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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 3

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UUBWLLtheI&idrof .vtons of cowuier, to inaka a, DuDIbeLT of ùges nte eeo ii.i ocvt. - BY .I?.1~~~ distrib'Ution system, with the 4> srtr,4oba4PT- -suit thstby_ the time that théb nlètiti mer rt. ara8iatiob o Wgl!4111i a' Grent Desert 1utQ a £ lewal, îherêexista sc cnitos -$0a. O nd ae _ an f MiIkandI ence ini metbods nd <f trarsporta db' ~ % heo»i.tr~ ti8~àa! - timnre decvloogd-th'aWo jX 4s i ,pQ damw aiium ow plans eaab. modifiedMtg ut the expeeàit ftescetse*i i nu es3'feast ot CIgaryF, by developflWuts ýh ici, Yaè tken' u n'ihl~'the CanadioapPacifiellailway Com- pa Il PI.I a~ug'to upei jmyhe bei~copl.ed A a The ares for wlHi waer ià being çthe»retit international te .sraj»iic rçauit of its, opening a million acres providied, in genera.1, la undulatine code,. whlch speaks In aU 4-onguen andi prairie and, previously Iooked and with not4ble s"opes towards la undertood ever>'wlere. tl -cultural pur"o, s, now placed are .a nuniber o! 4ist.rict drainage -' rtue murder" ai KIeff buresultet Ini tdker irrigation and will prove as, ihiek traver ' g the oounItry"'i< the verdictof ouiy an'l"ordinary"'iur- ~d ~'productive as any other portion of top' :rs:-hy, as oompared. with t.hât -der la eflcouraSlflE 0f- the -erergence 0f ~ tthe Dominion: The giga.ntiè iwork, Of M RÈ of the' plaine reionifaiT si nprevallIng front:the Middle agel whch bas -eunaiIed the -expenditure orable for a relautively ra.pid mn- oaven'in thée isht. of thios twentieth con- falu1 'c nvera i millions of dollars, bu coi!excess watcr. The mnn drain. tUIYiere was A reeent Instance In Whiich kht'>een carried out undeT- the sue- âge .system haso been provided in this o14 racial andi religipus prejildicO 3~l ~vision of 1Mr. 3. S. Dennïis, assistant part by nature and in paWtbY 'avi- determination flft ~.u.l; t- te the President and head o! the ficial means. awayfrom i a stop toward freodODt. hÙJ f De rtment of ïatural Eesources. Prbei o be Faced. Rusais beffol the emanelpation of the Aboub hree years bave been' The firet problem uindêr the.pre- . h ib rek ntoato f the à nt on this wrk; 'it is probable viigciati conditions lu, first, Judclary in such a case as this inen Ma te-réainder' can b. buiît to indue. thlefarier oexercise ainsup ersiin ;ehr .during thle year 1914., The greatest forethought andt t use water mu ho-t K omepaang *ge ~~part, of the earthwork for the- ca- right, time; i., eonan Xe contemporary notes the change 'y riet als, aggregating twenty miillon moredcifficuit, ia to get him te aip- brougtaoti oeIl Ymdr ý-d %td, cubic yards, lbas ben kc>pltedprecitethe 'daarger".Of" timing to<> coni'n'# t es. ie la?,cgala eoub le aild operations Well ndvan ced on mch water. Ha ela aplite snoume t.b. 0iling up aartirnt