session communi- lie Couni.MIrat tie Show was lie o! tiec tizehohip of!- tie Province, cations were rea!, from Coi. Blck, In- beut liiingi ever ield la 1h. Coiinty, partlculanhy lu mattens o! social and. viting tie Couacil bo attend lie an-~ and was *enliy o! -a large grant moraltheneonm, e mle lhaide mual camp o! tie 841h Rogimenl aI from lie Jouncii wau lie pies. It ci ls Husepropose@ it, rejorving i'Magara Camp, sud froin J.B. Wllil ws hown tlli thle Show ~brougght le myselt at ail times tie tiglt to ild E. E. Sbamn, malring. application buyer an! -sIteler o!f Ine bories te- votean!selas a ~y oinin semafor lie appoinîment as Cunly 'roas& getjier, an! --It gavelecizn.o igit. Ttlei impossible for me t<>»Q uner. bis County an oôbjoct lcuson asu 430 ail Of lhe scvch b ousand vote n a'I1ho folowliag applications for th. -ie quality cof bornes blinIwere brlng- tie rldlng la 1h.enottlime at my position of Counby Trçaourer were <ng lie bitg rc«- nTtWaS Peinte! disposai, befono Jins 29, but IflaIn ea!: ont le Ithe Conilons that a very youn opinion I have ln lie past ne- Wm. Dobson, W.A. Hollday, W.O. pOSI deal1 depmed upon t1he train- presento! you faibhfuuly, i afl e tOWeutllko, N. NMasyden, R. Rarmon, na an! baudln fbrns 9re yen for youn Support and Influence J. .WisRR. Mowbray, Miss men of experlence wit! buy. a gond! t l agala elect me bo a ocat lan111e Emily McKay, Mr, McNabb. animal fnom Bomle farmer for a couiplo Leglslalurc. lBelng a native o! Soulith einn Cm teto bmcfudod dollars, an! aflen a course Outario, wltb alrMY professiona, thé above applications were refèrred, of lrailng suad develoPmcIl tth lai- agnlcultural an! othor Inteneeubu oea- mta! rpnelenaii rpr oshova an! commande a price tered bere, I have no other end 10th e report recommed e 1eseee*.' Co!a lboueind dollars and upwards.T11e serve than lhe -'welfare o! Souh On- anaS or the application of WMile- Mforse Shoew as an, educatire fonce ID tarie, sud I leave Il le yOU- 10 ,do- "Kay ata osaary cf $l,000per lentelb. mtý " Wa orth. a, graldeal, elide wbélbor you wlsh me - t agafa -The repent , wasrevedendau adoW nl!a addition 10 ils very great attnse- tendr m sevIce 10~'o asyour vithout going 1nt0 comnmtteeo fthc lion sa sca l uetamo lsr Memb.r fIn 4the Legslaturo fa 1the I tvle, an! vithouf a dlssmullng tmd enk'uMtie I tot Parllamt, 0f Ontarfo. volce. - Warden Gifford mesumd! lhe de"%~- My recm ordf boforo you al a a jn. Bateqm n Iroduced a deputa. (Co 1 aiiue! On PagO New Mapi.eSrup Pure, and Highest Grade that that can be made-.- Baillon Tins M *1.38 Au T.'-LAWLER - WHITBýyONT. Phones; BeJI, No. 47 ;rIndependent, No. 47 Se-ed PR. t, .Z P ot atoes For. early we have EARLY 0HI0 EARLY SIX WEEKS and IRISH COBBLERS DELAWARES <4 v For tate - GREEN MOUNTAINS and VULCANS Glarden Seeds New and cholce Our BuIk Seeds are the finest obtainaBIe. W. B. PRINGLE & 00., WRITERS DEOLARE THEN RIOHT PAPER, PEN AND JNK.- I3OUGHT AT . -j.ei.RIHRIeO BROCK ST. - f WIIITBY STATIONERY 0F ALL KINDS MAGAZINES AND iBOOKs g 149. ýd Bolers rtarle eWhitty le o with firt. iynl ýdsof J given tecu , - :by, Ont. ATRE rw Simlplex 1Manager. St -a frein f re0in *4 hips., ,hardl ered. 9.30 aM 3.55 P. M. E- 5.05 p.m. 8.3 P. M, 11.20 p.ra, 10. 40 p, M. 8.55 .m. iet Obser. e bctween Ve t- G8n8ra9 on Bus and Dray Business Bus to ail trains, AUTÃ"MOBILE FOR HIRE; alsoHfacks, Oarriages and Bige qf al kinds DAYt OR NIGIIT. Bell phons-SU, 14 and 74. Biables and Office: Ros *eLe l'yee:e*if on

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