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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1914, p. 4

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Pei Cakes, bot biscuit bot breads, and Mter pastry are daly .necesste la the Amierican iamily. Royal Dak- lpg Powder wil make tbemu more fesiles wbolesome, appetlzlug Ne Aituai-go Lime Phoaphetea, BAPTIST C NVENTION AT 0814- de legates were present representing AWA. the Whitby churcli. There are .five The ninety-sixth annual meeting seusions, the flrst of whlch was8 eld Syesterday atternoon, when Rev. E.E. The Ninet -Sixth Annual mee#ng Sayls fOh4,deiee h n otheWty -and Lindsay Associa- fluai sermon. The convention will tion of Bapt st churches. is heing held conclude to-night with an addreu on in Oshawa c n Wednesday and Thurs- "Western Missions," .by Rev. W. B.P day ofthIis 'eek. The place o! meet. Tighe, of Hamilton, formerly pastor Ing le the BFptst Churdh i. Sveral o! the Whîtby, Baptlst church. GARAGE A~to Liver<y ,Crs for Hr Bicycles and Repairing Nwand Second Iland Wheels. j N~W -for Sale. WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSIONERS: "Do IT ELEOTRICALLY" 'Homes that are using electrioity for light may have the -added ýonvenience of using the following' articles, at a cost for cuitrent as set ont 9pposite 'each individual item. Let ~he "<White CoaI'ý-Do The Woîk For You - Washi ig Machine & Wringer Il 1ets per heur Elect Ie rou n- 3 jets" 'Tea S4mevar - - 3ct" Chafin Dish - - - 3*cts TstrStoves - 34t" Six inc'h Dise Stoves - - qecs" CoffeetjPeréelator - -. - 2icts" Heatin ad - - c Electrie Fans, 12 inch -jet0 ' 16 "- ct Aýd beet of al, the' 10 watt tungsten lamp, which is now a ýommereial success.' Use it for halls, verandaha, or any pi ce yen would appreciate long hour burning, at a cost of 1 ce it. for 15J heurs use of 8 candie power. GEO. W. P. EVERY, Supt. - - - -- - - -- - DOINQG IT NOW P 1lantin'Tie Tg get thie lest resuits use the l'est seeds. ha ve them. Cheap priced- seeds are dear at price. Try US. We any the package or by, bulk. Dutch Set Onionsl]J5c pet quart. Seed ?otatoes Fresh Mangle Seed nice lot of flowers and plants just in. .E.WATEI'WOUSE FHI T BY , Promrpt l)elivriry, Beware o! Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as nercury ai surely destroy tbe senne cf mmeflsud coînpletely derange the Wholè syateju wheu cutering il through the mucous'surfaCcs, Such articles should never be used except on ptescriptions from îeputable physi.iaa.asthie damage tlley will do is ten fold ta tht good yau can possibly derive tram them. Halls$ Catarrh Cue, maufactued by F. J. Cheney & Co., ,taedo,*j contains no wercury sud in taken intrnïl, acting directly upon the bload and muscus surfaces o! the sysîem. In buyiag 14sI4> Catarrh Cure be sure you geL the genulue. It istaken internlly ana miade tu 'roî do, 0h1o, by PJ. (lheney & tC. Tesîlînonials free. Sola b Di uggins. .Prlce 75C per baille. Take &Iîî's J'amaly ?Fil alot constipation. Ladies' Day at Camp N iagara. 41 --~- "~- ~TEARLY a car. load of Boots and -Shôes have arrived, and will b.e r"'acrificed and Slauglittered. Having purchased- the*.carefully seltected high grade'stock of Bradley Br0. f sawa,(aout four, thousand dollars worth 'of' boôts and shoes, slippers,'pmps, sandals, tennis goods, trunks and suit cases),, the whole. stock will be plaeed on bargain tablôs and offered at gret sacrifice prices until this large stock. is ail sold. The stock consists of high- class iRegal shoes, Parisian shoes, Classie shoes, and* a large .sotei of Americ'anâ fine shoes, and it will be IroqeInsRev. Dr. McTaY4h,-o-- the Doiia Allialauy was prebent', an&, heiped. veiÏ. mà riallyinluth. During, týp,. i b.subject -of La* E 0 onètW8 icuiud &t sonie léùt. u The Exi ve had prepared » had'sent: 0b. osumzdidates forxec tAon to -t'l.