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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1914, p. 8

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BRqÃ"ÙKLIN.. lin Wordm,>À Toresito, in yiit-' 1 a Rses cý ', ! t hwaipnIJgl; er parenté- ïre. -,oiay.wità her parents lir.. Rey3Mr. 118k 'occupied the puipit Misa Siocombel and 1 Irlren d 1,'of T0ý et the -Me4I1Qdtchvrch on Sund"a >np~spent* Sunday at 1r.Ar- OV1UII1- On Sunday niWth k e rvice will lic taken by Uc, MXr. Totten, of ï~dis Lur ~ortop, o! Torno rnce Albert. t n~t Bunday wîqh lier patents, ' n ot, o!f bly l tyn Mr. 4dams, of~ Oshawa,. whe pur- with her sister, lirs: Hennùit. Jas. Slnner' prope ty, [t 8 1 hooped that *some of thé soin.eo, ias dlei's ed not teStatut. Labor wlll b.. spent >immeti- te the. operty, .and' oonsequently, iateiy upon Our sdwls as the kiet thei. ey aid te_ seal the. bar- board walks are la a -dagerous andi gaie.dUapidateti condition'. gain.lke, f siiw - Thé'. adiese o! St. Thomas' church qnning the. blackémith shop, forr- iit tti.h ee M.Rpro o wned by Mr. P. Scqtit. 1 - Wednesday. Thie annuai anniversary services of The Standard Banki Cienks, Wh*> the Methodiat Icburch wiii be heid arein charge of the branch ber., on Sunday, Juný 2", and Wednesday wi nftr eid nsl.vlae ýJxiy lot. Reserre tii date. Fulier The basic wili an'ow b. Oee frein partlculàrin »1nou next Issue, aine o'dock until threeo'cioCk. Xn. -and Mr1.JmsTede !IM. Alva Bîggs aamd hs btr,0 .Wtby, visited witii ML. and Mrs. J. Trnoipn una lhter Kayllard lIot we;k. parente here. oOh i -G. and-MIrs. Henderson o Mrs. Wiii Croral ront t sar I to, visited th s week w it '14r. Hospital la t Week te underg a n tlir.Chs 9aa operation. The latent report . that- Témain ,etreeta have been ouled iii ldong r w selle i ledyen r àunlng the past "" kreck. which makes It odn oraspey eovy.F yMu r ch more pleas nt for the resîdentulM. n Grill s aitdluTrntoMiss lii, Mud buoinos pooýlle, keeping it free Grills vlîted Tofon as e"y 4rom-jlust. i.ma'fine tMs ea .~ Mis Vilet spent the Haycraft and Miss Grace Hs.l: mil Wek ehd with relatives In Toronto. b. pled to know that they a Umr. Wagar and chiid,, o! Oshawa, [passed their- examination.lu vocal aI $eust lait week 1 with lier motiier, çthé -0.L.C. Mie Haig teoèiv6d rsi- liNs. Broad. Mr. ivagar was iiere dais honors andi Mise Haycnaft hon- ever Sunday. ors. We congratulate 'these Young Uriah Joites bas the outgide ladies upon thein succless. - r work oe!bis' new bouse Mme. John P ognon, o! Oshawa,' vis &bou comWed.Itedwitii Mr. andi Mru. James Wood.- lirs. P. Francie is havîng hon house ward, on Sunday lait. niseti and othervwise Improved. Mr. andi Mrs.- R. C. Pyke, o! To- rA.CEliôtsnwhuela ronto, were guestuo! Mr. and Mns. being rushed èhe4d wlth ail possible A. E. -Wells, on Sunday. eed. It wiil bé ready for the brick- A very pretty wedding tookplace ,-ýrs In about a t.week. on WednesdaÃŽ, June lOth, at the ýneeting o! the ratepayers o! S. home o! the bride's parents, Mr. andi 3, Whitb , will b. held In the Mlrs. C. J. Grass, when their young- * - 'ué aI i ookl1a, on Wednes- er daugliter, Jenulo Irene, was unit- naingtJui 24th, at 8 o'clnck, cd In marriage to Mr. Gordon Hall, Mus Impotant matters In re- et Brampton, son of Mr. and Mrn. pto Educalion ln this section. Thos. Hall, Brooklin. Only ýtii. m- 1' ratepayer lis requssted to bel mediate relatives andi frientis wers nit. Henry B3urton, Sec.-Treas.1 pregent. Rev. R.