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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 9

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Patoup -boe.~ Dr.-Md io&Poaâ, î1I ni a#1ona fait to ithe former's tatiier,, -li James Broati. Mr. Jack Hortop, of Toronto, -le holidaylag wfth his p»wents. Mr. au M Mn. Gordion 1all returned tr:om taiir wedding trip on;Thuusday and lef t on~ Sunday by* Intort for -their futue om* la Brafliptôn., Xr.; Jos? Rprtop ad mIaly have movd to lir Dffi'new houe- i tise north euà ýf the. viuiage. _ Mr. and Airs. *Albert Curi ü-and Ur. and Mrý. Butier, motore4 from ToroaWto' Sunday, and speat' the day with Mn. "Chiln, Who returned hoi Witbtem for avisit of three weeks la Toronto. Dr. MeNeely and family have takea possession of their residonce whlch tlaey purthased- from Si. Mark Hol- liday, and just vacateti by Mr. Hon- top. BRO MELL-At' Brookla on Tues. tiay, J une 16, 1914,, toMr. and Mrn. im. Brome!!, a -daughter (Edith %6lie duth Ontario Brandi of, the Dominion Alliance w!li hold a public meoting lu the Masontc Hall, Brook- lin, on Ftlday, June 2ô, for tii pur-1 pose o! disoussing the public Issues ci the day. Bey, S.C. Moore, pautor of King--St. Mtethodist church, Osh- awa, Mn. Fred Bickle, 0f Oshawa, andi others, will address the meeting. Chair taken at 8 o'clock by Mr. E. Tink, l3rooklin. Public cordially An- -vited. A meeting -was led on Saturday aflernôon lat la the schooihouse o! ail those Intereateti ln the Brooklu ~Rural Scilool Fair to be held here ln the autumn. The foliowing officers were elected : Hon. Pres.-R.A. Rutchison, P.S.1. Presi4nt-E-verett Mackey, No. 2, Pickering. 'Vie-Pre.-Blake DeHart, No. 1, -W'est Whitby.1 Sec.-Treas.-Gladya Rortop, No. 3, ,West Whitby. Dlrectors--WIflge OConnor, 1No.,2,I 5, East Whitby; Wilfrid Shortritie No. o Hýast Whtby; WWlerCochrane, No. 7 EsatWhitby., Managrs-R'M. Tipper a" À, W Sirrett, oft the Agrieultural DeIpant- ment, 'Whltby- - The, annvrsary, servicslacnrc tfoa" iwiùth bie Methodist Chunci, Id- vertind té btake placeon 1Suaday iaU Wednesdy 0cfnext week, hamebeeWB pàetpoued liiil July 12-18. Full par- biculans ln oun neit Issue. Mn. d.Mas. Tios. Hall helt a ne- Vetor n nday iiglit hlionèr cf Mei ,and Mns. Gordon Hall. Mrs. Elvlss aid son Charles u on Tuesday for a'trlp to thle Northi Wees. Mns. J. W. . Ewen, of Yorkton, Baslc., - and ber brotber, W. D. Tay-1 lor, cf California,- speat a few days', with Mr. 'and Mlinseo, J. Bis»,, The home cf Mn. and lIns. Samuel Naraeekiveli, Brookita, bat.,« wauthé scene o! a veny pretty weddlrag, on Wednesday, Jime l7tla, when, fi the fpresence. of about 70 peste, tileir eldest daugiter, Hilda Marie, became the bride of Morley M. Rosa, of Col- uambus. The Rev. R. Aluin, %f Myr- ble, assîst!et by Rev. J. Ross, cf 'Poratypool, officiated. To the. sthIins o! Mendeissohn's wedding mardi, playeti by Miss Louella Ellitîs, of Columbus, bthe bride entenedtihie room leanlng on the. arm cf lier fatier. Thle bridai party stood beneabli an arcil of -orange biossoma and plnk roses embanketi with ferna. The bride look- ed cbarming In.a gowu o! white silk crepe trimmet i wth shadow lace andi peinls and she carnicti a bouquet -o! orange blossorna and white peenies. Miss Béatrice! Rosa, as lirIdesmaid, wore a white embroidery voile and carried a bouquet cf orange blosoma and pink peonies. The bridels broth- er, Morley, acted au beet man. Thse groom pnesented te the bride 0g LSONO5.