anAboafdlflg d tallthe principal structures. The. re- that if à lit-Vie water is' a aùig wy.Fysçiî vnti -h jap - taining ;work te hoe done consist t.hinrg, a large qua.ntity lu bettrbornes wondrçiisly chsned.The tire- j&rgeIy of placing over a thoussndwhereas, the.larger qua.ntityMy e ba ben inedupfatihe olongier bis crop andlabut whalhe famdnlon gaer- urowi nali structures, in lyn IY :Wod, ho injuricus to i ro n t i ateIts bléssed glow on lite. .'he'~~/S P R I P C E i*!W ~ upT1 c.tercd over the irrigable tract neigh.bors' f.dadutimateîy n athe oven l agnthee. ilgthe lv rde ~~f i - ~covering.the greater part of 2,000 ffa necesitate large and- ot-ber, lngromta hmerm .to l. The - square ie.Wise unnecessary expenditures for Duc oeaporaely ci it, andi i.v.î~u- he uatitis as shown by t.he deepening and extending the nme The father has hie '*den,." the. reco rds of!-the Dominion Govern- dan.inodrt prevent the Inme. brew om, the minia ï-e sr.a t e nient, rentby large", the river occasion for these large expendi- cilidreli have the nursery, andi the hait- ,~~!d et ~~~receiving tha drainage f rom Over trsordangarsg, arrane The modern homo 19a a1pkcetesepai§ 1 . .~~ 'O~~î 0,000)0 -Equare miles above Bassano. ments are made on many of the newtuemstefrmes-a1vl5 svY - -, -It- bas a. heavY sprfig flow, the.. irrightÀon systems te deliver water up, net In the boire. but in the hO'. - hgh~t sage bng rea6hed ha- con a bn.srdhais, a et a ail for, the beut, ne doubt. Btte~-~' ~t 10,otii.at 10,o rc twe43n Junaes t*mesuedcetanchange, aven In the lifetinae ofthe mîi- MOtrowet-O pda 1 0 't h i ti ýi we ueIiI-and.-.Augiiat i5thq iimmquantity bi ttif ile-agetimnhabean great-andi Mary and thus furnishing a-n ample sup- a bt a fat charge assesseti on ail Ann l net alone responsibla for ItL o ilee Duke o! Connaugbt at Ridea " Hall.otaie an at 2c on tcTo nt.d a t 1x~~~. ply tbrough the crop seaeon. .A.t irrigable land. - For ex m l 6 0. Zpoch-EEaki El e nmta. -QaT- o.2 Suaccosa,59ee 0e m teu tyinnnu-' rai cures for baldness DnSth.e t-liai c~~~thler timea it affords an adequata or $1 iu to ho paid, usualy na.if nmemery serves there have been ab- HSR Pio lxne f-ek ... .... ... niu 0 o o .Dyprs ota ft lb wiIl ~~~~ quaiititýy for conveyance through va.nce, whether the irrigable la.nd 'aieut ea fterutbalnsin-headtim~aet o Govertior-General and COmmabdOr-iu;.l-Ohiof o thsDominion cf esMre ul ihpie o-~(0 -ub % -iemi anlt -b trag eer eave aeroandn o tib t oI febut te eor e womoeCaada ini succession te Fiel-MarsalH.R.H. te ike of Co-0~ ra.et atn aiy 6t nyth n the aincanl t thesïtrag reerS eceveswatr ornot an fo ths eitg g thot refor ythiorgthat ails fi Lti i vo r l c t c r- i h uy n c e zdt .~ h is c e rias. A 1olish p au ant w ho liad n u h , h --e r .