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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1914, p. 6

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Many a e¶ild has b esa osled &wk- - fer n, - kebpf-ng for dfi'png r ak_ thing, Whed he trOulge W04e rl.y Estèî wn, Trau, St. Vtuz Dance. Tieuidieeflm y . rain appear at anyr ge, but h mdst oowprta.>j& mon etweeên .the a.ges of aix and Word com eàG 1rom EngI 4 Andre-1 -fi, , 1 toturteen yea.rs. It is ca.uaed by r nS hackloton is abou~t to thin b lood whicài fails te c&rry suffi- màtkle a. prëliàdu&rÎ trial exqedit1on ede ï, tr cintno-rshen t te eres', under Arc«Çie codition. in -the gi , o f and the child becornesrestiessand j oers of Norway. This wil-l be for - -U PG<*~uk O a the v twitching of the Muscles and jerk- bise speciàIl plirpose W, testing the war . C.B, h e pou edrt asjet ing of thse limbs- and body fl1o.ration& for hM trip. acroosthé Au-enera.l O1feer -CùMùliding-n- e r and- pwiu lof64vrlt an-tth In sever, cases the oild is unabie' Ibrctic oeùtinent, which h. hcpeâ to ueTh~ e ot nc tabli emaýtakei-ebwd.grJoit. 1 ho4 .ything or fe.d it.«If. Sb. niaie in four and a hall monthe' in isaenetsbiite ,<' n t~rono Vtus »ance is cured by-building up Lime. atthâ±nuIsùtin o h4ee-~a1' whs ies tefa the blood. The moêt suffassaful ha, with the aid 0ùhtRît Foýa soiainsowd tatt~b cf iesi ie tinainta efth RyIng a9,2 aeii.yerswok îge quia l mie cdit treaîtment is .to remove vth.e oild Army Medica1 Corps, evolv.& ýthe profit o l ,30(>1he arsWOk.the, bd !!n~acd, as 'baues been frorn ail mental excitensent, stop "perfect- ration." It will averffe sehooli work an-d give Dr. Williams' ars-lY 85 01unees daily, as coenpared A rail ayr porter, nmed -John h; 'ù ycpriuewtishnr. PikPis. These PuIM renew thse with the three pounda or mff or -, urk, ORdland. SSetGlase>w of casesi is étanioefo - blood' supply, strengten t he unsed by the.average nman, but i waë kili st aiQueffn Street. L >' poIon, i-n the.tyetem whiéh -siMIen I i bybai nthe muscles anid Tkioits witàriseu- nerve arnd restore thsee-bld te la b8hleved it represents tise higheut . ein cugnsa4ismthe.bt. perfè4 bealth. 1lioeade.proof of iiiùritve valu, o oartae. fers. eugtbtwnti-bu their powor- to cr.M..Gl . ireforola r scomp&ed b DuintPansu Cpuncil have It la affirmed., t'oo, by physiciana -MaeD-,nald, Harr*n.gton, N.8., fi'. meanbers tel hie stag when fie aolved to present. en s&iress.to tht eblt s ela hua e tisin 'inay be cured biy bee-siàg. St. ViÏua dance; at tise outs.t lie ment@ wit.h these ration.s &nd a. ise , oo Till~d e diseovery -w.ss macde quité: by step w1aa weak and jerky. w. calîî.d test hi.-tenta andi motor iedge.As 81re uit oa. Jkk tram ahe acident i.n a Lohno Ipital. Five in a ccetor wiio treated bhum, but The Pa.rty vill !donpola itsnd in the - r Siimd odDu men w-re being treated for oiironi notwit tanding -fie continued lto Frayelbi.imon'the. G-nmod rottr haihemtai.Furc hiubc * grow wrse a.nd at lut grew' sebad IAnng UcGair. did i n th e fi-r been-liard drinkeis for Yasad that hé coul4 flot liold a cup in bis While -the cold will not'be as in lu- W. ne' wa a. confirmed druika4rd. hand, wile hie head conatantly tns. ai-n "i. polar, rêgion«, thse del Lh ha* oô1rred of Mr.