> Allin, -o! Myrtle, Sour Stmh and Heartburn? LITTLE DIGESTERS m22ccýý Cu= oR TOUR monny DACK At eU-Drugglost or direct trou COLEMM4 MMCDICINS COUP 8600Taroox, olvr Cern Cu Are the very- latest and best ide l,_grelat corn fields of Indiana.- Don warerooms *and investigate before necessary of farm implements. S Acar Ioad of fiÉst grade Fra Ç ust to hand. ____ Il- ,"lURIAt JO ~oklin Bell ant inld. Phones. -I-i-at-o-s----- ea, straight from the4 uîfail to corne ho our purchasing this most )st Fence and -Gales eNES4 ontario.1 ,nSeasonable Nocossarios - Iron Age Sprayers a necessity and a benefit. -They save ýcrçase the yield and improve thec quaiity. 1'aLriity to-choose fronu forImany purposes. your cro p, We have ai Binder Twine, Be sure and gel our prices before placing C.ockshutt Riding Cultivators No. 5 ail st-el two row corn cultivator, has ail the latest ~rpcements and cultivates, two rows at oine lime lCockshùtt .5prIng Tooth'. One Row Corn Cultivator - 1 kuîlt wîth stiff, i1ethy is,çLe ader. Di Lawn Mowers BelP>tment is completes and the pri~Wngt -41plebe lUne of new and used Cardiages on hand. Morses ;Afew good young Clydesdie Farnu.1-orses for- sale. WFo.Di WHITBY# 5NEY O~NTARIO. Bell and Independent Phones. uuvéning tai nfoa rip tiai i on n i iç , pent S y i iayWth- -Mr. and Mr.Braah. tveaýbide,,travin or a suipte of Deay 'at Me ticbrdetraelin li asut o nYy Mr. adMr R.E. Fomrythe; and blueslI, A be bhsirmebrn heyMr, Dave Scott, of --iareniont,M. iitaoup tXî ~. - 'in #,'ýagn of angtr'dantiJ. Br amptdn. 1The .presents ,merc nu- 'b--:ihwneo re ie, ilierosbeendm i tich hndýa ouathemore wilh A. M. anti Mms. Ellis. high ntem'in hichthe oUng Miss aï-o- lrm t,*thA couple6 are helti. BJnilau t lrmnmt . M -. nd rs.--Pleher. WONDý'RFIL HIIK-Mm. anti'Mms. Hadde'n, of Wick, WONDER1~L HAE. - iti John'anti Mme. Leaîk. Clean, anti free frà>m dantimni! and Mm. anti Mmi. MèKercer, of Uîîea, possesOIj ail lie,,r"dace 61 perfeet %m.Aubton, m eo anad Mus isair. *'Tis.isb Juit irisaI ageifié Lk, tEpoZ t .tt ondMrs. meana te -tiose IvII ner mthitIch- .UcDontld. lng scalp, dandif , coanse, dry onrlin., lira, anti'lis -Horn, and lins. common !ooklng Ibiir. Sagoine lIoBentley, of Utica, mlti Mme. Ander- nIlite bta facti unattractive hair. son. Sagelle feeds thc hàir root With tic Mri. Kerr anti Mmi.,- Caîsie' anti necessary toot for prometing 'a family, of Toronto, wlth W.A.' and beaithy grombi. Sageine la 11t> Mme. Kerr. daîntleit toule yen couidi wlh for. . A. 'ant i .-Dryden and family' It- leanobi a -dye, and Io foe sticky or iiblJohn andi lre. Miler. greasy. À shk0r-llopbottle CoOts 1fr. D. Jane "o! Toronto, wltlu'Mi. only 50 cents, and3[r. j. E. W tille anti Mme. Web.* . glvei biis persenal 1 parantee to re- Mr. Dewart anti dauglitér, ef Ep- Iundthe ti oney If yen are irot- eýýn-- l.with-'R. and lira. Adron. 'tlrely éatisfied. Be sure-tle'go te J. .Dfv Liwo;nd. Mr, .Shirkf, o! Clans- E. wii.' l tug store, as-otier stores !mont, mihDave anti Mmi. Parrott.,' cannt. suppîy yen. - The annlversamy soervices o! Banna' ciarci, helti on Snnday andi Monda, PORT WHITBY. * ire a great -îucceis. The . SundVy (Recelvedtacteelate for iast isé.)atteÃœded. Rd" Mm.. E. N. Gratngler anti uhtrYork delivereti inspiring sermons â May, o!' Scarbore, opent a, 1cm days the P sries niuecn ui with Mme. Jas.. Smith.. w sevcanspil ui Miss hitne le iayin~Tiums s r: endered by Buras, chuirch choir. Mssmitfonerei aigt huavis heil a