@5.g. .P.. PMESIOENT. W. D cuves IO.pg11T C. A. DOGEITO Ceuia magor A &wings Department ls conducted ai every Branch 'of the Bank where deposits Of $1.00 and upwards are received and Interest Bt currmnt rates addied. Ila 3 a safe and converaient.depository for your monoe *WHITBY BRANON : A. A: ATKINSON, Mansgr OSHAWA ~A.ý H. BLACK ,ier j OlverCorn Cultivaýtors FAre the very latest -and best idea, straight fo I ,great1 c.orn fields of Indiana. Don't fa to corne' to wareroorns and iifvestigate before purchasing this tr necessary of farm implements. A car load of first grade Frost Fence and Gates -a Ijust to; hand. URIAJINI BrooklinBeld d- Bel ad Id.Phones. ut riif T -j. - mby.. 0»ý vO.OM..,,o nn on Pril 14, 1914, 0' M' "th4- 0Ppoei:iâb. That in ho opinion, of Ibht Houu tihepu 1bl intereste demand: 1. lihe immediat e ab-clition of the- bar, including therein 'thse:abolition of à1l, Hlotel and C, lb lienses a d ther e witb the treating - ystem. 2. 8 ch-other 'restrictions upon -the reaidue af uhetiquor traffie as experiencê ny hw ob ecsrY, o limititsoperationg and effectfréto remedy 'itmevils. Loeal Option to e-mîaintained as a ineans of ipinag ont, theréeidu,of the refait est. where the. oloctors u -docide., 3. e ai noreement of the. Iav 1,y ôffleia-ls in sympathy with the law enfonemùent and the eliminatio of po1itical influene from the adnibisration of the'Isw. -4.1T e regulation and inspection of all o e! ubtic entertainni.nt mc.au e ousure reasonable acconimod tion for the traveliâg publie." LOCÇAL PT YION present, za -VOTE.-The- Lîberals lu the Lcgwsagure proposeci to do atwatyWuth tIse three.ftfths handicap which lias 8 licenses ai'dsubstltute a majorlty vote. The Govenament voted down the proposai. eIDE-TbeLiberals alis proPosedt te mhaie Local Option County.wide té cover.either a 'Municipality, as at wlioleCounty. The Govenmerat volited dowa bthe proposai. TUE 66ABOLISKH TH1E BAR" POLICV MEANS: dinibq-rooms, or anywhene ee ini the -hotel.) Club Liqlq peoLGon s EVERYONE WIPED OUT. retn Systein s -ABOLUSHED. Shops s DEALT WITH, BUT -IN A DIFFERENT WAY fROW THE BARS. 1. Will cerne uraden funthor restrictionsg. 2. Cati b. wiped eut by Local Option on a majority vote, where the electors se decide, either in a, Municipality or a (iounty. 8. Sh ~p icerasei cannot be isaued ira the place of bar lierases abolisahed. The Aboliah the Ban pohicFy doos nott in eieubstitution cf shops for bars. NOTrE-4In nine-tentlis of the iiunlcipaiities cf the Province thers are at preïent no ahop licenses. lInlnem-tenth s of the munlcipatities, therefore, the Roweil polcy, means at once the complote abolition orthue rotai 1, 'sais or Iiqué,r., Local Option on a majortty instead cf qk three-lifth basis, andi covering a County as weil s a Municipality, wiil remain to, wipe ont the shop@ where the électers ne deélde. d'OA130LISH TRE BAR", PLU A B3ETTER LOCAL OPTION~ LAW AiAUNSiTiTHE SHOPS. GOVERNMdENT RECORD In thre successive Sessiozb-1912, 1913 and 1914 the Government voted down the Abolieli-the. Ban resolution. MIR. ROWELL'S OFFERS x. Iu regarca 1 to the Petition of the On 'tanio Young Man. 1I shall go further, andi if rny honorable hood Association (made in the Legisiature, April'14, accept this policy proposed te him by liii youn 1914).and embody it lu iegisiationî I shall be gladt4 -"Whiie lun many respects I prefe'r the poiicy we have honorable friend, the Provincial Secretary, and sulimittedtoI ethe lieuse te the pciicy aulimittedta t my member cf the Goverument in goini befere t! honorabig frlcesd, the Provincial_ Secretary, by the Young and urging their acceptance oi such. a measure.