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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 1

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SIis fCnIIt adC The Ontario- Ladies' Coflege bias tîhe 3lst ehapter of, Proveri closed fts doors' for two mo4thsanad was one of the imogt powerfi a half allter one of th. mol ,t quc- dresses heardli on an occasion ýA«ful sessions in il. history. The 11ind. The attributos of a ;Q e xorcises etf the final w',eok include a womau woro oolf-xspct, cWal number- of concerts given by the stu- oducation, 1 vs -and pati dents, and lb. final or commencement Though ths e =loo lasted foz day. 'This year's functious woro la houri, It was! so. fui! of! <abre evsry --respect' a maintenance of tho the lime seezned short. Durfi Uigh standard establithod nl a elus 1cerMôn Mr. Â-ikenà firèd seve, year, ai tos-who ha&d'thé prlv- fshots- against'ýth. Bar, and .adi li( cf atlending are loudlaInoî f; edtlb. eleçtorsto drive dl oi pralses o! -thevarlous entertain- thoir voles oIt Mine 29. 'I srwlitu vMU- I rUiffUIg JKWl4y for use dry. No mizisg W0quired. Sticks to the vines or laévus and kills al the i asects mad ptato bugs wltb one appicaition. *-e sonly sait way to use a strong Poison, WAorth is anst as a fe!,tilizer. Does not injure- the plant. - 14Ible foi 2508 /je'IL WILLIS ,.rmaggtst and Opticlan lkEDICAL HALL 1Sroek St. Whltby.. JNO. E. FM1&EWELL, L.C. Eauister, Cownt>' Crown Attorney and Couuty Solicitor. Office south wing Court House, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN Barali.er. Soligtor. Notar, Public. Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard-Bank. Money to Loan. JAMES h(ITLEDGE, Iarristér, Etc. Money to Loan on- easy terms. Office imnmediately south Royal Hoiel, Wiiùoy, yiOnt. 6. YOUJNG SMUITN, LL.B. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES C.urt'House, Whitby, or residence. -1 0. A. Je SWANSON ~< Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. __Oshawa, -Ontario Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 PreW St. Tb 'hnSs-Offlce, 321; îtesidence, 326. DEMNTAI,;S) W. ADAMS, l)entist, Office, Dundas Sàriet, Residsnée No. 4, the Terrace k. yrenn S1, Whitby. Phone Nol. 122. AUOTIONEERS jAs. BISHOP Os&awa Liboesed Auctioneer. Suc- essor to L. Fairbanks. For termes Rd dates apply to self or G. Robb, Whltbhy. - WH. ÈAW LICBNSHD AIJCTIONEER AND VALUATUR. AUi kndu off salou promptly attend- ed to. Arranlgements for sales oua bV uw m at t he Gitteoaofce. Tains reasonable. Bell and- Independent phones. _WIITBY, ONT. i(INGSTON ROAO FARM Kingston Road farni, Durham County, co hundred atnd thirty eight acres clay loam,;withini two miles of railway depot and village.' Nine roomed dwelling, nçarly new, bank barn, driving house, - iggery, poultjy bouse. There is about forty acres standing timber on the property, vallued at three thôusand dollars. Price of tarai, sixty five hundred. ýjfDHN PFISHER & o20. 409 Lugsden Building TO-RONTO -, i Bus and Dray Business Bus te ail trains. AUTOMO1BILE FOR IflE; aise Racks, Jarriages and Rige,-of ail kinds DAY OR NIGHT. Bell pho*ies-ggï9 14 and 74. Stables aind Office: 14,111111 uf . fIt nis menti - -COMMEINCEMENT DAY. A- splsndli concert was given oun h anumao1 o hoeorie Thuruday eyeuing, Jane 1,lu 1in 0 e Te ona mt4notexrcs. .presentation o!f 9hakespsa'6scaeo Monday. A speciai trainar- rived from T ronto about 8.30 la the "Twelfth tlghtp" by lhe studeuts off afteruoon , bring dowu a, large Dramatlo Art. The play. was ex- number o!frfiends. -lu addition a