- Bée-stings Were appied to tise-r, - twitchèd, and bis: speech beoeme country will fursilh thei am&orMunr eo, a, retired gocr and e- . neurnto «site rather, indistinct. At"tu juncture of suddezi blizzards a&. are e . xpeni- HaWI, vaedninesty-two. H. waâ. profptly subsided. When -tlsey I saw lu a. paper tise cure-el a boy encsed in -the AAt&Mrtic. a Pioneer CItilleteMpe-rance cause were fin*AIl disocharged they found a f rom similar trouble through the. SbmacIsltOn'a new ahip, the, En. in Scotli d. t-lu the treatint lied doue more y: use cf Dr. William' Pinks Pille. durance, - s been almost cons- A disas roue fire b reke eut on t1b than cure rheumatiem-it'biad des- We at once sent for a supply,_ and lpletely fitted iu Norway, âa-will larm ln Of 8 )h L=ugmuir, Langside, trcoyed their tète for icchl.Ee in a few -weeks atter lie beýan their ar-rive et tise London docks thà te-nauted Jy Mr. «^ M&rr, ansd theth e igbut of drinkcna.uêeatd themu, 'use thero waa considerable improve- inth. Slie Mi 18 fe.et -longe-r tiss, whole sit4ek of catti, nunbea-ing and since leav-ing thi eîp-- se-- me-nt, andit was not long e-r thýs- hie lmat slip, Niîurad-. h. je a t.brty'-nin , peicederal'montbha age netoeeof them before lie was coxnpletely cur.d, be-autifui Sepecilmen of wecdclan .hip Tiet~-a lging etiela ac. iur and h'lisneer ad a. symptom ol building, and probabiy thre inst ci Wishilfg Well at Cullo0den, ne-ar tise An intcxtosted person is quickly 1 the trouble- -alce. I mrn conviuced hercIas that will b. cntructed. i'flss, on -the ftret SudI&y i-n Maysobercd by a bee-stin-g, sud drink- of £hat there is fia medicine like Dr. Zer wlole keel i. mad. ,of solid o.k was observel wàt il 11the Viine-hon. i'Dg-mien Who etaise ip 'work asong Williams' Pink Pilla for the cure of 5%4 leet thicis, aud ber eides are mme ore coreq4~ony. be-es, where thfy are frequently ns. St. Vitus Dance, feet thicis. Sire belongs to the Qu rnxerias killed anu aote-rsurig, seon 16e their old' cravi-ug If your dealer dovs-net keep Dr. ýbarkent-n-e chas, lias the î-ateat *jrdl ad fol1in ofrfiebl Williama' P$nk Pille you eau get -tripl xaso nle u i! h an~& milMessrs, lie- them hy ;-ii1at 50 ce usa box or isteam ten kuots u our. 8h. la e-rtAddiýe- md, Son'a Vie-wpark fov~ jkW mn12 -six boxes for $2.50 by writiug the' fitted to consume botii cil and coai.CiicyIdntn.?' 1180 Dr- Williarus' Medicne Co, BrocS- Whie- in the e ce i-1 wiii be aulisti- A pubiic pia.yground end gysunas- do LahW vleOn.tuted -loi ceai, which wiîî me-an ium provided by thecorporation QfI C'an,'ILUSJ 1 vil-e, Ot. -econemy if gh. i. de-layedc, in tise Paisley for thre bosse-fit of ciliuren'Rgi fiei pack, as tiie boile-s can' be ise-t reaidents -bas been fo-rmal-ly opeued READ THIS VERV CAREFULLY. Swv war n d ud b é hat ge-uerated by P-rov'ost Ibertson,. E.I Fryar a1hnan eiae.b 1MÂN-EAT11ING SIIA.tK NO 11Y111 quickiy. - W-heu -tiiecil bas been Tiiere lis juet- die-d eta-t ,sIam at or sud 1was