ý Conservative bnembers cf bis party, I say tg my honorable Net accepted. frienti tht if fie thinks the proposai preseistcd to him by the young coq9servatives of the Province is'a -botter pro.- .HspeiesOfra ocoOtJl posai tian ouis, if he -thinka it i5S more in the public- "Sir James, juin with us anti let.both politi interests thaaý ours, then if niy honorable friéiud wili ufllte te wipe eut the licenseti bar-room. in thi Introduce legi~iation te carry it eut, we, on this side of Would it net be a splendid spectacle for ail the thse House, wi J unite with him and his frienda te lift the of the Dominion and for other countries efthti whoîc questions out cf the region cf party controversy, wituess the union cf bethà politicai parties îu this botil parties unite and together wipe out ibis cvii from te wipe out the curiecof the Iicensed bar."i this Province. Net accepteti. VOJTE FOR 66ABOLISH THE BAR'9 CANDIDATE ON .JIN E 2%, 1914 a . urLaA Vne, M pari sL5, ît me Dris- mali a bracelet, te the boit man a watcli lob, an4 te Mis LueliA Ellinas *< a golti brocij. Atter bthe wdduag dinner a number o! speePches wpre made by bthe guests, toiIOWing -whichje happy couple leit -amiti showersai dwice anti confetti, lu .A mobor egr ~r the ciby o! Toronto, bile' bride traveling il 'a copenhagen blue suit witli white bat bnimmýeti te wltb osprey. The wetiding gl!ts were Our. numerous, sh*wing the bigb estecm ln whicb the'!;young couple were helti, Mlost On bilir netMirn they wiil resie lu Coi umbus.- Ontairio. Soasonablo N9cossarios Iron Age. Sprayers àre a necessity and a benefit. They save your cro P,1 -increase the yieid and iniprove the quality. * We have-a -varieby to choose from.for mnany purposes. - has advanced. your or-der. Binder Twine Be sure and get our prices before- placing Cocksliutt RiingCultivators, No; 5, ail steel two row corn cultivator, has ail the iatest lrnprovernents and cultivates two rows at-one trne. Thé Cockshutt S.pring Tooth One. Qow'Côrti Cuit ivator also built-with sitifi teeth, is a leader. -- Lawn Mowers our assoitbrnentis5 completeP and the prices right. A compieête line of new and used Carriagès, on han ci. - liorses Afew good yonng Çlydesdale Farrn Horses for sale. W F-DISNEY KIDNEYY HEADACHE. Is eaused frà, n bbc blooti being -bhick.. ened with uric aciti poisons circula- bing lu the hcati. AntÀ-Uric Pilla cure aIl !onr4s o! kidn4èy trouble. They are se Poot anti so sure that J. E. Willsisguanantees blien. Be sure you get Anti-Unie Pilla. B.V. Marlon on eilery box. Solti only at J. E. Willis' drug store.