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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1914, p. 5

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;E recipienlts 1eryoui gifý@ -app'reciate' thern;' ýnyfor their ininsi-2 ,1t for theseinet exprssei inthe ýg. .Wiimetal!alut se. :long s the article -Many gçod gift coot lititle meney. Sugar spai t, Meat fork to$ Butter kn' 'riruit apoc Oream 3n 75e in plate c) 82 in oid silver $1. 10 good- plat. 4.50 in oouid alver vos 60e good'plate D $8 in oid silver ns $1.75 gd. plate D $6 in solid silver lad es $1 good plate týl $4 in solid silver -BSrass ferzý pots FAncy chi sige frei fren $1.50 up ia pieces in handy .any different do- bOc to $3.00,. LIT- US SHOW YOU. Our reputation for selling good reliaýile goede is known ail over OýiVario county. OmtppsIPot Omo@c Whitby~ Ont. FIRST Op'THESEASON. The editar was greatly surprised Mid pleasd ont Mpnday, nornlng- to be the reciplent of e boi of -lo'vély ripe, etrawberies,. plcked that menu- fig., by.1Uri. Caleb Rose, of -'Éhtby.' These were, the -"1meV tfruits" Of -bis gardent, and Mr-w Rose bas' oui thanloe fer tbf. klnd remembranos.I TRAFALGAR DAUQHTERS NUAL MEETING. AN- The ane meeting of the Traf ai- gar.Deughrr. wllU be. heid la thel CHAP&EL o! Výlhs College on Friday atffnooa et a,5g sharp., j,I s bepod' thet ail the niembers wifl attend. asi Tory Importent business lh Vo ¶XlIo» betore the mieeting. Nearly a earloai of boots, shoos, tp~auoa&d valies bas arrivsd, and ilflb. oold ln bargain loti to, Suit customers. Ferguaon'saiod, stand. Sîgu-the Red Flag. BAPTIST CH-URCE,1 At Vhs Baptist church on Sunday eveniig lest the ordinance o! baptieni was edminlstered to elght pensons. A feeture o! Vhs occasion wen the tact that among thé aumber were a family o!fether, mother, daughter aid son. A number a! townspeople visitsd taes iVhs Riîglilg circus wblcb hsld forth there for two deys. Mn. H. W. Wilcox treeted the Ga- zotte reporter Vo e !eed of strawber- ries from bis gerdeî on Tuesdey. Mr. Wilcox's grounds aid. garden - look even more attractive then lest yeaD. The berry patch is e. wonden, aid preseits e sight noV often seen. The vines, are very beaviy laden, aid when Vhs hernIes are ripe. Mn. Wili- coi wil bave an abundant crop of flusclous fruit. Thé other vegetation la- a-so most profuse, and a visit Vo this beauty spot is weil worth oneiq while- TRACK SINKS A GAIN. The sink-hoie on the Jackson fanm betweei Whithy aid Oshawa le giv- Ing thé Tononto-EasternReiiwey a gaod deai of, trouble. On Fniday lest about Vwo humdred yards.o! Vhe roed- bed suik egain, thé centre ,Q thé sec- ian goiîg down about ten feet. Wrmnworse t once set ta work, adfilliiîg-in was begun. This por- ian of théeUe 'seems Vo offer elnxost Finsurmnountable difficuities to the en- ghneers. It bas so Jer been found im. poÉsible Vo strike a soiid botto0n. CHAILLENGE. .4" Editor Gazette and Chronicie W . C. T. U. Dear Sir,-I would like to ar- ____________________________ range a game of basebail for the 15V of July with some fast teani of your DRINK AND MURDER. town. 01 269 murderers commnitted Vo the Our players are aii under 18 years Wsconsin State Penitentiary at Wau- of. age, but wouid play miy team of j ua in recent years, nearly hait were your town.. under