ê:LgisIature the follewge questions Ontario will you supjvort by volce~ and vote the Abolish the Bar Move-1 ment? 1 2. Are you In favor of IncWlug aIl liquor licenses of ail kinda, as, weili as the bar, with tbis movement?, 3. Will you by volcet and'vote'sup- port àil efforts made te do âway wiljh thethtrte-fIfths clause 'for local, option campaigno>? 4.. Wfll you support,' by, voices. and vote, and, .1! necess4ry ItQ brin' the question...up, move an amendment bo the tAquor,,Lbcense Ael,provllg that- where ont-hall' ,'or imore 61 thet muil oipliies la a County have cârzied Local Option, that under *similar con- ditions- as apply 10 cilles, towns and 'tôwnshlps, tht whole 'Oounty lie allowed to vole on the question 'of Local Option for the County ? Mr. Chas. Calder did not answer la writing, but over the phone used tht following words te tht Secretary "I tan tell yen my poition-I am supporting tht Goverameal." When asked bo put Ibis in wriling, lie re- plied, "htl plain enough." Mr. .r. Sinclair replied as fol- lows : Oshawa, Jud'e 101h, 1914. Mr. Elmer Lick, Oshawa, Ontario. Dear Sir,-Replying bo yours o! re- cent date from -,tht S.O. Dominion Alliance Executive, I beg icave tà state thal if elected I will support Mr. Rowell's "Banish the Bar" pol- icy, as I did ln the last Flouse, sud I 'have pleasure la answering your questions in the affirmative. Yours very truly, (Signed)' W. E. N. SINCLAIR. A committe was appointed which drafted the following resolution 11Resolved that Ibis Cônvention of Temperance Workers o! Southi <otaýr- ie, asseînbled aI Biooklin, endors. tht four questions submitled by the Executive o! the S.O. l3ranch e! tht Dominion Alliance bo the candidates for tieclion tb tht Legislalive As- sembly o! the Province of Ontario, and note Ihat only ont candidate, Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, has replied te tht questtons in the affirmative, and Ihis Convention pledges. itsetîf b do ail in its power by votes .and in- fluence 10 sccure the return of Mr. .Sinclair at the forthcorning elec- tion." Atter discussion, taken part in hv Conservatives and Liberais, tht re- solution was carried unanimously. The !oliow-ing officers were elecled: Presiden-S. Stocks, Columbus. Vice-Pres.-W. A. Holliday, WVhitby. Sec.-Treas.-Elmer Lick, Oshawa. Township Reprtsentativeg. Pickering-R1. Il. ('ronk. Whitby.-S. L. Trees. Whitby Township-PE. Tink. Port Perrv-Rev. .J. Ford. East Whiltby-S. .1. Conlin. lleach, Scugog and Oshawa to be arranged for. A liberal ofiering was taken at tht. meeting, and a further guarantet su:b- scription fund was raised to assure funds for the prosecutiion o! tht w<,rk. See the elegant desigmns in dressy shoes for ladies, also in men'.s. to the end.* See the classy models in -newest' styles. See the great bargain lots- in the windows. Deal in Whitby and save money in your home town. This Great Display wiII. be at JOHN FERGIJSON'S OLO STAND SionummThe Red FIag.- TERMS STR ICTLY CASH M. tht day and served by tht stafi,while ont o! tht popular bands providtd music. After luncheon tht visitors resumed thetripp b points of inter- est. At Ibret o'clock they found seats in an enclosure, and were wilt. nesses o! tht review. Tht Command- ing officer 'and bis staff have cause to lie proud o! tht smart appearance of the men, and their close attention to tht commands o! 'tht day bespeaks fht benefit o! tht training received. Later tht Historical Home was vlsited, where Miss Carnochan re- ceived tht guests. lbt wouid require too mucli space to menion tht con- tents of tht Home, or to describe tht quaint old St. Mark's church, which -dates back te 1600, and tht equaily interestlng cesnetery surrounding il, where' many o! tht b-rave men o! 1812 were buried. Tea was served aI fivo o'clock aI Headquarters, when Mrs. E.E. Starr, Dominion W. C. T. U. Superlntend- eal o! Militia, voiéed tht apprecia- lion o! tht guesîs and the organiza- Lion she rtpresented, that Major- Gteneral Lessard and staff had givon the ladies tht opportunlty,1 t ee 11fe Over one hundred ladies accepted IaI camp. the invitation o! M1ajor GeneraLes- 1 Tht close observance of tht Can- sard -and officers. 