-f offic e ,will expire in O ctober. T he n-ew GC 8 , a c rd n e q u iy i lwiieakeweed that weulti- make hair grow is brother cf the Duke of Teck and oft-he Queen. In 1904 be marlid Cr-e mrcn çl-ra 0 le aO part o f the irrigable area and in w hch ie c nsîdered t o ho neCe 8ary on a stone stiewalk. and a n emîient tht' iL. the vicinity CE the farina le notbe for te production'cf te average physician etfiuapest planta hair With Prirce e Alice -f Allia-ny. Thoir Serane Highneaseîshave two clii OOiOntb rn 2 e-2 u ufc ne di san assurance against, certain opunder ordinary conditions, goldut am es, e,00ng thorsqae ca . eji;Pmnce5s may, born ini January, 1908; andI Prince Rupert, hm tn r agTbnoteilt hr, -t ati afir e 1,000 the eu ar a e d re reco rd theh e Li e u s claascescf operatien troubles, but it is net encugh te resul-t in fui crep, luxuriant anti gîessy. im Augusit, 1907. Prince Alexamder is aMjri h n ieG-rs 2 0$7 Wiil be set free When tha baid-headed as , Tii. iow vaer ufc i O ae-ogngtb o ,di -. T la great neW5.40h onY t n as ineensteric ndlin theeland ( Ain 1896), w-he-n h e asin- otrPouc.on-re feet yth assanoiDai. It is a Fer &Hquantilles i x c o pi»fer utace or sudd-the DS..and an<>ther mention in prnt. srsht23te24; e. velp power enough te run a planai. Indeptes composite structure, the mosit nota- t-hi, mlinimum ah additional charge ts ultimata affect conservation o!for- ___ -- hi~~~~~~be portion bcing t-he conorete spill- is mace and collectedI in advance. ente would pale m ineInigeilcance by -- llre-Etatil ntts 0 eil ,ak,0 etinlntî. l herslis t-bat the irrigator, be- mparisoii with the consarvu.tIbflor g~2 e2eprdznlitS d tlii'P¶ ~buift with regard to econcmy o! ing-call-ed upon to pay outbim- may aven praetheimwhnrut- - mteia aticfthe ao called '<AID- ney wne dmnemr a-rphant Inventos will have a cure for PRlagePntiTS1 e 14e foBtw111 materianandor n o.d1mndsanoe. w$2r fors Ne. ar. .ld-oUtheiliide le bîrsen type," witb heavy ficor on than t-ha minimum, considere very -- Tempraes in ESuoi. _______ , rouhthle be<i cf t-he stream, protected carefully as to whethfer hec- really The flussian peaiianb has manY vIr~- (t Iby eîîit-uhle cut-off walls. Upon tlîis ueo-cI the water. tuas. If ho a la uîerstitious- he la aise Cro nthe VeSteÉn Wheat Fields Visited byP~uy-ol aeerected .bîittresses earrying a As a ule Ille conclu-des t-bat he can genulnely religlous. anti or hie IOYOaltY r5oigdock wthapren, t-be wOe talong wt ea maller aiuit any question. The Nihiliste are, -esf9 e 0e dek, 2e;gesa i t srvvo uareti with the musa ef the Ruesian hi~~~~~~~~~~~~ .rn eindt pi 0,0 ui.fetta i phris o en e ous.laonter rble pepe bt c e heiwaer er ecod 13l extrele cssay.eExethees hveshow.poplaton htharethomorsisimo cnheiht ! 