the, influence of alcobal when We wouid like to hear by thé end* ~the crime was.4- committed, andi 27. o! this week from aîy teamn who 'p er cent. had been arrestéd bef ors wouid play,. for drunkenness, according ta a re- Yours truly, 'port made by Dr. Rock Sipyster, su- H . . EID, lperintendent of *ie Wisconsin State j 192 Concord Ave., Toronto. Hospitai for the' Criminal Insane,aîd fornieriy physician in charge of the THE TABERNACLE. ~VIsconsIn State Prison Hospital. Ac- 'cordiîg Vo Dr. Sileyster, aicohol was Suîday, June 21. ued ta ex cess by 41.5 per cent. o Moriig service Il o'clock. -Subject ±hes 26 muderrswhiie, oniy 12.61- The CompleQ Circie." Ver cent. were abstainers. At seven o'clock in the evening the Baocalaurate services o! -the Ontario 'D Ladies' Coilege will be preached by Sthe Rev. J.W. Aikens o! the Mero- 'politan chureh, Toronto. Mr. AiI.en £18~ is one" o!the strongest and moat Loc&I Hap eiiipre:cers in Canada. musc b te coir asisedby the S Soes Haar's hargalas la boots and College. s8hoes-, on, page 5. Service at the Ilouse of Refuge aV 4p.m. *Do't forget June 27. Mr. Parker 1S. S. and Organized Classes et 3 opticten, wil be et BasgettVs jewel- ip.m. -+ ry- store. Have your eyes examined, LODSPRY by an expert.AMNDSG DE PRT. Te is.gardon party o! thé* sea- t2~ snwsheld at Wm. Oke's on King- 'the â4Vh Roglmentel. Band gave its ston Road west, lest Thursdey evén-I unîot open air concert on the band, îng, June'11, under the auispices o! ~-stand lest Saturday evenhîg. T e1 Aimonde Sundey Scbool. As befit- ea msual. large crawd enjoyed Vhs mugie. ted Vhe firet o! its klnd this yeer, a ol very lange enowd& was fi ettendance. S lFor New Perfection cil itovegansd The supper wes- excellent, as usul, C' Ho, Poît MEictric -Irns, go -to G# aid wiiile lit was being enjoyed the ai M.L Rice's.. FSerytbing ha hardware. i 84th -Regimentai Band supplied mu- nd sic. The progrein wsas oo thé w Mn Albert- Sturges as hie new best ever heard eit -pis annulal évent, ai 'bouse eit Thorton's Corners well Mise Pearl O'Neill,"; reeder, o! To- g, unàder way. Thé. work. la being rush- ronto, was thée tttactlon, aid aseai ,et along,. surpased ber reputetton as an en-.ID - ....,.....tertainer. Rer comie selétiais were il Mr. Panker, of Culvenhouse Optital particlarly weiI done. Réev. M. E. Cd., will 'hbaet Bassett's jewelry Sexsralth prssided. 'The proceeds a- store, June 27th. Meke youn appoint- inounted Vo about $125.ý ment aow.4 0 STOLE HORSE ANDBUGGY. *Wi'th.Vhs Impravemnts et the Roy. On Mondey, Juîe 8, two Young mon ai TheaVtre théns .'wll bo-u seatig drave ilito thé. Whitby Rlouses yard, cacity af!800. Qpenlgînlght wtii aid put thein horse fi thé stable, b. Seturduy nigbt o! this week,whén îeaviîg thé buggy ln thé yard. They -the thé public will hé rsated with ok dinnér et thé hotel, paid l'on 1t, -au extra gond show.- weît out, aid havé noV beon herd of ___ , - since. When a day -or two pased,, COOL FOOTWEAR- FOR WARM Mn. Band-el, propietor o! thé Whjt- WEATHEI. by Hloues, béceme suspicious thet Vhs White caivas, poplin, aid Nu-blick1 outfit wue stolen, and a!ter thre in pumpe, oxfords, coloniale and deys hed gone' by without a lalin-, boots at- lc>west prices. 15 di fférent Iait appeaning, hé advertised i thé ri klnds Vo sélect, froni at M.W. 