te-nandiy teba - -- - ued the, tans wili be fi--led - with abthtie age Of 82, Corporal Robent yI law palor, andimpies d lotiees a Ilsindrpeda-f Iltîrnan Beings Kiled -water ballast. Tiie Endurance wiîî G race,. -aniotiser of the. diminisbing my face were nat oniy mortlfyiug to lIy 111111 Annually. ake en 100 -tons of coai briquettes list of Crirnean- veterang. He iýaes my feelings, but be-cause i thought my bas at the Suth S Iland se, , attache-d to the Scots Guards. askin would neyer look nice- again ibe A great many persons are of the aIe wilî enter tihe WeddeiliSeu witls Ne-wpremises are ta le- built on grew deapondeut. Tiren my appetite 8 bUIief that eharks, fie matter what fui! bunkers. the High S8treet of Hawick, for the failed. 1 grew very we-ak. Varlous n their size -or species may ý-be, do flot Hawie.k National Secuni-ty 8av1rig remédies, pilla, tontecansd table-ta I f kilt or evein attack hiuman beinga; Dogg Fromni ada. IBank, a-nd the plans lave aîrescly tieditouitpermane nto be-ne-.dsl eu-ue- aut-hurlities declare the marn- The second e-up, Auirara,, itorrii- beesi passec by t-le Town (2<unîCii. a box of Dr. Hamiltou'a Pilla. She ester wilVuuivy attacke the human ed for the lics Se-a- aide cf the ex- Tise WVatchinug Comisitte-e of Gla&- plhced rellauce upon thens sud uaw ope bonus wiieu t is incotiunless; otieris pedit-iou lia-s lieu purchased, ni oV orpor,t-iün ja understoodti tathat'they bave made me a we-ll womau whi t-bat it wil 'net totîcl a human in will be delivered at Hobart, Tas- be irn baver -of gra-nting the- city pxý>-r would flot be- without the-m wbatever whf t-h-e nude, onfly thu-se thaet are dreas- mania, at thée end of August. lice a weekiy da.y of rest, bu-t it de- they uight coat. I found Dr. Hamil- frice Od rit CLi le. - - d in The Endurance, whichii sto oper- sires to wait f-or Parliinentary tou's Pilla by the-ir mild yet searcliing G at r te post ftir ntn-5yit~i action ve-ry suitabie te the delicate ale A friersdLif m e aidng t en-ic wth eave-iengoa teA ntluauc- satiaon-tigcftePebaiecharacter of a woman'a nature. They as A frind ofmine esidig.a:tÉen- ic, wlI Jeve Enland arly n Au- At, ne-verg oonce Pgripedl meeveye-te the-y eestab-ey a-sib sacola, Fia., reseuts al these de- guet- for Bue-nos Aire&, wlieuce- sIe Couuty Ciuucil the c>utty cierk lîsse-d regularity. My appe-tite gre-w Pol' clarations, an.d affirma tii-at the wil fiua»liy< start for hle- Antarctic was au-t-horriedto-t borrow for til keen-my bloQ4. red aud pure-heavy &-t1 siiark af twe-v eo oe wilil t- base in ^Oeto.bcr. Most of the me-r- erect-ion of a n4ew bridge at Crown- rngsune my e-yea dlsappeared and Ç)00 ntackuha o on-snrne aiicnbers of thle expedition wili i lie-ad, tise ertima-trd oat 4<f wlsich is to-day Mysy kin s as cie-ar and un- F cditions -te- ody beifig atill or inr Englant i-n thée ]ndura-nce, but si $8.50 wilnkl's Pile - I waal ir. D.oft motion nude or f nliy-dresse-d. -He Ereamlltou's il, trvePillaFo tedidh ea i tucasinl.r 8ntsre' s"-sc umnEna hckeo î-itae ier Frte37tîy-rl UeCFOl The above straightforward lette-r 'wnjr)it s e- "Htnred o