taanticncrtwere a -- nie foiMm . t ro. ing. t i thr1continuance o! the succese o! the pré- nicM. DdlyWdo useKanti îw oues day. Tea was serveti la the Mrs DuleyWooboue ad ,twobassinent, andtihte ladies outtit pro- ciudnen, o! Niagara Fails, spent a viens efforts ln their endeavor te few tinys heme visiting olti frientis provide the beat. The concert waa anti relatives, eXcellent. Mme. Archer, e! Port Per- -The excessive .heab , of Monday n- edrt eealdigtu oa causeti much discoinfont even (ncool eoyoi nti MisevelDheligur caor olt Pot ~Iibyiiwh~~~ on tinv Permy, proved henscîf to 6e a capable la bbe musty olti sclxoolhouse,- sever- anti entetaining rentier. Rev. Mn. al pupils goiag iiome quit. 111.. <Jumie spoke. The chair wae occu- Mies Eva Moran, o! Guelph, la tihe pied by Rev. WM. Haig, ô! Bnooklin, guest e! lier ululer, Mmi. F. SteMler. ' Th offerngs on Sunday anti the Mr.Leslie Moore le 111 at ber proceeds of the tes, anti concert ex- home nean Heyienehore Park. ceetiedtihbe mot sanguine expecta- lins. T. 'Y. Atkiasoa le slowly mé- tiens, n urmDe ucimdgo coverlng from bler recent sevene Ill- aseand teBu ro Curc anti graiic nesa. * mith th tesulte o! te an's ai- Mme. J. Kean, o! Toronto, visitedti h eat fteyal ni ber mother, Mme. S. .Jackson, Inet versamy. week. M L. Freckle Face. A aumber froin hem. atteadedthebb-SUN AND WIND BRINO OUT annlversamy services at Ashburn on IGLy SPOTS. HOW TO RE- Sunday and Monday. .MV AIY Mr. anti Mme. O. A. Wilson, o!fOEEAIY Raglan, spent Suntiay at the !ormem'sl Heme'i 'a chiance, Miss Freckle-Facc brother'a. ta try a remedy for lreckles-with the Theme milIl be a strawberiy festival guarante. o! a reliabie 'dealer that it on tue 3md o! July on the M. -E. ili nat cost - You a penny uniesa lb chumch lawa: Partîculars inter. emoyes tie ,fecklee;; wbile if lb Mr. anti Mme. F.E. Harrison, o! decn gîve yen a dlean complexion the <ronto, vialteti fientis hene lmet exP"nse0 etriiling. SimplY get an wLk.ounce e!, otiiine-d ouble etrength frein Somo o! oui'unferprising cîtIZens 'any dnuggst anti a teirapplications are talking ef getting automobiles ahoulti showý-ou hem easy lb le te bile season. -nid youreel! « the ixomely freckîs A pamty o! thlnîy-flve mobor cycles anti get a beautiful complexion. Rame- pasoe through here on unday. ,ly le more than one ouncc needeti fon Miss Spencer, o! Brooklil, visited _the moret case. frientis hem. mest week. Be sure to ask the duggist for the Mm. J. Binkett Io gettîag tie ina- double utmengtb othine au thie iu the terial hauleti for ies ew house. prescription soiti under guarantee o! moniey back. if l fails ta remove EARLE-BEACOCK. freckles..1 A quiet but vemy petby wedding mas solemnized t tI he hiome oÏ Mm. anti -Mme. H. Eanie, o! 80 Pendrith Ave., Toronto, on Wednesday moma-. ing, June 10, at bea-thimty o'clock, when Edythe Viola, yonngest daugh- ter o!f1Sr. andi Mrs. Wnî. J. Eanie, o! Burketon Junctloa, Ont., becamel th. bridc o! Mr. Iicmtram -Hughies Beacock, only son o! Mr. andi Mrs. Jamnes Beacock, o! Myrtie Station, Ont. The 11ev. J. J. Fierguson, o! Toronto, officiated. The bride, who!