'Col- Toronto papens for the owîer a!f thé' l»n',haose id buggýy. The Toroîto 1lo- --.4...-.lice Pepartinént got fito toucÈ,Éoon The Ontario Couîty-Ol Girls Wiii wlth a mnan Who was the owntîr o! :hold thieir first meeting inthe aud-i thé animal, Mr. XVm. McCutcheb~,s Itonfuino! thé Fre PubIiceLibrary' Grange Avenue. Mn. McCut*eon on Thursday, luné 18th, at 4 p.m. camé Vo Whitby on Saturdar' and 'got They ill ho glad Vo welcome ailý hi s property. Thé buggy, howevcr,j ladies Who nssisted, aid are iiterest-F did noV helong to hlm, andn ownen éd in the work. - ag béen 'fnund for IV vet. Tt fa noVý a first-ciass vehicle, but 1q good fnr' rASTES'IT STIOE.S ON EARTI. rnuch use yet. Tt is one that woffld Dr. A. Rééeds' Cushîon §nie shoes perhIlps hé îîpil hv a docton Ir, the! for mon and women at M.W. CoUhlns, city for Tnalçing his rounds. No'trLco mbne ptôrê. - hng hêen fimind nt thé tIifévem. It~ so, brnthem Voeus aid we wl ttei o your waîVi. You "bed 'aýo, better make au -appoiitméiîfrfor shpse PhOTOS yohavebépî, promiing sqlong. Leaxs a eall, nd w. .!-ili came any timern sud ake a -.nie photo cf yur bbue ud tire Dlawe. .i j d- P attended opropply. Wilsons Studio' DEÂTH 0F MýtS.EASTWOOD. On Wednesddey lest, June 10, Mar- garet Grae Brown, widow a! "the laVe Dr. W.O, Eastwood, passed a-, way et thée sid nace 0f ber son-m-n iaw, Richard .Gourlay, 254 Evelyn avenue, West. -T1oroîto. Mis. East- Wood, who was lu ber 74t'year, bed been living lu o'roato since ths deeth cf ber bus and, about e yeax, and e bai! aga. Thé funenal was held on Fridey, .June 12, et 3,80 p.m. tram ber le.te rýsidence, Penny St., Vo Union cçmetery. The service Wau coîducted by Re . R.W. Allen, nectar of Ail Saints' Ch-urcb, o! wbich Mis. Eastwood was nimember. A large number o!f fieidg gatbered ta pay their lest tributé Voa Vhe oie whom they had loved in! 111e. Thé service was veny impreýsive. Thé iamiiy have thé syînpathy o! the communî-ty in thein ioss. DEATH 0F W4. GRAINGER. Af Ver a 1lengthy1 illness, two montbs o! whicb was spent in Oshawa Ros- pital, Wm. Grairýger, o! this Vown, passeti away on Sunday lest, ettVhe ageo f 66 years. 'He was found deed whéii thé V.0 N i nurse, Miss Press- iey, made ber usiaI monnlng clli. Mn. Grainger Was et oie ime a succeseful merchant o! this town, beîg partier in thé hardware firm io Gross & Grainger. Severai, years ago he retiréd froîn the business. He Iived by hiniseif in his- home on Col- borné Stréet. havlig sufféned the loss of his wife and only son e nuni- ber of years ago. About three moiths ago Mn. Grain- ger was akeî Vo the hospital et Oshawa, whéré hé was operated on for a disease o! thé foot. Hé had ne- ceîtly returned aid was being at- tended by MinV Pressley.. The fuieral service was held on Tuésday atternoon et 3 o'clock, and was coîducted by Rev. R.W. Allen. hîtenmeit took place in Union Cerne- tery. Several relatives aid !ieîds were presenV ftom out o! town. HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTION EX- AMINATIONS.' Thé foilowing pupîls have been promoted Vo Form Il in Vhs Hligli Schooi : Clara M. Jackson 90 per cent., Lamùa Gascoigne,82, Fannie Harlack 74, Millie Buckley 71, Geo. Robertson 71, Millie Luke 68, Hlelen 1-larrison 65, Douglas Bell 64, Leonard Baker 63, Wiiiie Hewis -62, Pearl