'Leexi law, as ordered by our wortby Tht guests were met at boat and Minîster o! Militia, tht saaitary con- trains, and tht carniages pnovided dilions, the generous and wboltsome were under the escort o! Major Cald- muais provlded, make for better well and other members of the taff training pbysically. and moraliy, and Miss Carnochan, President o! the therefore mûte it possible for youn4g Historic Association, aiso met tht en bl become pnepared to defend guests, and did much le add te the our country should tht cal ever come intenetI and pleasure of the day by te do so, for tht trained soidier la giving bits e! history aI the various better equlpptd bo defend lis coun- .points visited.- try and ie less danger to himself Tht first place vislted was Navy -jnom expos ýe than the untrained Hall. This old building in 00w used soIdlers-. ý b' tht camps for a iaboratory for Mrs. Nîchols, e! Lincoln County, lesting tht water supply for tht sold- also spoke warm wordi of approval.- iers.' General Lessard replied, hoping tht- Tht diet kilchen was splendidiy e' ladies had enjoytd tht outipg and cl0sed ln wire screening, and there was pleased that they approved o! fore tht deadly flY Was absent; an tht system iO! tht camp. up-to-date operating lent, was in-- readin 'ess for any emergency that apnns might occur. liere the Red Cross Local Hapnns nurses were in charge, with the St. JTohin's Ambulance C'orps nearby. I3RED-TO-LAY I'ENS FOR SALE41. Everylhing was clean and orderly Anmiro w-erodOAC down tht long "ne Oftlents. Thet ubro w-ya.odOAC dining halls were 'ready for Ibenoonf stradn bred-to-lay Barred Plymouthi day mneal and Ille companies seelned Rock hens for sale. Apply Mrs. S3. to he vers' foriiînate dn specîring cap "l. nBrown, Whitby. able cook-s. Tht. ladlies wt.re ,off ered a sam pIe frcoml one. kitchen. The d<inner' POLICE COURT. consisted Of good "soup, roast hec!, Ernest Holtby, of Manchester, laid Z'e.ýf'tahlt.S and Pudding, %vith a gen- -a charge againsl Abraham Soneclt o! etroîls ivo! héen( cheese, etc. stealing a horst, and tht case wns At~ ~ ~ h nenltrtt angs rrovp;callcd before Magistrale I-larper on onto tht.p t.cort. I(ale o! the. grand Tuesday xnorning. IÀtlîte tvidtnce .l tr tisrroiilinZ Hea,'dqtua-rters. was takeon, howèver, andthe court, The. luncitoon tables as'ere inost in-î was adjourned until Monday nexl. viting witil the. .ht.aîîtlfîîl floral decor-1 -Sontck and Hlolbby enbered mb o a' ations and t l it anty and bounîcous deaIl asI Thursday hy wbich horsts luncheon prepared for tht guesîs ,ol weretrtaded,4 Soneck recelving from w. eeLLIN$, Holtby a chleque for $75 in'addition. Holtby charges Soneck with stealing the horstelie had traded to Holtby. Mrs. Meta Holtby was the only wit- ness called, ber evidence being- mere- ly of secondary importance. D. &.J. Swanson, of Oshawa, ils defending Soneck, with Col. Farewell, Crown Attorney, prosecuting. IJOST A VALUABLE HORSE. Last week a Mr. "Perkiins, of To- ronto, bail the mfsfortune to lose a horse through an' accident. Mr. Per- kins bas purchased a f'arm betweeni Whitby and Oshawa, and had driven down to make some repairs to 1gates, fenoes, etc. His team o! hor- ses was tethered ln a field at night. On Friday nlght they, broke down a gale and made their 'way onto tht GOUARANTEED ADVANTAOEB The advanrtages guaranteed to its policyhoiders, man for man, throughout its entire business by The Equity Life Assurance Company are much greater for the prcmiums paid than they are in any other Company doing business in Canada. This is stated a a fact which cannot be successfully disputêd. EXAMPLE-At age of twénty-three next birthday The Equity Life charges $43.20 for $2,ooo.oo insurance on the Twenty Payment Life Plan with every- thing definitely guaranteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exactly the same, amount and similar termi for a Twenty.