1 fet aoveteocret. -bhttha4are-e crp yBudtarthbeth bukat Bu th itesin pusatin tain4l i-tht-le 'iiinniumament usaa as twe great f[auts-he drinks A despaitch f rom Winnipeg -eaye:- twenty-four houri to a downpucf rvsos cula muge Eastern IDykes. of water applied,, consistent with mont abomunably cruel. Seber, he is Heavy raine tihrougbout the West frcim one to tbrecichsora, aon.ng-em.1teiep-rl.onir a àtiinii The concreta portion -o! t-hodam suitable plant- grewt-h, adthttlenoîtuiS hriii îin nt h ilaînt cduinihaveteutith, jtt, ol;drunk. he ts a humari beasit, e.e 1~ means millions." wsas the rEnrkbclit à iaprolonged westemîy witbin t-be w4iile xnaîiy crpeý are tolerant cf wherattire hie- puetorsi andl miters have %Weýstern Cana-d'ac er prisspeet in a of more thla-n oj.e1 man in -the-ran 3. 1in1 elt- ak 't Fried Iors Sho ]ýnd y aneasernconsderbleautorit ofvatr, et or a long blune bîenti tyng oeameatiS j enMydte nthrri prulin. arigpthiutati -stepescoîi xhng.Tiî hugtha I ~~~dyke ivit-l naximumli eiglit o! 45 the yield il rcduced i qcantity and bis gooci fellow tu keî Hes beBn y- neseIwosdeal mcnsoaba-,ytatraete e ,rudn oferiflg p ridiîî that i b-oct epressed iil Ext lian a~~i -tougint-h-eon aatKyaniSrw il tfI utbut btrc.m htont, trayuci- hoe a-t oinryfrraPeron ntswold Jn i, nled mi- eu o butk.hrt; e.2 t 150d>he fîtr -- grouîiid - - taîning about 1,000,6000 cui e icyards. tien,.nment hue ndovie<lnitl r a ti ti t-fiPer w ol M dco nt yic i PeI- at, ir- tin ing w lied. pt-im s tle g - 5~ i6isrw C r lt.5 5t ' tt~t an I Etendng c-striy f rom the dam Tecseusection inc-Iudes a unce iegislatloi thani the Itisian.'rhe anîtoha, o seatîtli-leeraut the -.thmicaafive miles in million acres. eut of whihi thoera cinemna theatres.-l'sui h tiibit films -AlI 1eJnlenglt, partly in a deep ciit cf 70 has heen selected a.pproxinlatOly whleh dc- i w-iAi t1i. euils or îiruniteti--- ----- ----- ioîriî.ln 9-Cii. tl-iib fe iii et bottern wictth,andI which, being 440,000 acres, - lying ini an altit-ude hness t The lsia easa' n tht rIisp one oflW%.IIV-1NT EP>illIE o vIo.7 t O- kts aaiti-Oc the most artiWesterti, Ne.e n3the PteU42A.ACCIDENT. HIVE NO. REOtONSi - mande in eu-rt-h of soniewiat tre.ach- cf f roni 1-,300 te 3,300 feet, anti andi he will bi- t-aîiy enùugh Lu wat-il neirrigated from tde a t-c (-odka ean itrit a iut>.le wil Key (f iltoIllotulle Rin it2a Shu eli îa ÇoiLsion 3Miglit Uavc up eui e1v 'eI.Mt.$'il i n h ec r u s c h a ra c te r, l a iv e n c o n tid r- %v înl a y b ho1 h e fl t ure uvit-Ili W t .Il in t e wiit r ht-able trouble. In t-hie respect it- l e $sem whci eompleted. Tha t-ruact 1bema keet% studentiofet he acter wiîo a t-ietubtl.îrt.$-6;<--id 'IC coniparable with a number cf sini- a wbolc te a part of t-le nortbern rnie eprra tces xvhich he Acrcss tilc t- S . -Ilî,eed îny Place ou the Se e begbk-i. 410 iîe tgta od'uiig ular de-ep eartlî eut-s whioh hava gi-ca-t- plains, t-le éauface o! which, net-. - A dnepate'h frein (Cmnwall saii: A d-espat-&t !