Goldring 61, Howard Arksey 59, Blanche Meck-1 or 57, Charie Piaskett 57, Arthur .Staîiick 56, Murrey Tarvis 56. Cari Devitt 46 per cent., Meredith MeBnien 45, John Toms 40, Haddon Kimé 31. C. Devtt aid M. -MeBnien muet take supplementalinh speliing, grain- mer, hietory, eniihietie. John Toms muet take suppiemeital lu history, artthinetie, aigebra. Forin II promotions wiil be pub- liihed concurrently with Depantinen- ;a J±xamInantions. BASEBALL. Thé firet gaine of thé season on bo- al grounds was played lest Friday -vening, wheî Thoritan'. Corners Bunday Sebool met the earaca Ilues o! the Whitby Baptlst S S. it thé Town Park. Thé gaeswaa mot sterted unthl efter seven o'clock 'b.ich necessltated cutting off sever- il Inniags. Thiý dld noV prevent Vhe aine fnom wexlng veny iiteresting, and, tawards Vhe close, very«excit-, îg. The Berecus led for e ine by 0O-2, whén, fh thé lest innings, plt,& I."- Satur4 - - Mr. R. A. D~ouglas, of Matheson, Ont., who l eçpclosen as 1t4ie Couervtie eaddate for Coch- rae, was fornierly of Pickering, Ont. COUNTY COUNCIL RCESUMES SSON. The County Céuneil. -met again for Its adjcùirned aesion on.Tuesday., There was not a working quorwn present, and after-the -readlng of the minutes adjournment was made un-ý tii. Wednesday' mkrnIng. Miscellaneous Adverts HAY WANT1ED. About 20 1tans. Must be goal claver or grass. Appiy ta the Gi.-. zette 'Office. WANTED. A Scotch Cole pup. Preter one just a few weeks oid. Appiy at Ga- zette Office. ROOMS AAD BOARD. Rçoms and board (mnen) Terma moderate. Mrs. Hasklns, Athai and Caîborne Ste.. WANTED. Light democrat for gêneri poses. Apply box 397, Witby. NOTICE. pur-1 Heving opéned e tinsmithhîg, eave- roughing aid generai repeir shap, in part o! Mn. J. R. James' shop, Brock St. North, 1 amn prsparsd Va hundie ail kinde o! work in that lins. Jobbiig promptly atteided ta. Benj. Bryai, Whitby. HOUSE FOR SALE. New trane, hous, Il storeys, six rooms, %-Pieme bath, furnace, electrle light. Apply J. -H. JAMES, Whlt.- bpv-tf. - DENT'S DAIRY. Pure milk and creem. Morning aid levenhîg dellvery. Onder aow. Phone 177.-tf. FOR SALE. 1 Seyer aid Massey engins with selyarator aid -self feeder'1 ans straw biower, manutactured by-John Goad- Isou,, Sarnia. -1 Claver Mili, made by the Hall Works, Oshawa, wlth tank and truckcs. 1 Ensilage Cutter, made by the Wilinson Ca. 1 Grain Grnd- or, made' by Mettbew Moads & Sais. Ail in good running 7order. Apply ta HENRY ROBINSON-. Brooklln.-tf. ALL FLOUR Is not Good Flou,. ALL LARD 1 Is not Good Lard. Our knowledge à~ the menite of the goods of di ifer en t manufacturers mekes this store valuable to you. If we haveî't got what you wsnt, we will got it for yau. PURE JELLIES Delicions, Appetizing and , Wholesome. Your business friend, Wl. MEEKER Phone 94p WHITBY i THIS 15ý YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A STYLI]SH HHÀT AT A REASONABLE PRICE. THE MISSES, P95WELL Bok S.,.Whltby AT LAST WHIT-BY MIAS A REAL LIVE PAIN TER, ST ART & -GARD1IN ER -AINTERS, 9 OAtR anld SIGN WRITERS, S Country orders receive immediate attention, Distance no object.' Box (ý539 WHITBY -Bslôw, ave a 1mw Items te Convino. 'Vou of This Genuino Bargain Sais, Mcn's working boots, plain toe,. extra lleavy sole. Sale Price $1.75 Men's fine bootsý in tan and' black, button and lace stýIles, regular .