huanby mail steamer and j<oin hie s-iiip thre bouids -f Berwick Corporation from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- capi bem are killed and eaten annuel- a u-c.Ar-.este-te we-ré ritiden rcentlj-. The known mille-r In Rage-ravilIe, lm proot ahisi lv shnka I ersnaly wt-resa Th doa. hic costiutean in-mayr. Co:u1neillor -T. Wison a-nd 1 sufficie-rt that Dr. Hamilton's Pli5a are- IusI ecth ks.Iing o rie- min by a- Tp ortarst f-clh-e -eptiiton, i tb'oshe-riff,1Mr. -1'. W. Stilea, bond-I a wonde-rful womsn's medicine. Ume men abark, anti aide-c in kil-ling t-le- pant efato ine 'expéaiworan (a"s ir r<e-sono other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. the- sark. Tire body of the man--tItnrit rs-vbc" ofac- dtepoesîo.prbx l elr rteCtr ofTbussî-', iotf -Ie-aroo-Scoehletag hôuuti and'lave be-en Tue- Abeiiloen sîîip paint-crs have- e o.A eae-ao h ar- Ni ofWallce A. s Dcald, i hesilng nr-d oieuCaaa Te ous ut 0 s trike as t-licresrîlt of 'ozone (o., Kinston, Orntario. s Flonida water-was eut eo-spîete-lylg-tatf theniwL uutI elste-mployersrefusing au increase 'Bur4 'In-tw mda-ak i frty eetf ae 80 pou-nds, whereas the. beaviest cf 2 'cents pr ho lur, making the. Wrouig iiagnosis. tuhus. 'nt-en. saki if;vfeto a do-g witl thle lest Shacksleton exp.- bcurly wag 14 cents. Se-me- 70 Ais camlduoi -lsca -fter b 1 gi dit-uiir lak<tiou weighed 45 pounds. Tisey me-n are aff ectec. Amncglduo hsca rn b'fe iigit itmtes a veb-us-e-tedb i.epr-e M. r ilia t-oi-,for advice-. The physicien diagnos- wag about tu e evorîr the parts of hcfetuenuslcn's Ray the, perte.nd r.irkguneo ,hêinm te Iri, ~ed lthe case- as one cf nerves and 1 ofthe buso'aBayCmpnylndenkgnz-a wehl-.direhs e-prsoibd ccrdedy.71b-ar-.g h- pthended its anwel,-e-.ire-eahark will be unden tire charge cf one of isigis&ti<n as head7master cf tiie- pubr- pesnie ccrigy.Tr- ee th poon--ededïtscarer.Theshak te mstexprieceddHIvefifrm li ollarseferfndy-tihnveas'prescriptiondileprecrtti t mnax rrot- uolest'human.beings awim-t-emteprrecedrerbrurlcchcleer rt-svn3ear two do-Il-ara. The us-an -lad ou-ly ive - lie urs d te drink.cefe, sw At present aiipa traverse a long gvernment afialyst te be absolute- Mra àl i,ý«dfinally quit lu> aîd 1,,- stretcis of cold wuter fromNew 'yhanmie-aS& ve-n te the- ucw-born Spoiled the Job. gan te MA. Posturu. TIat wastflr-e- 7ealend ta t-he Horn; hySilps baise. TIe-y -re e--pecially good in l-wlli-iuxi au bu yeas 'go nd e 4q ,,, ha to-brougis eold waten wbile-Y ig psat-be- aummen because tse-y negulate Howl.--e, o atatig E we-ar glas es anid bas lied nej trou- 'lm '¶oiancGast, aud siike vr-c eptb-soai n-iiyurs-f aluiilhs ee ice. Ou-oit- vertieal-ly across the equa- se-e-t and pu re. TIe Table-ta are Powel-I gue-s tiîat's gooti ad- Rarag "I'a I&,ifond of tea andte r. Tius tiey are- in rotwaer o ld by edie- deae-na or by mail %ice; I never got ýa-fellow te lie- fr coffee nndf1finalIy be-came __,,) n~~~lY a e-w da.y. Bu-ter or at 25ce-uts box brous The-Dr. m Maî id' m-k -eso veus I ceilti hardy ait gtilI îeng ceediug f rcM Ne-w Zealaucld t, i -liru ' icine Ca., Brorille, i.