ceedlngly, well given'7 and reflhots u ay Wl.b epe wr groat credit upon lte;'teacher, Mia.great fxn h-b ope wr lrce O'Brien. Thée pupils had present, and lbe dining and concert ovlenty eterd aie-th sprit0fhalls were nearly lUled wheu -bl10pro- the., play, and their interpreta- A gr am 41mAiied. rem"' tion of the varlous characters AB atat a w S a D rea -by wias most commendable. ' Misse Bttso Hyes,wa amiat> Alice Butler and Canada Whiteside as rendered by the mombers of the Chor- Sir obyBelct ad Si Anrewal Class, and[ under lbe directorshlp Sir oby- BlchandSir Andew f Mr. Arthtur Blighit, te witole per- Aguecheeuc, and Miss Olive Holllday, formance sitowed a clarili>-ofe! nuncla- au Malvollo, were the, outsbandîng tion and a modulation 0f expression huniorous cbaracters, and were very higiti> creditable b bite efforts off popular, with the audience. Miss Leta Mr. Blight, and spoke volumes for LeGear, as Viola, had the most, di-t-he ability and promise;of te pupils. ficuit of the heavier parts, and per- The. solo parts were laken by Miss. formed la a manner that would haveA i eriect#';Mssa;- donecreit o aprofssinal laguerite Hoaiuth, *ho rendered the tact. every member of thte caste show-patoSynQueuaaetan ed abiliby. Miss Gertrude Relyea, as fleible voice,; Miss" Margaret- Mes- Olivia, and Miss* Greta White as the s enthte exacbiag part offlte isher 1maid, also came in for deserved bride, Elsie, end lte Miss«s Mabel praise. Miss O'B3rien's ability as aj Sharpe and Dora Patrlck, two' sy- j teacher ot dramatîc art, coupled with Jroua. Miss Vera Hagorman acted as much hlstrionic talent in her pupils, ôompanist. The prograni lncludedrk berved to produce -one of the best also a readlng, "Christmas Day laI plays seen at the College for 501th Mong"Rcmod by is tîme.Gertrude Relyta, gîvea wivth -ample On Friday. evening the undergrad- feelinig and expression ; an Impromptu untes gave a recitai. and on Safur- of Chopin, by Miss Clela Heatit; day eïenlng -te Seniors had their iiThç Bells or Aberdovey," by te tura., Bot concerts %vere imaiensely Choral Class, and te first movement enjoyed, àùd'Iwere heard' bv large 01 Mendelssohn's concerto In G min- audie ces.or, by M iss Nora Tucher, w ith or- BACCALAUREATE SERMON. chestral accorapanimeat on. a second piano, by Misi Mabel Sharpe. Eacb The Tabernacle was weI lllled on item was greeted- with wel-merited Sunday 'evening b itear lte baccal- applause. aureate sermon from the lips o! Rev. During the-intermission te guests J. W Aikeas, o! the Metropolibau and pupils wero eneubrbained with, re- churcit, Torouto. The graduating fresbments la lb'th gymnaslum , mter class, dressed in white,- occupied wards- Inspec ing te eritibits cf: front seats. Mr. Aikens' addressi was drawfag, palat ng and décorative cor- basod on lte 29th and 30th verses of (Continùedi on page, -4) Winners of Dlplomas, Certiflcates, Medalis and Prizes: Conferring of D)iplonsa LITERAR ..SISMuriel IRf- Freemnan, Iiurlingto,ont,.;Miss Ethel B'. are, KoRtova Sa4k.-, Miss Constance Kilborn, Chentu, China; MIASsElizaýeth D1. Le@, Waterloo, ont.; IMisa A. Vers Patrick, Soauris. Man. ORTR-MEoliâi Cl - b i Hiks, Aimante, ont.; Mis. olive M. MoliCh.aM. (,etrude M -3,1., o (Luse LeGe:îr, Lansing, M a. asca erÏ(l . eyes, Cornwall, Qui t;Miss CaitlMa A. Whiteu(le, Litile Iltitai,,, tnt. SIOUSEHOLD iCIENCE-%f.,a Vin,. Pusa,u, Moosejaw, >Sask. Presentation of Csrtifica tes tiOU.SslOLD blNEH,îcaa re ina Gladja Hart. MU31CAL-îToîîosr, OCONS<îîvt%*oiîy). imttern,.dlat.