- BASE' LINE WEST. The home cýf Mn. and lIns. H-enry 'Reynolds, Bgse LUne, Witliy, was thie scene o! 4 quiet but veny prctty wedding on alune l7tb, wben thein elticat daugbt4r, Blanc he Editil, was unîtet lan mnriage oMn. Allient Petilan Arnol ,yungeat son o! Mn. anti Mns. Geýrge Arnoldi, Tononbo. The bride, wbç was given away liy ber !atber, *orc a gown o! cneam satin trimmeti witb sbadow lace anti pearla, anti carnieti a aliowen bouquet of roses,- liliis ofthbb valley anti malden bain feru. The bridal. couple stood bleneatb an arcli o! ferns and orange lelsseo . Rev. M. E. Sex- emibli, o! Whltliy, officlateti. A!ber the wedtilng breakfast bile young couple bIb tfon a short trip wesb, bbc bride braveling lu a navy blue suit1 anti white pi n e bat witb ospreys. On tilein return Mn. ant i Ms. Arnoldi will reside at 182 Hampton ave., To-i routo. About 25 Italiana are camp ig on1 bthe Willis farmý ant i dgglug bile sew-, ers for bile Asylum. SMn. anti Mrs. Jas. Galton spent a.-i lew tsys lunGuelph, -.anti netunneti bringlng Miss Aniiie Fitton fer a vie- lb wlbls 'bbom, A lady and ber daughter frem Te- ronto are . aînPlng at DcIIarVs i Mnr. Lloyd 0frsenaway and Misa Gncenaway, o91 Toronto, arefile- guest et Mn: 1 nd Mins. Jas. Younex. t Mn. Lou SII 3 la asasslng Mn. -P.c GoodwIn ounbile fanm.r TPhe labo rairna have put bile grain 1 crop in a eaýbY Condition, peas In e blossomu, barle3ý beading eut, -but bbe a bav crop-wili l igilt. Mn. A. flur n la wenklng at bbc ucu docks. n Rural mail, wisicil was to have been entablishe~e tll, 1asùt yêt been Inaugura<(d. Miss Berthe bthe wck. endi *NTAIS IA numnber fia ONTAR rnvenary m WIYKdpadent Phopiies. , gundayt m Uie, foreosto, speal îmhere -atfmerdth ie Viaueta Shir on nday. Ml eot Mr. Clarence Hodgson spent Sun- day ab home. Mn. anti Mn. Suier, Toronto, vis iteti recently with their parents bere. *Mns. Rugli Ross, Oshawa, visited hene recently. Miss Eliza Rezzeiwooti visiteti witb frienda ln Myrtie. e Falling Hair and ltehing Scalp. .I NEDLESS-USE PARISIÂN SAGE. Now that Panisian Sage canulie bad at any dnug counten, lb la certainly neetilesso te have thin, linittie, mat- ted,. stringy or f adeti bain. No mat- ter bew unsigbtiy the bain, bow lad- Iy It ls falling, or how much tianti- ruif, Parisian Sage la aIl that ts netetid. Frequent applications and weil rubiet inite the scalp will do 1wondcs-it acts -like magie. The hain roots are nourlslied anti stim- ulateti te, grow ncw bain, ltching ,scalp, tiandruti anti !alllng bain cease -your bead fecis fIne. Best -of ail, tbke bain liecomes so!t, fiutly, abunti- ant 4nd radiant witb lite andbleauty. You- willlie surpniseti anti delight- eti wit4 Panisian Sage. Try at least one ft cent bottie tnom A.H. Aluin anti lie will retunti the purchase pnice If you are not satisicd. MYRTLE. We weicometbie nain atten bbc long ,dry spell. RiHs many fnientis- wene pleasete Éee Mn. Alfred Langford able toelie oyer te tbe village again. Tbe Autiley Gardien Party will lie belti on July 7. Watt fon lb. There isa some balk of organizing an Instibube ln tus nelghborbooti. As -hsle a veny insplning organization lb shoulti le encouraged. Thi must fnteresting toplc juss now la what. la going te take place on bthe twenty-nints o! June. Ms B. Luke, of Toronto, anti Mn. M. Luke spent Suntiay wlth fnientis hene. Nô leas than ftve et our populan Young men have joined bbc matrimon- Lai ranka tiuring file past 8 moablis. Who w-111 be the next te enter these bliseul rÀalmi 1 'On Saturday merning of last week a. coating of l1e was noticed on bihe standing water. This a % ~deed very iinuauai ton bile twentebil of June. What funa bie 'boys imaglîp t ey hsat -molesbing thse uewly-zn&ariIed couple last week. ThIs sort of au- noyance Ia gettfug tee