- o e -ough to e eat a m e a . M y e art ma - an sle ocs au ý t- . i a G in m a f s bfii n 1 a -hafo e waa ln uch -ka condition 1 tiought wise, sd se would b. in hot wate.n giLnmetromofanostn am might die at any tuse. -foa eý uhlne eidAMlenVrosLnim Certainly, chargi "di a -dlntgvem-rle cf oef ea -aves tie Iu Eugiaud a mile- meaus 1,760 "Wl»-do yu sa.v astusin as andI wîs - lmost-despe-rate . was works lu Ne-w Zealud-as hard nayards, but luirn ad utm-n d-da ada ai " ing eoliss abu -is tinse we dccided te qurit st-eue., It se-fte-uS Fsiightîy durng 2,240 yards, uci in the - Higîla-da froggy. - W-ly la a deen nail :any h,,ier. e-aile-e an4-use POStuns. and have tIe pro>e6as cf baudliug sit theiiit uay me-au t-le- od 8,Sc-l ile- deader than a dooni"th- uns.4d-it e-vtr since-. 'Ians in perfect w baryes, and for two days, per- ob 1,978 yards, lu Switze-lniscltihe 1'Because it -bs bee--n fit on tii iiste helth. No t rouble uew with ur p-s, afte i yrli r ue-h"slips are laden the- rnoitntw.nee-ns tinkui 9,153 t-le pro- liead," repi-ltr-goc.wai b< beart and neve-felt bette-rl rfieratMys .g niehin.e,are-Se-pt at per tihing, c- eplied ashit gene-rai werkdnvngeu -le iaruth. Burt ly la, it lave y mucliuphli. -TisethW, "1Pestums bas en a great bIens- Once t-is ia doue, ai-i 'tle machline Swif-8 je t-be uge-t mile cf ail, b.- - --e iug te us a11, P&r NuIa-îy lte-my sou have fa do is topre-veu-t warutbing boilowed )v tue- Vie-nipt and iysel "--lSig u;anl, natunatly, the- mile- -o! 8,296 Ya rds.Tire FlemiaL --- wa er hewate-r tisrough whiciimil - d Nanse gi-en by CanadliasiPostuns awne- isp&smileii.liger, 6,869 yr, -r-' c- u-aie1 ad"Ts teslpt-eSien -8, 237 yards, t-le Ru-selan - -- -Nite Go,, Ind f<~n. actHs avetwork. - te e (wonot) 4,100 va-rdsad,di-n De-ril - RoadtaoW emîesu Pnnact s, g-eatwoud e- is-x- mark tliey wal-jç 8,244 yards aen arces Re-guise , ostsrm - must be wel-i tra. coat ef ke-epiusg tise- rébrieatorn it- ado cc il- I.0-asa bole-d,-. 1 and 25c paecages. os- tbatcwr &eY filat MJ, toge- bave- nideriedt-hein bonrse-r dbf- fm Instant ?ostum-ii sosluble pow- liber vithl the- ca-n-aIdue-s, would flenutiljes intothe le ome-fers ad h ie-n. A& apôoufu1 dîissolve-a quicis- more tIen couintcraclthIe saviug in (le-s -than tise- Engiiirmle. u IY lu, a. cul . cf hot wae r àaud witb îeg-Arbci ,iyrsamile-,.wbie pnii aue4an .d i ugar,. maires a doliciout Arfileunk e Yarsaafle w hile ,826 ioerge-I~stûtl. Oc -sci >c - No se -yards, and t1hýE Italian Obortens thle eas "l'u gong t enage-lu s batisdistance of a. 1 ile ta 1,7. rThe'-sat per oup ef-bot-b kisdsla cf wits-hle annouuced. raeo XUt rrthte- same. -- -"Wlsat's tie se-e.of going lut-e bat- Ee aà adld ubr-l- -a f~' -à -, eason" lor Peait-un. fle wit.lso 't any s.nsmuiitifyn Vsheirstesi-ps .and dqwua. nomeII - 0 --*old by Gracensa. asked. - ,ha.iog, D . SU 5-1. erta - I ÂMM 6 ad cià hiè wo la- ad l, at ianyrate, 55rvcto lhow w- o -M oe nhugenuity with which Vhs ur- ýdPe n Ü'w tret-sents'ce-ntui-j Euglish cIaxpnte-r (~. voea' ttreworld, spuewr dvlsdii ytn f- - ~ ~ ~~ld stne-sEes and tb-ru-t& mca s cnscicea ~ Wha is ..happeis.