- PIsNO-Mîaa M.,ilomutiî. V'OtAL-51iss M LInunth firt.cFîsa honorm>, MissNIM.bleser (tir.-t.cial, honoré», M.iss G. Haig îirt-ciass ilonoro>, Miss J. Bayerait (honora), Miss IL. CoxwVorîlî hoiiors), Miss C. Breithaupt (honora), Mina M. Oarlock (honora), Misa E. White (honora). Mine G. ielyea, Miss E. %Vakeflel,I ,tifs. M. Sharp. Junior- Pî,,-Muî., M. Garlock (honore), Misa F. Camapbll (honore), Miss G. Haig. voo.î. - Misa M. Weddel firaîc-lasas honora>. NMiàs M. csinphelî (tirât cans honore), Mise J, Hodge (Iîonors) M Iss L. Sutherland. Primary- i14MiD. Patrick (honora), Miae C. Breithaupt. Awarding cf Medals The Geo. A. Cox Melnorial Oolit Medal, 1r, Cox, foi- highest standing in final year o! M. E. L. Curse-M .ti B ite Blver Moala, hy John RicoEsq. forscod thlB ar..' i ialya ÎE Course-.imâs Elizabeth D. Lek eodsadn-iifnlya .., Oold Modal hy F. L. Fowke, Es?,., Oshawa, for highest itan<iing in ltlocuti,,n Couïre-Mlisa Gertrude Relyea. Gos-ernor GeneraàModal, for second standing In Eiqcutiot Course-11ia, Clarahel Hicks. Gotd Medail by R. J. Score, Esq., President ai the Colûege lkard, for high- Sest standing in the Houaehiol,î Science Course-blisà Nv. Pascoe. Silver Medal, by Mis. John S. Barnardl, London, for highe.st standing inAr Needlework...tis,4 Gertrude Britucît Ar GoId Modal, by Wns Sinith, Esq., MP., for chaminhpo oin Swimîining, Diving, Lufe Saving--Mimss L. Fol]iick.roshp!sholu Gold Modal, hy -Arthur Bliglit, Eiq., for greatest profliency in Swiinrning. etc., open to colnpetition Vo students hîoldintg uedalijns-.Myîs Mabl Sharpe. Silver Mot:!, hb. Dr. 'Haro, for second standing iii thesaaîîe competition- Silver Mludal, by Dr. Rare, for gracefui waiking-biss K. MeCursnlick. Slver Medals sand "Oruler of M*enit "Certificates, b> (the Royal Life Saving Society o! Englai for SsAilitming, etc-Misa L. Follick, Miss 3. Hodge, -Mia, Constance iiiiborn, Mlisa Cora ilbors. Modlalliojîs and I Profiiency" Certificatea, by the Royal Life Sat%-ing Soci. etyof Eîglaîil, for Swijnining, etc-Mis.s Dllarrett, Miss LGordon, Miss E. Grant, Miss J. (lreenway, Misa Ethel [lare, Mi.s W. Milis, Miss D. Patrick, Miss M. Patrick. Misa VTera Patr-ick, Miss M.- Scriines, iio M. Sharpe, Misa M. Score, Misa, G. siuitlî, Miss M. Wiliianis, Miss E. Wakedfeid. Awarding of Prizes- LITERARY DEPAIITMENT- Fistory, by Miss Maud Aunes-Miss M. Wiliaais. Junior Elocution, by MAlluOBrien-Miss Rutht Day. First -Yemr Englisb, by Miss A. L. Taylor, B.A..-.Miss Con- stance -Kilbora. Matriculation English: b>' Miss A. L. Taylor--Miss F. Aaiey. XUSICAL DEPARTMENT-.. Prizes given b>' Messrs. A. and S. Nordheiaier, for Conserva - tory Examinations. Intermediate Piano-Miss M. Hoaiuth. Intermnediate Vocal-Miss MlIomjUth. Junior Piano-Misa M. Garlock. Junior Voca-Miss M. Weddell. Primar>' Piano-Mise D. Patrick. For Greateat Improvemeat ia Miss Clough's class,by Miss Clougit, ATC.M., Miss M. Blacklock. -ART DEPARTMENT... For Higitest Standing in China Painting, by M~r. C. M. Maul>', -R.C.A.-Mins W. Holaies. For beit Charcoal Drawing, b>' Miss Norma Wright-Miss L.. -- Foilick. For Greateit Improvement Duriag the Year, by 'Mr. W. M. Pringle-Mins K. Stutt. -- QOMMERCIÂL DEPARTMENT.- Arithmetio, b>' Copp, Clarke & Co.-.Miîî A. jaqe. Phonograpit>, b>' Commercial Toit Boo Co.-Mîî Hze Collins. Ms ae DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENr... Senior Cias- Sewing, by Rosi Bros.-Miss Gladys Hart. Traoétice Cooking, by Mr. P. Mathison-Misi W. Patterson. Junior Clase- Sewing and- HandWork, by UT. W. J. H. Rlcitardson_..Mjqs Lillian Follick. Cooking, by Mr. P. Matisou.