pnftalent, anti Lsteati o! their gebblug breats by ilicil rowdyisrn, sonse charitable pen- sôn shoulti endeavon te sabfsfy them n a more gentiemanly way, tilat *oula! not cause a dusturbance te the *bole neigilboruoed. N INSALE. Mis. T. Richardison spent a few days iln Toronto. Infs. Noon Is vliilng witil ier par- "it, Mn., aid Mus.'W. Rcgers. ý Miss . Lawreiie and Ralps Mow- îray atre7wÉing on thein rma etis week. W. ulih $hem-sueeu. Mr. 14. MeEnlen ufl soo% have bis 0M' barra ready te rats. ý fricnd will1 ing friends; to join my dany other the people Io 1912. fical parties àProvince, ýProvinces he world to is Province If you expect I gh Grade EmpIoymsst you musit inake'Nigh Grede Prepara. dion. One school that is weli-known throughout Canada for Fitrietly. superior trainizaje hate Toronto, Ont. Graluaten of thls_,school rssdlly obtain .nhploymnet ecaune there are thousaaads oS openinge in this city every year, and we are calleduo tof111 more t1han we eau. Enter any tt me. College open ail yeav. Writ.e for catalogue. Cor. Yodge and W.J3. eBiIott. Alexander Sta.. Printipa )4yrtle Denny is at Stouftville a- gain, doctoring with Dr. Freel. bliss Harvey, lias sent ln her resig- nation to the trustées of our gchool. We are very sorry that Miss Harvey lias declded not te teach longer, as she gave good satisfaction to ail. ILev. E.W. Tink preacbed a very fore! ul sermon Sunday on temper-m ance. His arguments were Sound and logical. He urged the Chr(stian peo- pie to do their duty and support what they had been asking for for years. The Audley Garden Party will lie held on Juiy 7. Wait for it. ALMONÇDS. Vote for Mr. Sinclair and the Tem- perance cause. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kemp and -Mr. d Mrs., T. Morcombe motored to' To- ronto last week. Mr. R. Rall is confined to his lied wlth broken ribs. Mr. Ed. Phip spent Sunday- at Uxbridge.1 Mrs. W. Rail and Violet have -been- spending a few dnys wlth relatives ln Oshawa. *Jeffrey Brou. are in Montreal, at present. 4 .1 Mrs. David Brown and daugbter-ln- law, Mns. S. Brown, have been visit- ling relatives ixere. There was no League tibfis week on A -DIRECT, ANO MOST EFFECTIVE TREAIMENTf Fû oldW a heNHeai and Oaiarbi Soute hiternal remédies, sucs as Nai-Dru-c Syp tlneuicle anti Cilonodyxf'nenad=bbthelp a getdeal in chelhn a cold inl the h.But You get tIse quckest action froe Fesai lBal=, . Tht. t. applieti dinectly sdcon- vcnlcntly tbroragh the îew nozale. "haped tiof bhe collapsible tb.lr w he éh ibisput rp. .si -lttMe no 0l ruaches well rpiate btse nostnil, and a gentle 8queeze on the. tube tisseissges enougi of bile Fesai Daim te ra over the membrane lUnn isetah a passa¶s, kili thse germa o tic colti or catar So tis te smsrting hn£Was. :inbialtsae breaflhipg'bîrougi thse forlea&#d easy, andi ciecithe qelid or nelieve ccabas-ni at'once, nie tact blattis iew muanso appylug ths esai Dalinl nesosd an t rg b it up wheesrae ei e retedy. iedgm .I o! Canada,~ , I 1<s lbs, aro short period of 6 orS8 montià for a good- uarid psiton.Aridresé anyW on. ho:Iî.Trn to Oario, Ia Offlo, ong'& arrrd te. DISNEY BROS. 1Brookll, EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIREOTORS aor night calil prompty ttend- edtio. No extra chbarge tor diotance. A complte and up-to-date-stock of cakt and supplies always on band to choose from. ýjo ~RE-EP AN EVE TO Don't