$4 5o and Sale Price $1,00: Boy's working boots, reular Sale Price $1.25 Boy's fine don2ola lace boots, regular $2.5o Sale Price$ 1.50 Women's common sense house shoes, in lace, i strap and 'elastic styles. Sale Price $1.25 Women's common sense boots,. lace and gaiter styles. Sale Frice $1.50ý Women's tan calfgun nietal vici kid and patent leathers button- and lace styles, regular $3.50 and '$4.00, Sale Price $3.00 Women's dongola blu'cher boots, regular $2.50. Sale Price $1.98. Wonien's patenti-puimps, regular S$3.00. Sale Price $2.25, 5o pairs women's patent, tan and gun metal oxfords, regular $3 op and $3.50. Sale Price $1.50 40 pairs womnen'4 dongola kid c-xfords, lace style, regular $ 2.75 and $3 00. 1.Sale Price $2-00 Women's white c a n v as pumps, with'covered heel and straps. Sale Price $1 .25 Women's white canvas but- ton boots. Sale Price .$2.00 Growine girls' butturi boots in patent and gun' metal leathers, Iow heels, siues 234 to 5.,Sale ,Price $2.50 Misses dongola lace boots, Sizes 11 to 2. Sale Price $1.50 COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT EX- Mr. and Mis. Geo. Williams, of To-j ERCISES. ronto, spent a few days with rela-, Anather Caliege year has drawn to tives in town last- week.ý a close, and the usual exorcises will Mrs. Geo. Huntiley, who underwent' be held tbÉs week and noit. The toi- an operation in Toronto, a few weeks lawing entertalîments wiil b. heid ag, 's lmprvn iw this week: I rs. Chas. Bush and éhildren, et' Thursday, June 18th, at 8 p.m. .jLondon, are visiting with the f orm- Presentation o! "Tweifth Night" bMjS s parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. the Dramatie Cles. Admission 25e.yl.N1c11 oson, Friday, June 19th, at 8 p.m.--Con- Mrs. E. Frost and daughter, Mrs. cert by Undergraduates. Admission R. B. Hlarrison, of ýPembroke, Ont., 15C.1 are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, dune 20th, at 8 p.m. - Marsaal, Green St. Conicert, by Senior Class. Admission Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Man ad daugh- 15e. te,,FSail Francisco, A(al., are- fisiting On Sundayý even!ng in the Taber- the' iattéor's sister, Mrs. Johnston, nacle, the baccalaureate sermon wilu Euciid St. Mr. N4ýani is an oid WhiV- be preached by Rev. J.W. Aikens, of by boy, having lived at Hlamer's Toronto. On Manday afternoon an, Corners at one time. entertainnient ýw1ll ho heid -on arrivai of special train fromn Toronto. In the evenlng wili take place the con- ~ , ferrlng of diplomas, prizes. etc. Persona] Mention 1M S KR9 Mrs. W. H. Legge, of Toronto, is' visiting her sister, Mis.' W.E. Rîce. Miss Lille Thompson, of Toronto, speat Sunday witb ber parents. Mn. and -'Mrs. Isou Bandel and children, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the Whitby Houpe. Train Time Table#. IVHITBY JUNCTION. Géng We ...... .4 Çsa.m. 1Going dh Suntday trains laes for Toronto 4.52 a.M. aid 7.56 p.m. Prom Tor- onto-trains stop at Whîtby Junetion at 8.15 andi 9.55 a.m, snd 9.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Golng North-8..30 a.ns. 1Golng 5outh...7.z5a&.0 -.15 P:. j1.I.s . STAGES. Lmaves Wbitby for-Oshawa at 10 a.m. aid 4 p.m. Jou. Holdeu, pro- prietor.# Leaves for Broughiam ai 10 a.m. Mn. Edwards, preprietor. MAILS CLOSE. For Weit- 6.30 a.