ý mas given away by hem brother-mn-j law, looketi charmiag, gownet inl ivory ýduciese satin, mibli shadow lace, embroidemet i mth scedeti pearis. She camieti a bridai bouquet o! white roses anti lily o! tue valley, and aise more the groom's gifI, a penn ad, diamonti suabiinst. Mrs. Enrle, the bride's sister, who altendeti hem as matron o! honor, looketi well lnaa pâle yellow satin gown, with seedeti pearl tunic. Mn. Ennle acteti as best ma. Atter the wedding breakfast mas senveti, lie happy couple le! t for a trip around tne Muskoka Lakes, tie bride traveling la nabumal colon, royal 'mIth 1btto match, _jrlmmeti mîtlod rose plum fes. Upon their etura they will balte np residence at Myrble Station. Have Pretty Haire THICK', SOFT, FLUFFY, AND NO DANDRUFF.-USE PARISIAN SAGE. If yeur main du losing its nabîmmai colon, comlng out ýnd spiitting, on Jacks tiat enviable: soft tes, gloss anti beauty, do net despair-pnebty bain le lamgely a matter o! cane. Ir lb ,le tee tuan make it grew. If ibiIs harsi anti bnlttie solten lb up-lnbri- cate lbt. If you have dandruif lb ia because the scalp le boo .timy anti flakes off. Fresien nupbthe scalp miih Parnama Sage-ail 1 dandmuif dlsaýp- penne, !nlllng hmirndant tcieagied ceaie, youm haîr le -tioubly beautîful. Parisian Sage, oiti by A. H-.,Allia anti at -ail dniig ceunlers, le mest mmlt you need-a lange bottle coste but 50 cents. Il surely maken tie hair lustrous andi secin bwice nas a- butdant. You cannet b. dîsappolat- .i -la Parisian Sage. COLUMBUS. Mr. anti Mme. Walter Moore spent a fem day. vislblang frIende la lhe The-Peut Office ki been moveti la- le lic Tempemance Hense. Tii. fanerai e! tie iate Relit, Ioig;- son, took place liene on Fnliay at, anti wai very largeIl' attendeti. DEATHS. McCUTCHEON- At Schomberg, on Wcdnesday, lune i7th, 1914, Susie Joncs, beloved wifc o! T. Arthur McCutcheon, aged 38 years. Funer-1 ai Friday. RAGLAN. Miss Fioda Dring, o! Toronto,spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie Reeson and family, of Brookiin, spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. Wadge's. Mr. Gordon Hodgson is visiting nI home. Mr. and Mrs. Avery attcnded the marninge o! the latter's nephew, Mr. Gordon Hall, at Brooklin, on Wed- nesday iast. Our Epworth League was well at- tendeti on Sunday eveaing. The Ladies' Aid heid a successful meeting on Wednesday o! lasI week. W. understnnd that four scholars are witing the Entrance Exams. at the Higli School bhil week, and to these scholars we express the hope that succese will attend thcm. BASE UINE WEST. (Reccivedti oo laIe for laut issue). Guard R. W. Burton, o! the Cen- tral Prison, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. E. Story's. Mr. John Kemp lost a valuable horse on Sunday by lightnlng. Mr. I. Pathlc, Port Hope, carpen- ber, le puttlng up a tent on Mn. E. Story's place. A DIRECT AND MOST EFFECTIVE TREAIMENT for CoId In the Head 'and Oatarîb Soin. Internai remedies, sncb asj Na-.Dru-Ce Symnp o! lâinoeeti,,,iconice andi Chiorodyne, undoubtedi7iheip a retdeai in checking a cold inl the gr%.But you get tbc quicicest action frein Fessai Daim. Tisi.laapplicti dircctly and con-. veniently thFough the neir nozr.ic- shapeti end df the coilapaibie tube in wiici it le put up. Thiis littie nozzlc reaches weill p Into tic nostril, and a gentie squeeze on the tube discharges enougi of tic Fossal Daim to apreati ever the membrane iining tic nasa passages, kili tic germe of-the coid or catarri, sootie tic imarting inflam- mation, make breathing through th& nostnils free andi easy, and check the. colti or relieve the catarnh at once. - Tic tact that Ibis neir means et applylng lth essoai Dai aseohandy, anti t ilghlnpwhrereianeti M dulamch to the value ofthissopieud remedy. oc atbal yomrngglata' or post- psdfrom Na tnlDruvg& Chemical of Canada, -imilei, Montreal, à Mr.,A. Burton *as in the citY on Ni> FrienI& A/ Like The,ý TOWNSHIP COUNCta Ail anember.