-jet, Iss8Glidym Hart; 2nd, Miss Norma Dougail. Art Needlework- lit, by Miss Douaidion-Minil roue MoMîlîsu. 2nd, b>' Miss Ailin-Miss Eveiyx Witî 3rd, by John Rice, Esq.-Miss Letts. 1 ATHIL£TIC- Tennis, Singles-Miss Jean Elodge. Tennis, Double-Mses Constance sud Cor& Klbo bds- he indepndent tempera nceConger. 5 .p vaîlves, there <s a chance for tem- s.peance People 0j the abolition ,of ÎUdres the bar fromîtheM no Legîslalure. -The Iu Local 0pt1ncontste South O n. aliwo tarie hbas given 875 majorlty. Now 111011 that Priincl Prohibition cau b. 1will Ëad,. will those who deaire' Ibis end 1h 'Wfai lunthé làrger issue? ation F or years -te: t"~Perançe People mod nd udChurches have knocked al the sOPle- door of ts L egisiature. Mr. Rôwel 5an bas -heardIbeéir cry antI has'rekpond- SWho ed to thei 1L appeal. lie ma prom<sed Tuât- If enough Êrupporters o!fbiq pollcy' are the elscted he WIII inîroduce and paso 1a mle a.Pro off tb. C abin aller 1h. éle éection, mco -iae be bInl lng lhe peol Goverument sÊould, nt allowing Ibe l'aw. carrving out their wishes. He la people a chance te selecItteir own absolutely-sincere and will unite with adinlusrators, but on the contrar>' Coîservatuves who ay be elected on t Io a selecion of your governors tis polly (and there wiil bie many by eucus. Thet ransaction of publie of thei> te carry lao effect the reý business bas not been satisfactoz<iy quests off the temperance people. carried on with te over- 1Thte demand has been made. The whelming govornmont majorlty, sud leader tas arisen who will figlit tot lb would bie botter for the goveru- 'the cause. The opportunity is ut ment ibsel! sd thc country at large band tb secure the long asked for re- If -ter. were a larger opposition o! forai. The testing tirne bas corne for active men te scrulinize aIl leglola the aiea of teaiperance to show their lion lu a legîsiature where se mucit earaesbtness. Will aiea of Christian of te legslaion la o! a business n- profession and of conscience allowv ure iather than s matter of a politis to wap their judgmeu ? The prty polile> affectng ianialinl- abolition of the bar now rests upon terests. the conscience of te people. The loss rThe press bas kept you ail inforni. to those- who have espoused the cause etI o! what la golg on lute Legis- 'as candidates for efornl will be in- lature, and of how your noney go significant coapared to the loss off bing spent. You know ful well ow'prestige to ur churcit and temper- educational mattera are being band- ance -organizations, shoud deeat led, froaite condition la yur own coae by amea o! conscience and sciool sections, how mono>' is spent Christian profession joining ands on Govermot Fouse, Staute Re- witht the supporters of the bar in~ per- vision, Prison Farm, and may otier petuating an insfÀtution they have Unes. 'Yu know how public Investi- workeg agaist for years. Few t a- gations are being blocked, and al be- 'Jes who read tiis message butî cause a weak opposition bas been soaewhere andI aI soae«aeý have felb overpowered by a large governfient the evii elects of the bar. Is part>' following. And now a hast>' ppeal alegiance more Important tian te la made to the people without just safetv off our homes and he young cause wea the terni- s nt mucit manhod Of Ontario ? more titn hait expired. Wil 'ou then vdte as your co- 1 have served te people o! South science directs, vote as you have O nt rl f r hr e S ss o n . la th e p ra v ed fo r v ç a rs, v o te as l a y o u r Legsaure foIowing al ite work as owiheart von know s for the good