îom London, Eg olr 47 e$,0 tagtiîee methebécn mîa.de ads esul an a en oiRdb lca cin ating Pub lu a Restaurant. O-n Wedcnesday niorning an a- ident landI, says: The Timnes, onWe-bg,$20e5.3.loedoAba--en me ithe ~ ~~~~~~~~question, î>iti y u ev ai ca lthe jsh all- whicli m ight have t-cm inated wili nesday, treating of th-e St., L w 45 ; h g , 5 b. 21 . lr t taineti under simlar conditions on witli esulti-g lieavy undcrlying de- A wribar in a Londetn lifter 'teks the canal-e in Moata.na and adjacent posits -of sa.nd and grave1, and par- eti a bleuter tI a irst-cluce restaurant?" fatal resuits occirrmed onPut-t Street rence a-s a navigable wuterway e i 2 e$2.iaN.2 irtai ftiinil kId bthe ohier night. luvas qulte am i n-. ît cr51 a $1- te515.0. Ceenu. hur-t edan Me Ü earea.s. Beyond te ea t-en en di f ticularly ot cday, interspersed with An di then lie an We s he question ; *1 in fr nt of îJe Town lia-Il, when a clm s tat t le n m o e d g r us î e îîe; in t e s tlîi cui-, -ha aincana; wtli lare ad siailboukere Theme-ferlai spcinn.but they calle l t l"hum- tire,çn t-he aiteîno-hile elonging to t-han frequenteduIpart-o!thEg-eîe iulr îeciIraer 21ettni te c k tiîim ty -li seeu t ,nttesmaipnaca rel;t -ieah aaldrte,2and secetid ,o2ulle st'.h e're .ii.8cofsn n d cap iy cf 3,00 cibie foot per se- sulting top soil on t-ho glacial de- Aiizi-i rli< ali naiirt- iliiobel. an i jgM. M-Nuuni aa c atntîsi c - lsî C a ue r tb îibc îu fo an -23-.ho'A241-1 select.frf.nii6vtees27; Nerit-s hh lave been cm aen beimig- .biThef aLord-tMte-hor f amLioo t-e ratie tbingte orrcess onfle lverie- Crw ian-clu ar e nonsesu-be, Aiilyl drops. -s-teistnt thge Whlhm uch l ., .wel ndt-lefroiieilG ve ,cflO.>i'i - oal arge -ofcdon fluad m. ThieteLd wtMay«ýTior c f l-erol ysan ourt test.serakedCuibttOi. Afltioft impessîpte W cutrisutîY nnd seheme, o myeb the, ituatioor Fickn da5 etsendaryste rt- vincial Govtonmentsfoanti ieictse, Stoetson 800 tnewtiio rrien't get o ovmk i _ Ir ,l r a-i n w r g a ,n s a d c a ri -d l cr 1.-- - -- -- -Oto5 e ed<uSit.uattZ a- lmegs-$S nd isinia sait" s. seheme od If t m rot the slituat-o., Fte ollars cindhe-et-m w-t-i e e- ofcasrni$ý 5tob whilîwi iesuinttex-e -h Po-u-t.mota tbProie Mgsra-otee ni nneW1h we.$5 antia fe rwa a , in ps io unetuluC ~s emipl oic-n-e1 l~ 5;l t ~ ~s uiiig îb, sl.$ te Iambe. $5 Bte 5-8-5<'. w'1 arr a.ne Oit wi ll r b n1iade t-o per 1-t10;mliihui-iii sîipuets s t oc citof -An1 inT; mi o mecss ra .man-tion wmk. grans wanti ch argc thenecsie mn jt'E1;tue 3 e -i iiii net keep a yhhii-i-- lîcine~~~~~~~h ROSY AN!> PSU hPe pmnlglti. isetoslcnlts" -tiean n&e iOu t a1110 e- mmratfrmhen idldb.w v c~~~" "to t- a' pate -reteat e-y- amle un'lieu'it- --~~~~~~Th tn. e s ultvsvl a, uns eu-ingo!u ncrplus op mn- gns qn-t epaayt-gode ssTeimeh at-ionds would ixma lue imu rp r n Inea or waeru iutp t as h negilof sfix6eit--Y -gu"rrGo 's eI<eYotj flass 11 Mt. Ia - -' " fe.d o&y in re o- m epe e eaHUNDREDS DoWNE daY b Nt wtury Gra-eNutaain t,- eiBeats ereanWhretd aî lvt eptc fo odnsns e pe- -thMyvlueife s eaned hem u ave WnrogtbYl OW.itwilsaniigth inrccenrGo' r-, etst-rNeg i en o-iy enas -a auid A nýdliesp - u.f jo>n Tie ss ady cao at.peaîto eef-h -, f ~~>1d ~~ îLTj~~..8 are plain ~~~~~ated "Tnet-h W e uern an Nugem aa.th~.uf3O-e oicryigetT o u , , p i m p a ~rh na a g irl cf ix it e n . ie a e ro u s stio ni la-s sw ep - e"O l' co u r t o f icia s Cdop o icW i-ndp ooritofnc, 14) -ombse Road te We1Ilvile." 