-m. For Pot'Whitby- i 6.30 amn 12-30p.rn. I &.30 p.M 6.30 p.rin. 9.0pl. Por0snhawa-230 I For Bast-6.îo!a.! lzr j t-4i a 1 .30 pin. INICHOLSON &SELDON PbOns 35 WHITOY. REAL ESTATE FRANK E. JONES' LIST. sevenal bouses and building lots for sale lu WhiVby. S'armes for salein thé Township ot Whitby aid Pick<ering. 'FRANK E- JONES. WHITOYt EXCURSIONS MI1oiewAEET SAKÂcHWA D. ..ê= 'T an Ssktch dea aChcao SauD uluth Troun 11 icest poi.Nos hangiert Slepig arars.NNPE Infant's black and 7tan lace boots, sizeîs 3 to 7Î. Salé Price 59C. Infant's-one strap pumps,' sizes 3 --to 7. Sale Fric. 75e Children's tan caîf sandats, sîzes 5 to 7j 65ç' 8 to0 ooi 75c, l to 2 90C Womnen's white nu-b'uck button. boots, Goodyear welt sole, rekular $4.50. Sale Price ,$3'.2& Infant's soft -soles, "thie new kind that never lip, in black, white and cho.co-.- late colors, button and- -lace styles, reg 6oc &65c Sale Prie 39c Women's box calf lace boots ;à good. stron'g boojt for -every day, wear, reg. $2 &$2.25 Sale P.rice 1.65-. See our.bargains in trunks, suit casesand'çlub bags. We can save you a dollar. to 'a dollar fifty on any.of-our lines. All new. stock. Wbetbén you have one lfundred dol- lars or teéu thousand -dolars to in- vest, debenturés iù thé Great .- -West L.ýoan Co. are a safe and satis!ac'tory purchase.- Perhaps you don't weni Vo ie your xnoney up for a long per- iod o! years. You 'cai buy deben- Vures i this1 Co. for one year or more, just as you chaos.. Eveny six moîths you -tean off an interest *cou- pon, take àV Vo any bank and, geV the cash, no wonry or deiay ; aid when the debentg~e matures the moicy le payable at once-no wafiig becaus" crops have been loor, or thé mort- gagor has been sick or out 'of work.- Write, phone or call upon thé local agpnt C. -A. Goodfellow, Whltby INSU RANCE Fine, Mie, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Accident and Automobiles. Agn for the best Canadian, Egnglish andý;>mericaî compenies. JAMES McCLELLAN Box 393 Whitby, Ont, Phone 129 Scranton Coal Chestnut per ton Stove Size aid Egg per ton J ý $7.25 7.OCQ RETURN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS raviFeLo The Grand Truîk Pacifie Reilwmy is At Harbor Goal sheds 50 cents thé shontest and quickest route ho- j-1 tween Winnipeg - Saskatoon - Edmon- Per, ton less1 . "1SIRANTON ton, with excellent through service Coal". -Thé naine guarenteés the to Regina. Trains îow runîing ~i!110 hghest quality. Calgary. TukAgentsi, Or write C. M. HOUN ING,M D.P.A., Toronto,.Ont. ILd. B O 9 W ib ILivery, Gartage and Teamning. I 'have receîtly added to my well' equipped livery. stable, a heavy team aid dray for ail kinde o! cartage aid teaming work, and will hé pleased ta receive orders, which will havé prompt and careful attention. PHO.NE 6;. CARRIAGE TO MEET.ALL TRAINS. duhn. iGimbkt r)UNDAS ST., W,$T WHMB'1Y sell 'Tei. 9. Home Tel. .14. E. W. EVANIS- PumpiVManufacturer Shop a,ýad Kesidence, Dundas Stre WIIITBY Three douo west o! Whitby House. Wé are prepared Vo Inst ail wood' o Iron pulmps on short notice, aise attend to ail ki nds of re- pairlng. Agent for the Ontanlo wiîd mlii. ak gasoline engines and thé '.squarep«- ed Magnet Cream Separaetor. Pa C nai'npr finn 6.2 5 i l'

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