careull as cold.Havig aaino! li, for bbc abolition offlte bar, caefuily faTeud . a iag agaî forthe supreMe Issue 0f the campaigu, bsunppotaand I apa lctedy f o wlich if -successful you wel know supporM, anweiftagai l n d, iiidowilll uru millions off dollars labo ahi lua m y e r ste a n>'- oflegitîrnate channeis for the gond o! StOntharmuane for lte bondit o Woaien and children, and which will SOuttheOntarlo, andofor-te e farovne ave thousmnds of young aiea, per- of ie citizensb of bter P oic, haps your own sons, from, lives, of parleulrly u mlter cfso.al and uselessuesi te eocîjety. moral reform, no matter whlch side T confidentl>' appeal tae lee- o! lte Fouse proposes i, reservlng tors of Soubt Ontario upon ti Io l- vte myfan altim terg t te0sue.and Iflte sentiments T here ex- voteaadselas Iuni>' opinion -seemu press meet witbh your approvai, givo rigitt. lb tfgIimpossible for me t seu me your vôteg. Tf yo'u fted hat the aIl o!f te *evea thousand voters lu open bar sitould go, then vote as te rldiug lanlte short lime'at MY your conscience directs regardiess of disposai, lieforet Jue 29, but If lu poltical - affliations-as a vote fo your opinion 1 bave lunlte past re- titis issue J's not a lbreak wIt part>', preseDted you faititfully, T appeai b but Je a dut>' wicit-as a c4tlzen you you for your, support sud InfluenceJ know Is pours ta perforni for te te agan elect me b a s eat ln te good and safety of ail r, and -Iavng ýLogIsiature. Being sa native off South don e titis lb .wil!lite onsier. ta carry Ontario, wlth ail 'm> professouai, out ltse Policies off goverAmenfs ln agriculluraî sud olter -lterests etn- future years, b h ie>'Conservabive or tored bore, T have neother -end tb blethe> LIterai. «Your vole la secret serve ltai thei welfare off South onn-sd lfTt0wi ouinle -o-yourseîî. 'rTe lta rlo , an d 1T ba v e if t le y ou b de - Issue b eln g n o w up n it'c ns ie c ,ede whetherou çýIslî ume - btaai Of te 1neole. -T tiereforé feel tiat reder my services b YOD as your wen 'Southt Ontario speakas on ou- Mlemnber la the Legisature i the day fb wilfl peakc as is ealawarIs usit Parliament of Otarfo. sns have alwaVs SuOken on que.- - M' recrd lu before yeV n s!! s a ions Of moral rform, and wll re. "member off lb lat Legllatre, aidl-un nme as its menber btaith next prlor te tat as Mfayor offte Town leeilsaturle the1r arry'out'its Of Ositawa, -à member of %lhe ourt> wOrk. Tf te 'WltnPv fovermel Counil,91u4 lu otier public 01o M9 es hlas dons mnre for te tojrneranlce and on'lta, £or iTsn e ten rcase ban % Weil vil dm. Whv d ta I y en hiloud judge off m - ft eth1ne h otels eun ri, ' aià der - te ,eouttr etrutei wîith your con- Vours verv trulv. 11ideuce. -- W. FE. N. SINCLTA~IR pet eent. to 50- per cent.. Discount" on [AI Lines of POOTWEAR. Peel'sheStor B--~e.. 4y' 9...- - oraci Gi. ~ovgi, WbIILy. Ont. PLoa. 151 lois 0orCANADA 0 ONTOfc WHITBY'BRAN'CH g r a m à « a t m C . .. mï u r o 4 C . A M llan r Nsw Mpis yr up Pure, and Hi ghest Grade, that Gallon Tins M$1338" Au Tu LAWLER WHý,ITBY, ONT. Phones: Bell, No. 47; Independent, No. 47 Seed- EARLY 0H1-0 Gard-en $eeds" New and- choice Our BuIk Seeds are the flnest obtain-able. wu -B. PRINGLE & c00. WITER DECARE HE RWGHII PAPER, PEN AN NK I For early. we have. For« late JeGH A BROCK '5T@. H. RGHARDY' I i SThTIQNERY 0'F ALL, KIND&'ý M2AOAZINE5 -AND BOOK5, THE buine"smau who La- oetoog ii anowpat find themSegvice.of thisb6ùkci mnvaluabk mâassistncei oaS. due" SIX WEEKS BOUGHT AT ý *mýý 1 ý Pot4toes

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