-nwl tat_________ l n ~ a a n g l u z t hd e a k - u g c i s h a i me r p o s t e estîg ino u~ it wu ..anid.bedosans, as Well ais 0f thiarehee a îwsys t'ýet'tirrg9 w aiuo il tlfia d soDread aul w iIich sp ri ug f-ro m e , l E .D A W BO U , E5iety ol o v e m Y Tfac s la big di.figm rrin blotebeo p uuing th e. w ll p ost es dA la e wbilch did no0tdîsasuparat aiL TIreT Woul«d dean aw4y frins-tfr-e w-ls. I wll , WANT TO BIYV b a ye a i o nl ID t l Y . o rs n e . T h e r n - b - n c s - a ufei i i t t e l r ,f.~ - ~ t o c k G r a in o r Womdltgue ny face Vary Muci for tirhe-n-- ,ie-_ DwnBa : î m b e s g u d a a w a y v o e h r n g a u g V e o e r c t u r e wt p h r w i t î a V i b r n t . ; T o- r o n t o , air~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ZZL h nw omodrnde lgt n meopisel 1. W. AISOX, ooe 1 oW tlu 0 #odëoOO mmenedWa)rk. -ILfttle eau b. doue -to repair - ------ ans witýiout any affect. A fuie-st tôld me Of the ravages of ths be-etle, thougi VutAcib 8 Sap as u inent sud I ob- t-sa. n asen-ofl pii GENTS., -ZIG .>MON tansd i cake of Cide-taa ndaboBospar oi- tk ofi p t un dollar book, "Deal OfCutLMrOAtnmot. Te firet applcation ~cavitiés and*by mes-na f va.n PressofIreland.1" -Bot b- aff rd ed reli f, 1Iw uas ld wth th e O u tlcu na Fp me p a raptio n q o f. su lp h u r t a d î8ecaU r r- ic ; W r e a t -f or re ap g a n y tu nther aetlvit.y 6a it sp a it. N ie-ois L m ht p id; ci SoPlnd 0arm w te11MO tI eek Te- es &m-nsiter beettis era; te, Pgrsie lim -tre iawoe - raSartîresi-ds&-- i. a-ni-mal, net-btreilis, a skate-- IISOLMI 5 loS - cîodlot-se. t kt, la- 0DsWOlEXLY,-IN LIVI POai. Ir lis. YorkW'QTiS E, sia.ped GO ctif' »m 5SsandOuatc'JrOit m e w ich d ies tie da mlage, a-nd tuis.-Bu osislnco n ct ton e ml y, drirgistii ds"b9 it ers « «7w . . W erner -as an 'enor mous appe-tite $4,000. Terins liber 5. W A5 - Ing Company, 73 wVit Adi A For a lAi ùera fnasa pe ofeaci, with 2-p. quickly e st -ts çW&y ti-tir> gul tise Toronto. - book# aeà&D veht-e-îd ta Patter Ding 4. and very pewerbul pincer-like jaw5.' -C o n fin e -cl ilu &a c o rk ed - b o tt àe i l fl ->- U O L A o U -quicky eat its way tirough tie jANCER, TUMORS, ,'LIU coik. 0Qe specimen wisie-iwas ou- %utinternai and extîrnai. ODDS AND ENDS. coà otpinl Dy ur home treïat flued lu a battie wibli a tibprotect- no beflore tee late., Dr. Belli e-c cor s re tired rom thle- conte- t Co-, Ltmi>ed, Co iingwood, Si,ga-pore ow -as a population W t hfie tins z .dwa-a lu danger of. 1 303,322.t irv in 'g .- lt-a hife-i w a s p ese rved -~ fl-tialu Sou th A f-le-a ýha s 8,501 and i±a aPpeti e retai-e-ci by a- m ea i îlea of rilwa0y inu operitîio. o tefaml Westminster es. - Ca s exp rtaed 20941,000 b. T e a ways, as istaw ay is fchiee-se du ning Octob r. - alocm -fe- rain of the wood, T i., T ii. Ch uese dvide lhe- day inte l ightl godei- -row n colo n of m ueh f- part, ceu tuc bome in-g, tise roof la due- te- a -species of mil- A w e ll- eo n stru o .cl b rick lieu e ce w o r nitt. ill outlaeti aie built cf granite. - . ' Vaie-nua-tien las an esentiel qu-ali- Best Lin inieit of -Ail tion for mariflg in Noway