lose sig-t 0f --le great importance of good Sight. At the firet inti- mation of ee trouble consuli me. LUKE.BI0 TfIC, Tonge St. TORONTO F. F. I80 BAIN PERRIN, Managcr~ Plans made and sodGlveuici- All inlds of Bricki and Cmêe pWoýr. lepaîrs tg Chlmraey Stacl"s an'd'B'Mlerp' a specia'ty. Whltbyo, (Box 91) Ouuta$& Bell Phone 138. a laser of Kardlage Uxmns Corner druaue WLfý Now au.ry. We wish to, acquiin: tile people of. WThitby and surroundiîg country wlt-'ý the tact that we havýe opened UP a grst- Ilau laundry on Broick St., Whit3ï, hIr f ewis Bros.' olti store. We are* prepared to, do ail klnds of lundry work. Fni!Iy orders giveri special atte ntion. Ail work guaranteed. Charles War - Whit by, Ont. ROYAL. THEATRE O-pen every evening, We have instaiied -a ne-.v Simpleie machine, which is absolutely,,fiickerlest and easy on the eyes.. Saturday nighi,-zoc te ail. If &0, eut out and mail this coupon for ou r listing for m. fEl g g -Wv-v ---f;f if;i e ; d-i; a 8a -È Oroator Canada, Imp-rovoment & Lan-C o.' Bell phohe 19s. wHITBVy, ONTrARUo lad. phlone 70. .À" I1 I kI &JIII I&i-~~ .1 Farms For- Sale Upwards of.- fenty farmes fromn 25 acres rap, and at, fro m $35 an acre, guaranteed to show @atisfactory resuits- from investment, located in Whitby and Pickering Townships,. Every conceivable nequiremnent cf -soil, buildings, orchard and other improvements eau- be met in tise varied liat ofleredf. J. E. WINN, Ilesidence, Dundas St.- We t. -WHIT.BY COUNTY 0P ONTARIO. . WHITBY-Mlsa E.L. Mactieol, Clark Whiltby-.Jais. 18, Peli. 5, *far. '4, April 8, May 4, Jue 8, July 8, sept. 3, oct. 2, No-v. 7, Dec. 4. Jans., 7, 1915. OSHAWA-Miss E. L. âhd~oran.U Cloni-Jan. 14, Feli. 6, Mar. -W, Apr. 4, May 5, Joue 4, July 4, sept. 4i 2. BROUGHAM--.Gleeson, Green- woo<l, Clerk-Jau. 15, Mai. O, 11# 0, July 7, Sept. 8,. Nov. 11, Jans. 8. ]PORT PErRRY- J. W. Bunnbam, Cleris- Jas. - 17, Muar. 7. May 7, jui 8Jl , sept. 6, Nov. 12, Ja. 19, 4. UXBRIDGE,- R. J.' Moore, Uz- bridge, Clenl- Jana. 10, Mar-. 14, May 18, Jraiy 14,. Sept. 8, Nov. 20, Jan. le, 1915. 5.' CANNINGTON-TIscs. H-4 Poster, Cannington, clerk-Jara. 9 Mar. 18, May 14, July il 94t. 9, Nov. 19, Jan. 15, 1915. 6. BEAVERTON-Chai. A. Pater- adnm, Beaventon, Clrk-Jan. 0, Mar. 11,.;May le, Juiy 180 sept. 10, Nov. la, Jara. 14P 1915. 7. .UPTERGROVE,- Dau e Leoard :Âthsnley, clerk- jup , Mar. il, May, tJuly 11, Il#. 1,Nov. Dy Onde,, Ji . E- AREWELLO s g s j r I. -4 Short courses in stock 'anti eet-,-- judging are Incneaslng lu -populanlty, anti eigbty-cigbt sucb courses ere helti Iast yean under thec auspices of bbe Depnntment of! Agiculture. MONUMENTS of ail Dozigs ad Iatefal le t lný-toçt I* wVIIIpay yon to eflau t u works a mat speet for yourslf. - Doal* b. miseti- 1'y ageàto.Ife de not ernploy. th.mi- corseejuetly we «« and do show *ti ae oommtuIo% le0 per cent., wblch you will certbi" 17 uave by .puroblsing fromu, s A Cal ouSiIctdo PhOnO 103 Greatsi. Canada ImProvement and Land Co; Llmltsd, Brook St. Gentleien,- 1 bave a ... ...... ......for sale. Xindiy send your listing fogm - NAE ............................................... ADDRESS................................... ...k....... M l', 4k&4m&" r 1 Ont. - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - -- Have Vou anY Property For gaie P ar-AV JWAL W W W-W.- 4 1

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