1la pkgs. been blowV dowri. b.igatQueîwr rcov- T -bo har iTheeasea Reason,"~i~th usewowr at-- -eh - Pe nvr......... velrui aa b o ve letton £a,1Dw Wliemi a bride 'beginiste eaie teiL it t-e cîl-mar cr-ws . ... ..oz@e- aPpsri 'rom t Urne t Ime, TIielthat lier liî,îband iemnusiliebrîf- id nY awo nlttb-trr l'O nover are genitlse. truc. an4 ZuU oS buman ~brother lier air ca-sties clas. ue howr <or reu rp -i ledies wl-il b. $le. 5,-be ex e fo! ' thigl e sa Fe. Walsh, visth.athif-', possible t horio e -1 ge t-lie botil e e don. _h wit-h dep anl - tce officu-yoPr -' ion é t I treîl e to dwrlts or i fed-n Intec>n saOfs ,er o!fa mllion pounds! pai u-liy -Londonî' y i aifcino n- ne intemesta invol.ved in! 'e ]Lntmp resso! Imelanid¶ - e vemsl ha hec-n ahan-' - underwrit-ing inter bi t-bat thle huli will bel s-cna5, thke,_ilveran.- b ie-n reeovere,cL Tiiel e met-aIs is estima-ted at- tider ne, circumstaiCl. e erwriterc, -rt t-heo hatý - -d atacaiwicîwud ; , peratloli,-and t-heo oly - nce wre, re ai-smg hem t-o - Wollld be te place on lut t-bat she waeircoi mr opinjn i lthat teý le- hlown up t-le botte-r, om' t:afe navigationo<f tà-e E BARBER ADOPTE!>. - - . Whoc Sauned Ber, GiveS pýt ( (lebec, Faniiy. - o~frmQuehec gasu-e" arhex~, t-be'eig4t-year-old - ýf the Empres, kho lias Pet o! Qtiehee - sncet-be' lins -hec-n adopteld y a& ,nily liero hy tlîone cf Tie -irl's mot-her was - ýto Englandti te homar- - \V. Crellin. ant-lier pas-'- 10 Nvas sa,ýeà.., -M r. te- -- igl Niing to kee-p thîe -mtedt4i givie lier ttp as hoie t ýt -asi-the. h)ct-tiing for -- i-uit-cl part ofet (la itt1- e- 's gcntd ri-cliSO-ii fur coliitci- tile (1e-t-of Sahinra onca-J u part .-<)f tile Atlantic cliffs-, ancie-nit sea- bcache> -- -oueelc f céa ftSb in t-hoe kes be-arou-t tlis belle-f. clly t-lie pîOejec-t jI> revilved lie cea e-tonce îuocre ln-tii ywa-, -te li mens of a ou- - cuu1s1 tol-(,,0ctlîîs 8im itpos-. aemoc o t-beSaliama lies Iaj --M rs. Nu b '--- re-- - . .,iie clîapm offo iia-t~-îebor- l.ees-WelIM -Putt it iiia- ilself and ]endI it. -k' lir v-eJ uts,- ovet w.gait. RD PALACE unction and 5hotited~ ', Do Not Use Force"I n -one knee larn t o!Kimigt -r(lS ake - do net- us moise 4)f i-ho band ithe alT! foi'- thle. (onduct'or. s Dg- w-ishlappore iigave au signal le oi-eliestî'a t-o aiî'ikc îp, a.nd rder w. -uc el.i.ed'w-Vt-1. Dwt.mall s mvoicowasdcwe .a playing cf tht'buad. aaid.ho- iiiineiatiy envedf nrm t-h. îo-_roc$lanti-d ne over 4.o,

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