and- ce-don. . Destroys Every raiqte, -- Tie- a-ts -of Sentis Airerica bave ou, known to e-onstriuct a-t-Iree- But- Neyer Burns ietunnel. The 0e-nnan village of Renboru "Hour thankfnl wp are- te get lold ag a inde-n tree w bic l is e.id t a ai su ds sa uonde nul hou aehold rne-s more fl tan 1,200 years (>Id. e-dy as Nervlliue,'" w ites Mrs. E. P. Lamnsotagne ironhem home ne-ar We- Shanghai re-eeutly saur tse open- tasiin,. IAiberta "in this iar-aray 9 o f -t - e f r s t s t - e - e t c a r ýs y o t e m s e t o , f nya r n a t r o Lanced; constsucted sud operateci dnuggist, every' farnily neecias gooci ely by Chunese. - supply ai liniment. Nerviline Ia the Iu ee-cf the Spaial cities a ce.- beat of aIl. It deat-noya e-very pain, Your- Sativ-e Society -bas been -forme-but never bumna., We use Neviline iic isto av a ental arftt, s ascore of waya. if lt's rheuma- H ome T5.9 iol leho ave a ental ai-ret ten, achlng baek, pain la the aide, ~ L 5e7r ie-ne a-Il] sorts cf foodatuffsanaud sciatica or stAff neck,-you eau laugh I e l r.-a e-s lnuay be procurec. att-hemin f yen have lots oi Nerviline D ë a ie-logstgbav etimatei ts handy For sarache, toothache or egre-at- -German deposilt-.of pot- crampe 1 don't think aything could 1\K your Home Trae1 r saitai practically fIe -onI-y in- act more quickly. Por- a gene-rai ail-. for a opy of this cet tant ene in the uronît, wil last round pain remedy 1 au thinir oi ne- It flis t ousaucs ef tie presenu> rate.f ex lo taÀe thiug more alusble- sud speedy te at a great saving te ye. I ),O years. e p rai n cureta n Ner llne- . te att nd lae i Frenchr Guinea î regardeci as fse te-lls heu rne-hable sud trusty thia oîd. ingly low prices, be-cause tire he ndceat cf the French West tise re-medy le, Nerviline fer forty are sbippedý - -1 ican colonies. Konakry, file years bas been slîouae-hold word ln Drc rmkcoyt ta, la the port tîrough which Canada. Scarcely a home iu CanadaD -er Fo Fa -rgt nost, t-e- urleeo f the exprt and you au find wuithout Nervline. Every andt uus you savb middhî pot trade pase-asd imprve- comnunity bs-its living examples of Iprfits. nt ac engmae othle uroudenfu'l curative properties et Your Home Trade Deale itsa-e e-ugmaie tt>fa'ci-lit-atec Nerviline wbich wiII cure pains sud you PERSONAL SERVICI eonstantly irsc reasing liede, aches anywhere Iu the joints or msus- absolu tely guarantees every i ýative eh ' Idnen in tse Alska les. It's pe-netrating, sootiig, ýtirereforea urcraetiroug 00i. under the, United States warming sud salle for young aud old mans COMPLETE SAT! reau of Educaiticis be-cons. eo en- te trie. G-et thre large 5iIc. farnlîy aize TION eryour moue-y bacis w ais-stic over t e perso nral ygiene bottle; i's t-e mSe t ec nom ical, 1 questior. - npaigu tisat trey requentîy Smali triai size 25e. at any deaIena Give tis catalogue 'a pli ng fiei- fatiers sd brotther.. to alYhre s ui oe.Lt ie a o l t o 1 a v e t ie m p rt ti sio u g h D al r ru e . g o o t d se c clipping and clean-ig proce-ss o neth ng sien-d be-coue tô dis- Reznem ber avers' dollar. six I .e a nd a o f t he - le a h e r eau - a g e th e - b