- &losngt -14 êevlte ands c6nid Cornnlti.o bWFrim Jhn Ri, ore iha ! oa 27, t c à. romrZ a W-atray tioni e nMnaiJt A. J. Halý' iews heard by oin-h aotnd anttêd 8,co. 3. toÉ,fr .1.àib Grbt' made Asciation fr Iformpatiento, odso r6Uh .t wasi n mov'e nd ecoandedf that lahd HyoEe'e nd CoUniionr Brwnbea riod tommiaesiers orerennfa-T TAt J thlet Reeve nd Cou Co Hal bi e omialers for Pdiering bTi.,n loth2sad thconcesio3. ean Councillrs uthrade apdcatownfor Pickering ownlineand south o!thet i th coe nsson and herown of Whtb. hebv commissioners rRahTI. Tat ine onju nctiowithcomision-al bè4 misoers forn Pg uiciliTI., lbrt ws m onc tatess duming ofn the unlcllGt be anroiefon Picktria noie aedbeomadeopubli thrugthhnessaienteand hrownclof Actlncnube0fwie fecemmsbon- ere rmadnte. niialti It was moved that the Clek ite o ore nbd the hiy hghay l toe tenroatfue rh,ândzrecan- mendg thtth ailette al hon 'ai dAnub. rcefbywire fence bwhich will greantenei ti igw i . Cerk wa ntruted to kwrite thn propoficaiset he dG.TnonRy. ter have teaprace he and aflingr pirLe to whatleowastheou. I iane Beride ftwelos 2nd 23m broen fot.a h alfneàogSi TCncil adjounsed to eerin on dah, Julyoth oiat o e o'ciock. SaveYour Health Most sicknesses tint Impair health have their start in quit. ordinary ailments of the. orge ofdies- tion or eliminaon Stomach liver, kidacys, and bowels are quickly benefited by the action of BEECHAM'lS PILLS, SoId everywlsuye. ln boxes, 25 caefl Tfon xetNg r adeto, Ont. n cwosnivibeae ih re re ouands carilgd upunad f m tr.. t ly ,,ru oftraîylm. olg open aii tls i ee yar.dw iVrite for catalogue. cor. Yoage aad AicxandcrSts. W. J. ililott, Princip& Impregnable 6tre,?gth MYaximumf Net Cost For rates and f ull information apply to F. J. DUEF, MR. A. B. DONOV AN, Speelal Rep. Quesn r& Victoria St Myrtle. Toronto, Mgr, al4trip tg tonfor tie Pt ýYSRANCK:; A, A, MA.H NOTICE ýTO STýJOENT8' n4sipools, Tometobestotvise 1* C alSfirulchoolandaIlHligh Bebool students, that it la pepared bt mail a copy of ils, curriculum le any one Who défes ite qaalify fil a .short peiod o! 16 or 8ideonths for a goti ialaried position.. Atidres Shaw's Scho-la, Toronto -Ontario. Headi Office, Yonge & Gerrarti &t. * M I--m ,1 g i l.p DISNEY BS Ont. EMBALMERS ANO FUNERAL DIReOTORSý Dayor igbta prop pty attend- ed"to. (ogexitra charge for dlatance. A. c ote and up-to-date stock of c fiet and supplies aIways on band to ehoose from. K.EP AN ETE TO- £Y.fYGUR EYES DMon't losé sight of the eatI]importance of good s.ght. 'At the first inti- mation of eye trouble consuit me. F..LUKE, 13 PRÂIOTINIG 0OPTICIÂN. 659 Tonte St. TORONTO J. I0WLLJAMES- -Ca46nter, Builder and Contractor. Pl aP4 dmawn, and estimates furntshed.. Repaia, Altérations and Jobbing. Agent-for Brantford Reoflim Box 467 WtlITbiV Phone 149, ==J'OHN Te HORNSBY=- Plans Madeand Eetim'fesGivts, Ail Kinds of Brick and Concrete Work. Repaire to Chimney Stacks and Beilers a speciaity. '1 Wbltby, (Box 91> Ontarlo. Bell phone. 138.. Corner drugitore. Wkfhy: New Laundry.. We wish to acquitint the peopleý' et Whitby, and surrouziding ceuàiry wltii:î the fact that we: have openïed up-a fit-, clama laundry on .Brock SU, Whitby, -inb. Hewis- Bros.'1 old store. SWe are prepared, to do ail kinds of, - iaundry work., Famiiy orders givea speciai attention. Ail work-guaranceed. Parcels called for and delivered.' Chartes War- Whitby,' Ont.