>five Payment Life Policy. At the end of twenty years the Equity policy is fuily paid for and has a Cash va'ue of $898 00, while the usual cash value for. the other policy at the same time is $720. Thlunan wbo etudies bis own'intereti wiii parnIze Thte quity [if' Ausiance Oonpany whnhe wants 1 Ife In.uranee. L. W. DUJDLEY, M. SUTHEBRLAND, Agent, Premident-& G(enerai manager Wtb.ont. Tpronto. NEW LIMITED TRAIN SERVICE Betner'n Montreal - Toronto - Deroit - Ctilcato Vin Canadien Pacifi t a id Michigan Central Ra lt ds ria Michigaen Zentrat O0gUnjlc Steel Tubes hetwee,à i wfiser anqi Vita.ti.i.ing MOU' tre8iaI * 5a* i.;'Toro ntQo 6 i p.ii.. i 'ril ni De'troiit12 35 a.iin iîil Llîinîii 7 45 il.f ii go I oîd.tervit 'retîring. J TORONTO - WINNIPEG - VANCOUVERr 'I'rmii 15-1,5 pi1n. ii. li' i '-'r',i 15Xprî'wi No. 4 airivi'i.J'loron La 11.45 ui. daly Maitohiia Kxpres 4Ni. 7 leavesi' ' roiiii :1i î'xc'lpt eSiiiiilit. 10 5u 1).m.. arriiig liiiiiîiipî' mecoul *d day. filîtarjo E5Jîr)uàisNo. a e, ' Wisiîni pe 9,.25 :px.andiiarrives Tor,îijio f. pi1n. laily exruîpt I'f'iemuil.i,'. F'or fiîrtherr iiiiilai.apy t raja(ii i pa 4-jif i eTijket A ge siaso r w rit e M.<,.M U R11>111' D.P.A., C. '.1y, Touronto, rondbed o! the Toronto Eastern rail- way. Ont o! tht horsts proceeded a;- long ilîl il came Ici tht overhead bridge just tast o! tht old Willcox farm. Crossing tht bridge one of ils front f tet slipped in bebween the beams and il was caught. Tbe horst, however, pulied and twisted in an endeavorte ! rte tseif until the foot was tor loose at the tel- lock, and hung by onîy a few cords. On Saturday morning', about five o'clock, Mr. Frank -Brabley found the horst lying on tht bridge in 'Ibis con- dition. Shortly afterward, a con- stable from Oshawa carne ouI and pub tht animai out o! misery wiîh a bullet. ' It wns theâ roiled, dowa'*the embankmenl and buried. FARM FOR SALE IN WHITBIY TOWNSHIP. Seventy-seven acres, iot-28, con. 4, three miles from Whitby town ; ýcon- venient tb Ibret railway stationîs;- well suittd for mixed laxmingi daîry,- ing- or mnarket gardening. , SmàU fruits, poil orchard, (princlpally spy trees), never falling etream, well and cistrh, frame house,-bank barn and other large buildinýgs. Several acres o! standing tumber.' Also tw#o lots fi Whitby town. C. W. Smithý -execu- ber. TIus Store Reconmmnd$« benausewe id woznan Who on«e uses fr, 15 pretty sure to come ba.ckfo more, % JAP--LAC-the Econonùis rTHERE are îhree distinct Icinds of jSaving ina atisai dollars -and cuit which mKy b. effected -through the une of JAP-A-LAC in your home.'- JAP-AmLAC adds years toe ii1f. and wearing'quali- ties of your floors and -interior woodwork- JAP-A-LAC eliminates the necessity of replacingex pensive furnitureî because it makes the old like new- JA.P-A-LAC enables .Yeu ta do thne work yourself, instead c.C hiring a repair man for thi. purpose.-1 Made in~ 21 beautiful .colors, providing -for yar every r. quir:nient,JAP-A-LAC las'lways put up in Green TinsU bearing the. Ask for JAP-A-LAC -calor card. and1 a copy of thse little book.- -A Thousand and One Unes of JAP-A.LAC,**at your local hard- ware store. Iii \Vliîtby Jap'a-lac is sold by GEO, M, RICE rhe li"n Vm.skCe-Lo * orno 41s Bargalns! T' gOWlI tO tflt 'oti ' iv.. tî~friIl. whi~h and t'h~ un' rît'd <f '1 'Y Bah.- amah- Bargains! ot-

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