e lie -f fia t. c o m f crt-a b le - o m e tb ro u i!b th is ca t lo g u e i elaties are ne ver styli a. -e ronom y s olne satimacti pà - yu, uand a decîced bnefit te £ak for i mard'a snd t axe no otire. district. FIT 10 LIVE-MUST -DIE - (atehing Up. i Theèreis là, c verdict rendereci a thousanci a Home ýwhen corna get are. Do tbem to ("W -y do yen insist ip-n iaviug Trade ih b>' Putnaus's Corn Extractor; lt t-e- biggest clame- of t-ie pudding, Store ýpaulesagl> iu twe-uty-four houns. H-amry?7.' asked the motlercf a Ne-ar- "Putuazn's, the only sege-tabe ne- ASmal o."s~ orodrh-- You It see-usst-nge tiret-le cotrld ide-r a! great corporatio'n liSe for y'ears uritirout be-iug fouud .1"Well, .yen see,tue corpar- A OWN DILIOWST WILL TELL TOU Erine Eye iemei>'for Redi, Weak, W3avery and <Srsnnmued Eyellds; No smaarting- ,e Comboi. WrIte fr Book f the Eye A 'rîe. Murine Eye Renedy Cu., Chie-go. a young m-au -l asise a-udacit,v ropse ta a girl, éhe -shodd have impuidence t-o accept hlm. a'$ lLimerit. asa b, Piysicisma kT~iA FAIMOI~S R00F. ýgPs of Be-eles on the-liof et re- than five liindreti years'ago e-ina-n carpeuter desigrscd the e-r be--a ropf lu Westminster and finisised the job lu 1397, ,ig -six shil-lings a deay for lis s. IL urss cheap eneugl, sud wenS might bave lastec an- five isundred yeîrs but for 7estmiuiste-r be-etle. The We-st- er beetlehas eatefil-toee -e-ams tintil one ca-n scoop out t-en woed by ,and-uis, anti icIe archec edifice is sinkirsg le-ss tesay, -t-h. bee-tle is e-t- itocher-pi-rtsof tise oak le- -le be-ae h ave imentloue. -r purlin, nonhe longitudi- ýru-ta which sfoi-mfile &ide unr file fine gothic tracer- arvinÊ are ssei-ed ta thia in- »parasite; but fie wall pofst i-mmer beais sud poste are pally meu-t-on-ed be-cauýse oni lies tse urof surpporting anme-r bea-m roof; anddalee ?e sone of tire-se great lunuei- sufeme - mio- f om the in- otii.e1srva of tbleetie. If aset posýsible- te stand lasside of thre cavities. The a-rchccl nr beans roof iis liSe an in- Awitb-oral.Aisde tner euhrtleci t-e ît-7" "-NTo, he isn't-," repliecit-le litt-le fe-liow, "Be was eating pudding twa ve-a rs-be-fo-eI was;boru." The Ne-artrhMils. "And, my de-ar, 'wha> mountains lu domnestie hife give yen me»t trouble "TIe- kit-chers rings. Mr. Critic-No, they like every- onç to think it. natrira!. Miss Caustic -Y:Dur friend, Smythe, brags tha*t he is a &?lf-nade man. You never he2ýr a. seif-made wonian boasiiffg abot- t,4 rde- Dealer - togue. artiles 1every surpns- You leman's -r gives article. SFAC, vitrôut Trade cla ims. eut nt' ost 0 yogi - - -i--- I -- r~->-ir: -- - - VT KITCHEN A cool kitchen on irn g da s,,pc ibe with a i*ft The heat is ail in the bùrper-none in die rooni. The New Perfection i~ cheaper than coalý-and cok s better. Briols, bakes,! roasts, toasts.- In 1, 2, 3 and 4.burner sizes. - Ask tosee thé 1914 model 4 burner, cabinct range- with fiQes cooki ng aven. At alhardware -and general stores. Roai.OïlCives Rut Resait. ME TU E MIL L îid Torojito Quebec IaIa d.ra St. John Winuip.g Vaacouvar o" ýK

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