- ROYAL THEATRE NIHINCUSS MOVINS PIGTURE8. O pen every evening.'. Wc have instalied a new -Simpler. machine, which isabsolutely tlickerleu. and easy on the eyes. Saturday niglit, ioc to ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager. Have Y-ou any 'Property Form SaleP If so, cut out and mail this coupon for our listing forin. Phone 118 Omrsa Canada Imprevemuint and Land Ce., L'imlted, Srsk St. Gentlemen,-'- i have a.. ...............@.........foJr sale. Kindly senti your listing fori. NAuz ....................... ...... ........... ADDRESS.......................................... OGreator Canada Improvomnt I Land Cou RICHARDSON & RICHAROSONI MANAGERS Belphonîe 193. WHITBY(,,ONTARID land. ph.one 70. F+ f f- f- f f- l f g if f f fif fJJfIf,,fïff fi Farmsj'or Sale Upwards of forty farms .fIroîn 25-acres up, -and at from $35 an acre, guaranteed to show e'atisfactory results from investment, iocated in' Whitby 'and Pie'kering Townships. Every conceivable requirement of -sol,; buildings, orchard and other improvements can be met in thc varied list off ercd. JE. WINN; Bell phone 1019. -WiITBY P. 0. Ieox 394 e -I 4 .Resideuce, DundsSt.WWest. SInus et! Conig Confie COUNTY 0F ONTARTO. 1914. 1. WHITBY-Muss E.L. Mactionneli, Clark, Witby- Jan. 18, Fab. 5, Mar. 4, Apnil 8, May 4, Jane 8, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, Jeu., 7, 1915. OSHAWA-Mins E. L. Mactionneli Clrk-Jani. 14, Foi-. 6, Mur. 6, Apr. 4, May 5, Jane 4, July 4, Sept. 4, Oct. St Nov. 9, Dec. 5, Jan. 8p,1915 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Gmeen-1 mooti, CIl'erk-Jan. 15, Mer. 6-, May 8, Jnly 7, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Jan. il, Io15. 8. PORT PERRY- J. W.- Bumahain, Clerk- Jan. 17, Mar. 7, May 7,- July 8, Sept. 8. Nov. 12. Jeun. 12, 1. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Moore, Ux- bridge, Cierk- Jan._ 10, 'Min. 14, May 18, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, 5. CANNINGTON-Tioî. H. Foste, Canaxugton, Cicmk-Jan. 9, han. 18, Muy 14, '%Jaly 51 Sept. 9, Nov. 19,' Jan. 15, 1915. O. BEAVERTON-Chui. A. Pater- son, Beaverton, Clrk-Jeu.. 8, Mar. 12, May 15, Jniy 1es Sept. 10, Nov. 18, Jan. 14,-1915. 7. UPTEROROV E- DanUl Leenird Athémîey, Ciek- Jeu 7, lien. 11, May 14, July 17,* Sept.> 11, Nev. 11, Jeu. .13, 1915. The~~~~~~~~~i Muul Iiuao ê yraJE. ITARE The utua lýLifof Now York Datèâ, W*byt Nov- a., 1918-. MONUMENTS 0f ail Dealgns aud laterlaile~pt in 3toci Il mil Pay yon te cal eat outr monks andtilnspect for youmself. Dent be ilieti by- aget. We de net eznploy.iben, consequently weae anti do allow tic agent's commlisiom5 10 per cent., mmii you wiii centaLa- ly gave by purchasing fmom us. -- A Cali Solicited. Office anti Workî Opposite Standard Bank, Whibby, »Ont liomeseekors Exoursidon To points on tie TEMISKAMINO & NORTIIERN ONTARIO RAIL WAY. Hà.llybury and North in Nonrth- ern Ontario. Froru alpoits in Ontario Lnd Quebec, on tlie Grand Trunk and 0. P. Rlys., except weut of- Ciali River and norti of Parry SoupgI on tic C. P. P. Tickets at spccialIly reduced rates - - good going. June lOth, andf valld for roturu until - Juno 2Oth. -- See your neareet Railway Agent for fuli partibulars or-apply to- A. J. PÂRR, -G.I'.Ao T. &.N.O. -Bly. >orth Bay Ont7 s ,--~- 1> s f-mas1'-'1 -,iai advan-cedt your onder. - e I s s I -s i LI - - - - - - - - - - - -.le 4

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